How to develop attention: exciting games for preschoolers! Games and exercises for the development of attention

Attention is a manifestation of the selective orientation of consciousness processes. The level of its development largely determines the success of the child in learning. Attention - necessary condition any activity: educational, playful, cognitive.

For preschool age attention develops from involuntary, that is, arising by itself under the influence of external impressions, to arbitrary, controlled by a conscious effort of will. The disorganized behavior of children, their increased impulsiveness and restlessness, as a rule, are the result of an inability to control their behavior and attention. The child himself cannot overcome these shortcomings. Voluntary attention develops quite intensively if adults help the child.

Any game requires attention, but usually this aspect acts as an auxiliary, accompanying the solution of other tasks. In order to develop a baby's focus, stability and concentration of attention, special games are needed, where this task is at the center of the child's and adult's activities.

Exercises and games to train attention, many of which do not require special training and which can be carried out anywhere, are widely known: laying out according to the model, pictures “Find the differences”, “Find two identical”, “Cross out the letter”, “What did the artist mix up? ”, etc. The main thing is the systematic, diversity and enthusiasm of adults and children.

With a subgroup of children, you can play the following games.

One, two, three - speak!

Objective of the game:

Teach children to identify several different conditions problem solving and take them into account when performing game actions. One of these conditions requires cognitive activity, and others - volitional efforts.

Game description:

As a game material, pictures are used that reflect the subject environment of the child (things, animals, clothes, trees, etc.).

An adult invites children to play with pictures: “I will show them one at a time, and you call them. You only need to call after my signal. First, carefully look at what is drawn, and remember what it is called. But don't say anything until I say: “One, two, three - speak! » Whoever names the picture first after my signal will receive it. Let's try". There is a short pause before the last word (speak). The one who names the picture first gets it. It is necessary to have duplicate pictures in case several children give the correct answer at once.

Then the game changes. Guessing is not offered to all children at the same time, but to two or three. Groups are formed in order of priority.

Rules of the game:

1. Before giving an answer, you need to carefully look at the picture and remember the name of the depicted object.

2. You can name an object only after the words: “One, two, three - speak! »

Put your finger

Objective of the game:

The development of focused attention.

Game description:

The child must choose from a large number objects familiar to him, depicted in the pictures, the one that the adult named, and quickly point at him with his finger. The difficulty lies in the fact that the child must overcome the external attractiveness of other pictures and focus only on the one that the teacher will name. The child receives the found picture as a prize. The main requirement of the game is to look for a picture with your eyes, not with your hands, and only at the last moment put your finger on it. You can help your child restrain himself by inviting him to hold his finger at the edge of the table until the picture is named.

At the beginning of the game, children are invited to look at all the pictures, name the objects depicted on them. After that, a couple of children are invited, in front of which all the pictures are laid out. Explain the rules of the game. Then the words are pronounced: “Which of you will find and indicate with your finger where the apple is located first? » The children show the picture, and the teacher turns to the others: Who put his finger on the apple before? The children answer and the winner gets a picture. The second child is given the opportunity to "recoup", but if he does not find the picture this time, the next pair of children is called. The pictures given to the children are replaced with new ones.

Rules of the game:

1. Hold your finger right hand at the edge of the table until an adult calls the item. It is forbidden to remove your finger from the table ahead of time.

2. The person who puts their finger on it first gets the picture.

3. The winner is called by all participants in the game.

Hide and seek with toys

Objective of the game:

The development of attention span in children.

Game description:

An adult puts several new toys on the table, calls three children to him and invites them in turn to choose the toy that they like best. Children should carefully consider their toys. Then the children stand facing the wall and close their eyes. While the children are standing with their eyes closed, the adult hides each of the toys in some conspicuous place. The toy should be among other objects familiar to children (a doll among dolls, a car among cars). The rest of the children are told that they must not reveal the secret where the toys are hiding. Each driver must find his own toy. “It’s time,” the adult and children say in unison, and the drivers begin to look. When they return with toys, the adult asks the rest of the children: “Who found the toy first? Did he find his toy? ". The winner is given a prize. The game is repeated from the beginning, and now the children themselves hide the toys.

Rules of the game:

1. Search only for the toy that you have chosen, without being distracted by others.

2. Do not tell drivers. The violator will not be chosen to look for toys.

3. When toys are hidden, you can not open your eyes.

Respond, do not yawn!

Objective of the game:

The development of sustained focused attention in children.

Game description:

Children sit in two rows opposite each other. An adult distributes pictures to children depicting animals, children, birds, and children from one row should have the same pictures as children from the second row, that is, each picture should have a pair. An adult explains to the children that every animal, bird or man in the picture has a friend, that is, exactly the same picture. Each character must call his friend in the appropriate voice (if the picture is a cow, then moo, if a dog, then bark, if a boy or girl - call by name). All instructions are clearly explained. Everyone who was called should respond quickly. Friends should approach an adult, show each other their pictures and make sure that they are the same. Then other children continue the game.

2. You need to be careful and respond to the call of your couple in time.

3. It is forbidden to show the received picture ahead of time. For the time being, this is the secret of every child.

find the mistake

Objective of the game:

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Game description:

1 option. The adult asks to listen carefully and slowly reads the poem, then invites the children to say what the cook put and where.

The cook was preparing dinner

And then the lights were turned off.

The cook takes bream

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

Putting jam in the oven

It interferes with the soup with a stump,

Ugli beats with a ladle,

Sugar pours into the broth

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette

When the light was repaired (O. Grigoriev)

Option 2. Listen to the confusing poem and say what is wrong in it.

Warm spring now

Our grapes are ripe.

Horned horse in the meadow

Jumping in the snow in summer.

Late autumn bear

Likes to sit in the river.

And in winter among the branches

"Ha-ha-ha" - sang the nightingale.

Quickly give me an answer -

Is it true or not? (L. Stanichev)

Rules of the game:

1. Do not shout out the answer until the poem has been read to the end.

Cross out the circle with a dot

The task of the game: Development of the distribution of attention.

Game description:

On a sheet of paper, draw 25 circles with a diameter of a five-ruble coin. Put a dot inside some. While the sand is being poured into the hourglass, cross out the dot inside the circles.

We listen and clap

The task of the game: the development of selectivity of attention, thinking.

Game description:

Children are invited to listen carefully and clap their hands when they hear the name of an animal among the called words. The set of words can be like this:

Christmas tree, lily of the valley, elephant, chamomile.

Doll, hare, mushroom, car.

Grapes, river, forest, squirrel.

Skis, giraffe, plane, vase.

By analogy, you can use the names of plants, toys, etc.

A few more games to develop attention and memory.

What has appeared?

An adult puts several objects on the table: a cube, a small toy, a cup, a candle, hourglass etc. Children look at objects for 1-2 minutes. Then he asks the children to turn away and adds a few more to the row of objects. He asks one of the children to turn around and name what has appeared. Then the child turns away again. For each of the children - different additional items.

In order

An adult lays out 6-8 cards with different images in a row in front of the child. The child looks at the cards for 2 minutes, after which the cards are shuffled and the child is asked to arrange them in the same order.


Put 10 strips (length 10 cm, alternating: two white, two black, one white, three black, two white. Children look at the strips for 1 minute. The adult asks the children to turn away and lays out the black strips to black, white to white. Then asks the children to turn around and arrange the strips as they lay in. Each child has a different set of strips.The adult has a sample on the card to check.

Remember and draw

On a piece of paper, draw eight circles of different diameters and colors. Children look at the picture for 1 minute. Then the adult collects sheets with drawn circles and gives them to the children. clean sheets. Children must remember, draw and color the circles.

Things around us

An adult invites the children to carefully examine the cabinet for 3 minutes. Then the children close their eyes and answer the questions: “What is on the table? What is in the closet? What is hanging on the wall? ", etc. Items should be periodically swapped, removed and new ones added.


1. Aralova M. A. Handbook of a preschool psychologist. - M. : TC Sphere, 2010.

2. Kolesnikova E.V. Is your child ready for school? Tests. – Ed. 3rd, revised. - M .: Publishing house "Yuventa", 2008.

Games and exercises for the development of memory (senior preschool age)

Memory is the basis of training and education, the acquisition of knowledge, personal experience, the formation of skills. Without it, the assimilation of social experience is not possible, the expansion of the child's ties with the environment, and his activity is not possible. In order to develop the ability to quickly, accurately, fully perceive, recognize and reproduce material in the context of a growing information boom and the introduction of various developmental programs in modern schools, it is necessary to carry out purposeful developmental work in preschool educational institutions.

The child's memory should be developed as much as possible during the period when all factors have it.

It is the older preschool age that belongs to important role in general development human memory: children 5-6 years old already have a certain amount of knowledge and skills, an arbitrary form of memory is intensively developing.

Optimal learning methods often override the role of natural abilities in their importance.

The regular inclusion of games and exercises in the classes and free activities of preschoolers will achieve very good results in the development of memory, imaginative thinking, quick wits, imagination, ingenuity.

