Chameleon who is a predator or herbivore. Types of chameleons. Feature and habitat

In modern society, keeping exotic animals at home is gaining more and more popularity. However, the lack of information about pets (lizards, spiders, snakes and other living creatures), as well as the lack of experience in keeping them, often leads to the fact that these unusual creatures start to get sick, and often die due to the fault of the owners.

Reptiles are among the favorites among pets, and one of the most attractive and interesting of them is the chameleon. Fans of these beauties should study in detail all the features of keeping chameleons at home (from the diet to the most comfortable living conditions). Then they will be able to live for a long time (2-3 years for small species and up to 10 years for larger representatives) and happily, delighting their owners.

Launch or not?

Today, the inhabitants of domestic exoterrariums are a variety of species of lizards: from iguanas to geckos. Some lovers of tickling their own nerves even give birth to huge monitor lizards or snakes. And, of course, the specifics of keeping this pet (and the temperature regime, the feeding ration, and the nuances of care) completely depend on who exactly will live in your terrarium. Therefore, it is not enough just to get acquainted with the general recommendations for keeping reptiles in the house, it is necessary to study in detail all the available information about the species that you plan to have. After all, despite their rather repulsive appearance for many people, snakes, iguanas and other creatures in reality are very fragile and vulnerable creatures. This is especially true of chameleons - the most strange and mysterious inhabitants of the planet Earth.

Chameleons are insectivorous lizards of medium size, most often living on tree branches. The unique ability of these creatures is that they can apply camouflage (the color of a chameleon can vary from gray to light green). With such changes in skin tone, it can be extremely difficult to see them in the mass of foliage.

It is this feature that has become a fashionable "chip" of chameleons, which most of all attracts fans of the exotic to reptiles. That is why so often chameleons become pets that are proud and show off. However, simply having such a lizard and providing it with the most comfortable living environment is not the same thing. Beautiful creatures by nature have weak immunity and vulnerability to various kinds of diseases - therefore, they require especially careful and painstaking care.

Are you ready to create conditions for this creature that ideally replace the usual habitat? Will you be able to take good care of him and give him time? These questions are worth thinking about even before you buy a pet.

Appearance of a chameleon

Representatives of the chameleon family have quite strong differences in appearance from other lizards (they were even identified as a special suborder of worm-speaking ones: they have so many different things with other reptiles). Fingers fused together and eyes rotating independently of each other - all this can make an indelible impression on the future owner of the chameleon. But this is not all that makes these lizards special in appearance and body structure. They are able to change skin tone and merge with the environment (an escaped chameleon is a real adventure with a long search for a prankster), and their anatomical and morphological structure indicates that ancient lizards or even dinosaurs were the ancestors of these creatures. By analogy with extinct huge monsters, they do not have a bone marrow box (it is replaced by a cartilaginous “cap”), and in the lungs of a chameleon there are many additional blind processes that help the animal swell and frighten its enemies and rivals in mating games, making a frightening impression.

The chameleon family includes about 80 species of these reptiles and several genera that live mainly in Africa, Madagascar and the islands adjacent to it. But the same common chameleon can be found in mountain forests, semi-deserts or steppes.

In our country, most often they sell lizards from Yemen (Yemeni chameleons), panther chameleons and Jackson chameleons. The differences between them are insignificant (including in appearance).

Yemeni chameleons reach a length of 50 centimeters, but females are always smaller than males (maximum 40 centimeters). These are reptiles with a laterally compressed torso, a short neck, a long prehensile tail that can be folded many times, and five-fingered paws. The skin of the creature is rough, the eyes are round and very mobile, surrounded by mottled colored scales - the same as on the rest of the body surface. Interestingly, the tiny central opening for the pupil is under no circumstances covered by the skin. The tongue of the lizard is long, with a recess at the end, which makes it look like a sucker. It is rapidly thrown out to a distance of up to 30 centimeters and reliably sticks to the caught prey.

Features of pet behavior

Their lifestyle is sedentary, when most of the time it takes sitting in one place. But if necessary, they can run fast and deftly jump on branches. Rare periods of activity occur during daylight hours, but at night they sleep. It may seem to owners of chameleons that their pets are simply and quickly tamed, however, despite this, zoologists do not recommend releasing reptiles from the terrarium, abusing frequent tactile contacts.

Conditions for home maintenance

In order for the chameleon to live in comfort at home, you should buy a special exoterrarium for him: vertical, 100-120 liters in volume. 2 lamps are placed in it: the first - with UV radiation, the second - is used for incandescent air.

Separately, you need to take care of heating the bottom of the terrarium at night. The chameleon's home should also include a shallow mini pond, ideally occupying ¼ of the entire area of ​​​​the terrarium. Important decorative elements will be a tree (depending on the size of the pet and the terrarium, pick up a branch or a whole snag) and live or artificial landscaping. It is imperative to organize good ventilation inside the house for the chameleon.

You will have to clean such a terrarium every 2 days (if you are lazy and do it less often, pathogenic microflora can develop in your pet’s home, which is extremely harmful to any species of reptiles).

Recommendations for temperature in the exoterrarium: general - should be 22-24 degrees, directly under the heating source - 30-32 degrees. Humidity is maintained within 30-50%. The ultraviolet lamp turns on for 6-8 hours a day.

If you want to start a couple of individuals at once, you should not settle them in a common terrarium: chameleons are quite aggressive towards their relatives (the mating period will be an exception) - therefore, any member of the family can become an enemy, and the neighborhood can end in bloodshed. Organize them separate areas for life.

Home chameleon nutrition

The basis of the diet for these creatures is cockroaches and crickets. It is necessary to find a supplier of these products in advance: without them, the normal existence of your lizard will be impossible. Food should be given in sufficient quantities (4-5 insects for adults and 2-3 for young animals), but you can’t overfeed your pet either.

As for drinking, in their natural habitat, these exotic animals drink (or rather, lick) the water that accumulates on leaves and branches. So, to establish the correct drinking regimen, it is not enough to install a drinking bowl with water - it is necessary to regularly spray all the internal walls and surfaces of the terrarium with liquid from the spray gun so that the pet can lick off the water (otherwise it will simply die from dehydration).

On two types of insects, the diet does not end. Locusts, zofobasy, flour worms and even naked mice can diversify it (the latter - no more than once a week). It is believed that live food at night must be removed from the exoterrarium so as not to injure the lizard. It is very important to monitor the diversity in the diet of chameleons. When feeding a pet with one type of insect, lizards often develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with a violation of the digestive system.

Vegetable food should also be present in the assortment of dishes for reptiles. It can be bananas or succulent leaves of any non-poisonous plant.

In veterinary pharmacies, you can also purchase special vitamin and mineral supplements designed strictly for reptiles. If they are mixed with food (in the ratio indicated in the instructions), then the animal will grow up healthy. Tetra Fauna's supplement called "Rept-Kal + Repto Live" for daily use (mixed in a ratio of 3: 1) received good reviews.

