The Internet works - the phone does not. home phone not working

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In the recent past, the population used the services of Rostelecom only to receive international and long-distance communications. Today, the range of services provided by the company has become much wider. Now available to subscribers mobile connection, Internet, interactive television, of course, serves Rostelecom and home phones. Technology has come a long way since then. Now fixed communication in most regions is based on IP-telephony.

Application modern technologies allowed to significantly improve the quality of communication. But this is not a guarantee of the complete absence of problems. Breakdowns do happen sometimes.

Reasons why a phone from Rostelecom may not work

The Rostelecom phone repair bureau highlights some of the most common problems that can lead to the inoperability of a home phone, consider the main ones:

Phone malfunction. It is very easy to check this reason yourself. It is enough to connect another device to the line. If it works, then the problem lies in the device itself. Rostelecom does not repair the phone in this case. The easiest way to solve the problem is to purchase a new device.

Debt. If there is an overdue debt on the subscriber's personal account, then Rostelecom suspends the provision of communication services until full repayment debt. You can find out the status of your personal account on the website using your personal account, at the company's office, by calling the support service or at Sberbank self-service devices. Learn more about how.

Short circuit. Before the arrival of employees of the Rostelecom telephone repair bureau, you can independently check the line located in the apartment for damage. If it is found that two cores are in contact in one or more places, they must be insulated. This will ensure that there is no short circuit and perhaps solve the problem with a non-working phone.

Line break. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, then one of the causes of the malfunction may be an open circuit. telephone line. Nothing can be done here without the help of specialists. Therefore, in this case, it is better to provide Rostelecom phone repair to the company's employees.

Telephone line repair Rostelecom

A subscriber who encounters problems when using communication services should contact the support service or dial the local telephone line repair number from Rostelecom.

Technical support phone number common for all Russia -8-80010-0800 . Using it, you can, among other things, order telephone line repairs from Rostelecom. The telephone number of the local repair bureau is usually specified in the contract.

The operator will help make a phone repair request Rostelecom. After its consideration, a team of specialists will arrive at the installation address to carry out necessary work. Employees of the Rostelecom repair service on site will be able to assess the nature of the malfunction and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Advice. Even if it is planned to solve the problem without the help of Rostelecom specialists, an application for technical support it's better to leave it. In the future, this will allow you to receive a recalculation for communication services.

Rostelecom is big company for the provision of cellular and fixed communication services with a wide range of activities: telephony, television and the Internet. Such communications are good quality, but due to big amount users may experience problems. If the Rostelecom phone does not work, where to call and who to contact is the first thing that comes to mind. But first you need to try to understand the situation on your own.

In what cases can you detect a breakdown on your own

Before calling the master of the company, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The performance of the telephone. You can check the malfunction of a landline phone by connecting other equipment to the network. If the case is really in the device, and another working phone is in order, then you should contact the service center or the place where the product was purchased. The Rostelecom service has nothing to do with this problem.
  2. The integrity of the cable in the apartment. The wire should be inspected for severe bends and breaks with flashes of copper wire. Repair of the telephone line in the apartment can be solved independently by stripping the wire, connecting the contacts and isolating this place. If it is not possible to repair a landline phone on your own, you can call the repair bureau.
  3. Late payment. You can check the availability of subscription fee arrears in your personal account on the official website or contact the operator by free line 8 800 1000 800 from any phone.

If all of the above actions do not identify the source of the landline phone malfunction, you should proceed to the next step.

How to contact the Rostelecom service

In addition to debt, problems with equipment and cable breaks, there are many more reasons that can ruin the connection, for example: problems at the substation, short circuit, line break outdoors, etc. In any case, phone repairs can be done in Rostelecom by receiving the necessary advice remotely and optionally call technical service on house.

Provider Rostelecom has 3 services for contacting subscribers:

  1. Home phone repair service.
  2. Cellular support service.
  3. Internet and television technical service.

In any case, even when not working home phone Rostelecom, having contacted the operator via a mobile phone, will redirect the subscriber to a suitable service to identify the cause and solve the problem. To find any contact details ( phone numbers and website address) you can use the contract concluded when activating the services.

Calling help desks

A call to a single number 8 800 1000 800 is free, and switching to tone mode makes it possible to immediately hear necessary information or connect with a specialist. If the home telephone does not work, you can leave a request for repair by dialing 150 from a cellular device. When contacting the operator, after clarifying the necessary information (name, address, telephone number and contract number), the essence of the problem should be described. If the operator does not resolve the situation remotely, leave a request, he will contact you at the left number within 24 hours and send the Rostelecom phone repairman to a call. The technician should call the non-working phone number and make sure that there really is no telephone service.

Application from the site

To apply, you need to load the main page, where the Moscow region will be set by default and, if it does not change automatically, you must manually set your location to receive clear and informative data. Next, in the main menu, you need to select the tab "Communication services" and "For yourself", where you can use the services of interest.

In your personal account, you can easily control the timely replenishment of your account and make payments using online payments. This is convenient in the case when it is not possible to wait for the operator to connect, order a call back, or fill out an application to call the wizard in the “Ask a question” tab. It will also be reviewed within 24 hours.


  1. For late payment of the subscription fee, the telephone line is disconnected, and then the communication services are reconnected, which entails the payment of a fine, which is prescribed in the contract.
  2. You should contact the Rostelecom repair service even when the cause of the malfunction was eliminated on your own and the application was submitted out of time, so that in the future recalculation for unused services would be made.
  3. To contact the support service by phone, the call can be made from other operators.
  4. To contact the technical service, it is better to use cellular telephone for mobile movement while solving the problem.
  5. To eliminate the cause, you should be on the phone directly at the problem source in order to respond to the technician's requests in a timely manner.