Games that develop attention and memory


Two are playing. Each player has a set of buttons in front of them, and the sets are exactly the same. Within one set, not a single button is repeated. The number of buttons from the set used in the game depends on the level of difficulty of the latter: than harder game, the more buttons are used. To begin with, you can take only three buttons, but at the same time, the players have the whole set from which these buttons are selected. Each player has a playing field, which is a square divided into cells. The more difficult the game, the more cells in the square. For starters, you can take a playing field of four or six cells. So, the game starts with three buttons on the playing field of 4-6 cells. The starter of the game puts on his field three buttons from the set he has. The second participant in the game must look at the location of the buttons, remember where which one lies, after which the first one covers his field with a sheet, and the second must choose from his set and place the corresponding buttons on his field. Then the correct execution of the task is performed.

The game is made more difficult by the appearance more cells on the playing field and more buttons.

As a rule, children cannot cope with the game at first. They are invited to take each button in their hands, examine, feel, describe appearance aloud, also aloud to explain to yourself where this button lies. If you follow this method of memorization, the result is usually not bad.


An adult tells the children who a chameleon is. He explains that this is a lizard that changes color depending on where it is, so that it is not noticeable.

Then the facilitator begins to ask the children questions about what color the chameleon will become if it sits in green grass, on a brown log, on a black stone, on a chessboard, etc. The guys must answer quickly, after which correct and incorrect answers are discussed.

The game is played as a competition. At the beginning, the response time is not taken into account, it is only important to answer correctly. But then entered additional condition that the winner will be the one who gives the correct answer the fastest.

Instructions for carrying out. Before playing with children, it is advisable to repeat the colors of the rainbow and other color shades.

Note. This game develops the ability to navigate in different colors(this is important because some children do not know the names of colors, the ability to listen, the speed of reaction, etc.

Neighbor, raise your hand

The players, standing or sitting (depending on the agreement, form a circle. The driver is chosen by lot, who gets up in the middle of the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and says loudly: “Hands!” The player to whom he turned the driver continues to stand (sit without changing position. And both of his neighbors must raise one hand up (the neighbor on the right is left, and the neighbor on the left is right, that is, the hand that is closer to the player who is between them. If anyone If one of the guys made a mistake, then he changes with the leading roles.

play in set time. The child who has never been the leader wins.

Rules of the game. A player is considered a loser even when he only tried to raise the wrong hand. The driver must stop exactly opposite the player he is addressing.

falcon and fox

A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes flying movements with his hands (up, to the sides, forward) and also comes up with some more complex movements with his hands. A flock of falcons runs after the falcon and follows its movements. They must exactly repeat the movements of the falcon. Suddenly, a fox jumps out of a hole. The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

Rules of the game. The fox appears at the signal of the leader and catches those children who did not sit down.


Choose a driver. The rest of the children stand in a circle, in the center of which is the driver, and hold hands. They dance and say in a singsong voice:

Uncle Tryphon

There were seven children

seven sons,

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

They didn't look at each other.

Together they did like me!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat the gestures of the driver. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the new driver.

Snowy owl and evrazhki

Choose by counting snowy owl. The rest of the players are evrazhki (rodent animals). The owl is in the corner of the site or room.

To the quiet rhythmic beats of a tambourine, the evrazhki run around the site, to a loud blow, the evrazhki become a column. The owl flies around the evrazhkov and the one who moves, the owl takes away with him. At the end of the game (after 3-4 repetitions), those players who distinguished themselves by greater endurance are noted.

Rules of the game. Loud beats of a tambourine should not sound long time. Children must quickly respond to the change of strokes.

Outdoor games and exercises for the development of memory in preschoolers.

Perform the movements

Purpose: To develop motor and visual memory, attention, coordination of movements.

Children standing in a line are shown a set of motor actions and are asked to repeat the movements in the sequence in which they were shown. Players who make a mistake take a step forward. The kids who don't move win.

Complex 1

(I. p. - main stand)

1) hands up;

2) cotton over the head;

3) arms to the sides;

4) arms to shoulders;

5) hands down.

Complex 2

1) hands on the belt;

2) tilt to the left;

3) starting position;

4) tilt to the right;

5) starting position.

Complex 3

1) turn your head to the left;

2) turn your head to the right;

3) keep your head straight;

4) head down.

Complex 4

1) hands forward;

2) sit down;

3) starting position;

4) turn your head to the right;

5) turn your head to the left;

6) head straight.


1. The display of exercises can be combined with the name of the movement. In this case, auditory memory also develops.

2. Movements are not shown, but only called. The child must remember how they are performed.

Remember the order.

Purpose: to develop memory, attention.

Children line up in random order. The driver, looking at them, should turn away and list who is behind whom. Then another child becomes the leader. At the end of the game, those who completed the task without errors are noted.

Who left?

Purpose: develops memory, attention.

Children line up in random order. The driver, looking at them, turns away. At this time, at the direction of the teacher, one of the children leaves the room. The driver must turn around and guess which of the children is missing.

When one of the children leaves, the rest change places to confuse the driver.

The guys are strict

Goals: develop visual memory, attention; reinforce rebuilding skills.

Players line up in a column one at a time, or line. On command, they begin to walk randomly around the hall, saying the words:

The guys have a strict order,

Know all their places;

So trumpet more cheerfully:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

After these words, the teacher pulls out the right or left hand to the side and commands: “Get up! ". Children should quickly line up in their places, in the direction indicated by the teacher.


1. After each formation, the order of the players changes.

2. If the teacher stretches his hand forward, then the children should line up in a column, if the teacher raises his hand to the side, the children line up.

enchanted ball

Purpose: to develop long-term memory words, coordination of movements.

Material: two balloons.

Inflate two balloons, show the children how they float in the air, and let them play with them for a while. After a while, tell the children that you know the magic spell. Rub the balloon on clothing to charge it. static electricity, and say a spell:

Snip, snap, snure - one, two and three!

The ball is enchanted - go see it!

"Stick" the balls to the wall at such a distance that the children can get them and play with them. Repeat the spell, let the children glue the balloons themselves. Let the children repeat the spell themselves and stick the balloons.

magic number

Goals: improve memory; fix mathematical account; develop coordination skills.

Material: number cards, rug or mat.

The teacher says that if you know the numbers well, you will enter the land of knowledge. For each, he tells his magic number.

Numbers are scattered on the rug (according to the number of participants in the game). The players remember their number given by the teacher. At the signal of the teacher, the participants run to the mat and look for their number, then run around the mat on the right and return to the starting point.

Children who completed the task quickly and correctly are noted. If there are many children in the group, you can hold a relay race.

That's how poses

Purpose: to develop motor and visual memory, arbitrary self-control, attention span.

The participants in the game take poses corresponding to certain kind sports (a certain profession, the movement of an animal, etc.). The driver, looking at them, must remember, reproduce them and comment after all the children return to their original position.

The game can become more difficult: the driver repeats the poses of an increasing number of children.

The best drivers are marked.

Call by name

Purpose: to develop motor memory, long-term memory for words, intensity and stability of attention, sense of time, dexterity.

Material: ball.

The participants are divided into two teams. At the signal of the teacher, they move freely throughout the hall. Suddenly, the teacher throws the ball up and calls the name of the first team member who must catch the ball. Similarly, a member of the second team is called. The team that catches the ball wins large quantity once.

secret movement

Purpose: to develop visual and motor memory and the relationship between them.

The facilitator shows various gymnastic exercises. The participants in the game repeat all the exercises after the leader, except for the secret one - agreed in advance. Instead of this exercise, children must perform another, also predetermined. For example, instead of a secret exercise to sit down, they should raise their hands up.

Children who performed the exercises without errors are noted.

Traps with a ball

Goals: develop memory, dexterity, speed abilities; fix the account.

Material: ball.

Children, standing in a circle, pass the ball to each other with the words:

One two Three -

Take the ball quickly.

Four five six -

There he is, there he is.

Seven, eight, nine -

Throw who can.

The player who has last word the ball turns out to be, says: "I" and throws it at the fleeing children. Having hit the first player with the ball, the "trap" takes the ball in his hands. The players are again built in a circle. Game continues.

Games for development various kinds memory

What was gone

For children of preschool age there is a game "What's gone? " ("What is missing"). Several items, toys are placed on the table. The child looks at them attentively for one or two minutes, and then turns away. At this point, the adult removes one of the items. The child's task is to remember what item is missing (for children of older preschool age, a more complex option is offered - with the disappearance of two or more toys). Children's responses may vary. Depending on readiness, the child can find a toy on another table, in a room, at a more remote distance, choose a sign with the name of the toy, etc. This game has another option. The child needs to remember the location of the toy among others, and after the adult behind the screen violates this order, return it to its original place. The reverse version is also possible - the game “Who came to us? ", when an adult does not remove, but adds an object or several objects behind the screen.


There is another memory game - "The Box". It can be played by kids from 2 to 6 years old. The box is made up of small boxes that are placed in pairs and glued together. Their number is gradually increasing (up to 12 by the senior preschool age). An object is hidden in one of them in front of the child's eyes, after which the box is closed by a screen for a while. Then he is asked to find the item. -nem

Find it yourself

The visual memory of children is well developed by a game (similar to the "Box") called "Find It Yourself". For her, it is necessary to glue 4 and 3 matchboxes, placing them on top of each other so that 2 turrets are obtained. At the first stage of the game, for example, a button is placed in one of the boxes and the box is closed. The child is offered to show where they put the button, in which of the turrets and in which compartment. At the second, more difficult stage, 2 items are already hidden in different compartments of one of the turrets. At the third stage, objects are put into different turrets, and the child needs to remember where everything is. The baby can open the compartments of the turret immediately after the object has been hidden (this is the development of a short-term visual memory) or, for example, in half an hour, and for senior preschool age - the next day (development of long-term visual memory).

