Where is the best place to meet girls? Quick dating and meetings with real people online without registration. Acquaintance with a girl for a serious relationship - where possible

The usual social circle of a guy in Moscow - institute, office, friends, neighbors, acquaintances - does not always give a meeting with a dream girl. Then all the instincts and reflexes of acquaintance - from hunting to self-expression and reproduction - are depressingly silent.

But in such a huge human anthill as Moscow, billions of new meetings take place daily on every square millimeter. A hard percentage of this number is inevitably made up of random clashes of guys with bright attractive girls. And getting to know them is not at all as unattainable as it seems.

A little theory, a little practice, and you can not only see the girls with a greedy look, but also easily make acquaintances with them, writing down the next phone number with a victorious look.

Places to meet

You will be extremely surprised, but sometimes the most unexpected point can serve as a place and reason for meeting a girl in Moscow - from a gas station or a traffic jam to a veterinary clinic and a building materials store.

Girls, like all ordinary people, have their everyday, everyday problems. To enter into, sometimes a general theme and ordinary human participation are enough.

As an option:

  • “When I’m stuck in a traffic jam, I listen to such and such a radio, such and such an audiobook or a group”;
  • "What's wrong with your cat? We cured ours last year by such and such a doctor”;
  • “We also experienced such a natural disaster as repairs.”

The dating method works flawlessly on girls if you are sincere, natural and witty.

But it also hides some trick. Among the girls, uncontrollable talkers often come across. And if you involuntarily touch on your beautiful counterpart's favorite topic, it is possible that at some point you will have to flee from it.

Rating of locations - each has its own

For true pickup truck pros, the geography of acquaintance does not matter at all. But novice "renters" should make a list of sites in Moscow where it is easiest to make acquaintance with girls.

Well, let's say this:

Mini-dating - dating speed dating

10-12 acquaintances with girls in a few hours - even extra-pros in this genre do not show such a rate of "pick-up". And you, as a gambling beginner, may be lucky. If you go to a bar that organizes popular speed dating parties in Moscow.

But at the same time, you should know that on “speed dates”:

  • chicks, at the sight of which involuntary salivation occurs in men, usually do not appear;
  • on the other hand, guys don't have to reinvent the wheel trying to get the attention of girls - they just pass before their eyes in a row;
  • therefore, when meeting, you have to think quickly, appreciating not only the “interface”, but also the main “programs” and “viruses” in the head of every girl;
  • in a matter of minutes of a conversation, you need to introduce yourself in the best way to a girl and really interest her;
  • a stale T-shirt, unwashed sneakers and dirt under the nails will only repel a friend.

We get acquainted and "CLUB" we go into the smoke

Night clubs in Moscow are designed to meet girls in an informal setting. Here it is more than possible to meet with a bright beautiful fifa. Driven by the same hunting instinct as you, they are found here in schools in search of a handsome unmarried oligarch or, at worst, a programmer. But the next morning, when the puffs of smoke dissipate, I get drunk, my headache and the desire to write down the phone usually go somewhere. Usually with a girl.

Testing ground - cafe and bar counter

Not so driving, but much more productive in terms of the prospect of dating and long-term relationships, experience is possible in Moscow in any bar or cozy cafe. Of course, if you “drive up” to a girl clumsily, you can run into a refusal. But in the fine craftsmanship of a pickup truck, details, nuances and interjections are important. You do not need to be a psychologist to correctly assess the situation on the ground.

A girl can be bored alone for a reason, say:

  • expectations of her boyfriend;
  • customer expectations (yes, in that sense);
  • the need to work in a comfortable environment at the computer;
  • the need to just kill time, stay warm, eat delicious food, etc.;

Your task is to work as Holmes and Watson at the same time, i.e. to show miracles of deduction, correctly “diagnose” and act according to the protocol.

