RHF supported projects. Grant is rgnf - personal account. entrance to your personal account. If the project was supported

In this article, we will describe in detail all the information about the project. My first RFBR grant 2020. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (hereinafter referred to as RFBR) was established in 1992 in accordance with a presidential decree. The RFBR was created on the initiative of the most respected scientists of our country, the purpose of the creation is the selection on a competitive basis of scientific projects created by scientists for consideration, and their further financial and organizational support.

One of the directions of the Foundation's work is assistance to research of young employees. For this purpose, the implementation and financial support of several competitions for young representatives of science were implemented, the most popular of these competitions is “My First Grant”. A specialist under 35 years of age engaged in fundamental research, who has at least one published publication in a journal in the RSCI or WoS database, has the right to submit an application for an initial grant, count on financial support for his own project. The main requirements for the contestants and project content, the detailed application procedure will be presented below in this material.

1. Competition tasks for "My first RFBR grant 2020"

2. How much funding can be obtained?

The project has been implemented for two years, and during the last such event, the “year” was not considered a calendar year, but was counted from the moment the results of the competition were approved. Every year, designers are given half a million rubles to implement their ideas.

3. Requirements for applicants and project content.

The application is submitted by one or more individuals (maximum - 5 people). In the latter case, it is necessary to allocate a project manager, other individuals will be the Contractors.

It is impossible for the team to include:

1. Employees of the organization where the Head is listed, when he reports to them by position (for example, the head of the laboratory in which the Head works).

2. Participants over 35 years of age (at the time of the date specified in the competition documentation by the Foundation - as a rule, this is the date of summing up the competitive results).

3. Persons already participating in another application for the same competition. Please note: if one person participates in any capacity (Executor or Manager) in 2 applications, then both of them do not undergo a formal examination of compliance with the competitive conditions and are removed from further consideration on the merits!

Minimum requirements for a Project Manager:

1. Higher education. This is one of the few grants that does not require an Executive degree. It is quite common for applications for this project when there are young candidates of science in the team, although the Head does not yet have such a title.

2. Lack of leadership experience in relation to RFBR grants or RFHF projects. The project team, however, may include Executors who previously or currently manage grants from these funds, but the Leader cannot have the above experience, because this is at odds with the competition objectives.

3. The presence of at least one material on the claimed field in the journal included in the information base of the RSCI (or WoS). These are the minimum requirements for being able to apply, however, one of the evaluation criteria will be the level of scientific groundwork, which is confirmed by publications. Thus, often one article on the subject may not be enough to obtain a good peer review for this criterion. If possible, publish several papers on a similar or related topic before submitting a grant request. If there is a conviction that the application will receive good marks according to other criteria, then you can take part in the competition with one material.

A Project can be applied for when the Project itself:

1. Is a fundamental scientific research; during the examination, the fundamental nature of the study is assessed. It is important to keep in mind that project support in the absence of fundamentality is not carried out (even if the Project could receive high marks according to other criteria).

2. Corresponds to any of the directions:

3. Differs in content from projects supported by the Foundation or other institutions; does not coincide with the planned work, the financing of which is carried out from federal resources.

4. Application period.

The exact date and even the month of submitting applications for a grant are not known and change annually, so you need to follow the news about competitions on the resource //www.rfbr.ru/rffi/ru/contest

5. Registration in the CIAS (Complex Information Analytical System) of the Fund

The entire chain of technological steps from the submission of applications to the publication of the results of the competition is carried out in digital form and using the Fund's CIAS.

Before submitting an application, all Project participants need to register with KIAS by clicking on the link: //kias.rfbr.ru/reg/index.php .

In KIAS, potential participants need to register on their own, because they need to fill in information about themselves and receive a code via SMS to their personal cell number and enter it immediately on the site as confirmation.

For registration, the following information is required: full name, date of birth, information about citizenship and the right to work, education, academic degree, academic degree and title, pension certificate number (SNILS), passport data, personal cell number, E- mail. Re-registration for one SNILS is not allowed. At the same time, registration without a SNILS number is not performed, that is, if the participant does not yet have SNILS, it must be issued before registration.

Next, click the "Confirm number for SMS" button. After that, an SMS with a six-digit number - a password - will be sent to the number you specified. Enter this password and after entering it, click the "Confirm" button. After completing these steps, an inscription will appear opposite the phone number: "Confirmed".

Registration of "Consent"

In order to submit an application for a grant, all participants must also approve the Consent to confirm documents in electronic form, signed in CIAS with a conventional digital signature, equivalent to paper documents, that is, to identify themselves.

The digital consent form will appear automatically in your personal account after completing the registration procedure and confirming the phone number for SMS messages. To do this, in the "Personal data" section, click the "Issue consent" button, follow the links "How to obtain consent" and "Step by step instructions". You will be offered a method of certification: in the organization where you work, or at the notary (consul), the Consent form for printing will depend on the choice of the option. The first is possible only in the organization with which you are in an employment relationship, and the second is for all Users, including those who are not working or working abroad. After choosing the method, you will be able to print the Consent and certify it in the organization (usually in the personnel department) or at the notary/consul. Do not sign it in advance, as an employee of the organization or a notary / consul certifies that the Consent was signed by you in their presence.

