Blood type and human nutrition. Diet by blood type from the point of view of science. Reduce consumption to a minimum

Diet meals are meals that contain a small amount of calories and help to maintain a figure.
Diet foods are very important for the human body. Even if you have a perfect figure, your body still sometimes needs a diet to keep your figure in good shape. Also, if you have a certain desire to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, then you need to periodically clean it. And in this case, nothing will help you better than eating diet foods.
Many of us are sure that dietary dishes cannot be appetizing, tasty at all. However, this is absolutely not the case. Diet food may not be tasty, but very, very tasty. You just need to know how to cook such dishes correctly and what products to use. Don't believe? Then pay attention to this subcategory. After all, in this subcategory for you are collected the most interesting and useful recipes for dietary dishes.
So, for example, here you can find recipes on how to cook diet meals for weight loss, low-calorie diet meals in a slow cooker, as well as diet dishes from chicken, zucchini, cottage cheese, fish, meat, minced meat and other equally delicious low-calorie recipes. It is especially convenient that this category contains simple recipes for dietary dishes with photos. Such recipes are convenient in that with their help the cooking process is greatly simplified, and you can also borrow the method of serving and decorating, which is also very pleasing. Is not it? Choose the most interesting and mouth-watering recipes, how easy and fast you can cook delicious diet meals for weight loss and start cooking. And be sure that with such recipes, cooking diet meals will bring you a lot of positive emotions. And be healthy!


"Monastic" salad - the perfect addition to the menu for the Christmas Lent

Ingredients: cabbage, cucumber, bell pepper, dill, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper

To prepare this salad, you will need very simple ingredients, and you get a delicious dish that is suitable for every day, and for meeting guests who are fasting.

- 200 g of cabbage;
- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 1 bunch of dill;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- 1 tsp wine vinegar;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Pumpkin puree soup with lentils

Ingredients: water, pumpkin, lentils, carrots, onions, tomato paste, cream cheese, vegetable oil, greens, salt, spice

Pumpkin puree soup with lentils, onions and tomato paste will be an excellent first course on weekdays, when it is so important that lunch or dinner is both tasty and nutritious.

- 1 liter of water;
- 250 g pumpkin;
- 120 g of lentils;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 1 tsp tomato paste;
- 50 g cream cheese;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- greens to taste;
- salt to taste;
- spices to taste.


Delicious spelt with vegetables in a slow cooker

Ingredients: spelled, carrot, onion, water, salt, vegetable oil, pepper mixture

Spelled with vegetables cooked in a slow cooker is very tasty and satisfying. If you watch your diet, then you will certainly enjoy this healthy dish.

- 1 tbsp. spelled;
- 100 g of carrots;
- 120 g of onion;
- 2 tbsp. water;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- a mixture of ground peppers to taste.


Korean-style asparagus salad with carrots

Ingredients: cucumber, Beijing cabbage, Korean carrot, soy sauce, flax seed, soy asparagus

Soy asparagus in the company of fresh cucumber and Korean carrots seasoned with soy sauce is a great salad for all occasions. It turns out tasty, appetizing, and healthy!

- 1 fresh cucumber;
- 3-4 leaves of Beijing cabbage;
- 120 g of carrots in Korean;
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce;
- 1\5 tsp flax seeds;
- 100 g of soy asparagus.


Kulich according to Dukan

Ingredients: cottage cheese, oat bran, starch, turmeric, sesame, egg, baking powder, milk powder

If you are on the Dukan diet, I suggest you cook a delicious and easy-to-cook Easter cake for Easter. The recipe is quite simple.


- 200 grams of cottage cheese;
- 35 grams of oat bran;
- 30 grams of corn starch;
- 5 grams of ground turmeric;
- 10 grams of black sesame;
- 1 egg;
- 5 grams of baking powder dough;
- sugar substitute;
- powdered milk.


Diet cake for Easter

Ingredients: cottage cheese, honey, egg, starch, bran, baking powder, raisins, nuts, candied fruit


210 grams of cottage cheese 2%;
- 3 tablespoons honey;
- 2 eggs;
- 2 tablespoons potato starch;
- 4 tablespoons bran;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- raisin;
- hazelnuts;
- candied fruits.


Ratatouille in a slow cooker

Ingredients: eggplant, zucchini, tomato, onion, bell pepper, garlic, basil, oil, salt, pepper

Ratatouille is the national dish of France. Today I prepared a recipe for this amazing dish in a slow cooker.


- 1 eggplant;
- 1 zucchini;
- 3-4 tomatoes;
- 1 onion;
- 1 sweet bell pepper;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 2-3 sprigs of basil;
- 70 ml. vegetable, olive oil;
- half tsp salt;
- a pinch of ground black pepper.


Pollock marinated with carrots and onions

Ingredients: pollock, carrot, onion, tomato paste, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, pepper, bay leaf

Recipe for fish lovers. We are preparing a delicious hot appetizer - pollock under a vegetable marinade. Simple, affordable, tasty and healthy for the whole family.

- 1 kg of pollock,
- 4 onions,
- 4 carrots,
- 3 tablespoons of tomato paste,
- 2 tablespoons of table vinegar (lemon juice),
- pepper to taste
- salt to taste,
- Bay leaf.


