Lesson on experimental activities in the senior speech therapy group “In Carlson's laboratory. Consultation on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic: experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of children of senior preschool

Design- research activities in speech therapy classes. How to pronounce the sound [R] correctly.
The project is a way of organizing joint activities adult and child to achieve common purpose. The founder of the projects, American educator William Kilpatrick, represented studying proccess in kindergarten as a series of experiments. The knowledge gained in the process of one experience developed and enriched the subsequent experience. Design is understood as the ideal understanding and practical implementation of what should be. Didactic meaning project activities is that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, work in a team. Such qualities contribute to the successful education of children in school. It was on this basis that I decided to try to do a little research work with children.
Correctional classes at the logopoint of the kindergarten are attended by children preparatory groups with speech impairments. The goal of a speech therapist is to prepare the child’s articulation apparatus for pronouncing sounds that are difficult for him with the help of special articulation exercises, put (call) a sound, fix it in independent speech schoolboy. At the first stage of work, it is necessary to form a “physiological image” of the sound.
Without understanding where and how the organs of articulation (lips, teeth, tongue) are located, when pronouncing a sound, it is impossible to reproduce the necessary articulatory positions, and, consequently, the production of sound becomes more complicated. Partially, the “physiological image” of sound can be explained with the help of articulatory gymnastics exercises, when, using game plots and subject pictures, speech therapists develop language mobility, its switchability, accuracy and sequence of movements. But not all children immediately perform the exercises correctly and reproduce the desired articulation pattern.
This is due to a number of reasons, for example, the absence of front incisors in children does not provide support for the tongue when pronouncing certain sounds. In this regard, I decided to do a little research with the children. And since at the beginning school year the preschoolers themselves cannot do this on their own, and even more so to formalize the results, attracted parents. Most of the children - speech pathologists have a disturbed pronunciation of the sound [R], which is why the topic of our research work is “How to pronounce the sound [R] correctly”.
The purpose of the project: understanding by a child - a speech pathologist of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [R].
- find out which organs are involved in the formation of human speech, - establish which of them take part in the pronunciation of the sound [Р], - identify the features of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [Р]
Project type:
research, short-term, individual
The project is implemented within the framework of the Program of Correctional and Speech Therapy Work with Children with Sound Pronunciation Disorders
Project participants: children of the preparatory group Age of participants: 6-7 years
Implementation period: November 2015-2016 academic year
Expected result: the conscious adoption of the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound R. Suggested criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the project: the creation of a booklet that other children with sound pronunciation disorders can use.

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Oksana Proskurina
Elements of experimental research activity in the work of a speech therapist teacher

1.(slide 1) Target work of a speech therapist: beautiful, correct speech of all children in our kindergarten, and not just children with speech disorders.

experimental– research activity is not the main goal in the work of a teacher - a speech therapist but acts as a tool.

Consider the methods and techniques of organization experimentally– research activities, which I use on frontal, subgroup and individual classes:

2. As a surprise moment in individual lessons, I suggest looking into a kaleidoscope. Multi-colored patterns, of course, are very attractive to children. How surprised they are when I show them how the kaleidoscope works. (demonstration of a kaleidoscope). Put a mirrored cardboard folded into a triangle in a can of Lay's chips. Between the two covers from these chips I place various items: beads, sequins, beads. Several such interchangeable blocks can be made. Kaleidoscope is a surprise and educational moment.

3. One of the causes of sound pronunciation disorders is insufficiently developed auditory attention. Maria Montessori noise boxes are non-separable wooden cylinders. The child listens to the sound and picks up a cylinder from another noise box with the same sound. The disadvantage of them is that children always want to know what's inside. Therefore, I suggest that the guys fill boxes from kinder surprises and jars from plasticine "play to" beads, beans, rice, peas, buckwheat.

4.(slide 2) Famous speech therapist Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tkachenko developed a manual"Pictures with a problematic plot for the development of thinking and speech in preschoolers 5-7 years old." The guys not only make up interesting stories according to the plot picture, but also together with me they solve this or that problematic situation. For example, a picture "Surprise Candy".

(slide 3) At one of the stages work over compiling a story, we assume that it is tied to a ball, answers children: "big candy, medicine, homework, little doll". Then we take a balloon filled with helium and tie various items, see if the ball goes up. I could not lift anything but a sheet of paper. The guys decided that homework was tied to the ball.

