TE GE 3 smoothbore carbine. TG3 Kalashnikov smoothbore carbine. Weapons with a Lancaster drill: what, where, when and whether to buy them

Concern "Kalashnikov" presented a new TG3 carbine, made in the design of the legendary sniper rifle Dragunov (SVD). The weight of the carbine with a loaded magazine is 3.9 kg. The TG3 uses the 9.6/53 LANCASTER cartridge. Magazine - 5 rounds. An optical sight can be mounted on the side bracket. The butt is made of plywood with a removable cheek piece. Total length - 1225 mm. Barrel length - 620 mm.

An optical sight can be mounted on the side bracket, and the stock with a removable cheek piece is made of plywood.

The weapon uses the 9.6/53 Lancaster cartridge; the magazine holds 5 rounds.

TG3 for hunters.

This Kalashnikov model is another attempt by Russian gunsmiths to “outwit” the weapons law. New carbine It will be possible to buy it with a hunting smoothbore license, because formally a Lancaster rifled barrel is not considered rifled. Thus, the new product should become an analogue rifled weapons for anyone who doesn't want to wait five years to get a rifle license.

As the Kalashnikov-media resource notes, the bore of the carbine has a Lancaster-type drill, which in Russia is classified as a smoothbore bore. It is the special drilling of the “LANCASTER” barrel that makes the carbine smooth-bore according to the standards of modern Russian legislation.

IN this moment gun just get ready for serial production. There have been no official announcements about the start of sales yet, but at the Kalashnikov stand they promised to release the new product for sale before the end of 2018.


  • Possibility of purchasing under a license for smoothbore weapon
  • High speed bullet flight (about 700m/s) and high muzzle energy (about 4000J)
  • Confident shooting at a distance of 100m.
  • Possibility of installing various optical sights

Disadvantages of the gunTG3:

  • The high cost of the 9.6/53 Lancaster cartridge The 9.6x53 Lancaster SP 18 cartridge - price 41 rubles, only one manufacturer of these cartridges (Techkrim).
  • The design of the TG3 gun has been significantly changed in comparison with the basic SVD model, which will inevitably affect its reliability.
  • Poor flatness of the bullet's flight path.
  • Heavy weight guns, minimum 3.9 kg without optical sight.

See it with your own eyes smoothbore carbine TG3 will be available at the next exhibition Weapons 2018 (Arms&Hunting 2018), which will take place in Moscow at Gostiny Dvor from October 11 to 14, 2018.

The TG3 carbine will be put into mass production in the near future.

Konstantin Kuznetsov : SVD VS TG-3.

The shooter with a large fire extinguisher on the SVD was, on the basis of an order, in training with documents and employees looking after him. Everything was documented in advance with everyone. so you don’t have to gloat ill-wishers)) everything is smooth with us))

The Arms & Hunting 2018 exhibition, which ended in Moscow, somehow did not make an impression in terms of new products, especially in the purely hunting segment. The exceptions were various kinds of “post-gun-tactical” samples, such as variations on the “Vintorez” theme from TOZ, as well as a whole range of products for the 366TKM and 9.6x53 ammunition that had suddenly gained popularity. Today’s story is about them, especially the latter.

What caused the popularity of the “paradoxes” .366TKM and “Lancaster”

What is the beauty of such devices? First of all and mainly in the absence of the need to nurse for the time being a five-year “smooth-bore” experience in order to obtain permission to purchase them. And at the same time, they are not visually different from their classic rifled counterparts, and in terms of performance characteristics they are between them and conventional guns.

Attempts to somehow legally circumvent the current weapons legislation, without waiting for its liberalization, are being made, by the way, not only here. In Russia, almost the first sign was the VPO-208 based on the SKS just for the new ammunition developed on the basis of the 7.62x39 cartridge by Tekhkrim CJSC. 366TKM (see).

And in the USA, where guns and carbines have a minimum length limit, something called “Franklin Armory Reformation” was created with straight (!) rifling and a feathered bullet. And the manufacturer bypassed the full-car qualification by introducing the “Binary Fire System”, or “Double Fire System”. Simply put, this is a trigger in which the release occurs both when the hook is pressed and when it is released. About this unique development is described in the article “. We would like their concerns...