Further, the certified Consent must be sent to the RFBR by a regular (not valuable) letter to the address: Russia, 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, d. 32a, RFBR. In addition to the addresses of the sender and recipient, the following must be present on the envelope: "Consent of the CIAS RFBR User to use the ES." The Fund does not accept registered and valuable letters.

After receiving a paper signed copy of the Consent, the Foundation checks that the data in the Consent match the information in the Personal Card. In case of compliance, a message will appear in the Personal Account about the completion of the Consent.

The procedure usually takes 1-2 business days after the Foundation receives the letter. If the period for submitting applications is coming to an end, use the services of a courier by paying for expedited delivery of the letter.

Submission of a project application

So, if you have decided which project you want to support, which team will implement it, registered all employees in the CIAS, sent an electronic consent, then it's time to start filling out the forms in the digital application.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with which forms and fields you need to fill out, pay attention to the fields marked with red asterisks, which are mandatory.

Usually four forms are filled out: Information about the project (including filling in English), Information about the individual who proposed the Project, Information about the Organization, project content.

Form 1. Project Information (and Form 1en. Project Information in English).

This includes the following: the name of the Project, the digital code of the area of ​​​​knowledge, the main and additional codes of a scientific subject for the category of the Foundation, keywords, a project abstract and some other information that is automatically filled in based on the completion of other forms or conditions required to receive a grant.

All fields, including the title, are editable until the moment the application is certified with a signature, so many applicants write/edit the abstract last, so that it fully matches the content of other sections.

The Foundation sends the project for examination first of all to those experts whose specialization coincides with the main code of the discipline chosen by you according to the RFBR classifier. In addition, during the examination of projects, the compliance of the project topic with the main code of the classifier is taken into account, so take the choice of discipline seriously.

Some fields contain requirements for volume and content, for example, "Abstract" (maximum half a page, including briefly - relevance, significance level and scientific novelty of the study; expected results, their significance), "Keywords" (both single words and phrases are defined , denoting the design content as fully as possible: maximum 15 pieces, in lowercase characters, list separated by commas). Stick to them, be sure to follow the requirements. Let's say "additive technologies" would count as one keyword.

If the Foundation provides assistance to the project, the name and project abstract will be posted on the Foundation's resource, so if you claim a patentable research, then do not disclose its entire essence in the abstract.

Form 2. Information about the team member who applied for the Competition

After creating an application and inviting individuals to the project, such information is entered automatically based on the data from the personal card of all project members.

The data in the personal account must be filled in carefully, since it is they who will then be displayed in the form: participation in other projects, the scope of scientific research (keywords and codes for the RFBR category), achievements in the field of science (awards, grants, etc.). It is better if the scope of scientific research will fully or partially coincide with the theme of the submitted project.

Also, feel free to write about any awards or honors you've received in your research, even if it's a small award given to members of your organization. Any such information can create a positive opinion of the expert about the project participants and increase the expert assessment in terms of the possibility of completing the Project in the same composition at the stated time and in terms of the parameter describing the characteristics of the Project participants.

Form 3. Data on the institution providing conditions for the implementation of design work (Organization)

If your organization conducts research work and is registered with the Foundation, then a fully automatic filling is carried out when choosing an institution.

Form 4. Project content

Undoubtedly, this is the most important part of your application, because it is here that the description of the problem, the relevance of the study, the analysis of the current stage of research, project tasks and goals, the novelty of the research from the point of view of science, the proposed methods and methods, the expected results, their importance from the standpoint of science and applied use, work plan, scientific background, publications of the Project participants, most closely related to it.

Before you start filling out these sections, think in detail what your scientific idea is, what you need to implement it, what methods will be used, what results they will allow you to get, what each grant participant will do in each year of its implementation. After there are no “white spots” left in your application for yourself, you can start writing wording for entering data into forms.

The main principle of filling applications is understandability to the reader-expert. Of course, the expert will be a specialist in the same discipline as the proposed project, but there is no guarantee that he is fluent in your particular subject. In addition, there is no certainty that the expert will carefully and thoughtfully read your application, with a desire to understand some non-obvious wording. Therefore, try not to build complex sentences, but be sure to methodically and consistently describe everything that is planned to be done. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself! The expert will not evaluate the text rich in synonyms, and the repeated phrases on the subject of the project allow him to understand that it is still about the same subject. In addition, when writing the “relevance” and “novelty” sections, you can repeat not just an idea, but even a number of sentences.

In the section "Proposed approaches and methods, and their rationale for the implementation of the purpose and objectives of the research", a detailed description of the proposed research is required. This is the case when it is better to write everything thoroughly. As specified in the tender documentation, in this section “the form of presentation should enable the expert to assess the novelty of the Project idea, the compliance of research approaches and methods with the goals and objectives set, and the reliability of the results obtained.” For example, if the work is experimental, describe in detail how and how many samples will be made, what testing and research methods will be used, why each of the methods is used. Check with the goals and objectives of the study and adjust them if the proposed approaches and methods do not solve any problems. Be sure to reflect if any method is copyrighted, or a new methodology will be developed during the project.

Registration of application for participation

Having filled in all the fields, the Head must sign the Application. To do this, you need to “send” an application to the CIAS and confirm your action by entering the code sent via SMS. After that, the registration number is assigned to the application automatically.