4. (slide 4) in the story "Fire" two boys are putting out fires in the attic with a swing and a bucket of water. We also made a swing from a ruler and a pencil and launched a paper clip. The paper clips flew higher, lower, further, closer, and it depended on the strength, but launch it in desired goal did not work. The children concluded that the boys would not put out the fire, they had to call the firemen.

5. (slide 5) Another manual by this author is called "Logic exercises for the development of speech". One of the tasks experimentally– research character:

- "If in hard frost put the coat on the snow. Will the snow melt?"

I ask this question to the guys while studying the topic. "Cloth". At the beginning of the walk, the teacher with the children puts a fur fabric on the snow, at the end of the walk they check the result and conclude that the fur coat does not warm, but retains heat.

6. (slide 6) Preparing to retell the famous story of Leo Tolstoy "Smart Jackdaw" the guys and I throw pebbles into a transparent container with water. Mark the water level on the walls with a red marker. After each child carefully lowers the pebble, we consider the water level and proceed to the retelling.

7.(slide 7) Developing the duration of the exhalation necessary for proper speech breathing, we experimenting with pipes and water. We conclude that the bubbles depend not only on the force of exhalation, but also on the width of the tube.

7. (slide 8) Research Job carried out both in kindergarten and at home. Project "Houseplants" long term. The guys grow indoor plants in a group and at home. progress reports work houses are made out in the form of presentations, newspapers, they prepare a story and perform in front of all the children of the group. Yasmina with her mother and younger sisters grew a tangerine tree.

9. There are many different projects in our kindergarten, one of them was not planned by teachers in advance, but it turned out like this. During project implementation "My hobbies" one of the pupils brought experience with baking powder to kindergarten. (slide 9) The children liked it so much that they also wanted to bring other experiences and experiments. Pupils at home with their parents chose any interesting and safe experience, spent it at home. Parents prepare the child to show this experience to all the children in the group. Teachers help both parents and children. Dasha prepared an experiment with milk and dyes, drawing on milk. And Gena showed and told me that not all liquids mix.

10. (Slide 10). Kira really wanted to perform in front of her friends and she came up with the experience herself at home. Mom offered several experiments, but Kira was persistent. In the group, she proudly poured water into balloon, and asked questions: “Do you think the water will pour out? How much water can fit in a balloon? And others.

So in the senior group a scientific laboratory was opened.

11. (slide 11) Alice surprised both children and adults. Brought hydrophobic sand to kindergarten. Why the sand remains dry in the water, the guys could not explain. The experiment was done many times, and each time dry sand from the water was surprising.

12. (slide 12) Polina showed experiment with crayons which turned out to be not only interesting, but also useful. Dry crayons do not draw well on paper, but if they are held in sweet water, they draw brightly and beautifully. If a child has a general underdevelopment of speech, then first, in individual lessons, we speak with me and work out comments on various stages experience.

13. These experiments are so interesting are fascinating. They motivate children to speak. After this experiment, a boy with motor alalia talks about it. (slide 13

14. These are some examples of use elements of experimental research activities in joint work teachers-speech therapist and educators of combined groups.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 37 municipality Timashevsky district Author of the experiment: Namm Inna Viktorovna, teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d / s No. 37

A modern child needs not so much to know a lot as to think consistently and conclusively, to show mental tension. That is why how constituent part readiness for school, researchers distinguish intellectual readiness, which includes a fairly high level of development cognitive activity and mental operations. It is no coincidence that in "Concepts of the content of continuing education (preschool and elementary)» great attention is paid to the development of children's thinking, encouragement of the cognitive initiative of the child, children's questions, reasoning, independent conclusions, respectful attitude towards them.

The urgency of the problem lies in the importance of the timely development of the research activities of older children. preschool age. The development of speech is one of the main components, without speech it is impossible to build it, analyze and discuss how reliable it is, and at the same time, the research process itself helps the development of demonstrative, reasoning and generalizing speech. This problem is especially significant for children with FFN.

The practical work of a speech therapist teacher made it possible to see gaps in educational work with children with certain deviations in the development of speech. Based on the results of monitoring the development of speech and mental processes us (me and the teacher of the group) a system for the development of speech in the process of cognitive research activities of older preschoolers was developed, which will improve the results qualitatively and quantitatively.

By combining the efforts of a speech therapist teacher, a group educator, we were able to achieve significant results.