  1. If a girl is frankly bored, she is usually glad of a handsome young man who is ready to brighten up her loneliness. In this case, it is enough to ask with a completely neutral look if someone is busy near her. Simple questions will help you go from the status of a random silent oncoming person to the status of an interlocutor during an acquaintance - how often does a girl come here, what dishes will she advise, what kind of music does she like, etc.;
  2. A girl in anticipation of a date is very easy to identify by how often and nervously she glances at her watch, mobile and front door. If you are an extreme, then you can take a chance and drive up to her. But then there is every chance to find out what she thinks about men in general and about you in particular, and in addition - to get a “lyuley” from her boyfriend who arrived so on time;
  3. Girls are strange creatures. When they have experiences or a bad mood, they are not interested in quietly suffering somewhere in a dark corner. A cafe or a bar, of course, is the place to sit with a stone view and defiantly think about your own, like not seeing anyone around. If the whole performance is designed for you, it is easy to read by the barely perceptible glances and gestures of the “sufferer”. A glass of whiskey or a martini will quickly comfort a girl and serve as a good start for dating;
  4. If a girl is stuck with a smartphone on the net or works hard at a computer, it is better not to distract her. Although everything related to hardware and the Internet can be a great opportunity to get to know each other. After all, true professionals always have something to talk about.

Museums, theaters - in search of intellectuals

With museums, concerts and theaters in Moscow, everything is extremely simple. If you are interested in girls visiting such places, then you are at least in the subject. This means that you can easily express your opinion to the girl you like about the performance or the next exposition. As well as getting into the aesthetic crowd in which she found herself.

If, by chance, there is only one girl at a creative party, then you have all the cards and flags in your hands. At such events alone, the girl usually feels uncomfortable. Therefore, she will be glad to someone who will relieve her of discomfort with the usual question: “How do you like the exhibition (performance, concert, cinema, literary evening - insert the right one)?”

But before you go on the offensive, make sure that her man is not wandering around the corner. The same Holmes and Watson will help you to distinguish the temporarily left alone and really lonely girl. The first behaves confidently and calmly. The second one is somewhat stiff, even if it tries to portray spontaneity and lightness.

Good places to meet girls are popular courses that have bred in Moscow in countless numbers. Ambitious and at least solvent young ladies visit them. If you are not afraid of meeting smart girls, long-term communication with them during the training period can be a good basis for further deep relationships.

Records are not only in sports

Points on the map of Moscow associated with sports and outdoor recreation can provide an excellent opportunity to meet a crazy extreme woman or just a girl with a good athletic figure. And for you, in turn, such a meeting will allow you to demonstrate biceps and triceps, if any. A stadium, a gym, a swimming pool, a skating rink, jumping, a bike club are just the thing for such cases.

A natural occasion to meet a girl in the park is a chance meeting of two avid dog lovers walking their favorite pets. In such cases, however, it is not always clear who is more interested in whom - two-legged or four-legged? But in any case, your piggy bank of a novice pick-up artist will be replenished with an interesting acquaintance with a girl.

Find your destiny on the road

Metro, airports and train stations in Moscow do not seem to be the best places to meet. Here people are usually tense and focused so as not to be late, not to forget anything, not to lose, etc. But, for true professionals, there are no impossible tasks.

Acquaintance in the metro in Moscow is akin to a pickup truck on the street, but even in a tougher time frame. Because the girls do not just walk the subway for their own pleasure, but usually they are in a hurry somewhere. But it is here that every day you can see entire galleries of female images, among which there are often unique specimens.

There is simply no time for deduction in the metro, so you have to act intuitively. A magazine, player or a large bag in the hands of a girl can help start dating.

With words like this:

  • What are you reading?
  • What are you listening?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Can you help carry your luggage?

At automobile, railway and air stations in Moscow, there is usually much more time for getting to know each other. Therefore, it makes sense to offer a girl waiting for a flight to help with things or have a cup of coffee in a nearby bar.

