Interview with a gymnast. The current stars of rhythmic gymnastics. There are no complaints about girls.

Today we talked with one of the coaches of the VFSO Dynamo rhythmic gymnastics team, master of sports Maria Alexandrovna Geiko. Izhmama asked at what age one can practice this sport, why it is necessary to spend a lot of time on training and how to achieve success.

  • Maria Alexandrovna, why did you decide to do rhythmic gymnastics?
My mother took me to gymnastics. She chose this sport, as gymnasts become graceful, stately and flexible from an early age.
  • What difficulties did you face?
The main difficulty is to overcome yourself, especially when mother laziness comes or classmates invite you to take a walk, and you have training. Often I had to refuse various children's events, trips with my parents, but you don’t suffer much from this when you have a goal and you want to achieve something.
  • At what age can you start rhythmic gymnastics? Do they take boys? Until what age can you play this sport?
Rhythmic gymnastics is considered a children's sport. We recruit children from 3.5 years old, very rarely we take a child from 6 years old. This sport is the only sport in the world where there are no boys. The exception is Japan, where boys also do rhythmic gymnastics. As a rule, girls-artists finish their studies at the age of 17-18. Of course, there are exceptions when athletes stay for a longer period, but this rarely happens. This trend is ubiquitous and currently the specialists of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation committee are doing everything possible to encourage girls to stay in the sport longer.
  • What disciplines are taught in rhythmic gymnastics?
Rhythmic gymnastics includes 5 disciplines: rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon.
  • How much time is spent on classes? How to combine sports with school?
The older the athlete, the more training in his schedule. The youngest train for 1-2 hours several times a week, older children attend training 4-5 times a week, the oldest girls, performing under the program of candidates for master of sports and master of sports, train almost every day for 4-5 hours. All children who attend our section perfectly combine sports with study. Training takes place according to the schedule, which depends on the shift at the school. Our coaches try to encourage children to do well in school. Sometimes it happens that a child's performance in school decreases. In this case, he is removed from trips to competitions, which stimulates him to correct the situation at school.
  • Is rhythmic gymnastics expensive (on average) for parents?
Our classes cost 2,000 rubles. per month. In addition to the training process, there are expenses for sports equipment (5 types of rhythmic gymnastics from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles for each, depending on the manufacturer), as well as swimsuits for performances - it is enough for kids to have one swimsuit worth 5,000-10,000 rubles ., adults are already sewing 2-3 swimsuits (for each type) worth 7,000-15,000 rubles. Not to do, of course, and without the cost of visiting competitions.
  • Why is it worth choosing rhythmic gymnastics from all sports sections in Izhevsk?
For girls, rhythmic gymnastics is a wonderful sport, because it instills beauty and grace from an early age. Plasticity, femininity, flexibility - this is exactly what a real lady should have. The skills acquired in this sport help a lot in life. Of course, like any sport, gymnastics builds character, and a child from childhood knows how to set goals and strives to achieve them.
  • What accomplishments do your students already have?
Our school has brought up about 10 masters of sports, more than 30 candidates for master of sports, a large number of children receive sports categories every year. There are also winners of various all-Russian tournaments, participants in international tournaments. The national team of the Udmurt Republic includes about 10 pupils of our school.
  • What qualities should a rhythmic gymnast have?
I will list the most basic: patience, perseverance, the ability to overcome oneself, the absence of even a hint of laziness, the ability to combine sports with study. My pupils came up with the following motto for themselves: “My motto is four words: I am an athlete - this is cool!” :).
  • What advice would you give to aspiring gymnasts?
I would like to advise beginner gymnasts in the early stages of their sports career to obey their coaches, act up only outside the gym, and also make as much effort as possible in training.

The second part of the interview with the champion of Russia, now a coach at the Rhythmic Academy of Los Angeles, Elina Tregubova, is on air on Sport FM radio. .

  • 1 part
  • part 2
  • part 3
  • Yes, we take everyone. The child grows and changes. It happens that a plump girl, starting to exercise, regularly getting physical activity and exercising, after a year and a half loses her plumpness, becomes athletic, graceful, graceful and "turns from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan." We look at the data: plasticity, flexibility, softness of bones and joints - this is very important.

    Can this be developed or should there be inclinations from the very beginning?

    Of course, the makings, abilities should be there from the very beginning. Perhaps the girl will not be super flexible at first, but flexibility in the back, elasticity of the muscles should be present.