After signing, the only document sent to the Fund is the Declaration, after signing it appears in the personal account immediately. The Declaration must be signed by the Project Managers and Organizations (in the latter case, as an alternative, by a person with the necessary authority). The organization, in addition to the signature, puts a seal, the project Manager certifies his signature by the responsible person of the organization or in a notarial form.

Declaration must be sent RFBR by regular mail to the address: Russia, 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 32a. As an alternative, leave a letter in the RFBR mailbox, fixed in the 2nd entrance of the house with the same address (10:00-17:00, except weekends).

In addition to the required postal information, the envelope must contain the following phrase: RFBR Competition, Project No., Contest code.

6. What do they pay attention to when performing a design review?

In fact, young specialists receive two reviews each with the following items filled in by experts:

— fundamental nature of the research;

– the relevance of the designated topic of scientific research;

- the level of the existing scientific groundwork and the characteristics of the participants in the work;

— correspondence of the level of study and expected project results to the international level;

— the degree of implementation of the proposed project;

— a qualitative representation of the current stage of the problem;

- the novelty of the proposed research;

— compliance of the proposed approaches and methods of planned research with the set design tasks and goals;

- expert review.

7. Competition results

RFBR supports a certain number of applications, based on the funds available for this purpose; projects are supported based on the total number of points scored by the application for all evaluated positions. In this regard, projects that received a low rating from one of the reviewers are sometimes supported, and sometimes projects that receive both positive ratings are not supported. According to the Fund, "the task of the expert council is to single out the 'best' of the 'good' in such a situation."

Project managers who have submitted applications are notified of project support (or, on the contrary, of refusal) by means of a notification in the CIAS Personal Account. Expert reviews will also be reflected there.

Also, the results of the competition (with a list of all supported applications) will be posted on the RFBR resource: //www.rfbr.ru/rffi/ru/classifieds (Announcements section).

If the project was supported

You will be asked to sign a trilateral agreement (RFBR-Institution-Grantee) in the near future (usually a month from the date of summarizing).

Read all the terms of the contract, and also re-read the tender documentation. Mark for yourself the points necessary for execution. In the last competition, these were: the requirement of all participants of the Project to make reports reflecting the results of the project at scientific events; the obligation to submit at least one article to a peer-reviewed publication in the first year of the project (in this case, the project leader must be one of the authors of at least one article), and before submitting the final project report, to place at least one article with the results of the research in a journal located in the WoS information base or RSCI (similarly, for at least one article, one of the authors must be a project leader), and place at least one article co-authored with a project leader in a peer-reviewed publication.

The team is required to submit annual reports. Thus, there will be two reports in total: interim and final. Both reports are being evaluated by RFBR experts.

If the project is not supported

Do not despair! Carefully study the reviews of experts, work out their comments. You have a great chance to write a more meaningful application next time, where you will take into account all the mistakes and comments, and your chances of getting the Fund's support next year increase significantly!

If there are any questions

You can always use the CIAS RFBR user support service by reading current issues: //support.rfbr.ru/?p=actual, frequently asked questions: //support.rfbr.ru/?p=faq or ask your own question: / /support.rfbr.ru/?p=ask

The support service considers requests from 9:00 to 18:00 (Moscow time) on business days.


The editors adhere to the following position: those who do not submit applications cannot count on receiving projects. Therefore, if your project is a fundamental research, has novelty from the point of view of science, and employees and the manager satisfy the competitive conditions, feel free to write an application for My first RFBR grant 2020! At best, you will receive financial and organizational support for your research, and at worst, expert reviews that will help you improve your application for the next competition.

In addition, please note that with each announcement of the competition, the Foundation changes some conditions for obtaining and implementing a grant. Carefully read each time the tender documentation on the official website of the RFBR. This article was written according to the latest competition.

The theme of the new RFBR competition "focused fundamental scientific research on topical interdisciplinary topics", unfortunately, no longer surprises: it is a logical continuation of the policy of the current leadership of the foundation.

On February 29, 2016, the Russian government issued Decree No. 352 providing for the reorganization of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RHF) by joining the RHF to the RFBR. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich commented on the order, pointing out that the form of integration was proposed based on the ratio of funding between funds, and the purpose of the association is to increase the volume of interdisciplinary research, the possibility of obtaining new knowledge at the intersection of sciences, as well as reducing administrative costs.

Representatives of the humanities, having learned about the government’s order, expressed concern that the accession of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation to the RFBR would lead to the fact that some activities specific to the humanities (for example, the publication of multi-volume dictionaries) would be without the support of the joint fund. It seems, however, that the continuation of the policy of the current leadership of the RFBR poses a threat not only to the humanities.

One can look at the accession of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in different ways, but there is no doubt about one thing: the merging of funds will contribute to "increasing the volume of interdisciplinary research", the importance of which has recently been spoken about with perseverance worthy of better application at the very top, as if interdisciplinarity is a panacea, and ticking "interdisciplinary" next to the name of the study automatically leads to its high relevance and effectiveness.

Even stranger is the one-year youth competition "mol_ev_a" ("Eureka! Idea"), in which "young scientists or small youth teams (up to 5 people) could take part, offering non-standard, original ideas that contribute to the development or creation of new critical technologies in within the rubricator of the competition". After such competitions of fruitful debut ideas for a million rubles a year, it is really time to think about improving the quality of expertise. Moreover, there are even more exciting plans ahead: in the decision of the Council of the RFBR dated December 10, 2015, among the main activities of the foundation in 2016, it is written: "Consideration of the possibility of supporting scientific research of talented youth on the basis of" cross-cutting "competitions along the chain" schoolchild - student - postgraduate student - Researcher"".