Shopo goal against the women's team

Large shopping centers in Moscow - a separate song in the field of dating. In this holy place for every self-respecting girl, they can hang out for days. You can offer the girl help in choosing a purchase, your reliable male shoulder for delivering packages home or a light snack in a cafe. If you manage to be charming and at the same time not too intrusive, the next test and the phone number are guaranteed.

Chat and meet online

On the Internet, where many are trying to hide a true personal story behind a beautiful picture -. The Internet makes it possible to carefully analyze various photos, posts, open correspondence of a girl. If the girl’s page, except for the avatar of Angelina Jolie in her youth, contains nothing, there is nothing to start acquaintance.

Your account should be full of bright moments of relaxation, meetings with friends, hobbies, professional success, etc.

If in your posts you are convincing enough, original and unconventional, the girls themselves will begin to actively get to know you.

Pickup Top - Street Dating

This is really aerobatics - forgetting about decency, just in the middle of Moscow to brazenly invade the girl's personal space, violating her plans and making an acquaintance.

In order not to “get it on the tinsel”, you should have an inner sense of proportion - what is permissible and what is not. A smile and sincere admiration for her beauty will help to extinguish the anxiety that is natural for a girl in such a situation and arouse the first trust.

It is important to remember that the main erotic zone of a girl is her ears. Brainstorm this "portal" and get the whole trophy as a reward.

With the help of such phrases:

To pull the girl you like out of the crowd and successfully get to know her, sometimes you have to make extraordinary gestures. Any rubbish - chewing gum, a flower plucked from a flower bed or a leaf from a tree, a balloon, a fountain pen, an earpiece, a napkin - can serve as a sign of attention and a good clue. If the girl's reaction is adequate and verbal ping-pong is lively, acquaintance is inevitable.

When entering the unstable ice of communication with strangers, remember that:

  1. In any communication there are non-verbal signs that you need to be able to read correctly;
  2. Be prepared for the fact that during the acquaintance, not only you will “scan” the girl, but she will also you. So try to be sincere and friendly;
  3. Male attention is important for every passion, but it is not always necessary to show it linearly, in the forehead;
  4. Out-of-the-box thinking, creativity and the ability to predict a girl's desire are always rewarded - acquaintance, relationships, sex, marriage. Underline what is necessary, delete what is not.

You can meet a girl under any circumstances, but in some places it is easier to do this. The most common way to get to know each other is on social media. Dating in public places has more advantages, does not require special financial costs and allows you to meet a girl based on common interests. Do not forget about places that are not at all suitable for this.

Good places to meet women

Below are the most non-standard places where it is easiest to meet a good girl.

Online dating through social networks

They often get acquainted through social networks, because they are one of the main common channels for communication. Here you can meet a real person and immediately find out all the information you need about him.

It’s not worth just writing to the first girl you like: having received a message from a stranger in the format: “Hello!”, She will simply ignore it. First you need to study the page and find what really hooked you (except for photos of yourself). It could be music, a movie, an interesting wall post, or even mutual friends. Start a conversation should be based on the mention of this fact.

For example, having noticed on Instagram a photo of a book that you yourself have recently read or want to do it in the future, you can ask what the girl thinks about her, whether she has read other books by this author or from this series. Such correspondence, if the young lady willingly makes contact, can then be transferred to personal messages of another social network, and then turn on all her charisma and achieve a personal meeting.

At the same time, your personal page must be filled out, have real photos and at least a couple of posts on the wall. "Fake" pages are scary, and if a girl is really interested in you, she will be interested in looking at your interests and making sure that you are a real person.

Step by step guide on how to . From this article you will learn how to prepare your page, how to choose a girl, what to write when meeting.

After meeting, you need to maintain her interest in communication. For this you need to follow.

free book

Do you want to know a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet beautiful girls, what to talk about with them, how to invite them on dates so as not to be refused? Then we highly recommend reading new free book by Yegor Sheremetyev. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will be sent to you with a link to the pdf file.

