The name Daniel in the Orthodox calendar (Saints). Danila's name day

Patron saints named Daniel

Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow
The Orthodox Church has established two days of celebration: the day of memory of the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow - March 4/17 and August 30 / September 12 - the day of finding his holy relics.
Holy noble Prince Daniel of Moscow - son of Alexander Nevsky. They turn to the holy prince Daniel for help in God's blessing over the house, in housing problems, they pray for finding their home. Also, the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow is now the heavenly patron Engineering Troops Russian army.

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Icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
Holy Prophet Daniel
The holy prophet Daniel is a great biblical prophet, the author of a book that became part of the Old Testament. The book of the prophet Daniel includes 14 chapters, which can be divided into two parts: historical and prophetic. The second part contains his visions and revelations about the fate of the world. The book of the prophet Daniel is quoted in the New Testament: the Savior and His apostles refer to it in their conversations. IN folk tradition the saint is prayed for an explanation of incomprehensible and disturbing dreams.
Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarean (Palestinian), martyr

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Memorial Day is established by the Orthodox Church on February 16 / March 1.

There were five of them. Christian brothers who called themselves the names of biblical prophets: Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Daniel, were returning from Asia Minor to Egypt. Their path ran through the city of Caesarea. At this time, terrible things were happening there. Christians were severely persecuted. For two years now, Pamphilus, who had created a library of Christian books, the elderly deacon Valens, and Paul had been languishing in the dungeon.

No sooner had the five Egyptians entered the city than they were immediately seized. During interrogation, they confessed that they professed Christianity. When asked about their origin, they answered that they were from Jerusalem. In the third century there was no Jerusalem, it was destroyed in the first century, and the new city had a different name. Daniel and his brothers spoke of the heavenly Jerusalem. Understanding nothing, the ruler Firmilian wanted to torture them to find out where this city was located. But everything was useless, then he ordered the execution of Daniel, his companions and prisoners who were in prison. Four more people were killed after them. The bodies of 12 martyrs lay untouched for 4 days, and on the fifth day the pagans allowed the Christians to bury them.

holy prophet Daniel.

Daniel (in schema Stefan) Nivertsky, Egyptian, reverend, confessor

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Memorial Day is established by the Orthodox Church on December 17/30.
Daniel Nivertsky lived in the X century. A Spanish nobleman, he held a high position in society. He commanded on the island of Niverta. But worldly fame did not attract him, but rather weighed him down. His soul was directed towards God. Saint Daniel went to Rome and accepted monasticism there. Making a pilgrimage to holy places: Constantinople, Jerusalem, he accepted the schema there with the name Stephen. In Egypt, conquered by the Saracens, Saint Daniel was captured, where he was forced to convert to Islam. Saint Daniel of Nivertsky died as a martyr for refusing to change his faith.

Icon-painting workshop "Your icon". Russia. XXI Century

Daniel Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr

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Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 10/23.

Saint Daniel was one of the 45 martyrs who suffered for the faith in the city of Nikopol.
At the beginning of the 4th century, the emperor Lucinius ruled there. He was an implacable persecutor of Christians. By issuing the order to kill anyone who refuses to bow pagan gods he demanded its execution. Hegemon Lysias was one of those who had to carry it out. How shocked he was when the Christians themselves came to him. It was Saint Daniel and 44 other people. Lysias invited them to sacrifice to the pagan gods and promised to release them after that. But the martyrs did not renounce Christ, even after they were beaten and thrown into prison. There Saint Daniel prayed and sang psalms together with everyone. One day he saw an angel who said that their feat would soon be completed. The next day, having endured cruel tortures, Saint Daniel of Nikopol was martyred.

On the nominal icons, as a rule, the holy prophet Daniel is depicted.

Daniel Pereyaslavsky, Archimandrite
Saint Daniel of Pereyaslavsky was born around 1460 in Pereslavl-Zalessky. The world was called Dimitri. He grew up as a meek, sensible child, loved to read spiritual books and attend church services. The young man was educated in a monastery in which his relative, the revered elder Jonah, was the hegumen. There Demetrius finally decided to choose the path of monastic service and striving for Christian perfection. At the age of seventeen, he and his brother Gerasim secretly left Pereyaslavl for the Borovsky Pafnutiev Monastery and took the tonsure there with the name Daniel.

