Retail Licensing. Licensing of trade in civilian and service weapons Documents for issuing permits for purchased weapons for smooth-bore, rifled, traumatic weapons

In trading, you will never be left without profit.

The arms trade is a very interesting and tempting business.

Many people think that obtaining a license in this case is prohibitively difficult. How true is this?

    Sales license: what is it?

    A permit for the sale of weapons and ammunition is a kind of “label” from the state for the sale of weapons and ammunition for them.

    This business requires obtaining a license, just like the trade in alcohol, food, pyrotechnics, etc. (Federal Law No. 99-FZ, “On Licensing certain types activities).

    Without this permission, it is forbidden to sell both edged weapons (in general, all types), and "firearms" and even pneumatics with a caliber over 4.5 mm.

    Obtaining procedure described in Art. eighteen federal law No. 150-FZ "On weapons". According to him, only legal entities can implement such serious means of self-defense in the Russian Federation. persons - manufacturers of weapons, as well as those who have received the appropriate license to sell.

    According to the same law, cannot be sold:

  1. Instances of cultural and historical value;
  2. Rarities, copies and replicas, and even copies similar to them;
  3. Weapons and cartridges without numbers and factory stamps.

In order to implement them, you must have a certificate (declaration) of conformity on hand.

How to get a license to trade in weapons and ammunition?

Step 1 - Preparing the room

First, decide where your future store will be located.

The requirements for the premises are quite strict.

Not only that, it must have a connection to the UVO control panel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fire extinguishing equipment, as well as an additional power source, if the main network suddenly “flies”.

In addition, you need:

  • Steel grilles on all windows and ventilation ducts;
  • A separate room without windows - this will be an armory;
  • The area of ​​the store is at least 120 square meters.

Separately, a few words should be said about armory. In her must not be whatever windows, as already mentioned - this is a real "concrete bag" with thick walls. And not just thick - they, like the floor and ceiling, should be not less than 36 cm. If concrete wall blocks are used, then their permissible thickness is from 20 cm, and reinforced concrete - 18 .

The law does not establish strict standards for either the size of the armory or the requirements for showcases.

Step 2 - Preparing a package of papers

To sell firearms, as well as self-defense weapons, you will need:

  1. Statement;
  2. OGRN;
  3. Constituent documents (copies);
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  5. Title documents for premises (ownership or lease);
  6. Certificates of examination of the UVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, LRRR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, supervisory services (including architectural supervision), SES;
  7. Agreement with a security company;
  8. Store floor plans;
  9. Director's order on the internal regime;
  10. Orders on the appointment of a person responsible for the storage of weapons and ammunition, as well as store employees;
  11. Mini "dossier" on employees - copies of identity cards, what education and work experience they have;
  12. Important! A person with a criminal record or who is prohibited from doing such work cannot be appointed to this position;

  13. State duty receipt.

And keep in mind that even if you have created such an organization, this does not mean that at the same time it will also be possible for your branch to sell weapons.

Step 3 - Visit the Ministry of Internal Affairs, hand over the documents.

The waiting period is usually a month.

The procedure for going to authorities and collecting papers can be entrusted to a law office, they will deal with it faster.

Step 4 - Get a license

Who can get rejected?

Yes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs may refuse to issue a license to trade in weapons. And here are the reasons why:

  • You are not an entrepreneur;
  • You have a criminal record or you are prohibited from engaging in activities related to weapons (or this was revealed in relation to someone from the team);
  • Insufficiency of documents;
  • Documents are overdue or are issued with violations;
  • The premises do not meet the established requirements;
  • In parallel with the sale of weapons in the same premises, it is planned to sell other goods (with the exception of the “hunter-fisher” category and sporting goods).

Sale of firearms without a license

The sale of weapons is its irrevocable transfer in favor of third parties as a result of a reimbursable transaction (Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF No. 5 dated March 12, 2002).

The Criminal Code (Article 222) says that nothing good, namely imprisonment for up to four years(or 8 if the act was committed by an organized group). For cold and gas weapons - up to two years.