In principle, there are no grounds to object to holding thematic, youth and other specialized competitions. The question is the priorities and the quality organization of the examination. However, in conditions when the Russian Science Foundation exists, which is able to support the strongest research teams with grants that are solid by Russian standards, when applied research in priority areas is supported within the framework of the Federal Target Program for Research and Development, within the programs of the Bortnik Foundation (where there are also competitions for students and graduate students, and annual competitions of one million rubles), etc., when, finally, there are grants and scholarships of the President of Russia for young scientists, the RFBR should, it would seem, do what it was created for: first of all, support initiative projects in the fields of science.

And there are no reasons preventing projects from receiving support within their framework, even in the field of "methods for searching and analyzing scientific, technical and technological solutions in local and global information resources that meet the needs of the Russian economy, using methods of inductive machine learning, automatic classification and clustering of large volumes of data", even in the field of "light-emitting structures (sources of coherent radiation) based on organic semiconductors and liquid crystals".

But no, the current leadership of the RFBR is pursuing an exclusively opportunistic and fussy policy (of course, constantly keeping in mind its own interests and priorities). Youth support? Now we will develop a line of competitions for participants up to the school bench! Current trends and technologies? Now we will allocate and finance! And all this feast of the human spirit is taking place with a constant reduction in the real financial content of basic "a" grants, which now, taking into account inflation, are much lighter than 7-8 years ago.

In general, in my opinion, it is wrong to say that the humanities have serious reasons to fear the results of the merger of the RFBR and the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, and representatives of the natural sciences have nothing to fear. Because with the continuation of the current policy of the leadership of the RFBR, in a few years the RFBR will cease to be a normal scientific fund and turn into a "split office", in which, under the flag of current state priorities, projects of "their own and necessary people" are heavily funded.

In fact, it remains to take only one serious step towards this: to move from highlighting topics close to representatives of the RFBR leadership with increased funding for projects (under the pretext of their relevance and interdisciplinarity) to formulating particularly important specific research topics with even higher funding. As it was in the megalots of the Ministry of Education and Science at the end of the previous decade. And for mass grants "to support the pants" it will be possible to allocate 15-20% of the fund's budget. And it does not matter that the money will be cheap: as one of the representatives of the RFBR leadership said at one meeting, this is not money, this is prestige, a kind of quality mark...

Evgeny Onishchenko

Every year, the foundations provide grant support for various studies and hold competitions. The activities of the foundations are aimed at supporting talented scientists of various ages, graduate students, and students.

Funds may be state non-profit organizations in the form of a federal state budgetary institution,self-governing state non-profit organizations, etc.

What is a grant

In the Russian lexicon, the word "grant" appeared relatively recently.

Grants- monetary and other funds transferred free of charge and irrevocably by citizens and legal entities, including foreign citizens and foreign legal entities, as well as international organizations that have acquired the right to provide grants on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for the implementation of specific scientific , scientific and technical programs and projects, innovative projects, conducting specific scientific research on the terms provided by the grantors.

In all developed countries, without exception, there are numerous charitable organizations and foundations that provide support and assistance to everyone who seeks to implement their plans and projects in various fields of science, culture, public life, which, one way or another, ensure the progress of society as a whole.

Charitable organizations and foundations are created, as a rule, at the expense of individuals or large companies in order to finance those areas of human activity that are defined by the charters of this organization.

The scope of activities of charitable organizations and foundations covers all aspects of life. The foundations finance education, scientific projects, programs in the field of medicine and health care, the environment, culture and art, industry, and much more. For a huge number of people, applying to a particular fund is the most realistic opportunity to receive financial support for the implementation of their projects.

Before applying to the fund for project support, one should be aware of the main features of the funds, taking into account their area of ​​\u200b\u200bpriority, and be clear on what form of support a research group or individual scientists searching for fundraisers or donors can count on.

Donors can be government agencies of different countries, international organizations, private charitable foundations, commercial structures, religious, scientific and other public non-profit organizations, as well as individuals. All charitable foundations, regardless of the scientific direction they support, have the following typology:

Government Donors - These are institutions that receive funds from the budget of their state. For example,Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGNF),Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Russian Science Foundation (RNF), Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation (Minpromnauki), Russian Fund for Technological Development (RFTD) and others.

These are the most demanding donors. Their support programs always target a narrow range of potential beneficiaries, and their application and reporting requirements are the most stringent. Very often, such donors are focused exclusively on the citizens of their state and do not finance the work of foreigners. However, in some cases they provide grants to foreign applicants, usually not directly, but through an intermediary organization.

Intermediary donors - These are public organizations that receive funds from government donors and distribute them to applicant organizations. For example, IREX (IREX - International Research and Exchange Board), Eurasia Fund (Eurasia Fund), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and others.

Private donors - these are foundations, private non-profit organizations that receive funds from private citizens (donations), or corporations (commercial firms), as well as individuals. Writing proposals to private donors sometimes requires less effort, as application requirements are less stringent and reporting is greatly simplified compared to public donors. However, some private foundations can be quite demanding. These are such funds as the Soros Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Volkswagen Foundation and others.

