The husband of the soloist of the Strelka group received seven years for beating his mistress. The Supreme Court returned the apartment to the ex-soloist of the Strelka group, which was taken from her by scammers How defenders cash in on someone else's grief

The Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow has sentenced businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who is the husband of the singer from the Strelka pop group. The man tried to kill his model mistress, preferring the artist, nicknamed Radio Operator Kat.

By a court decision, Sergei Lyubomsky will spend seven years behind bars. He will serve his sentence in a strict regime correctional colony, RAPSI reports with reference to Oksana Mikhalkina, the victim's lawyer.

It has been established that even before his marriage, Sergei Lyubomsky was in a love relationship with two women at once - artist Ekaterina Kravtsova (Radio operator Kat) and model Ksenia Timoshchenko. Moreover, the businessman lived in a civil marriage with Kravtsova, raising two common children, as reported by the NTV channel.

In the winter of 2015, Lyubomsky planned to kill Tymoshchenko.

On February 2, the convict was waiting for Tymoshchenko at the entrance of her house. “When she approached the apartment, he hit her in the face, breaking her nose, and then stabbed her multiple times. Prior to that, he threatened to kill her mother,” lawyer Oksana Mikhalkina said.

On February 13, Lyubomsky was arrested. The committed crime and investigative actions caused a great resonance. In early March, this story became the subject of Andrey Malakhov's talk show "Let them talk" on Channel One.

Once in a pre-trial detention center, Lyubomsky married Ekaterina Kravtsova, the soloist of "Shooter".

According to Mikhalkina, the defendant during the hearing did not repent of his deed and did not plead guilty to the threat of murder and attempted murder.

The prosecutor asked for 11 years and three months in prison for Lyubomsky.

After the verdict was read out, the injured party expressed satisfaction. "We will not appeal this decision, but we will insist that he serve his sentence in full, without parole," Mikhalkina said.

Version of Radio Operator Kat

As Ekaterina Kravtsova explained earlier, her common-law husband was allegedly set up because of a lawsuit for land.

Six years ago, Sergei Lyubomsky, doing business with his father, acquired a land plot of 62 hectares worth 329 million rubles in the Chekhov district. It was supposed to organize a cottage village on this land. But then Leonid Venzhik, an old acquaintance of Sergey's, "tried to wring out" this site, Kravtsova told Express Gazeta.

Three times Chekhov's court ruled in favor of Lyubomsky, but the Moscow Regional Court overturned it. And when the judge of the Chekhov Court saw signs of fraud in Venzhik's actions, he decided to "set up a set-up with Ksenia Timoshchenko," Kravtsova believes.

According to her, Sergei left the family in February 2014 and lived with his mistress until November. During this time, Ksenia took over the house bought with Lubomsky's money and received three expensive cars from him. And after parting, she allegedly blackmailed him that she would not allow him to see the child if he did not leave her all the property.

According to Kravtsova, after the arrest, the operatives began to offer Sergey a deal: "You refuse the site, and we let you out."

“And some people of Caucasian nationality are breaking into my house and sending text messages with insults and threats to my phone. In general, everything is in the best traditions of the 90s,” the artist added.

We add that Leonid Venzhik admitted the fact of a financial conflict with Sergei Lyubomsky, whom he had known since the age of 13. But he claims to have loaned Sergei $500,000 during the land infrastructure development partnership. Then Lyubomsky offered him to buy land for 900 thousand rubles to pay off debts. But after receiving the money, he began to evade registration of the transaction.

At the end of the 90s, the Strelki girl group, created by producers Igor SILIVERSTOV and Leonid VELICHKOVSKY, was no less popular than VIA Gra is now. One of their brightest soloists was the young Ekaterina KRAVTSOVA, better known as Radio Operator Kat. Now she performs as part of the new Radiocat project. At one of the concerts, our special correspondents got into a conversation with her and learned a lot of interesting things.

I got into Strelka by accident, - Katya admitted. - Before that, I never even thought about singing on stage.

"ARROWS": they were not shy about exposing their seductive bodies (photo from Playboy magazine)

My parents and I lived in Lytkarino near Moscow. But my mother really wanted to move to Moscow. In the early 1990s, he and his dad began to carry goods from abroad as shuttles. And at some point they were very well untwisted. We bought an apartment in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. And then there was a default, and all the money was covered with a copper basin. Dad couldn't take it. He began to beat his mother hard. One day I came home from school and found her in the kitchen with a broken head. After that, I did not communicate with my dad for seven years. She couldn't forgive him. Mom, after leaving the hospital, began to drink heavily. There was nothing to live on. The apartment was taken on account of debts. The only thing we have left is a small batch of shoes in stock. And I, a 14-year-old girl, started trading it on the CSKA market. She made good money. Rented an apartment. I paid for my mother's treatment with a psychiatrist. In general, slowly began to improve life. And then in the TV show "Klipsa" she heard that girls were being recruited into the group, and decided to try her luck.

Seven in a room

Did your job at Strelka live up to your expectations?

Where exactly! Producers bought cars, apartments, houses for themselves ... And we worked hard like horses. They were in Moscow for a maximum of two days a month and received a penny. We were paid $15 for a 20-minute performance. For a solo concert lasting two hours - 200 each. This despite the fact that "Arrows" cost from $ 5,000 and more.