Diseases and health problems in chameleons

The structural features of the body of these exotic creatures directly affect the presence of diseases common in their environment. In fact, they often get sick due to problems with their eyes and vision (including the musculoskeletal apparatus of the eyes), burns, disorders in the digestive tract, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, which leads to rickets or other malfunctions in balance of the reptile body.

Everything is complicated by the fact that diseases of pets arise rapidly and develop extremely quickly - therefore, untimely provision of qualified veterinary care can lead to the death of a chameleon even from a not very serious illness.

Food intoxication may also occur, which is usually caused by regular overfeeding of the lizard. Pronounced symptoms of this condition are lethargy of the reptile, loss of appetite, constipation. If the chameleon's immune system is weakened, viral diseases are not excluded. When you notice signs such as coughing (immediately exclude the possibility of pneumonia, as lizards do not tolerate temperature extremes, drafts and cold), bloating, apathy and lethargy, then most likely your pet suffers from helminthic infestation. This problem can be observed in those chameleons who were caught in the wild before entering the pet store.

The owner of an exotic animal should be alerted by the slightest disturbance in the behavior of a chameleon - this is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian. Taking into account all the specifics of these vulnerable creatures, experienced reptile owners immediately take their pet to a herpetologist, and not to our usual veterinary doctor: only this narrow reptile specialist is able to quickly provide adequate and professional assistance to a sick chameleon.

Yemeni chameleons breed quite easily in captivity. And as soon as the owner has mastered the nuances of proper care and maintenance of one reptile, if desired, he can start breeding, picking up a pair for his pet. The mating process in reptiles occurs on the very first day after the female is planted in the terrarium with the male. There are two main signs that fertilization has taken place and the reptile is pregnant: the aggressive behavior of the pet girl and a change in her color to a darker one, with large bright yellow spots all over the body.

For a whole month or a little more, the bearing of small lizards in the mother's stomach will last. During this period, it is important to give the female a sufficient volume of liquid (some breeders even give the reptile water from a pipette). A week before the eggs appear, mommy becomes more restless, she begins to carefully explore the bottom of her terrarium in search of a suitable place for laying. You can make this task easier for her by placing a small container (40 by 30 centimeters is suitable) with moist vermiculite (at least 15 centimeters deep) in the exoterrarium. The female chameleon will be able to dig a tunnel in it, at the end of which she will lay her eggs.

As soon as the laying has taken place, the container must be placed in the incubator (carefully lay out future babies at a distance of 1 centimeter from each other). It is very important during the laying of the eggs not to turn them over, but to lay them on the same side with which the female laid them in the tunnel.

To increase the chances of having live chameleons, keep the correct temperature in the incubator (28-29 degrees during the day and 20-22 degrees at night).

After 4-9 months, the offspring hatch into the light. Babies are placed 5-6 individuals in small terrariums, and when they reach the age of three months, they must be separated from each other (remember the aggressive behavior of chameleons towards each other). The diet of crumbs will not differ much from the diet of adult chameleons, you only need to add calcium supplements to prevent rickets.

In fact, caring for a domestic chameleon is not difficult, it is enough to study the nuances of keeping these exotic beauties in captivity, decide what you will feed them and how to take care of their health and good mood. This must be done before you take the pet to a permanent place of residence. And then he will delight you with a good appetite, grooming, and, maybe, offspring!

No animal can change colors in this way and look in two directions at once, so the chameleon definitely deserves to know more about him. It can be seen with the naked eye that the chameleon is one of the most beautiful and unusual reptiles on the planet. Here are ten interesting facts you might not know.

1. Nearly half of the world's chameleon species live on the island of Madagascar, with 59 different species found nowhere else on the island. There are approximately 160 species of chameleon. They are distributed from Africa to southern Europe, from southern Asia to Sri Lanka. They have also been introduced into the United States in places such as Hawaii, California, and Florida. We have already written about the smallest chameleon in the world that lives in Madagascar.

2. More about color changing. Most chameleons change color from brown to green and back, but some can take on almost any color. In just 20 seconds, repainting can occur. Chameleons are born with special cells that have color or pigment in them. These cells are found in layers under the top shell of the chameleon. They are called chromatophores. The upper layers of chromatophores have a red or yellow pigment. The lower layers have blue or white pigment. When these pigment cells change, chameleon skin color changes occur.

Chromatophores change because they receive a message from the brain. The message tells the cells to expand or shrink. These actions cause the pigments of the cell to mix - just like paint. Melanin also helps chameleons change color. Melanin fibers can spread like cobwebs through the layers of cells and their presence causes the skin to darken.

Many people think that the color of chameleons is in harmony with their environment. Scientists do not agree with this. Their research shows that light, temperature and mood cause chameleons to change. Sometimes a change in color can make a chameleon calmer. Sometimes this helps the reptile communicate with other chameleons.

3. The eyes of a chameleon have a 360 degree view and see in two directions at once. Chameleons have the most special eyes of any reptile. They can rotate and focus separately to observe two different objects at the same time, allowing their eyes to move independently.

This gives them a full arc with 360 degrees of vision around their body. When prey is located, both eyes can be focused in the same direction, providing sharp stereoscopic vision and depth perception. Chameleons have very good vision for reptiles, allowing them to see small insects at a long distance (5-10 m).

4. Chameleons vary greatly in size and body structure with a maximum length varying from 15 millimeters in male Brookesia micra (one of the smallest reptiles in the world) to 68.5 centimeters in male Furcifer oustaleti.

5. The tongue of a chameleon can exceed 1.5-2 times the length of their body. They can shoot their tongue out of their mouths to capture prey. It has recently been found that smaller chameleons have proportionately larger tongues than larger ones. Tongue throwing occurs with extremely high efficiency, reaching prey in just 0.07 seconds.

6. The paws of chameleons are extremely adapted to movement in trees. Each foot has five prominent toes, giving each foot a tong-like effect. Each toe is also equipped with a sharp claw to help grip surfaces while climbing.

7. Males tend to be much more colorful. Many have ornaments on their heads or faces, others may have large crests on top.

8. Chameleons don't hear very well. Like snakes, chameleons do not have an outer or middle ear, thus no eardrum. However, chameleons are not deaf. They can pick up audio frequencies in the range of 200-600 Hz.

9. Chameleons see in both normal and ultraviolet light. Chameleons exposed to ultraviolet light show more activity and are more likely to hunt.

10. The American Chameleon is not actually a chameleon. Anolis carolinensis is not a true chameleon, but a small lizard of the iguana family.

In continuation, read also about the most beautiful geckos in a separate selection dedicated to reptiles.