Various group classes, circles, master classes, trainings

Dancing. In the dance school, there are more girls among the clients than men, so you can confidently sign up for any courses you like. In order not to spend money, you can be like free open lessons and try to get to know each other there.

In addition, dance classes help to maintain good physical shape, train posture and develop self-confidence - all this attracts girls.

Young ladies over 25 love paired classical dances, so if there is no partner, they often look for a mate in groups of dance schools or on forums. You can try your luck there and sign up together with a pretty partner, for example, in tango courses.

Psychological trainings. Such trainings, as well as dancing, are mostly attended by girls.

It is worth coming in advance and sitting down with a person you like or even two friends. You can talk about the topic of the training, ask how close this topic is, what the girl can tell about the speaker.

If the lesson is long, then in the middle they usually take a break, during which you can also get acquainted. But at the beginning it is preferable to do this: often paired tasks are given at psychological trainings, so if you make an acquaintance at the very beginning, then later it can come in handy.

Foreign language courses. Here is a whole scope for creativity: attending language courses reveals a man as a person who is open to the world and new knowledge, and women like it.

Learning a language allows you to make new acquaintances, learn a lot about different countries and diversify your resume.

Men are increasingly appearing in language courses to learn a language for a specific purpose, and women as a hobby. In such a situation, girls are open to new acquaintances and will be happy to receive attention from the opposite sex.

In addition, when learning the language in the classes themselves, many topics are raised, so even before meeting you can find out some information about the girl you like.

If you want to learn how to meet and communicate with girls, be sure to read:. In this article, one of our regular contributors talked about his experience of seducing women.

Various group activities are great to help overcome shyness when communicating with women. If this is your problem, then you will find a lot of useful information in.

After you find the right girl, you need to invite her on a first date. It is very important to choose the right place. - here.

Shops, supermarkets

In girls, nature has a desire to help others, so you can safely use this in stores.

If we are talking about a clothing store, then you can get advice on whether a particular item suits you or not. In a grocery supermarket, you can clarify the quality of a particular product, ask if it is not difficult to cook what you want to buy. Girls rarely refuse to help.

Just do not ask for help in choosing women's clothing or baby food: you may be misunderstood and the acquaintance will not continue.

Acquaintance in such places does not require additional financial investments, but there is a high risk of not continuing communication outside the store.

Libraries, bookstores

Since there are consultants almost everywhere, you should immediately stop questions regarding where you can find this or that book. If there is a girl standing by the shelf with a volume that you have already read, you can come up and give advice on whether to buy this book or not.

It is good to get acquainted in thematic departments, choosing a girl with a similar literary taste. The main advantage of such an acquaintance is that you can find a young lady according to your interests.

Mass events, holidays, sports matches

At mass events, everyone is in a good mood, people come to relax and communicate with random strangers with pleasure.

In such a situation, you can easily strike up a conversation with your chair neighbors, come up to talk to the common table and invite a pretty girl to participate in the competition with you. People willingly go to socialize, and acquaintance after the event can be moved to a quieter place.


The beach is another great place where people come to relax. The resort atmosphere is conducive to easy acquaintances and easy communication. We have . You will learn how to approach her, what to say, how to behave.

Museums, art galleries, exhibitions, theaters

If you are into history or art, then museums and exhibitions are also good places to explore. The principle here is the same as at concerts or in bookstores.

One of the advantages of this place is that, as a rule, adult, wealthy women over 30 come here. Therefore, if you want a stable, mature and serious relationship, then such places are ideal for making acquaintances.

If you understand painting or some area of ​​art, you can interest a woman in a story about a particular exhibit.

In large cities, there are also unusual museums: for example, with old slot machines, where you can also play Soviet games. Acquaintance at an exhibition or in a theater can immediately develop into a first date.

Night clubs

There are many girls in nightclubs who are not against dating for one evening.

You can meet at the bar, just saying hello. You can also join the girl on the dance floor. Such acquaintances almost never develop into long-term relationships, and you also have to spend money on 1-2 cocktails for each girl.