Learn the subject

An exercise for training tactile memory can be the game "Recognize the Object". A child of senior preschool age is blindfolded, and in turn placed in his outstretched hand various items. At the same time, their names are not pronounced aloud, the baby himself must guess what kind of thing it is. After a number of objects (3-10) is examined, he is offered to name all these things, moreover, in the order in which they were put into the hand. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that the child needs to perform 2 mental operations - recognition and memorization.

Marine knots

At older preschool age, you can develop the child's tactile memory by teaching him to tie sea ​​knots(especially since it also helps the development of visual spatial imagination).

miraculous words

The auditory memory of older preschoolers is developed by the game "Wonderful Words". It is necessary to select 20 words that are related in meaning: 10 pairs should be obtained, for example: food-spoon, window-door, face-nose, apple-banana, cat-dog. These words are read to the child 3 times, moreover, the pairs stand out intonationally. After a while, the baby is repeated only the first words of the pairs, and the second he must remember. This is short-term auditory memory training. For the development of long-term memorization, you need to ask the preschooler to remember the second words of the pairs not immediately, but after half an hour.

Draw a figure

The child is shown 4-6 geometric shapes, and then ask him to draw on paper those that he remembered. A more difficult option is to ask the young artist to reproduce the figures, given their size and color.

Who knows more

The game "Who knows more" is also intended for senior preschool age. The child is offered to name 5 objects of a given shape or color in one minute. For example - 5 round objects, or 5 red objects. The one who did not have time to name the items in the allotted time is out of the game. Replays don't count!

The development of attention in children. Games for the development of attention. Attention methods. Mindfulness exercises.

Tasks for the development of attention.

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Looking for where to download attention games for kids for free? Are you interested in attention tests for children? In the “Development of attention in children” section on our website you can download free attention games for preschoolers and primary school children, attention tests for children of preschool and primary school age.

The proposed exercises are suitable both for individual lessons of parents and teachers with children, and for group lessons in a preschool educational institution. For convenience, all attention games are divided into groups by type. The exercises we offer can also be used for remedial classes with children with attention problems, attention deficit (attention deficit disorder).

The educational games that you will find on our website were developed by experienced child psychologists, neuropsychologists and preschool teachers who have extensive experience working with children with attention disorders and who have devoted many years of their professional activity to studying the attention of preschoolers, the attention of younger schoolchildren and diagnosing attention. Our attention exercises will help you solve problems with concentration and switching attention in children from 5 to 9 years old.

Tasks for the search and completion of missing details

In tasks for the attention of this group, the child must consider several pictures offered on the form and complete each of them so that all the pictures become completely the same.

Go to the tasks for finding and completing the missing details

Maze games for kids.

The games of this group for the development of attention in children are all kinds of original labyrinth games for children. This section will please those adults who are looking for for their children: labyrinth games, labyrinths for children in pictures, labyrinths for children online.

Go to the mazes

Search for identical pictures

In games to develop the attention of this group, the child must carefully examine several pictures on the form and find two completely identical ones.

Go to games to find the same pictures

Games for finding pictures by pattern

In games for the development of attention among preschoolers of this group, the child must carefully examine the sample and find the picture corresponding to it.

Go to games to search for a picture by pattern

Logic tasks to search for a given sequence

In games for the development of attention for preschoolers of this group, the child must find among the many similar images a group of pictures arranged in a certain sequence.

Go to logical tasks to search for a sequence

Tasks for finding a common feature in the depicted group of objects

In attention games for children in this subsection, tasks are collected in which the child analyzes groups of objects combined on the basis of a common feature. The child must identify this sign. Attention exercises of this type also develop logical thinking in preschoolers.

Go to tasks for finding a common feature

Tasks to search for an object by its shadow

In exercises to develop attention in children of this group, the child is asked to correlate a number of objects and their shadows. Those. for each object, he must choose a shadow corresponding to it.

Go to tasks for finding an object by shadow

Difference games. Find differences in pictures

In tasks for the attention of this subsection, the child is tasked with finding all the differences between two similar pictures. This section will please those adults who set the following search queries for children: games to find the differences, games to find the differences, find the differences online, find the differences pictures, etc.

Additional games for the development of attention

This group includes a variety of tasks for the development of attention and observation that are not included in other groups.

Go to additional tasks

The development of attention in children. road lotto

road lotto This exciting game will help you keep your child busy on the road for a long time. You can play it while traveling by car or on the train. Road Lotto is not only fun, but also very useful for the development of intelligence.

Playing loto, the little traveler trains attention and memory.

Go to road lotto description

Attention and spatial representations

The proposed three games: "Fly", "Football" and "Bee" will help not only develop your child's attention, but will also contribute to the development of his spatial representations. The child will learn to navigate in the space of the sheet, consolidate such concepts as "left-right", "top-bottom".

Go to games

Most popular in the attention section

road lotto This exciting game will help you keep your child busy on the road for a long time. You can play it while traveling by car or on the train. Road Lotto is not only fun, but also very useful for the development of intelligence. Playing loto, the little traveler trains attention and memory. go to road lotto description

Games for the development of attention and spatial representations. The proposed three games: "Fly", "Football" and "Bee" will help not only develop your child's attention, but will also contribute to the development of his spatial representations. The child will learn to navigate in the space of the sheet, consolidate such concepts as "left-right", "top-bottom". go to games

Recent publications of the attention section

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Exercises to develop the attention of children of primary school age

Exercise "My favorite fruit"

The exercise allows the facilitator to create a working mood in the group, the development of memory, the development of the ability to long-term concentration of attention also takes place.

The group members introduce themselves in a circle. After calling themselves by name, each participant names their favorite fruit; the second - the name of the previous one and his favorite fruit, his name and his favorite fruit; the third - the names of the previous two and the names of their favorite fruits, and then their name and their favorite fruit, etc. The latter, therefore, must name the names and names of the favorite fruits of all members of the group.

2. Exercise "I won't go astray"

Exercise for the development of concentration, distribution of attention

The psychologist offers the following tasks:

count aloud from 1 to 31, but the subject should not call numbers that include three or multiples of three. Instead of these numbers, he should say: "I won't go astray." For example: “One, two, I won’t go astray, four, five, I won’t go astray ...”

Sample correct count: 1, 2, -, 4, 5, -, 7, 8, -, 10, 11, -, -, 14, -, 16, 17, -, 19, 20, -, 22, -, -, 25, 26, -, 28, 29, -, - _the line replaces numbers that cannot be pronounced).

3. Exercise "Observation"

Exercise for the development of visual attention. In this game, the connections between attention and visual memory are revealed.

Children are invited to describe in detail the school yard from memory, the way from home to school - something that they have seen hundreds of times. The younger students make such descriptions orally, and their classmates fill in the missing details.

4. Exercise "Fly 1"

An exercise to develop concentration

This exercise requires a board with a 3x3 nine-cell playing field drawn on it and a small suction cup (or a piece of plasticine). The sucker acts as a "trained fly". The board is placed vertically and the host explains to the participants that the movement of the "fly" from one cell to another occurs by giving commands to it, which it obediently executes.

According to one of the four possible commands ("up", "down", "right" and "left"), the "fly" moves according to the command to the neighboring cell. The starting position of the "fly" is the central cell of the playing field. Teams are given by the participants in turn.

The players must, relentlessly following the movements of the "fly", prevent it from leaving the playing field.

After all these explanations, the game itself begins. It is held on an imaginary field, which each of the participants represents in front of him. If someone loses the thread of the game, or "sees" that the "fly" has left the field, he gives the command "Stop" and, returning the "fly" to the central cell, starts the game again. "Fly" requires constant concentration from the players.

5. Exercise "Selector"

Exercise for the development of concentration, stability of attention

For the exercise, one of the participants in the game is selected - the "receiver". The rest of the group - "transmitters" - are busy with what everyone counts aloud from different numbers and in different directions. The "receiver" holds a wand in his hand and listens silently.

He must tune in to each "transmitter" in turn. If it is difficult for him to hear this or that "transmitter", he can force him to speak louder with an imperative gesture. If it's too easy for him, he can turn down the sound.

After the "receiver" has done enough work, he passes the wand to his neighbor, and he himself becomes the "transmitter". During the game, the wand makes a full circle.

6. Exercise "Flies - does not fly"

Exercise for the development of switching attention, the arbitrariness of performing movements.

Children sit or become a semicircle. The leader names the items. If the object flies, the children raise their hands.

If it does not fly, the children's hands are lowered. The leader can deliberately make mistakes, many guys will involuntarily raise their hands, by virtue of imitation. It is necessary to hold back in a timely manner and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named.

7. Exercise "My birthday"

Exercise to develop memory, the ability to long-term concentration.

The members of the group, as in the previous version, take turns calling their names, but each member adds the date of his birthday to his name. The second - the name of the previous one and the date of his birthday, his name and the date of his birthday, the third - the names and birthdays of the two previous ones and his name and the date of his birthday, etc. The latter, therefore, must give the names and dates of the birthdays of all members of the group.

8. Exercise "Palms"

Exercise for the development of stability of attention.

