Information about edible mushrooms. What are mushrooms: types of edible mushrooms and description. Types of edible mushrooms

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Before you go to the forest for a “silent hunt”, you need to find out the varieties, name, description and look at photos of edible mushrooms (eukaryotic organisms). If you study them, you can see that the lower part of their cap is covered with a spongy structure where spores are placed. They are also called lamellar, they are very much appreciated in cooking, thanks to their unique taste and many useful properties.

Types of edible mushrooms

In nature, there are a large number of different mushrooms, some can be eaten, while others are dangerous to eat. Edible ones do not threaten human health, differing from poisonous ones in the structure of the hymenophore, color and shape. There are several types of edible representatives of this kingdom of wildlife:

  • boletus;
  • russula;
  • chanterelles;
  • milk mushrooms;
  • Champignon;
  • White mushrooms;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • rubella.

Signs of edible mushrooms

Among eukaryotic organisms, there are also poisonous ones, which outwardly almost do not differ from useful ones, so study the signs of their difference in order to avoid poisoning. For example, white fungus is very easy to confuse with mustard, which has an inedible bile taste. So, you can distinguish an edible mushroom from its poisonous counterparts by the following parameters:

  1. Place of growth, which can be recognized from the description of edible and dangerous poisonous.
  2. A pungent unpleasant odor that poisonous specimens contain.
  3. Calm discreet color, which is typical for representatives of the food category of eukaryotic organisms.
  4. Food categories do not have a characteristic pattern on the stem.

Popular edibles

All mushrooms edible for humans are rich in glycogen, salts, carbohydrates, vitamins and a lot of minerals. This class of wildlife as food has a positive effect on appetite, promotes the production of gastric juice, and improves digestion. The most famous names of edible mushrooms:

  • camelina;
  • porcini;
  • boletus;
  • oiler;
  • boletus;
  • champignon;
  • fox;
  • honey agaric;
  • truffle.

This species of edible lamellar eukaryotic organisms grows on a tree and is one of the popular objects of "silent hunting" among mushroom pickers. The size of the cap reaches a diameter of 5 to 15 cm, its shape is round with edges bent inward. In mature mushrooms, the top is slightly convex with a tubercle in the middle. Color - from gray-yellow to brown shades, there are small scales. The pulp is dense, white, has a sour taste and a pleasant smell.

Autumn mushrooms have cylindrical legs, up to 2 cm in diameter and 6 to 12 cm long. The top is light, there is a white ring, the bottom of the leg is dense brown. Mushrooms grow from late summer (August) to mid-autumn (October) on deciduous trees, mainly on birch. They grow in wavy colonies, no more than 2 times / year, the duration of growth lasts 15 days.

Another name is yellow fox. It appeared due to the color of the cap - from egg to rich yellow, sometimes faded, light, almost white. The shape of the apex is irregular, funnel-shaped, 6-10 cm in diameter, in young ones it is almost flat, fleshy. The pulp of the common chanterelle is dense with the same yellowish tint, a slight mushroom smell and a spicy taste. Leg - fused with a hat, narrowed down, up to 7 cm in length.

These edible forest mushrooms grow from June to late autumn in whole families in coniferous, mixed, deciduous forests. Often it can be found in mosses. The baskets of mushroom pickers are especially full of them in July, which is the peak of growth. Chanterelles are one of the famous agaric mushrooms that appear after rain and are eaten as a delicacy. Often they are confused with saffron milk caps, but if you compare the photos, you can see that the saffron cap has a flatter cap, and the leg and flesh are of a rich orange color.

They are also called pecheritsy and meadow champignons. These are edible cap mushrooms with a cap of a spherical convex shape in diameter from 6 to 15 cm and with brown scales. Mushrooms are first white and then brownish caps with a dry surface. The plates are whitish, slightly pink, and later brown-red with a brown tint. The leg is even, 3-10 cm long, the flesh is fleshy, with a delicate mushroom taste and smell. Mushrooms grow in meadows, pastures, gardens and parks, it is especially good to collect them after rain.

These edible mushrooms are very popular in cooking, they are prepared in all possible ways. Boletus mushrooms have a cap color from light gray to brown, their shape is pillow-shaped with a diameter of up to 15 cm. The flesh is white with a pleasant mushroom aroma. The leg can grow up to 15 cm in length, has a cylindrical shape, extended to the bottom. Common boletus grows in mixed, birch forests from early summer to late autumn.

Butterflies are one of the best known edible eukaryotic organisms. Often they grow in large groups mainly on sandy soils. The oil cap can be up to 15 cm in diameter, has a chocolate brown color with a brown tint. The surface is mucous, easily separated from the pulp. The tubular layer is yellow, adhering to the leg, which reaches a length of up to 10 cm. The pulp is juicy white, becoming yellow-lemon over time, thick legs. Butter dish is easily digested, therefore it is eaten fried, boiled, dried and pickled.

These edible mushrooms grow in whole piles, which is why they got their name. The hat is dense, cream-colored, up to 12 cm (sometimes up to 20 cm) in diameter. The plates have yellowish edges, the stem is white, cylindrical in shape up to 6 cm in length. The pulp is dense, white with a pronounced pleasant smell and taste. This variety grows in mixed, birch, pine forests from July to the end of September. Before going after mushrooms, you need to know what they look like and be prepared to look for them, because they hide under the foliage.