True, there is one significant caveat - if the violator changes his mind in time and hands over the illegal goods to the authorities voluntarily, then he released from criminal responsibility(Note to Article 222 of the Criminal Code).

How to get a license to manufacture weapons?

Issued by the registration authority Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation legal entities. If the whole procedure is followed and all documents are in order, then it will not take long to wait for a license - up to forty five days(usually less than a month is enough).

See also the video about the new rules for the sale of weapons in Russia.

Like a candidate for arms sales, the applicant will need to collect a considerable amount of paperwork. This:

  1. Statement;
  2. Constituent documents;
  3. OGRN;
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  5. Goskomstat codes;
  6. Documents confirming that the candidate has a building, equipment, machinery (and a license for it) that meets the standards, as well as a system for recording and storing technical documentation for the production of weapons, a production security system;
  7. Papers on the nomenclature of weapons;
  8. Documents on who will supervise the production;
  9. Characteristics of those who will be engaged in the declared work;
  10. State duty receipt.

Perpetual gun license

You can visit the licensing authority yourself, or you can entrust this procedure to a law office.

For little money, intermediaries will quickly and efficiently collect all the papers and provide them to the Ministry of Industry and Trade themselves, and you just have to come to the specified address and pick up the license.

In other words, it is very difficult to obtain the status of a manufacturer or seller of weapons. You will have to show remarkable patience and perseverance, which, if done correctly, will pay off many times over.

The rules for the circulation of civilian \ service weapons, as well as ammunition for them, are prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons" and State Cadastre civil \ service weapons. Sale of official \ civilian weapons, as well as ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried out:

  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Service foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation, the Tax Police Department of the Russian Federation, the railway troops, as well as the troops of government communications and civil defense
  • Enterprises (except public ones) that carry out the function of protecting nature, property, health and life of people
  • Government organizations whose employees are allowed by Russian law to wear firearms
  • Enterprises engaged in the development, testing, production of weapons and their trade
  • Hunting and sports organizations
  • educational institutions
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation
  • foreign citizens

What is the licensing of arms and ammunition trade?

To him is the procedure, which in without fail must go through the so-called supplying enterprises - organizations that manufacture, test and distribute weapons.

Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the district where the supplier enterprise is registered. To obtain a license to sell weapons and ammunition, the applicant must submit an application, providing with it a package of necessary documentation. The application is considered within 1 month from the date of its submission.

License to sell weapons is issued for 3 years and can be extended for 5 years at the request of the licensee. An application for renewal of permits must be submitted at least 3 months before the expiration of the current license.

Licensing of arms and ammunition trade provides for special conditions for its storage and preservation. In particular, the weapons sold must be stored in metal safes. And the room in which weapons and ammunition are stored must be isolated from other rooms, have an alarm and other means of protection designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Obtain a license to sell weapons and ammunition not possible if:

a) the licensee did not provide the required information, or it turned out to be false,

b) the conditions for the preservation of weapons and ammunition cannot be ensured,

c) there are other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the licensing authority refuses to issue a license, its representatives shall notify the applicant in writing. The notice indicates the reason for the refusal, which the applicant, at his discretion, can appeal in court.

How to apply for a license to sell weapons and ammunition?

is a staff of experienced and highly qualified employees who are able to issue a license in the most prompt period and in the most correct way. Contacting Certification Center "Ligatest" will allow you to create a license folder so that it is not returned for revision or does not serve as a denial of licensing. We work with each client on an individual basis, which directly affects the efficiency and successful outcome of obtaining permits.

The circulation of weapons in our country is seriously controlled, and it can only be purchased for certain purposes. This:

  • self-defense;
  • hunting;
  • shooting sport
  • collecting.

Collecting will not be discussed in this manual, but you will learn how to get the right to purchase, as well as store and in some cases carry cold, gas, pneumatic, smoothbore and rifled weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction.

For self-defense, Russian citizens, after obtaining a license, can purchase smooth-bore and gas weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction.