Diet cabbage salad

Ingredients: chicken leg, cabbage, mustard seeds, vegetable oil, vinegar

Ordinary cabbage makes excellent salads - tasty and healthy. Such recipes are popular with those who are on a diet. We suggest you make a salad of cabbage and boiled chicken - it will be more interesting and tastier.

- chicken ham or breast - 1 pc;
- cabbage - 1 head;
- mustard grains - 7 gr;
- little vegetable - 1 tablespoon;
- vinegar - 1 tbsp.


Diet salad with chicken breast

Ingredients: chicken breast, egg, carrot, cucumber, onion, spinach, sauce, pepper, lemon

For our thin people, I offer an excellent recipe for a delicious diet salad with chicken breast. It turns out very tasty and satisfying.


- 130 grams of chicken breast;
- 1 egg;
- 50 grams of carrots;
- 50 grams of cucumber;
- 20 grams of green onion;
- 30 grams of spinach;
- 10 grams of soy sauce;
- black pepper;
- lemon.


Diet salad with avocado

Ingredients: avocado, tomatoes, lemon, garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper

Today I propose to prepare a very tasty dietary salad from avocados. The recipe is very simple and fast. You can prepare such a salad both for every day and for the festive table.


- avocado - 1 pc.,
- tomatoes - 180 grams,
- lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Scrub for the intestines from buckwheat and kefir

Ingredients: buckwheat, fat-free kefir, boiling water, salt, parsley, cranberries

Buckwheat and kefir make an excellent breakfast, which, moreover, acts as a scrub for the intestines. So this recipe is from the category of "two in one": both tasty and healthy. Try it, you will love it!
- 100 gr of buckwheat;
- 500 ml of fat-free kefir;
- 200 ml of boiling water;
- salt to taste;
- parsley or cranberries - for serving.


Blueberry Lean Ice Cream

Ingredients: blueberries, sugar, water, lime

Very often I cook delicious berry ice cream for my homemade. Today I suggest you try a very tasty lean ice cream with blueberries and lime.


- 200 grams of blueberries,
- 70 grams of sugar,
- 100 grams of water,
- half a lime


Chicken in tomato sauce in a pan

Ingredients: breast, onion, oil, garlic, tomato, pepper, salt, laurel

For lunch or dinner, I suggest you cook delicious chicken breast in tomato sauce. which we will cook in a frying pan. The dish is delicious and easy to prepare.


- 1 kg. breasts,
- 2 onions,
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 3 tomatoes,
- 6-7 pcs. black peppercorns,
- ground black pepper,
- a pinch of salt,
- 3 bay leaves.


Salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with vinegar

Ingredients: fresh cabbage, carrots, onions, salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, green onions, herbs

I bring to your attention a very tasty and interesting recipe for making my favorite salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with vinegar.


- 300-350 grams of cabbage;
- 1 carrot;
- half an onion;
- salt;
- sugar;
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar;
- 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- a bunch of greens.

Homemade recipes for weight loss are always popular. They allow you to put yourself in order with comfort: no big expenses, no haste, no need to go somewhere to the other end of the city. In this article, we will talk about several proven ways to organize a healthy and quick farewell to being overweight in your own apartment.

Diet recipes for weight loss

Whatever diet you decide to follow, the requirements for its dishes will be about the same:

  • use low-calorie foods;
  • from thermal processing methods, give preference to cooking, baking in foil and steaming;
  • the place of sugar in your kitchen should be taken by honey or other natural sweeteners;
  • eliminate fatty (it contains calories and cholesterol);
  • smoked (carcinogenic compounds);
  • fast food (a complete collection of all kinds of "harmful things").

Are you already depressed, believing that from now on you will have to give up all delicacies in the name of a beautiful figure? So, you just don’t know yet how tasty food for weight loss can be. The low-calorie recipes that we offer you to try will please even a real gourmet.

Slimming Soup Recipe

You will need:

  • half a kilo of pumpkin pulp;
  • bright carrot;
  • fresh ginger (a piece of root a couple of centimeters in size);
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • ground black pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil with garlic crushed with the flat side of the knife, thin slices of ginger and spices. Cut carrots into slices. Pour it with 1-1.5 liters of water and cook for a quarter of an hour, and then add fried vegetables to the water. Salt. Cook the soup over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the carrots and squash are quite soft. After that, remove the bay leaf from the pan, puree the vegetables with an immersion blender, pour the soup into bowls and garnish each with a sprig of rosemary.

Slimming Salad Recipe

Beetroot is often found in weight loss recipes, but mostly raw. We invite you to change traditions and prepare a salad of boiled beets. It will promote digestion, cleanse the intestines, and it is a pleasure to feast on them.

You will need:

  • 2 medium beets;
  • onion (purple onion will look good);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • a jar of natural yogurt without sugar and additives;
  • clove of garlic;
  • greenery;
  • 2-3 walnuts;
  • salt.

Boil the beets (it will take about an hour), let cool, peel. Grate on a coarse grater or cut into pieces. Chop the onion, tear the salad with your hands. Mix all ingredients. Combine yogurt with chopped herbs, lightly salt and season the salad. Before serving, decorate the dish with walnut kernels.

Porridge with mushrooms

Mushrooms are considered quite heavy and satisfying food, so many people who lose weight are afraid of them. Not worth it! Our body spends a lot of effort and energy on digesting the dense pulp of these forest "inhabitants", which means that mushrooms with a clear conscience can be introduced into low-calorie recipes for weight loss. And how original can be the taste of familiar dishes with this additive!