Conditionally edible mushrooms

Eukaryotic organisms from this classification differ from the previous ones in that they are forbidden to be eaten without prior heat treatment. Before starting cooking, most of these specimens must be boiled several times, changing the water, and some need to be soaked and fried. Check out the list of mushrooms that belong to this group:

  • woodland champignon;
  • morel cap;
  • spherical sarcosoma;
  • cobweb blue;
  • fox false;
  • pink wave;
  • thyroid disease and others.

It can be found in summer and autumn in coniferous, deciduous forests. The cap diameter is from 3 to 6 cm, it is painted in a bright orange color with a brown tint, has a funnel shape. The pulp of the false chanterelle is soft, viscous, without a pronounced smell, taste. The plates are orange, frequent, descending along a thin yellow-orange stalk. False chanterelle is not poisonous, but can disrupt digestion, sometimes has an unpleasant woody taste. Hats are mainly eaten.

This eukaryotic organism has several names: volnyanka, volzhanka, volnukha, rubella, etc. The cap of the volnushka has the shape of a funnel with a sunken center, the color is pink-orange, the diameter is up to 10 cm. The leg is cylindrical, tapering to the bottom, up to 6 cm in length . The pulp of the volnushka is fragile, whitish in color, if it is damaged, light juice and a pungent odor will appear. It grows in mixed or birch forests (usually in groups) from late July to mid-September.

The color of this eukaryotic organism depends on its age. Young specimens are dark, brown, and brighten with age. The hat of a morel cap resembles a walnut, all dotted with uneven stripes, wrinkles, similar to convolutions. Its leg is cylindrical, always curved. The pulp is similar to cotton wool with a specific smell of dampness. Morel caps grow on moist soil, next to streams, ditches, water. Harvest peaks in April-May.

Little known edible mushrooms

There are different varieties of edible mushrooms and, having come to the forest, you need to know which of them can be considered inedible. To do this, before the "quiet hunt" be sure to study the photographs and descriptions of eukaryotic organisms. There are such rare specimens that it is not immediately clear what they are - poisonous, inedible or quite suitable for food. Here is a list of some little-known edible representatives of this class of wildlife:

  • raincoat;
  • funnel talker;
  • row purple;
  • garlic plant;
  • pigeon oyster mushroom;
  • flake hairy;
  • polish mushroom;
  • rowing gray (cockerel);
  • white dung beetle and others.

It is also called chestnut mushroom or pan mushroom. It has an excellent taste, so it is highly valued in cooking. The moss fly cap is hemispherical, convex, from 5 to 15 cm in diameter, becomes sticky in the rain. The color of the top is chocolate brown, chestnut. The tubular layer is yellowish, and with age - golden and greenish-yellow. The leg of the flywheel is cylindrical, it can narrow or expand towards the bottom. The pulp is dense, fleshy, with a pleasant mushroom smell. Chestnut flywheel grows on sandy soils under coniferous trees, sometimes under oak or chestnut.

Such eukaryotic organisms are presented in several forms: gum-bearing, fiery, golden and others. They grow in families on dead and living trunks, on stumps, roots, in hollows, and have medicinal properties. Often, flake can be found under spruce, apple, birch or aspen. The cap is convex, fleshy, from 5 to 15 cm in diameter, has a yellow-honey color, the flesh is pale. Leg up to 2 cm thick and up to 15 cm high, one-color, scaly, on young specimens there is a ring. Scaly hairy contains a substance used to treat gout.

The second name is the common rot. The cap is convex, becomes flat with age, up to 3 cm in diameter. The color of the crown is yellow-brown, light at the edges, the surface is dense, rough. The pulp of garlic is pale, has a rich smell of garlic, thanks to which the name appeared. When the mushroom dries, the smell intensifies even more. The leg is brown-red, light at the base, empty inside. Common non-rotters grow in large families in different forests, choosing dry sandy soil. The peak of growth is from July to October.

They are not always taken even by experienced lovers of “silent hunting” and in vain, because raincoats are not only tasty, but also healing. They appear in meadows and pastures after rains. The cap diameter is 2-5 cm, the shape is spherical, the color is white, sometimes light brown, there is a hole for spores on top. The pulp of the raincoat is dense, but at the same time tasty, juicy, becomes soft with age. Young mushrooms have spikes on the surface of the cap, which are washed off over time. The leg is small, from 1.5 to 3.5 cm in height, thickened. Raincoats grow in groups in parks and lawns, the peak harvest is from June to October.


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Edible mushrooms: names with descriptions

Not all varieties of mushrooms are edible. Therefore, going to the forest, you need to know how edible mushrooms differ from inedible ones.

  • Photos and names of mushrooms


    Sometimes poisoning occurs due to one piece of pale toadstool or red fly agaric that fell on the table along with edible mushrooms. In order not to confuse edible and inedible mushrooms, it is necessary to accurately understand which specimens are common in the area, how they look. They put in the basket only the mushroom that is well known.