Under the guidance of Elder Leukia, Daniil Pereyaslavsky quickly learned the rigor of monastic life, humility and obedience. The monks respected him for his virtues, firm faith, tireless work and wished to see Daniel as their abbot. But fearing the temptation of power, the ascetic left the Borovsk monastery and, after wandering around many monasteries, returned to his native Pereyaslavl, settling in the Goritsky monastery. At first, Daniel served as a prosphoron, but soon, for a strict, charitable life and diligence in the ministry, he was appointed confessor of the brethren. Not only monks, but also many lay people turned to him for wise instructions.

With all his heart following the covenant of love for one's neighbor, the Monk Daniel always received strangers and took upon himself the care of the burial of the poor, the homeless and the homeless. He buried them on the mountain mass grave- skudelnitse and commemorated in prayers. Daniel often heard stories that people see light emanating from this place and hear bell ringing. And he decided to build a church of all saints near the skudelnitsa. In confirmation of the goodness of this plan, the necessary funds were quickly found for the construction of the temple, and Grand Duke Basil gave the Monk Daniel a letter for the establishment of a church in right place. However, many townspeople and peasants expressed the desire that not one church, but a holy monastery, be created under the skudelnitsa. This is how the Trinity Monastery arose. Daniel Pereyaslavsky became his rector in the rank of archimandrite.

It is known that the Monk Daniel became famous as a seer and miracle worker. The brethren saw him walking on the water. He miraculously saved the suffering from hunger and disease more than once. Even the mention of his name in prayer gave believers protection from robbers. The well, dug by Daniil Pereyaslavsky, has been preserved in the monastery. From the water from this well, pilgrims repeatedly received healing of their ailments.

Before his death, the holy ascetic accepted the schema and died on April 7, 1540, at the age of 81. Many miracles were also performed from his relics.

Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop

Daniel the Stylite, reverend
Saint Daniel the Stylite lived in the 5th century in Syria near the city of Samosata. His mother after for long years Infertility made a vow that if a child was born, his life would be dedicated to God. When a boy was born to her, she did not call him by name until the age of 5, then she brought the child to the nearest monastery and asked for a name. The abbot randomly opened the book on the words of the prophet Daniel and christened the boy that way. The parents asked the boy to stay in the monastery, but they were refused. At the age of 12, Daniel arbitrarily entered the monastery. Parents, having learned about this, persuaded the hegumen to tonsure his son as a monk.

Until the age of 42, Daniel labored in a monastery. Simeon the Stylite became an example for him to follow in spiritual life, and he also decided to accept the feat of pilgrimage. The Monk Daniel left the monastery for the Thracian desert and settled there on a built pillar. One night the ascetic nearly died from the cold. The emperor, who learned about this, ordered the ascetic to build a pillar of two columns connected by iron braces, on top of which was erected small house. With the blessing of Patriarch Gennady of Constantinople, Saint Simeon was ordained a priest. The sick and crippled were often brought to him with the hope of healing. The prayers of Simeon the Stylite were zealous, the advice was simple, the sermons were understandable to everyone. He helped many unfortunate people find their way in life.

During 33 years of being a pillar, Saint Daniel descended to earth only once, when the emperor Basiliscus, who had overthrown his predecessor Zeno, began to patronize heretics. With difficulty descending Daniel was carried by the crowd on a high chair as the spiritual leader of the popular uprising, and the emperor hastened to admit his mistakes.

The Monk Daniel the Stylite lived to the age of 80 and died peacefully in the year 490.

Daniel Shuzhgorsky, reverend

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Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on September 21/October 4.

Translated from Hebrew, the word "daniel" means "God is my judge", "my judge is God", "Judge of God", "God's judgment".

In Russian, the folk form of this name is more used - Danila. In the 19th century, this name was considered exclusively peasant.

