Scrabble game. Rules of the game, detailed instructions. Board game "Scrabble": rules and description

Scrabble (or in the original Scrabble) is a classic and exciting game into words. The goal of the game is to score the most points for words composed on the playing field, which are somehow tied to the words of other players. To play Scrabble you will need at least one partner. You will also need an official playing field and full set seeds with letters. During the game, you will have to come up with words, count points and challenge the wrong words of your opponents, and, if necessary, change the tiles in your hands if they do not suit you at all. In this case, one player will be responsible for keeping a record of the points scored by all players so that the winner can be determined at the end of the game. If you enjoy this game, you might start hanging out with friends on the playing field more often, or consider joining a Scrabble club and even sign up to participate in related competitions.


Part 1

Preparing for the game

    Make sure you have everything you need to play Scrabble. Before you start playing, you need to make sure that you have everything you need for it. You will need one game board, 104 letter tiles, one tile stand for each player, and a tile bag. You will also have to find from one to three playing partners.

    Find a dictionary so you can deal with difficult cases. There are situations when during the game one of the players puts out a word that seems wrong to other players or is not a word at all. In such a situation, this word needs to be checked in the dictionary. Therefore, you just need to have a dictionary at hand to deal with such cases.

    Place the letter seeds into a bag and shake it. In order for the seeds and letters to mix well, you need to pour them into a bag, tie it and shake it well. If you don't have a bag, you can simply place the tiles face down on the table and shuffle them.

    Determine who will start the game first. Pass the bag around the circle to each player and ask them to draw one bone from it. Open the elongated letters and place them on the table. The game starts with the player who has the tile with the letter “A” or the letter closest to it (in alphabetical order). Place the letter tiles back into the bag and mix again before completing the letters for the game.

    Pull dice from the bag to play with. Starting with the player who drew the letter closest to “A,” pass the bag around the circle to all players and draw 7 tiles each (without peeking). Do not show your bones to other players. Place them on the dice rack and pass the bag to the next player. All participants in the game must have 7 bones.

    Build new words based on those already laid out. In subsequent moves, new words must build on those already laid out. You cannot place separate words on the playing field; they all must be interconnected.

    Use your letter dice in such a way as to score the most points per turn. It would be wise to think through several options at once and choose the one that will bring you more points. At the same time, try to use the advantages that prize squares on the playing field give players, as well as high-value letters, such as “Ф” and “Ш” or “ъ”. The types of prize squares you will find on the playing field are listed below.

    • Double letter– a tile that lands on a given square receives double the number of points indicated on it.
    • Double word- a word with a letter that lies on such a cell receives a total doubling of points for it.
    • Triple letter– a bone that lands on a given square receives triple the number of points indicated on it.
    • Triple word- a word with a letter that falls on such a cell receives a total tripling of points for it.
  1. Challenge other players' words. If you think that a word posted by another player does not exist or there is a mistake in it, then you can challenge it. The disputed word is checked in the dictionary.

    • If the challenged word is in the dictionary and the player spelled it correctly, then it remains on the playing field and the player receives points for it. The person who challenged such a word misses his turn.
    • If a word is not in the dictionary or contains an error, it is removed from the playing field. The player receives no points and wastes the current turn.
  2. Exchange tiles with letters you don't need. At a certain point in the game, you may decide to exchange some or all of your tiles for new ones. The exchange is considered a move. Unneeded seeds are thrown into a bag and mixed, after which you draw out the same number of seeds as were discarded. Remember that when you make an exchange, you lose the right to form a word on the same turn.

Part 3


    Keep track of points as the game progresses. It is very important to keep an accurate score for each player throughout the game. The player who created the word must announce the number of points scored by this word, and the person responsible for keeping track of the points must carefully record the points of all players after each move.

  1. Pay attention to the prize squares of the playing field. Prize squares allow you to increase the number of points you receive for completing a word, so pay attention to them Special attention during the game. You can use the properties of a prize square only if you placed a tile with a letter on it on the current move. Those prize squares whose properties have already been used by you or other players on previous turns are not taken into account again.

    • When the bonus squares for letters and words are taken into account simultaneously, the full points for letters are calculated first, and only then the bonus number of points for doubling or tripling a word is determined. For example, if your word simultaneously covered the “Double Letter” and “Triple Word” squares, then you must first count the double letter, and then multiply the total score for the word by three.