I generally keep quiet about the conditions in which I had to work. On tour, we were often settled in some kind of hostel, seven of us in one room. And they didn’t even consider it necessary to feed. Moreover, they were constantly fined for being late and other faults. Now, when I myself am engaged in the project, I understand that, in fact, the salary at Strelka was quite normal. Indeed, out of these 5,000 dollars, it was necessary to pay not only us, but also a bunch of other people - a sound engineer, an administrator, etc. As a result, the producers did not have much left.

It's no secret that in girl groups like Strelok, the members usually live not at the expense of concerts, but at the expense of rich fans ...

We did. But this does not mean that someone was given to rich men for a piece of bread. Still, there were some feelings. For example, Velichkovsky really liked Yu-Yu (Yulia Dolgashova. - M.F.). But she didn't like him. And she didn't sleep with him. But Margo (Maria Korneeva. - M.F.) and our sponsor Alexei Potapov, general director of the VessoLink paging company, experienced mutual feelings. And the matter ended with the fact that he married her.

Fucked all over the head

Andrey Ermonin, the former director of the Grezy strip club, recently told us that at one of the parties your group performed naked in front of the oligarchs and then splashed with them in the pool (“EG” No. 6, 2006). Was it also done for love? Or were you forced by the producers?

The producers had their own intrigues. Of course, there was no such thing that they could come and say: "You, you and you are going and serving someone." But attempts, with the help of the members of the group, to establish contacts with one of the right people did take place. I remember once we arrived at a radio station, and the producers told us: “If you want to be played here, decide who will be sent out?” In principle, this is a normal situation for show business: if you want to be somewhere, you need to do this and that for this. But even if someone from Strelok was sent to someone, I don’t know anything about it. In any case, I personally did not participate in anything like that. I also had the image of a little shibanuty on the head. Everyone liked that I was so cool. But as a girl, no one perceived me. Perhaps that is why all these dirty deeds have bypassed me.

But what about the sensational billboards with your photos and inviting inscriptions “Do you want? Call! ”, With which the whole of Moscow was hung? We then called your director Vadim Fishman under the guise of customers, and he directly said that after the performance it would be possible to agree with the group members on closer communication (“EG” No. 50, 2000).

When these shields appeared, we made a scandal. They came and said: “Guys! Either you take them off or we leave the group.” The producers were forced to remove the shields. We have come to terms with so many things. Take, say, shooting in Playboy, because of which I almost quarreled with my boyfriend. Or the same “second casts” with which the producers arranged Strelok concerts in several places at the same time. We were simply confronted with a fact: “Whether you like it or not, there will be 48 more squads.” We were, of course, outraged. But we had signed contracts, and we could not rock the boat.

Marry an oligarch

Maybe the so-called second compositions of the Strelok were recruited to please wealthy clients?

It may well be. Participants of the "second compositions" received less than us - from 50 to 100 bucks per performance. And at the same time, they did not claim to get into the main team. Then these new girls often changed - about once every six months. For example, I introduced Lana Timakova to Strelka. She gave the impression of a very modest girl. Imagine my amazement when I was later told about her stormy adventures with Serov, Agutin and other stars.

And how was the fate of the main team members?

The first - a year after the creation of the group - Leah jumped off. She studied at the 3rd year of the foreign language. Translated from Japanese into English and from English into Russian. I think she is feeling very well now. Then Stasia left. Got pregnant by the Dutchman Peter. And she became a respectable mother of the family. They now have three sons with Peter. Then the Mouse left (Maria Solovieva. - M.F.). She married Dmitry Lipskerov, writer, creator of the Twin Peaks and Drova restaurants, member of the Public Chamber. They have a son and a daughter. The producers persuaded the girls to stay. They promised to raise wages. But they couldn't keep them. As a result, they won back on the remaining ones - everyone was fined. Like, they suffered losses and it was necessary to compensate them. And in September 2002, our contracts ended. First, Yu-Yu left, who by that time had already recorded a solo album and began performing under the name Beretta. Then Gera (Svetlana Bobkina. - M.F.) began her solo career. I didn't intend to leave. But the producers recruited new girls and fired me. True, then they offered me to return. They tried to reassemble the original composition. Everyone was called. But no one wanted to return. Apparently, they ate for seven years.

Dobry Mitrofanov

What did you do after leaving Strelok?

She turned as best she could. For example, at one time she worked in a dry-cleaning company as a development director. I found wholesale customers and received interest from this. Then everything fell on me in a crowd - both the dismissal from Strelka and the quarrel with my young man. It seemed to me that there was no way out. I got into the car, drove around Moscow for hours and looked for the number of his car with my eyes. As a result, the psyche could not stand it, and I ate 20 phenazepam tablets. For my 35 kg live weight, this was more than enough. She lay, looked at the ceiling and thought: “I would rather close my eyes! This ceiling shook! Fortunately, my mother found me in time, called an ambulance, and they pumped me out. After that, she started writing songs. Thus, I kind of took out the accumulated pain from myself. And then my son Danila was born, and meaning appeared in my life.

Who is the father of your child?

The same young man who caused me to attempt suicide. I started living with him, an ordinary student, while still working at Strelka. This person has now disappeared from my life. He recently stated that I am evil and he no longer wants to live with me. Actually, I'm kind. I'm just very tired. He is idle. And I am with the child, I work, I cook, I do housework. Naturally, by the end of the day already all on the nerves. But now I'm not particularly upset that he left.