There are several types private charitable foundations , but, as a rule, one has to deal with independent foundations organized by an individual, family or several persons (MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation). Independent funds have a well-defined list of priority areas and a set of standard application selection criteria, while associated funds are funded by the company (commercial organization) with which they are associated. For example, Xerox Foundation, Apple, Hewlett-Packard and others.

  • Basic research - experimental or theoretical activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the basic patterns of the structure, functioning and development of a person, society, and the environment;
  • Applied Research , aimed mainly at the application of new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solve specific problems;
  • Exploratory scientific research - aimed at obtaining new knowledge for the purpose of their subsequent practical application (oriented scientific research) and (or) the application of new knowledge (applied scientific research) and carried out through the implementation of research work.
  • Monodisciplinary study carried out within the framework of a separate science,together with specialists of a different profile in order to obtain new knowledge about objects, processes, phenomena that affect common interests.
  • Interdisciplinary research requires the participation of specialists from various fields and is carried out at the intersection of several scientific disciplines.
  • Comprehensive study is carried out using a system of methods and techniques, through which scientists seek to cover the maximum (or optimal) possible number of significant parameters of the reality under study.
  • Single factoror analytical study is aimed at identifying one, the most significant, in the opinion of the researcher, aspect of reality.
  • Exploratory research , aimed at determining the prospects of work on the topic, finding ways to solve scientific problems.
  • critical study is carried out in order to refute an existing theory, model, hypothesis, law, etc., or to test which of two alternative hypotheses more accurately predicts reality. Critical research is carried out in those areas where a rich theoretical and empirical stock of knowledge has been accumulated and where there are proven methods for the implementation of the experiment.
  • Clarifying research. This is the most common type of research. Their goal is to establish boundaries within which theory predicts facts and empirical patterns. Usually, in comparison with the initial experimental sample, the conditions for conducting the study, the object, and the methodology change. Thus, it is registered to which area of ​​reality the previously obtained theoretical knowledge extends.
  • Reproducing research. Its goal is an exact repetition of the experiment of predecessors in order to determine the reliability, reliability and objectivity of the results obtained. The results of any study should be replicated in a similar experiment conducted by another scientific worker with the appropriate competence. Therefore, after the discovery of a new effect, pattern, creation of a new technique, etc. there is an avalanche of replicating studies designed to test the results of the discoverers. Reproducing research is the basis of all science. Therefore, the method and the specific technique of the experiment must be intersubjective, i.e. the operations carried out during the study should be reproduced by any qualified researcher.
  • Development- scientific research that puts into practice the results of specific fundamental and applied research.

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 27, 1992 No. 426 "On Urgent Measures to Preserve the Scientific and Technical Potential of the Russian Federation" and is a self-governing state non-profit organization in the form of a federal institution under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. As a representative of the state, the Fund provides targeted, targeted, diversified support for advanced groups of scientists, regardless of which department they belong to. Support for initiative research work in all major areas of fundamental science is carried out strictly on a competitive basis based on the results of a comprehensive examination.

The main goal of the Foundation is to support fundamental scientific research. The main task of the Foundation, in accordance with the Charter, is to conduct a competitive selection of the best scientific projects from among those submitted to the Foundation by scientists on their own initiative, and the subsequent organizational and financial support of the supported projects.

The Russian Foundation for Basic Research supports fundamental research in the following main areas of knowledge:

1. mathematics, mechanics and informatics (01);

2. physics and astronomy (02);

3. chemistry and materials sciences (03);

4. biology and medical science (04);

5. earth sciences (05);

6. human and social sciences (06)

7. information technologies and computing systems (07);

8. fundamentals of engineering sciences (08).

The Russian Foundation for Basic Research supports fundamental research in the following main fields of knowledge: mathematics, mechanics and informatics; physics and astronomy; chemistry; biology and medical science; earth sciences; sciences of man and society. The main principles of the Fund's work are targeted financing and full openness.

Expertise is the most important element of RFBR activity. The examination is intended to assess the scientific quality of the application. All decisions to support projects in the RFBR are made solely on the basis of the results of the examination.

The RFBR is making efforts to go beyond purely state budget funding and turn to other sources. Among them are foreign funds, budgets of regions, departments, industrial groups, participation in major international and national programs.

The main tasks of the RFBR in the active development of relations with international and foreign scientific organizations and foundations are: assistance to Russian scientists in carrying out research within the framework of international cooperation in all areas of fundamental knowledge; facilitating the participation of Russian scientists in conferences and meetings abroad; studying and using the experience of leading foreign funds in competitive research funding.

How to get a grant or to help a grant applicant

Russian Science Foundation (RSF) was created on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation in order to support fundamental and exploratory research, the development of scientific teams that occupy leading positions in a certain field of science. The full name of the Foundation in Russian is the Russian Science Foundation. The abbreviated name of the Foundation in Russian is RNF. The full name of the Foundation in English is Russian Science Foundation. The abbreviated name of the Fund in English is RSF.

The legal status, powers, functions, procedure for managing its activities and the procedure for forming its property are determined by the Federal Law "On the Russian Science Foundation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (http://rscf.ru/?q=node/17

The purpose of the Fund's activities is financial and organizational support for fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research, training of scientific personnel, development of scientific teams that occupy leading positions in a certain field of science.