These animals at the same time frighten and attract with their unusualness. Descendants of ancient fossils feel good in the modern world. What chameleons can be seen today, where do they live, what do they eat and how do they breed? Cognitive interesting information - in our article.

These reptiles of the chameleon family (Chamaeleo) belong to the class of reptiles, namely the scaly order. They can safely be called lizards.

Today they are the oldest animals on Earth, since the remains of these lizards found are up to 30 million years old.

The search for the etymology of the name leads to the ancient Greek phrase, where χαμά is “earth” and λέων is “lion”. Earth lion - that's what these little predators are also called.

The size of reptiles depends on the specific type of animal. On average, the body has a length of about 30 - 40 centimeters. Individuals are known to be much larger - representatives of giant chameleons grow up to 55 - 65 cm. And there are very miniature lizards - no more than 3 centimeters along with the tail.

A characteristic feature of the body is flattening on the sides and convex ridges on top along the length of the entire body. Some species have such hard ridge growths on the skull: two in front, above the eyes, and one behind, they give the impression of a helmet on the head.

Also, in males, the head is “decorated” with horns - outgrowths of bone rock, there can be two or four of them. Some females also have such decorations - only small growths, underdeveloped.

The limbs of chameleons with sharp claws are similar to claws, since there is a septum between the fingers. Such a structure helps animals feel comfortable on tree branches, reliably clinging to them with their paws.

The tail is the pride of lizards. It resembles a long spiral, thick at the base and thin at the end. With its help, those species of chameleons that live on trees cling to branches in order to securely gain a foothold. Terrestrial representatives of the family cannot boast of such a length, their tail is short.

Reptiles have a unique eye structure, the pupils of which can rotate 360 ​​degrees and look in different directions at the same time. The eyes are framed by fused eyelids around the entire perimeter, leaving a tiny hole for the pupils.

The tongue of lizards is another special part of the body, it is one and a half to two times larger than the entire body. At the end it has a Velcro-suction cup, with which the animal captures prey. And in a calm state, the tongue rolls up into a tube and waits in the wings in the chameleon's stomach.

Lizard species

In total, this population has 11 genera, which, in turn, are subdivided into 193 species. Among them there are more common ones, and there are species whose representatives are few on the planet.

The largest populations include the following species:

  • chameleon Common;
  • Panther chameleon;
  • scallop chameleon;
  • Yemeni look;
  • Jackson's chameleon;
  • Desert chameleon;
  • Calumma tarzan;
  • Furcifer labordi from the Madagascar chameleon species;
  • the smallest Brookesia micra;
  • Giant chameleon.

Each of the species has characteristic differences in color and size.

How does a chameleon change color?

The ability of lizards to modify the shade of their skin is a curious phenomenon, the causes of which have not yet been precisely established.

Some zoologists believe that the color change is a protective disguise that allows you to blend in with the environment. The second option, which found more supporters, is based on the communicative reason for this phenomenon.

As proof of such an explanation, the results of studies and observations of the life of chameleons in natural conditions are cited.

Color changes depend on:

  • weather conditions (humidity, temperature);
  • sensations of the animal (fear, a sense of threat, hunger, thirst);
  • breeding season (males during mating games are especially bright);
  • well-being of the lizard.

The palette of shades in which the skin of a chameleon can be painted is very wide: from beige to deep black. A combination of different colors is possible, moreover, changes do not necessarily occur over the entire surface of the body, they can appear in single places in the form of patterns or spots.

Such metamorphoses are possible due to the special structure of the skin of lizards. In the dermis there are special cells - chromatophores, a kind of pigment sacs that, at the right time, give out a certain pigment that appears on the body.

Animal habitat

Lizards prefer hot climates (wet or dry), so they thrive in these climates:

  • rainforests;
  • savannas;
  • foothill areas;
  • steppe;
  • semi-deserts.

You can meet representatives of different types of chameleons on almost all continents of the planet.

Lizards live:

  • in Africa - its northern part and in the deserts;
  • on the island of Madagascar - more than 60 known species of reptiles live here;
  • in the south of India;
  • in Sri Lanka;
  • on the islands of the Mediterranean;
  • in the southern forests of Turkey;
  • in Israel, Syria, Jordan, Libya;
  • in the Middle East;
  • in the US states of Florida and California;
  • in Southern European countries - Portugal, Spain, Malta.

Some species are often found in their habitats, naturalists read representatives of rare species in single copies.

The image and life expectancy of chameleons

These animals are very calm and even phlegmatic, they try not to make unnecessary movements, if there is no special need for it.

Reptiles spend almost their entire lives on trees or dense shrubs. They can descend to earth only in search of particularly attractive food or during the mating season.

The structure of the body of lizards, especially the paws and tail, are adapted for just such a way of life. On the ground, animals feel insecure, but in case of danger they can even move very quickly.

Potential enemies for chameleons are large snakes, predatory birds and animals. When they appear, the lizard tries to scare off the enemy, puffs up like a balloon, changes color and starts hissing. A reptile in case of a threat can even bite, but small teeth do not cause much damage.

Chameleon lizards live on average about 5 years, some live up to nine. Representatives of the species of Giant chameleons reach the age of 15, and miniature Furcifer lizards are destined to live no more than six months.

Life expectancy is affected by the nutrition of animals and their gender. Females die earlier because they have poorer health after bearing children.

What do lizards eat in nature

For normal life, reptiles do not need large replenishment of energy, because they spend very little of it, given that they do not need to maintain a constant body temperature.

Animals may not eat for several days, waiting for a suitable victim to be nearby, at a distance of an outstretched tongue.

And their food is:

  • different insects - butterflies, ants, grasshoppers,
  • centipedes, crickets, cockroaches;
  • small lizards;
  • some types of snakes;
  • plant leaves;
  • fruits - oranges, grapes, cherries, persimmon, kiwi;
    soft vegetables.

Larger species of chameleons are able to attack small rodents and birds to feast on.

But the chameleon will never attack poisonous insects. Therefore, wasps or bees are not included in the diet of reptiles.

The hunting process is almost instantaneous. The lizard throws out its tongue with a suction cup at lightning speed. In 2 seconds, the animal manages to eat four insects. With the help of jaws, the chameleon squeezes the victim and sends it into the mouth.

It is important for animals to receive water in the right amount, otherwise they lose their ability to survive. Lizards drink water from swamps, lakes or rivers.

Chameleon breeding

The mating season for lizards falls in June - July, and species living in the tropics mate twice a year.

Before finding a female to mate with, males must compete seriously with rivals. Violent fights for the right to possess often end in severe injuries and even death.

The chameleon females show their readiness for mating by indifference to the encroachments of a potential groom. If they are not yet ready for the process, they become aggressive and attack males that have a desire to mate. The process of intercourse itself lasts 10 - 20 minutes, maybe less.

There are two types of chameleons, divided by the way children appear:

  • oviparous;
  • viviparous.