You will need:

  • 200 g of buckwheat;
  • 150 g fresh or canned mushrooms;
  • bulb;
  • butter;
  • salt.

Mushrooms cut into medium-sized slices, chop the onion. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and fry the onion and mushrooms for 8 minutes. Put the washed buckwheat on top. Properly calcine it, stirring constantly (a couple of minutes is enough), then fill it with water, salt and cook until tender. The porridge will turn out fragrant, crumbly and very tasty.

Drinks for weight loss

Recipes for tea, low-calorie lemonade and diet shakes are a real help in getting rid of excess weight. They do not allow the liquid to stagnate in the intercellular space - again. They will muffle hunger when it will especially pester you - two. And they will allow you to enjoy a pleasant taste without suffering remorse - three. So pay special attention to slimming cocktail recipes.

Healthy lemonade

You will need:

  • 3 pieces of any citrus. It is better if it is a real set of orange, lemon and lime, but if you wish, you can get by with one type of fruit;
  • a bunch of mint;
  • 2 liters of drinking water.

Wash the fruits, cut into thin slices right in the peel and put them on the bottom of the jug. Tear mint into leaves and spread on fruit. Gently, without any extra effort, press down the mass with a pusher or an ordinary spoon so that the fruit gives juice, and pour water into the jug. 10 minutes, and 100% diet lemonade is ready. If you add cucumber to citrus fruits, you will get real Sassi water, loved by nutritionists and losing weight.

Smoothie recipe for weight loss

Chilled, whipped until airy, a mixture of fruits or vegetables with water, milk, curdled milk or juice is an excellent substitute for high-calorie ice cream. In the West, there have long been entire restaurants where the menu is devoted only to these refreshing delicacies, and the idea of ​​​​using smoothies for weight loss is gaining new admirers. It’s worth it to you at least a couple of times a week to arrange yourself an energy, but by no means high-calorie “cold” breakfast.

You will need:

  • 1 banana;
  • 1 pear;
  • a few berries to your taste;
  • a glass of fruit juice;
  • jar of low-fat yogurt.

Peel the banana, remove the core from the pear. Cut the fruit into pieces and beat in a blender along with berries, juice and yogurt. Before drinking, throw a couple of ice cubes into a glass and wait a minute: our stomach spends more energy, and therefore calories, on digesting cold food.

By the way, many advise adding cinnamon to slimming cocktails and smoothies. Recipes do not even have to be changed, as this spice will easily fit into any "company" of fruits. Just include half or a third of a teaspoon of fragrant brown powder in the composition of the next drink, and weight loss will go faster.

Celery Cocktail

You will need:

  • stalk of celery;
  • 100 ml of medium fat kefir;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper, optional.

Wash the celery, cut into pieces. Whisk in a blender with water and kefir (do not take a fat-free product, it is not healthy at all!). If desired, add pepper or enhance the taste with a handful of spinach leaves. With this little supplement and the huge benefits of celery, you have a real fat-burning smoothie.

Slimming Tea Recipes

Tea is a separate article. Drinking a cup or two instead of a snack (of course, without sugar), you already bring enormous benefits to your health, as you provide it with a normal water exchange and reinforce your strength with natural energy. Green tea is especially important in this regard. And it is worth supplying the drink with other useful additives, and its strength will increase many times over. Especially valuable is the combination of ginger, lemon and honey for weight loss. The recipe for one of these drinks is as follows.

Herbal tea with lemon

  • take a quarter of a lemon;
  • 1 tsp oregano;
  • 1 tsp lemon balm;
  • 1/2 tsp grated ginger root.

Remove the peel from the lemon. Put the zest, herbs and grated ginger into a brew strainer. Pour everything with boiling water, cover with a saucer and leave for 15 minutes. Drink a fragrant, slightly tart infusion with a small spoonful of honey, but do not put honey in hot tea - this will kill most of its healing properties.

Although oregano and lemon balm actively help the human body get rid of adipose tissue, ginger and lemon play the main role in this drink. For weight loss recipes allow you to experiment:

  • combine them with other herbs - those that you personally like;
  • put in a cup with black or green tea;
  • insist overnight in cool water to get an original and refreshing lemonade by morning.

In any case, ginger and lemon will definitely help you get a thin waist. But do not drink such drinks in liters, so that burning substances do not damage the gastric mucosa.

Tea with berries and fruits

What else can be advised to drink to get rid of excess weight? Brew raspberry leaves and berries, lingonberries, Antonov apples cut into pieces with tea. These drinks individually and together have a beneficial effect on metabolism, keep the skin young and supple, and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Masala tea

Those who are fond of composing various spice compositions will like masala chai, the recipe of which has come down to us from distant India. Although the composition of the spices in this drink is constantly changing depending on the tastes of the person who brews it, the result remains the same: tea based on milk and spices speeds up the metabolism and is one of the most enjoyable recipes for weight loss. Reviews advise experimenting with spices more often to find your “personal” combination of seasonings. In this case, masala will become a real pleasure for you and will replace the usual tea and coffee for a long time.

In the meantime, we suggest trying this mixture:

  • 200 g grated ginger;
  • 5 cinnamon sticks;
  • 5 pieces of cloves and peas of black pepper;
  • vanilla, coriander, nutmeg, Indian cumin (zira), cardamom - your choice;
  • three bags of black tea;
  • 500 ml skimmed milk.