    These are the main differences between edible and non-edible mushrooms. Of the poisonous species in Russia, the most common are pale grebe (green fly agaric), red fly agaric, thin pig and satanic mushroom. Pale grebe is deadly.

    If the above signs are absent, but there is no certainty that the specimen found does not contain toxic substances, it should not be taken.

    Types of edible mushrooms

    There are different classifications of mushrooms. They are divided into categories depending on the growing area (forest, steppe), fruiting time (spring, summer, autumn, winter), structures (tubular, lamellar), etc. To recognize whether an edible mushroom or not, it is not necessary to know about the existence of these categories, a fairly accurate and complete description.

    The list of edible mushrooms is huge. On the territory of Russia, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, volnushki, chanterelles, russula, boletus and milk mushrooms are most often found.


    This mushroom is also known as "white". He owes this name due to the snow-white color of the pulp. Due to their taste and rich aroma, mushrooms are considered a delicacy.

    Boletus has a tubular hymenophore structure. The size of the cap varies from 10 to 30 cm. In small mushrooms, the shape of the cap resembles a hemisphere. As they grow older, it straightens a little and becomes flat-rounded. The cap is covered with a matte cuticle of medium thickness, colored light brown or brown, less often dark orange. The edges of the cap are always slightly lighter than its center. After rain, it acquires a slight sheen. The fleshy pulp has a rich mushroom aroma and a dense structure.

    The height of the leg varies from 10 to 25 cm. It is painted light brown, sometimes there is a slight reddish tint. At the base, the stem is slightly wider than at the junction with the cap (this is a typical shape). In shape, it resembles a barrel or cylinder. The tubular layer is painted white or olive.

    This species is easy to find in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Collection time is summer. Borovik is unpretentious to the climate and grows well even in the north.

    Honey mushrooms

    This type of mushroom is most often found near stumps and trees. Honey mushrooms grow in numerous groups, which is their characteristic feature. They have a lamellar structure of the spore-bearing layer. The diameter of the hat varies between 5-10 cm. It is painted in beige, honey or brown. In young specimens, the color of the cap is more saturated than in old ones. Changes with age and its shape. From hemispherical, it turns into an umbrella-shaped. The surface of the skin on the cap at a young age is covered with a small number of scales, and later becomes smooth.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Experienced mushroom pickers advise collecting only young mushrooms that meet all the requirements for appearance, according to which they clearly differ from poisonous counterparts:

    • scales on the surface of the cap;
    • "skirt" on the leg;
    • plates of cream, white or slightly yellowish color;
    • calm color of the fruiting body.

    The height of a thin cylindrical leg varies between 5-13 cm. The color of the flexible leg matches the color of the cap. At the base of the leg, it is more saturated than in other areas. Many representatives have a membranous “skirt” on the leg - the remnant of the film that covered the hymenophore. The harvest time is autumn.


    These edible mushrooms prefer coniferous forests. The structure of the hymenophore (spore-bearing layer) of the fungus is lamellar. The diameter of the hat varies from 3 to 9 cm. It is painted in a soft orange color. The color of the cap corresponds to the dense pulp. In shape, it is hemispherical in young specimens, and funnel-shaped in old specimens, smooth edges are slightly bent inward. The smooth skin covering the hat becomes sticky after rain and high humidity.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    The mushrooms rise above the ground to a height of 3-8 cm. The brittle leg is painted in a color corresponding to the color of the cap, and becomes hollow inside with age. Sometimes there are spots of a lighter or darker shade on the leg. The first mushrooms appear in early summer. They can be found in coniferous forests.


    Forest butterflies have a tubular hat, as if covered with oil, which is their characteristic feature. Therefore, such a name arose. At a young age, the cap has a hemispherical shape, then becomes flat-rounded. The diameter of the cap varies from 7 to 15 cm. The color of the thin skin, which looks more like a film, varies from light beige, reddish, chocolate or ocher shades with spots. To the touch it is sticky or velvety. It depends on the type of oil and the weather. Their hymenophore is tubular (spongy).

    A dense low leg (4-10 cm) has a barrel-shaped or straight shape. It is decorated with a white skirt and has a cream or light yellow color. Butterflies are harvested already in the middle of spring.

    Aspen mushrooms

    The boletus is popularly called aspen or redhead. And he owes his name to what grows next to aspens, and the color of the skin covering the hat and the color of the autumn aspen are almost identical.

    The hemispherical fleshy cap with a tubular structure of the spore-bearing layer has a bright red-orange color. Its diameter varies from 5 to 30 cm. In young specimens, the shape of the cap resembles a thimble. It is difficult to remove the skin from the hat. It feels dry or velvety to the touch. The flesh is colored milky or creamy.

    The height of the leg varies from 15 to 20 cm, which is why the boletus is clearly visible above the ground. The characteristic shape of the boletus leg is club-shaped. She is painted white. On the surface there are a large number of small scales, painted in brown or black. Aspen mushrooms are harvested in mid-summer and early autumn. They grow both in the south and in the northwest. They feel comfortable in any climatic conditions.