Curiosity, the desire to experiment, to independently find solutions to problems are the most important features of children's behavior that we managed to form in the process of in-depth work on the above problem.

The problem we are solving:

To help children-logopaths in the implementation of their cognitive activity, including children in meaningful activities, during which they themselves could discover more and more new properties of objects and be able to talk about it.

We have built the conditions for the development of speech in the process of search and research activities in blocks:

Research activities training.

The purpose of the first block: teaching the skills of conducting educational research, forming a culture of thinking and developing the skills and abilities of research behavior.

Formation of a holistic perception of the environment, categorical concepts.

The purpose of the second block: expanding ideas about the world, the formation of categorical concepts. First of all, this work is based on the expansion, deepening of ideas about words, which combine in their content the degree of generalization of objects, phenomena, actions, etc.

The development of speech is carried out in conjunction with thinking, since these cognitive processes are the most important in search and research activities.

At the first stage, we highlighted the problem and outlined a method for solving it. The decision itself, its search, the children carry out independently.

At the second stage, we only posed a problem to the children, but the child is looking for a method of solving it on his own. (group, collective search is possible here).

At the third stage, the formulation of the problem, as well as the search for a method and the development of the solution itself, are carried out by the children independently.

Different objects of knowledge imply a different attitude towards them and various ways their research. The following objects have been identified:

Living objects, nature:

  • distinction between living and non-living;
  • careful and respectful attitude to the living;
  • readiness to take care of someone or something;
  • understanding of the rules of safe behavior.

Inanimate objects, objects:

  • tools, tools - adults show the child how to use them;
  • technical means, including vehicles, - acquaintance with their device, rules of operation and use;
  • toys - the child uses at his own discretion;
  • materials (designers, isomaterials, etc.)- the child explores and uses on his own, an adult can show some of their properties and capabilities;
  • aesthetic objects - viewing objects, respecting them.

Ways and methods of action (technology).

Relationships, feelings. (They are of greatest interest to older preschool children.)

Impressions, perception: color, sounds, texture of material, taste, smell.

This work assumes following structure research action:

  • the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be resolved;
  • puts forward a hypothesis, i.e. offers possible solutions;
  • checks these possible solutions based on the data;
  • draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the audit;
  • applies findings to new data;
  • makes generalizations.

The main form of work didactic games developed on the topics proposed by the Education and Training Program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova.

Expected result of the work: dynamic mastery of speech by children.

I block "Learning for Exploratory Actions"

A problematic situation is any theoretical or practical situation in which there is no solution corresponding to the circumstances and which therefore makes one stop and think. A problem is a difficulty, an uncertainty. To eliminate it, actions are required, first of all, the study of everything related to this problem situation.

Finding problems is hard work.

From the point of view of the development of research skills, a very important question is whether it is necessary to require the child, when starting his own research, to clearly formulate the problem, i.e. he determined what he would investigate, and then he began to act. Speaking formally, this is necessary. But besides formal reasoning, there is also a reality that should not be forgotten.

The proposition that the formulation of the problem must necessarily precede the study is only partially true. Formally, this is so, but the real process of creativity is always a step into the unknown. Therefore, the very formulation of the problem often arises only when the problem has already been solved. No matter how seditious it sounds, but a real researcher, starting a search, is far from always clearly aware of why he is doing this, and even more so he does not know what he will find in the end. In carrying out this part of the research work with the child, we tried to be flexible, it is not worth demanding a clear understanding and formulation of the problem. Its general, approximate characteristics are quite enough.

We believe that the act of creativity will be significantly impoverished if the researcher pursues a predetermined goal. The product of creativity is largely unpredictable; it cannot simply be deduced from initial conditions. Often the child does not know what he wants to say before he says something. Usually in research, the realization of the goal occurs in parallel with its achievement, as the problem is solved. Creativity is the creation of a new one, the transformation, the transformation of what existed at the beginning. Forming, discovering, clarifying, integrating the newly opened possibilities, the child at the same time concretizes and modifies the problem that confronted him at the beginning.

Therefore, we did not demand a clear verbal formulation of the research problem from the child either.

In the course of performing such tasks, we tried to refrain from criticism and, without stinting on praise, noted the most interesting, original versions. The method of observation only looks simple on the surface, but in practice it is not. We taught observation, and this is by no means an easy task.

An effective task for developing the ability to observe was our proposal to consider some interesting and at the same time well-known objects for children, for example autumn leaves (trees, apples, etc.).