All components, except for tea, should be put in a saucepan, pour a glass of water and bring almost to a boil. Then you need to pour milk there, add black tea and cook the mixture for 8 minutes over low heat. Wait another 20 minutes for the tea to cool and infuse, strain it and you can safely drink it.

Wrap Recipes for Weight Loss

What can be attributed to home remedies for weight loss, besides food and drinks? First of all - sets of exercises that you need to do every morning or at least three times a week. Then self-massage, which allows you to break up fat deposits on the waist and unpleasant bumps of cellulite on the hips. And, of course, wraps are a simple recipe for losing weight in the abdomen, which you can use at any time, if only there is an hour of free time and some components for the mixture we need.

  • In 2 tbsp. l. ground natural coffee, add 1 tsp. black pepper. Mix with flaxseed or olive oil to make a thick paste, apply to the thighs and stomach, carefully spreading the mixture over the skin (you can massage a little). Then wrap the treated areas with cling film and lie down for 20 minutes under a warm blanket. If you have sensitive skin, soften the effect of pepper by mixing it with honey and give yourself a honey massage.
  • The following recipe will require a ripe banana, persimmon or other fruit. Well, if they are overripe - in this case, this is only to your advantage. Grind the pulp in a blender, mix with 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder. Apply to problem areas for 20 minutes. Watch your feelings: if the skin reacts sharply to mustard and burning begins, immediately wash off the mask.
  • Cinnamon is useful not only in drinks and desserts. Prepare a delicious mixture of taken 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon powder and sugar. Dilute it with 1 tsp. red pepper, mix with sour cream or vegetable oil, so that the mass is convenient to use, and apply to areas prone to cellulite. Massage a little.
  • And of course, do not forget about food film for weight loss. Recipes for any wrapping mixtures are twice as useful due to the greenhouse effect that occurs when you tightly wrap the treated skin with a film and a warm blanket. Neither toxins, nor excess fat, nor cellulite will linger on your body.

But keep in mind: weight loss wraps should not be done if you have skin problems. And no matter how complex they are, both severe psoriasis and mild irritation are contraindications. Also, people with heart disease, thyroid disorders and varicose veins should not get involved in mixtures with pepper and mustard. And pregnancy should make you postpone body wraps for the distant future. At this time, the reaction of the body even to the usual substances can be unpredictable, and you will be responsible not only for your well-being, but also for the life and comfort of the unborn baby.

If the skin and heart are in order, you are not planning a pregnancy yet, and there are no other contraindications, be sure to give yourself a course of body wraps. And also two or three times a week, take baths for weight loss.

Slimming Bath Recipes

First, let's discuss a few general requirements that doctors place on this cosmetic procedure. Take a bath in a sitting position, making sure that the water does not rise above the level of the heart. Do not eat before swimming and immediately after it. The time of taking a fat-burning bath should not exceed 30 minutes. Do not take fat-burning baths during a cold, general malaise, or menstruation.

How should slimming baths be prepared?

Nettle and plantain

You will need 100 g of fresh or dried nettle leaves and the same amount of plantain. Mix them in a large five-liter saucepan, fill with water, bring to a boil. Simmer the broth over low heat for 15-20 minutes, and then let it brew for an hour. The dual action of medicinal herbs and hot (but in moderation) water will speed up blood circulation, remove toxins from the body and make the skin supple and healthy. No less useful for weight loss are sea buckthorn, dandelion, linden, viburnum and needles.

green tangerine

Brew 200 g of green tea with a liter of water. Wait until it cools completely, pour a glass of orange juice into the infusion and add 15 drops of mandarin essential oil. Take a bath for half an hour.

Herbal infusions have a beneficial effect on the skin. They do not need to be washed off, it is enough to apply lotion or oil to a wet body after a shower. What can you say about the next recipe.

berry madness

This bath will require a lot of components, but with its help you will solve several problems at once: improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, support the immune system, and speed up the removal of toxins. And the skin after it will become a feast for the eyes soft and refreshed.

Beat 100 g of liquid honey with the same amount of heavy cream and 10-12 pieces of any berries. Fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature and dissolve a few tablespoons of sea salt in it. Next is the most important part of the procedure: make a quick light body peeling with a handful of sugar and apply a berry-honey mixture to the skin. Now lie down in the water for 20-30 minutes. At the end, be sure to wash off the remnants of a delicious mask and use body lotion.

With the same success, you can apply pharmacy turpentine emulsion or soda for weight loss. Fat-burning bath recipes include mustard and salt, fruit juices and herbal infusions, essential oil combinations - extremely simple and exquisitely complex. Some claim that slimming baths allow you to lose as much as 10 kg in a month! But of course, not by themselves, but only in combination with a healthy diet and sports.

Now you are armed with a complete list of weight loss recipes. Create your own action plan including diet meals, drinks, exercise, massages, body wraps and baths. Call on a positive attitude to help ... And then set a goal and confidently go towards it.

In the minds of most people, it is salads, as dishes almost entirely consisting of vegetables, that are the most dietary and preferable for a diet. Here are some recipes for delicious dietary salads with photos.

1. Apple Cheese Salad

This recipe is extremely easy to prepare, which does not detract from its taste. For its preparation, the following ingredients are taken:

  • sour apple - 1 piece,
  • Dutch hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • walnuts - ¼ cup,
  • sour cream,
  • liquid honey,
  • lemon juice.