Of all the dating sites, this one can be the most expensive.

On the street

In order to meet a beautiful girl, it is not necessary to choose any special place. Sometimes it’s enough just to step out of the house and look around.

It is best to get acquainted on the central streets of the city, squares, parks and squares, i.e. where people come just to walk and breathe fresh air.

There is an opinion that girls have a negative attitude towards dating on the street. Actually it is not. Most girls are totally fine with guys who approach them in public. If you are positive and confident, she will probably chat with you for a few minutes, agree to a date and give her phone number.

Public transport

You can also start a new relationship right on public transport. All it takes is a little self-confidence, perseverance and a couple of suitable first phrases. We talked about all the tricks in the article:.

Dating websites

The easiest option that does not require any extra gestures at all. It is enough to fill out the questionnaire correctly and post some beautiful photos.

However, it has its own specifics. Often there are girls who cannot meet in ordinary life. Often this is due either to an unattractive appearance, or to oddities in character and behavior. This way of dating requires a serious time investment, as well as a reserve of patience: it will take a long time to search.

A serious disadvantage is the fact that many sites require financial investments: in order to access the full information in the profiles of girls and have an unlimited message limit, you have to pay.

Where and how not to meet and why

There are also not the best places for dating.

Waitresses in bars and restaurants, shop assistants

Girls who work in the service industry constantly attract male attention. They develop a kind of "immunity" to customers.

Most often, shop assistants and waitresses fall into two categories:

  1. Those who not allowed to have a relationship with clients according to the rules of work in the institution. Managers often do not want problems at work, especially when it comes to bars and restaurants. Tippy young men can cause problems if other visitors give their girls increased courtesies;
  2. Those who themselves made a rule for themselves. Due to the large number of male clients, girls simply get tired of attention to their person and stop all attempts to get to know each other.

If you want to get acquainted with such a girl, then it is best to “watch out” for her immediately after the end of the shift on the way home.

In a state of intoxication

No normal woman would introduce a tipsy young man. It is better to approach a girl in a sober head and in a positive mood, and not staggering with a fume.

So, to get to know a girl, they turn to social networks or go to places where you can find a girlfriend of interest. Financial costs are often not required, unless you go to a nightclub. And you should avoid saleswomen in stores, do not embarrass girls by trying to get acquainted in public transport and do not waste time on dating sites.

, go on a date, find a place where to go with friends, where to sit in a cafe, a poster of the most current events in Moscow.

Our site is the best among dating sites. Here are profiles for acquaintances and meetings, places for dates.
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Become one of the regular visitors of the site and dreams of a happy life with your loved one and the only person will soon become a reality.
A quick acquaintance with "Lonely Moscow" will put an end to your loneliness forever - go ahead to meet new faces and interesting places in the capital!

How to get acquainted on the Internet:

Our dating service is the perfect place to meet, flirt or start a serious relationship. If you are looking for your soul mate in Moscow or the Moscow region, you need to urgently register on our website. Here you can earn a high rating and, accordingly, attractiveness in the eyes of potential partners.

Where to begin!

Take a short tour of the pages of our portal. Please note that here each person can find a partner according to their preferences. It is enough to mark the necessary filters using the advanced search function and view the appropriate profiles. A user's rating is, in a way, his social status in the dating world. The higher his performance, the faster you can see him in the search and make sure that he regularly visits his page, which means he will instantly respond to your message.

Communication rules on our ONEINMOSCOW portal

Many acquaintances in the city of Moscow end in nothing because people do not know how to interest their virtual interlocutor. Remember, the success of online flirting depends only on you. Captivate your potential soul mate with interesting stories from life, give her the opportunity to show her imagination. It happens that in the process of correspondence disagreements are found about certain life positions. You should not criticize your interlocutor or try to direct on the path that you consider true. Remember, there are over a million profiles on the site. Maybe it's better to try to find a like-minded person? Online dating is an ideal opportunity to find bright, purposeful, interesting people to spend time together. The main thing is to fill out your questionnaire, publish successful photos and take an active part in the life of the site.