Participants sit in a circle and put their palms on the knees of their neighbors: the right palm on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left palm on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The meaning of the game is to raise the palms in turn, i.e. a "wave" ran from rising palms. After a preliminary training, palms raised at the wrong time or not raised at the right time are out of the game.

9. Exercise "Edible - inedible"

An exercise in developing attention shifting.

The host takes turns throwing a ball to the participants and at the same time names objects (edible and inedible). If the object is edible, the ball is caught; if not, it is discarded.

10. Exercise "Fly"

Exercise for the development of concentration, switching attention.

The exercise is carried out in exactly the same way as the previous version, only in a more complicated version: the number of flies is increased (there are two of them). Flies commands are given separately.

11. Exercise "The most attentive"

Exercise for the development of visual attention, memory.

Participants must stand in a semicircle and determine the leader. The driver tries to remember the order of the players for several seconds. Then, on command, he turns away and calls the order in which the comrades stand.

All players in turn must take the place of the driver. It is worth rewarding those who are not mistaken with applause.

12. Exercise "Phone"

Exercise for the development of auditory attention, auditory memory.

The verbal message is whispered around the circle until it returns to the first player.

Fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes"

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe. They went into the forest to cut wood; reached the river and do not know how to cross it. Bast shoe says to the bubble: "Bubble, let's swim across you?" - “No,” says the bubble, “it’s better to let the straw be dragged from coast to coast, and we will cross it!”

The straw was drawn; the bast shoe went over it, and it broke. The bast shoe fell into the water, and the bubble began to laugh - laughed, laughed and burst!


1. Kruglov Yu. G. Russian folk tales - M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

2. Panfilova M. A. Game therapy of communication - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2000.

3. Rogov E. I. Handbook of a practical psychologist - M .: VLADOS, 1999.

4. Stolyarenko L. D. Fundamentals of psychology - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1999.

More info

educational games and exercises - development magazine

Games for children from 5 to 7 years old should be aimed primarily at forming the correct model of the child's behavior.

First, let's look at the behavior of children from 5 to 7 years old.

A child who is five years old considers himself already old enough, smart and independent. Moreover, it may sometimes surprise you that your child already has his own point of view on what is happening around.

And he has as many fantasies to explain everything and everyone as much as he enjoys doing it! The main thing is to ask a question, but the answer will not stand up! Moreover, your child is happy to answer even those questions in which he does not understand anything!

The thing is that it is very important for a child at this age to receive praise, to be good in the eyes of adults and peers.

Purpose: development of stability and scope of attention.

Equipment: toys or objects placed around the room in advance.

Description. The teacher describes any toy in the room without naming it. Children can ask clarifying questions.

They are then asked to find the item in question.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “Find a toy”. Be careful. I will describe some subject. You can ask me clarifying questions about the appearance of the object, about its location, about its qualities, about its meaning.

For example, I say: "This object is round, red, lies on a shelf." Petya asks the question: “Is it big or small?” I answer: "He's small." Lena asks the question: “Can you eat it?” I answer: "It is inedible, but it is possible to play with it." Olya replies: "The ball."

I say: "That's right." Let's start playing."

Game: "The game" What is missing?

Goal: increase concentration, volume and distribution of attention and development of memory. Equipment: any toys.

Move. Toys are displayed in front of children and draw attention to each toy. They are closed with a screen and 1 or 2 toys are removed.

After that, the screen is removed and it is proposed to determine which toy has disappeared. The game can be repeated several times.

Outdoor games.

The game "Who is behind whom"

Purpose: to exercise in the development of the volume and distribution of attention.

Move: children in the amount of 4 to 5 are invited to line up, the other is invited to be the leader. He remembers the children who is behind whom and turn away, at this time the children change places. The host turns and says what has changed.

The game can be repeated several times by changing the leader.

Game exercise "Four elements"

Purpose: development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description. The players sit in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: "earth" - hands down, "water" - stretch your arms forward, "air" - raise your hands up, "fire" - rotate your hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

Instructions: “For this game, you need to sit in a circle and listen carefully. If I say the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch their hands forward, the word "air" - raise their hands up, the word "fire" - rotate their hands in the wrist elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

verbal games.

The game "Flies - does not fly", "Edible - not edible"

Purpose: to develop auditory attention, dexterity.

On the carpet, the children sit in a semicircle, leading first by the teacher, and then maybe one of the children. The host calls the subjects (can be used in a lesson on a specific topic). In the case of the game “Flies - does not fly”, children raise their hands if the object flies.

Hands down if not flying. When playing “Edible - not edible”, children catch the ball with the correct answer, with the wrong answer, the ball is discarded.

Snowball game

Purpose: development of auditory attention, the ability to listen carefully to peers, the development of auditory memory.

Children become in a circle, the child takes the ball and calls his name, passes it to another. The next one, in turn, takes the ball and calls his name and the name of the previous one, etc. The game is played until all the children say their names.

The game "What do you hear?"

Purpose: development of auditory attention.

Equipment: objects that make sounds familiar to children; screen.

Description: The facilitator invites the children to listen and remember what is happening behind the door or screen. Then he asks to tell what they heard. The winner is the one who more and more accurately determines the sources of sound.

Instruction: “Now we will play the game “What do you hear?” and find out who is the most attentive. It is necessary in complete silence for some time (I detect it) to listen carefully to what is happening behind the door (screen). At the end of this time (1-2 minutes), it is necessary to name as many sounds as possible.

In order for everyone to be given the opportunity to speak, it is necessary to name the sounds heard in the order of their turn. You cannot repeat sounds when naming. The one who names the most such sounds wins.

Note. You can play with a group of children or with one child. The order in the game can be set using a rhyme.

Items that can be used for playing: a drum, a whistle, wooden spoons, a metallophone, a children's piano, containers with water for pouring it and creating sounds of pouring water, glass objects and a hammer for knocking on glass, etc.

Purpose: development of auditory attention, the formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Equipment: A handkerchief or blindfold.

Description: Standing in a circle, the children choose the driver, who, being in the center of the circle blindfolded, tries to recognize the children by their voice. Guessing the player by voice, the driver changes places with him.

Instruction: “Now we will play an interesting game “Recognize by voice”. To do this, you need to stand in a circle and choose a driver who, with a blindfold on his eyes, will carefully listen to the voices of the players. The one to whom I will give a sign will pronounce any word with his own voice.

The driver must guess the player by voice. If he guesses the player, he must change places with him: the player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the player. If he does not guess, then he continues to be the driver until he recognizes the next player by the voice.

Let's start the game."

Games for the development of memory.

More details on the site

Didactic games for the development of attention

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The attention of a small child is a capricious “creature”. It seems to me a shy bird that flies away from the nest as soon as you try to get close to it.

Attention is the focus on something. It is connected with the interests, inclinations of the child, such qualities depend on his characteristics: observation, the ability to note subtle, but significant signs in objects and phenomena.

Attention is one of the main conditions that ensure the successful assimilation by the child of the amount of knowledge and skills available to him and the establishment of contact with an adult. If attention is absent, the child cannot learn to imitate the actions of an adult, nor to act according to the model, nor to follow verbal instructions. The development of attention is closely intertwined with the development of memorization.

The attention of a preschooler reflects his interests in relation to the surrounding objects and the actions performed with them. The child is focused on an object or action only until his interest in this object or action fades. The appearance of a new object causes a switch of attention, so children rarely do the same thing for a long time.

Attention has properties such as: volume, stability, concentration, selectivity, distribution, switchability and arbitrariness. Violation of each of the properties leads to difficulties in the functioning of attention as a process, as a result, to deviations in the child's activity.

In preschool childhood develops:

involuntary attention, which is associated with the assimilation of new differentiated knowledge about the types of animals, insects, flowers, etc. all this is first explained and shown by adults, then the child notices himself, involuntarily. What was explained not only attracts attention in itself, but also serves as a kind of background against which unusual objects become noticeable. Children notice a friend's new clothes, unusual flowers, etc. They notice not only bright, catchy, loud, but exactly unusual - something that was not in their experience.

Arbitrary attention which manifests itself in the course of purposeful activity. The purpose of the action as an image of the intended result encourages attention throughout the activity.

If what he planned didn’t work out, the child even cries: “I wanted to draw Pinocchio, and then some kind of cow came out!”. One can see the great concentration of children at the moments of experimenting with objects, pouring water.

People say: “If it is quiet, then something is up to”. Although children 4-5 years old begin to master voluntary attention, involuntary attention remains predominant throughout preschool childhood. stay attentive. This feature of attention is one of the reasons why preschool education cannot be based on tasks that require constant tension of voluntary attention.

The elements of the game used in the classroom, productive activities and their frequent change, allow you to maintain the attention of children at a fairly high level. Attention is of great importance in the lives of children.

It is this that makes all mental processes complete. The development of the properties and types of attention of a preschooler significantly depends on the significance, emotionality, interest for him in new material, on the nature of the activity that the child performs. Thus, attention indicators increase significantly in various games, and especially in didactic ones.

I. We develop visual attention.

1. "Do like mine"

An adult offers the child to lay out a letter, number, pattern, picture, etc. from sticks (or mosaics) according to the model. (You can use Kuizener sticks)

2. "Arrange as it was"

The teacher places seven toys on the table in front of the preschoolers. After the children have examined the toys, the adult asks them to turn away from the table, and at this time he swaps the toys and gives the task: “Arrange the toys in the order they were.”