I or the teacher offered to pick up the leaves, carefully consider, determine the shape, name the colors. They also talked about where they grow and why every autumn they change color and fall off.

As an exercise to develop the ability to observe, the task is used "Observing the Obvious" .

One of the basic skills of a researcher is the ability to put forward hypotheses, to make assumptions. This requires originality and flexibility of thinking, productivity, as well as such personal qualities like determination and courage. Hypotheses are born as a result of logical (verbal) and intuitive thinking.

A hypothesis is a hypothetical, probabilistic knowledge that has not yet been proven logically and has not yet been confirmed by experience. Initially, the hypothesis is neither true nor false - it is simply not defined. As soon as it is confirmed, it becomes a theory; if it is refuted, it ceases to exist, turning into a false assumption. For children's developmental studies creativity, it is important to be able to develop hypotheses according to the principle "the bigger, the better" . Even the most fantastic hypotheses and provocative ideas are suitable for us.

Putting forward hypotheses, assumptions and non-traditional (provocative) ideas are important thinking skills that provide research search and, ultimately, progress in any creative activity.

How hypotheses are born. In professional research work usually happens like this: a scientist thinks, reads, talks with colleagues, conducts preliminary experiments (they are usually called aerobatics), as a result finds some kind of contradiction or something new, unusual. And most often this "unusual" , "unexpected" is found where everything seems clear and understandable to others. Cognition begins with surprise at what is ordinary, the ancient Greeks said.

Methods for testing hypotheses are usually divided into two groups: theoretical and empirical. The former involve relying on logic and analysis of other theories, within which this hypothesis put forward. Empirical methods for testing hypotheses involve observations and experiments.

So, hypotheses arise as possible solutions to the problem and are tested in the course of the study. The construction of hypotheses is the basis of research, creative thinking. Hypotheses allow you to find new solutions to problems and then - in the course of theoretical analysis, thought or real experiments - evaluate their probability.

Thus, hypotheses provide an opportunity to see the problem in a different light, look at the situation from the other side.

The value of assumptions, even the most ridiculous, provocative ones, is that they make us go beyond ordinary ideas, plunge into the elements. mental game, risk, to do something without which movement into the unknown is impossible.

There are also completely different, special, implausible hypotheses - they are usually called provocative ideas. It could be, for example, this idea: "Birds find their way south because they pick up special signals from space" .

Hypotheses, assumptions, as well as various provocative ideas allow you to set up real and thought experiments. To learn how to develop hypotheses, one must learn to think, to ask questions.

The genesis of questions is essential for understanding the process of development of a child's cognitive interests, because questions are a specific and clear indicator of the presence of such interests.

It has been established that the child is a logopath, as well as ordinary child, shows curiosity to a wider range of phenomena than before; questions arise not only in connection with the perception of specific objects and phenomena, as it was before, but also in connection with the emerging ability to compare previous experience with a new one, find similarities or differences, and reveal connections and dependencies between objects and phenomena. Questions are determined by the desire for independence in solving the problems that have arisen, the desire to penetrate beyond the limits of the directly perceived, the ability to more indirect ways of knowing. All this is expressed in increasingly complex questions. The stability of cognitive interest is also evidenced by the fact that the child again and again turns to the object or phenomenon of interest.

We also singled out the creation of a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, encouraging not only those actively participating in activities, but also those who do not show this moment the necessary initiative, the absence of any criticism of the children. This allows each child to feel confident that his questions will not be laughed at and that he will definitely be able to prove himself, even if next time.

The form of the games can be different - frontal or subgroup, but the latter, of course, gives the best effect.

One of the main components of human information culture can be considered the following activities:

  • search for information;
  • perception;
  • classification;
  • moral judgment (filtering information);
  • treatment (analysis, synthesis);
  • use of information.

Mastering the native language, the development of speech, is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood, especially a child-logopath. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation by a child spoken language, formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonemic, lexical, grammatical. With the integrated efforts of a speech therapist and educator, he is able to master the rules of the sound design of words, pronounce them clearly and clearly, have a certain lexicon, coordinate words in gender, number, case, accurately conjugate frequently used verbs. In addition, the child is able to talk about the events experienced, retell the content of the text, reveal the content of the picture, some phenomena of the surrounding reality.