For hunting, you can buy smoothbore, pneumatic and edged weapons. You can also buy rifled, but only after five years of trouble-free possession of smoothbore weapons.

Those who are fond of shooting sports can purchase pneumatic and smoothbore weapons. And after receiving the official sports title (master of sports, master of sports international class) you can obtain a license to purchase, and then a permit to store and carry long-barreled rifled weapons. In addition, having received a sports title, you will be able to purchase short-barreled rifled weapons (pistols), but you will be required to store them in a shooting club.

In any case, gun owners need to remember General rules security:

  • always remember that weapons are a source of increased danger;
  • always handle the weapon as if it were loaded;
  • never point a weapon where you do not want to shoot;
  • never touch the trigger of a loaded weapon unless you intend to fire;
  • never shoot if the shot could endanger others;
  • check what is in front of and behind the target before shooting.
"> basic safety precautions, Carrying weapons by citizens Russian Federation allowed during hunting, sports events, training and training firing, as well as for self-defense purposes.

When carrying weapons, a citizen is obliged to carry documents proving their identity (passport or service ID, military or hunting ticket and the like), as well as a license or permit issued by the internal affairs bodies for the storage and carrying of weapons they have.

Carrying a long-barreled firearm is carried out in an uncovered state, with an equipped magazine or drum, put on the fuse (if any), and firearms handguns- in a holster in a similar form.

Sending a cartridge into the chamber is permitted only if it is necessary to use a weapon or to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency. In the course of hunting or sporting events, the loading of weapons is carried out in the manner determined by the relevant rules.

The carrying and use of copies (replicas) of weapons, as well as the carrying of weapons of cultural value, is permitted only with historical costumes during the participation of citizens in historical, cultural or other events held by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, museums, state or public cultural and educational organizations and associations, subject to the coordination of these events with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Persons having the right to keep, store and carry weapons are obliged to comply with the established rules for the safe handling of them.

">rules for carrying weapons
, Citizens of the Russian Federation carry out the transportation of weapons through the territory of the Russian Federation in the amount of not more than five units and cartridges not more than 1000 pieces on the basis of permits from the internal affairs bodies for storage, storage and carrying, storage and use, for import into the Russian Federation of the relevant types, types and models weapons or licenses for their acquisition, collection or display of weapons.

Transportation of weapons and ammunition in excess of the specified norms is carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed for legal entities.

Transportation of weapons belonging to citizens is carried out in cases, holsters or special cases, as well as in special packaging from the manufacturer of weapons.

(According to the Decree of the Government of Russia dated July 21, 1998 No. 814 "On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation")

">rules for transporting weapons
And In order to ensure safety during hunting, it is prohibited:
  • carry out the extraction of game animals using hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapon closer than 200 meters from housing;
  • shoot "at the noise", "at the rustle", at an unclearly visible target;
  • shoot at game birds sitting on wires and supports (pillars) of power lines;
  • shoot along the line of shooters (when the projectile can pass closer than 15 meters from the neighboring shooter);
  • organize a corral of game animals, in which hunters move inside the corral, surrounding the animals that are in the corral;
  • shoot at information signs, including road signs, signs traffic, boundary signs, advertising structures (stands, billboards), as well as special information signs (full houses) and other information signs and their supports, residential and non-residential premises.

(From the order of the Ministry natural resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 No. 512)

">safety rules for hunting

2. What weapons are prohibited for circulation in Russia?

According to the law "On Weapons", in the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, the circulation as civilian and service weapons is prohibited:

  • long-barreled firearms with a magazine (drum) capacity of more than 10 rounds, with the exception of some types of sporting weapons;
  • firearms that are shaped to mimic other objects;
  • smooth-bore firearms made for cartridges for firearms with a rifled barrel;
  • brushes, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and similar items;
  • cartridges with armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive or tracer bullets, as well as cartridges with shot shells for gas pistols and revolvers;
  • gas weapons equipped with nerve-paralytic, poisonous, as well as other substances that are not allowed for use;
  • electroshock devices and spark gaps manufactured abroad or produced in Russia, but having output parameters exceeding the values ​​established by the state standard of the Russian Federation;
  • cold bladed weapons and knives, the blades and blades of which are either automatically removed from the handle when a button or lever is pressed and fixed by them, or extended by gravity or accelerated movement and automatically fixed, with a blade and blade length of more than 90 millimeters;
  • civilian firearms of limited destruction with a muzzle energy of more than 91 joules and service firearms of limited destruction with a muzzle energy of more than 150 joules.