The patron saint is the Reverend Prince Daniel of Moscow . The life of the prince was marked with the seal of a special chosen one of God. At that time, he received the most insignificant inheritance with a miserable town - Moscow. Having reached a more mature age (Daniel became a prince at the age of two, after the death of his father), he was able to increase the principality without violence. Throughout his life, Prince Daniel was distinguished by moderation and caution, he could extinguish any quarrel with love. Performing charitable deeds on his possessions, the holy prince built a monastery beyond the Moscow River, which was named Danilovsky in his honor. In it, the prince himself took monastic vows. Having reached the age of 42, the holy noble prince died peacefully on March 4, 1303.

The Bible mentions another patron of this name - the Hebrew prophet Daniel, who is the main soothsayer and mystic at the royal court. During the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar was his right hand.

Prophet Daniel was able to point out exact time the coming of Christ into the world 600 years before his birth. Being a highly educated man, he wrote a book under his own name (The Book of Daniel), in which he described his life at the court of King Nebuchadnezzar, how from captivity, thanks to the art of interpreting dreams, he managed to rise to an influential position.

In the book of the prophet there is a mention of three of his companions who, for refusing to worship a pagan deity, were thrown into a hot furnace. But God did not allow the innocent death of the righteous and cooled the fire, so the three young men got out of the furnace unharmed.

In childhood Daniel is a calm, balanced and smiling child, curiously studying the world. He enjoys playing football and tennis, is fond of gymnastics, but not because of sports results, but to maintain health.

IN adulthood Daniel remains a restrained and calm person who does not like haste and fuss. His emotional experiences are invisible to prying eyes. Outwardly, he is always friendly and smiling, does not raise his voice. At times it may seem that Daniel is overly timid, but he has enough masculine strength and pride.

Days of celebration name day :
June 5 Hieromartyr Father Superior Daniil Grekhozarutsky (Uglichsky).
March 1- Martyr Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian).
March 17, September 12- Prince Daniel of Moscow.
December 30th- Rev. Confessor Daniel of Nivertsky, Egyptian.
July 23- Martyr Daniel of Nikopol (Armenian).
20 April- Archimandrite Daniel Pereyaslavsky.
September 12, January 3- Archbishop Daniel II of Serbia.
December 24- Rev. Daniel the Stylite.
The 4th of October- Rev. Daniel of Shuzhgorsky.
December 30th- Daniel the Prophet.

It is considered one of the oldest among Christians. Day Angel should mark each of its carriers. memorable date happens several times a year. You don't have to celebrate everything. It is enough to choose one for the name day, the closest to the day of your birth. The church calendar provides such an opportunity.

  • 02.01. - St. Serbian
  • 01.03. - m. Daniel
  • 31.03. - Rev. Daniel
  • 20.04. - Rev. Daniel Pereyaslavsky
  • 05.06. - Rev. Daniel
  • 23.07. - torment. Daniel Nikopolsky
  • 12.09 .. - St. Daniil Serbian
  • 25.09. - Rev. Daniel
  • 04.10. - Rev. Daniel Shuzhgorsky
  • 11.12. - prep.much. Daniel
  • 12.12. teacher Daniel
  • 24.12. - Rev. Daniel Stylite
  • 30.12. - Prophet Daniel

Daniel is of Hebrew origin. Accurate translation meaning of the word: "God is my judge." Sometimes explained as "the judgment of God." In Russia, especially among the merchants and commoners, the form was in use - Danila (Danilka).

Church writing is found in the legends. That was the name of the sage, the prophet, life, suffering, which is shown in the ancient "Book of the Prophet Daniel."

Characteristics of a person named Danila

Main features

As a child, he is calm, does not cause trouble. His ability to remain calm, balanced carries through for many years. It can break only when faced with an outright lie. Quickly suppresses anger, but the deceiver will not wait for forgiveness. Children's hobbies can develop into a profession. The employee from him turns out to be conscientious, feeling responsible. The team always takes into account his opinion.