Most animals belong to the first species. Females carry eggs for one and a half - two months, and then they lay them in a prepared hole in the sand, bury them and ... forget them forever. The number of eggs with a hard shell depends on the type of lizard - from 15 to 70 pieces per clutch.

The incubation period averages 8 - 9 months. Approximately in the summer of next year, 5 - 8 - centimeter cubs hatch from the eggs, which are completely ready for survival in the surrounding conditions. Toddlers try to cling to the branches of shrubs or trees in order to climb higher.

Viviparous species include chameleon species living in the harsh conditions of the mountains, where the ambient temperature does not allow leaving eggs in the ground. Females of this species carry eggs (without a shell, with a mucous membrane) for all 9 months. At the same time, 10 - 20 chameleons can be born.

Lizards are not involved in raising offspring. New members of the population take care of their nutrition and safety on their own.

Maintenance and care at home

Nowadays, more and more exotic lovers are thinking about getting such an unusual animal as a chameleon at home.

  1. The terrarium should have a volume of at least 200 liters, preferably made of organic glass.
  2. The ultraviolet lamp should maintain a comfortable temperature regime: during the day 28 - 30 degrees, at night - 25. You can use special warm mats for heating.
  3. It is better to cover the bottom of the terrarium with a layer of special sand from a pet store, plant plants, and place branches on which the chameleon can climb.
  4. Provide 60 percent humidity. To do this, regularly spray the terrarium inside, you can install a pump or a small waterfall. Chameleons lick the water off the leaves, so it is important that there are always drops of moisture there.
  5. The terrarium must be provided with two ventilation holes so that air circulates freely.
  6. Home cleaning should be done regularly. Every day you need to wash the feeder, remove excrement and food debris. Once a week - disinfect the container and wash all items contained in it.

Diet plays an important role in the lifespan of a pet. Chameleons need to be fed twice a day.

Meals consist of:

  • live insects - flies, cockroaches, butterflies, worms and beetles;
  • plant leaves;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • special vitamin complex (twice a week).

Experts advise not to place more than one lizard in one terrarium or to make partitions between them. The point is the aggressive disposition of the representatives of this family, which can cause serious problems in the communication of relatives.

In recent years, the popularity of breeding exotic animals at home has increased significantly. Today it is becoming fashionable to have a lizard, a snake or even a crocodile. For those who wish to settle an unusual pet in their home, which requires a minimum of hassle and time, experts advise paying attention to a chameleon. What are the reptiles, what are the features of their home maintenance, let's see.

Characteristics of the common chameleon

Of all the existing species of chameleons, the common chameleon is the most popular, famous and accessible. Let's look at what an ordinary chameleon is, everything about his nutrition and reproduction, facts and basic information about his natural enemies.


The common chameleon is a bright representative of the class of reptiles, the scaly order, which is a real reptile. On average, the length of a lizard can vary from 25 to 30 cm. The body of the reptile is oblong in shape, slightly compressed laterally, topped with special convex ridges that run along the entire length of the spine.

The chameleon has a rather powerful, wide, but short neck, a large, helmet-shaped head, on which large, round, expressive, mobile eyes flaunt. What is surprising is how the reptile sees: it has all-round vision and the ability to move its eyes asynchronously. Another feature of the eyes is that the small opening of the pupil located in the center is never covered by the eyelid, that is, by the skin.

The reptile has a long, rough tongue, at the end of which there is a special depression in the form of a suction cup. The lizard's tongue can be thrown out to a length of up to 31 cm, while strongly sucking its prey with a trapping sucker and instantly absorbing it. The chameleon's tail is long and very tenacious, with its help it is able to repeatedly curl up on branches.
The limbs are five-fingered, fused, outwardly resembling claws. And, of course, the most important feature of a chameleon is its unique ability to change the color and pattern of the skin - mimicry. It was previously believed that the reptile changes its coloring for the purpose of disguise. However, recent studies have shown that color change is associated primarily with communicative qualities.

Did you know? The smallest chameleons from the genus Brookesia micra are 2.3 cm long with the tail, and the largest - Furcifer oustaleti - reach sizes up to 68 cm.

For example, skin color may change due to fear or the approach of a threat, irritation, dehydration of the reptile's body during the mating season. In the blink of an eye, a reptile can turn from green to yellow, then to lilac or purple, sometimes even black. Such color metamorphoses can occur both simultaneously throughout the body, and in its individual sections.

Where are found

The habitat of the common chameleon is the desert regions of North Africa, the sand dunes of Syria, the sparse forests of the southern regions of Turkey, the vicinity of Sukhumi and Poti. It can be found on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, in Israel, Libya, Jordan. On the territory of European countries, the lizard is common in the southern regions of Portugal and Spain, as well as on the islands of Malta and Crete.

As a rule, where the reptile lives, a hot and dry climate prevails. This animal perfectly adapts to external environmental conditions, can perfectly tolerate sudden changes in humidity and temperature. As for the life expectancy of chameleons, on average it is 3-5 years. Some species can live up to 10 years.

What do they eat

The basis of what chameleons eat in nature is various insects - bugs, butterflies, crickets, grasshoppers, small reptiles, such as lizards and small snakes. Larger representatives of reptiles can hunt rodents, birds, small animals. Chameleons also like to feast on leaves and fruits of trees, berries, and vegetables.

They will never refuse oranges and tangerines, grapes, kiwi, dandelion leaves or lettuce. Remarkably, even when very hungry, the reptile will never consume poisonous or stinging insects: a wasp or a bee.

How they breed

In the middle of summer, the mating season begins for chameleons, and the male begins to look for a female to mate with. The lady shows her readiness for mating by her behavior: she does not pay any attention to the courtship of the gentleman and continues to go about her business. If the female is not ready for the process, then she responds to all courtship from the male with aggression, threats and attacks.

Did you know? Chameleons have very poor hearing. They, like snakes, lack external and middle ears. But this does not prevent them from accurately determining the sound at a frequency of 200–600 Hz.

Mating does not last long in chameleons, from 12 to 20 minutes. There were times when love intercourse lasted only one minute. The gestation period for a reptile is 1.5–2 months. From mid-October, the female begins to lay eggs, the number of which is on average 40. With the help of the forelimbs, the lizard digs a hole for the eggs, while at the same time she discards the dug soil with her hind legs.
She covers the buried masonry from above with dry branches, leaves, various organic debris, thanks to which excellent conditions are created for incubation and, as a result, for the birth of a healthy, strong, full-fledged brood. The incubation period lasts about 9 months. The offspring will be able to see the world as early as July or August next year. Cubs are born already fully formed, ready for independent life. The length of small chameleons is 5–8 cm.

natural enemies

Despite its unique ability to become difficult to distinguish in the environment, sometimes the chameleon can be subjected to various attacks from other animals. Who eats reptile? There are quite a lot of applicants. Among them are snakes, larger and heavier lizards, large mammals, birds, including crows and herons.