    You know, in terms of children, I would not call it a diet, but a healthy diet. My mother is a cardiologist. She taught me from childhood to a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, tried to get rid of fast food and other unnecessary things. Therefore, I believe that teaching a child to eat healthy in childhood is the key to his health in the future. There are huge loads in rhythmic gymnastics, you need to remember that children grow up, so nutrition must be complete, balanced and correct. I think your trainer will tell you.

    Is sweet allowed?

    In small quantities.

    And you, to be honest, were fond of? Hiding under your pillow?

    I was very fond of sweets, but I had to sacrifice something. When you want to be in the Russian national team, when you want to represent your country at world championships, you have to keep a strict diet, you have to deny yourself sweets.

    Certainly. The girls of the Russian national team are very thin, quite tall, somewhere around 170-175 cm with a weight of 50-53 kg. I'm talking about adult girls from 16 years old.

    And at what age does an athlete understand that she will get into the national team or vice versa - she won’t get into it? When is this most critical period?

    At 12-13 years old, the child understands whether he will get into the junior team. If you get into the junior team, you already go to international competitions, you already have prospects to get into the adult team.

    What should a girl at this age do or not do to know if she hits or not?

    There are a lot of domestic competitions in Russia, you definitely need to take part in them. First you perform in your city - you win, then in the region, and so on. We have many great clubs: CSKA, Dynamo, Spartak. If a girl wins there, and she is selected for the Russian Championship for juniors, she goes to these competitions from her club or from her district, this is a big chance. A real selection is already taking place there, because the best coaches from the Russian national teams come there, watch, select girls who take first places. Then these girls are invited to the training camp in Novogorsk - this is the Olympic center where the Russian national team trains.

    Yes, we all know Novogorsk. You are super lucky, because your mother guided you, she knew by herself what rhythmic gymnastics is. And what should parents do if their daughter did not succeed, did not pass the selection, did not take her to any particular school. Give up, forget or move on?

    If you have already begun to understand this sport, and your coach says that you have a chance, and your child wants to play, and she has a natural talent for this, I believe that there is no need to stop. Success will come. Not this year, but next. Purposefulness, the will to win, healthy stubbornness - the key to the success of your child. Rhythmic gymnastics, like our life itself, is unpredictable. Anything can happen: girls can get injured, gain weight, get out of shape.

    And is there such a thing? Are girls getting fat?


    Does it have to do with puberty?

    This is due to both transitional age and trauma. As soon as a gymnast gets any kind of injury, she cannot train at full strength. This is a huge amount of stress, plus no training, no exercise, which can lead to weight gain.

    Of course, rhythmic gymnastics is not for everyone, and, as in any sport (with rare exceptions), injuries are possible here. You need to look at the bones, how soft the muscles are. If the child is “hard”, then you can pull something, tear the ligament. You have to be very careful. And so, you have to try.

    When I came to gymnastics, they told me that I had no data. But my mother believed in me, saw my potential. And when I got to a good coach, all the data appeared immediately. A lot depends on the coach.

    Parents, choose your coach well. Are there any physical limitations, such as flat feet? Or is it not a barrier?

    I know a lot of gymnasts who train with flat feet. Of course, this is not very good, but I cannot say that this is an obstacle for rhythmic gymnastics. You just need to take care of your health. If a child has pain in the ankle, knees, back - it may be age-related, it may have torn something, you must tell the coach, and the coach should already regulate the load. In this regard, the coach must be very careful.

    My grandmother brought me at the age of 6, she just decided to try it. After we failed at the dance, she decided to try gymnastics. When the question arose of choosing between gymnastics and dancing, I chose gymnastics. I liked it better there, a beautiful large hall, light, a carpet, everything was beautiful, and there was some kind of closet where we were all together in a heap. You can immediately see the gymnasts, they are tall, even if not tall, they are always toned, beautiful, gait, even the legs look different when you do gymnastics, smooth, beautiful muscles, and the posture is good, flexibility. I would advise.

    How traumatic is rhythmic gymnastics? Honestly

    This is a traumatic sport, but not as much as the same gymnastics or figure skating. Here you can't kill yourself or crash very hard. Gymnasts have injuries: knees, ankles “fly” ...

    What does it mean "fly" knees?