If, after contacting an expert, the cause of the problem turns out to be a problem at the substation or a line break due to force majeure, you will have to wait as long as it takes to fix it, after which a recalculation for services not rendered will be made.

The main purpose of Rostelecom's unified customer support service is to provide comprehensive assistance to its customers. Not so long ago, the population of all regions Russian Federation communicated via long-distance and international telephone communication with the help of Rostelecom. To date, the number of services provided by the company has increased significantly. Including, in addition to the usual, wired communication, high-quality and uninterrupted telephone communication is now available to subscribers using new technologies - IP telephony.

However, equipment still has the ability to sometimes fail and the occurrence of a breakdown cannot be ruled out. What should the subscriber do in this case? What if the landline phone stopped working?

If there is a problem with communication services, a person needs to contact the company's technical support service or contact the local Rostelecom repair bureau. For a unified technical support service, this is the phone number 8-800-1000-800. To contact the Rostelecom repair service, you can find the phone number on the official website or look at your service agreement, in which it must be indicated.

Turning to the operator, it will be necessary to explain the essence of the problem, and then draw up a request for repair. After considering your appeal, a team of fitters from the Rostelecom repair service will arrive at the address you specified. Specialists will check the technical components of the network, determine the cause of the malfunction and immediately begin to repair the telephone line.

The main reasons when the phone does not work

  1. Reason #1. The first and often the main reason is a mechanical malfunction of the phone itself. You can also check the functionality of the phone yourself. To do this, connect another device to the line and check if it works. If so, you need to repair the old one or buy a new telephone set. Note: Rostelecom specialists do not repair faulty telephone sets.
  2. Reason number 2 - this is an ordinary arrears for the use of telephone services. In this case, the subscriber can check his personal account to clarify the issue of debt. This can be done using the "Personal Account" on the website or get information at a Sberbank ATM.
  3. Reason number 3 - a short circuit of the wires in the telephone line itself can lead to a malfunction. Before the fitter arrives, if you wish, you yourself can inspect the telephone wire within your apartment for evidence of damage. If you notice that in some place the cable is frayed, broken and two strands of the wire touch each other - insulate them to avoid a short circuit. Perhaps such independent way solve the problem with the lack of communication.
  4. Reason number 4 - broken telephone line. In this case, the repair of the telephone line should be carried out by a Rostelecom specialist.
    Troubleshooting will begin with measuring the indications of the communication line at the CROSS. CROSS is a switching and distribution equipment of communication systems. Calling the line, the specialist checks for the presence of a response signal from the station. If no such response is received, the fitter will check the lines between the MOCs and the junction boxes. If there is no signal at the CROSS, check the safety elements at the ATS station. If the fuses are faulty, they are replaced or restored. Thus, along the chain, a Rostelcom specialist, if necessary, will check all CROSS - from the exchange station to the subscriber's apartment.

The arriving specialist will definitely find a breakdown and, having assessed its nature, will go out on the way to fix it. In the event that a person has found the cause and wants to fix the breakdown with his own hands, he should still contact the technical support service. Here he can make an application for the repair of a fixed telephone. Such a step will allow the subscriber to recalculate the volume of actually used services and not pay for communication during the period when the telephone was out of order.

As long as the private phone from Rostelecom serves with high stability and no malfunctions are allowed, we do not think about the need to write down the technical support phone number in contact mobile phone. The situation changes when we are suddenly left practically isolated from outside world and there is no way to produce even a short phone call. The home phone from Rostelecom does not work, where to call? - immediately the question arises from the user. Let's try to figure out what needs to be checked in the phone in the first place.

When using an outdated wired telephone line, you need to make sure that there is no break where the furniture has moved. Carefully examine the continuity of the telephone cable to the very entrance to the room. When a break is found, you can connect, twist the wires and isolate with your own hands by checking the operation of the phone. If the problem is resolved, then there is no need to make calls to Rostelecom. For reliable protection of the cable, it is better to hide it in specially equipped channels or a plastic box.

Before making a call to Rostelecom on the problem of a non-working home phone, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the performance of the telephone set.

For known radiotelephones, the following troubleshooting procedures are performed:

  • Ascertain the fact of connecting the base to the telephone cable;
  • Check the functioning and presence of power base;
  • Analyze the operation of a cordless battery tube.

If no problems are found and everything works flawlessly, then the fault is hidden in the communication line. To fully verify your guesses, if possible, you need to connect another telephone by testing.

There are now phones from Rostelecom connected using a voice gateway combined with a router. This communication option does not provide for pulling a line from home to a telephone exchange, but is connected using the Internet. Therefore, with this type of connection, it is recommended that you first restart the router, and not call Rostelecom support.

It also happens that they forgot to enter subscription fee for using the Internet. You need to go to the official website Personal Area Rostelecom, to check whether payment has been made on the personal account.

How to contact tech. support

By calling hotline by phone 8-800-707-12-12 , the operator will resolve the issue with you by phone. If you need a specialist visit, the operator will make an application and soon a master will come to you who will repair Rostelecom's home phone. For convenience and quick search for a support phone, it is best to write it down in your smartphone contacts. Having made a call to technical support, hurry up the operator with the situation that has arisen (giving the number and the necessary information to create a request). After compiling it, the wizard will analyze:

  • Ability to perform full operation of telephone point equipment;
  • Integrity of the telephone radio center and linear special equipment;
  • Uninterrupted operation of client equipment.

Specialists will restore the operation of the telephone and digital communication lines, check the performance of your phone. The restoration work listed above is free of charge.

If as a result self check it turns out that the telephone unit has broken down, you can replace it yourself without contacting Rostelecom technical support. You will need to purchase a suitable phone in a specialized store and connect it to a network, a voice gateway. Remember, you can use the provided support number when it is not possible to make a call due to a breakdown on the side of the service provider.

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