Family tree of the first Russian princes. Pedigree of the Rurikovichs

4. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (04/17/1894-09/11/1971)

Soviet statesman and party leader. First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1958 to 1964. Hero Soviet Union, Three times Hero of Socialist Labor. The first laureate of the Shevchenko Prize, reign 09/07/1. (Moscow city).

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was born in 1894 in the village of Kalinovka, Kursk province, into the family of miner Sergei Nikanorovich Khrushchev and Ksenia Ivanovna Khrushcheva. In 1908, having moved with his family to the Uspensky mine near Yuzovka, Khrushchev became an apprentice mechanic at a factory, then worked as a mechanic at a mine and, as a miner, was not taken to the front in 1914. In the early 1920s, he worked in the mines and studied at the workers' department of the Donetsk Industrial Institute. Later he was engaged in economic and party work in Donbass and Kyiv. Since January 1931, he was at party work in Moscow, during which time he was the first secretary of the Moscow regional and city party committees - MK and MGK VKP (b). In January 1938, he was appointed first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. In the same year he became a candidate, and in 1939 - a member of the Politburo.

During World War II, Khrushchev served as political commissar highest rank(member of military councils of a number of fronts) and in 1943 received the rank of lieutenant general; led partisan movement behind the front line. First post-war years headed the government in Ukraine. In December 1947, Khrushchev again headed the Communist Party of Ukraine, becoming the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine; He held this post until he moved to Moscow in December 1949, where he became the first secretary of the Moscow Party Committee and secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Khrushchev initiated the consolidation of collective farms (kolkhozes). After Stalin's death, when the Chairman of the Council of Ministers left the post of Secretary of the Central Committee, Khrushchev became the “master” of the party apparatus, although until September 1953 he did not have the title of First Secretary. Between March and June 1953 he attempted to seize power. In order to eliminate Beria, Khrushchev entered into an alliance with Malenkov. In September 1953, he took the post of First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. In June 1953, a struggle for power began between Malenkov and Khrushchev, in which Khrushchev won. At the beginning of 1954, he announced the start of a grandiose program for the development of virgin lands in order to increase grain production, and in October of the same year he headed the Soviet delegation in Beijing.

The most striking event in Khrushchev's career was the 20th Congress of the CPSU, held in 1956. At a closed meeting, Khrushchev condemned Stalin, accusing him of mass extermination of people and erroneous policies that almost ended with the liquidation of the USSR in the war with Nazi Germany. The result of this report was unrest in the Eastern bloc countries - Poland (October 1956) and Hungary (October and November 1956). In June 1957, the Presidium (formerly Politburo) of the CPSU Central Committee organized a conspiracy to remove Khrushchev from the post of First Secretary of the Party. After his return from Finland, he was invited to a meeting of the Presidium, which, by seven votes to four, demanded his resignation. Khrushchev convened a Plenum of the Central Committee, which overturned the decision of the Presidium and dismissed the “anti-party group” of Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovich. He strengthened the Presidium with his supporters, and in March 1958 he took the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers, taking into his own hands all the main levers of power. In September 1960, Khrushchev visited the United States as head of the Soviet delegation to the UN General Assembly. During the assembly, he managed to hold large-scale negotiations with the heads of government of a number of countries. His report to the Assembly called for general disarmament, the immediate elimination of colonialism and the admission of China to the UN. During the summer of 1961, the Soviet foreign policy became more and more stringent, and in September the USSR interrupted the three-year moratorium on testing nuclear weapons, carrying out a series of explosions. On October 14, 1964, by the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, Khrushchev was relieved of his duties as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. He was succeeded by becoming the First Secretary of the Communist Party, and becoming the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. After 1964, Khrushchev, while retaining his seat on the Central Committee, was essentially in retirement. Khrushchev died in Moscow on September 11, 1971.

Of which there are almost twenty tribes of rulers of Rus', they descend from Rurik. This historical character was presumably born between 806 and 808 in the city of Rerik (Raroga). In 808, when Rurik was 1-2 years old, the domain of his father, Godolub, was seized by the Danish king Gottfried, and the future Russian prince became half an orphan. Together with his mother Umila, he found himself in a foreign land. And his childhood is not mentioned anywhere. It is assumed that he took them to Slavic lands. There is information that in 826 he arrived at the court of the Frankish king, where he received an allotment of land “beyond the Elbe”, in fact the land of his murdered father, but as a vassal of the Frankish ruler. During the same period, Rurik is believed to have been baptized. Later, after being deprived of these plots, Rurik joined the Varangian squad and fought in Europe, not at all as an exemplary Christian.

Prince Gostomysl saw the future dynasty in a dream

Rurikovich, family tree whom Rurik’s grandfather (Umila’s father) saw, as the legend says, in a dream, made a decisive contribution to the development of Rus' and Russian state, since they ruled from 862 to 1598. The prophetic dream of old Gostomysl, the ruler of Novgorod, showed precisely that from “the womb of his daughter a wonderful tree would sprout that would feed the people in his lands.” This was another “plus” in favor of inviting Rurik with his strong squad at a time when civil strife was observed in the Novgorod lands, and the people suffered from attacks from outside tribes.

The foreign origin of Rurik may be disputed

Thus, it can be argued that the family tree of the Rurik dynasty began not with foreigners, but with a person who by blood belonged to the Novgorod nobility, who fought in other countries for many years, had his own squad and the age allowed to lead the people. At the time of Rurik’s invitation to Novgorod in 862, he was about 50 years old - quite a respectable age at that time.

Was the tree based on Norway?

How did the Rurikovich family tree form further? The image shown in the review gives a complete picture of this. After the death of the first ruler of Rus' from this dynasty (the Book of Veles testifies that there were rulers in the Russian lands before him), power passed to his son Igor. However, due to the young age of the new ruler, his guardian, which is allowed, was Oleg (“Prophetic”), who was the brother of Rurik’s wife, Efanda. The latter was a relative of the kings of Norway.

Princess Olga was co-ruler of Rus' under her son Svyatoslav

Rurik's only son, Igor, born in 877 and killed by the Drevlyans in 945, is known for pacifying the tribes subordinate to him, going on a campaign against Italy (together with the Greek fleet), trying to take Constantinople with a flotilla of ten thousand ships, and was the first military commander Rus', which he encountered in battle and fled from in horror. His wife, Princess Olga, who married Igor from Pskov (or Pleskov, which may indicate the Bulgarian city of Pliskuvot), brutally took revenge on the Drevlyan tribes that killed her husband, and became the ruler of Rus' while Igor’s son Svyatoslav was growing up. However, after her son came of age, Olga also remained a ruler, since Svyatoslav was mainly engaged in military campaigns and remained in history as a great commander and conqueror.