Apple and cheese must be cut into small cubes, add fried and finely chopped walnuts to them. Mix. Salad dressing is made from sour cream, lemon juice and honey. The ingredients are mixed to taste.

2. Cucumber and cottage cheese salad

A simple and fresh salad is just a godsend for a hot summer. In order to enjoy this dish we need:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 200 grams,
  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece,
  • walnuts peeled - 100 grams,
  • olive oil - 20 ml,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • fat-free sour cream or yogurt - 100 grams,
  • greens varied in taste.

First of all, we need to mix thoroughly, and then beat the cottage cheese with sour cream. Finely chopped (or crushed on a garlic press) garlic, chopped walnuts in a blender, greens, finely chopped or grated cucumber on a coarse grater are added to the air mixture. Olive oil makes a great dressing for this salad.

3. Green salad with egg and spinach

Another very light and tasty snack just right for hot summer days. At this time of the year, the salad may well be used as an independent dish, in autumn and winter - as an addition to the main dishes. In any case, it has a minimum of calories, but a maximum of taste. So, for a green salad, we need the following ingredients:

  • fresh spinach - 1 bunch,
  • fresh leaf lettuce or iceberg - ¼ bunch,
  • fresh cucumbers of medium size - 2-3 pieces,
  • boiled chicken egg - 2 pieces,
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons,
  • spices (salt and pepper) - to taste,
  • various greens - 1 bunch,
  • French herbs - to taste.

Lettuce leaves and spinach should be thoroughly washed and dried, torn with your hands. All the remaining greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.), as well as diced cucumbers, are also added to them. The dressing is very simple to prepare: you just need to mix lemon juice, olive oil and spices.
Seasoned and thoroughly mixed salad is laid out on a beautiful dish, decorated with sliced ​​​​egg circles, sprinkled with French aromatic herbs for taste and smell. Salad ready!

4. Belgian salad

Another light and easy dish to prepare. The ingredients for it are available to everyone, regardless of income.

For the Belgian diet salad you will need:

  • medium-sized eggplant - 1 piece,
  • fresh green beans - 100 grams,
  • fresh green onions - 2 pieces,
  • boiled chicken fillet - 80 grams,
  • fresh medium-sized tomatoes - 2 pieces,
  • half a lemon
  • green leaf lettuce - 1 bunch,
  • spices to taste
  • rice vinegar - ¼ cup,
  • garlic - 1 clove,
  • liquid honey - half a teaspoon,
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

Salad preparation is also easy and simple. In one frying pan, you need to mix boiled chicken fillet, cut into pieces, fried in a dry frying pan and also chopped eggplant, blanched green beans. Drizzle all the ingredients with a little olive oil and fry for about three minutes. Rice vinegar, garlic, honey and olive oil are mixed for the sauce.
Put the ingredients for a warm salad on a beautiful plate in a slide, add tomato slices and chopped green onions. Drizzle sauce on top.

Diet main courses: recipes

1. Chicken with rice

Second courses can also please ladies who follow the figure, with a minimum of calories and a maximum of taste. One such recipe is Chicken Rice. To prepare it, you need:

  • chicken breast - 2 pieces,
  • medium-sized carrots - 400 grams,
  • strong vegetable broth - half a liter,
  • lemon juice,
  • broccoli,
  • fat-free sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • canned corn - 50 grams,
  • starch - 1 teaspoon,
  • boiled rice - 120 grams,
  • olive oil - 20 grams.

Washed chicken breasts are fried in a small amount of olive oil on both sides. Diced carrots and broccoli divided into inflorescences are boiled in vegetable broth for several minutes, then removed with a slotted spoon. Bring the broth to a boil, add sour cream and lemon juice. In half a glass of cold water, dilute the starch, and then, stirring constantly, add the broth and sour cream sauce there in a thin stream. Then, in a slightly warmed sauce, add corn and vegetables. Put boiled rice, chopped fillet on a plate, pour sauce on top.

2. Mushrooms with broccoli

  • broccoli or cauliflower,
  • oyster mushrooms, champignons or any other mushrooms of your choice,
  • olive oil,
  • tomatoes.

Mushrooms and onions are fried in a small amount of oil, when they give juice, add broccoli or cauliflower to them. Cover the pan with a lid and steam the broccoli well. Peel the tomatoes and mash thoroughly with a fork. Pour this paste into a medium-sized pan, boil, add spices and herbs. Mushrooms and broccoli are drizzled with sauce and served with a fresh salad.

3. Turkey Chops

Turkey meat is considered one of the most dietary, but besides that, it is also very tasty. Cooking turkey chops is very simple and quick. We take the following ingredients:

  • turkey breast - 700 g,
  • cheese of any hard variety - 40 g,
  • egg - 2 pcs,
  • olive oil,
  • salt, pepper (to taste)
  • poultry seasoning (to taste)
  • flour.

Turkey breasts are washed, dried and cut into portions for chops, beaten off, seasoned with salt and spices. Cooking batter: add grated cheese, water to beaten eggs. We mix. The fillet is rolled first in flour, and then in batter, laid out on a heated frying pan and fried until golden brown on both sides. Chops are ready! Now they need to be put on napkins and remove excess fat. Serve with a side dish of boiled rice or any vegetables.

