Rostelecom domestic telephony services: telephone line repair and provider's telephone number. Internet is working - phone is not

Undoubtedly, every landline user has at least once had such a situation when they needed to call somewhere, and there was silence on the phone. And what to do in this situation?

The main thing is not to rush and immediately call the masters. This can be done later, first you need to try to find the cause and fix the problem yourself.

The main reasons are breakdowns of devices, faults in wiring and lines, as well as banal non-payment for communication services. The following describes the ways to solve the problem for each case and further measures necessary in situations where it is impossible to do something without experienced specialists.

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Late payment

Stationary does not work. As mentioned above, there are many reasons for this problem.
The most popular of them is untimely payment for communication services. To avoid such a situation, timely payment of invoices is required, which must be paid within a period not exceeding 20 days after receipt of the receipt.

It should be borne in mind that when paying the debt at the end of the month (after the 28th), it will be credited to the account only in the next. Therefore, you can make payments before receiving invoices, namely after the 7th day of each month, by any means convenient for the subscriber.

If late payment is not the reason for the "silence" of the phone, then other reasons may contribute to this phenomenon, you can learn about them below.

Hardware problems and solutions

The landline phone does not work - where to call, any subscriber will ask. Nowhere. Initially, you should make a diagnosis:

  • Telephone device.
  • wires.
  • transmission lines.

To check whether the device itself is the “culprit” of the fact that subscribers have no connection with the outside world, it is necessary to connect another phone to the existing line or reconnect the “old” one to the neighbors' wires. If the phone is found to be broken, it must be returned for repair.

In cases where subscribers use radiotelephones, the “silence” of the handset can also be observed when its battery is discharged. The less its power remains, the shorter the time interval for the handset to be outside the base station becomes. To fix the problem, you need to replace the old battery with a new one.

If the telephone is not to blame, then you need to check all wiring, which includes:

  • Wire from the central shield to the socket.
  • Telephone socket.
  • Wire from the socket to the device.
  • Connection points must be inspected, especially sockets, both telephone and electrical (after all, many modern devices are connected to home power supply), as cables often simply fall out of their “nests”.

If this is not the reason for the “silence” in the handset, then both wires are checked for squeezing or a break, which is easy to fix. It is only necessary to slightly strip the ends of the cable, then twist them together in pairs and fix them with electrical tape.

Also, malfunctions and breaks in transmission lines may be to blame for the “silence” of a home phone. It's pretty easy to spot them too. You need to make a call to your home number. If there are problems with the lines in the handset, short and frequent beeps will be heard. In this case, a call to the customer support service is required.

Customer support

If you find problems related to breaks and malfunctions on the transmission lines of the telephone signal, you must contact the customer support service, which works around the clock and without interruptions. Required numbers can be found:

  • In contracts between subscribers and a company providing communication services.
  • On receipts for payment.
  • On the official website of the company.
  • By free phone 09.
  • By pay phone 009 (by calling from a mobile phone).

Do not forget that all calls are absolutely free and you can contact this service using various methods.

Operator calls

Subscribers can always inform the operators of the communication provider company about malfunctions of home phones associated with breakdowns on the line, using for this:

  • any fixed device
  • mobile phone
  • Internet portal

With the help of the first two intercoms, first of all, you can use the universal number 8 800 1000 800, which includes a single service center system. This system then transfers the call to the local operator.

Save time by calling your local repair bureau. As mentioned earlier, the number with the code can be found in the contract. For example, telephone code Kaluga region+7 (4842), and the phone number to contact the operator is 531111.
After receiving personal data about the subscriber, the operator, right during the dialogue, will try to establish communication by asking the client to perform a number of elementary actions.

In cases where these actions remain unsuccessful, an application is left for the repairmen, to which they must respond within 24 hours. The same application can be left on the provider's website, having previously filled in the necessary columns in the "Feedback" section.

Master services

Within a day after accepting the application for, the supplier company is obliged to send a technician to carry out work on setting up communications, having previously agreed on a visit convenient for the subscriber. Upon arrival, the masters will perform diagnostic measures to identify the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it. After all these actions, the technical support service operator should call the subscriber's number to check the quality of the telephone connection.