Family, relationships

Marriage is not always happy. Hasty marriages happen. He loves his kids very much, but is not too zealous in upbringing, giving leadership to his wife. He often marries multiple times. When remarried, does not seek new children. Supports and helps his. He decides everything himself, being alone for some time.


Daniel is a man who will not be broken by any storm. It has decisiveness, although it takes a long time to think everything over. Knows how to pave the way to the new for others. Keeps the memory of the ancestors. Always has a cozy home.

Stories of saints named Daniel

Daniel of Moscow

Days of Remembrance:

  • 17.03. - death date.
  • 12.09. - acquisition of relics

The future saint was born in the family of Prince. Nevsky. He was the youngest of the sons. Named after St. Daniel the Stylite. All my life I revered him, spoke, felt holy patronage. He had his own seal with the face of a martyr. He built a monastery in his name. With the departure of the father to another world, the sons began to rule each in their own principality.

Danila went to the Moscow lands, the most seedy of that period. The new ruler tried, and the possessions began to increase. The wise prince knew how to negotiate peacefully, avoided bloodshed and wars. Despite this, he also had to successfully fight the Mongol-Tatars.

Moscow Daniel, being in power, strengthened Moscow, built monasteries, is considered the founder of the Rurikovich. Shortly before his death, he took the veil as a monk.

  • Died - 17.03. ( a new style) 1303
  • Canonized - in 1791 as St. faithful prince. Daniel of Moscow.

He was buried in the Danilovsky Monastery, where the rector is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Valid.

Daniil Serbian

Day of Remembrance:

Being a noble family, rich by birth, he was part of the entourage of King Stefan of Serbia. He left the palace, left everything in the world, got tonsured in the monastery of Konchula.

Over the years, he became abbot of the Hilendar Monastery. Together with the monks, he suffered hunger in war time, siege, enemy attacks. With the onset of peacetime, he abandoned the abbess, lived in the cell of St. Savva. He helped to extinguish civil strife, as a result he became a bishop. He was pastor of the monastery of St. Stephen, and then received the rank of archbishop.

Daniel Nikopolsky

Day of Remembrance:

In the city of Nikopol, under the emperor Licinius, Christians were persecuted everywhere. They were tortured, destroyed, demanded renunciation. By state order, everyone who did not want to become a pagan again was tormented to death. Many were hiding, but 45 citizens, led by Daniel, Mauritius, Alexander, Leonty, declared their faith to the ruler openly, appearing to him personally.

For the unwillingness of the confessors to renounce Christianity, they were killed, betraying them alive to the fire. The charred bones were drowned in the river. The holy remains were discovered, and a temple was erected in honor of 45 Nikopol martyrs.

The meaning of the name Danil must be sought in his history. This name enters the historical stage in the fifth century BC and is associated with the name of the Old Testament prophet Daniel. This is a prophet revered in the Abrahamic religions, a descendant of a noble Jewish family. In Hebrew, the name sounds like "Daniel", but is written as דניאל. How is it translated? Translated from Hebrew Daniel's name means "God is my judge" or "God is my judge". The name itself is two-part, with which it is connected a large number of values. The name consists of the roots Dan - Judge and El - God.

In Russia, the name Daniel often has short form- Danil. This situation is characteristic of many names and their short forms.

The meaning of the name Daniel for a child

Little Danya is calm and affectionate child. He listens well to his parents and communicates easily with other children. He is smiling and calm baby. The boy grows up active, mobile and cheerful. He is distinguished by special honesty and rejection of lies, which is unusual for children. IN adolescence prone to strong teenage experiences, which often worries loved ones.

Studying Daniel comes easily. He has a responsible approach to learning since childhood, but some subjects are difficult for him. Here he needs to be supported, but it is better to find a teacher who can kindle in him a love for the subject.

Dani's health pleases parents. He rarely gets sick, but it is difficult to call his health heroic. Danil often has problems with weight as a teenager. And this is both a disadvantage and an excess of weight. Sports and proper nutrition correct the situation, although it will require a lot of effort.

Short name Daniel

Danil, Danila, Danilka, Danya, Danya.

Diminutive names

Danilchik, Danilushka, Danechka, Danyushka, Danyusha, Danyusya.