"Tehkrim" produces two types of ammunition. 366TKM - shot and bullet, and several types of the latter, including SP half-shells and FMJ shells.

Caliber 366 TKM hunting cartridges with SP 13 semi-jacketed bullet:

  • bullet weight, g - 12.6
  • initial speed, m/s (for VPO-208) - 620

366 TKM cartridges with FMJ brass jacketed bullet:

  • bullet weight, g - 14
  • dispersion diameter (x=100 m), mm - 65

Cartridges caliber 366 TKM hunting with a lead bullet in a polymer coating Dary:

  • bullet weight, g - 13.5
  • initial speed, m/s (for VPO-208) - 550
  • dispersion diameter (x=100 m), mm - 75

Hunting shotgun cartridges caliber 366 TKM (shot number 10):

  • Number (diameter, mm) of the shot – 10 (1.75)
  • Shot mass, g - 6.2
  • initial speed, m/s (for VPO-208) - 600

That is, the energy of ammunition, as expected, differs markedly depending on the type: for FMJ it is 2500 Joules, for Dary - 2000, and for a shot cartridge - 1100 Joules.

You should not think that “366 paradoxes” and “Lancasters” cause such a stir exclusively among beginners who do not have the necessary experience in owning a smoothbore. I know one colleague who, in addition to his already existing full-fledged carbines, first bought such a “paradox” .366TKM, and just the other day he became the owner interesting sample TG3 is almost from the first industrial batch, which will be discussed in the final chapter.

9.6/53 Lancaster - what kind of beast is this?

And yet, the 366TKM, in the opinion of the author, seems more of a sports caliber, and is not as interesting as its brother, which, in fact, will be discussed below in the article. Firstly, the “paradox” drill has long been known and is used in conventional guns, including with the help of choke tubes. Secondly, a bullet that is quite “hot” in comparison with a smoothbore is forced at full throttle to cut into the rifling located closer to the muzzle, which is not good...

It must be assumed that Tekhkrim CJSC was well aware of these nuances of its brainchild and quite recently created a much more serious 9.6x53 Lancaster ammunition based on the 7.62x54R cartridge. Now that's another song!

So, here is the manufacturer's data:

  • bullet weight, g - 14.8
  • initial speed, m/s — 750
  • energy, J - 4160
  • dispersion diameter (x=100 m), mm - 60

It is no coincidence that at one time, when the persecution of civilian rifled weapons began, samples with Lancaster drilling fell into the same company with them, in contrast to the “paradoxes”. And there were only a couple of them in the USSR, but no, the comrades in uniform did not see much of a difference between real carbines and Lancasters. This already says a lot. By the way, the unforgettable Alexander Khinshtein, now “the head of the working group for analyzing and improving legislation in the field of private security organizations and arms control,” in March 2019 again proposed equating Lancasters to rifled firearms. Is history repeating itself?

For those who have not yet become acquainted with these unusual samples, I suggest watching a video where everything is explained and shown. I’ll just add that when you encounter them for the first time, you experience some doubts - is there a manufacturing defect in front of you, with an oval bore?

Update, October 2019.

Weapons with a Lancaster drill: what, where, when and is it worth buying?

New 9.6/53 Lancaster from Molot ARMZ

Vyatsko-Polyanskoe LLC “Molot ARMZ”, one might say, immediately captured the market for domestic models under .366TKM. As is usual with us, they were created on the basis of fenced army models - SKS, Mosinki and, of course, Kalash. The photo shows a modern AKS-366-Lancaster-06:

In general, although this is very subjective, such “Kalashoids” for such ammunition are somehow not very hunting. Well, in the opinion of a “traditionalist,” one might even say “Kuzmicha,” as they like to call them in online shooting communities. Yet they are closer to practical shooting or something similar (may the owners of the classic Saiga, who successfully extract animals from it, forgive me!). Apparently, Molot ARMZ also understands this.

9.6/53 ammunition is almost twice as energy efficient as 366TKM (~9.6x38), speed indicators, and, accordingly, trajectory flatness are also noticeably better. They are already much closer to their truly hunting brothers, say, 9x53R, which was in Soviet time the only domestic large-caliber cartridge, used in the rather rare “Bear”, “Los” carbines and some fittings.