The development of speech as a means of transmitting information and activating thinking can be successfully developed in the cognitive and research activities of children. Planning, decision, execution and analysis of any activity is impossible without a speech act, and how the child uses it, the attention of the teacher is necessary.

One of fundamental principles GEF preschool education- the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types activities.

It is through cognition that the development of children at preschool age is carried out. “Cognition is a category that describes the process of obtaining any knowledge by repeating ideal plans for activity and communication, creating sign-symbolic systems that mediate the interaction of a person with the world and other people.”

The development of the cognitive function of speech is closely connected with the mental upbringing of the child, with the development of his mental activity. In order to convey information, new knowledge and information, the word must first reveal the image of each object, its properties, qualities. Speech thinking is carried out on the basis of verbal meanings, concepts and logical operations. The formation of the subject relatedness of the word-name occurs simultaneously with the formation of the meanings of words and systems of meanings. L.S. Vygotsky called this connection “the unity of thinking and speech.” The concept arises in the process of intellectual operation.

It is known that in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, all aspects of speech suffer, as well as higher mental functions: memory, attention, thinking. This is confirmed by the data of a speech therapy examination of children from the senior group of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 11 "Fairy Tale", Balakovo Children have reduced verbal memory, low productivity memorization. They forget the sequence of tasks, complex instructions, lag behind in the development of verbal logical thinking. It's hard for kids to find the right words, correctly construct a phrase. Correctly understanding the logical interconnection of events, the child is limited only by their enumeration. IN active speech children most often use simple sentences or individual words. The inability to designate causal relationships in words leads to the fact that they cannot compose a logical story, fully and fully answer the question. There is a lack of clarity and consistency of presentation. Most often, children are limited to listing objects or their separate parts. As an example, we give a story compiled by a child of 5 years old: “Machine. Steering wheel. Spin. Wheels. You have to travel."

Difficulties in mastering children conceptual thinking, and, accordingly, the assimilation of new words, inhibit the development of coherent speech. Therefore, the question arose in the search for new forms of work on the development of this function in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. As an activating tool, we use cognitive research activities, since the development of speech and cognition are closely related, and cognitive development child, the development of his conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words that express the concepts assimilated by the child, the new knowledge and ideas consolidated by him.

The purpose of the cognitive research activity of preschoolers: the development of cognitive interests, needs and abilities of independent search activity on the basis of an enriched and formed emotional and sensory experience. The Chinese proverb “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do and I will understand” reflects the tasks:

To form the ability to see the diversity of the world in the system of interconnections;

Develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop cognitive interest in the process of research activities, establish a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions;

Develop speech.

Correctional and educational work is based on the integration of methods of cognition, which makes it possible to develop the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality in unity.

The lexical principle of construction directly educational activities plays important role in knowledge. We actively use such forms of work as thematic days and weeks, thematic classes (“The Miracle Button”, “Our flowering plants”, “Peaceful professions in the Army are needed”).

Depending on the specific educational situation, we also use classes with the simplest experiments: “Where did the wind come from?” (combined with the development of proper speech breathing), "Journey of a Droplet", etc.. They deepen children's ideas about objects, phenomena, events, enrich their vocabulary, teach them to reason, draw conclusions, act independently, interact with a partner, a group, negotiate, listen and hear, express a common opinion. Example: thematic lesson“Time for business, hour for fun” forms in children ideas about such an abstract concept as time, in particular about a minute. Children experimentally check how long time lasts, and determine the nature of its flow - long or fast. To do this, they are consistently offered games 1) "Keep quiet." While the sand is being poured into hourglass, the speech therapist offers to just sit and be silent.

2) The game "Who is faster?" (practical acquaintance with one minute)

(Each child has beads and laces.)

Speech therapist: On a signal, you need to string as many beads as possible on a string. The game will end as soon as the sand pours down. (Children string beads on laces, then count the beads). As a result, the children came to the conclusion that the same period of time can last differently depending on the type of activity.

The children subsequently expressed their ideas about time in a short collective story “The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.” Here is the content: Once Petya and Vanya went fishing. Petya threw a fishing rod into the river and waited, while Vanya decided to catch butterflies. Soon Vanya got bored of running after butterflies alone and he began to call Petya. And Petya has no time - he catches fish. Vanya did not catch a butterfly, and Petya had a full bucket of fish.

To activate and develop coherent speech, we use transformation games: “Living - inanimate”, “Wonderful bag”, “Yes - no”, “Guess the object”, “What first, what then”, “What is superfluous”, etc.