3. What are the fees for issuing licenses and permits?

In 2017, the fees for the issuance, renewal, reissuance of licenses for the acquisition and permits for the storage and carrying of weapons were replaced by state duties.

Now the fee for issuing a license to purchase weapons (except for gas weapons) is 2,000 rubles.

The fee for issuing and extending the period of validity of a permit to store and carry weapons is 500 rubles.

The fee for the issuance and renewal of a license for the purchase of gas weapons is 500 rubles.

The fee for reissuing any weapons license for the purchase, as well as any permit for the storage and carrying of weapons, is 250 rubles.

4. Who can't purchase weapons?

A license to purchase weapons is not issued to citizens of the Russian Federation who:

  • have not reached the age of 18 years (21 years in case of obtaining a license for weapons of limited destruction (colloquially - "injury");
  • they cannot provide a medical certificate and a medical report, which indicates that the doctors found either contraindications to possession of weapons or drugs in the body;
  • have an outstanding conviction for an intentional crime or have an expired conviction for a serious or special serious crime committed with the use of weapons;
  • serving a sentence for a crime committed;
  • twice a year attracted to administrative responsibility for violations public order, for violation of the rules of hunting, for violation of the rules for the circulation of narcotic or psychotropic substances;
  • Dont Have permanent place residence;
  • did not submit the required documents;
  • deprived by a court decision of the right to acquire weapons;
  • are registered with healthcare institutions for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • subjected to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances (the ban on obtaining a license is valid until the end of the sentence).

5. How to buy a gas weapon?

Gas weapons in Russia are sold for self-defense. Every citizen who has the right to purchase weapons has the right to own no more than five gas pistols or revolvers. You can buy them both individually and several units at once.

In order to acquire them, you will need to obtain a license to purchase a gas weapon, which in fact is both a permit to possess and carry a gas weapon. This right to own and carry gas weapons is somewhat easier to obtain than other types of weapons. Indeed, in the case of pneumatic, smooth-bore and rifled weapons, as well as weapons of limited destruction, these are two different documents that are drawn up sequentially.

6. How to buy weapons of limited destruction?

Weapons of Limited Destruction (better known as traumatic weapon) in Russia is sold for self-defense. Every citizen who has the right to purchase weapons has the right to own no more than two units of firearms of limited destruction (traumatic weapons). You can buy them individually or both at the same time.

It is important to know that when you obtain a license for a smoothbore weapon for self-defense, you will not be able to obtain permission to carry such weapons - only for storage, because it is understood that you will use it to protect your home. But hunters and athletes can purchase weapons and then get the right not only to store, but also to carry - after all, it is assumed that the former will use weapons for hunting, and the latter for training and competitions.

Anyone who has the right to purchase a weapon may own no more than five smoothbore and an unlimited number of airguns.

Melee weapons can be purchased if you have two documents: a hunting license and a permit to store and carry hunting weapons - smoothbore, rifled or pneumatic. No other documents are required for the purchase. It's cold now hunting weapon not registered in any way, but wearing is allowed only for hunting.

To be able to purchase rifled weapons, athletes must have a sports title in shooting (master of sports, master of sports of international class). But if long-barreled weapons can be stored at home, then a pistol or revolver will have to be stored in a sports club.