The family tree of the Rurik dynasty, in addition to the main ruling line, had many branches that became famous for unseemly deeds. For example, Svyatoslav's son, Yaropolk, fought against his brother Oleg, who was killed in battle. His own son from the Byzantine princess, Svyatopolk the Accursed, was something like the biblical Cain, since he killed the sons of Vladimir (another son of Svyatoslav) - Boris and Gleb, who were his brothers by his adoptive father. Another son of Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise, dealt with Svyatopolk himself and became the prince of Kyiv.

Bloody feuds and marriages with all of Europe

We can safely say that the family tree of the Rurikovichs is partially “saturated” with bloody events. The diagram shows that the reigning ruler from his presumably second marriage with Ingigerda (daughter of the Swedish king) had many children, including six sons who were rulers of various Russian appanages and married foreign princesses (Greek, Polish). And three daughters who became queens of Hungary, Sweden and France also by marriage. In addition, Yaroslav is credited with having a seventh son from his first wife, who was taken into Polish captivity from Kiev (Anna, son Ilya), as well as a daughter, Agatha, who presumably could have been the wife of the heir to the throne of England, Edward (the Exile).

Perhaps the distance of the sisters and interstate marriages somewhat reduced the struggle for power in this generation of Rurikovichs, since most of the time of the reign of Yaroslav's son Izyaslav in Kiev was accompanied by a peaceful division of his power with the brothers Vsevolod and Svyatoslav (the Yaroslavovich triumvirate). However, this ruler of Rus' also died in battle against his own nephews. And the father of the next famous ruler of the Russian state, Vladimir Monomakh, was Vsevolod, married to the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh the Ninth.

In the Rurik family there were rulers with fourteen children!

The Rurik family tree with dates shows us that this outstanding dynasty was continued for many years to come by the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh, while the genealogies of the remaining grandchildren of Yaroslav the Wise ceased in the next hundred to one hundred and fifty years. Prince Vladimir had, as historians believe, twelve children from two wives, the first of whom was an English princess in exile, and the second, presumably a Greek. Of this numerous offspring, those who reigned in Kyiv were: Mstislav (until 1125), Yaropolk, Vyacheslav and Yuri Vladimirovich (Dolgoruky). The latter was also distinguished by his fertility and gave birth to fourteen children from two wives, including Vsevolod the Third (Big Nest), so nicknamed, again, for the large number of offspring - eight sons and four daughters.

What outstanding Rurikovichs do we know? The family tree, extending further from Vsevolod the Big Nest, contains such eminent surnames as Alexander Nevsky (grandson of Vsevolod, son of Yaroslav the Second), Michael the Second Saint (canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church due to the incorruptibility of the relics of the murdered prince), John Kalita, who gave birth to John the Meek , to whom, in turn, Dmitry Donskoy was born.

Formidable representatives of the dynasty

The Rurikovichs, whose family tree ceased to exist at the end of the 16th century (1598), included in their ranks the great Tsar John the Fourth, the Terrible. This ruler strengthened autocratic power and significantly expanded the territory of Rus' by annexing the Volga region, Pyatigorsk, Siberian, Kazan and Astrakhan kingdoms. He had eight wives, who bore him five sons and three daughters, including his successor on the throne, Theodore (the Blessed). This son of John was, as expected, weak in health and, possibly, in mind. He was more interested in prayers, bell ringing, tales of jesters than power. Therefore, during his reign, power belonged to his brother-in-law, Boris Godunov. And subsequently, after the death of Fedor, they completely switched to this statesman.

Was the first of the reigning Romanov family a relative of the last Rurikovich?

The family tree of the Rurikovichs and the Romanovs, however, has some points of contact, despite the fact that the only daughter of Theodore the Blessed died at the age of 9 months, around 1592-1594. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - the first of the new dynasty, was crowned in 1613 Zemsky Sobor, and came from the family of boyar Fyodor Romanov (later Patriarch Filaret) and noblewoman Ksenia Shestova. He was a cousin’s nephew (to the Blessed One), so we can say that the Romanov dynasty to some extent continues the Rurik dynasty.

24. Vasily Shuisky was not a descendant of Rurik in the direct royal line, so the last Rurikovich on the throne is still considered the son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich.

25. Ivan III’s acceptance of the double-headed eagle as heraldic sign It is customary to associate it with the influence of his wife Sophia Paleolog, but this is not the only version of the origin of the coat of arms. Perhaps it was borrowed from the heraldry of the Habsburgs, or from the Golden Horde, who used a double-headed eagle on some coins. Today, the double-headed eagle appears on the coats of arms of six European states.

26. Among the modern “Rurikovichs” there is the now living “Emperor of Holy Rus' and Third Rome”, he has the “New Church of Holy Rus'”, “Cabinet of Ministers”, “State Duma”, “ Supreme Court", "Central Bank", "Ambassadors Plenipotentiary", "National Guard".

27. Otto von Bismarck was a descendant of the Rurikovichs. His distant relative was Anna Yaroslavovna.

28. The first American president, George Washington, was also Rurikovich. Besides him, 20 more US presidents were descended from Rurik. Including father and son Bushi.

29. One of the last Rurikovichs, Ivan the Terrible, on his father’s side was descended from the Moscow branch of the dynasty, and on his mother’s side from the Tatar temnik Mamai.

30. Lady Diana was connected with Rurik through the Kyiv princess Dobronega, daughter of Vladimir the Saint, who married the Polish prince Casimir the Restorer.

31. Alexander Pushkin, if you look at his genealogy, is Rurikovich through his great-grandmother Sarah Rzhevskaya.

32. After the death of Fyodor Ioannovich, only his youngest - Moscow - branch was stopped. But the male offspring of other Rurikovichs (former appanage princes) by that time had already acquired surnames: Baryatinsky, Volkonsky, Gorchakov, Dolgorukov, Obolensky, Odoevsky, Repnin, Shuisky, Shcherbatov...

33. The last chancellor of the Russian Empire, the great Russian diplomat of the 19th century, friend of Pushkin and comrade of Bismarck, Alexander Gorchakov was born into an old noble family descended from the Yaroslavl Rurik princes.

34. 24 British Prime Ministers were Rurikovichs. Including Winston Churchill. Anna Yaroslavna was his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother.

35. One of the most cunning politicians of the 17th century, Cardine Richelieu, also had Russian roots - again through Anna Yaroslavna.

36. In 2007, the historian Murtazaliev argued that the Rurikovichs were Chechens. “The Rus were not just anyone, but Chechens. It turns out that Rurik and his squad, if they are really from the Varangian tribe Rus, then they are purebred Chechens, and from royal family and spoke their native Chechen language.”

37. Alexander Dumas, who immortalized Richelieu, was also Rurikovich. His great-great-great-great...grandmother was Zbyslava Svyatopolkovna, the daughter of Grand Duke Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, who was married to the Polish king Boleslav Wrymouth.

38. The Prime Minister of Russia from March to July 1917 was Grigory Lvov, a representative of the Rurik branch descending from Prince Lev Danilovich, nicknamed Zubaty, a descendant of Rurik in the 18th generation.