All troubleshooting activities are free of charge if these problems occurred through the fault of the provider. If the subscriber himself is the culprit of the incident, then the services of the master are paid at the rates established by the company.
Based on all of the above, following output: if the phone does not work, then you must first carry out independent diagnostic actions and only after that (if necessary) contact the appropriate services.

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Bye home phone from Rostelecom works stably and without failures, we do not think about writing down the technical support number in our phone book. But everything changes when we suddenly find ourselves cut off from outside world and we can't do any phone call. The home phone from Rostelecom does not work, where to call - these are the questions users are puzzled by. Let's see what to do if the phone breaks at home.

Call if your home phone is not working


Common causes of phone breakdown

If you have an old wired phone line, you should make sure you don't break the wire when moving your cabinet or nightstand. Carefully check the integrity of the telephone cable after entering the apartment. If necessary, you can do the twisting yourself, after which you need to check the performance of your home phone again. If he has earned, then there is no need to call Rostelecom. In order to protect the cable from breaks, put it in a cable channel (plastic box).

Before calling Rostelecom about a non-working home phone, you should check the telephone itself. If you have a radiotelephone installed, do the following:

  • Make sure the base is connected to telephone line;
  • Make sure the base is powered;
  • Check the functionality of the batteries in the cordless handset.

If everything is in order, then the problem lies in the line itself. It would also not hurt to connect another telephone to the line and recheck. Today, a home phone from Rostelecom is connected through a special voice gateway combined with a router. That is, there is no usual physical line from the apartment to the telephone exchange - the connection is established through the channel through which the Internet is connected. Accordingly, before calling Rostelecom regarding a non-working home phone, try rebooting the router.

Please note that access to communication services may be terminated if there are no funds on your personal account - it is quite possible that you did not pay subscription fee behind home Internet from Rostelecom.

Technical Support Contacts

Repair of a Rostelecom home phone is carried out by the operator's employees. In order to file a claim for the elimination of any malfunction, you must call the support number 8-800-707-12-12. Be sure to write this number down in your phone book so you don't forget it later. When you call technical support, explain to the operator that your home phone does not work (give the number and subscriber data to form a request).

After that, experts will check:

  • Operability of telephone exchange equipment;
  • Integrity of the telephone line and line equipment;
  • Serviceability of subscriber equipment.

If necessary, they will restore the telephone line or digital communication line, test your telephone set. note that all these works are performed by the operator free of charge, without any additional payment. If it was the telephone set that turned out to be broken, you do not need to call Rostelecom - replace it yourself. To do this, you need to purchase a phone that is suitable for its characteristics and functionality in a store, bring it home and connect it to the telephone network or to a voice gateway - all this is easily done without the help of specialists technical service Rostelecom. Remember that you only need to call the contact number when the home phone is not working due to the fault of the provider.

One of the most popular means of communication is the telephone. Although in modern world mobile phones are in full swing replacing stationary means of communication, the latter still hold strong positions and, in case of their malfunctions, users may experience serious problems.

Despite the fact that Rostelecom is the most popular provider of high-quality telephone communications, however, even this operator sometimes fails to provide services.

The article will give recommendations on resolving technical situations, since each user should know how it is possible to repair the equipment so as not to waste precious time and paid cash to enjoy technological benefits.

Reporting a problem

If there are interruptions in the operation of fixed telephone equipment, you need to know exactly where to call in order to address this problem. Rostelecom specialists recommend immediately reporting problems to the customer support contact center. It is worth remembering that this provider provides its services in almost all regions of the country, so there are often cases of delays in solving problems due to the heavy workload of technical staff.

Support means:

  • Landline telephone
  • Internet
  • Mobile devices

Using a mobile or home phone, you need to call the Rostelecom customer support service and inform the technician that the home phone is not working. This can be done by the number that is indicated in the service agreement, receipt or on the provider's website.