When a chameleon notices an enemy, due to the special structure of the lungs, it swells up strongly, like a ball. At this moment, he begins to breathe heavily and hiss intensely at the enemy. At the same time, its coloring becomes almost transparent. If the reptile is grabbed, then it is able to bite the enemy, but it is unlikely that the bite can become fatal.

Some features of other species

In addition to the common chameleon, there are other varieties of reptiles that differ in color, disposition, and habitat.


It is considered one of the most beautiful representatives of the reptile family. The homeland of the reptile is the island of Madagascar. Today it is also common on the neighboring islands: Nosy Buraha, Nosy Be. The chameleon prefers to live in fairly humid, warm regions with a tropical climate. Likes to spend time in the bushes.
Adults can grow up to 30–40 cm in length. Each panther chameleon has its own body color at birth, however, adapting to environmental conditions, lighting or their mood, they are able to change colors. The reptile can acquire a green, brick, turquoise color.


Despite their small size, dwarf chameleons occupy the palm among their relatives in terms of originality of color. They simply cannot be confused with representatives of other species. The entire surface of the body of a dwarf reptile, whose average length is no more than 17 cm, is covered with convex scales of various colors: they are yellow in the head area, orange on the sides, and green on the stomach and limbs.

Did you know? When the chameleon "shoots" with its tongue to grab its prey, at this time it closes its eyes. He does this so that the prey, fluttering, cannot cause injury to the eyes.

The originality of the appearance is also emphasized by the tuft on the head in the form of a sloping outgrowth and a rather large fold of white skin around the neck. You can recognize a male dwarf chameleon by a bright red stripe, which is located on the side of the body, and red eyelids. The habitat of these reptiles is the forests of African countries. They lead a rather hidden lifestyle, preferring to spend time at an altitude of up to 1700 m.


The largest chameleon in its family. Its length can reach more than half a meter. The body of the male is painted in a noble green color, against which large yellow spots with a red border are noted. A rather large crest, about 7-8 cm, flaunts on the reptile's head. The tail also has a yellow-green color in the form of stripes.

The female has a similar color, it is distinguished from the male only by the absence of the so-called spurs - triangular protrusions on the paws. It is logical to assume that the habitat of the Yemeni chameleons is Yemen. They are found in the mountains of the Arabian Peninsula, as well as the hot eastern regions of Saudi Arabia.


High in the mountains, in the eastern regions of the African continent, at an altitude of 1600–2000 m above sea level, a chameleon lives. He prefers to settle on the branches of trees or shrubs. Males can reach a length of up to 40 cm. They are distinguished by the presence of three horns and a tenacious, powerful tail. Females are much smaller in size, their body length rarely exceeds 20–25 cm.

Important! Jackson's chameleon refers to viviparous animals in which babies do not hatch from an egg, but are born fully formed.

The skin of these reptiles resembles the skin of dinosaurs: they look rough and hard, but tactile contact makes sure that they are soft and very pleasant. The color of lizards can vary from yellow and brown to black.

Features of keeping at home

In order for the reptile to feel comfortable and please the owners with its presence for as long as possible, it needs to provide conditions that are as close to natural as possible. And in this case, you can not do without a spacious terrarium. The volume of the container per individual must be at least 200 liters. When keeping a couple of reptiles, the volume of the terrarium should be doubled.

Important! Ideally, a reptile's home should have several comfort zones with different temperatures. In one part, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range of + 30–32 ° С so that the lizard can warm up, in the other part - +25 ° С so that it can cool down if necessary.

Since, under natural conditions, chameleons prefer to settle on the branches of shrubs or trees, then, accordingly, the dwelling should be high, not less than 0.8 m. +22–24 °С. To maintain the required temperature conditions, it is recommended to install additional heating lamps.
It is important to maintain a comfortable level of humidity, optimally - 30-50%. Low or, conversely, high humidity adversely affects the condition of the animal, can cause bacterial or infectious diseases, as well as serious skin problems. A necessary condition for keeping chameleons is the presence of good ventilation in the terrarium.

Stagnant air can provoke the development of bacteria that cause various ailments. In order to organize a high-quality ventilation system, experts recommend making two holes in the tank: one on the ceiling, the other at the bottom of the side wall.

Mandatory attributes of a reptile dwelling should be:

  • artificial fountains or waterfalls - they will serve as an alternative source of natural "dew" with which the reptile can quench its thirst;
  • natural driftwood - they will allow you to recreate the imitation of the rainforest.

It is recommended to cover the bottom of the terrarium with a special bedding sold in zoological stores. Ordinary sand or sawdust is not suitable for keeping a chameleon.

Video: do-it-yourself chameleon terrarium

Nutrition and vitamins

It is equally important to organize a high-quality, balanced diet for your pet. What to feed him? The basis of the chameleon's diet at home is made up of various insects. Since the reptile is a predator by nature, it regularly needs to “throw” crickets, flies, cockroaches, worms, cockchafers, dragonflies, etc. into the terrarium. Food must be put in plastic or glass feeders, the inner walls of which should be generously lubricated with vegetable oil so that the "food" cannot get out.

Important! Since chameleons do not know how to drink from drinkers, it is necessary to regularly spray the walls of the terrarium with plain water. You can also try to train your reptile to drink from a syringe (without a needle).

Fruits, berries, citrus fruits, some vegetables, tree leaves are also excellent as food for adults. Feeding young chameleons is practically no different. They are recommended to give newborn crickets twice a day, sprinkled with a special powder, which includes vitamins and calcium phosphate. Do not overfeed the lizard: for adults, it is enough to eat 4-5 insects per day, for young animals - 3.
Do not forget to fortify the food with vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health of the reptile. Similar supplements can be purchased at pet stores. Tetrafauna preparations have proven themselves well.

Daily and seasonal rhythm

Chameleons are sedentary in nature and prefer to lead just such a moderate and calm lifestyle. They spend most of their daytime almost motionless in one place. But, if necessary, reptiles are able to move quickly and jump from branch to branch. Lizards are most active during the daytime, but at night they sleep peacefully. Winter time is a period of rest for the reptile.

With a decrease in temperature, it is even able to hibernate. It should be noted that these reptiles are territorial animals and will not tolerate other individuals near them. It is recommended to keep reptiles alone, otherwise the terrarium should be divided into several zones, separated by dense thickets.

Possible chameleon diseases

Unfortunately, chameleons, due to the specific structure of their body, are prone to many diseases. Often, their eyes, musculoskeletal system, digestive system, and skin are affected.

Important! Pets are at particular risk of illness. Such ailments have a rather rapid onset and a high rate of spread. In the event that the animal is not provided with timely medical care, it can die in a matter of hours, even from a not too serious illness.