39. Ivan IV was not the only “formidable” king in the Rurik dynasty. “Terrible” was also called his grandfather, Ivan III, who, in addition, also had the nicknames “justice” and “great”. As a result, Ivan III received the nickname “great”, and his grandson became “formidable”.

40. “Father of NASA” Wernher von Braun was also Rurikovich. His mother was Baroness Emmy, née von Quisthorn.

All Rurikovichs were descendants of previously independent princes, descended from two sons of Yaroslav the Wise: the third son Svyatoslav (Svyatoslavichs with branches) and the fourth son - Vsevolod (Vsevolodovichi, who are better known through the line of his eldest son as Monomakhovichi). This explains the harsh and long-lasting political struggle in the 30-40s of the 12th century. it was between the Svyatoslavichs and Monomashichs for the grand-ducal table after the death of Mstislav the Great. The eldest of the sons of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Yaroslav, became the ancestor of the Ryazan princes. Of these, as part of the Russian boyars of the 16th-17th centuries. only the descendants of the appanage princes of the Ryazan land remained - the Pronsky princes. Some editions of genealogical books consider the Eletsky princes of Ryazan to be descendants, others trace them from another son of Svyatoslav, Oleg, who reigned in the Chernigov lands. The families of the Chernigov princes trace their origins to the three sons of Mikhail Vsevolodovich (great-great-grandson of Oleg Svyatoslavich) - Semyon, Yuri, Mstislav. Prince Semyon Mikhailovich of Glukhov became the ancestor of the princes Vorotynsky and Odoevsky. Tarussky Prince Yuri Mikhailovich - Mezetsky, Baryatinsky, Obolensky. Karachaevsky Mstislav Mikhailovich-Mosalsky, Zvenigorodsky. Of the Obolensky princes, many princely families later emerged, among which the most famous are the Shcherbatovs, Repnins, Serebryans, and Dolgorukovs.
More births occurred from Vsevolod Yaroslavovich and his son, Vladimir Monomakh. The descendants of Monomakh's eldest son, Mstislav the Great, the last great prince of Kievan Rus, were numerous Smolensk princes, of whom the Vyazemsky and Kropotkin families are the most famous. Another branch of the Monomashichs came from Yuri Dolgoruky and his son, Vsevolod the Big Nest. His eldest son, Konstantin Vsevolodovich, bequeathed to his sons: Vasilka - Rostov and Beloozero, Vsevolod - Yaroslavl. From Vasilko Konstantinovich’s eldest son, Boris, descend the Rostov princes (the most famous of them are the Shchepin, Katyrev, and Buinosov families). From the second son of Vasilko Konstantinovich, Gleb, came the families of the Belozersk princes, among whom were the princes of Ukhtomsky, Shelespansky, Vadbolsky, and Beloselsky. The only heir of the Yaroslavl prince Vsevolod Konstantinovich, Vasily, had no sons. His daughter Maria married Prince Fyodor Rostislavich from the family of Smolensk princes and brought the Yaroslavl principality as a dowry, in which a change of dynasties (different branches of the Monomashichs) thus took place.
Another son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, Yaroslav, became the founder of several princely dynasties. From his eldest son Alexander Nevsky, through his son Daniil Alexandrovich, came the dynasty of Moscow princes, who then became the central link in the unification process. The brothers of Alexander Nevsky, Andrei Suzdalsky and Yaroslav Tverskoy, became the founders of these princely families. Of the Sudal princes, the most famous are the Shuisky princes, who gave Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. king Tver princes throughout the 14th century. led the fiercest struggle with representatives of the Moscow house at the grand ducal table, with the help of the Horde, physically exterminating their opponents. As a result, the Moscow princes became the ruling dynasty and had no family formations. The Tver branch was cut short after the flight of its last Grand Duke, Mikhail Borisovich, to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1485) and the inclusion of these lands into the national territory. The Russian boyars included the descendants of the appanage princes of the Tver land - the Mikulinsky, Telyatevsky, Kholmsky princes. The youngest son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, Ivan, received Starodub Ryapolovsky (east of the capital Vladimir) as an inheritance. Of the descendants of this branch, the most famous are the Pozharsky, Romodanovsky and Paletsky families.
Gediminovichi. Another group of princely families were the Gediminovichs - the descendants of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gedimin, who ruled in 1316-1341. Gedimin pursued an active policy of conquest and was the first to call himself “King of the Lithuanians and Russians.” Territorial expansion continued under his sons, Olgerd was especially active (Algirdas, 1345-77). In the XIII-XIV centuries. the lands of the future Belarus and Ukraine were conquered by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, and here the sovereignty of the hereditary lines of the Rurikovichs was lost. Under Olgerd, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania included the Chernigov-Seversk, Kyiv, Podolsk, Volyn, and Smolensk lands. The Gediminovich family was quite branched, its descendants were on thrones in different principalities, and one of the grandsons, Jagiello Olgerdovich, after the signing of the Union of Krevo in 1385, became the founder of the Polish royal dynasty Jagiellonian. Descendants of Gediminas, who settled in reigns in lands that were previously part of Kievan Rus, or who switched to Moscow service in the process of formation state territory Russia, are called Russian Gediminovichs. Most of them come from two sons of Gediminas - Narimant and Olgerd. One of their branches descended from the eldest grandson of Gediminas, Patrikey Narimantovich. Under Vasily I at the beginning of the 15th century. Patrikey’s two sons, Fyodor and Yuri, transferred to Moscow service. The son of Fyodor is Vasily on the estates on the river. Khovanke received the nickname Khovansky and became the founder of this princely family. Prominent politicians Vasily and Ivan Yuryevich were called Patrikeevs. The sons of Vasily Yuryevich were Ivan Bulgak and Daniil Shchenya - the ancestors of the princes Bulgakov and Shchenyatev. The Bulgakovs, in turn, were divided into Golitsyns and Kurakins - from the sons of Ivan Bulgak, Mikhail Golitsa and Andrei Kuraki. Another branch of the Gediminovichs in Rus' traced their origins to the son of Gedimin Evnutius. His distant descendant Fyodor Mikhailovich Mstislavsky left for Rus' in 1526. The Trubetskoys and Belskys traced their origins to the famous Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd. The great-grandson of Dmitry Olgerdovich Trubetskoy (in the city of Trubchevsk) Ivan Yuryevich and his nephews Andrei, Ivan and Fyodor Ivanovich in 1500 transferred to Russian citizenship along with their small principality. The grandson of Dmitry Olgerdovich’s brother, Vladimir Belsky, Fyodor Ivanovich went to Russian service in 1482. All Gediminovichs took high official and political positions in Rus' and played a noticeable role in the history of the country.
The origin of the princely families of Rurikovich and Gediminovich is more clearly depicted in the diagrams. (Table 1, 2, 3)