    Volnushki attract not only with an unusual color, but also with a hat pattern. They prefer to grow near birches on sandy soils. The lamellar cap at a young age is hemispherical, at the old one it is funnel-shaped with edges turned inward. Its diameter varies from 4 to 12 cm. The skin covering the hat is colored pinkish or pink-orange, but white specimens are also found. On the hat there are rings of various shades. They have different widths and jagged edges. The fleshy pulp is pungent in taste. The bottom of the cap (hymenophore) is painted light pink. Even in a white wave, the bottom of the cap has a pinkish tint.

    A thin solid leg becomes hollow with age and has a length of 2 to 6 cm. It is painted in light or pale pink. Collect volnushki in mixed forests or birch groves from late summer to mid-autumn.


    This type of edible mushroom is distinguished by the external features of the cap. It is lamellar, funnel-shaped, with wavy and slightly curved edges. The diameter of the cap varies from 6 to 13 cm. The skin covering the cap is yellow-orange. Fleshy and dense in structure, the pulp is creamy or light yellow.

    The length of the straight leg varies from 4 to 7 cm. It is painted in a color that matches the color of the hat. Rarely, the leg and cap of the chanterelle differ in color. Chanterelles are harvested in coniferous forests from late spring to late autumn.


    A feature of russula is the variety of colors in which the hat is painted. There is red-yellow or reddish, light purple, raspberry, white, cream and greenish, which greatly complicates the recognition of russula. The diameter of the lamellar cap varies from 5 to 17 cm. The top is hemispherical in shape, but with age it becomes reminiscent of a funnel. The skin is thick. It is difficult to separate it from the pulp. Often the cap is covered with shallow cracks. These colorful mushrooms have a rich aroma.

    The height of the light leg varies from 4 to 11 cm. It has a cylindrical shape. Sometimes at the base it is 3-4 mm thicker than at the junction with the cap. Russula collection time begins in July and ends in September. In nature, they are found in deciduous or mixed forests.


    The boletus grows in birch groves. The diameter of its gray, brown or dark brown hat varies from 5 to 12 cm. Its shape in young mushrooms is spherical, because. fits snugly to the leg, and in adults it resembles a hemisphere. Boletus mushrooms belong to tubular mushrooms and have high taste qualities. The fleshy pulp has a dense structure. Mature mushrooms do not have a rich aroma.

    The white stem, on which there are a large number of brown and black scales, slightly tapers upwards. The first boletus trees appear in May. Collect them until September.

    Milk mushrooms

    It is easy to recognize a breast by its size. The diameter of a yellow, light gray or brown hat is sometimes 25-30 cm. Small scales are present on its surface. The flat-round shape becomes funnel-shaped with age. The edges are slightly bent inward.

    The height of the stem, the color of which corresponds to the color of the cap, varies from 5 to 14 cm. It is hollow, but strong. There are notches on the leg. It is sticky to the touch. It is better to look for a breast in spruce forests or next to aspens. myceliums form mushrooms from early spring to late autumn. As a place of growth, they choose mixed forests. They develop in the forest floor. To see them, you need to pay attention to all the "suspicious" tubercles of foliage.

    This list of common edible mushrooms can be expanded with the following types: kolchak, chimney (grandfather's tobacco), bear ears, raincoat or rain mushroom, bordered galerina, cyanosis, ringed cap (they are sometimes called "Turks"). But they are much less common in Russia, which is why their description is not presented.

    Mushroom picking rules

    By following simple rules, it will be possible to avoid poisoning:

    1. Unknown mushrooms should not be taken, even if they have a pleasant smell and have a velvety skin.
    2. It is advisable for novice mushroom pickers to have a memo with a description and photographs of non-dangerous varieties. This may be a table in which dangerous varieties are also presented.
    3. Also, it would not be superfluous to look at an atlas of mushroom places or Internet services, the task of which is to determine the type of mushroom from a photo.
    4. At first, it is better to go to the forest with people who understand mushrooms. They will help you find mushroom glades and identify varieties, help you understand them and teach you to distinguish edible specimens from harmful ones.
    5. Each mushroom is best tested by breaking it open and looking at the color change.

    To protect themselves from poisoning, people grow certain categories of mushrooms at home. Mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are the most popular cultivated species. Oyster mushrooms, in which the hat is covered with gray skin, are easier to grow.

    If, after eating a mushroom dish, there are signs characteristic of food poisoning, you should immediately seek medical help and save the mushroom dish for laboratory analysis to facilitate the identification of the toxin that caused the poisoning.

  • Hiking in the forest is almost always accompanied by picking wild berries or mushrooms. And if we have already studied, we will now transgress to mushrooms.

    Mushrooms are a very nutritious and healthy food. Almost every culture uses them for cooking. Most edible mushrooms grow in the middle lane - in Russia and Canada.

    This species is of particular value due to its composition: high protein content allows them to replace meat. Unfortunately, the high content of chitin guarantees a more complex and lengthy process of digesting mushrooms.

    What are mushrooms: types, description, photo

    People are accustomed to calling the mushroom directly the stem and cap, which are suitable for food. However, this is only a small part of a huge mycelium, which can be located both in the ground and, for example, in a stump. There are several common edible mushrooms.