Simple diet desserts: recipes with photos

1. Sweet Plum and Melon Salad

There is nothing simpler and tastier than light fruit salads that will provide you with energy and strength for the whole day. In order to prepare a light fruit salad of melon and plums, we need:

  • fresh plums - 100 grams,
  • small sweet melon - 1 piece,
  • crushed walnuts - 2 tablespoons,
  • liquid honey - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons,
  • sour cream sauce - a glass without a quarter.

The melon is peeled, cut into small thin slices, we remove the seeds from the plum, cut it in half - put it together with the melon on a dish. Top with crushed nuts and lemon juice mixed with honey. If there is such a desire: pour a small amount of sour cream sauce on top.

2. Banana mousse

  • sweet banana - 3-4 pieces,
  • food gelatin - 30 grams,
  • boiled water - 80 milliliters,
  • citric acid - ½ teaspoon.

To enjoy a light banana mousse, soak the gelatin in cold water. At this time, we peel the bananas, knead them with a fork, adding a little sweetener. Cook syrup from sweetener and water with the addition of citric acid. Then we combine the swollen gelatin with warm syrup, slightly warm it over a fire. Cool, add banana puree and beat with a whisk or mixer until fluffy. We put the finished mousse in bowls, decorate with banana slices and a fresh mint leaf. Serve chilled dessert.

Most of those who, as a result of hard work, have achieved success in losing weight and returned attractiveness and harmony to their figure, think about the question of how to maintain the achieved result. It's no secret that healthy and dietary nutrition is the best way to keep weight off.

Today our attention will be focused on low-calorie recipes for every day. You can make sure that you can stay in shape without even denying yourself the pleasure of a delicious meal. You can be sure that diet meals will appeal to your entire family. A variety of recipes allows you not to waste time on competent menu preparation. Preparing most dishes will not take much time and will not require you to have any special skills. The main thing - always remember that healthy and properly cooked food is the key not only to harmony, but also to health.

Recipes for every day: for breakfast

The key is usually a healthy breakfast. According to experts, morning meals should include slow carbohydrates. They provide the human body with energy for a long time.

Oatmeal for the Perfect Morning

To prepare this most valuable dish, we need:

  • oatmeal - 50 g;
  • milk - 2/3 cup;
  • water - 2/3 cup;
  • low-fat yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 one tablespoon;
  • salt.

First you need to mix water and milk. This should be done in a saucepan. Then add a small pinch of salt and bring the Porridge to a boil and leave to simmer for 10-20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Please note that large and coarse flakes are cooked longer than small ones, but they are richer in fiber. Porridge is laid out on plates and served with honey and yogurt.

Also, oatmeal goes well with bananas, any berries and apples. You can always add them to your meal if you like.

Appetizing Greek omelet

If you use our recipes for every day, diet food will quickly become an integral part of your life. By eating this affordable egg dish for breakfast, you will provide your body with not only slow carbohydrates and proteins, but also important vitamins and minerals. For cooking we need:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • small tomatoes dried in the sun - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • feta cheese or cheese - 25 g;
  • a slice of grain bread.

Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a skillet. Beat eggs in any container with a whisk. Cheese should be cut into cubes, tomatoes - into small pieces. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan, lifting the edges slightly. Fry the omelet until the middle is almost ready. Put cheese and tomatoes on half of the semi-finished dish. Cover the filling with the other half. Transfer the finished omelet to a plate. Serve with a slice of bread.

All nutritionists unanimously argue that people who are prone to excess weight should not sit on. You just need to switch to diet food. Recipes for every day, proposed by us, will help you with this. Such food should become a way of life for a person. In this case, the figure will not suffer from constant fluctuations in weight, and the cardiovascular and digestive systems will also remain healthy. We continue to get acquainted with the low-calorie menu. It is noteworthy that it can be varied and very tasty.

What to cook for lunch?

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

To make lazy dumplings, we need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • one egg;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • low-calorie yogurt;
  • dill and parsley.

Low-fat cottage cheese should be mixed with the protein of one egg, flour and finely chopped dill and parsley. On a cutting board sprinkled with flour, lay out the resulting mass and roll out the flagella. Each of them should be about 2 cm in diameter. Cut the bundles into pieces 4 cm long. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Cook lazy dumplings for 5 minutes. Take them out after they float. The dish can be served with natural yoghurt.

Light soup with rice and cauliflower

Let's continue with the diet. Recipes for every day necessarily include the preparation of hot dishes. For this low calorie soup you will need:

  • cauliflower - 100 g of inflorescences;
  • white rice - one tablespoon;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onions - ½ pieces;
  • carrot;
  • dill and parsley.

Boil rice in boiling water for 15 minutes. Add diced potatoes, finely chopped onion and grated carrots. Now you should add small cauliflower inflorescences to the soup. Then leave the dish to cook for another 5 minutes. It is recommended to serve the soup with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Steamed fish cakes

Recipes with photos can be found today in many culinary magazines, as well as on various portals. To prepare the following dish, you need the following products:

  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • crushed crackers - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk or water - 125 ml;
  • onions - ½ pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • nutmeg.

Grind fish fillet and onion in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add milk or water, egg and chopped nutmeg to the mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Stir the mince thoroughly. Wet hands with cold water and form oblong patties. You can stew the dish in a double boiler or in a pan in a small amount of water. Cooking time - 15 minutes.

We continue to consider popular dietary dishes. Recipes for every day with photos, suitable for a healthy lunch, will help hostesses replenish their cookbook.