Every citizen who has the right to purchase weapons has the right to own no more than five long-barreled rifles. You can buy them both individually and several units at once.

perstkov 11-11-2007 20:58

moved from Legal Advice

Dear forum users, maybe some of you have practical experience obtaining a license for (for an op. store) trade in ammunition (gunpowder cartridges rifled smoothbore) and hunting weapons:

We have an op.mag with more than 3 years of work experience.
sellers have ROHA permits (all hunters themselves)

Tell me what package of documents is needed to apply for a permit (license) and where you can get the necessary forms in our city, only permits for HS and JI are issued, and rifled ones are issued only in regional center I am also interested in the cost of such a license and its validity period, as well as the registration period if anyone knows

I will be very grateful to all


D_mon 12-11-2007 12:44

A license to trade in weapons is issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the subject, so you will have to go to the regional LRRR.

The list of documents is as follows:

1) an application (in the prescribed form);
2) copies constituent documents and certificates of state registration of a legal entity (i.e. a copy of the Charter, a decision to establish an LLC, certificates of state registration, certificates of registration with a tax authority, extracts from the unified state register of legal entities);
3) certificate of state registration of ownership of real estate (i.e. a document confirming the right to own the premises, or a lease / sublease agreement);
4) an act of a commission inspection of premises intended for the storage and placement of weapons and cartridges;
5) acts drawn up by the private security unit on the compliance of the equipment of the places for storing weapons and cartridges, their trade (closed showcases of the exhibition halls) with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
6) a copy of the order of a legal entity on the appointment of a person responsible for the storage and issuance of weapons and ammunition;
7) copies of the order of the legal entity on the appointment of employees admitted to the sale, storage, issuance and conduct of permitted types of work with weapons and ammunition (for all these employees, a permit is also issued in the local LRO).

The term for consideration of the application is 45 working days. License fee - 150 minimum wages (15 thousand rubles), the license is issued for 3 years, then renewed every 5 years (with 10 thousand rubles for renewal)

I would also advise you to first clarify the required documents in your regional HRRR, as they may have some other points.

perstkov 07-12-2007 18:39

May I have one more question?

Today I studied OKVD (classifier of types of activity) and did not find there such a type of activity as retail trade in ammunition for hunting rifled and smoothbore weapons or I slow down or there it is related to other types of trade not listed in the sections.

maybe someone knows what OKVD should be included in the types of activities (in relation to this type of trade?

It is possible to sell civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them only after completing a considerable number of procedures that the police require for trading trunks and blades.

The new order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev, which is published today " Russian newspaper", supplements and specifies the weapons legislation. On the one hand, control over the circulation of weapons is being strengthened. On the other hand, all participants in this market become clear on the rules of the game - what is possible, what is not, and where to complain.

And this market, in terms of the number of barrels, is comparable to the army arsenal. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are more than five million registered firearms in the hands of citizens. In addition, nearly two million have been sold. traumatic pistols and revolvers - no one knows the exact number.

And, according to experts, almost the same number of unregistered weapons. Russian police searches for over 220 thousand barrels, of which 70 thousand are rifled. A file of lost or stolen weapons has been maintained since 1947. Since then, over 160 thousand units have been found.

Russia is in ninth place in the world in terms of the number of armed people.

Every tenth of us owns a "gun". For comparison: in the United States, out of every hundred people, 90 people own a weapon. On hand - 150 million different shooting units. In Germany, for every 1000 people, 120 own weapons, in Finland - 400. In Japan, the armament of the population is less than one hundredth of a percent, and in Switzerland - literally without exception: there, every person liable for military service, as a member of the people's militia, keeps a service machine at home.

Of course, the most armed city in Russia is Moscow. A third of all weapons in the hands of citizens - official, sporting and so-called civilian - are in the hands of the inhabitants of the capital. More than half a million owners of civilian weapons are registered in Moscow. That is, owners of hunting smooth-bore and rifled guns and carbines, gas and traumatic pistols. There are 627,920 barrels on hand. The annual increase in the armament of the people is five per cent.

Almost half - 239,410 people - are owners of self-defense weapons, that is, pistols. It is they who constitute the biggest headache for the police. It is very important that the owners of guns and carbines practically do not appear in criminal reports - they do not carry such barrels with them every day and, as a rule, they do not shoot from them when drunk. But all sorts of pistols and revolvers are used for any reason: in a domestic fight, in a restaurant, and even in an accident. Other artists sometimes earn popularity for themselves precisely with "makarych" or, say, "naganych" - there are precedents.