Most often, reptiles are prone to such diseases:

  1. Poisoning. It is the result of improperly selected feed or banal overeating. Intoxication is accompanied by apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite, constipation. In such cases, the diet of the lizard should be adjusted and an appropriate diet should be selected together with the veterinarian.
  2. Dehydration. The disease manifests itself in the form of dry skin, weight loss, refusal to eat, sunken eyes, general weakness of the body. Treatment consists in soldering the animal with a syringe or pipette. If the reptile refuses water, it should be watered by force.
  3. Respiratory diseases. Such diseases often occur against the background of unsanitary conditions of detention. They are manifested by coughing, difficulty breathing, loss of sleep and appetite, drowsiness and lethargy. In this case, self-treatment of the animal is unacceptable. A qualified doctor should examine the reptile and prescribe competent therapy, which, as a rule, consists in the use of antibiotics.
  4. Eye infections. They are easy to diagnose as the chameleon begins to close, puff out one eye, or rub against branches. The cause of the disease may be a foreign object in the eye or a deficiency of vitamin A.
  5. Rickets and bone diseases. Similar disorders occur due to a lack of vitamin D3. The symptoms of the disease are: a curvature of the joints, an incorrect gait that rolls from one side to the other, a deformation of the skeleton, and the inability to throw out the tongue. Treatment is based on the use of drugs containing vitamin D3 and calcium.

In most cases, chameleon diseases are associated with poor living conditions and malnutrition. That is why experts recommend that owners of exotic animals pay special attention to these two points.

For those who decide to have a chameleon at home, when buying one, you should pay attention to some important aspects related to the appearance of the animal:

  1. Eyes. A visual eye examination is recommended. In a healthy chameleon, they are wide open, convex, move well in different directions. Sunken eyes indicate dehydration of the reptile, and closed ones indicate its complete impotence.
  2. Colors. A lot about the health of a potential pet can tell its color. A sick animal has a gray or faded color, which may be caused by poor conditions of detention, in particular, low temperature.
  3. Paws. A healthy lizard is able to actively move its paws, which should be even, without curvature. Difficulties in movement may be due to a lack of calcium in the body or disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Mouth. You should carefully look into the mouth of the reptile. If yellow-green spots are present on the mucous membranes, then this indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

The best place to buy a chameleon is specialized zoological stores, where sellers provide all the necessary documents for the animal. The price of a reptile is different and will depend on its type, age and size. However, experts recommend giving preference to lizards over the age of four months, since in younger individuals, birth defects may not yet appear.
A chameleon is an amazing exotic animal that, in a traditional apartment, can become a real exclusive decoration. Despite the fact that the reptile is unpretentious in care, it requires the breeder to comply with the classic conditions of keeping: good, balanced nutrition, sufficient water, cleanliness of the premises, and, of course, minimal care. Subject to all the rules, the lizard will be able to live up to 5 years and daily delight the owners with its original appearance and unusual habits.

View: Chameleon

Family: Chameleons

Detachment: Scaly (Squamata)

Class: Reptiles

Type: Chordates

Subtype: Vertebrates

Dimensions: the length of an individual depends on the species and can range from 15 mm to 68 cm, weight varies from 35 g. up to 1.5 kg.

Duration life: 7-9 years old

general information

This exotic animal is called an unprincipled person who changes his views very easily depending on the situation. Chekhov added fame to this image. Perhaps because of his famous story, the attitude towards chameleons our people are somewhat negative, but they did not deserve, as the hero of Chekhov's story, our censures.

Unlike human chameleons, the animal chameleon is completely harmless, at least to humans. The main feature of a chameleon is a kind of disguise - the ability to quickly change color under the influence of the color of the environment, light, temperature. It was this amazing property of the animal that the master of the pen used. By changing the color of its skin, the chameleon becomes invisible to predators. This disguise is his only defense.

The oldest known chameleon was found in Europe (the find is about 26 million years old). However, chameleons are probably much older than this one (there are finds from more than 100 million years ago). Fossils have also been found in Africa and Asia, and it is believed that chameleons were once more widespread than they are today. They may have their origins in Madagascar, which today is home to almost half of all known species of this family, then dispersed to other lands.


Chameleons are inhabitants of warm countries. The center of species diversity is Madagascar, where many endemic and rare species that are not found outside of it live, and many chameleons also live in Africa. Outside this region, chameleons can only be found in India, Sri Lanka, the Middle East and Southern Europe (1-2 species each). Most chameleons live in tropical rainforests and keep in the crowns of trees, some African chameleons lead a terrestrial lifestyle and live in the forest floor or dig holes in the desert. Chameleons are sedentary, they occupy a small area, which is protected from neighbors. Males allow females into their territory, and drive other males away. Chameleons move very slowly, they slowly wrap their paws around the branches, often swaying back and forth, sometimes they freeze on the branches in immobility for a long time.

Chameleon - description, structure, characteristics

Chameleon is one of the most unusual and beautiful lizards on the planet. The average length of a chameleon is about 30 cm, the largest chameleons grow up to 65-68 cm, the size of the smallest lizards does not exceed 3-5 cm. the total length of the giant chameleon Furcifer oustaleti is 50-68 cm.

The elongated body of a chameleon is often decorated with high convex fan-shaped crests that run along the entire length of the spine or are located only on the head. These lizards are distinguished by a helmet-shaped skull with a raised nape.

The head of a male chameleon can be crowned with various bone outgrowths - tubercles or thick sharp horns. Females, as a rule, do not have such decorations.

The paws of the chameleon are long, with fused fingers, forming a kind of “claws”, with which it is convenient to climb trees, clasping branches. Most tree-dwelling lizards are endowed with a long, spiraling tail, which is also used to great effect in climbing. Terrestrial species of chameleons, for the most part, are short-tailed.

A distinctive feature of chameleons is the eyes, covered with fused eyelids with a small hole for the pupil. All-round visibility is provided by uncoordinated movements of the left and right eyes, which greatly helps in a successful hunt.

The tongue of a chameleon is equipped with a trapping sucker located at the very end. During the hunt, the chameleon sits motionless in ambush, slowly moving only its eyes, and at the moment of the attack, it throws its tongue towards the victim with lightning speed. The process of capturing prey and returning the tongue to the mouth takes less than half a second. And the ejection of the tongue itself occurs in 1/20 of a second. Thus, in 3 seconds, the lizard can catch 4 victims. If it is difficult to hold heavy prey with the tongue, the next time the chameleon grabs a victim of similar dimensions with its mouth. The length of the chameleon's tongue is approximately 1.5-2 the length of the lizard itself.