    List of inedible mushrooms

    With all its diversity, the world of mushrooms is only half useful to humans. The rest of the species are dangerous. Unfortunately, the types of mushrooms that can cause great harm to humans are not much different from healthy and tasty counterparts. The only way to guarantee your safety is to collect and eat only familiar mushrooms.

    They are classified as dangerous.

    1. The pig is thin. It can harm the kidneys and change the composition of the blood.
    2. Bile mushroom. Similar to white, differs by a black mesh on the base.
    3. Death cap. It is considered the most dangerous of all mushrooms. Most often they are confused with champignons. It differs from the latter by the absence of a skirt and white plates. In edible mushrooms, the plates have a color.
    4. Fly agaric. The most famous of the dangerous mushrooms. There are many subspecies, the classic one has a red speckled hat, there may also be yellow and white hats. There are also edible subspecies, however, experts urge not to eat any of the fly agarics.
    5. Ryadovka. It has several varieties that are equally dangerous to humans.
    6. False honey fungus. Looks like an edible cousin, except for the leg skirt. Dangerous mushrooms do not have it.
    7. Talker. It has a hollow leg and a small hat. Does not have a strong odor.
    8. Fiber. It grows in various forests and gardens, loves beech and linden. In case of poisoning, symptoms will appear within a few hours.

    What is the most important thing for a mushroom picker who goes to the forest for a “quiet hunt”? No, not a basket at all (although it will also be needed), but knowledge, especially regarding which mushrooms are poisonous and which can be safely put in a basket. Without them, a trip for a forest delicacy can smoothly turn into an urgent trip to the hospital. In some cases, it will turn into the last walk in life. To avoid disastrous consequences, we bring to your attention a brief information about dangerous mushrooms, which cannot be cut in any case. Take a closer look at the photos and remember forever how they look. So let's start.

    Among the poisonous mushrooms, the pale grebe occupies the first place in terms of toxicity and the frequency of fatal poisoning. Its poison is resistant to heat treatment, moreover, it has belated symptoms. After tasting mushrooms, the first day you can feel like a completely healthy person, but this effect is deceptive. While precious time is running out to save lives, toxins are already doing their dirty work, destroying the liver and kidneys. From the second day, the symptoms of poisoning are manifested by headache and muscle pain, vomiting, but time has passed. In most cases, death occurs.

    Even just for a moment touching the edible mushrooms in the basket, the poison of the toadstool is instantly absorbed into their hats and legs and turns the harmless gifts of nature into a deadly weapon.

    The toadstool grows in deciduous forests and in appearance (at a young age) slightly resembles champignons or greenfinches, depending on the color of the cap. The cap can be flat with a slight bulge or egg-shaped, with smooth edges and ingrown fibers. The color varies from white to greenish-olive, the plates under the hat are also white. The elongated stem at the base expands and is "shackled" in the remains of a film-bag, which hid a young mushroom under it, and has a white ring on top.

    In a toadstool, when broken, the white flesh does not darken and retains its color.

    Such different fly agarics

    Even children know about the dangerous properties of fly agaric. In all fairy tales, it is described as a deadly ingredient for making a poisonous potion. Everything is so simple: the red-headed mushroom with white spots, as everyone saw it in the illustrations in books, is not at all a single specimen. In addition to it, there are other varieties of fly agaric that differ from each other. Some of them are very edible. For example, Caesar mushroom, egg-shaped and blushing fly agaric. Of course, most species are still inedible. And some are life-threatening and it is strictly forbidden to include them in the diet.

    The name "fly agaric" is made up of two words: "flies" and "pestilence", that is, death. And without explanation, it is clear that the mushroom kills flies, namely its juice, which is released from the hat after sprinkling it with sugar.

    Deadly poisonous species of fly agaric, which pose the greatest danger to humans, include:

    Small but deadly ragged mushroom

    The poisonous mushroom got its name for its peculiar structure: often its cap, the surface of which is covered with silky fibers, is also decorated with longitudinal cracks, and the edges are torn. In the literature, the fungus is better known as fiber and has a modest size. The height of the stem is slightly more than 1 cm, and the diameter of the hat with a protruding tubercle in the center is a maximum of 8 cm, but this does not prevent it from remaining one of the most dangerous.

    The concentration of muscarine in the pulp of the fiber exceeds the red fly agaric, while the effect is noticeable after half an hour, and during the day all the symptoms of poisoning with this toxin disappear.

    Beautiful, but "shitty mushroom"

    This is exactly the case when the title corresponds to the content. It was not for nothing that the people dubbed the mushroom a false valui or a horseradish mushroom with such an indecent word - not only is it poisonous, but also the flesh is bitter, and the smell is simply disgusting and not at all mushroomy. But on the other hand, it is precisely thanks to its “aroma” that it will no longer be possible to ingratiate a mushroom picker under the guise of a russula, to which the valui is very similar.

    The scientific name of the fungus sounds like "glutinous hebeloma."

    False valui grows everywhere, but most often it can be seen at the end of summer on the bright edges of coniferous and deciduous forests, under oak, birch or aspen. The cap of a young mushroom is creamy white, convex, with the edges tucked down. With age, its center bends inward and darkens to a yellow-brown color, while the edges remain light. The skin on the hat is beautiful and smooth, but sticky. The bottom of the cap consists of adherent plates of gray-white color in young valued, and dirty yellow in old specimens. The dense bitter pulp also has a corresponding color. The leg of the false valuation is quite high, about 9 cm. It is wide at the base, then narrows upwards, covered with a white coating similar to flour.