How did it happen that you suddenly returned to the stage again?

Deputy Alexei Mitrofanov helped me. Even when I was working at Strelka, he somehow approached me after a concert in Sochi, gave me a business card and asked me to call him. “Listen, get out of Strelok,” he said when I called. - You face is already untwisted. Let's do a project with you." He promised to settle all problems with the contract. But then I refused. And four years later, I remembered this conversation. I offered Mitrofanov one of my songs as the LDPR anthem. He immediately invited me to his place at the Metropol. My songs, however, did not interest him. But he introduced me to the guys from Tallinn, with whom I made the Radiocat project ...


The other day, the Strelka group, at the invitation of Iosif Kobzon, performed in the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug as part of a report by the singer and politician on parliamentary work.


Katya Kravtsova from the Strelka group turned to the KP editorial office with a request to intercede for her husband, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who received seven years under the article “attempted murder”. According to the singer, Sergey simply hit his ex-lover Ksenia Timoshchenko, broke her nose, and the case received an inadequate assessment, because Ksenia's new companion is Pavel Pyatnitsky, deputy head of the Public Monitoring Commission (ONC) of Moscow, a person close to the State Duma and law enforcement agencies. Most likely, he is acting in collusion with the "raider" Leonid Venzhik and unknown scammers.

Katya was not very convincing: her husband turned out to be not a husband, but a cohabitant, the marriage was registered only when Sergey got into a pre-trial detention center, the singer could not name a single successful project of her businessman and was not even going to explain where Xenia, who, it turns out, was such same mistress, like herself, stab wounds came from ...

Bli-i-in, how tired of all this ... - moaned the statesman Pavel Pyatnitsky. - How this Katya got us ... !!!

And he roared a few insults at the singer, but made an appointment. In a restaurant where cold appetizers cost from 1500 to 1900 rubles.

A young handsome guy, in a T-shirt with Putin. From the links sent by Katya, I know that he is a defender of pedophiles, an assistant to Zhirinovsky and suffers from delirium tremens: documents from the Ambulance are posted on the Web, which, however, indicate not alcoholic psychosis, but brain damage ... Strange, but it looks like this Will not say.

You yourself are a media worker, - says Pavel, - you know how such things are done: sixty percent of the truth is taken and supplied with the most vile lies. Yes, I called an ambulance when I worked in the State Duma as an assistant to Zhirinovsky and lived in a hostel, because I really have problems with blood vessels and pressure, I had brain concussions, and I had to get an iron pipe in fights! About a pedophile - it was the broadcast “Let them talk”, about a girl who gave birth from an adult. I said: “Yes, I agree, he is to blame, but the fault is on both sides, the bitch won’t want it, the dog won’t jump up,” and that’s it !!! After that, I was called names at all corners, I myself was proclaimed p ... m, I wanted to sue!!! And all these leaks of compromising evidence were made by the people who imprisoned Sergei Polonsky: I worked for Seryoga, and I stood up for him with a mountain. Polonsky fled and left me powers of attorney for the entire business, I could rob him, re-register all legal entities, and I climbed the construction site from seven in the morning, for a salary of 320 thousand ...

Pavel almost screams, he pronounces at the break, and it is clear that he was in a lot of pain. I personally do not sympathize with either Zhirinovsky or Polonsky, but I appreciate loyalty in people.

I met Ksyusha in January 2015, I write poetry - she commented on something on Instagram. I have two unsuccessful marriages behind me, I was so fed up with family life ... I thought: women are only meat, I don’t need anything else, I saw Ksyusha ... I told her my whole life, as if in confession. I realized that I had never loved anyone before! And she said that she was married to businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, she has a son ...

Married? - I'm surprised.

They were not scheduled, but Sergey lived with her: there were always rumors about Strelka, and Sergey's parents did not accept Katya. When their son got together with Ksyusha, Sergey's mother took her grandmother to her so that Ksyusha and Sergey could live in the vacated apartment. Maxim is born...

History turned over like an hourglass.


Ksyusha is not a model at all, she is a normal person, she worked in the personnel department when we met, and before that she and her friend sewed clothes: Ksyusha carried bales of fabrics from China. "Vorotyla" Sergey was registered in the Kravtsova IP, used, as he himself puts it, "rubbish", Ksyusha lost money and things, she even found a diamond ring in the pawnshop, with which Sergey made her an offer. She has been living with this man for five years, loves him, forgives him, fights with hucksters, calls the Federal Drug Control Service to the hotel where he sticks out. He hits her like a dog! Shoots her in the leg, breaks the glass in the car, pulls her through the window, cuts her arms, she's covered in scars. He runs after the car, hits the hood with a knife, and then kneels: "I'm an animal, I'm sorry, I'll die without you" ...

Rocker. Loose emotions, loose psyche. Typical codependent behavior.

The tragedy almost happened precisely at the moment of such an aggravation of feelings: Sergey, whom Ksenia left in the fall of 2014, when she lost her child from beatings, in January 2015 begins to bombard her with letters: “I love you! You are my soul mate ”(“ KP"I am familiar with the correspondence. - Ed.). Note that he is scribbling this while sitting in Katya's kitchen, whom at the same moment he proposes to get married and give birth to a daughter, and Katya believes ... Poor Katya.