As a rule, chameleons, like many other reptiles, including salamanders, lead a solitary lifestyle. Despite the fact that these lizards are very inactive and can only move a couple of centimeters during the day, they are always ready to catch an insect. Their eyes and tongue are at the ready. When two males meet, a fight may occur. There are times when they begin to hiss at each other and try to drive the opponent away with this, but more often they diverge on the sides with the world. Some chameleons gather on branches in groups of 5-6 individuals.

What do chameleons eat in nature?

The basis of the diet of chameleons is made up of all kinds of insects (grasshoppers, crickets, butterflies, beetles), small lizards and snakes. Large species prey on rodents, birds and other small animals. A small part of the diet consists of leaves and fruits of trees.

The chameleon will never catch poisonous or stinging insects: even when very hungry, the lizard will not hunt a wasp or a bee. In addition to insects, their larvae and other protein foods, the chameleon will not refuse to eat tangerines and oranges, eats cherries, grapes, kiwis and persimmons with pleasure, eats any vegetables with an unstable texture, eats green leaves of dandelions and lettuce.


Due to their long powerful tongue and eyes rotating in different directions, chameleons are quite successful hunters. Noticing the victim, they direct both eyes to it and “shoot” with their tongue in its direction. The tip of the tongue takes the form of a cup, and the caught insect is sent straight into the mouth of this unusual lizard. The fact that the tongue acts on the principle of a sucker also helps the hunt. This deprives the victim of every chance of salvation. The capture takes a tenth of a second. The tongue can hold food weighing up to 50 grams, and it can also take a position in which it becomes possible to grab an insect located on the opposite side of the leaf. Chameleons wait for prey very patiently, sitting motionless for hours. But all this does not mean that they are lazy and clumsy: if necessary, chameleons can not only run fast, but also jump through trees.

Interesting! Chameleons have good eyesight for reptiles and can see even a small insect from a distance of up to 10 meters.

Reproduction features

Most chameleons are oviparous. Eggs are laid on the ground in a specially dug hole. The number of eggs in different species ranges from 15 to 80 pieces, and the duration of incubation is from 3 to 10 months.

There are few viviparous species, more often they are animals that live high in the mountains. The female gives birth to up to 14 cubs. This happens directly on the branches of trees. Newborns do not fall down thanks to a thin and sticky egg shell, which temporarily attaches them to the branches.

Among chameleons there are parthenogenetic species - they have no males as such, females lay unfertilized eggs, from which, nevertheless, completely normal offspring hatch.

In captivity, many hobbyists regularly breed a species such as Chamaeleo calyptratus.

The life span of chameleons depends on their size. Small species live 2-3 years, large ones, such as Jackson's chameleon or panther, up to 10 years.

How does an animal change skin color?

Scientists have long since found out that the cause is in pigment cells called chromatophores. These cells are translated from Greek as "carrying paint." The principle of their work is rather complicated. Each such cell contains pigments in the cytoplasm, which allow the animal's skin to change its color. The main pigment cells of chameleons are melanocytes and melanophores, which contain various modifications of melanin in specific organelles (melanosomes). Then come xanthophores, which contain carotenoids, flavins, and pteridines, which contain pigments ranging from yellow to red.

These pigments are housed in other organelles called pterinosomes. They are also in a free state, in the form of drops, located in the cytoplasm. There are also iridocytes or guanophores, which contain crystals of guanidine. These crystals provide a silvery or golden coloration. Under pressure and exposure to chemical compounds, crystals can change location. With an increase in the distance between them, the spectrum of the color reflected by the skin also changes. The higher the gap, the higher the shift from the blue part of the spectrum to green and then to red.

How it works?

Chromatophores are mostly located in the deepest and most fibrous layer of the animal's skin. These cells contain pigment grains, as mentioned above. Moreover, in some chromatophores there are more pigment grains than in others. The location of the pigment in such a cell is also important. It can be evenly distributed throughout the cell, it can be located in its branches or right in the center. A feature of chromatophores is that pigment grains can move through such a cell.

Why does a chameleon change its color?

Many factors influence this. Their scientists are divided into two groups. The first group is purely physiological factors, these are ambient temperature, lighting, humidity, hunger, dehydration, pain. The second group is “emotional” factors. This includes fear, pleasure, irritation, and everything else. During the mating season, male chameleons react to each other by changing colors to brighter ones when an opponent approaches. Females also react, with a pregnant female having a different color than a normal female.

It has already been said above that disguise is not at all a priority for a chameleon. But it just so happened that the chameleon takes on the color of the place on which it crawls. It doesn't always work out that way, but it often does. And if the optic nerve of an animal is damaged, it will lose its ability to change color. Scientists over the years have conducted many experiments with chameleons. A large number of observations have been made.

Among them, the most interesting are the following:

  • A chameleon with a damaged optic nerve loses the ability to change its color. If the nerve is damaged in one of the eyes, then the skin on the corresponding side of the animal's body brightens;
  • If you irritate the spinal cord of a chameleon with current, the body brightens; if the spinal cord is removed, the skin will darken;
  • If a chameleon is put to sleep with the help of ether, the animal becomes lighter; if the same operation is carried out with the help of chloroform, the body of the animal darkens;
  • If the central optic nerve is irritated with a current, then the body of the chameleon darkens.


Yemeni chameleon

Its size is one of the largest among its relatives: the body length of the Yemeni chameleon is about half a meter. In males, yellow spots with a red edge on the sides stand out against a green background. The head is decorated with a chic large crest 7-8 cm long (which is quite a lot compared to the dimensions of the body). The tail is also covered with yellow-green stripes. Males differ from females mainly in the so-called "spurs" - triangular protrusions on their paws.

The habitat is already visible by the very name of the species: it comes from the name of the state of Yemen. They live either in the high mountains of the Arabian Peninsula, or in hot areas in the east of Saudi Arabia. Reproduction occurs when an individual reaches a year. It feeds, like all chameleons, on insects. Like relatives, the Yemeni chameleon is able to change body color.

Panther chameleon

The panther chameleon is a very beautiful reptile: even a gray young growth makes you draw attention to itself. In length, it reaches 30-40 cm. The color in adulthood is affected by the habitat. By the way, the panther chameleon lives on the island of Madagascar and neighboring islands. Warm and humid places, tropical climate - their favorite habitat. Often found in shrubs.

The food characteristic of the panther chameleon is crickets, locusts, zoophobos. Babies eat fruit flies. Plant food, they practically do not eat. They live an average of two to three years, in captivity - up to five years. Mating takes place on the branches of trees when the male is especially brightly colored. Pregnancy of a female panther chameleon lasts about two months. The females dig nests and lay their eggs there. The color of the chameleon is very bright. It is especially interesting to watch when the panther chameleon changes color.

carpet chameleon

Carpet chameleon is another species of chameleon that is found on the island of Madagascar and neighboring islands. This animal is the pearl of our terrariums, as it has not only a lively character, but also a beautiful multi-colored coloration. The unusual drawings applied by nature itself on its body (longitudinal stripes, oval side spots, gray, brown or green) make it so famous, because it was the drawings on the chameleon's body that gave it its German name.