    A characteristic feature of the "horseradish fungus" is the presence of black blotches on the plates.

    Poisonous double of summer mushrooms: sulfur-yellow honey agarics

    Everyone knows that they grow on stumps in friendly flocks, but there is such a “relative” among them, which outwardly practically does not differ from delicious mushrooms, but causes severe poisoning. This is a false sulphur-yellow honey agaric. Poisonous twins live in groups on the remains of tree species almost everywhere, both in forests and in clearings between fields.

    Mushrooms have small caps (maximum 7 cm in diameter) of a gray-yellow color, with a darker, reddish center. The flesh is light, bitter and smells bad. The plates under the cap are firmly attached to the stem; they are dark in the old mushroom. The light leg is long, up to 10 cm, and even, consists of fibers.

    You can distinguish between “good” and “bad” honey mushrooms by the following features:

    • the edible mushroom has scales on the cap and stem, the false honey agaric does not have them;
    • The “good” mushroom is dressed in a skirt on a leg, the “bad” one is not.

    A satanic mushroom disguised as a boletus

    The massive leg and dense pulp of the satanic mushroom make it look like, but eating such a handsome man is fraught with severe poisoning. Satanic pain, as this species is also called, tastes pretty good: neither you smell nor the bitterness characteristic of poisonous mushrooms.

    Some scientists even classify the bolete as a conditionally edible mushroom if it is subjected to prolonged soaking and prolonged heat treatment. But no one can say exactly how many toxins boiled mushrooms of this species contain, so it’s better not to risk your health.

    Outwardly, the satanic mushroom is quite beautiful: a dirty white hat is fleshy, with a spongy yellow bottom, which turns red over time. The shape of the leg is similar to a real edible mushroom, the same massive, in the form of a barrel. Under the cap, the stem becomes thinner and turns yellow, the rest is orange-red. The flesh is very dense, white, pinkish only at the very base of the stem. Young mushrooms smell pleasant, but old specimens emit a disgusting smell of spoiled vegetables.

    You can distinguish satanic pain from edible mushrooms by cutting the pulp: upon contact with air, it first acquires a red tint, and then turns blue.

    Disputes about the edibility of pigs were stopped in the early 90s, when all types of these mushrooms were officially recognized as dangerous to human life and health. Some mushroom pickers to this day continue to collect them for food, but in no case should this be done, since pig toxins can accumulate in the body and symptoms of poisoning do not appear immediately.

    Outwardly, poisonous mushrooms look like milk mushrooms: they are small, with squat legs and a fleshy round cap of a dirty yellow or gray-brown color. The center of the hat is deeply concave inward, the edges are wavy. The fruiting body is yellowish in section, but quickly darkens from the air. Pigs grow in groups in forests and plantings, they especially love wind-blown trees, located among their rhizomes.

    There are more than 30 varieties of pig's ear, as mushrooms are also called. All of them contain lectins and can cause poisoning, but the thin pig is recognized as the most dangerous. The cap of a young poisonous mushroom is smooth, dirty olive, becoming rusty over time. The short leg has the shape of a cylinder. When the mushroom body is broken, a clear smell of rotting wood is heard.

    No less dangerous are such pigs:

    poisonous umbrellas

    Along the roads and roadsides, slender mushrooms grow in abundance on tall, thin stems with flat, wide-open hats resembling an umbrella. They are called umbrellas. The hat, in fact, as the mushroom grows, opens and becomes wider. Most varieties of umbrella mushrooms are edible and very tasty, but there are also poisonous specimens among them.

    The most dangerous and common poisonous mushrooms are such umbrellas:

    Poison rows

    Row mushrooms have many varieties. There are among them both edible and very tasty mushrooms, as well as frankly tasteless and inedible species. And there are also very dangerous poisonous rows. Some of them resemble their "harmless" relatives, which easily mislead inexperienced mushroom pickers. Before heading into the forest, you should look for a person as your partner. He must know all the intricacies of the mushroom business and be able to distinguish “bad” rows from “good” rows.

    The second name of rows is talkers.

    Among the poisonous talkers, one of the most dangerous, capable of causing death, are the following rows:

    Gall mushroom: inedible or poisonous?

    Most scientists classify the gall fungus as inedible, since even forest insects do not dare to taste its bitter flesh. However, another group of researchers is convinced of the toxicity of this fungus. In the case of eating dense pulp, death does not occur. But the toxins contained in it in large quantities cause tremendous harm to internal organs, in particular the liver.

    In the people for a peculiar taste, the mushroom is called mustard.

    The dimensions of the poisonous mushroom are not small: the diameter of the brown-orange cap reaches 10 cm, and the creamy-red leg is very thick, with a darker grid pattern in the upper part.

    The gall fungus is similar to white, but, unlike the latter, it always turns pink when broken.