The Tekhkrim production line also includes 9.6/53 ammunition with “reduced velocity” (US version). They are intended “for hunting small game weighing up to 100 kg.”

And this is the new 2019 expansion 9.6/53 Lancaster ammunition with the Kion 18 semi-jacketed bullet. Apparently, a very lethal thing.

By analogy with shotguns.366TKM, in May 2019, grapeshot 9.6/53 appeared in the Tekhkrima line (pictured below). The scope of their application, to be honest, remains a mystery to me. Still, the number of eight buckshot here is almost two and a half times less than in the 12K cartridge.

Even at the “Hunting and Weapons 2017” exhibition, the “Molot-Weapon” company presented the “Eager” smoothbore carbine (VPO-223) under 9.6/53.

It was created on the basis of the classic bolt carbine VPO-114. Well, it’s just pleasing to the eye and makes you want to pick it up! Even then, part of the VPO-223 came in an ergonomic laminate stock from the Art DecArt company:

By the way, at “Arms & Hunting 2018” the company presented a whole family of lightweight and pivoting carbines with a compact receiver "Ermine"(photo below), designed mainly for “intermediate” calibers .223 Rem, 7.62x39, “Grendel”, as well as .366TKM.

“Jaegers” were originally created for more respectable rifles. 308Win, 7.62x54R, and, as you can see, more powerful than the 366th, 9.6/53 Lancaster (although there are already a number of extremely strange cases of “Extra” cartridges exploding The refinery is located at VPO-111 - “Molot” and the Novosibirsk residents are now sorting this out). True, now they go under the Taezhnik brand, which is related to issues of copyright ownership, brands, etc. For us, practitioners, by and large it doesn’t matter, but information to avoid confusion won’t hurt, right? So, all “Taiga” will be produced both in classic stocks and in “tactical” versions, including camouflage ones.

In general, no one will leave offended - neither the “tactical specialists” nor the “Kuzmichi” :)).

However, literally before our very eyes, a very serious competitor appeared before the eyes of Molot ARMZ products. This is what the comrade mentioned above purchased. We are also talking about the TG3 carbine.

Smoothbore carbine TG3 - “SVD for beginners”

Unfortunately, the Kalashnikov Concern almost demonstratively refused to participate in the Arms & Hunting 2018 exhibition. It would be interesting to compare the degree of interest in the Lancasters from Vyatskiye Polyany and their direct competitor - the Izhevsk TG3 carbine.

Doesn't remind you of anything? Well, of course, this is the Great and Terrible “Whip”, aka SVD! Well, okay, her civilian incarnation is the Tiger hunting carbine. Well, how can a weapon with such charisma not become popular!?

In 2017, the Concern presented to the public its new development - created on the basis of the AK-103 smoothbore carbine TG2:

And everything would be fine, but the appearance of the Saiga, which appeared back in Soviet times, has become familiar in mass civilian circulation since the 90s. In addition, there are both smooth-bore versions of it, and the 410 caliber, almost similar in characteristics to the 366TKM, and the “paradox” nozzle at all... Again, there were already analogues from the “Hammer” created on the basis of the “Kalash”, which same VPO-209.

But the decision to develop TG3 can be called a win-win move. Well, judge for yourself, who can we imagine ourselves to be with a conversion AK in our hands? That's right, an infantryman, which for some reason no one really wants to be. What about a fenced SVD? Naturally - a sniper! And, mind you, this is without any experience. Who can resist this?

Moreover, a full-fledged rifled prototype of the TG3 - the Tiger carbine (as well as the albeit heavy, but much cheaper and simpler "Vepr") - can be found in the harshest places among professional hunters, that is, these are really working machines. In addition, the TG3 was certainly originally designed for shooting powerful standard ammunition 9.6/53, and not their weakened modifications of the US (see previous chapters of this article).

KK also released a polymer version of TG3. This is exactly what today's SVD looks like, as well as the Tiger 7.62X54R hunting carbine. 01.