Table 1. Scheme of the origin of the main princely families of the Rurikovichs

Table 2. Rurikovich

Table 3. Scheme of the origin of the main princely families of the Russian Gediminovichs

The saying “all men are brothers” has a genealogical basis. The point is not only that we are all distant descendants of the biblical Adam. In the light of the topic under consideration, another ancestor stands out, whose descendants made up a significant layer in social structure feudal Russia. This is Rurik, the conditional ancestor of the “natural” Russian princes. Although he was never in Kyiv, much less in Vladimir and Moscow, everyone who occupied the grand-ducal tables until the end of the 16th century considered themselves his descendants, justifying their political and land rights with this. With the increase in offspring, new princely branches appeared from real ancestors, and to distinguish them from each other (including from the standpoint of family possessions and priority rights to it), first family nicknames and then surnames appeared.
Two main stages can be distinguished. The first is the formation of princely branches, assigning names to them ending in -ich, -ovich (X-XIII centuries, ancient and appanage Rus'). It is not known what they called themselves, but in the chronicles they are named Monomashichi (Monomakhovichi), Olgovichi (Olegovichi), etc. In the first patronymic (from the name-nickname of the ancestor) names of the princely branches, belonging to the princely family was emphasized, and the seniority of the branch was determined by the name of the ancestor, which, first of all, with the ladder (sequential) right of inheritance determined the sovereign rights. A significant reason for the absence of toponymic surnames among the appanage princes of the pre-Moscow period was that they passed by seniority from appanage to appanage. Surnames derived from the name of the locality appear after the liquidation of the next right of inheritance. In this case, the bearers of toponymic surnames were, as a rule, from among the service princes, and less often from the Old Moscow boyars. In this case, the suffix –sky, -skoy was used: Volynsky, Shuisky, Shakhovskoy, etc. At the same time, surnames often did not reflect former sovereign rights, but simply the area from which their bearers moved to the Moscow service, especially among the “expatriates” - Cherkasy, Meshchersky, Sibirsky, etc.
The second stage falls on the period of formation of the Russian centralized state. There is a proliferation of princely branches and the formation of new families, each of which is assigned its own nickname, at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries. turning into a surname. The specific hierarchy is replaced by localism - a system of official correspondence of clans in relation to each other and the monarch. Surnames appear at this stage, as if out of official (hierarchical) necessity, and are assigned to the offspring, outwardly emphasizing membership in a clan that occupied a certain social niche. V.B. Korbin believes that in Russia the formation of princely surnames is directly related to the emergence of the category of “service” princes (XV century). Already in the Moscow service, these princely families gave off branches, each of which was assigned not only land holdings, but also surnames, as a rule, patronymic. Thus, from the Starodub princes, the Khilkovs and Tatevs stood out; from Yaroslavl - Troyekurov, Ushaty; from Obolensky - Nogotkovy, Striginy, Kashiny (for more details, see Table 1).
In the 16th century, the process of forming surnames among the boyars was actively underway. Famous example- the evolution of the family name, which gave a new name at the beginning of the 17th century royal dynasty. Five sons of Andrei Kobyla became the founders of 17 famous genera Russia, each of whom had his own surname. The Romanovs began to be called that way only from the middle of the 16th century. Their ancestors are the Kobylins, Koshkins, Zakharyins, and Yuryevs. But even during this period, the central government gave preference to surnames derived from personal nicknames. Sometimes territorial names were preserved as a kind of prefix. This is how double surnames appeared, with the first indicating the ancestor and being patronymic, the second reflecting the general clan affiliation, and, as a rule, toponymic: Zolotye-Obolensky, Shchepin-Obolensky, Tokmakov-Zvenigorodsky, Ryumin-Zvenigorodsky, Sosunov-Zasekin, etc. d. Double surnames reflected not only the incompleteness of the process of their formation, but also the peculiar policy of the great Moscow princes, aimed at interrupting clan territorial ties. It also mattered when and how the lands recognized the supremacy of Moscow. The Rostov, Obolensky, Zvenigorod and a number of other clans retained territorial names in their descendants, but Starodubsky was not allowed to be called by this family name even in the middle of the 17th century, as evidenced by the petition addressed to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from Grigory Romodanovsky, who represented the interests of the senior branch of this, once powerful, but disgraced kind. By the way, possible reason The ban on the part of the Romanovs could be because the toponymic surnames indirectly reminded of the family seniority of the Rurikovichs. Officially, nobles were allowed to be called, in addition to their surname, by the name of their land holdings. Charter granted to the nobility (1785). However, by that time the surnames had already been established, the nature of land relations had fundamentally changed, and this tradition, popular in Europe, did not take hold in Russia. Of those that existed in late XIX centuries of the families of Russian “natural” princes Karnovich E.P. There are 14, whose surnames were formed from the names of estates: Mosalsky, Yeletsky, Zvenigorod, Rostov, Vyazemsky, Baryatinsky, Obolensky, Shekhonsky, Prozorovsky, Vadbolsky, Shelespansky, Ukhtomsky, Beloselsky, Volkonsky.
Below are the main princely families of the Rurikovichs and the Russian branch of the Gediminovichs with the branches formed from them with surnames assigned to them (Tables 4, 5).

Table 4. Rurikovich. Monomashichi

Genealogical branch.

Principalities, appanage principalities

Surnames of princely families

Founder of the clan

Yurievichi. From Vsevolod the Big Nest, book. Pereyaslavsky, Vel. book Vlad. 1176-1212

Suzdal, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Allotments: Pozharsky, Starodubsky, Ryapolovsky, Paletsky, Yuryevsky

Krivoborsky, Lyalovsky, Kovrov, Osipovsky, Neuchkin, Golybesovsky, Nebogaty, Gagarin, Romodanovsky
Ryapolovsky, Khilkovy, Tatev
Palitsky-Paletsky, Motley-Paletsky, Gundorov, Tulupov

Vasily, Prince Pozharsky, mind. 1380
Fedor, Prince Starodubsky, 1380-1410

Ivan Nogavitsa, book. Ryapolovsky, about XIV – early XV centuries.
David Mace, book. finger, about XIV – early XV centuries.

Suzdal branch. From Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Prince. Pereyaslavl-Zalessky 1212-36, Grand Prince. Vlad. 1238-1246

Suzdal, Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod. Allotments: Gorodetsky, Kostromsky, Dmitrovsky, Volotsky, Shuisky. In 1392, Nizhny Novgorod was annexed to Moscow, to the middle. XV century all the lands of the former Suzdal principality became part of the Moscow principality.

Shuisky, Blidi-Shuysike, Skopin-Shuisky
Berezins, Osinins, Lyapunovs, Ivins
Eyed-Shuisky, Barbashin, Humpbacked-Shuisky

Yuri, Prince Shuisky, 1403-?