    Fragile Impatiens Galerina marsh

    In the swampy areas of the forest, in the thickets of moss, you can find small mushrooms on a long thin stem - the marsh galerina. A fragile light yellow leg with a white ring at the top is easy to knock down even with a thin twig. Moreover, the mushroom is poisonous and it is still impossible to eat it. The dark yellow hat of the gallery is also fragile and watery. At a young age, it looks like a bell, but then straightens, leaving only a sharp bulge in the center.

    This is not a complete list of poisonous mushrooms, in addition, there are still a lot of false species that are easy to confuse with edible ones. If you are not sure which mushroom is under your feet - please pass by. It is better to make an extra circle through the forest or return home with an empty purse than to suffer from severe poisoning later. Be careful, take care of your health and the health of your loved ones!

    Video about the most dangerous mushrooms for humans

    2017-07-12 Igor Novitsky

    Those who studied well at school remember that mushrooms are a separate group of living organisms that do not belong to either plants or animals. Although there are a huge variety of mushrooms, in the common man, the term "mushrooms" corresponds almost exclusively to forest mushrooms. Among them there are many edible species that form an important part of the Russian culinary tradition.

    Nutritional value of edible mushrooms

    Mushrooms are not plants or animals, and therefore their taste has nothing to do with plant foods or meat. Edible mushrooms have their own unique taste, which is called "mushroom". In terms of nutritional value, they are rather closer to meat than to plants. Mushrooms are rich in protein, carbohydrates and various trace elements. They also contain special enzymes that promote digestion and better absorption of nutrients.

    If we do not take into account the general taxonomic classification of all mushrooms in general, then there is no unified world classification of edible mushrooms. This is due not only to differences in the culinary traditions of different peoples, but also to the climatic features of individual countries that affect the species composition of mushrooms in a particular region. In addition, the names of edible mushrooms usually combine several separate species with different external characteristics, which also complicates the classification.

    In Russia, they mainly use the Soviet scale of nutritional value for edible mushrooms, according to which all types are divided into four categories:

    1. The first category includes types of edible mushrooms that have the maximum value and rich rich taste. For example, boletus, yellow mushroom, real camelina.
    2. The second category includes slightly less tasty mushrooms with significantly less nutritional value - boletus, boletus, champignons.
    3. The third category includes edible mushrooms of Russia with a mediocre taste and mediocre nutritional value - green flywheel, russula, honey agaric.
    4. The fourth category is mushrooms with minimal nutritional value and dubious taste. This, for example, motley flywheel, raincoat, oyster mushroom.
    • Edible mushrooms. They do not require mandatory heat treatment and are theoretically suitable for consumption even raw without any risk.
    • Conditionally edible mushrooms. This category includes mushrooms that are not suitable for eating raw due to toxins or an unpleasant taste, but are edible after special processing (boiling, soaking, drying, etc.) Also included here are mushrooms that are edible only at a young age, or capable of causing poisoning in combination with other products (for example, dung mushroom should not be consumed with alcohol).
    • Inedible mushrooms. They are completely safe for the human body, but due to bad taste, hard pulp, or for other reasons, they are not of culinary interest. Often in other countries they have a description of edible mushrooms or conditionally edible.
    • Poison mushrooms. This group includes those types of mushrooms from which it is impossible to remove toxins at home, and therefore their consumption is extremely dangerous.

    For Russians, mushrooms are not only a delicious dish, always relevant both on the festive table and on weekdays. Mushroom hunting is also a favorite outdoor activity for many. Unfortunately, most townspeople and even many villagers have forgotten the centuries-old experience of their ancestors and are completely unable to determine which mushrooms are edible and which are not. That is why every year dozens and even hundreds of inexperienced mushroom pickers all over Russia die, poisoned by poisonous mushrooms, mistakenly mistaking them for edible ones.

    It should be noted right away that there are no single universal rules for how to distinguish edible mushrooms from their poisonous counterparts. Each type of mushroom has its own patterns, which are often not applicable to other species. For this reason, you should adhere to the general rules of conduct recommended by experts.

    So, if looking at the fly agaric, you are not quite sure whether the mushroom is edible in front of you, then before you go on a “silent hunt”, listen to the following recommendations:

    • If possible, take an experienced mushroom picker with you to supervise the mushroom picking process. Alternatively, "trophies" can be shown to him for control already upon returning from the forest.
    • Study as carefully as possible one or two (no more!) Types of edible mushrooms most common in your region. Moreover, it is desirable to find out what edible mushrooms look like by seeing them with your own eyes, and not on the monitor screen. Well memorize their differences from all possible twins. Going to the forest, collect only these mushrooms you know and no others.
    • Do not take mushrooms that cause you the slightest doubt about their species.
    • Having found a "family" of mushrooms, look at the largest specimens. Firstly, it is easier to determine the species from them, and secondly, if they are wormy, then the mushrooms are edible. There are no worms in deadly poisonous mushrooms. True, they can easily end up in falsely edible mushrooms of an average level of toxicity.
    • Until you gain experience, collect only tubular mushrooms - porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus. There are very few poisonous mushrooms in this group, which cannot be said about lamellar varieties of edible mushrooms.
    • Never taste raw mushrooms. He will not tell you anything, but if a poisonous mushroom comes across, then you can easily get poisoned.