3. "Draw"

An adult distributes drawings to children depicting objects on which some details are missing. Offers to name what exactly is missing in the picture and draw them. For example: a car without wheels, a house without a roof, etc.

4. Spot the difference

The teacher offers preschoolers a card with two pictures that have several differences. Children need to find these differences as quickly as possible.

5. "Who is faster"

An adult shows the children ribbons of different colors. The task of preschoolers is to name as many objects as possible, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc., that correspond to a certain color. For example: Yellow - pear, pencil, sun, lemon ...; red - apple, tomato, cherry ... green - toad, grasshopper, cucumber, grass ... etc.

6. "Who's hiding?"

An adult lays out 10 pictures with animals on the table in front of the children. After the guys have examined them, the teacher asks them to close their eyes, and at this time he removes 3-4 pictures and asks: “Look, what animals are hiding?”

7. "Drawing by cells"

Preschoolers are given a checkered sheet (large or small), a pattern for drawing (an ornament or a closed figure), a pencil. It is necessary to redraw the pattern by cells.

8. "Find the extra"

Children are offered a card with the image of 6 - 7 objects, one of which is different from the rest. It is necessary to find it. For example: fox, bear, wolf, sparrow, squirrel, hare, hedgehog. (Sparrow is a bird).

II. We develop auditory attention.

1. "The most attentive"

Children sit in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: “Water” - arms to the sides; "Earth" - hands down; "Fire" - close your eyes with your hands; "Air" - raise your hands up.

2. "What did it sound like?"

Children are shown the sound of different musical instruments. Then these musical instruments sound behind the screen, and preschoolers name what they sounded.

3. "Repeat after me"

Preschoolers are invited to reproduce, according to the model set by the teacher, rhythmic blows with a stick on the table.

4. "Who has a bell?"

Children walk in a circle ringing a bell, which they pass to each other. A blindfolded child stands in the center of the circle and listens attentively from where the bell is ringing. When an adult utters the phrase: “The bell is not heard,” the child standing in the center of the circle must point with his hand in the direction from which he last heard the ringing.

5. "Words"

The teacher clearly pronounces 6 words to the children, after which he asks the children to repeat the words in the same sequence. For example: dog, chicken, cow, duck, pig, chicken, etc.

6. "What's in the box?"

Preschoolers are shown the sound in matchboxes: sand, earth, millet, peas, pebbles. After that, the adult stirs the boxes and invites the children to determine what is in the box by sound.

7. "Tell me how it was"

Preschoolers are invited to consider a complex plot picture and remember all the details of an adult's story about the adventure of its heroes. Then the teacher asks questions about this picture, and the children answer them remembering the story.

8. "Who is this?"

An adult reads interesting riddles in rhymes, preschoolers should name what or who is being discussed.

III. We develop motor-motor attention.

1. "Edible - inedible"

Depending on the named item (whether it is edible or not), children must catch or hit the ball thrown to them by an adult.

2. "Repeat after me"

The teacher names the parts of the human body, and the children must perform the appropriate movements: touch the nose, ear, elbow, etc. (You can perform movements to rhythmic music)

3. "Flies, jumps, swims"

The teacher shows the children pictures of animals, birds, insects, etc., and preschoolers need to show what movements they can do without words. For example: a bird - children imitate flight movements, a hare - jump, a toad - jump, and then swim (or vice versa), etc.

4. "Wintering and migratory birds"

An adult shows pictures of wintering and migratory birds, the children are given the command: “Clap your hands, if the bird is migratory, if it is wintering, put your hands down.”

5. "Vegetables and fruits"

An adult reads out the names of vegetables and fruits, preschoolers are given a command: "Sit down - if they hear the name of a vegetable, jump - the name of a fruit."

The teacher shows the children a movement that cannot be repeated. Then he shows different movements with his arms and legs. The one who repeated the forbidden movement is out of the game.

Any movement or combination of movements can be prohibited.

7. "Train"

Preschoolers stand in a circle and imitate the movement of the train, an adult shows cards that indicate a certain movement: yellow card - the train collapsed, red - the train stops, blue - the train goes in the opposite direction, green - the train goes faster.

8. "Attentive guys"

Children are built in a column. An adult names various objects, after which each child who stands in a column must run to the table on which there is a basket with objects and choose an object of the appropriate color with the named object. For example, the teacher calls the word “paper”, the child must run up to the table and select a white object from the basket - a white ball, a pencil, etc.


Ludmila Voronova
Games and exercises for the development of attention

Ushinsky said that Attention“that door through which passes everything that only enters the soul of a man of the outer world.” If the teacher fails to achieve children's attention to what he explains, he speaks in vain, like a man showing a picture to people who have turned their backs on it.

Sometimes it happens that children "hard to understand", "hard to remember", and this does not speak of the weakness of quick wit and memory, but of shortcomings attention.

your child inattentive? How is it shown? What can affect the quality child's attention? Reasons for violation attention may be different.:

1. If your child has been diagnosed by a neurologist "Hyperactivity Deficiency Syndrome" attention» , then in this case, qualified medical care is indispensable.

2. In preschool childhood, the child works with concentration for 15-30 minutes, and if longer, then overwork occurs.

3. When a child is loaded with additional circles 4-7 days a week, overwork sets in.

4. The child can play favorite games for a long time games mind your own business, but it becomes inattentive when performing an intellectual task. It is possible that he simply does not understand how to complete this task. In this case, it is necessary to help him, to explain the material that he did not learn earlier, to analyze together several similar exercise and make sure that the child understood what and how to do it.

5. Monotonous activity (difficult to keep Attention when doing monotonous work.) In this case, you can add some zest, for example, arrange a small competition: "Who will write the letter more beautifully "BUT"?», “Who will solve more examples?”.

6. It is very important that the child is in good mood: if he is depressed by something, then it will most likely be difficult for him to concentrate on the task.

7. The presence of a large number of irritants in the room. If before the eyes of a child there is a collection of cars with which he loves to mess around, then for sure all his thoughts will be about how to finish the task as soon as possible and play. In this situation, it is advisable to remove from the field of view of the child everything that distracts him.

8. The state of health of the child can also be one of the reasons for the violation attention. If the child does not feel well, then it is not necessary to expect an error-free performance of the task.

It should be remembered that the leading activity in preschool age is playing, not educational, therefore, all additional activities with the child should be of a playful nature and include pauses for active or passive rest. It can be a walk in the fresh air or some favorite activity when the child can relax, be distracted.

Suggested games and exercises will allow not only to train children, but also to enjoy joint activities.

1. "Listen and repeat".

Target games. stimulate Attention

Give the child a certain rhythm by clapping and ask him to repeat.

2. "Be attentive (for children 4-5 years old)

Target games. stimulate Attention learn to respond quickly and accurately to sound signals.

you name different the words: house, notebook, apple, soup, car, pear, sparrow, plane, etc. Child attentively listens and claps when the word for fruit comes up. Complication games: the child claps his hands when he hears the name of the fruit, and stamps his feet when he hears the name of the vehicle.

3. "What changed".

Target games. Develop active attention.

After cleaning the room, ask the child to tell what has changed, For example: the flowers on the windowsill are in a different order, or where the machine used to be, now there are dumbbells.

4. "Tricky Account".

Target games. Develop mindfulness.

Participants in chorus count up to 10 several times. The first time is a simple count. Second time on account "three" meow three times. Third time on account "three" meow three times, count "five" stomp their feet five times. Next to account "three" meow three times, count "five" stomp their feet five times, on the count "seven"- Clap your hands seven times. You can increase the tempo to make it more difficult. games or change tasks.

5. "Listen to the pops".

Target games. Same.

The players walk in a circle. When the facilitator claps his hands once, the children should stop and take the stork pose. (stand on one leg, arms to the sides). If the host claps twice, the players should assume the “frog” position (crouch, heels together, socks and knees to the sides, hands between the legs on the floor). For three claps, the players resume walking.

6. "Find differences".

Target games. Develop active attention.

Suggest to the child attentively look at the pictures and find the differences.

7. "Zhmurki".

Target games. Develop active attention.

Invite the child to find as many as possible in the picture. "hidden" animals.

8. "Four forces".

Target games. Develop attention

The players sit in a circle. The host agrees with them that if he says the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch their hands forward, the word "air" - raise their hands up, the word "fire" - rotate their hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

9. "Onlookers".

Target games. Develop attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

The players walk in a circle, holding hands, at the signal of the leader they stop, make four claps, turn around and continue to move. The direction changes after each signal. Those who do not complete the task correctly exit games.

10. Pathfinder.

Target games. Develop active attention.

Invite the child in the text (newspaper or magazine), looking through each line to cross out any letter.

In a soft form, discuss with your child what happened, what didn’t work out very well. Convince him that with each session, the results will get better and better. It is important for a child to feel your support.


So, based on the above, it can be argued that the game is not only pleasure and joy for the child, which in itself is very important. With its help, you can develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination of the baby, i.e. those qualities that are necessary for later life. While playing, the child acquires new knowledge, skills, abilities, develops abilities sometimes without realizing it.

Organization: MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 77"

Location: Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk

Attention in human life and activity performs many different functions. It activates the necessary and inhibits currently unnecessary psychological and physiological processes, promotes an organized and purposeful selection of information entering the body in accordance with its actual needs, provides selective and long-term concentration of mental activity.