Sergei buys a husky puppy that Ksyusha dreamed about, takes pictures, sends it to her, and then walks with the dog around Katya's house. He brings money for Max, his son and Ksyusha, 45 thousand rubles. At first I thought: a normal father! Wanted to talk to him...

The idyll ended as soon as Ksenia told her ex that she had a new relationship. It began: “Pi ... r”, “Let your Pavlushka come here, I’ll piss in his mouth”, “Hey, you, Zhirik’s litter, I’ll justify you,” because Sergey also read those very links ...

Pavel grabbed the phone: “Are you stuck in the 90s? So you, according to those concepts, have told yourself a death sentence!”

Shoot the arrow. Pavel, knowing about the inappropriate behavior of the client, asked to control the meeting of two operatives. Suddenly, Sergei apologized and wished happiness to his former lover, the conflict seemed to be settled ...

And a few hours later, Pavel heard Ksyushin whisper in the receiver: “Please, he poked me in the face with a knife, he wanted to kill me ...”


The details of the crime are known every minute, because the case went to court.

Sergei went to the west of Moscow, where Ksyusha's mother lives in Khrushchev. By the way, Ksenia is not a Ukrainian, as I was told at the beginning of the investigation, but a Muscovite, and her mother is a teacher.

He entered the entrance, waited for his mother, slept on the stairwell, the neighbors saw him.

Mom came - grabbed her by the hair and put a folding knife to her throat: "Be quiet, I'll kill you." He walked around the apartment, turned over vases with flowers donated by Pyatnitsky. He poked the sofa with a knife. He asked his mother-in-law: “Will you first bang or this whore?”, Ordered: “If I leave you, give Max to Katya” (but she needs it. - Ed.).

Finally, Ksyusha called from below.

“They are coming,” mum said in a choked voice, and Sergei realized that “they” were Ksyusha and Pyatnitsky. I went to the kitchen for a bigger knife, and Ksenia was only with her son. The grandmother managed to grab the child and drag it into the apartment, and the man knocked his ex-girlfriend in the face down the stairs so that she flew over the span, and began to knead. Ksenia screamed, fought back with her hands and feet, all the glancing blows fell on her hands and face. The doors began to open, the knife broke against the wall. The offender grabbed the victim and dragged him outside, on the playground he pressed his knee to the ground and put a folding knife to his throat, Ksenia held on to the blade and wheezed: “Seryozha, don’t kill, we have a son!”.

"Hey!" some passers-by stepped in in the dark. Ksenia was able to escape and, choking on blood, ran to the highway ...

When I rushed to the traffic police post and saw her in the ambulance, - says Pavel, - I thought she was finished! The pads of the fingers hang half-cut off, there is a hole on the face, it is sealed here, a hematoma, everything is leaking ... I yell: “Do something !!!”

Lubomsky was taken ten days later. He was sitting at Katya's house, the opera filmed him walking with the same husky on the territory of the cottage village, and they detained him ... near Ksenia's house. Again with two knives.

“Well, what are you wondering about? the opera asked. "You almost killed a girl."

Sergei replied: "It would be better if I killed her."

... To exclude doubts from readers: the crime was filmed on video, the camera was installed at the entrance. Mom and the opera testified, and the boy testified, who picked up the bleeding girl and took her to the post, where doctors were called.

There are still drops of blood on the stairs: I went there on purpose and looked ...

Ksenia was sewn, she underwent several operations, albeit not the most serious ones. The second victim, a frightened mother, shook for a long time and drank valocordin ...

The prosecutor asked for eleven years for Sergei, the judge gave seven. The Moscow City Court approved the verdict.

And the question arose. Why was I invited to this celebration of life?


Pavel tells, and I listen like a detective.

My job is to visit places of detention, and I am familiar with different people, and with criminal authorities, and with intelligence officers. When they found out that I had a misfortune, many came and said: "Pasha, we will bang him." Me: “No way! I will only act within the law!” - otherwise it is impossible in this profession ...

I immediately understand where the terrible letters with promises to put Sergei down, which Ekaterina showed me, came from, and why Pyatnitsky asked the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service to put the detainee in a special unit under round-the-clock surveillance: three or four people in the cell, a refrigerator and a TV. The human rights activist had to hide the enemy from voluntary assistants.

And so it begins: Sergei is brought to court for a measure of restraint, and our lawyer sees bearded uncles there - they look like Chechens. And hear my name. I figure out what's what, I'm going to the State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic and explain that, perhaps, an order has been received for my murder. The lawyer managed to take a photo on her phone, these people are found and told to them: "Pasha - do not touch."

Two months later, my friend, a former intelligence officer, comes and says: “Colleagues took an order to break your legs.” He accidentally found out that those people who were preparing already had all the information: where I eat, drink, where I rent an apartment - a few more days, and I would have fallen! And there are only six such cases in a year - I come to the cell, they ask me: “Pass the person a kettle”, I pass it on, and it turns out to be the son of Osya Butorin (the leader of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group. - Ed.). In the evening they come to me: “Listen, it turns out that you are a normal guy, but they told us that you robbed Lyubomsky, took away his land.”