Dmitry Nogol, d. 1375
Dmitry, Prince Galician, 1335-1363
Vasily, Prince Shuisky, early 15th century

Rostov branch. Yurievichi. The founder of the dynasty is Vasily Konstantinovich, Prince. Rostovsky 1217-1238

Principality of Rostov (after 1238). Allotments: Belozersky, Uglichsky, Galichsky, Shelespansky, Puzhbolsky, Kemsko-Sugorsky, Kargolomsky, Ukhtomsky, Beloselsky, Andomsky
From ser. XIV century Rostov was divided into two parts: Borisoglebskaya and Sretenskaya. Under Ivan I (1325-40), Uglich, Galich, and Beloozero went to Moscow. In 1474, Rostov officially became part of the national territory.

Sugorsky, Kemsky
Kargolomsky, Ukhtomsky
Priymkov-Rostov, Gvozdev-Rostov, Bakhteyarov-Rostov
Yanov-Rostovsky, Gubkin-Rostovsky, Temkin-Rostovsky
Bulls, Lastkiny-Rostovskiy, Kasatkiny-Rostovskiy, Lobanovy-Rostovskiy, Blue-Rostovskiy, Shaved-Rostovskiy
Beloselskie-Beloozerskie, Beloselskie
Andomsky, Vadbolsky

Afanasy, Prince. Shelespansky, Tue. floor. XIV century
Semyon, prince of Kem-Sugorsky, second half of the 14th century.
Ivan, Prince Kargolomsky, Tue. floor. XIV century
Ivan, Prince Rostov (Sretenskaya part), n. XV century
Fedor, n. XV century
Andrey, Prince Rostov (Borisoglebsk part), 1404-15, book. Pskov 1415-17
Ivan, Prince Puzhbolsky, n. XV century
Ivan Bychok

Novel, book. Beloselsky, early 15th century
Andrey, Prince Andoma

Zaslavskaya branch

Principality of Zaslavsky


Yuri Vasilievich, 1500 Branch existing until the middle of the 17th century.

Ostrog branch

Yaroslavl branch. First Yaroslav. book Vsevolod Constant. (1218-38) from Yuryevich. Then his children Vasily (1239-49) and Konstantin (1249-57) reigned, after them the Yuryevich branch was cut short. New Yaroslav. The dynasty was established in Tue. floor. XIII century, comes from the Smolensk Rostislavichs from Fyodor Rostislavovich, Prince of Smolensk. Mind. in 1299

Smolensk branch. Rostislavich Smolensk. Rodonach. Rostislav Mstislavovich, Prince. Smolensk 1125-59, 1161, ve. book Kyiv. 1154, 1159-67.

Principality of Ostrog

Yaroslavl Principality. Units: M Olozhsky, Kastoitsky, Romanovsky, Sheksnensky, Shumorovsky, Novlensky, Shakhovsky, Shekhonsky,
Sitsky, Prozorovsky, Kurbsky, Tunoshensky, Levashovsky, Zaozersky, Yukhotsky. Yaroslavl book ceased to exist after 1463, individual parts went to Moscow from the first third of the 15th century.

Smolensk Prince Allotments: Vyazemsky th,
Zabolotsky, Kozlovsky, Rzhevsky, Vsevolzhsky


Novlensky, Yukhotsky

Zaozersky, Kubensky


Shchetinin, Dark Blue, Sandyrev, Zasekin (senior branch) Zasekin (junior branch, Sosunov Zasekin, Solntsev-Zasekin, Zhirov-Zasekin.

Zubatovs, Vekoshins. Lvovs, Budinovs, Lugovskys.
Okhlyabiny, Okhlyabininy, Khvorostyniny



Shumorovsky, Shamin, Golygin
Ushatye, Chulkovy
Shestunovs, Veliko-Gagins


Alabishevs, Alenkins


Vyazemsky, Zhilinsky, Vsevolozhsky, Zabolotsky, Shukalovsky, Gubastov, Kislyaevsky, Rozhdestvensky.
Korkodinovs, Dashkovs. Porkhovskys, Kropotkins, Kropotkis, Kropotki-Lovitskys. Selekhovskys. Zhizhemsky, Solomiretsky, Tatishchev, Polevye, Eropkin. Osokins, Scriabins, Travins, Veprevs, Vnukovs, Rezanovs, Monastyrevs, Sudakovs, Aladins, Tsyplatevs, Mussorgskys, Kozlovskys, Rzhevskys, Tolbuzins.

Vasily Romanovich, prince of Slonim, 1281-82, Ostrog, beginning. XIII century
Alexander Brukhaty, Grand Duke of the Yarosl. 60-70 XV century
Semyon, 1400-40, book. Novlensky,
Dmitry1420-40, book. Zaozersky,
Konstantin Prince Shakhovskaya, room XIV
Semyon Shchetina

Ivan Zaseka

Fedor Mortka
Afanasy, Prince. Shekhonsky, first half of the 15th century.
Ivan Dey
Lev Zubaty, book. Sheksna

Vasily, Ugric prince, first half of the 15th century
Semyon, Prince Sitsky, N. XV century
Dmitry Perina, Prince. Molozhsky, early 15th century
Ivan, lane XV
book Prozorovsky,
Gleb, dated 14th century, book Shumorovsky
Fedor Ushaty
Andrey Dulo
Vasily, Prince Yaroslovsky, specific

Semyon, sir. XV century, book. Kurbsky
Fedor, d. 1478, ud. book Yaroslav.
Lev, book of tunnoshens.

Mikhail Zyalo

Tver branch. Founder Mikhail Yaroslavovich (junior), Prince. Tverskoy 1282(85)-1319. Vsevolod's Big Nest. (Yuryevichi.Vsevolodovichi)

Tverskoe kn. Allotments: Kashinsky, Dorogobuzhsky, Mikulinsky, Kholmsky, Chernyatensky, Staritsky, Zubtsovsky, Telyatevsky.





Vatutins, Punkovs, Telyatevsky.

Andrey, Prince Dorogobuzhsky, 15th century
Boris, Prince Mikulinsky, 1453-77.
Daniel, book Kholmsky, 1453-63
Ivan, Prince niello-tin., early half of the 15th century.
Fedor, Prince Tela-Tevskiy1397-1437



From Mikhail Vsevolodovich, Prince of Pereyaslavl from 1206,
1223-46, Vel. book
Kiev.1238-39, son of Vsevolod Chermny, Prince. Chernigov.1204-15, Kyiv.



Karachay branch. It stood out in the 13th century. from the family of Svyatoslavichs of Chernigov. Descendants of Oleg Svyatoslavovich, prince of Chernigov. 1097, Seversky 1097-1115 Tmutarakansky 1083-1115, Volynsky 1074-77 .