In addition to drilling and the difference in calibers, TG3 has one more thing significant difference from its fully rifled prototype. And it is caused precisely by the much wider availability of Lancasters, and therefore by the circle of potential buyers. If the cost of the "Tiger" is about 50 thousand rubles, then in the case of TG3 we are talking it's already underway about 85 (!) thousand (in a wooden box, in plastic - about 60 thousand). This is not only a payment for the benefits described above, but also for the introduction of new technologies. After all, if conventional barrels have been in production for decades, then the development of 9.6/53 required additional investments in development and production. We can only hope that over time the price will fall a little, unless external, far from market, factors intervene.

But let's return to the hero of our story. So, the main characteristics of the TG3 smoothbore carbine:

  • length TG3 – 1225 mm with barrel length 620 mm
  • total weight of the carbine with loaded magazine – 3.9 kg
  • Magazine capacity – 5 rounds.

TG3 carbine against SVD and Tiger (video)

Literally from the moment the first information about the “smoothbore carbine” TG3 under 9.6/53 Lancaster appeared, Lancaster really wanted one of the owners of the new product to conduct a comparative shooting of it and a kind of prototype - the “Tiger” 7.62x54R hunting carbine.

So far, one has not been found anywhere, but enthusiasts from ORENGUN have gone even further. The prototype of the “Tiger” itself was now chosen as a starting point - SVD, that is, the “grandmother” of TG3 :)). Well, let's see what a newborn grandson is capable of. And we start saving money...

P.S. Willy-nilly, we are also slowly getting used to completely absurd weapon-linguistic innovations like the “smooth-bore carbine.” Still, if we discard literally isolated historical facts, a carbine is a lightweight rifle (that is, a rifled weapon) with a shortened barrel. By the way, the classic “Tiger” is also a “carbine”, with a barrel of 620 mm!

2019 addition.

Well, we've got a video about comparative shooting of the TG3 and the Tiger. Let's look:

Another new product from the Russian concern "Kalashnikov", presented on exhibition - TG3 smoothbore carbine in caliber. The model was created on the basis of the legendary Dragunov sniper rifle and is a modification of the Tiger carbine, already familiar to hunters. What are the differences between the new items?

The main feature of the TG3 is the Lancaster oval screw drill () . Depending on the weapon model, there can be from two rifling (TG3) to eight. Lancaster drilling allows you to improve the range, accuracy and accuracy of fire, while Russian laws the weapon is still considered smoothbore.

The new carbine is designed for shooting - they are significantly larger than the classic 7.62 mm cartridges for the Tigers and SVD, due to larger caliber The new TG3 carbine has a slightly thicker barrel. TG3 uses single-row detachable magazine with a capacity of 5 rounds.

The total length of the weapon is 1225 mm, barrel length is 620 mm, weight including a loaded magazine is 3.9 kg. The carbine will be available in both wooden and plastic versions - the first models will be produced in “wood”, then plastic will also go on sale.

TG3 for hunters

This Kalashnikov model is another attempt by Russian gunsmiths to “outwit” the weapons law. The new carbine can be purchased with a hunting smoothbore license, because formally a Lancaster rifled barrel is not considered rifled. Thus, the new product should become an analogue of a rifled weapon for everyone who does not want to wait five years to obtain a license for a rifled weapon.

Of course, the new “Tiger” will primarily be of interest to Russian hunters - as an affordable alternative rifled carbines. And according to the manufacturers, in terms of accuracy and accuracy of fire at a distance of up to one hundred meters, the new product is almost not inferior to the original army SVD, but still the caliber 9.6x53 Lancaster differs by not very good flatness of the tracktory The flight of the bullet and the decrease in trajectory at 200m will be about 20cm, and at 300m it will be about a meter. According to eyewitnesses, at the exhibition "Army 2018" during test firing from the TG3 carbine with an optical sight, it was possible to fire targeted shooting at a distance of up to 300 meters. It follows from this that when shooting from this type of weapon, it is necessary to clearly know the firing distance in order to make the correct adjustments when firing.

How applicable this will be for production models is unknown. Accuracy, accuracy and range will largely depend on the quality of the cartridges and the weapon itself - we can only hope that in mass production the model will not have problems with build quality. However, in addition to open sights (rear sight and front sight), the carbine will have the option of installing an optical sight. This means that the creators envision hunting at long and medium distances.