Patronymic of children

Daniilovich and Daniilovna. There is a folk form, Danilych and Danilovna.

Name Daniel in English

In English, as in Russian, the name Daniel has several forms. Full form of the name Daniel English language- Daniel, and the short ones are Dan and Danny.

Name Daniel for passport Daniel - DANIIL and Danil - DANIL.

Translation of the name Daniel into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Daniel
in Arabic - دانيال‎‎
in Armenian - Դանիել (Daniel)
in Belarusian - Daniel
in Bulgarian - Daniel
in Hungarian - Dániel and Dános
in Greek - Δανιήλ
in Hebrew - דניאל‎
Spanish - Daniel
in Italian - Daniele and Daniello
in Chinese - 丹尼爾
in Korean - 다니엘
in Latin - Daniel
German - Daniel
in Polish - Daniel
in Romanian - Daniel
in Ukrainian - Danilo
in Finnish - Daniel
in French - Daniel and Dani
Croatian - Daniel
in Czech - Daniel, Dan
in Estonian - Tanel
in Japanese - ダニエル (Danieru)

The name Daniel (Danil) according to the church(in Orthodox faith and other Christian denominations) - Daniel. Whatever form of the name Daniel you take, it will be Daniel.

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Daniel can be characterized as a person of balanced decisions. He does not like haste and when he is rushed. How more important decision, the more carefully Daniel approaches the decision. However, having made a decision, he becomes decisive and persistent. If you rush him, then even starting the task, he will in every possible way sabotage progress towards the goal. This applies to everything in his life. Work, study, relationships with the opposite sex. He is generally level-headed and calm in most situations, but can occasionally flare up. More often, even with life's difficulties, he continues to smile.

He loves to work, but if he has to work, then it weighs him down. Inclined, like most calm, balanced people, to monotonous and the same type of work. He hardly adapts to new tasks and this meets his resistance. If managers have the opportunity not to change his work, then it is better to do so.

In relationships with women, Daniel may seem shy. But in fact, he is a very temperamental and sensitive man. True, to know him for real, you need to get into the circle of his relatives. Daniel is a family man, he spends a lot of energy and money to ensure home comfort and well-being.

The secret of the name Daniel

Daniel's secret can be called his analogous mind. Many, not seeing what Daniel is like when he is passionate about something, they think that analytics is not his forte. However, if Daniel becomes interested in something, then his mind wakes up. This is a revelation for many.

The touchiness and vulnerability of Daniel due to his isolation can be called his secret. He rarely if offended, talks about it, but he will remember for a long time. And his vulnerability makes his resentment permanent. However, you cannot call him vindictive, rather wary in relation to the offender.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

totem animal- Squirrel.

Name color- Grey-blue.

Wood- Ash.

Plant- Buttercup.

Stone- Blue jasper.