Allotments: Mosalsky, Zvenigorodsky, Bolkhovsky, Eletsky

Mosalsky (Braslav and Volkovysk branches)

Satins, Shokurovs


Zvenigorodsky, Yeletsky. Nozdrovatye, Nozdrovatie-Zvenigorodskie, Tokmakov-Zvenigorodskie, Zventsov-Zvenigorodskie Shistov-Zvenigorodskie, Ryumin-Zvenigorodskie

Khotetovskys, Burnakovs

Semyon Klubok, trans. floor. XV century
Ivan Shokura, trans. floor. XV century
Ivan Bolkh, ser. XV century

Dmitry Glushakov.
Ivan Puzina

Tarusa branch. Split out from Olgovichi ( Svyatoslavich of Chernigov) on Tue. half of the 13th century
Founder Yuri Mikhailovich.

Allotments: Obolensky, Tarussky, Volkonsky, Peninsky, Trostenetsky, Myshetsky, Spasky, Kaninsky

Myshetsky, Volkonsky, Spasky, Kaninsky.
Boryatinsky, Dolgoruky, Dolgorukov.

Trostenetsky, Gorensky, Obolensky, Glazaty-Obolensky, Tyufyakin.
Golden-Obolenskie, Silver-Obolenskie, Shchepin-Obolenskie, Kashkin-Obolenskie,
Mute-Obolensky, Lopatin-Obolensky,
Lyko, Lykov, Telepnev-Obolensky, Kurlyatev,
Black-Obolensky, Nagiye-Obolensky, Yaroslavov-Obolensky, Telepnev, Turenin, Repnin, Strigin

Ivan the Lesser Thick Head, Prince Volkons., XV century.
Ivan Dolgorukov,
book bolens.XV century
Vasily Shcherbaty, 15th century

Dmitry Shchepa,
15th century

From Vasily Telepnya




Izyaslavovichi Turovsky. Founder Izyaslav Yaroslavovich, Prince. Turovsky 1042-52, Novgorod, 1052-54, Kiev 1054–78

Turovsky kn. Allotments: Chetvertinsky, Sokolsky.

Chetvertinsky, Sokolsky. Chetvertinsky-Sokolsky.




Pron branch. Founder Alexander Mikhailovich d. 1339.

Pronsky kn.
A large appanage principality within Ryazan. Special status.



Ivan Shemyaka, Moscow. boyar since 1549
Ivan Turuntai, Moscow. boyar since 1547




Drutsk branch
First Prince - Rogvold (Boris) Vseslavovich, Prince. Drutsky 1101-27, Polotsk 1127-28 son of Vseslav Bryachislav-
cha, book of polotsk Grand Prince of Kiev 1068-69

Drutskoe village. Appanage reign
as part of Polotsk.

Drutsky-Hemp, Ozeretsky. Prikhabsky, Babich-Drutsky, Babichev, Drutsky-Gorsky, Putyatichi. Putyatin. Tolochinsky. Reds. Sokiry-Zubrevytsky, Drutsky-Lyubetsky, Zagorodsky-Lyubetsky, Odintsevich, Plaksich, Tety (?)

Table 5. Gediminovichi

Genealogical branch.

Principalities, appanage principalities

Surnames of princely families

Founder of the clan

Gediminovichi Forefather Gediminas, led. book Lithuanian 1316-41

Narimant ( Narimunt), book. Ladoga, 1333; Pinsky 1330-1348

Evnut, vel. book lit.1341-45, book of Izheslav 1347-66.



Grand Prince of Lithuania. Allotments: Polotsk, Kernovskoe, Ladoga, Pinskoe, Lutsk, Izheslavskoe, Vitebsk, Novogrudok, Lyubarskoe


Evnutovichi, Keistutovichi, Koryatovichi, Olgerdovichi









Monvid, book. Kernovsky, mind. 1339

Patrikey Narimantovich
Daniil Vasilievich Shchenya
Ivan Vasilievich Bulgak
Andrey Ivanovich Kuraka
Mikhail Ivanovich Golitsa
Vasily Fedorovich Khovansky
Mikhail Ivanovich Izheslavsky
Fedor Mikhailov. Mstislavsky

Keistut, mind. 1382
Coriant, book. Novogrudok 1345-58

Lubart, prince of Lutsk, 1323-34, 1340-84;
book Lyubarsky (East Volyn)
1323-40, Volyn. 1340-49, 1353-54, 1376-77

Olgerdovichi Founder Olgerd, Prince. Vitebsk, 1327-51, led. book Lit. 1345-77.

Polotsk, Trubchevsky, Bryansk, Kopilsky, Ratnensky, Kobrinsky










Andrey (Wingolt), Prince. Polotsk 1342-76, 1386-99. Pskovsky 1343-49, 1375-85.
Dmitry (Butov), ​​Prince. Trubchevsky, 1330-79, Bryansk 1370-79, 1390-99

Constantine, died 1386
Vladimir, Prince. Kyiv, 1362-93, Kopilsky, 1395-98.
Fedor, Prince Ratnensky, 1377-94, Kobrinsky, 1387-94.
Maria Olgerdovna, married to David Dmitry, Prince. Gorodets
Jagiello (Yakov-Vladislav), ve. Book Lit. 1377-92, king of Poland, 1386-1434.
Koribut (Dmitry), book. Seversky 1370-92, Chernigov., 1401-5
Semyon (Lugvenii), book. Mstislavsky, 1379-1431

Other Gediminovichs

Sagushki, Kurtsevichi, Kurtsevichi-Buremilskie, Kurtsevichi-Bulygi.

Kroshinsky. Voronetskys. Voynich Nesvizskie. Wars.
Poritsky, Poretsky. Vishnevetskys. Polubenskie. Koretsky.Ruzhinsky. Dolskie.
Shchenyatevy. Glebovichi. Rekutsy. Vyazevichi. Dorogostaiskie. Kukhmistrovichi. Irzhikovichi.

Dmitry Bobrok (Bobrok-Volynsky), prince. Bobrotsky, serving Moscow prince.
Mind. 1380.

Milevich S.V. - Methodological guide for studying the genealogy course. Odessa, 2000.

A very developed, clearly recognized ethnic self-identification (“we are from the Russian family”) must certainly have been accompanied by the cult of a common ancestor.

Historical research in this direction is complicated by the fact that the ancient genealogy of Russian princes was subsequently subjected to significant distortions and reinterpretation in the spirit of the “Varangian” legend. Meanwhile, in the 9th - 10th centuries. Rurik was not listed among the ancestors of the princes of the Russian land*. This name was not in use among Igor’s descendants until the second half of the 11th century. and not a single written monument of the pre-Mongol era, including the chronicle, calls the Russian princes by the collective name Rurikovich. The “Varangian” legend was accepted by the princes “from the Russian family,” so to speak, with their minds, not their hearts.