Attention is the ability of a person to concentrate his "cognitive processes" on one object in order to study (cognize) it.

Attention is the concentration and focus of mental activity on a specific object.

Attention largely depends on the level of development of the basic processes of higher nervous activity. These processes change with age, and, consequently, attention undergoes changes. The same external stimuli are perceived by a person in completely different ways depending on age and cause different reactions in him.

The main properties of attention include the following:

Sustainability- the ability to maintain a state of attention on any object for a long time.

Concentration- the ability to focus on one object while distracting from others.

switchability- transfer from one object to another, from one type of activity to another.

Distribution- the ability to disperse attention over a large space, simultaneously performing several types of activities.

Volume- the amount of information that a person is able to retain in the area of ​​increased attention.

According to the activity of a person in the organization of attention, three types are distinguished: involuntary, voluntary and post-voluntary.

involuntary attention- this is the concentration of consciousness on the object as an irritant.

Arbitrary attention- this is a consciously regulated concentration on the object, directed by the requirements of activity. At the same time, the focus is not only on what is emotionally pleasant, but to a greater extent on what should be done.

Involuntary attention is not associated with the participation of the will, and voluntary attention necessarily includes volitional regulation. Finally, voluntary attention, in contrast to involuntary attention, is usually associated with a struggle of motives or motives, the presence of strong, oppositely directed and competing interests, each of which is capable of attracting and holding attention in itself. In this case, a person makes a conscious choice of a goal and, by an effort of will, suppresses one of the interests, directing all his attention to satisfying the other.

But such a variant is also possible, when voluntary attention is preserved, and efforts of the will to maintain it are no longer required. This happens if a person is passionate about work. This attention is called post-voluntary. Post-voluntary attention arises on the basis of voluntary attention and consists in focusing on an object due to its value (significance, interest) for the individual. Post-voluntary attention can last for hours. Post-voluntary attention occurs in situations where the purpose of the activity is preserved, but there is no need for volitional effort.

The development of attention in preschool age.

In early childhood, the development of attention occurs during the development of walking, objective activity and speech. Moving in space opens up new opportunities for the baby, now he himself chooses the object to which he directs his attention.

Mastering the purpose, functions of objects, improving actions with them allow, on the one hand, to direct attention to a greater number of sides and features in objects, and on the other hand, to improve the properties of attention itself - distribution, switching.

In connection with mastering speech, the baby learns to keep attention on words and phrases. He begins to respond to an adult's instruction if it is “shortly formulated and points to actions or objects familiar to the child: “Bring the ball”, “Take a spoon”. The child's attention to the word, its meaning increases. Now the child, without visual support, listens attentively to short poems, fairy tales, songs, if they are accompanied by expressive speech and facial expressions of the adult telling them.

The development of speech entails the appearance of elements of voluntary attention. An adult can guide him. The word acts as a means of organizing attention.

And yet, despite the fact that the child is able to perform interesting activities for 8-10 minutes, he experiences serious difficulties in switching and distributing attention, attention is not very stable. The ability to concentrate attention is also expressed in the fact that the child fixes insignificant, but the most striking signs of objects. And as soon as their novelty disappears, emotional attractiveness is lost, and attention to them fades away.

Let us highlight the features of the development of attention in early childhood: the range of objects, their signs, as well as actions with them, on which the child focuses, expands;

The kid is focused on following the simple instructions of an adult, on listening to literary works, attentive to the word, speech;

Under the influence of speech, the prerequisites for the development of voluntary attention begin to take shape in the child;

The attention of the baby is weakly concentrated, unstable, there are difficulties in switching and distribution, its volume is small.

At preschool age, changes concern all types and properties of attention. Its volume is increasing: a preschooler can already act with 2-5 objects. The possibility of distribution of attention increases in connection with the automation of many actions of the child. Attention becomes more stable. This gives the child the opportunity to perform certain work, even uninteresting, under the guidance of the educator. The kid is not distracted if he understands that the matter needs to be completed, even if a more attractive prospect has appeared. Maintaining the stability of attention, fixing it on the object is determined by the development of curiosity, cognitive processes. The stability of attention depends on the nature of the acting stimulus.

During preschool childhood, the duration of distractions caused by various stimuli decreases, that is, the stability of attention increases. The most dramatic decrease in the duration of distraction is observed in children from 5.5 to 6.5 years.

The development of the attention of a preschooler is due to the fact that the organization of his life is changing, he is mastering new types of activities (playing, working, productive). At 4-5 years old, the child directs his actions under the influence of an adult. The teacher is increasingly saying to the preschooler: “Be attentive”, “Listen carefully”, “Look carefully”. Fulfilling the requirements of an adult, the child must control his attention.

The development of voluntary attention is associated with the assimilation of the means of controlling it. Initially, these are external means, a pointing gesture, the word of an adult. In older preschool age, the speech of the child himself, which acquires a planning function, becomes such a means. “I want to see the tiger cub first, and then the monkeys,” says the kid on the way to the zoo. He outlines the goal of "seeing", and then carefully examines the objects of interest to him.

Thus, the development of voluntary attention is closely connected not only with the development of speech, but also with the understanding of the significance of the upcoming activity, the awareness of its purpose. The development of this type of attention is also associated with the development of norms and rules of behavior, the formation of volitional action.

We indicate the features of the development of attention in preschool age:

Significantly increases its concentration, volume and stability;

There are elements of arbitrariness in the management of attention based on the development of speech, cognitive interests;

Attention becomes mediated;

Elements of post-voluntary attention appear.

The properties of attention are formed in children gradually at preschool and primary school age.

Violation of each of the properties leads to deviations in the behavior and activities of the child.

Poorly developed attention switching - it is difficult for a child to switch from performing one type of activity to another.

Poorly developed ability to distribute attention - the inability to effectively (without errors) perform several tasks at the same time.

Violation of the volume of attention - the inability to concentrate on several objects at the same time, to keep them in mind.

Insufficient concentration and stability of attention - it is difficult for a child to maintain attention for a long time without being distracted and without weakening it.

Insufficient selectivity of attention - the child cannot concentrate on that part of the material that is necessary to solve the task.

Insufficient arbitrariness of attention - the child finds it difficult to focus attention on demand.

Such shortcomings can be eliminated by specially organized work in the process of teaching the child.

Such work should be carried out in two directions:

1. The use of special exercises that train the basic properties of attention: volume, distribution, concentration, stability and switching.

2. The use of exercises on the basis of which mindfulness is formed as a property of the individual. Usually the cause of global inattention lies in the orientation of children to the general meaning of a text, phrase, word, arithmetic problem or expression - children grasp this meaning and, being content with it, "neglect the particulars." In this regard, the main task of such classes is to overcome this global perception, an attempt to teach how to perceive the content taking into account the elements against the background of the meaning of the whole.

Games and exercises for the development of attention.

Game "Clap your hands".

Target. Develop resilience and shifting attention.

The child is invited to clap his hands when he hears a word on a given topic, for example, an animal. After that, the adult says a number of different words. Another time, crouch when you hear the word for a plant.
Then combine the first and second tasks, i.e. the child crouches when he hears the name of a plant, and claps his hands when pronouncing the words for animals. It is advisable to play the game with a group of children.

Button game.

Target. Promote the development of concentration, memory.

Two people are playing. In front of them are two identical sets of buttons, not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field divided into cells. The more difficult the game, the more cells the field should contain; 4 or 6 cells are enough to start. The starter of the game puts 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look (20-30 seconds) and remember where which button lies. After that, the first player closes his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field. At the same time, it is recommended to especially ensure that the child is correctly oriented and does not get confused in the directions "up", "down", "left", "right". The more cells and buttons are used in the game, the more interesting and difficult the game becomes.

Game "Find the right color"

Materials: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes.

Geometric figures cut out of cardboard are scattered around the playground. The facilitator calls the color (for example, red). On a signal, all players must collect as many pieces of the specified color as possible.

A game. "Listen to the clap!"

Target. Develop active attention.

Children go in a circle. For one clap, they should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, the second is tucked in, arms to the sides), for two claps - the “frog” pose (squat down), for three claps - resume walking.

Game "Catch - don't catch"

The rules of this game are similar to those in the game "Edible - inedible". Only the condition when the child catches the ball, and when not, can change in each horse of the game. For example, now you are agreeing with the child that if the word refers to plants, then he catches it. If the word is not a plant, then it hits the ball. Similarly, you can play options such as "Fish - not fish", "Furniture - not furniture", "Transport - not transport", "Flies - does not fly" and others.

The game "Be careful!"

Target. Develop active attention; learning to respond quickly and accurately to sound signals.

Children march to the music in a circle. Then the facilitator says the word, and the children should begin to perform a certain action:

"Bunny!" Children jump, imitating the movement of a hare

"Horses!" Children kick their feet on the floor, as if a horse is hoofing.

"Crayfish!" Children move backwards like crayfish with their backs.

"Birds!" Children run around with their arms outstretched.

"Stork!" They stand on one leg.

"Frog!" Sit down and jump into a squat.

"Dogs!" Children bend their arms (imitation of the "dog serves" movement) and bark.
"Chickens!" Children walk, "look for grains" on the floor and say "ko-ko-ko".

The Gawker Game.

The purpose of the game. Development of volitional (voluntary) attention.

Children walk in a circle, one after another, holding hands. At the leader's signal ("Stop!"), they stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and start moving in the other direction.