    This is a knee injury. It depends on the ligaments, on the loads, on the weight. If the coach, gymnastics and parents work together, monitor the child, his health, the coach gives the right load, the gymnast warms up correctly, then there will be no injuries.

    It turns out that everything you listed helps to protect yourself from injuries.

    It all depends on what kind of warm-up the gymnast performs, how she kneads her body, each muscle. If the gymnast approaches wisely, if the coach explained to her, and she understands that this is her health, her future in this sport, then there should be no injuries.

    To be continued…

Speech by the two-time vice-champion of the 2012 Olympics in artistic gymnastics Victoria Komova has already become one of the main subjects of the European Games in Baku. Komova did not perform for three years, consistently struggling with illness and injury. For this sport, this is almost a sentence, they do not return from there. . The special correspondent of the “Championship” came specially to honor the gymnasts at the “Baku-2015” Fan House to talk with the 20-year-old gymnast not on the run in the gym, but in a calm atmosphere.

“In Baku, I showed a sketch that needs to be colored”

- Victoria, I confess: I did not recognize you in Baku. You have changed a lot in three years. And that's a compliment.
- Thank you, there really are changes. First, I gained height and weight. Now I'm not the smallest in the team, it's not quite usual. But on the inside, I have changed a lot. It happened gradually, all these three years. A very difficult three years for me.

I was told that many, including members of your family, after all these misfortunes, persuaded you to finish and not suffer anymore, right?
- It was quite the opposite! In moments of weakness, I wanted to finish it, and my mother persuaded me to be patient. The dialogues were in the spirit: "I'm tired of everything, I'll study and go to work, stop torturing yourself!" - “Think, you have devoted so many years to one thing, and now you have to start from scratch in another. It will be much harder than continuing to train.” My family would have supported me anyway, but I realized that my mother was right.

- What place will the Baku-2015 medal take in your collection?
- I will remember it as the first medal after my return.

- Can performance at the European Games be called this big word?
- This is the return. I didn't really compete for three years. . But I showed everyone that she is still an active gymnast, she is training and preparing to regain her position. This is the main thing now.

What didn't work, can you tell?
- Speaking figuratively, in Baku I showed a sketch of what I would like. Now you need to carefully paint it with bright colors.

Doctors said that you can forget about sports - however, they didn’t tell me, they hid it. And, thank God, I didn’t really imagine what a serious diagnosis I was given.

- You can ask about the "artist" - who is he now?
- My coach is Elfimov Gennady Borisovich. Our joint work suits me completely. Compared to others, he is ... more native, or something. We already know each other by heart, since my childhood. Even when we fought and parted, without him everything was not the same and not so.

- So I wanted to ask about this: did you seem to leave him?
- There was such a period, yes. I needed it. Understand myself, understand what I need. I reasoned like this: something went wrong with us, I'll try it myself. No, it's even worse. And at some point it became clear to me that I was mistaken, I should work with Elfimov. We have been together again since March, after the end of the national championship. Feeling as if I had returned home from a trip and became much calmer in my soul.

“I just finally wanted to go to the competition!”

- Was there a moment in these three years when you completely despaired and gave up?
It must be meningitis. . We still do not understand where and how I caught this infection. There were three days left before the selection for the 2013 World Championships, I felt great, completely ready. Somehow I came from an evening workout, and by the night I had a terrible headache. I did not sleep all night, and the next day I was taken to the hospital, where I had to lie down for the next two months. Doctors said that you can forget about sports - however, they didn’t tell me, they hid it. And, thank God, I didn’t really imagine what a serious diagnosis I was given.

- The most difficult thing after such an illness is to resume the previous level of stress.
- I was told that three months after discharge, you should not even approach the hall. Of course, I didn’t really listen, I tried to start training early. But as soon as the load was increased, the head began to hurt again. This went on for about a month, then it started to let go.

Didn't you risk going directly to the European Games? Maybe it was worth starting with Russian competitions, where there is almost no audience and there is less pressure?
- Honestly: I just wanted to finally go to the competition! Best of all - abroad. So that there is adrenaline, when you approach the projectile, everyone clap, chant, wave flags. This is such a drive, I missed him so much! And in Baku I got all this in full. It was exactly what I need now.

You returned to the Russian national team, from where you left as a schoolgirl. Perhaps it is unusual to change the role of the smallest and the youngest?
- There is little. I look at Seda Tutkhalyan and understand that she herself was like this quite recently. I try to support and help her everywhere. Almost like a mom. But it's not just the age, it's the fact that I've really matured.