*For historical criticism this conclusion is obvious. If V.O. Klyuchevsky still hesitated, attributing the calling of the Varangian princes to the “dark traditions” of our chronicle ( Klyuchevsky V. O. Works in nine volumes. M., 1989. T. I. P. 145), then D.I. Ilovaisky has already completely rejected chronicle legend about Rurik’s calling any historical background (Ilovaisky D.I. Russian history. Part I. M., 1876. P. 19 - 25). Historians of the 20th century expressed themselves even more clearly. E.F. Shmurlo called the chronicle genealogy a “fairy tale-legend” ( Shmurlo E.F. Russian history course. The emergence and formation of the Russian state (862 - 1462). Ed. 2nd, rev. T. 1. St. Petersburg, 1999. P. 73). S.P. Tolstov and M.N. Tikhomirov were confident that “we are undoubtedly facing a deliberately falsified pedigree” ( Tolstov S.P. Ancient history The USSR in the coverage of Vernadsky // Questions of history. No. 4. 1946. P. 12 2). B.A. To Rybakov, chronicle genealogy seemed “primitively artificial” ( Rybakov B.A. World of history. The initial centuries of Russian history. M., 1987. P. 65). For A.L. Nikitina Rurik is “just a legend and, like Lieutenant Kizha, “has no figure” in Rus'” ( Nikitin A.L. Foundations of Russian history. M., 2000. P. 164).

Along with the “Varangian” genealogical ladder, in ancient Rus' There was another, alternative one, according to which the dynastic roots of the Russian princes went much deeper than the second half of the 9th century. This original, “pre-Rurikov” tradition, apparently oral, appeared in the written monuments of the Kyiv period only once - in the expressions "grandchildren of Vseslavl" And "The Life of Vseslavl"(that is, “the property of Vseslav”), used by the author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” in relation, respectively, to all Russian princes and to the Russian land: “Yaroslav and all the grandchildren of Vseslav! I will glorify life." This is the only collective genealogical formula remaining from that time.

A literal reading of the expressions “Yaroslav and all the grandchildren of Vseslavl” and “the life of Vseslavl” does not clarify anything, but, on the contrary, gives rise to new, insoluble questions. The assumption that the author of the Lay in this fragment has in mind some specific personalities of his time faces a number of difficulties. Thus, it is impossible to personify “Yaroslav”. The Chernigov prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich is an unsuitable candidate, because, according to the chronicle, he became guilty of “bringing the filth” to the Russian land only in 1195 and 1196, that is, ten to eleven years after Igor Svyatoslavich’s campaign. In addition, he is mentioned in the “golden word” of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (“And I no longer see the power [force] of my strong and rich and many-armed brother Yaroslav with the Chernigov tales [boyars]..."), and not among the princes to whom the author’s text is addressed a call to avenge “Igor’s wounds.” Among the latter, however, there is the Galician prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Osmomysl), but the chronicle does not know of any dirty deeds behind him, including treacherous relations with the Polovtsians.

The identification of the “grandsons of the Vseslavs” with the grandchildren of the Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich also looks extremely controversial. It is noted, in particular, that the words “grandson”, “grandchildren” occur six times in the Lay, “and only once (“Igor... grandson of Olgov”), certainly in the meaning of “son of a son”,” from which a reasonable conclusion follows that “these sayings (“Vsnutsi Vseslavl” and “the life of Vseslavl.” - S.Ts.) have nothing to do with Vseslav Bryachislavich” ( Encyclopedia “Tales of Igor’s Campaign.” T. 1. A-B. St. Petersburg, 1995. P. 216, 261).

“With your sedition, you are deliberately bringing filth to the Russian land, to the life of Vseslavl” - a strange reproach. The indignant appeal of the author of the Lay does not fit at all into the historical situation of the end of the 12th century, when the family feud between the Yaroslavichs and Vseslavichs had already ceased to be the living nerve of princely strife due to the division of the Yaroslavichs into two warring clans - the Monomashichs and the Olgovichs, who, in fact, “brought about the filthy "to the Russian land during the lifetime of the author of the Lay." But the initiative in using Polovtsian force to settle princely disputes belonged, of course, not to the Monomashichs, not to the Olgovichs, and certainly not to the grandchildren of Vseslav of Polotsk, to whom the chronicle generally assigns a very modest place in the fratricidal wars of that time. The phrase “you are definitely bringing filth to the Russian land with your sedition” in relation to the princes of the second half of the 12th century. looks like an obvious anachronism.

Even more surprising is the posthumous patronage of Vseslav of Polotsk over the Russian land, which suddenly turns out to be “Vseslav’s property.” Meanwhile, this prince sat on the Kiev table for a very short time, only about a year (from 1068 to 1069), and, strictly speaking, not at all on legitimate grounds, being, in fact, a protege of the rebellious Kievites. With the exception of this short-term episode, his real power over the Russian land never extended beyond the boundaries of the Principality of Polotsk.

Therefore, instead of “Yaroslav”, one should undoubtedly read “Yaroslavli”, as D.S. Likhachev once suggested, that is: “Yaroslavichs and all the grandchildren of Vseslavov.” This amendment eliminates all the absurdities and contradictions in the reading and makes this expression completely intelligible.

It is obvious that the expression “Yaroslavl and all the grandchildren of Vseslavl” is nothing more than a universal and generally accepted genealogical formula, equally suitable for the present and for the past (the author pronounces it now, addressing living Russian princes, but wants to talk about the historical sins of their grandfathers , who lived in the second half of the 11th century and were guilty of the ruin of the Russian land: “You are bringing filth to the Russian land with your sedition, to I will glorify life"*). Moreover, it is important to note that the “Yaroslavichs” in this formula turn out to be only part of “all the grandchildren of the Vseslavlevs.” Consequently, some other “grandchildren” are not named by their family name. However, their incognito is revealed without difficulty. In the second half of the 11th century. Polotsk princes, descendants of Prince Izyaslav Vladimirovich (d. 1001), son of Vladimir I and Rogneda, openly opposed themselves to the Yaroslavichs - the descendants of Yaroslav I Vladimirovich. There was a branching of the grand ducal family. The Polotsk princes isolated themselves and classified themselves as a separate branch of it - the “Rogvolozhich”, the Rogvolozhichi, who were constantly at enmity with the Yaroslavichs (due to the reprisal of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich against Rogneda and her father, Rogvolod), raising, according to the chronicler, “a sword against the Yaroslavl grandson " Thus, the expression “Yaroslavl and all the grandsons of Vseslavl” means all the male offspring of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich - the Yaroslavichs and Rogvolozhichs.

* According to the chronicle, the first (in 1078) to invite the Polovtsy under Russian banners were the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich and the Smolensk prince Boris Vyacheslavich - both “Yaroslavl”, grandsons of Yaroslav I.

Now we see that the exclamation “Yaroslavl and all the vnutsi Vseslavli!” can actually mean only one thing: “Yaroslavichs and all Russian princes!”

Who is this Vseslav, back at the end of the 12th century. counted among the ancestors of Russian princes?