The direction changes after each signal. If the child is confused and made a mistake, he leaves the game and sits on a chair in the room. The game can end when 2-3 children remain in the game.

The game "Forty-white-sided"

Target. Develop concentration.

Material: 5-6 small items (toys).

Arrange objects (toys) on the table. Invite the child to carefully look at the table, remember what items are on it. Then the child turns away. At this time, remove or replace one or more items. The child must determine what the magpie dragged away and what it replaced.

The game "Hurry up to touch."

Target. Develop attention switching, speech.

Invite the child, while the count is up to five, to touch "something red, soft, cold, etc." You can complicate the game by increasing the number of objects: "Touch two round objects."

Game "Fly"

Target. Develop stability, distribution, and switching attention.

Material. The playing field, lined with 9 or 16 cells and a piece of plasticine.
Invite the child to help the “fly” (plasticine) get to the other side of the field, warning. That the "fly" flies only in zigzags. An adult indicates the path of the "fly": "One cell forward, two to the right, one to the left." The child must fly this way across the playing field. Starting position - the central cell of the playing field.

With the mastery of the rules, two children can play the game. Teams are given by the participants in turn. The players must, relentlessly following the movement of the “fly”, prevent it from flying out of the playing field. If someone loses the thread of the game or sees that the "fly" has left the field, he gives the command "Stop!" and, returning the “fly” to the central cell, starts the game again.

Monkey game.

Players sit or stand opposite each other. One of them makes different movements: raises his hands, moves them in different directions, scratches his nose. The other - repeats all the movements of the first.

Developing the child's auditory attention

Game "Four Elements".

At the command of the leader, the children perform a certain movement with their hands.

"Earth" Children put their hands down.

"Water" Children stretch their arms forward

"Air" Children raise their hands up

"Fire" Children rotate their arms in the elbow and wrist joints

The game "I take with me in a suitcase….»

The adult starts the game: "I'm going on vacation and I'm packing my suitcase. I'll take my toothbrush with me!"

The child continues: "I'll take my toothbrush and toothpaste with me."

Adult: "I'll take my toothbrush, toothpaste and red T-shirt with me"

Child: ":" I will take with me a toothbrush, toothpaste, a red T-shirt and a blue pencil"

Then the adult repeats all this and adds one more thing. And so on until someone gets confused and confuses either the order or the color of things.

Exercise "Describe each other"

Two people stand or sit with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, face, clothes of the other. It turns out who was more accurate when describing a friend.

Game "True - False"

An adult pronounces different phrases - true and false. If the phrase is correct, the children clap, if not, they stomp.

Daisies always bloom in winter. ( Children stomp).

Ice is frozen water. ( Children clap).

The hare has red hair. ( Children stomp).

It always snows in winter. ( Children clap and stomp). Etc.

We develop the visual attention of the child.

1. Exercise "Find two identical."

A card is offered with the image of five or more items, of which two items are the same. You need to find the same items, explain your choice.

2. Exercise "10 differences".

The two pictures are almost identical. You need to find 10 differences as quickly as possible.

3. Playing with counting sticks or matches.

The child is offered to lay out a letter, number, pattern, silhouette, etc. according to the model.

4. Playing with colorful beads.

The child is offered a sample or scheme for stringing beads (for example, -ОХОХОХО- -ОООХХХООО- -ООХХОХХОО-), thread or wire, beads. The child collects beads.

5. Exercise "Drawing by cells"

The child is given a checkered sheet (large or small), a pattern for drawing (an ornament or a closed figure), a pencil. It is necessary to redraw the pattern by cells.

6. Exercise "How much of what?"

The child is asked to look around the room and name as many objects as possible that begin with the letter "K", "T", "S", all glass or metal, all round, or all white objects.

7. Exercise "Draw."

The child is invited to name what is missing in the image of objects and complete them. Examples: a house without windows, a car without wheels, a flower without a stem, etc.

8. Exercise "Corrector".

Take newspaper or magazine sheets with large printed text. The child must find and cross out any letter in the text. Over time, the game can be complicated: for example, cross out the letter F, circle the letter At.

9. "Guess what I see."

When looking at a picture book, a game begins - an adult: “I see something, it is red! What is it?" When this something is found, change roles, the child makes a guess.


1. Wenger L., Mukhina V. Development of attention, memory and imagination in preschool age // Preschool education. - 1974. - No. 12.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Development of higher forms of attention in childhood /L.S. Vygotsky // Reader on Attention / Ed. A.N. Leontiev, A.A. Bubbles, V.Ya. Romanova. - M., 1976. - S. 219 ..

3. Galperin P.Ya. To the problem of attention [Text] / P.Ya. Galperin // Reports of the APN of the RSFSR. -1958.

4. Zemtsova O.N. Find the differences in the development of attention. - M: Makhaon, 2007. - 16s

5. Kolomensky Ya. L. Child psychology. - Minsk, University, 1988. - 399s.

6. Kulagina I.Yu. Age-related psychology. - M.; 1997. - 176s.

7. Levitina S.S. The development of creative activity of a preschooler. - M.: Academy, 1990. - 169s.

8. Luria A. R. Reader for attention. - M.: Academy, 1976. - 261s.

9. Petukhova G.V. The development of voluntary attention in preschool children: Abstract of the thesis. cand. diss. /G.V. Petukhov. - M., 1961. -32 p.

At preschool age, children actively learn about the world around them. Psychologists on this occasion argue that in childhood a person acquires as much knowledge as he will not receive in his entire life. At the same time, the quality of acquired knowledge will depend on how fully developed the child's mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination, perception). Among all the properties of the psyche, a special place is given to attention, without which neither mental nor intellectual activity is possible. With the right approach to education, the training of attention and, on its basis, mindfulness, as a personality trait, can be successfully carried out at home.

Arbitrary attention is a special kind, for its implementation it is necessary to set a goal and volitional efforts. In preschool children, neither one nor the other has yet been developed. All this should be developed by parents, teaching the independence of a preschool child. For proper work on the development of voluntary attention at home, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Continuity and systematic study.
  2. Working on arbitrariness is difficult for little children. In order for complex classes to become attractive to children, it is necessary to start with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones.
  3. Training on the development of voluntary attention is carried out in two positions:
  • Special exercises for the basic properties of attention.
  • Special tasks for the development of mindfulness and elimination of exhaustion of attention.

The most effective exercises for preschoolers

At preschool age, voluntary attention, with the right approach, develops very intensively. Parents suggesting homework should be aware that each age has its own exercises and that different tasks are solved at each stage. If the child shows reluctance to study or becomes very tired, it is necessary to adjust the complexity and quality of tasks in order to prevent exhaustion of attention.

Toddler Exercises

The younger preschool age is characterized by:

  • instability of attention;
  • inability to concentrate on an object;
  • inability to distribute attention if there are several objects.

The main task at this stage is the education of concentration and stability. A feature of the manifestation of attention in babies is interest in an object, and most children can focus on it within 5 to 7 minutes. As soon as interest fades, the focus on the subject disappears.

Important: while working with the baby, parents can attract and hold attention for a longer time with vivid emotional experiences associated with the observed objects. It can be a new toy, a colorful illustration, musical accompaniment, a children's song sung by an adult.

"What's gone?"

The exercise focuses on concentration and distribution of attention.
The adult offers to consider several items (up to 7): toys, household items, dishes, etc. Then the baby closes his eyes, the adult hides something and asks what item is gone.
As a variant of the exercise, objects can be swapped, then you need to give the task to find what has changed.

"Draw a picture"

The task is of interest to children, it is useful for practicing concentration. An adult offers the child an image of a familiar object without any detail: a cup without a handle, a chair without a leg, a car without a wheel. The child carefully examines the picture, says what is missing, finishes the detail.

“One, two, three, repeat the exercise!”

The distribution of attention is being worked out, the exercise can be carried out on the street.
Under the familiar song “If you like it, then do it ...”, the adult shows the movement and invites the child to repeat first one action, then two or three at once, for example, a wave of the left, then the right hand; clap - wave already with two hands, clap - squat.

"How are things different?"

A classic exercise for working out the intensity and distribution of attention.
An adult offers to consider two pictures depicting identical objects, but with distinctive details. For example, a fairy-tale character in clothes of different colors, with different details of clothing, etc. At first, there should be no more than 5-6 differences, then their number gradually increases.

"Find the same items"

The task is similar to the previous one, only the picture shows several objects of the same type with distinctive details. Two items among the total are the same, they must be found. The main thing for kids: pictures should be without unnecessary details, images should be familiar, for example, gnomes, cars.

“What did the artist mix up?”

An interesting task is aimed at developing stability and distribution of attention. A picture is offered depicting animals whose parts of the body are mixed up, for example, a fox with a hare's tail, a cockerel with cat's paws, etc. The child is invited to carefully consider the drawings and name the artist's mistakes.

Exercises for middle preschoolers

In children 4-5 years old, the stability of attention increases, as a result of which its volume increases.

  • Middle preschoolers can focus on up to 20 minutes with several objects: paint over several images at once in a drawing (plot picture), engage in appliqué (cut out, beautifully arrange figures on a sheet, glue), play complex story games "Family", "Hospital", "Construction", "Shop").
  • The distribution of attention is improving, the preschooler is no longer distracted by extraneous objects and to bring the matter to the end. This is the most important thing: the arbitrariness of attention begins to form, although the involuntary actions still remain dominant.
  • At this age, new types of activity (creative, educational, labor) are actively developing, which help to form all the properties of attention.