At the moment, the gun is just getting ready for mass production. There have been no official announcements about the start of sales yet, but at the Kalashnikov stand they promised to release the new product for sale before the end of 2018. There is conflicting information about the price of a carbine; basically everyone focuses on the cost of rifled hunting models based on SVD - from 60 to 100 thousand rubles. In discussions, the amount most often mentioned is 80,000 rubles, but official information Not yet received from the manufacturer.

Gun specifications TG3:


9. 6/53 Lancaster

Automation type


Length (mm)

1100 or 1120

Length with stock folded (mm)

Barrel length (mm)

Weight without cartridges (kg)

Magazine capacity (pcs)


  • – Possibility of purchasing with a license for smooth-bore weapons
  • – High bullet speed (about 700m/s) and high muzzle energy (about 4000J)
  • – Confident shooting at a distance of 100m.
  • – Possibility of installing various optical sights

Disadvantages of the gunTG3:

  • – The 9.6/53 Lancaster cartridge is expensive, there is only one manufacturer of these cartridges (Tehkrim).
  • – The design of the TG3 gun has been significantly changed in comparison with the basic SVD model, which will inevitably affect its reliability.
  • – Poor flatness of the bullet’s flight path.
  • – Heavy weight of the gun, at least 3.9 kg without an optical sight.

You can choose an automatic rifle for yourself from manufacturers and suppliers of hunting goods.

Material prepared by Peter Senin

New product after new product!

The smoothbore carbine is developed on the basis of the Dragunov SVD self-loading rifle, a modification of the familiar Tiger hunting carbine.

The TG3 smoothbore carbine will definitely interest hunters.
The 9.6x53 Lancaster cartridge used, coupled with the specific barrel, ensures confident shooting at a distance of 100 m.
The TG3 carbine features a smooth, cold-forged barrel with [ Lancaster- specifics of drilling the barrel. The channel profile is shaped like an oval in cross-section, and the oval is twisted along the entire length of the trunk. With such peculiar rifling, the bullet is stabilized by rotation. The result is excellent accuracy, precision and sharpness of combat, similar to rifled ones. Lancaster]. The channel profile is shaped like an oval in cross-section, and the oval is twisted along the entire length of the trunk. With such peculiar rifling, the bullet is stabilized by rotation. The result is excellent accuracy, precision and sharpness of combat, similar to rifled ones.

A pleasant advantage is that any citizen with a license for smooth-bore weapons, who does not have five years of experience, can purchase this carbine.

The ammunition used demonstrates excellent shooting characteristics. The bullet's flight speed reaches about 700 m/s, the muzzle energy is about 4000 J.

Muzzle energy higher than 7.62x54R*

*when using a standard cartridge produced by Techkrim

The hunting rifle will be presented in three versions:
The first version - with a wooden frame butt and fore-end, a removable cheekpiece on the butt
Second - in plastic. Plastic frame stock and forend.
Third (in the future) it will have a side-folding metal stock similar to the SVDS rifle and a plastic forend.

Coming soon - new model self-loading carbine from Kalashnikov in all stores

Carabiner TG3 isp.01 soft cheek rest 9.6x53 Lancaster L=620.

Carbine TG3- is a self-loading smoothbore carbine, developed on the basis of the famous SVD sniper rifle, intended for hunting and target practice.


  • - Kalashnikov carbine designed for the 9.6x53 cartridge; detachable magazine holds 5 rounds;
  • - Kalashnikov TG3 distinguished by being equipped with a barrel with a drill Lancaster; trunk length is 62 cm; the barrel bore and chamber are chrome-plated to increase their service life; a slotted flash suppressor is installed on the barrel;
  • - Kalashnikov carbine equipped with mechanical sights open type consist of a front sight and a bar;
  • - in this version Kalashnikov TG3 carbine equipped with a plastic fore-end and butt.

How to buy a Kalashnikov TG3 9.6x53 Lancaster carbine isp.01?

We warn you! Licensed products are not available for purchase through the online store. Qualified personnel will provide full advice on the product, its care and answer all your questions.
Please note that to purchase firearms and cartridges must be licensed! You can familiarize yourself with the rules and procedure for receiving in the section

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