Let us note an important circumstance: Vseslav’s activity in the “Tale” is dated to the time of Troyan: “In the seventh century [century] of Trojans, Vseslav [threw] lots for the maiden he loved.”* The author of the Lay himself defined the place of the “Trojan Ages” in historical time as follows: “There were the eves [ages, times] of Troy, the years of Yaroslavl passed; there were plats [regiments, that is, campaigns, wars] of the Olgovs, Olga Svyatoslavlich [grandson of Yaroslav I, d. in 1115]".

* “Liuba maiden” of Vseslav is Kiev, as is clear from the following phrase: “You prop yourself up with your sticks, window and gallop to the city of Kiev and whittle away the gold of the Kiev table...”, that is: relying on your “sticks” (“cunning”, prophetic wisdom), jumped on his horse and rushed to Kiev, touched the golden table of Kyiv with his spear.

According to this periodization, the “age of Trojans” precedes the time of the “grandfathers,” thus coinciding with pagan era*. In ancient Russian sources, including those contemporary to “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” an ancient Slavic deity bears the name of Troyan. Thus, the Old Russian insert into the apocrypha “The Virgin Mary’s Walk through Torment,” Slavic manuscripts of which go back to the 12th century, denounces the pagans for “calling them gods: the sun and the month, the earth and the water, the beasts and the reptiles... from that stone the creation of Trojan , Khorsa, Veles, Perun." In another ancient Russian anti-pagan work (from Tolstoy’s collection of the 16th century), the pagans “are supposed to be many gods: Perun and Khors, Dyya and Troyan.” A. N. Afanasyev expressed the opinion that the name Troyan was formed from the word “three”, “three” ( Afanasyev A.N. Myths, beliefs and superstitions of the Slavs. T. 2. M., 2002. P. 497, 607 - 609). The Old Russian Trojan can be connected with a pagan deity known among the Pomeranian Slavs and the Czechs under the name Triglav (Triglav was also the name of the sacred mountain in the land of Khorutan). The most revered idol of Triglav stood in the Pomeranian Shchetin, in the “three-horned” (three-towered) castle. This deity was credited with dominion over three kingdoms: heaven, earth and the underworld, symbolically corresponding to the three roots of the world tree. In Serbian folklore there is a legend about King Troyan, comparable to the Russian fairy tale about the Snow Maiden (the unfortunate king in love also dies from sun rays). The affinity of Troyan with Triglav, by the way, is evident from the fact that goat heads were offered to the latter as a sacrifice, and the Serbian fairy tale gives King Trojan goat ears and three heads. In other versions of this fairy-tale plot, the place of King Trojan is taken by a serpent - among the Slavs, as is known, the creature usually has three heads. Most likely, Trojan, hiding from the sun, was the deity of the underworld, Night. However, another interpretation of his name and position in the divine pantheon of the Slavs is also possible. Ukrainian language retained the adjective “Trojan” in the meaning of “father of three sons” (triplets) ( Vernadsky G.V. Kievan Rus. Tver; Moscow, 2001. P. 62). Then Troyan can be considered the parent of some divine triad of brothers.

* Captivated by the seductive consonance, most commentators make the mistake of seeing in the “Trojan centuries” an allusion to the wars of the Roman emperor Trajan in Dacia or even a vague memory of the Trojan War. There is no need to prove that neither one nor the other event made an era in Slavic history and therefore could not remain in ancient Russian folklore.

From a literal reading of the text of the “Tale,” it turns out that Prince Vseslav of Polotsk decided to get himself a Kiev table in the pagan “times of Trojan,” even before the “summers of Yaroslavl” and “Paltsy Olgova” had passed, in other words, long before his birth. There is a fusion of two Vseslavs - historical and legendary *, or, more precisely, there is every reason to believe that when describing the personality and activities of the Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich, the author of the Lay used artistic imagery and stylistic techniques taken from the once existing epic about his ancient namesake .

* A.L. Nikitin saw in Vseslav a character of a “common Slavic epic completely unknown to us,” “a mythical common Slavic hero or progenitor (“Vse-slav”),” which in the minds of the poet of the late 12th century. “merged with the image of the contemporary Polotsk prince Vseslav Bryachislavich, thanks to which the latter found himself shrouded in mystery and magic” ( Nikitin A.L. Foundations of Russian history. P. 454; It's him. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign." Texts. Events. People. Research and articles. M., 1998. P. 185).

Thanks to the works of A. N. Veselovsky ( Veselovsky A.N. Epics about Volkh Vseslavich and poems about Ortnit // Russian folklore. St. Petersburg, 1993. T. 27) and S. N. Azbeleva ( Azbelev S.N. Legends about the most ancient princes Rus' according to the records of the 11th - 20th centuries. // Slavic traditional culture And modern world. M., 1997. Issue. 1), this “old” Vseslav is today in the field of historical vision. The oldest generational painting of Russian princes “before Rurik” is contained in the Joachim Chronicle. Rurik here is assigned only a tertiary role. This pedigree opens with the name of Prince Vladimir, but with the mention of the reign of his father, from whom, in fact, the princely “tribes” are counted. Before Gostomysl, Rurik’s predecessor, there were 14 generations of princes. Since in the most ancient genealogies the reign of one “tribe” was given on average 25 years, the reign of Vladimirov’s father falls at the beginning of the 5th century - the era of the Great Migration of Peoples. Also dating back to the 5th century. The German saga about Thidrek of Berne (that is, Verona) depicts the fierce struggle of the Gothic king Theodoric Amal (Thidrek of Berne) with the Russian “King Valdemar,” whose father is named Vseslav (Old German Gertnit). Both German and Russian sources talk about the same person - the “Russian” ruler of the Slavic Pomerania (among the peoples subject to Gertnit/Vseslav, the saga calls “Viltins”, that is, Velets/Lutichs). Comparison of these news with the one in use at the end of the 12th century. The genealogical formula “grandchildren of Vseslav” shows that the princes of the Russian land descended from one of the princely families of the Baltic Rus, whose ancestor was considered the semi-legendary Vseslav, the father of the Vseslav who lived in the 5th century. Prince Vladimir.

As a result, a genuine ancient Russian genealogical tradition opens before us, according to which any representative was called “grandson of Vseslavlev” or Vseslavich grand ducal family*. At the same time, the Russian land (like, perhaps, any of the) at the end of the 12th century. was known as “the life of Vseslavleva,” that is, the princely heritage of Vseslav, the great-grandfather and patron of all princes “from the Russian family.”

*Subsequently, the patronymic Vseslavich was assigned in epics and some chronicles to one Vladimir I (see: Moiseeva G.N. Who are they - “the grandsons of Vseslavli” in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” // Studies in ancient and modern literature. L., 1987. P. 158) - probably due to his exceptional role in Russian history and historical association with the illustrious Vladimir Vseslavich of the 5th century.

What else to read