Oriental noodle snack

To prepare this delicious appetizer, we need:

  • rice noodles - 200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
  • fish sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice of one lime;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • grapefruit - 2 pcs.;
  • cucumber - ½ pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • green onion feathers - 3 pcs.;
  • shrimp - 400 g;
  • cilantro and mint greens - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Boil the noodles in plenty of water for 7-10 minutes. Rinse it under running cold running water. Put the noodles on a plate. Add tomatoes, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice to it. Now it's time for the chili peppers. Cut off the stalk of the vegetable and clean it from the seeds. Cut the pepper into cubes and add to the mixture. Peel the grapefruit and add the pulp to the salad. Cut the carrots into strips, and green onion feathers into thin rings. At the end, add shrimp, finely chopped mint and cilantro to the appetizer. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and serve.

Your family will love this appetizer and diversify your diet. Recipes for every day should not be too simple and boring.

diet soup

To cook a delicious soup, we need the following ingredients:

  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • curry powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • lime juice;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • a small ginger root;
  • sweet potatoes - 800 g;
  • vegetable broth - 1.5 liters;
  • red lentils - 100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • coriander.

Soup made from these products is used as a source of protein, fiber and antioxidants, even in a vegetarian diet. Let's continue to consider The best recipes will help diversify a boring menu.

In the pre-boiled vegetable broth, add the diced sweet potatoes and lentils. We cook for about 20 minutes. Add chopped green apple. Pour milk into the broth. Bring the soup to a boil again. At this time, fry the onion in olive oil until golden brown. Add garlic to it. We rub the ginger root on a fine grater and add it to the soup along with the frying. At the very end, the juice of one lime is added to the dish. It is recommended to puree the soup with a hand blender. Serve with finely chopped coriander leaves.

Diet dinner

In order for dietary nutrition (recipes for every day we are now considering) to be correct, you should follow the recommendations of experts. Vegetables, lean poultry and fish are ideal for an excellent low-calorie dinner.

Sea bass in the oven

In order to surprise and delight your household during the evening meal, you should cook sea bass with fennel. This wonderful dish is rich in protein, vitamin C, iron.

For cooking you will need:

  • sea ​​bass - about 300 g;
  • fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • turmeric - half a teaspoon;
  • fennel - one head;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil;
  • coriander greens.

The perch will be baked in the oven at 220°C. Chili peppers must be cut into small cubes. Mix it with cumin, fennel, turmeric and mustard. Grease a small piece of foil with olive oil. We spread 1/3 of the spice mixture on it. Rub the rest of the spices on the fish and put it on the foil. Place a sliced ​​lemon on top of the perch. Wrap the fish in foil and seal the edges. Put the workpiece on a baking sheet. The total baking time is 15 minutes. Serve the fish with coriander greens.

As you can see, diet food for every day is not a problem. Cooking delicious dishes does not take much time, but very soon it will bear fruit.

Healthy eating and following the rules for losing weight is the policy of modern people striving for longevity and happiness. Problems begin when the question really arises: what to eat, how to cook food, from what and on the basis of what biochemical laws?

We offer you several recipes that you can take as a basis. Having understood the essence, act in the spirit of the experiment - replace the ingredients, fantasize. The main thing:

  • salt to a minimum (and best of all, if it is sea salt - a few pieces, and not abundant salting of the food being cooked);
  • replace sugar with honey or very sweet dried fruits (figs, dried apricots, raisins);
  • forget the word "fried";
  • forget about smoked meats (they make it difficult for the liver to work, slow down metabolism);
  • forget about GMOs and other substitutes (they accumulate in the form of toxins and toxins, clog blood vessels);
  • more water and fluids;
  • in a special place of honor - fruits and vegetables rich in fiber;
  • proteins are obligatory for use, but boiled or steamed;
  • a varied assortment is welcome;
  • systematic nutrition;
  • small portion sizes.

Also, do not forget about the daily calculation of calories. Their consumption should be less than consumption.

Here's how to figure out the numbers (this method is popular and works well):

1 Height, cm168 Multiply by 1.8: 168x1.8302,4
2 Weight, kg75 Multiply by 9.6: 75x9.6720
3 Age, years32 Multiply by 4.7: 32x4.7150,4
4 Results from p.1 and p.2- Add: 302.4+7201022,4
5 To the result from item 4- Add the number 655: 1022.4+6551677,4
6 From item 5- Subtract item 3: 1677.4-150.41527 kcal

This means that at the age of 32, with a height of 168 cm and a weight of 75 kg, it is enough to consume 1527 kilocalories for weight loss.

Ideal for breakfast. Replacing the sweet “additive” with vegetables, it is successfully used as lunch side dishes. Please note that white varieties of rice cook faster, unpeeled (brown, gray) longer. Determine the amount of water from personal experience, taking this recipe as a basis and starting from it.


  • dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts - only 75 g of the mixture;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 glass of cereals;
  • 2 glasses of water.


  • water boils;
  • pour pre-washed and dried rice into water, stir;
  • bring to a boil, reduce heat;
  • cover with a lid, leave a small gap;
  • cook for 10-20 minutes (depending on the type of rice);
  • when the water boils, add vegetable oil to the water - this will improve the quality of cooking, protect it from burning, add piquancy;
  • salt after the water boils after adding rice (remember - salt is minimal).