The trial of Sergei begins, Katya and three FSKN officers come there: one in civilian clothes, two with chevrons of the Grom special forces, I go up to shake hands, they say to me: “Listen, p ... s, our service will deal with both you and your deed"!!!

Pyatnitsky loses his temper:

For what?! What have we done to whom? Did I take Ksyusha out of the family? Or I imprison an innocent: there is a video of how he cuts it! Katya says: "Pyatnitsky took advantage of his position in the PMC." Yes, if I wanted to take advantage, I would have put him in the most densely populated cell, and he, with his character, would have been banged there - but he didn’t catch a cold in my pre-trial detention center for a year!

And Katya again runs on the TV show, and again Ksyusha is a model - what kind of model is she to you ?! Why is my wife being slinged with mud, with this Lolita (long colorful epithets addressed to Lolita. - Ed.), the same ... as Kravtsov's "shooter" herself !!!

With Lolita, the scandal came out notable: the host, after listening to Katya’s version of events (her husband just hit his mistress), said: “Wow, the poor thing’s nose was broken, she won’t be able to smell the new oligarch ...”

Pyatnitsky posted an answer on the Internet, in which the words were mostly censored: “Lolita, aren’t you ashamed ?!”

Lolita was offended and ran to complain to the general director of NTV Kulistikov, Pavel called "from the very top" and demanded to apologize ...

Pyatnitsky says that at that moment he was ready to take a gun and shoot off the head of everyone who slandered his family and does not allow him to answer, despite the height of the offices.

...Fearing to incur the wrath of an expressive person, I would venture to write here that he did use the administrative resource. An ordinary person cannot go to a deputy from Chechnya: once I really needed it, but I didn’t succeed. And an ordinary person cannot dismiss the soldiers of the special forces of the Federal Drug Control Service "Grom" by organizing an internal check, which will establish that they, using uniforms and certificates, protected E. Kravtsova for money, which caused damage to the reputation and authority of the drug control authorities (document at the disposal of "KP ”, according to the rest of the statements about “orders”, criminal cases were refused, so we only report Pavel’s opinion about why they wanted to kill him, but we don’t say who exactly. - Ed.). And certainly an ordinary person cannot convince the Moscow prosecutor to take the case under personal control if he believes that the investigator is not conducting the investigation in the right way, forges the signature of the victim and inclines to the defense version: “Two people fought in the entrance, and the girl herself ran into a knife five times” …

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Pavel Pyatnitsky about businessman Sergey Lyubomsky. The investigation is led by Skoybeda: Detective from the life of Rublev's wives "A bloody divorce with the Strelka group, or the rich sing and cry"

The Strelki group is a product of the Russian show business of the nineties, when such groups appeared almost every year. The girls claimed the title of "Russian Spice Girls" along with their colleagues from the group. But the “shooter” was favorably distinguished by the variety of voices and the personal image of each of the participants.


The history of the creation of "Shooter" is vague. According to one version, the participants are representatives of the “golden youth”, who were helped by wealthy parents to realize their personal ambitions. According to the second - the girls had to go through a frantic competition. And the third - so generally a fairy tale about Cinderella. Allegedly, the girls sang karaoke in a Turkish resort, and producers Igor Seliverstov and Leonid Velichkovsky heard them there. It happened in 1997.

The first composition of the Strelka group

The authorship of the name, which initially, again according to the version, looked like "Arrows", belongs to the choreographer of the group. The first composition included 7 people: Svetlana (Hera) Bobkina, Maria (Margo) Korneeva, Ekaterina (Radio operator Kat) Kravtsova, Maria (Mouse) Solovyova, Anastasia (Stasya) Rodina and Leah Bykova.

In the same 1997, the singers recorded their first songs and presented them to the Soyuz studio. But the studio refused further cooperation. Then the company GALA RECORDS became interested in the group and offered a contract for three albums.

In 1998, the first changes took place in the composition. The group left Liya Bykova, intending to continue her studies. Instead of her, for some time, a girl named Tatyana, a member of the group's ballet, performed. In September 1998, Larisa (Fox) Batulina appeared.

What followed was an incredible leapfrog with the composition of Strelka, since at the same time there was a so-called second composition of Strelka International. Although the participants of the "base" in an interview call the understudies an independent project.

Girls from both teams periodically came and left from the first to the second. Only true fans can understand the change of names and surnames. By the way, it is not clear which exactly “Arrows” starred in the video for the song “Sexual Revolution”.

In October 1999, Anastasia Rodina left the group. The girl got married and moved to the Netherlands. In early 2000, Maria Solovieva went on maternity leave. Then, for two years, Salome (Tori) Kitia (Rosiver) and Svetlana Bobkina could be heard in the videos and albums of the group.

In 2002, Yulia Glebova left the Strelka group. Taking the pseudonym Beretta, the singer began a solo career. Soon the producers of the team fired Ekaterina Kravtsova.

Maria Korneeva, Svetlana Bobkina and Larisa Batulina starred in the 2003 video for Yugorskaya Dolina. They were joined by Lana (Lulu) Timakova, Elena (Malaya) Mishina, Natalya Deeva and. In March of the same year, Mishina left, she was replaced by Galina (Gala) Trapezova. After some time, Svetlana (Hera) Bobkina and Maria (Margo) Korneeva leave the group at the same time. The girls created their own project called "Bridge".