"Scrabble" is a board game that is very popular among intellectuals. In the article we will describe in detail what this entertainment is, which you can play with friends, describe all the rules and tell you who can become the winner of the linguistic game "Scrabble". The rules of the game are simple.

To learn, you first need to buy a box with a set of letters and a main “board” lined with squares. You can even do this over the Internet.

What is included?

There are small travel magnetic chips and boards for sale, but you can also buy a simple set of a paper field and a set of plastic chips.

The magnetic kit consists of a plastic box, one part of which is a playing field lined with squares different colors. Most of them are black or white. But there are also prize squares of bright colors. There are two magnetic strips on which 7 letters are placed for each player.

Small magnetic letters are scattered throughout the box. On each chip there is a large letter drawn in the center, and next to it there is a small number that corresponds to the bonus points of the Scrabble game (according to the rules of the game).

The paper version has simple plastic chips and stands for each player. They are folded into a fabric bag.

Also included in the "Erudite" set are game rules and instructions with all the meanings of the color cells of the playing field.

The meaning of the playing field markings

The main cells of the field have primary colors - white or black, depending on the model of the Scrabble game. The rules of the game indicate that if a letter is on a simple square, then its value is indicated on the chip with the letter.

Colored cells are considered premium. There are squares that increase the prize pool only by letters. Thus, the points of a chip located on a green cell are doubled. If it lands on a yellow square, the points increase threefold. In order for them to be counted towards one of the players, he must place the word on this square before his opponent in the Scrabble game.

The rules of the game indicate that bonus points may also increase for the entire word at once. This happens when letters fall on blue and red cells. If the words pass through the territory of the blue square, then all the values ​​of each letter are doubled. If the word turns out to be one of the letters on the red square, then all the points written on each letter are tripled. This is the best result.

If the letters of one word fall simultaneously on both the bonus cells for the letter and the cells for the word, then the bonus points are summed up.

There are sets of games with a field on which each cell has its value written in letters. These are mostly large desktop units. The small travel kits come with detailed printed instructions with all the rules.

"Erudite": board game rules

The game set includes 128 letter tiles and three tiles with a painted star. This is the best detail, since it can easily replace absolutely any letter in the game at the request of its owner.

The game begins by turning all the chips upside down so that the players do not see their meaning. Then each player blindly collects 7 chips, from which they will need to make up some kind of word.

If a player does not go first, he has the right to use one of the other player's letters, but only one. If you look at the example of the game in the photograph, you can see that other words were added to the word “turner” - “mercury” and “fas”, using the existing words “t” and “a” to create new words.

But there is one "but". You cannot continue a word, and you cannot use two letters of a word in one. Words should be positioned perpendicular to one another. It should also be noted that the words must all be correct: nouns in the nominative singular.

Who is the winner in the game?

By laying out words from his seven chips, the player calculates the points received. To do this, you need to add all the numbers written on each letter. If a player places a letter or word on a premium square, the value increases two or three times accordingly. All points are recorded in a notepad next to the player's name.

After the words from these seven letters are composed, and the player cannot come up with anything else, the move is passed to the next player, and the player who played back gets the required number of missing letters to the number seven. This is how all players write the words in turn. When the field is no longer free space, players begin total scoring. Whoever has the most points is the winner of the Scrabble game with friends. The rules are easy, so they are quickly remembered.

like this interesting game You can take it with you on the train, on trips to nature, or play it in the evenings with your family or friends.

Why are you so passionate about computer games? Its diversity. After all, the current developer always offers something interesting. Old, as they say, Soviet toys were not left without attention. It's about about the ordinary desktop “Erudite”. The rules here are simple. Even a child can master them. The differences between the virtual version are mostly in the design and the different prices of the game books. Well, according to traditional Russian games in the genre of linguistics, only the use of nouns in a certain case is allowed. That is, nominative. Plural as well as singular are acceptable.

Exciting Scrabble, made in the Soviet style, but with modern graphics, is a fun game designed for two, three, or four participants. Each of the intellectuals takes turns placing letters on a special field. The goal of the gameplay is to set the largest number points. The competition depends on the chips. Combinatorial skills are developed with a bang here. Benefit from all lexical items. Prize cells are waiting for you!

Words must be laid out on a playing field measuring 15x15, i.e. For creativity, players have 225 squares to fill. At the very beginning, each participant draws random letters from a special bag (there are 104 in total). The first word is placed in the middle of the playing field, and the next player can create a new word only at the intersection with the letters of the previous word. Words can be laid out from left to right or from top to bottom.


