Obstacles on the way to the goal. Do they need

Sometimes you have to fight for happiness...

Come on, like Tom and Jerry, we will quarrel every day, but never part ... I can't live without you ...

If a person is strong, this does not mean that he does not get hurt.

If something can be proved by deeds, then there is no need to waste words on it.

If you let someone into your life, for some reason he begins to think that he has become its owner ...

Don't give 101 roses to a girl who doesn't appreciate it, give them to mom...

When you first meet a person, you never know how long he will stay in your life. People come and go ... drink coffee with you ... laugh ... wake up with SMS ... love ... hurt ... lie ... And no matter how it hurts, someday I will sit down, close my eyes and forgive them for everything.

Love that survives parting is rewarded with eternity.

Sometimes one song is enough to remember everything.

Everyone in life has such a person after whom you change. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it was boundless happiness or crazy pain. You just understand that you won’t be the same as before.

It's good when you are 4 years old. You can take a broken remote and call your mom..

And sincerity ... Nobody refused it, but let's give it to those who appreciate it. To scatter it in order to prove to someone their superiority, they say, look at my heart, or to change another - impenetrable - in this way ... Nonsense! Those who do not want to see the light will not see it, even if you hang the whole world with searchlights, it is useless

Saving is when you erase words in order to fit into one SMS, and if, nevertheless, the text pulls into two, then you figure out what else to add so that the place does not go to waste: D

Do not wait until you graduate from college, when the children are born.
Stop waiting until you start working, when you retire, when you get married, when you get divorced. Don't wait for Friday night, Sunday morning shopping new car, new apartment. Don't wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. Minutes of happiness are precious, this is not the final destination of the journey, but the journey itself. Work - not only for the sake of money, love - not in anticipation of parting. Dance - ignoring the looks. The most terrible mistake what you can do is to chase goals all your life, not noticing how your life runs past you ..

It is difficult to understand how to behave with a person who does not hold and does not let go.

The best time is before bed. When you lie alone with your thoughts and dreams.

- Do you want me to leave? - He asked. -Want. She answered without hesitation. - Fuck you. He said and hugged her...

Your unfinished tea was left on the table. I'll be with you for a long time, I'll miss you.
And out of habit to look for your lips in the morning. But I will never get back to you. Never

Sometimes people search all their lives and sometimes they find it in a day. Sometimes we wait, and sometimes we make someone wait for us. Sometimes we meet someone, and it seems to us forever, and sometimes we see off, and we understand that it should have been so. Sometimes we strive to communicate, expand the circle of acquaintances, hurry somewhere, hurry to someone, and sometimes you just want to close your eyes, and nothing else is needed - just you and the silence that instills peace in your soul and mind. Sometimes we turn off all the phones, so that no one bothers us, and sometimes we sit surrounded by telephone receivers, unable to breathe, trembling with patience, waiting for a single call. When we leave, we never leave to the end, and leave a piece "in spam" because mergers and acquisitions are the main essence of this game with the proud name "LIFE" Sometimes we wrap ourselves in a blanket and still can't get warm, because in fact we are cold not outside, but inside the heart. Sometimes... Sometimes we need to hear just three words "Everything will be fine" Someone to cry, ask to stay and not leave you alone. And leaving I want to hear "stay, stay forever"

A rare person can boast that his feelings for another were always mutual. As the song goes: “We choose, we are chosen. How often it does not coincide ... ”Each time such a discrepancy, painful questions:“ What to do? How to do it right? To pursue the object of your love or retreat?

Love is not a thing that can be discovered, then put in a drawer, locked up and kept for a long time. I think that mutual sympathy, affection is something that is born from the constant efforts of each, actions aimed at another person, intended specifically for him. That is, a relationship of love is not a static given, but a process that is important to constantly maintain.

When it comes to struggle, it means that there are obstacles. If it's about parents who, for one reason or another, are against your love, it's probably worth trying to defend the right to their own feelings while taking full responsibility for building future relationships and separating from the parental family.

The next hurdle might be everyday problems such as: the distance between lovers, financial problems, housing, etc. But, as you know, obstacles are only a ghost when it comes to Love. Otherwise, one should talk about a “balanced” approach to building a future destiny, and this is a completely different topic ...

Unrequited love: painful waiting for a call, delight and torment from meetings, excitement, jealousy, tenderness, hope and despair. And the constant haze of desire and inability to change anything. And so you want something to happen: either to bewitch him (her) forever, so that it doesn’t go anywhere, or to uproot this torment from your soul.

Of course, unrequited love exhausting. Should we neglect our pride, begging for attention, earning affection, seeking reciprocity? Or leave with your head held high, relying on self-esteem and pay for it by plunging into the abyss of despair? Unrequited love is like a trap from which no way out is good and it seems that nothing depends on you.

It happens that a person’s life turns into an endless struggle for an “object”, an exhausting race for “personal happiness”, which destroys all other connections, relationships, destroys the person himself, brings him to complete despair.