Every person has the right to love and be loved. On our free dating site in Moscow You will meet a lot of interesting, funny and sociable people.

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Find your soul mate with us. Remember, we believe in you!

Huge. But you should pay attention only to the popular ones: they have more users, which means there is more choice. They work on a similar principle: the algorithm suggests candidates who fit your needs and are nearby. You select those who you like, but you can start a conversation only if you have mutual sympathy.


  • You begin to communicate only with those who you like, which weeds out at least unsympathetic ones.
  • The candidates are close to you, so it's easy to make an appointment.
  • Relationships are established here for one night, and for many nights, and for years - it all depends on your goals. And here they find friends
  • You can choose potential partners of both sexes.
  • The phone is always at hand - you can establish a personal life on the job.


  • You choose a book by its cover, but anything can be hidden under it. You risk weeding out an ugly, but interesting person.
  • If you don't like people on the streets, don't be naive to think that the app only has gorgeous candidates and applicants. There are still the same people from the streets.
  • Be prepared to receive personal photos of strangers and obscene offers.
  • Men willingly offer quick sex and act cheekily in correspondence, but many merge if the girl agrees to bed adventures without long preludes.
  • Some apps are only suitable for major cities.

1. Tinder

A popular and very simple dating app. The algorithm offers photos of people who match your needs and are close to you. You swipe them with your finger to the left if the candidate is so-so, and to the right if the person interests you. If the pair matched, you can start chatting, and then everything depends on you.


The sex dating app is obviously designed to look for partners for bed comfort. Everything is done on the condition of relative anonymity: you do not need to specify your mail, phone number, or log in through social networks. Only an avatar and location are required.

You have an hour to find someone nice on the map and arrange a meeting with him. After 60 minutes, the correspondence will be automatically destroyed. For men, the application is paid, which allows you to cut off people with frivolous intentions.

The main advantage of the application is that everyone knows what you are here for, so you can do without boring correspondence. Although some users on the sex dating app can bore you with conversations and then disappear. And your time will be wasted.

Sex as the purpose of dating is a perfectly healthy desire. You have the right to just want sex and dispose of your body and your desires as you see fit. This also applies to the fact that you have every right to get up and refuse sex at any moment, even the most intimate one.

Irina Nim, psychologist-sexologist at the Wings of Change Studio, gestalt therapist


The app shows you the people you've crossed paths with in the past, whether they've walked the same routes or bought a baguette from the same French bakery.

Dating websites

2. Mamba

A dating site with a 15-year history and a huge audience. Convenient search by a variety of parameters. Lots of positive user reviews.

Social media

  • in dating groups;
  • browsing other people's profiles;
  • in thematic communities.

The latter option is more suitable for, since, obviously, you already have common interests.


  • You can look at a person's profile and learn a lot about him.
  • It is possible to meet someone who is not actively looking for dating and would not be available in applications and on NW.
  • The fact that a person is no longer free is obvious in social networks in most cases, and you will avoid disappointment.


  • None for you. Even if you have closed everything that can be closed from prying eyes, this does not guarantee anything.

In the reality

speed dating

The traditional scenario: a woman sits at a table, and every few minutes a new man sits next to her. During this time, you need to have time to make the right impression, so that at the end the organizers will allow you to exchange contacts.


  • A lot of acquaintances and a minimum of time spent.


  • A few minutes may not be enough to feel sympathy.
  • Speed ​​dating has a bad reputation: it seems to be resorted to by those who are completely desperate.