Females differ from males in the most colorful coloration. These unusual animals can reach a length of twenty-five centimeters, although they vary quite a lot in size and color, which, in turn, depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200borigin. The sex of the animal can be determined either on the 14th day by color, or by the thickened base of the tail, starting from the 50th day. The carpet chameleon feeds on crickets, grasshoppers, flies, locusts and various types of cockroaches.

four-horned chameleon

Of interest is the four-horned chameleon, so named because of the four horns that are on its head. At the same time, male four-horned chameleons most often have three horns, and the fourth may simply not be developed. These animals live in the mountain forests of Cameroon, in its most inaccessible places. Adults usually reach a size of 25-37cm. They do not differ in strong aggression towards chameleons of their species, as well as towards people. Live in captivity up to 5 years.

The four-horned chameleon has a rather unusual appearance: starting from the lower jaw, the chameleon has a long abdominal crest, which decreases closer to the tail, and a particularly large crest on the back generally looks like a fin. Females are usually smaller than males by 5-7 cm and have neither horns nor high crests. The main color shades of the four-horned chameleon are blue, dark green and black. The clutch of this chameleon consists of 8-14 eggs, small chameleons hatch after 5-6 months of incubation.

Chameleon Jackson

Jackson's chameleon lives in East Africa, in the forests of Nairobi at an altitude of 1600-2200 m above sea level. He lives high above the ground on the crowns of trees, but also feels good in the bushes. Males are very jealous of their territory, have an extremely aggressive nature and do not approach each other less than 20 meters. During fights and fights, they bite, although it is still unknown if they use horns as weapons.

Males have three horns and a prehensile tail, while females have only one nasal horn. The size of males reaches almost 40 cm, while females are almost half as large - about 25 cm. The skin of Jackson chameleons is very similar to the skin of dinosaurs, it is rough and resembles tree bark, although it is soft and pleasant to the touch. Color varies from yellow-green to brown and even black. This is a viviparous species of chameleons.

As you can see, even these amazing reptiles have their own unique features. Each species is amazing and has its own individual characteristics.

You decided to have a chameleon

In the last ten years, chameleons have ceased to be a rarity in the collections of Russian terrarium keepers. The import of these animals from abroad has increased, and more literature on their keeping has become available.

Market prices for chameleons range from 20 denominated rubles for newborns to 650 rubles for some rare species.

Before you get a chameleon, consider whether you can create the right conditions for him. It is better to purchase an animal of artificial breeding. You should not buy malnourished or sick animals, as a rule, they cannot be cured.

It is more expedient to gain experience on “simple” species, for example, on an ordinary chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleo) or Chamaeleo calyptratus. The rarer the species, the more difficult the conditions for its maintenance, as a rule. So, beautiful alpine chameleons need a special terrarium with an expensive cooling device.

How to choose a healthy chameleon?

If you decide to get a Yemeni chameleon, then it is better to buy it in a large specialized pet store, at least three months old. It is at this age that all birth defects appear, due to the fact that almost all “cultivated” chameleons carry old blood in themselves, being blood relatives to each other through both parents. Many chameleons die at an early age, while those who survive 3-4 months of age have every chance of living a full life with proper care.

When buying, be sure to examine the eyes of the animal, they must be open and constantly in motion, closed eyes indicate an exhausted animal, and sunken eyes indicate severe dehydration.

The paws of the chameleon should be even, it should actively move without any difficulty. Any deviation indicates a lack of calcium in the body and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

If the color of a chameleon is too dark, not bright enough, or even gray, this is a sign of illness or too low temperature, which can also negatively affect further development. Pay attention to the mouth of the chameleon - there should not be pockets of yellow-green pus. In order for the chameleon to open its mouth, it is enough to take it in your hand and limit its movement. The chameleon will start to hiss, and you will have the opportunity to explore the oral cavity. Don't be afraid to squeeze the sides of the jaw to fix the mouth open.

Terrarium device

When making or purchasing a terrarium, there are several things to consider.

The terrarium should be spacious enough and equipped in such a way that the temperature and humidity are not the same at its different levels. This will allow the animal to always find the most comfortable conditions for itself.

Inside the terrarium, it is best to decorate with live plants in pots. An artificial reservoir is also needed.

The terrarium should have a door or a removable front wall, then it is convenient to clean it, spray the plants. In addition, there are no problems with feeding the animal and irradiating it with an ultraviolet lamp.

The area of ​​maximum heating should not be on the ground, as is done when keeping terrestrial reptiles, but on one of the decorative branches.

Since most chameleons practically do not descend to the ground in their natural habitats, they are accustomed to drinking water only in the form of drops flowing down from the leaves of plants during the morning dew. To simulate such a situation, it is necessary to install a small pump in the chameleon's dwelling, which would create a falling stream of water.

For many species of chameleons, a sufficiently large difference in day and night temperatures is necessary. In winter, in apartments with central heating, it is better to place the terrarium on a cold windowsill (where there is almost no sun), and turn on the electric heating during the day.

Chameleons are territorial and aggressive towards each other regardless of age. When meeting, they change color, flatten the body, open their mouths and hiss at each other. If young chameleons are kept alone, they grow faster. In group keeping, in order to avoid conflicts between individuals, conditions should be created that prevent frequent contacts. For this, very dense thickets are arranged inside the terrarium.

Feeding and care

Young chameleons are fed twice a day flies, newborns, or week-old crickets sprinkled with a mixture of 50% reptile vitamin powder and 50% calcium carbonate or phosphate. Feed should be in abundance, the animals themselves will adjust how much they eat. Spray the terrarium with warm water two or three times a day, as young chameleons dehydrate very quickly. Strictly dosed irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp is also necessary.

Adult animals do not require special care. They are fed with tweezers or from a feeder with large tropical cockroaches and crickets, many individuals willingly eat pieces of sweet fruit and fleshy leaves of some types of indoor plants. The feeder is made from any plastic or glass jar with low sides. So that insects do not scatter, the inner edges of the jar are smeared with oil.

As already mentioned, most chameleons do not know how to drink from water bodies. Therefore, in captivity, they can be taught to drink from a pipette or syringe with a blunt needle. Aggressive and untamed animals have water squirted into their open mouth when they show a threat. Manual individuals themselves run to the pipette, having seen a drop hanging on it.

In addition to water, chameleons willingly drink a variety of juices, as well as honey solution - in an amount of 2 to 20 drops, depending on the size of the animal.

In summer, during the daytime, adult chameleons can be kept outdoors in cages or aviaries. Flying insects easily penetrate there, which serve as additional food for animals. To attract insects to the cage, rotten fruits or other food baits are laid out on a saucer.



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