You can call the phone number of the unified customer support service of Rostelecom 8-800-450-01-50.

How to contact technical support via the Internet?

If for some reason it is not possible to use telephony services, you can troubleshoot through the official website of Rostelecom This method is in great demand, since there is an Internet connection in almost every home and, moreover, its performance does not depend on a telephone line. Another plus is that there is no need to wait for a response from a customer service specialist, which saves a significant amount of time.

An application must be made on the site.

On the main page of the site, you must select the city where the appeal will be sent, then find the link contact center, which is located at the bottom of the page. A special window will open where it is necessary to fill in all the fields of the questionnaire with the obligatory indication of the problem and the probable error due to which the service does not work.

If, while waiting for a response from the technical service specialists, it is possible to correct the error on your own, then the previously created application can be easily canceled. There are cases when it is not possible to fix the breakdown on your own, and the equipment repairman does not get in touch, it is worth calling again and reminding the service department about your problem.

Do not worry about paying for services that do not work as expected. Created service request technical support will help to get a recalculation for the use of services if the problems occurred through no fault of the user.

We solve the problem ourselves

Even if you have already called and created a support ticket, you can always try to fix the breakdown yourself.

There are several reasons for the malfunction, due to which the operation of a telephone message is disrupted: a breakdown of a stationary device, violations of the integrity of the wiring, a break in the external cable, non-payment of the client account.

It is necessary to check each of the possible causes of a malfunction in the home telephone network in turn. Before calling the provider, you must make sure that the service failure was not your fault, otherwise the provider will not reimburse the losses.

As practice shows, violations in the work of communications arise due to a break in telegraph wires. In this case, the provision of telephone services is disrupted immediately at a large number subscribers living in the area of ​​the site of the accident. Luckily, the emergency service resolves such problems within a few hours.

People who use the communication services of a particular company and encounter problems have to think about the question of where to call? "The MGTS telephone does not work" - a similar complaint can be heard from subscribers who actively use a fixed telephone. If you cope with the situations that have arisen on your own and find out what is the reason for the inability to make calls, you need to contact the support line. In this article we will tell you how this can be done, we will provide information on which offices you can contact.

general information

If the client's difficulties are not related to the fact that the telephone line wire is not connected to the device, then if there are problems with dialing or the inability to make calls, as well as if interference is detected, one should contact the MGTS service bureau. A qualified employee will try to remotely determine possible reasons inefficiencies and help fix them. In the event that this fails, the contact center specialist will accept the application and organize the departure of the master. So where to call? “MGTS phone does not work” is a fairly common complaint from customers. Below we will tell you how to get out of this situation.

MGTS: technical support phone

You can report problems on the telephone line from any device, either from a cell phone or from another landline phone. Moreover, the MGTS help desk provides customer support around the clock - call center employees answer questions and help to cope with difficulties without days off and public holidays. Thus, you can contact the contacts below at any time convenient for the subscriber. Please note that it is recommended to conduct an initial diagnosis (if possible) and try to find out. Perhaps the reason lies in a damaged wire or a telephone device unplugged from the outlet. Similar Information will help speed up the process of resolving the issue and start using the device again.

On the official website of the company, you can find phone numbers that you can call from both a stationary and mobile device.

Please note that both of these numbers allow you to contact a consultant and get answers to your questions, including why the home phone does not work under the MGTS agreement. Before starting a conversation, you must introduce yourself and indicate the number of the contract or the address at which the city number is "registered".

How to contact the support line

Where to call (the MGTS phone does not work), we found out earlier. The specialist should briefly describe the essence of the problem. If the failure on the telephone line is due to technical work conducted by the service provider, then, having learned the address of the subscriber, the operator will inform about it and inform about the time of their end. However, communication problems may not always be caused by work at the station. It is necessary to answer all the questions of the specialist as fully and accurately as possible - this will allow him to quickly understand the essence of the problem. You also need to follow the recommendations of the contact center employee. If, after the actions advised by the MGTS customer support employee, the home phone does not work, you need to create an application to call the wizard. In order to be able to agree on the time of the visit, you should leave your contact phone number in the application.