    The most common edible and non-edible mushrooms

    White mushroom, or boletus, is the best representative of the group of unconditionally edible mushrooms of the first category of nutritional value. Although it has a fairly characteristic appearance, by which it is easy to recognize it, the mushroom has an inedible twin - the gall fungus or mustard. Edible porcini mushrooms can be identified by their thick cylindrical stalk and reddish-brown cap. The flesh of the boletus always remains white, while the gall fungus differs in that at the break, its flesh acquires a pink tint, and the mushroom itself is very bitter.

    Red aspen mushrooms are also very popular edible forest mushrooms among Russians. They have a dense brown-red hat. They are easy to distinguish from other mushrooms by the flesh, which quickly turns blue at the cut point. Despite the name, they can grow not only next to aspens, but also with other deciduous trees (never near conifers). But for safety, it is better to collect such mushrooms only under aspens and poplars. However, the boletus is quite difficult to confuse with other mushrooms, since it does not have false twins.

    Butterfish are very loved and popular in Russia. They are recognizable by their yellow stems, and the cap is covered with a sticky brown skin that can be easily removed with a knife. Under the cap is a characteristic tubular structure. As a rule, when they talk about edible tubular mushrooms, they mean oil. Mature mushrooms are almost always wormy, which is also a good sign.

    Chanterelles have a rather unusual appearance, by which they are easily identified among other edible mushrooms in the forest. However, they have a very similar double, which you identify by a more saturated orange hue (the edible mushroom is lighter), a hollow stem (in a real one it is dense and solid) and white secretions on the broken cap.

    Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms known for their characteristic rich taste. Since in fact several types of mushrooms are called honey mushrooms at once, it is sometimes difficult to give them a single description. For safety, it is recommended to collect only those mushrooms that grow exclusively in roots, on stumps and on fallen trunks. They have caps of ocher color with scales on it and a white ring on the stem. False mushrooms are also several types of mushrooms. Honey mushrooms should be avoided if they grow on the ground, their hat has a yellow or brown-red tint and is devoid of scales. While real honey mushrooms have whitish plates, false mushrooms have olive, dark gray or brownish ones. Also, there is no ringlet on the leg of the false feather.

    Russula - widespread edible mushrooms of the middle zone. This name is used for several species at once, the differences of which from inedible relatives are the presence of an easily removable skin on the caps.

    We have already noted earlier that for safety, a novice mushroom picker should limit himself to a detailed study of one or two edible mushrooms, for which he goes into the forest. But information about edible mushrooms is not all you need to know. You should also familiarize yourself with the description of the main most common poisonous mushrooms, which, for sure, will be encountered during the “silent hunt”.

    Of the one and a half hundred poisonous mushrooms found on the territory of Russia, only a few species are deadly poisonous. The rest cause either food poisoning or lead to disorders of the nervous system. But since this can hardly be considered a mitigating circumstance, every mushroom picker should know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. And this is impossible without a good knowledge of the actually poisonous mushrooms.

    As statistics show, most often Russians are poisoned by pale toadstool. This is one of the most poisonous and at the same time the most common mushrooms in the country. Inexperienced mushroom pickers mistake it for champignons, russula and other edible agaric mushrooms. The toadstool can be recognized by the yellow-brown, dirty green, light olive and often snow-white (young mushrooms) color of the caps. Usually a little darker in the center of the cap and lighter at the edge. On the underside of the cap are white soft plates. There is a ring on the leg.

    False honey agaric can be found on the roots and stumps of trees, which is why beginners confuse it with real honey agaric and other edible mushrooms on trees. The fungus causes food poisoning, and therefore is not as dangerous as the toadstool. It can be distinguished from real mushrooms by color (not brown, but light orange or yellowish) and the absence of a ring on the leg (real mushrooms have it right under the hat).

    Amanitas in our minds are synonymous with poisonous mushrooms. At the same time, an ordinary citizen imagines a typical picture - a large fleshy mushroom with a bright red cap with white specks and a white leg. In fact, only one of more than 600 species of fly agaric looks like this. By the way, the pale grebe formally also refers to the fly agaric. So, in addition to the well-known red fly agaric and grebe, one should also be wary of green fly agaric, smelly fly agaric, panther fly agaric and white fly agaric. Outwardly, some of them are very similar to edible mushrooms in September. The probability of meeting them in the forest is quite high.

    Satanic mushroom is found mainly in the south and in Primorye. It is toxic, although it rarely leads to death. The mushroom is quite large, has an irregularly shaped hat and a massive leg. The leg can have various shades of red. The color of the cap also varies: most often there are mushrooms with a white, dirty gray or olive cap. Sometimes it can look very much like some edible mushrooms in Primorsky Krai, in particular, a boletus.

    The thin pig is a harmful, although not deadly, mushroom. For a long time, experts did not have a consensus on whether the pig is an edible mushroom or not. It was only about 30 years ago that it was finally removed from the list of edibles, as it was proven that it destroys the kidneys and causes food poisoning. It can be recognized by its fleshy, flattened hat with a curved edge. Young individuals are distinguished by an olive color of the hat, older ones are gray-brown or rusty-brown. The stalk is olive or gray-yellow and slightly lighter than the cap, or close to it in color.

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