Transformation processes underlie the actions that we perform without even thinking. By pressing the switch - we will turn darkness into light, washing our hands with soap, we will make them clean from dirty ones, etc. Observing such processes and mastering the appropriate actions, the child learns to make transformations in a variety of situations. However, the development of the ability to transform in children occurs spontaneously and does not always reach high level. Despite the obviousness of transformations in the surrounding world, the child does not always "grasp" the very moment of transition, transformation, therefore, for example, different aggregate states of the same substance may appear to him as completely different objects.

The most difficult type of speech is reasoning, because it is closely related to dialogic communication and argumentation, i.e. The child must know what he is talking about. This is facilitated by tasks like:

- “Finish the sentence” (Petya didn’t go for a walk because ...) Then the children come up with: because it’s cold outside, because he got sick, etc.

- "Question-provocation": - Why in winter snowing and not rain? How are butterflies different from birds?

The child, expressing his thought, proving the correctness or incorrectness of his assumption (based on experience, from past experience), learns to reason, generalize the general opinion.

The most interesting is the assimilation of concepts that can be checked, touched, measured. For example, children and I experimentally check the smoothness or roughness of the leaves indoor plants and learn to define them. “A geranium has a velvety leaf, and a cyclamen has a smooth one”, “skin is smooth, and fur is fluffy”, etc.

In the course of small experiments, children have the opportunity to proactively speak out, share their experiences. We explored the temperature of the water, and the children came up with many definitions for it: warm, lukewarm, cool, pleasant, refreshing, cold, liquid, shiny. The activity of the teacher in this case is to give the opportunity to explore, to choose a method of action.

In conclusion, we want to say that the world of physical phenomena that surrounds the child provides great opportunities for the systematic development of the ability to transform as a component of general mental abilities. The development of speech and research activities are closely related. In the process of experimentation, preschoolers learn to set a goal, solve problems and test them empirically, draw conclusions, simple conclusions. They experience joy, surprise and even delight from their small and big “discoveries”, which cause children to feel satisfaction from the work done.

The effectiveness of our work in this direction is confirmed by the data of the final study of connected speech. Assessing the implementation of the proposed methodology "Successive pictures", we noted that children improved performance in the lexical and grammatical design of the statement with adequate use lexical means. To a lesser extent, stereotypical grammatical design and violation of word order are observed. Used by children grammatical constructions in the form of complex, common sentences.

Thus, the use of cognitive research activities as a means of correcting coherent speech can significantly improve the quality of speech in children with speech disorders.


1. Vygotsky L.S. "Thinking and Speech" Ed. 5, rev. - Publishing house "Labyrinth", M., 1999. - 352 p.

2. Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers. To work with children 4-7 years old. Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis. 2012 - 78s.

3. Kasavin I.T. New Philosophical Encyclopedia: in 4 vols. M: Thought. Edited by V.S. Stepin. 2001

4. Levchenko I.Yu., Kiseleva N.A. Psychological study children with developmental disabilities. - M.: Ed. "Bibliophile". 2007 - 152 p.

5. Troshin O.V., Zhulina E.V. Logopsychology: Textbook.-M.: TC Sphere. 2005 - 256s.

Experimental games in speech therapy classes are used to improve efficiency corrective work.

“Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember
Give me a try and I'll understand"
/Chinese proverb/

To improve the efficiency of corrective work on speech therapy session in kindergarten, along with other types of work, experiment games are used.

The child most fully and clearly perceives and remembers what was interesting to him. Psychologists have proven that classes learned without interest, not colored by their own positive attitude, emotions, do not become useful.

The child answers questions in the lesson, but this work does not affect his thoughts, does not arouse interest, he is passive. Of course, he learns something, but passive perception and assimilation cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Children remember poorly, because learning does not capture them.

In speech therapy classes, children can not only learn something, but try, experiment on their own, gaining knowledge.

Learn by playing, experimenting! What is a game, an experiment?

A game- this is a didactic and socially important type of activity, educating the ability to collectively respond, act collectively.

It is the game that allows each child to feel like a subject, to show and develop his personality.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote:

“There are no people in the world more serious than children. While playing, they not only laugh, but also deeply worry, sometimes suffer.”