Conducting initiative fundamental and exploratory research by research teams,

Individual scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers,

Development of scientific organizations and educational organizations of higher education,

Creation of world-class laboratories and departments in scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education,

Development of an experimental base for scientific research.

The activities of the Fund are aimed at achieving the goals of the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2011 No. December 20, 2012 No. 2433-r, and the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research in the Russian Federation for the long term (2013-2020), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 No. 2538-r.

01 Mathematics, computer science and systems sciences;

02 Physics and space sciences;

03 Chemistry and materials sciences;

04 Biology and life sciences;

05 Basic research for medicine;

06 Agricultural sciences;

07 Earth sciences;

08 Humanities and social sciences;

09 Engineering

RNF documents

The procedure for the examination of projects in the Russian Science Foundation

International Scientific Foundation for Economic Research Academician N.P. Fedorenko - non-profit non-profit organization - established in 1995 on the initiative of a group of well-known scientists - academicians and professors working in the institutes of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. With the consent of the academician who took an active part in the creation of the Foundation Nikolai Prokofievich Fedorenko (1917-2006) , one of the largest domestic economists, the Fund was named after him. Since 1999 The Foundation annually holds open competitions forproviding financial assistance for conducting topical economic research, as well as for rewarding the most interesting scientific papers carried out by students and graduate students of Russian universities. Since 2002, MNFEI has been awarding one prize per year "For outstanding contribution to the development of economic science in Russia". The first laureate of this award was a well-known economist, an employee of the CEMI RAS, Professor Viktor Danilovich Belkin.

Leading specialists and teachers from Moscow universities and scientific organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences are involved in reviewing applications submitted to the Foundation's competitions. Examination and evaluation of applications of all contenders for the awards of the competition is carried out by the Expert Council created at the Foundation, which for all these years has been headed by Professor R.N. Evstigneev. The final verdict on all competitions is made by the Board of the Fund.

Every year in November or December, upon completion of the competitive selection procedure, MNPEI holds the Conference of Laureates and Fellows, where scientific reports of leading economists are heard, as well as reports of winners of competitions about their scientific work. On behalf of the Board of the Fund, the winners are awarded commemorative diplomas and gifts.

Applications are accepted in all areas of economic science in accordance with the classifier.

Foundation for the Promotion of Social Development "New Eurasia" (FNE)

Foundation for the Promotion of Social Development "New Eurasia" contributes to improving the quality of life of Russian citizens by implementing programs that promote effective social and economic development at the regional and local levels, relying on advanced Russian and international experience and innovative technologies, and consolidating the efforts and resources of the public, government and business.


  • Promoting the development of Russian education and science in accordance with national priorities, the formation of innovation ecosystems at the federal and regional levels and their integration into the global innovation ecosystem.
  • Evaluation and analysis of various aspects of the socio-economic development of territories.
  • Development, implementation and support of projects and programs in the field of education, territorial and social development, as well as the interaction between education, the social sphere and business.
  • Development of proposals, recommendations, strategies aimed at solving problems in the field of education, territorial and social development, establishing interaction between education, the social sphere and business.

This technological portfolio allows you to implement projects for the comprehensive modernization of university management, or for the development of certain areas of its activity:

  • strategic development planning,
  • reform of curricula in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Convention,
  • management of research activities and commercialization of its results,
  • international activities of the university,
  • cooperation with partners in the region and beyond.

Currently, when developing projects and programs within this area, the Fund uses an integrated approach, taking into account the following models of territorial development:

  • a model for the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses at the municipal level;
  • a model of professional self-determination of young people and adaptation of the system of primary and secondary vocational education to the requirements of the labor market;
  • a model for activating the local community through social design and the implementation of citizens' initiatives;
  • model "school of social entrepreneurship".

FNE youth projects combine educational and social components, considering youth as one of the strategic resources of social development, whose active involvement in economic, political, and social processes gives additional impetus to development, both for individual regions and the country as a whole.

From the very beginning of its activity, the Foundation has tried to expand the participation of public organizations in the development and implementation of initiatives to monitor and evaluate current international projects, thereby contributing to the transformation of Russian civil society institutions into an integral part of the emerging global civil society, as well as increasing the sustainability of Russia's relations with its main foreign partners.


  • Development and assistance in the implementation of comprehensive programs for the socio-economic development of regions and municipalities.
  • Assistance in the modernization of regional systems of general education, secondary and higher professional education.
  • Modernization of management of institutions of higher professional education.
  • Development of international activities of Russian universities.
  • Development of technology transfer systems at the university and regional level.
  • Development of regional innovation infrastructure.
  • Formation of support systems for youth initiatives.
  • Development and support of initiatives of local communities and their inclusion in the processes of socio-economic development of territories.
  • Assistance in the implementation of housing and communal reform.
  • Assistance in the harmonization of migration processes.
  • Creation of conflict prevention systems at the regional and local levels.
  • Development and support of small and medium-sized businesses in the regions and municipalities of Russia.
  • Development of regional and municipal media.

International N. D. Kondratiev Foundation was created on March 19, 1992 during the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist and accredited at the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The main activities of the Fund:

  1. holding international Kondratieff conferences, symposiums, Kondratieff readings;
  2. implementation of interdisciplinary research on orders from government agencies, grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Russian Humanitarian Foundation, and initiative research according to their own plans;
  3. holding, together with the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, international competitions for the gold, silver and bronze medals of N.D. Kondratiev for his contribution to the development of social sciences and a commemorative medal of N.D. Kondratieff to young scientists;
  4. publication of monographs, materials of conferences, Kondratieff readings.