The name Daniel from Hebrew has a literal translation - "my God is my judge" or "God is my judge."
This is the name of the saint prophet Daniel. He was born into a noble family. When Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 606 BC, many Jews were captured. Among them was 15-year-old Daniel. In Babylonia, he, along with other capable young men, was assigned to a school where they were prepared for service at the king's court. Three other friends of the prophet Daniel studied with him - these are Azariah, Ananias and Mishael. Upon admission, they were given pagan names. But their faith, they did not change. They did not want to eat pagan food, and therefore asked their teacher to give them only lean foods. He agreed only on the condition that after 10 days of such a meal, he would check how the young men feel. On the day of the test, they were healthier than the rest. At the end of his studies, he began to serve at the court of the king. Along with him and his friends.
After the conquest of Babylon took place, Daniel was appointed as an adviser to the kings Darius and Cyrus. It was the prophet Daniel who was endowed with the ability to interpret dreams. In his book, which is named after the prophet Daniel, there is a story about his three friends, whom King Nebuchadnezzar ordered to be thrown into a red-hot furnace because they refused to worship pagan gods. But the Lord spared their lives. Mentioned in the book of the prophet Daniel and prophecies about the end of the world, as well as about the second coming of Christ.
Under King Darius, he began to occupy an important post, and many opponents of Christianity envied him. Then they decided to slander the prophet, for which King Darius ordered him to be thrown to the lions. But the Lord saved His faithful servant. The king began to study in more detail the case in which Daniel was accused and realized that he was wrong. Then he ordered the slanderers to be subjected to the same execution. The lions instantly tore their bodies to pieces. After some time, the prophet Daniel was honored to receive a revelation about 70 weeks, where the time of the first coming of the Savior was indicated.
When King Cyrus ascended the throne, the prophet also remained at the court. There is a legend that Daniel showed the king a prediction about him, which is contained in the book of Isaiah, amazed by this, he ordered to build a temple in honor of the Lord in Jerusalem. Another revelation was received by the prophet Daniel in the third year of the reign of King Cyrus, about the fate of God's people. Unfortunately, there is no information about the future life of the prophet, except for the fact that he went to the Lord in old age. Recall that the Lord Jesus Christ twice referred to the prophecies of Daniel in conversations with the Jews.
The saint, who was also named Daniel, is the reverend Daniel Stylite. He was born in Mesopotamia, in the village of Vifara. His mother Martha could not have children for a very long time. One day, she promised God that if she had a baby, she would dedicate it to the Lord. And soon a boy was born. Until the age of 5, he did not have a name. The parents wanted the boy, who was born by the grace of God, and received the name from the Lord. One day, they came to a local monastery and turned to the abbot with this question. He ordered to give him any liturgical book, opening it at random, he found the words of the prophet Daniel. It was this name that the boy was named. At the age of 12, he secretly left home and entered a monastery.
The parents were very happy with the choice of their son and personally asked the abbot to tonsure him as a monk. He granted their request, but asked very often not to visit his son.
The monk showed incredible feats of monastic life. Once, he visited St. Simeon the Stylite. It was he who foretold Daniel the feat of pilgrimage. And so it happened. In a vision, Daniel was shown the place where he should have labored - this is the Thracian desert. In it, together with two students, he built a pillar. He spent 33 years on it. People from all over the country began to come to him, and everyone received advice, consolation, and healing. He came to the Lord at the age of 80.
Saints bearing the name Daniel in Russian life Orthodox Church very many, all of them were distinguished by true faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, whoever you choose as your heavenly patron, trust in his help. Yes, the Lord God will help you through the prayers of our saints. The following is a list of all the saints named Daniel. Dates are in the new style.
Daniel November 25
Daniel, prophet December 30
Daniel, Rev. 12 December
Daniel, prmch. December 11th
Daniel, Rev. September 25
Daniel, Rev. March 31
Daniel (Alferov), schmch., Priest February 8, March 6
Daniel (Meshchaninov), schmch., Priest February 8, December 9
Daniel II of Serbia, Archbishop September 12, January 2
Daniil Grekhozarutsky (Uglichsky), schmch., abbot June 5
Daniel the Egyptian, Caesarean (Palestinian), martyr. March 1
Daniel of Moscow, Prince September 12, March 17
Daniel of Moscow, icon painter, icon painter June 26
Daniel (in schema Stefan) Nivertsky, Egyptian, confessor December 30
Daniil Nikopolsky (Armenian), martyr. July 23
Daniel Pereyaslavsky, archimandrite April 20, January 12
Daniil Reslavsky, Stylite June 4
Daniel the Stylite, St. December 24
Daniel Shuzhgorsky, St. The 4th of October

This adds another 45 days to the end of 7 years and 30 days. Now 75 days is the same time between the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest enters the Holy of Holies, and the Feast of Consecration, or Hanukkah. Prophecy tells us that Jesus will return that day, at the end of the battle of Armageddon, to the Mount of Olives.

So these 30 days are still included in the desolation, but are specifically designed to bring forth the Lamb of the Lamb, after which the second coming of Christ and the 45 days of the Marriage of the Lamb, and finally the glorious anointing holy place, as the execution of the thousand-year-old temple of Ezekiel. Therefore, Armageddon continues until the last 30 days of desolation.