In October 2003, in a new video, Strelka appeared again in a new line-up: Larisa Batulina, Natalya Deeva, Oksana Ustinova, Lana Timakova and Galina Trapezova. Later, Nastya Bondareva and Nika Knight came to the "base". Larisa Batulina left the team due to age.

The new composition of the group "Strelki"

The American tour of 2004 took place as part of Kovalev - Deev - Deborah - Knight. Timakova, Osipova, Ustinova, Dmitricheva, Trapezova went to France. The latter left the group in 2005, moving to the Wild Berries group.

By 2006, which is considered the year of the collapse of the group, Strelka came up as part of Timakov - Kovalev - Ustinov - Knight - Deeva - Osipov. Again, it is impossible to speak with complete certainty about the date of the termination of the existence of the group. And all because until 2012, different "second" lineups and short-term associations of former members of the team performed at different venues.

According to the girls themselves, the main work stopped back in 2002. The tastes and preferences of the audience have changed. A radical change in the style and music of the group was required, but the producers did not want to invest in an upgrade.

Since 2006, the unofficial period of "Shooter" begins. Over the next six years, Osipova, Bondareva, Simakova, Ovchinnikova, Rubtsova, Evsyukova left the group. Aida Valiakhmedova, Olesya Levites, Ellina Tokareva and Deborah Natasha Khloe took part in both the main and second teams.


The first performance under the wing of GALA RECORDS took place in the Metelitsa club. The debut clip "Shooter" called "Mommy" was released in November 1997. A year later, the first album followed - "The Arrows Go Forward" with the hit "At the Party". The song took a leading position in the charts, received 2 awards, including the Golden Gramophone.

In 1998, clips were released for the songs “First Teacher”, “Resort Romance”, “Happy New Year!” and Moscow. The group received the Ovation Award as the best pop group.

In 1999, Strelki presented a video for the song "You left me" with the famous actor and model Olga Maltseva. The hit became the hallmark of the group. A year later, the actor was invited to shoot the clip "Boomerang". The song of the same name was included in the album Strelki 2000.

In the same year, the album “Everything for ...” was released, tours took place in America and Germany, a concert at the Olimpiysky, in honor of which Strelka opened an official website. At the same time, the clips "Thorns and Roses", "I'm Good", "No Love" were released. The joint work of "Shooter" was the video for the song "I'll be back." For fans, a sticker album with information about the group and photos of the members has been released.

In 2000, the second Ovation Award followed, the biographical film Arrows Go Forward, the video The Sun Behind the Mountain, and the scandalous Dislike. The last clip was awarded the Golden Gramophone, and the single was released in four versions.

In 2001, the Megamix album was released - a collection of previously released songs, several new songs and clips. In June 2002, the premiere of the album “Love Me Stronger” took place with the hits “Vetochka” and “Forgive, Goodbye”. Some of the songs were written by Svetlana Bobkina and. The album includes solo works by Maria Korneeva and Svetlana Bobkina.

In 2003, viewers saw the clips "Veterok" and "Best Friend". A year later, a tour took place in the USA, new songs were recorded (“Valentine”, “Drips of rain”, “Bonfire from letters”). Work began on the Odyssey album, but it was never released. In subsequent years, Strelka shot several videos - for the songs "Heat", "Don't Go", "Mama".

From 2009 to 2012, Svetlana Bobkina and Yulia Beretta worked in the Nestrelki duet, but they did not achieve fame.

In 2015, the Gunmen (Tori, Margo, Hera and Cat) resurrected to take part in the 90s Disco. Nostalgia for past success resulted a little later in the songs "Man in Love" and "I Want to Be Thin", which also sounded on leading radio stations.

Strelki group now

Part of the golden squad on social networks calls itself "Ex-ARROWS Hera&Margo&Katt", started the page on Instagram. Girls perform on radio and television, at presentations, in clubs. Not having time to return, the team again suffered losses. This time Tori left. A young mother of three children refused to star in a candid video for the song "It's too late to love me."

The composition of the Strelka group in 2017: Svetlana Bobkina, Ekaterina Kravtsova, Maria Bibilova

In the fall of 2017, Strelka presented a video for the new song Adrenaline. The trio consisting of Ekaterina Kravtsova, Svetlana Bobkina and Maria Bibilova (Kat, Hera and Margo) performed at the Cinematograph karaoke bar in Moscow. Maria, in addition, created her own jewelry brand B.B.Love.

Svetlana, under the name Bobi, is simultaneously working on a solo project. He uploads singles and videos in his personal channel on YouTube. Other girls have had a life outside of Strelok.

Sali Rosiver graduated from the Music College. Gnesins and a course of acting skills in the theater. Stanislavsky. He runs his own vocal school.

Yulia Beretta is a member of the Russian Film Actors Guild, graduated from GITIS. Her filmography includes 30 films and performances. Sometimes as a singer she performs solo, she recorded two albums.

Larisa Batulina (Lisa) lives in London, is engaged in design.

Nastya Rodina is also a foreigner, lives in Holland, has three sons. Works as a yoga instructor.

Liya graduated from the Moscow Linguistic Institute as a translator of English and Chinese and moved to Australia. There she received a master's degree in finance from the University of New South Wales.