The game allows the creation of all words that are in the standard dictionary of the language except those that need to be written with a capital letter, as well as abbreviations and words that contain an apostrophe or hyphen. You can use all, declinations and tenses.

In the Russian-language version of the game - Erudite - the words are harsher. Players are only allowed to use common nouns in the singular nominative case (or plural, if the word only exists in that variant).

The use of a dictionary is permitted only to check the existence of already composed words. And you can only come up with new words on your own.

Rules of the game

Each player has seven chips. Only one word is formed per move. Each new word necessarily comes into contact with one of the words composed earlier.

If a player cannot form a single word, he is allowed to change any number of letters and pass the move to another player. Any sequence of letters vertically or horizontally must represent a word. After each move you need to take new letters so that there are seven of them again. If a player makes a word using all seven letters during a turn, he is awarded an additional 50 points.

Scoring and bonuses

Each letter in the game corresponds to a certain number of points from 1 to 10. Some squares on the playing field are highlighted in different colors. In accordance with the caption of the color, additional points are awarded for a letter or a whole word.

Using a dummy (joker or star)

In addition to letters, the set contains empty chips. They can be used by the player as any desired letter. The next players should perceive it as the letter that the first player considered it to be.

When calculating points, there are two options for scoring the pacifier: zero number points for a dummy (this is classic version) or the number of points that the player would receive for using the letter that became the dummy.

"began to conquer in the late 60s of the twentieth century. The older generation calls it their favorite board game of their childhood. And half a century later, it also captivates children and parents, students and schoolchildren. By putting letters into lexemes, participants enrich lexicon and sometimes look for unexpected and previously rarely used terms and expressions in their heads.


According to linguists, we use only up to 4 thousand concepts in our speech, while the vocabulary of Pushkin, the great Russian classic, included more than 20 thousand words. Would you like to reach the level of Alexander Sergeevich?


  • playing field: square with cells;
  • 129 chips, which depict letters and the cost of each of them.

The tablet is not monochromatic, some cells are painted over different colors– these are the so-called “premium” compartments. When filling them out, the participant increases the cost of the letters used. And the vowels and consonants themselves have different prices - it varies depending on the frequency of use of the symbol: those that are used less often cost more.


You can play Erudite together or in a group. The number of participants can only be limited by the number of letters: expect that there will be enough for everyone present and for several moves. The age limit indicated is only the lower one - from 7 years. If the child is already familiar with letters and knows how to put them into words, then the game will further help develop his attentiveness and teach him to see the difference between pronunciation and writing.


Participants draw 7 chips from the bag at random. The first player comes up with a word and places it in the center of the field. The rest will have to “pass” their version through the letters that the game starter used.


Words, as in a classic crossword puzzle, should be composed in two directions: left-to-right and top-to-bottom, that is, horizontally and vertically.

You can only put nouns in the nominative case. Proper names are prohibited.

After each round, the participant takes the spent chips from the bag; each time he should have 7 pieces in his hands.

If all the letters are spent in one turn, the player is awarded additional points.

In addition to the letter chips, the set also contains 3 universal cards - they have stars on them. This is the “jackpot” of the game - the drawn icons can replace any letter that the participant chooses. During the next turn, the player can again pick up the helper chip from the field, replacing it with the real letter that it replaced. However, it should be used immediately - inserted into a new word.

You can create several concepts in one move; the basic rule still applies: they all must intersect the letters already placed on the playing field.

A participant may miss his turn if he has not come up with a single word. In this case, he hands over his chips and takes out new ones.


In Erudite, a “protocol” of the game should be kept. Take a piece of paper with a pen and mark the points earned by the participant after each move. Keeping these numbers in mind and not being distracted from the main game is extra work.

Depending on the agreement of the comrades, the winner is the one who scores the most points, or the player who is the first to earn a predetermined number of points.

In addition to the classic “Scrabble”, there are other game options: a travel magnetic set and “Scrabble Easy English” - as the name implies, here you will have to compose words in English.

Whichever Scrabble you choose, it will be an excellent investment in your self-education while having fun. The game becomes an indispensable assistant parents who are concerned about how to instill in their children literacy and love for native speech. The time spent on a board game pays off with interest - the emergence of new concepts in your knowledge base, the development of memory and horizons. With her, you definitely won’t be in danger of the paucity of language that Ilf and Petrov’s heroine, Elochka the cannibal, suffered from. She could get by with just thirty words! So, forward - to the Pushkin level along with “

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