The material was prepared by Natalia Ignatova

Nowadays, few people celebrate Name Day. And few people think about what this day means. Meanwhile, this is a rather important holiday, although it makes sense only when a person adheres to Orthodox or Catholic views. The fact is that name days are a purely church holiday. A person's name day is the day of memory of the saint in whose honor he was named during baptism. Of course, there are many saints with the same name. But only one of them is chosen as the patron. If it so happened that a person baptized in childhood does not know the saint after whom he was named, he can choose a patron himself - either on the basis of personal sympathies, or according to the following practice: church calendar find the closest memorial day of your namesake to the date of birth. This saint will be considered the patron, and this day - the name day. It is impossible to change the choice once made in the future - the spiritual connection between a person and his saint remains forever.

The return of the Messiah is an unknown day because "no one knows the day or the hour" and was never placed on the calendar of Israeli celebrations. In a strictly theological and eschatological sense, Israel's recognition of the Messiah has such peculiar meaning what to consider the most important holidays, eighth festival; And 8 is the number of resurrections. Of course, since the day is unknown, it follows that the "great and terrible day of the Lord" by the grace of God was prophetically established in Scripture.

He correctly imposed the "calendar of civilization", setting it as the beginning of God's judgment on the nations; As a result, Easter falls six months after the Day of Atonement, and the Atonement takes effect 75 days from the Feast of Initiation. Easter marks the beginning of Daniel's seventy weeks - because the Antichrist's involvement is a counterfeit of the work of the Messiah, but Easter also marks the end of the week. Let's now arrange 30 days for the disappearance of desolation, the Lamb of the Lamb and Bema, or the Judgment of Christ.

Below we will consider the days on which Daniel's name day according to the Orthodox calendar may fall. It is worth mentioning right away that although this is the main, but far from complete list of the saints of the same name. There are no such calendars in which the names of all the saints known in Orthodoxy would be collected. There are many locally revered, national, foreign saints of God glorified by the church, who are not known in Russia or who are not surrounded by all-church veneration. Therefore, when choosing a patron, you can show some flexibility and refer to the list of saints, for example, Bulgarian, Serbian, Alexandrian or some other Orthodox

In short: Easter cannot happen again between Atonement and Initiation. Another 30 days of devastation destroy Flynn's calculations, if they are not needed to destroy the evil ones, The Beast and False Prophet, as will be the prince of the world, King of kings and Lord of lords, Manifested the wicked, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the spirit of His mouth and destroy with the appearance of His coming. But it doesn't look like it takes 30 days! In other words: when the Messiah comes, the end of desolation will be immediate.

The ambiguity surrounding Flynn's conclusions about the 75 days between the Atonement and Hanukkah is understandable; However, despite everything, his work is excellent and honors the intervention of the Lord in human affairs at the end of time. Moreover, it is a post-tribulation monumental effort that deserves our admiration, while at the same time preparing God's people for their final testimony in " last days».


On June 5, the name day of Daniel is celebrated, named in memory of the holy martyr of the same name, Abbot of Grekhozarutsky. During his lifetime, he was the abbot of a monastery in Uglich. He accepted death at the hands of the Polish-Lithuanian soldiers, along with 30 inhabitants of his monastery and 250 laity.


July 23 - the memory of the martyr Daniel Nikopol. This Armenian saint died during the persecution of believers in Christ under Emperor Licinius in the 4th century.

The purpose of this pamphlet is to inform you of the urgency and necessity of every person to be reconciled to God. Everything that is offered in the Bible has the full and same authority of God himself. The information currently coming to us from the Bible clearly shows God's plan for the Day of Judgment and the end of the world. The Bible has revealed its secrets about the times of history. This information was not known in the past, since God hid his words, blocking every attempt to know the end of the world. This is confirmed in the Book of Daniel.

However, at present, God has opened his mouth to reveal many truths about the end times. Also in the same chapter of the Book of Daniel it says. Now God reveals his words as we come to the end. Therefore, for serious Bible students, it is now obvious that we are living in the last days of earth's history. Therefore, since we are living in the end times, God is now revealing the following information to his people.