During the visit, the master will clarify the reasons for the failure on the line, identify whether they arose through the fault of the client (within his apartment) or are related to external factors. Depending on this, the procedure for eliminating the breakdown will be determined, as well as at whose expense it will be carried out: the client or the service provider company.

Contacting the operator's office

You can file a complaint about the quality of telephone communications, as well as ask questions of interest, by contacting the MGTS offices. Here, the staff will also tell you if there are any repair work on the line, which may be the reason for the inoperability of the home phone, and will give some recommendations.

In MGTS branches, you can find out basic information on the account, consult on tariff plans, terminate or conclude a contract for communication services and perform many other operations.

MGTS offices

In total, there are 24 offices in the Moscow region, which can serve individuals. Five branches of them also accept corporate clients. To find a geographically convenient office, it is recommended to visit the official resource of MGTS. Here you can view not only the list of available options for contacting, but also clarify their location on the map. For each service point, the schedule of work, the mode of operation of offices on holidays are indicated. You can also see how busy the office is here. In the selection form, you should set the required area and indicate for what type of clients this branch is available (by default, a list for individuals is displayed).


In this article, we talked about where to call (the MGTS phone does not work), and also brought short description how the procedure for consulting and further interaction with the company will be carried out if the issue could not be resolved remotely. If problems are found that the call center consultant cannot solve, it is necessary to file an application for a visit of the master to carry out diagnostics and perform repair work.

Who to call if the home phone does not work?

    If the landline home phone does not work, you need to urgently call the PBX.

    Each telephone communication center has a telephone by which they receive applications for non-working devices, blockers and telephone lines.

    Knowing this number, you can call it from the neighbors and make a request for the elimination of the breakdown.

    If there is no number, then call the help desk and find it out there.

    You can call from work or from neighbors at *1508*.

    Telephone repair bureau. They will immediately check whether the damage is external or internal. If external, then your application is not required, the masters themselves will solve this problem. If the problem is inside the apartment, at home, then you need to leave an application for the arrival of the master.

    If the neighbors have a telephone, then it is clear that there is a problem inside your living quarters.

    In the event that for some unknown reason your home telephone does not work, you need to call the district automatic telephone exchange (ATS). This number is different in each city and region, so you need to find it out either in the phone book or in information desk. Usually, an answering machine is installed in the PBX: you need to dial the PBX number and the number of the damaged phone. Then wait for the auto answer to tell you that the call has been accepted.

    You need to call the telephone exchange, which provides you with city telephone services. You can find out the phone number in the subscription agreement. Maybe you have a local help desk call there for a phone number.

    If your landline phone does not work, then first of all check if the problem is in the device itself, that is, try connecting another device. If this does not solve the problem, you need to call the PBX, the number can be found in the help desk 09quot ;, you can also call 112quot ;, they can also tell you the PBX number.

    If you have home (city) telephone does not work, then it is necessary call Repair Bureau by number 08.

    They will accept the application and soon a telephone master will come to you.

    They are required to repair the line during the day. Or make sure that the line is working, and the device itself is not working.

    All questions are accepted hotline ATS. My friend works at the PBX communication center, so they immediately see the cause of the breakdown. If it cannot be eliminated at the workplace, then they accept the challenge and a master will definitely come to you.

    Automatic telephone exchange or just PBX.

    Give them a call and find out what the problem is.

    If they say there is no problem - call the wizard

    Let him figure out why.

    Possibly a short circuit or something.

    And ask your neighbors if their phone works

    PS: Dial 112 if you don't know where to call. There you will be prompted for the correct phone number.

    First you need to find out the service number of your phone when you install it. If you have not done this, then there is a help number -09. The dispatcher will tell you the phone you need in your situation. There are 112 more, a single service, they also own data on all phone numbers.

    To get started, you will need a neighbor's telephone. Try to connect it at home - it may be broken. If the neighbor's phone works on your line, then call the PBX, the number can be found in the local information service.

    You can call from neighbors or through a cell phone.

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