Maria Solovieva, Dirgen, graduated from GITIS, by education - director of the variety department, teacher-choreographer. Lives in Turkey with her husband and 3 children.


  • 1998 - "Arrows go ahead"
  • 1999 - "Everything for ..."
  • 2000 - "Arrows 2000"
  • 2001 - "MegaMix"
  • 2002 - "Love me harder"


  • 1997 - "Mommy"
  • 1998 - "At the Party"
  • 1999 - "You left me"
  • 2000 - "Boomerang"
  • 2001 - Forgive and Goodbye
  • 2002 - "Twig Girl"
  • 2003 - Yugorskaya Dolina
  • 2004 - "Don't Let Me Go"
  • 2016 - "Late to love me"
  • 2017 - "Adrenaline"

How defenders cash in on someone else's grief

How defenders cash in on someone else's grief

Singer from the Strelka group Katya KRAVTSOVA-LUBOMSKAYA is suing lawyer Yevgeny TONKIY for 900 thousand. The artist believes that the lawyer who represented the interests of her ex-husband Sergei LYUBOMSKY during the criminal process misled her. About how not to become a victim of your own lawyer, Kravtsova told our publication.

Soloist of the popular group "Strelki" Katerina Kravtsova-Lubomskaya met with a lawyer Evgeny Tonkiy in 2015 on the set of the talk show “Let them talk”, where she came to tell the country about her grief. Father of her two sons, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, beat up his mistress Ksenia Timoshchenko, a criminal case was opened against him under Article 30, Part 1, Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Attempted murder”.

I myself called the program because I was in despair, - explains Katerina Kravtsova - Lyubomskaya. - At that moment I was not allowed to see Sergei in the pre-trial detention center for a date, since I was not officially married to him. The criminal case against Sergey was initiated under the article “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm”, and later seized by the prosecutor and transferred to the investigator of the Dorogomilovsky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigation Department for the Western Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR RF, Lieutenant of Justice E.I. Gorshkova, who reclassified Sergey’s actions in Attempted Murder. I didn’t have a very good relationship with the editors of the program “Let them talk”. I was on their blacklist, because somehow I ripped off the airwaves for them. But Malakhov's ratings are, of course, impressive, so I chose this particular show.

As a journalist, I myself have visited such shows more than once, so I know the inner kitchen well. The hero of the show, in order to lure him, will be promised a free lawyer, a psychologist. With experts, the situation is different. Some do not pay anything, because they tell a story, make a rating of the program. In this case, on the contrary, the editors allocate the amount to them depending on the information. It can vary from 10 to 500 thousand rubles. But there are those who come to such shows for the sake of PR, or to find a big client. As a rule, these are lawyers and psychologists. These representatives, of course, behind the scenes, themselves bring in a certain amount, which was recently told to a journalist of our newspaper by a human rights activist and a guest of such shows, a public figure Denis Merkulov.

The program was prepared within three days, - says Katya Kravtsova-Lubomskaya. - I understood that it would be, perhaps, the most difficult television broadcast in my life. She knew that the victim of domestic disassembly herself would come - Ksenia Timoshchenko and her cohabitant at that time, and also part-time expert of this program Pyatnitsky. We filmed the broadcast, the editor of the program strongly recommended to me the lawyer Yevgeny Tonky, who was present at the program as an expert, telling me how good and wonderful he is, and only he will be able to win the case. I contacted him. He got acquainted with the case and said: “Katya, don’t worry! "Article 111" - grievous bodily harm - the maximum that shines for him. I asked him: “Zhenya, I give you my and Sergey’s life into your hands, will you pull it out?” It is clear that not a single lawyer will give written guarantees, but in words Tonky assured me that the case was winning. Joy knew no bounds.

I'd give a million

Yevgeny Tonky suggested that Katya sign an agreement for 650 thousand rubles for the period of work before the investigation.

If at that moment he had asked to bring a million, I would have done it, - says Katya. - The investigation went on for a month and a half. We had a medical examination on our hands, which said that Xenia suffered minor bodily harm - a broken nose and cut wounds of two fingers of her left hand. In addition, I find out that in Xenia's medical record, according to her words, it is written that what happened was a domestic fight. Lawyer Thin, on my arguments, replied: "I have my own position."

Before entering the trial, Yevgeny Tonkiy asked for money for work during the meetings.

He asked for another 900 thousand rubles, says Katya. - I, continuing to believe him, signed the agreement. And after some time, it dawned on me - Thin and Pavel Pyatnitsky are sitting in experts on the same programs. But even then I still could not imagine that it was possible to earn money on someone else's grief. Everything somehow fell on my shoulders in one moment. Threatening texts started coming to my phone. I assume that from Pyatnitsky, who defended Xenia. In the same period, I started having problems with the apartment, which the scammers sold under a false power of attorney. In general, I realized that I could not pay 900 thousand for the trial to the lawyer Tonky. I called him and said: “There is no need to go to the trial, I cannot pay for your services.” In addition, I sent a written notice in the mail about the withdrawal from the agreement. Only Thin did not let up: “Katya, I understand everything. I am ready to defend your husband for 450 thousand rubles. Give me the money when you get it." I agreed. At one of the last court hearings, he says: “Kat, give me a receipt that you borrowed 450 thousand from me.” I wrote. And at the next, key meeting - the interrogation of Sergei, the lawyer Tonky no longer came.