German Historical Institute in Moscow

In 2005, at the initiative of the Krupp Foundation and the Zeit Foundation, two of the largest German sponsors of humanitarian research programs, it was decided to open a German Historical Institute . On January 1, 2009, on the recommendation of the scientific council, the German Historical Institute in Moscow was transferred to funding by the Foundation of the German Humanitarian Institutes Abroad (DGIA), supported by the German Ministry of Education and Science.

The institute's main areas of activity include research in the field of the history of Germany and Russia, deepening cooperation between Russian and German scientists, coordinating and implementing joint research and publishing projects, and supporting young scientists.

The Institute is part of the Foundation for German Humanitarian Institutes Abroad ( DGIA ), uniting under its roof the German Historical Institutes in London, Paris, Rome, Warsaw and Washington, as well as interdisciplinary research institutes in Beirut/Istanbul and Tokyo.

The German Historical Institute in Moscow twice a year (application deadlines are May 15 and November 15, respectively) offers scholarships for graduate students, doctoral students and associate professors, as well as short-term scholarships for work in the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA).

The GIIM Annual Scholarship to work on Ph.D. or doctoral dissertations is offered once a year.

Scholarship Program:

  • Postgraduate Scholarships
  • Scholarships for doctoral students
  • Scholarships for higher education teachers
  • Short-term scholarship: RGVA
  • Annual scholarships for graduate and doctoral students

Only one program is allowed to apply.

Official site:http://www.dhi-moskau.org/ru/glavnaja.html

Scholarships and grants

Postgraduate Scholarships

Scholarships for doctoral students

Scholarships for teachers

Short term scholarships



German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst(DAAD))

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is a self-governing organization of higher educational institutions in Germany. As of 2011, DAAD brings together 236 German participating universities and 124 student organizations and is an intermediary in organizing the foreign cultural policy, as well as the policy of higher education and science in Germany. DAAD has 14 foreign offices and 51 information centers around the world and provides about 60,000 scholarships per year. The main areas of activity of DAAD:

DAAD's top priorities include

1. Support for the young elite from abroad for studying and scientific work in universities and research centers in Germany - Scholarships for foreigners;

2. Support for the German elite for education and scientific work in universities and research centers abroad - Scholarships for Germans;

3. Internationalization of German universities in order to increase the interest of foreign students and scientists in studying and scientific work in Germany;

4. Support for German studies and the German language - the awakening of interest in the German language and culture of Germany in the world academic exchange;

5. Cooperation in the field of education with developing countries.


In Germany, universities themselves do not provide scholarships and grants. German students can take out a state-provided study loan under the Federal Educational Assistance Act (BAFoeG) up to a maximum of €600 per month, which they repay in part upon graduation. Another possibility is public and private foundations (Stiftungen) and institutions, which often provide financial support for foreign students and researchers.

Scholarships and grants are awarded on a competitive basis, with an application process and competitive selection. The evaluation criteria are different, the decisive factors are a good command of German and/or English, previous academic and/or scientific achievements, motivation to study/research in Germany, for graduate students and scientists, first of all, a research project and contacts with German colleagues. On the basis of these documents, the independence and creativity of thinking, responsibility and thoughtfulness of the project, which should receive financial support, are evaluated.

As a rule, scholarships are not allocated for the full cycle of study. Most of them are aimed at students, graduate students and scientists of Russian universities and institutes who plan to stay in Germany and then return to Russia. Each foundation has certain scholarship programs with restrictive criteria for applicants - by citizenship (only for German citizens or also foreigners), specialty, status, age, time spent in Germany, etc.

Most scholarships/grants are aimed at graduate students and young scientists under the age of 35-40, to a lesser extent at students and scientists over 40 years old. For schoolchildren, there are only exchange programs, but not scholarships.

Some grant-forming organizations work only with collective projects, sometimes it is stipulated that applications for financial support can only be submitted from the German side.

American Council for International Research and Scientific Exchanges (IREX) (International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX))

American Council for International Research and Scientific Exchange ( IREX) is an international non-profit organization that promotes positive development everywhere through thought leadership and innovative programs.


IREX stands for positive global development. We empower organizations and individuals to create a solid foundation for lasting change: quality education, independent media, and powerful local communities. To strengthen these components, our programs focus on issues related to conflict resolution, the development of modern technologies, as well as gender and youth policy.

With a history of more than 40 years, IREX is guided by our timeless values ​​and strives for professional excellence, tangible results and thought leadership. IREX uses state-of-the-art methods and technologies, proven in different regions, to deliver practical value in specific countries, working closely with our local partners.

Establishing contacts, developing cooperation and expanding interaction between the academic communities of the countries of the former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and the USA. Support for scientific research, professional training, creation of social institutions, access to information and telecommunications, provision of technical assistance within the region.

In 1973, six Soviet and six American scientists became Fulbrights, receiving a grant from the Program for research and lecturing, thus laying a solid foundation for bilateral academic cooperation.

Over forty years of continuous work, the Fulbright Program has provided an opportunity to establish new scientific contacts, continue their education and undergo internships for almost one thousand eight hundred Russian professors, teachers, and young professionals.