But the most banal violations occur even more often. People simply forget pistols in the most inappropriate places: in the glove compartments of cars, shopping bags, in the wardrobes of restaurants or theaters. It is clear that there "trunks" and steal. And then they remake them into combat ones and kill people.

Therefore, the Law "On Weapons" was recently amended, seriously restricting the rights of owners of concealed carrying barrels. If, say, a hunter can wield six weapons, then a "self-defender" can only wield two.

Moreover, when renewing a weapon license, hunters present only the entire package of documents required. And the owners of injuries every time will have to take tests. And if it suddenly turns out that the owner of a beautiful pistol does not know the legislative rules for its use and, moreover, does not know how to shoot from it, then you will have to part with the "gun". Or - to study "military affairs".

Another significant change in the legislation: the concept of "traumatic weapons" no longer exists. There are "firearms of limited destruction" - a pistol, a revolver, a domestic-made firearm with traumatic cartridges. This change brought some confusion to the arms trade process: not all specialized stores had time to change the details on the goods, and the owners of injuries had to redo the permits. By the way, the regulations published today take into account these changes and enable arms dealers to properly issue licenses.

Supporters and opponents of the right for ordinary citizens to acquire short-barreled firearms - we are talking about combat pistols and revolvers - spears are being broken more and more often. The reason for the resumption of the discussion, as a rule, is the next shootout or massacre both in Russia and abroad. It is especially impressive when some madman shoots people with legally acquired trunks and the same legal ammunition.

A few years ago, in the wake of interest in the weapons theme in Russia, a kind of compromise decision was made: the sale of pistols and revolvers was allowed, but traumatic, that is, firing from which should not lead to death. However, the number of those killed with "non-lethal" weapons is already in the tens. And there are hundreds of cases of its use. Drivers who do not share the road, visitors to nightclubs and restaurants, raiders and just hooligans shoot at each other. What will happen, exclaim opponents of the legalization of "short-barrels", if real pistols are allowed?

And everything will be fine, supporters of the weapon say. After all, there are practically no facts when crimes were committed in Russia with the use of registered smooth-bore and rifled hunting weapons. Why should they appear with the permission of pistols? And the injury does not count, people really do not consider it a military weapon. They think that a shot from it is the same as a punch. After all, a hand can cripple and even kill.

In order to strengthen control over the circulation of weapons, the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs specifies the requirements for the sale of everything that shoots. It is immediately evident that only entity. An ordinary citizen has the right to hand over weapons, including for a fee, only to the police.

The document lists in detail where the entrepreneur should apply, what documents to collect and provide in order to legally sell shooting and piercing objects. Specific actions of licensing officials are indicated, addresses where you can complain are named, and even mandatory reactions to possible complaints are prescribed. The most important thing here is the public presentation of the document, which pursues frankly anti-corruption goals. It is for this purpose that, for example, specific deadlines are indicated that are given for one or another action by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And how are they

In the US, the procedure for buying any weapon can last - depending on the state - from 15 minutes to a month. The store makes a request to the police about the identity of the buyer - and as a result, they sell or do not sell the barrel. As a rule, a positive decision is made in 95 percent of cases.

In Europe, in order to acquire a civilian or hunting weapon, you need to perform approximately similar exercises: undergo training, have positive characteristics, and obtain a permit from the police. The difference is in terms and specific requirements. For example, in Germany, it is not pistols that are banned for sale, but pump-action shotguns - the police call them "classic weapons of criminals." Open carrying of any weapon, including pneumatic, cold steel or stun guns, is prohibited. In France, the sale of any automatic weapons is prohibited. In the UK, a separate license is required for a pistol, a different license for long-barreled weapons. In Japan, they will give permission to purchase only after a year of training. They will teach shooting and knowledge of the laws. Only a smoothbore gun or a single-shot rifle will be allowed to buy. We are not talking about pistols at all. And they will check the owner every three months.

What else to read