On September 25, the name day of Daniel, who bears the name of the monk who died in 840, is celebrated. During his lifetime, he was a virtuous monk who carried his monastic feat in a cave on the territory of modern Greece.


On October 4, Daniel celebrates the day of the name day, associated with the memory of his reverend namesake from the Shuzhgorskaya mountain. In the days of his earthly life he was a monk, a hermit who spent his days on the mentioned mountain, where a monastery was formed over time. He lived in the 16th century and was buried in his own monastery.

The Lord allowed His people to understand the "Bible Calendar" that comes out of the pages of the Bible. The genealogies of Genesis, chiefly chapters 5 and 11, point to the exact calendar of human history in this world. The biblical history calendar is characterized by "the utmost accuracy and reliability."

Because this biblical calendar comes from God or from His words, you can trust implicitly. In this short treatise, we will share some of the conclusions drawn from the biblical calendar and other studies. Holy Scripture. However, the information available is too numerous and complex to be fully reported in this short essay; We can still provide accurate and convincing dates here. This book analyzes the timing of the Day of Judgment and the end of the world in more detail.


On November 25 Saint Daniel is remembered. In addition to the fact that such a person existed, there is no data left about him, including those for what and when he was ranked among


December 30 is the name day of Daniel, the ward of the prophet of the same name, whose book is included in the canon of the Bible. He lived in the 7th-6th centuries BC. e. He came from a noble Jewish family, but along with his other compatriots, he fell into Babylonian captivity. Having received a Chaldean education, he served at the court of King Nebuchadnezzar, and later - Cyrus and Darius. He became famous for the gift of interpreting dreams.

God created the world and man. All the people died as a result of the general flood. Only Noah, his wife, and his three sons and their wives survived on the ark. The Son of God learned from the Bible that what is indicated in the seventh chapter of Genesis has a double meaning. How can we be sure of this? Based on what is stated in the second book of Peter, chapter 3.

But you, beloved, do not forget this, that for the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day. As 2 Peter says, chapter 3 is of paramount importance! In the first verses, God tells us about the destruction of the world through a flood that occurred in the time of Noah. This information immediately follows a clear description of the end of today's world, destroyed by fire.


On January 2, the church honors the memory of the holy Serbian Archbishop Daniel II. This saint lived in the XIII-XIV centuries. He came from Serbia, was close to the Serbian king. Later he became a monk and retired to Athos, where he was the abbot of one of the monasteries. Then he was consecrated to the bishops, and then elevated to the archbishop of Serbia. In this rank he lived the last fourteen years of his life. He died in 1338.

This is a specific date. God revealed to Noah that there were still seven days before the waters of the Flood would submerge the whole earth. This will mean the end of time for humanity to find the grace of God. This means that the time left to take refuge in Christ has become very short.

It is not unusual for the people of God to realize the moment when the end of the world will come. In fact, the Bible tells us that this is usually the case. In the past, God has warned his people of the approaching periods of judgment. We also know that God will destroy the world in the same year.


On March 17, the name day of Daniel, named in memory of the Moscow prince, is celebrated. This saint was the fourth son of Nevsky. He was the founder of the Danilovsky Moscow Monastery, in which he died, having taken monastic tonsure, in 1303.


Let's look again at the story of the flood mentioned in Genesis. Believing in his word, God caused the flood seven days later, on the seventeenth and seventeenth days of the second month of Noah's life. It was on this seventeenth day of the second month that God closed the door of the Ark, thus ensuring the safety of its passengers, but at the same time sealing the fate of all those who did not board. They, of course, all died in this world catastrophe.

And the flood came upon the earth for forty days; And the waters creaked and lifted up the ark raised above the earth. Therefore, the age of the church began on the day of Pentecost, the 33rd year. The Bible teaches that the end of the church age will coincide with the beginning of the great tribulation. The Spirit of God left all the churches and Satan, the people of sin, took over the churches that same day. The Bible teaches us that this terrible period of judgment for the churches will last 23 years. Thus, we can say that on May 21 the period of great tribulation ended for 23 years.

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