Money bag

Katya Kravtsova did not expect that the judge would sentence Sergei Lyubomsky to seven years in a strict regime colony.

Thin after the verdict came up and said: “Katya, we need to sign an agreement. Are we going to appeal?" I explained in tears that I no longer needed his services. And after a couple of months, he writes me a message: “Katya, when will you pay back the debt, 450 thousand rubles?” I reminded him of the conversation, that he promised that only “Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation” would be imputed to Sergei, but Thin did not want to hear anything, he set a deadline - until June 2016 he must pay. In July, a lawsuit comes to the Krasnogorsk city court for 450 thousand rubles, and even with interest. He explains to the court that he handed over the money before the court session, near the building of the Dorogomilovsky court. Walking in fact, he did not give or transmit anything. I attached a protocol to the case, which indicated at what time the court session began in the Dorogomilovsky court, my mother, as a witness, explained that I went into the court building alone, and not with him. I managed to get a billing of my phone number, which showed that at 2:30 p.m. it was “tied” to a cellular network station located 27 km from the Dorogomilovsky court building, and at 2:58 p.m. my conversation with Tonkiy was recorded. The judge of the Krasnogorsk court attached all these documents to the case, but ruled in his favor.

Imagine Katya Kravtsova's surprise when she received another lawsuit, but now under the very agreement under which she must pay for the services of Tonky's lawyer, for 900 thousand.

Now we are suing for this money, - says Katya. “I wrote a complaint to the Chamber of Lawyers, but there was no response,” says the artist. - Finding yourself in a situation where you become a money bag, I realized what our fellow citizens have to do. The only plus is that I do not have signed certificates of work performed from Evgeny Tonky. It is difficult to prove that lawyers go to programs where they meet star clients who have money and catch the victim. I asked to remove Thin from the broadcasts of "Let them talk", but the editor did not do this. Question: why? I think the lawyers have an agreement with the editors: a percentage of the fee for a rich client.


Without leaving her beloved in trouble, Katya Kravtsova married him in a pre-trial detention center in 2015.

In 2016, I received a summons that Sergey filed for divorce, - says the artist. Someday I'll know why. Maybe from his point of view, I did not fight for him to the end. Everything changed when he was transferred to the zone in Mordovia. I think because I refused to go on a long date. She said: “Come on, I’ll calmly wait for you here. You will come back and prove that you are worth me.” As a woman, I wanted to see real steps, that he understood important things. Sergey corresponds with children. I don't interfere with their relationship. The boys miss their dad. When the children wanted to go on a date with their dad, I took this step too ... For me, Sergey's act is understandable: he left our family, although we were not registered at that time, bought a house for 15 million and registered it for Ksenia Timoshchenko. She bore him a son, and he proposed to her. Ksenia fell in love with another - Pavel Pyatnitsky. Sergei came to talk and put all the dots "over the I", and there was a household scandal with assault. About this story, I wrote the song "It's too late to love me." What is broken can hardly be glued together. But as the mother of Sergei's children and the person who lived with him for years, I will not leave him in trouble.

The mother of the murdered model Loshagina sold the house

The mother of the murdered model from Yekaterinburg Julia Loshagina whose story shocked the whole country, Svetlana Ryabova, also suffered financially from a Moscow lawyer Evgenia Chernousova. The woman turned to the Russia-1 channel program “Live with Boris Korchevnikov” at the moment when the photographer accused of killing her husband’s daughter Dmitry Loshagin, justified.

Svetlana participated on the air, hoping that they would help her, - the journalist said on the channel Marina. - Lawyer Yevgeny Chernousov, who came to us on the air as an expert, entered into her confidence and promised to resolve all issues. They hoped that he would provide her with qualified legal assistance. As a result, Chernousov asked for such a fee in order to help that Svetlana Ryabova had to sell the house in the village. He received the money, but did not come to the process. When Svetlana turned to us, we had to help out. Indirectly, we were involved in this. It’s good that lawyer Sergei Zhorin helped, whom we asked and he participated in the process for free and ensured that the maniac Loshagin was found guilty and sent to a colony. And we don’t invite lawyer Chernousov to programs anymore.

Svetlana Ryabova confirmed that she had transferred money to lawyer Chernousov.

I transferred several large sums, - says Svetlana Ryabova. - But Chernousov wanted more and more. The last time he asked for 600 thousand rubles. Only then I turned to the channel, and was indignant: “Whom did you advise me?”

How not to become a victim of your own lawyer

Turning to a legal organization, one must understand that interest in the client will be lost as soon as he transferred the money, - says a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Ignatov. - Since we live today in the world of capital, many lawyers are engaged in "double-dealing": having concluded an agreement with one side, they work for the other. Try to find a lawyer on the recommendation of your trusted close friends. If you come to an unfamiliar lawyer, ask on the forum what reviews his former clients leave. Ask for statistics on his won and lost cases. If the lawyer promises something specific, forget about it right away. No professional defender will say: "I will do it." Immediately be interested in the fee for preliminary and judicial investigations and draw up a preliminary contract for both processes. Request a progress report. If you are dissatisfied with the work of the lawyer, send him a notice of termination of the agreement and be sure to save the mail notice stub, because in the future there may be claims of a material nature for your unpaid fee under an agreement that you terminated in advance.

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