The main tasks are the development of arbitrariness of actions through the implementation of rules, as well as auditory, visual, and motor types of attention.

Important: in order to prevent attention disorders (absent-mindedness, exhaustion of attention), during homework, adults should not overload the child with too difficult tasks, trying to achieve quick results.

"Four forces"

The task serves the formation of auditory and motor attention, it can be performed on the street. Rules develop strong-willed efforts.
They agree with the preschooler what actions will correspond to certain words: “earth” - hands below, “water” - hands to the sides, “air” - hands above, “fire” - rotational movements with the hands.


The exercise develops auditory attention, concentration, distribution.
The adult slowly reads the poem, the child listens and names the mistakes. It is difficult for some children to concentrate on the text from the first time, since they need to make strong-willed efforts, then they need to read the poem several times. For such a task, author's poems or invented by adults are selected.

Poem by O. Grigoriev

The cook was preparing dinner
And then the lights were turned off.
The cook takes bream
And lowers it into compote.
Throws logs into the cauldron,
Putting jam in the oven
It interferes with the soup with a stump,
Ugli beats with a ladle,
Sugar pours into the broth
And he is very pleased.
That was the vinaigrette
When they fixed the light!

"Recognize and clap!"

The distribution of attention, listening comprehension is actively developing.
Similar to the previous task, the parent and child agree on what actions can be performed when pronouncing words. Among them, you need to find a word denoting, for example, an animal or plant, berries or fruits, toys, etc.

  • Car, rose, wolf, toy.
  • Apple, bag, fox, chamomile.
  • Grass, ice cream, bear, river.

"Make the same pictures"

The task forms the distribution, intensity of attention.
The child is offered to complete pictures depicting identical objects that lack different details: for example, one car does not have a steering wheel, in another drawing the body of the same car is not completed, in the third it lacks a wheel, etc. The theme of the drawings can be toys, vegetables, fruits. Psychologists warn that it is undesirable to use images of animals and people for drawings.

Exercises for older preschoolers

At the older preschool age, the training of all the properties of attention is very active, as a result of which stability almost doubles compared to previous age periods. Psychologists note that preschoolers can focus on a picture for 10 minutes, and the lesson itself can last up to 30 minutes.
Senior preschoolers are able to:

  • distribute their attention between complex objects in games, creative activities;
  • arbitrariness of attention increases so much that children themselves are able to control their actions with the help of planning;
  • mindfulness becomes dominant;
  • there may be exhaustion of attention during intense activity;
  • the beginnings of post-voluntary attention appear when the child independently returns to the activity that interests him: for example, a drawing of complex content can be drawn for several days, the game can go on intermittently

Exercises for training attention in older preschoolers are based on the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematics, spatial representations, and the world around them.
Tasks for finding a picture according to a model, finding differences in similar subjects, labyrinths, graphic dictations, are well suited.

"Counting out loud"

The task develops concentration, distribution, arbitrariness of attention.
The adult suggests counting from 1 to 20, but after a certain number of numbers, the child says "I won't go astray." For example, 1-2-3, I won’t go astray, 4-5-6, I won’t go astray, etc.

"Do as I do"

The exercise is aimed at concentration, arbitrariness of actions.
An adult shows the action and encourages the preschooler to lay out any pattern, number, letter, word from matches or mosaics.

"What color, such an object"

Well develops the distribution and intensity of attention. An adult presents colored cards, the child must name objects of the appropriate color as quickly as possible: green - an apple, a pear, a butterfly, a leaf, a frog, etc.

"Find who's hiding"

Focused on concentration and intensity of action.
The parent offers for consideration to the preschooler drawings in which animals, birds, fish are hidden, for example a tree, in the branches of which images of birds are guessed, forests - figures of animals.

"Drawing Triangles"

The exercise develops arbitrariness, mindfulness.
Preschoolers are invited to draw ten geometric shapes in a row, for example, triangles. Then the adult offers the following task: paint the second and fourth triangles in blue, the third and sixth in red, and the rest in yellow.

"Attentive Eyes"

Concentration, attentiveness, distribution of attention is formed.
An adult offers a preschooler, carefully examining the drawing, to count with his eyes how many crosses and zeroes are shown, which are drawn randomly.

Important: when choosing such exercises for homework, parents should take into account the age, psychological characteristics and preparedness of preschool children. There is no need to rush and load the children with complicated tasks, the work should be done gradually.

We offer a selection of simple and interesting games with preschool childrenthat develop children's attention and memory. This material can be used by educators both in everyday activities and when conducting classes with children in kindergarten. Some exercises can be a great addition to physical education sessions. A small selection of similar games for the development of attention and memory of preschoolers was published in this article.

Typewriter game

Each player is assigned 1-2-3 letters of the alphabet (depending on the number of participants so that all letters are distributed). Then a word or phrase of 2-3 words is thought up. At the signal of the leader, the students begin to “type”. When the word is "printed", everyone clap in unison.

Game "Furniture"

The participants of the game are offered to imagine themselves as some kind of interior item and take the appropriate place in the room. One of the players - the "owner" of the room - gets acquainted with the interior. It can be represented with the help of expressive poses of the game participants. After that, the "owner" leaves the room. However, his "son" appears - a rascal and makes a rearrangement in the room. The "owner" must arrange everything as it was.

The game "What sounds are repeated?"

Option 1. The host reads out 4-5 words, each of which contains one sound. For example: bread - bathrobe - hamster - fur. Children identify the sound that is repeated in each word.

Option 2. A set of words is given in which 2 sounds are repeated.

Exercise "Listen to applause"

Children move freely in a circle, when the leader claps his hands a certain number of times, everyone takes the appropriate position (for 10-20 seconds).

Number of applause

1. Pose "stork" (the child stands on one leg)

2. Pose "frog" (the child crouches)

3. Children continue to move in a circle

Exercise "In the mirror store"

Presenter: “Imagine that a man with a monkey on his shoulder entered a store that sells mirrors. She saw herself in the mirror, and thought that these were other monkeys and began to make faces at them. The monkeys, in response, made the same grimaces at her.

A child is chosen to play the role of a monkey, and all the rest - its reflection in the mirrors.

Exercise "Word with one letter"

The facilitator invites everyone to come up with words with one letter. Children in a circle say each their own word, without repeating those already named. Whoever says the last word wins.

Exercise "Dragons flew"

Children stand in a circle with their palms out in front of them. The host walks, quietly beats his palms alternately, saying:

"The dragons flew

Ate donuts.

How many donuts

So many dragons"

On the last word, the one who was touched last says an arbitrary number, after that the leader counts the palms to the given number, the one who falls on the given number must hide the hands that the leader is trying to grab behind his back.

Exercise "Letters of the alphabet"

Each child is assigned a letter of the alphabet. The host calls the letter, and the child who is assigned this letter claps his hands.

Exercise "Forbidden Movement"

Children stand facing the leader and repeat the movements that he shows. Then a move is chosen that cannot be performed, the one who repeats the forbidden move is out of the game.

Exercise "Forbidden figure"

A certain number is selected (for example, 4), which is forbidden to be called. Children stand in a circle and count clockwise in turn "1, 2, 3 ...". When the turn comes to the fourth child, he does not say the number, but claps his hands.

Exercise "Shadow"

Two children are chosen from the group, one is a “traveler”, the second is a “shadow”, the rest are spectators.

The “wanderer” walks across the field, and behind him 2-3 steps behind him is his “shadow”, which tries to copy the movements. It is advisable to stimulate the "traveler" to perform various movements: pick a flower, look into the distance, sit down, jump on one leg, etc.

Exercise "Top Clap"

The leader says phrases-concepts - correct and incorrect. If the expression is correct, the children clap, and if it is incorrect, they stomp. For example: "It always snows in summer." "Potatoes grow in the ground." "Crow is a migratory bird."

Exercise "Magic word"

Children and the leader become in a circle. The host explains to the children that he will show different movements, and they must repeat them only when he says the word “please”. If the host does not say this word, the children do not repeat the movement.

Exercise "Dwarfs and Giants"

Children stand in a circle, and the leader gives commands: “Dwarfs” or “Giants”. Children should squat or stand up when they hear the appropriate command.

Exercise "What has changed?"

One child is selected, the appearance of which the children must remember. Then he leaves the room and changes something in his appearance (the facilitator can help the child). The child returns and the children must find what has changed.

Exercise "Cross out the letter A"

For a certain time, cross out without missing a single letter "A" from the text.

Exercise "Yeralash"

What is eralash? It's a mess. For example:

An angry boar sat on a branch.

The ship was in a cage.

The nightingale gave a beep ...

Put things in order in the poem and then the jumble will disappear.

Exercise "Letter from Dunno"

The host says that he received such a letter from Dunno:

“The summer is over and the golden autumn has come. The birds returned from the south, the animals woke up from their winter hibernation. Already in some places young grass is turning green and the days are not as cold as in summer.


Did you like this letter?

How should you write?

What is wrong in the letter?

Exercise "Who is attentive in the group"

The host reads an excerpt from a fairy tale, but with errors, naming the wrong words. Children hear the wrong word - raise red flags. The host stops reading, the children correct the mistake, the host continues to read the text.

What else to read