Before throwing yourself headlong into the pool in the struggle for the “elusive” object of love, ask yourself: why is this person who does not even look in my direction so important (needed, vitally necessary) for me? What do I really want - recognition, respect, care on his part, confirmation of my personal exclusivity? What happens when I get what I want? How will I? When you have honestly answered all the questions, it may turn out that the "struggle for personal happiness" is a struggle with ... own complexes, the desire to prove their worth and overcome obstacles ...

The question is not whether to fight for your happiness or not, it is much more important to regain your inner freedom. And then it may turn out that unrequited love is an exciting, beautiful, life-giving experience, no matter how your relationship develops. Or maybe it’s important to let go of what doesn’t add up, mourn this loss and look for your person, for whom you will become the most valuable, the closest. Or it may happen that, having ceased to demand from fate the immediate fulfillment of all your desires, you will be able to build meaningful relationships with this person for both of you.

Galina is twenty-seven, and, according to most of her contemporaries, this is not her age at all.
But Galina has a different opinion on this matter. She feels much older than her years and increasingly catches herself thinking that the best half of her life is already behind her. Love, joy, expectation of a miracle, hope for happiness - everything is in the past.

In the present - only duty and struggle.
Galina's six year old son with severe birth trauma. The husband, who at first was just perfect, to such life's trials was not ready. Already six months after the birth of such a once long-awaited son, he moved Galina with the child to her mother, and he began to build his life with clean slate. Then Galya was still sure that she would rehabilitate the child, no matter what it cost her. It will crawl out of the skin, turn inside out, find the most the best doctors, will be engaged from morning to night. Her son will definitely be healthy. And the bio dad... Well, God be his judge.

Unfortunately, not everything in this life is in our power.
Although Galina has done and is doing a lot, her boy still remains a "special" child. And it will never be like everyone else.
Her mother is very sympathetic to Galya, her sister supports her, her friends help her out, but her life is very, very difficult. She cannot work, because there is no one to sit with her son. They live on a penny alimony and welfare, and, well, money that from time to time Galina is thrown by relatives and friends. Everyone is very sorry for her - Galya is completely in the child. Feeding, procedures, classes, massages, walks... The same age make a career, engage in interesting hobbies, travel, go to theaters and restaurants, discuss hairstyles and heels, and most importantly, communicate with the opposite sex, fall in love, get married. Galina put an end to her personal life a long time ago.
Well, who needs her, with such and such a child, poor, problematic, as if bedridden herself ...

But recently, walking, as usual, late in the evening with a stroller in the park, so as not to draw close attention to her child, Galina met Yuri. The young man was with a dog.
The child drew attention to the dog, the owner called the dog, a meaningless conversation ensued.
On the second day, it must be so, they met by chance again, they already said hello, like old friends.
And on the third day they exchanged phone numbers and agreed to walk together.

In general, soon Galina could not even imagine how she used to live without Yura, who surrounded her and her son with care and love.
Galina smiled, got prettier, suddenly felt like her twenty-seven, and not fifty, like everyone else. last years. With the advent of Yuri in their lives, suddenly many problems became easily solved. He brings bags of delicacies to Galya, from which they have long lost the habit, willingly carries her with her child in his car on various occasions, bought Galina washing machine in return for them with their mother, completely worn out ... Yes, it's not about the typewriter, of course. Although Galina is shocked and touched in a way that a truck with roses probably would not have touched her. The point is the care that a man suddenly showed to Galina.
And just like that - Galina liked Yuri very much.
Of course, it's too early to talk about something - only a couple of months have passed since they met. And yet - Galina's attitude has become completely different. Turns out she might have too. woman's happiness. Well, at least theoretically. Still, of course, nothing is clear and understandable, the relationship is nothing, how it will develop further, it is too early to guess. Nevertheless, there are relationships, they are developing, and this greatly supports Galina on her difficult life path ...

And a week ago, a lady suddenly showed up to Galina, who introduced herself as Yuri's mother.
In short, the potential "mother-in-law" is categorically against their connection, and will do everything so that her son, in her words, takes up his mind.
Well, because it doesn’t fit in my head - well-to-do, with an apartment, with a car, smart, magnificent in all respects, a young man and Galya, second-hand, and even with his .... uh ... appendage. Why should her son Yuri have to raise a child who will never be normal?
Rave. She is a mother, raised her son alone, invested everything in him - now she has the right to wait for NORMAL grandchildren.
And he asks Galina to change her mind and leave her son alone. Better in a good way.
Otherwise, Yuri's mother said, she would do everything, lay down her bones, but would not allow such a misalliance anyway.

Galina seemed to have been doused with a tub of ice water.
On the one hand, it is insulting to tears, on the other ... well, after all, my aunt is right. Galya and her son are not at all a gift to anyone.
And Galina knows better than anyone that her child is a heavy cross, which not everyone can afford. Why are they Yuri? And if he fails, just like Galin ex-husband, will merge in six months, and Galina will become attached during this time, fall in love, and suffer. For minutes of joy, you will have to pay with hours of pain and humiliation. So is it worth it to start, almost certainly knowing that it will not be easy? besides, it is now known for sure that their relationship will be diligently put a spoke in the wheel.
And the child? he seems to be also starting to become attached to Yuri. Not enough problems for them already?
Maybe, really, stop it all before it's gone too far? Just break up, without explaining anything, and even more so, of course, without informing Yuri about the visit of his mother. Every cricket know your hearth. Well, what kind of men are Galina in her position? Better not be fooled.