Through the joint efforts of the American and Russian sides, the number of Fulbright exchange programs available for different categories of participants has increased to ten. The list of competitive disciplines has expanded - now the W. Fulbright Scholarship can be received by specialists in the field of exact sciences.

Fulbright programs are aimed at graduates of Russian universities, graduate students, scientists, artists, teachers, employees of international departments of Russian universities. The Fulbright Program provides grants for education, research, lecturing, and internships at any university, library, or archive in the United States. Grants are awarded based on the results of an open competition in all disciplines. Citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, having a diploma of higher education or an academic degree (depending on the program), with a good knowledge of English can take part in the programs. The requirements for applicants and the duration of the grant vary depending on the chosen program.

The program provides grants:

The Foundation cooperates on a regular basis with leading universities, foundations, international organizations, government agencies and non-governmental associations in Russia and other countries.

The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific Foundation is called upon to become an intermediary between the worlds of business and science, supporting and carrying out scientific and educational activities aimed at the development of humanistic values, helping those who, by virtue of their profession, specialize in other types of activity in the realization of higher goals.

Within the framework of the Fund, grants and scholarships are allocated for the education of students and young professionals.

The Foundation is engaged in holding conferences, seminars, organizes scientific discussions, and also supports and initiates scientific research, including in the field of ontopsychology, the development of promising projects in the field of education and practical training of young professionals, promotes the creation and support of universities, schools, lyceums, cultural and training centers.

US-Russia Foundation for Economic and Legal Development (USRF) is the successor to the US-Russia Investment Fund (TUSRIF), which was established in 1995 to develop the private sector in Russia. Through effective management through direct investment and technical assistance, TUSRIF's private Russian enterprises have been able to make a major contribution to the growing Russian economy and raise sufficient capital to create a financial basis for further activities.

In 2006, at the G8 summit, Presidents Bush and Putin announced their intention to create the USRF to support Russia's long-term economic development and strengthen ties between Russia and the United States.

In 2008 USRF was registered as a non-profit corporation in the United States and in early 2009 USRF was registered in Russia as a branch of the American organization.


The mission of the USRF is to promote the long-term economic development of a market economy in Russia. Working closely with the Russian government and leading Russian institutions, USRF is committed to strengthening ties between Russia and the United States.

In implementing its targeted funding programs, USRF is guided by three general concepts: "enterprise", "responsibility" and "partnership".

  • The term "enterprise" encompasses entrepreneurial activity, private property, individual initiative and related values ​​that encourage commercial success.
  • The concept of "responsibility" refers not only to the responsibility of the government to citizens, but also to corporate ethics, the obligations of business in relation to its employees, customers and shareholders.
  • "Partnership" implies an equal relationship and focuses on the common obligations and interests of Russia and the United States.

Official site

Strategy for the implementation of targeted financing programs The foundation was reopened in 1953 by decree of Konrad Adenauer, providing ample opportunities for scientific research to scientists of various specialties.

The extensive program of continuing cooperation with former fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation includes, among other things, the provision of grants for the purchase of scientific equipment and scientific literature, new short-term invitations and funding for their participation in congresses held in the Federal Republic of Germany. (There are more than 20,000 former Fellows in 130 countries around the world).

Under the patronage of the Federal Chancellor, young professionals with higher education (at least a bachelor's degree or a comparable degree) who have acquired their first professional experience immediately thereafter and have shown already at the beginning of their career pronounced leadership qualities. Foundation addresses representatives all professional groups and academic specialties especially to representatives of the humanities and social sciences.

Fellows of the Federal Chancellor's program from five countries - the Russian Federation, the United States, the People's Republic of China, Brazil and India, during their stay in Germany, carry out a project in an organization of their choice (at an enterprise, in the administration, in a university or in a media editorial office), get the opportunity to establish contacts with each other, as well as to get to know important institutions and research organizations in Germany.

In the long term, the goal of the program is to strengthen German-Russian ties by providing future leaders with the opportunity to stay in Germany at one of the early stages of their career and engage them as intermediaries between the two countries in the field of economy, science, politics and public life. More information about the program in English can be found at: www.humboldt-foundation.de/BUKA

There you can also download the entire package of documents for filing an application, as well as register to fill out an electronic application form.

If you want to enter the personal account of the RFBR information system - IS RGHF, simply enter the username that you previously entered to register your profile. Enter the username also in the "username" field. Then enter your own password. Enter the password in the field labeled "password". Click on the field labeled "Login". And with the correct introduction of your own registration data, the login will be successful. When something is entered incorrectly or just one character is mistaken, the system will tell you that the data was entered incorrectly, and you will be able to enter your own data again and try to log in again to your personal account.

It doesn't matter if you just forgot your password. For such a case, the system has provided one step. You simply enter a username and a field called "remind password". And after such an action, a letter comes to your mail, with the help of which you can recover your own password.

Registration in the personal account of the RSHF IP system

For those who have not been previously registered in the system, registration is offered.

Registration steps:

1. A field called "username" will be highlighted. In this paragraph, you are required to enter an email address (the role of your email address is twofold: on the one hand, it will be the login itself, each time you log in, on the other hand, letters will be sent to it, and in case of password loss as well) .

2. You will see a field called "password". In this place, you should enter a strong password with up to 25 characters.

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