Serving and decorating:

  • grind dried fruits, decorate the finished dish, mix if desired;
  • drink with any tea, cocoa, fruit drink, chicory;
  • goes well with grated cheese.

Buckwheat porridge in mushroom broth

People who are passionate about the topic of losing weight will enthusiastically meet any interpretation of this dish - vegetable broth is no worse than mushroom broth. Swap it out and make sure it tastes just as good! It’s just that mushrooms are closer to meat (in taste and in terms of a set of trace elements), and vegetables are more “light” in taste and very specific (for example, sweet carrots and Brussels sprouts or root celery with garlic that is harsh in taste).


  • whole buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • water - 1.75 cups;
  • salt is minimal to taste;
  • fresh champignons or oyster mushrooms 150 g (dry white, boletus, mushrooms - 45 g);
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  • sort out the cereal in advance, rinse, dry;
  • finely chop fresh mushrooms;
  • soak dried mushrooms for up to 5-6 hours before making porridge;
  • bring water to a boil;
  • lower the mushrooms into it and cook under a lid until cooked over low heat (dried ones are boiled for 1.5-2 hours, and fresh ones for 35-50 minutes);
  • select mushrooms with a slotted spoon and set aside in a small salad bowl;
  • add buckwheat and bring to a boil;
  • at this point, salt and reduce the heat as far as possible;
  • buckwheat is cooked for 10-15 minutes (depending on the method of processing the crop and variety);
  • remove from the stove if you do not like strongly boiled porridge.

Serving and decorating:

  • pour hot porridge with oil, mix quickly;
  • put boiled mushrooms in the middle;
  • decorate with greenery of your choice.

The dish goes well with olives, green peas, capers, vegetable salads of cucumbers, bell peppers, onions.

Steamed poultry meat

Turkey and white meat chicken are healthy because they do not contain cholesterol. Before cooking, remove the skin (if it was not removed at the factory when sent to trade). The meat must be completely thawed, otherwise the inner layers of the meat risk being left without heat treatment.


  • 300 g of meat;
  • 3 glasses of water.


  • container with a perforated stand (bottom width not less than 20 centimeters);
  • pot lid;
  • a little vegetable oil to lubricate the stand (1 tbsp will be enough);
  • grease the stand with oil and spread the pieces of meat on it (do not make them too thick);
  • as soon as boiling starts and steam starts, cover the container with a lid;
  • do not reduce the temperature below 100 degrees, otherwise there will be no steam;
  • the process requires 45-60 minutes of time;
  • during this time, turn the pieces over 3-4 times, at the same time looking at them for readiness (pierce with a fork, what kind of juice stands out - “boiled” or “raw”).

Serving and decorating:

Baking fish in foil is quite simple if you work out the technology. This idea will help you diversify your "weight loss" menu by periodically changing the types of fish.


  • 450 g of fish meat;
  • medium-sized lemon - 1 pc.;
  • a bunch of garden greens (dill, parsley);
  • salt is not required, because. baked fish has a rather rich taste and aroma;
  • onion - optional (a couple of medium-sized onions);
  • water - 0.5 cups.


  • on the bottom of the oven tray, carefully spread the foil with a continuous sheet (if the width of the material is not enough, use two small pans instead of one sheet);
  • there should not be any holes in the foil - otherwise the fish juice will leak out and dry out, and the fish will not turn out as appetizing as we would like;
  • tightly wrap the pieces of fish in a separate piece of foil;
  • if desired, place onion rings on top;
  • place on a baking sheet or on the bottom of the pan;
  • turn on the oven at 170-190 degrees, after 20 minutes increase to 220-230;
  • after the allotted time (see above about the cooking time) check the result;
  • sometimes the fish inside dries up, because. moisture evaporates through small holes in the foil - sprinkle it with water, wrap the foil even more tightly and bake to a juicy consistency.

Serving and decorating:

  • decorate the fish with thin lemon rings, if they lie down on the product for several minutes, an interesting sourness will appear;
  • fish goes well with boiled rice, baked potatoes, stewed carrots.

Hearty diet borscht


  • beets 100 g;
  • white cabbage 250 g;
  • onion 75 g;
  • carrots 100 g;
  • potatoes 250 g;
  • fresh or dried chopped herbs;
  • red bell pepper 1 pc.;
  • water 2.5 liters - boiled, hot;
  • beans or beans (75 g dried);
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.


  • soak legumes (beans, beans, or a mixture of both) for several hours in a separate container;
  • cook legumes in a separate amount of water until almost cooked;
  • stew the beets in vegetable oil until half cooked;
  • add finely chopped onion;
  • after 5-7 minutes, add grated carrots and red bell pepper here;
  • when the vegetable mixture has acquired a uniform appearance, pour it with prepared boiling water;
  • put chopped cabbage, diced potatoes and boiled beans here;
  • when the water boils, stir the brew thoroughly, make a moderate fire and cover with a lid;
  • cook for 40-50 minutes, test for readiness of cabbage and potatoes;
  • before turning off, season with grated garlic and put a bay leaf.

Serving and decorating:

  • decorate the borscht with chopped greens;
  • satiety was obtained due to legumes and vegetable oil (despite the absence of meat);
  • This dish is no less tasty when cold, and not just hot.

A large number of vegetables is a guarantee of good bowel function and easy digestion.

Video - 5 recipes for proper and healthy nutrition

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