And an experiment is “a trial, experience, an attempt to implement something”

Through games-experiments in speech therapy classes, the following tasks:

  1. expansion and deepening of information about the surrounding world, the formation of a system of ideas on this basis;
  2. the development of mental operations in children - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization;
  3. development of children's speech, teaching them the interrogative form of speech interaction;
  4. formation of the need for organizing cognitive communication with adults;
  5. development of abstract and logical thinking of children.

Examples of experimental games

I will give examples of experimental games used in speech therapy classes in a compensatory group for children with disabilities (speech disorder-OHP).

First of all, we try to connect the children's experimental activity with the lexical topic being studied.

What does it give?

  • There is a consolidation of the lexical and grammatical means of the language,
  • Connected speech develops
  • Logical thinking.
  • And most importantly, children learn to ask questions, analyze, find the right answer and draw a conclusion.

I. Theme "Fruit".

Two plates covered with napkins are brought in (two apples: one green, the other red)

A riddle that helps to understand what is on the plates:

round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
adults love me
And little kids. (apple)

Generalization (what is a vegetable or a fruit?)

Color, shape.

What can be cooked? How to call it?

Question: without tasting, determine which of these apples is sweet and which is sour?

Children's answers. We taste, we find the correct answer, we draw conclusions.

2 options:

Green apple is sweet, red is sour,

Both green and red apples are sweet.

II. Theme "Toys"

"What's harder?"

Two toy cockerels, identical in size, but one made of clay, the other made of plastic.

Q: Which toy is heavier?

Children's answers. We try, we draw conclusions: a clay toy is heavier.

Ball experiments.

Ball riddle:

Round, smooth and pot-bellied -
The guys hit him hard.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
Because he's puffed up.

What material can the ball be made of, what will it be called?
What can a ball do? (jump, roll, throw, etc.)

What ball? (sign words).

Experiment options:

a) take two balls of the same size, only one is made of rubber, the second is made of plastic.

Question: which of the balls will bounce when it hits the floor?

Children's answers.

Children alternately hit the ball on the floor and draw conclusions.

b) Two balls, the same size and both rubber. We do not touch one ball, we will make a hole in the other, what will happen?

Children's answers.

Can such a ball jump, jump? Children's answers.

Now let's check. Children are invited to knock on the floor first with a deflated ball, then with a regular one.

Is there a difference, what is the reason?

Conclusion: the more air in the ball, the better it jumps.

c) Drown a deflated ball in water, ordinary.

The question is posed

children's answers,

Demonstrate the correct answer.

We draw conclusions.

“What floats, what sinks? »

Two spoons: one made of metal, the other made of wood.

Which of these spoons will sink and which won't? Why?

Children draw conclusions: wooden objects do not sink, iron ones sink.

Games-experiments with sand.

We spend on the street in the sandbox, aimed at developing tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands.

1) "Kulichiki"

One part of the sandbox is filled with dry sand, the other part is watered.

What kind of sand can be used to make "kulki" from dry or wet?

2) "Walk" with your palms on the surface of the sand, performing different movements.

Question: on which half of the sandbox are the tracks more visible, where is the sand dry or wet?

Children's answers.

How many ways can a person move? »

Purpose: development of general motor skills, to activate the verbal dictionary in children's speech.

  • is the person alive or inanimate?
  • How can you tell if he is alive?

Task: Come up with different ways of transportation and get to the skittles.

We identify who came up with more ways to move, conclusions are drawn that a person can use a huge amount of different ways movement.

Approximate options: jump on one (two) legs, walk, crawl on the stomach, back, on all fours, dance, roll, etc.

"How many ways can you get drunk?"

Purpose: to develop the mental abilities of children.

Approximate options are to drink from a mug, drink from a saucer, drink through a straw.

How many ways can you eat bread?

Purpose: to develop the mental abilities of children, to activate adjectives and a verb dictionary in children's speech. Materials and equipment for each child, all of which must be clean and hygienic.

Question: what kind of bread is there (white, black, sweet, sour, fresh, tasty, etc.)

Think of different ways to eat bread.

Approximate options: cut off, break off, bite off, pinch off, take with your lips, feed someone.

The results are summed up, it is revealed who came up with more ways to eat bread.

Conclusions are drawn: a person can use a large number of different ways to eat bread.

Thus, in the process of correctional and developmental work, which includes new techniques and methods, in particular games - experiments, favorable conditions are created for correcting shortcomings in speech development, in personal, cognitive, emotional-volitional spheres.

Pimkina I.N.,
teacher speech therapist

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