Interest parties

A common cause brings together, especially if it requires teamwork. These can be, for example:

  • Mind games. It's only on TV that connoisseurs look like an elite club that you can't get into. In reality, "What? Where? When?" a fairly democratic game, and quizzes have completely moved to bars.
  • Bike parades. Everyone has common interests and even a common enemy - people walking along bike paths. During the parade itself, you are unlikely to talk, but before and after it, conversations are tied up by themselves.
  • Dog playgrounds. Sociability of dog owners can only be envied. And their memory too, because they know all the furry inhabitants of the district by name. The main thing is to get a pet at the call of the heart, and not for the sake of finding a soul mate.
  • Concerts and fan meetings. If you love one artist, you already have a lot in common. And if the fandom brought you together, then this is completely serious. Together you will be perfect and Rose, Iron Man and Pepper Potts, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - you never know what your preferences are.

A positive attitude is important. A smile is regarded as an invitation to communication, approval. If you smile back, feel free to head for rapprochement. Remember that trying is not torture, and refusing is not a disaster. The first time is always scary even to smile. But the more often an experience is repeated, the more habitual it becomes.

Irina Nim


  • Such acquaintances are the most natural, just like in the good old days.
  • You have an abyss of common interests, because usually people intersect at such parties, having more than one common hobby.


  • To get acquainted by interests, you need to have them and be truly passionate.


The larger the company, the higher the chances of getting to know each other. In addition to our own office, there are employees of partner organizations, counterparties and other contractors, clients who should not be discounted either.

Office romances are not uncommon, but companies are trying to deal with relationships in the workplace. Love interferes with work efficiency and career. And not everyone is ready to risk their career for the sake of a fleeting affair. By the way, according to statistics, every third started office romances. And only 13% were married.

Irina Nim


  • You know what the person does and have a rough idea of ​​his or her income level. Of course, the main thing is that a person be good, but financial independence is an important factor.
  • Candidates are nearby to find them, you do not need to make unnecessary movements.


  • Company policy may discourage flirting at work.
  • Some are not ready to work with a partner, as they need rest from each other.

Do not contact colleagues who are already in a relationship. Most likely, the situation will quickly become ugly, and this may cost you your job and reputation.


Real ones are good because they can happen at any moment. Including the wrong one. You can meet in line at the dentist on duty or at the airline counter after losing your luggage.


  • You will have a great story to tell your friends and grandchildren.


  • There is a high probability that such a spontaneous acquaintance simply will not happen.

My clients often complain that there is nowhere to meet. Including because it's just scary to get acquainted. Maniacs, perverts, greedy women, lustful men lie in wait everywhere. And suddenly they break their hearts again! The list of fears is endless. People want to know what will happen. And since it is impossible to know in advance, do what you need, and come what may!

Irina Nim

Rational fears protect against rash acts. We need them. But these fears fetter, fence us off from the world, this is our cage of unfreedom. And it is up to you to choose: to be afraid or to go further?

I am 33. Man. I'll tell you my point of view. Until recently, I hung out on various dating sites and so on. There were no serious thoughts about future plans for life. And everything that concerns dating on the Internet and in real life, I know inside and out. Conducted many different experiments, opinion polls and other nonsense. In real life, I get acquainted without problems, in a day I could collect up to 10 numbers, not just but whatever, but beautiful girls 20-30 years old.

But it all ended with the fact that when they found out that I was not in a car, they stopped communicating. And it’s not like it’s written on my forehead that I’m rich, I don’t go in expensive clothes, in general, nothing that could lead to such an idea. As for the Internet. The fact is that my pictures do not turn out quite the way I look in real life. I can't and don't like taking pictures. He himself is not a freak, everything is in place, but not sweet, not cute. And according to the results of experiments on dating sites, girls just fall at the feet of someone who has sweet pictures, cute guys.

They themselves offer a meeting, and even agree to obscene proposals. Although everything in the questionnaires is indicated in the same way, and the type of communication is carried out in the same way. And from my profile, where my pictures are, about 5 girls respond to a hundred messages. In the profile of a cute guy, about 80% of girls respond to a hundred messages. The content of the questionnaires, photos, everything is almost monotonous, nothing superfluous, nothing is embellished anywhere, so that the results are more transparent. The dialogues began in both versions in the same way, so that it would not be that they say one clerk is from God, and interested, and the second is boring, and not interested. In general, at the expense of the Internet somehow.