Yes, you're crazy! - Galina's sister, who accidentally turned out to be in the know, cannot calm down. - He likes you! and he to you! What does his mother have to do with it? .. Well, yes, she is against it, like many, probably, mothers in her place. But this is a great opportunity for you! You deserve happiness! Fight for him! You never know who will say what, well, what are you doing! you can't give up. Don't try to push Yura away, do you hear?

Really, you have to fight for happiness, don't you think?
Intrigue, hypocrisy and shove right through? Will happiness obtained in this way be real?
Tell Yuri about the visit of the "mother-in-law" - let him deal with her himself, or is it not worth it?
End relationship?
Continue as if nothing had happened, and then - how will it work out?
How to be? What do you think?

In my opinion, what you have received is quite natural. I do not think that your husband is rude because he is a redneck. Otherwise, he would not have become your husband. Not how much justifying it, however, you yourself provoked this situation. They set (consciously or subconsciously - another conversation) a high bar for him "what he must do to win your favor." He "won" you. But it turns out that you don't like him. Expectations were not justified. It's a shame. This resentment results in irritation and even rudeness. I agree, I agreed myself, I jumped myself, therefore, it seems like, and I should not be offended by anything. In theory. But in practice, this behavior of his means that he is still trying to somehow change the situation. AT better side. But now you're raising the bar again. Only in a negative way. Now all his actions are counted against him as an accusation.

And the thing is that you simply do not like him. And from the very beginning they did not love. Just doing things" loving woman". But the form can rarely replace the content. Then why continue this masochism further? You don’t get any pleasure from such a life. He, too. Then get a divorce. Believe me, it will be better for both.

And what "to fight for happiness or not" is an extremely controversial and ambiguous question. In my opinion, a woman who initially positioned herself as - I will not run after anyone, they should run after me - is worthy of only pity. For from the very beginning it positions itself as a soulless thing. The door lock doesn't care who opens it. The main thing is that the key fits. By the way, as a rule, such people with such "high standards" are actually trying to mask the lack of content. For it usually turns out that behind the outer facade "there is nothing worthwhile."

IMHO 04/06/2007 12:25:49 PM, Goblin

Another question - WHY DID HE GET IT????? Maybe she believed that he loved her. And he only sought the facade ((((((it is not necessary to say that it was initially wrong - he was where it was at that time ????? and, on the other hand, she loves another for many years until he achieves him even though it seems to her that she loves him. If she starts that first thing, to seek where the guarantee that he will not believe her will meet halfway, but it turns out that she, too, was only carried away by the facade, and thoroughly had no idea about the daily side-o "a side of life with him. All this is theoretical reasoning. In general, I tend to think that you can get along with any person, just take the first one that comes across and live with him, only the rules must be mutually observed. And love is also such a thing that according to the rules "you can play. So, IMHO, it's all in your head. If you want happiness, get along with those who are nearby. Because if what's in your head today, then with any other, everything will repeat like a blueprint. You need to change your head, not men IMHO)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 04/06/2007 13:55:18, windok

I understand everything except this:
How can I change the situation for the better without fulfilling any of the promises given to me, stopping working, etc.? It makes it worse, yes. And what is this negative bar I have raised? For me, my bar has fallen in relation to my husband nowhere below
04/06/2007 12:34:54 pm, I won't introduce myself

Sorry for the cynicism, but, roughly speaking, an informal agreement was concluded between you. You positioned yourself as a smart, beautiful, sexy, gentle and caring woman, "who does not agree to get anyhow with anyone." Thus, you have indicated the rule of participation "in the tender" - go with the one who offers the most profitable terms. He agreed to play by these rules. That's why he made promises. He himself believed in them! The deal went through, you married him.

What do we have now?

1. Disappointment on your part - deceived, did not fulfill promises. I do not like.

2. On his part, too, disappointment - she deceived, broke an exorbitantly high price literally for nothing, for one devil is like a stranger.

Those. if you talk about deceptions, then you both deceived each other. You encouraged him to give you more and more advances. So now it’s not worth saying that you have absolutely nothing to do with it, that he himself promised everything. Moreover, you promised him love, but you did not give it to him. And, formally, under the terms of the agreement, he may not pay "for a service not rendered."

You see, in fact, you continue to step on the old rake. And he, in your opinion, should be glad that a woman married him, but instead of love, he only expresses dissatisfaction - where is the fulfillment of material promises? You really shouldn't think so.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging you at all. I am not God. Everyone goes his own way. I view the situation only from a position of personal comfort. True, in its broadest sense, including principles, morals and ethics. So, in order to raise the level of psychological comfort in your life, it is better for you to divorce this man. Not because he is bad, but you are good, or vice versa. But only because the agreement itself is initially erroneous, and this error is systemic. 04/06/2007 12:49:21 PM, Goblin

What else to read