On the Internet, the wrapper comes first. Yes, let's move on. With regards to real life, and cars. Yes, of course, everything is correct that a man is a breadwinner, there should be money, and all that. And a car is, as it were, an indicator that a man can produce. Now the most interesting thing: for the last three or four years I have been a small businessman. Stable average income. Which gave me the opportunity to absolutely do nothing, and do nothing but hang out on dating sites and walk around shopping centers, cafes, exhibitions and get acquainted. Buying a car is not a problem, but the problem is that I am constantly on the road.

Today here, tomorrow in another country, a month I can get stuck there, then two months in another city. And to buy a good car, and if you urgently need to fly away, to sell it at an unrealistic markdown, this is unacceptable for me, for my enterprising brain. And so every month is not an option to buy and almost doubly cheap to sell a car, if only the ladies saw that I had money. Move on. Now I have taken up a new activity, let's say more seriously. And I retired from all social networks, all sites, and let’s say my worldview already “forbids” me to be frivolous.

For me, now a man and social networks and dating sites are two parallel ones that will never intersect. I use a phone without the Internet, I think in general it will be limited to e-mail. And no connection. Who needs to find someone to contact, I will find a way to contact. Such thinking at this stage. My work involves almost full-time employment all day long.

The fact that I am here on your site, I entered into the search engine “where to meet a man” in order to find articles for women, although everything is clear, in the same place as usual. There is just no option for me so far. And imagine, up to the age of 33, I’m practically alone like this, the fact that I periodically have fleeting acquaintances, I don’t consider it. Although I know that I'm not some bald, pot-bellied, smelly freak, and not a bum who can't invite a lady to coffee, and not a nerd who can't connect two words.

I think that I fit perfectly into those very “feminine” frames of a normal man. But somehow it doesn't work for me. And now it’s like that, I don’t know what will happen and how. When I'm practically cut off from the world. I don't know what's wrong? Or society has become more cynical, greedy, or whatever you want to call it. About 5 years ago, I remember everything was somehow different, in real life it was possible to get acquainted, and relationships developed, and now it’s even somehow wild for some. Perhaps this very Internet, and money spoils society. The very concept of civilization in a person kills human spiritual qualities. That is, the higher the civilization, the lower the humanity, the higher the thirst for money, greed. Material values ​​come to the fore. I feel for myself what I was like when my salary was less than 30 thousand rubles a month. And what am I now. I stop feeling joy and euphoria in some small things, for example, just sitting on the seashore in the evening, or gathering with friends in an ordinary bar. Everything became somehow tasteless or something, insipid. And the fact that they don’t write to me on the site has nothing to do with this, of course. There are thoughts about creating a family, and not just anyone, but to find the same one, and make the daughter beautiful.

So far, nothing comes to mind how to do it all, given all of the above. On the site, my photos may radiate some kind of energy, then why in real life they get to know each other willingly, but everything ends with the “material” ... A mystery to me. Maybe this is God's plan for me. In general, I envy a little cute guys who are allowed everything on a dating site. When you feel how girls behave unusually, you feel that you are so much interested, even the inner world is filled with light, as if blooming.

And so it gets dark. And yet, when I travel, I often visit all sorts of hotels, youth hostels, this can be said to be my strong point. I make a lot of new friends, new relationships with girls are a must. Where no one is interested in whether you have a car or not, where sympathy simply arises and people get to know each other. And now, with my new activity, it will no longer be an option to go to hotels and hostels. I don’t ask anyone for advice, I think that whatever is done is for the better, it means that all this is being prepared for something. I just decided to share it so that the girls don’t get hung up on cars, and don’t judge by photos on dating sites, but get to know each other live.

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