- What does it mean?
- Dialogue with coaches is built differently. Before, it was like: “Vika, you need to do this and that.” I nodded and did. And now I try to think with my head whether I need it. If I understand that it is not, I say so. The search for a common solution begins. Coaches also understand that I am no longer a little girl, as before. Advise about loads, talk about plans. It's important for me. Like before, I couldn't.

“I don’t plan not to qualify for Rio”

- How now, from a height, so to speak, of the years you have lived, do you evaluate your silver in the all-around in London?
- Then I was dissatisfied. I gnawed at myself, thought a lot where I made a mistake. Three years later, it seems to me that this is a good result, we should be proud of it.

- . It was too early to let you go to London, they say.
- Yes, how early, I was already 17 and a half years old! This is some kind of stupidity. If not at that age to debut at the Olympics, then when? This is gymnastics, there are other approaches to age.

Dialogue with coaches is built differently. Before, it was like: “Vika, you need to do this and that.” I nodded and did. And now I try to think with my head whether I need it. If I understand that it is not, I say so.

- And what's the matter then, where does this series of failures in the body come from?
- Now I think, maybe I shouldn't have had a good rest after London. Almost immediately on the field of the Olympics, we were taken to a recovery camp in Spain, and two weeks later we resumed training. Plus, the maturation of the body began in full swing, and without almost no rest they continued to “load”. I do not know, it is unlikely that someone will give you an exact answer to this question.

- Do you feel completely healthy right now?
- Absolutely. Something hurts, but within reason - like all gymnasts.

If it happens that you fail to return to your level and do not break into the Olympic team, will it be a tragedy for you? Or are you philosophical?
- I don't plan not to qualify for Rio. By the way, I didn’t even think about this option somehow - you are the first to name it. No, no, it's out of the question. I have a specific purpose for which I returned.

- Four years ago it was easier for you than now?
Well, I was a different person then. In every sense of the word. Smaller in height, lighter in weight, simpler in head. Now it's harder. But this is only the beginning. I think the coach and I will be able to return to the results of London.

Gymnast Katya Galkina tells W Story about her path to the Olympics, sleepless nights and work for pleasure.

How did your path to the Olympics begin?

It all started in early childhood. I was a mobile, restless child. My parents loved to follow sports events, and I connected with them to watch various competitions: I liked artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming and figure skating. Somehow we ended up at the school of Olympic reserves, and the first thing we saw there was the gymnastics hall. We learned at the watch how to get there. I clearly remember this path: we went downstairs, turned right, saw a long corridor and resolutely went forward ... That's how I ended up in the rhythmic gymnastics hall.

Rhythmic gymnastics is an art in which one cannot work without emotions.

There was no desire to change discipline or quit?

Change - never, but quit - sometimes it happened. What does not happen in a transitional age! Sometimes I didn’t want to train at all, I couldn’t overcome my laziness. But I still won it! Looking back, I can’t imagine how I managed to perform well at the same time.

How are you prepared for such serious performances as the Olympics?

In our sport it is wrong to work for the result. Rhythmic gymnastics is an art in which one cannot work without emotions. You need to love your job, you should like it, you tell the viewer a little story, you live a little life. The result, of course, is also important, but, in my experience, working solely for the result, nothing worked out for me. It is necessary to work out all the movements, go out and do everything for pleasure! Then the result will come!

Is it true that sport is the best school of life?

The first thing sport teaches is discipline! I don’t want to, I can’t, but there is the word “must” - this has always moved me. What I have learned in sports is a great school of life. I'm not afraid of anything anymore. Turn on willpower - and go!

What did you experience when you realized that you were still flying to the Olympics in Rio?

It was a long and difficult journey. The license for the Olympiad was obtained at the World Championship, and it was very difficult for me there. I can't imagine how I survived all this, because literally one small mistake threatened with the absence of a license. I gathered all my will into a fist, made 4 performances and left! Against all odds, I still ended up at the Olympics. Then the Olympics, the final - and I have 6th place! The main thing is not to think that something might not work out, all thoughts aside, you go out and do your job. The most incredible day is the day before the Olympics: you understand that tomorrow will happen what you have been preparing for all your life!

How do you prepare your performances?

It all starts with the selection of music, it takes a lot of time. Although sometimes the choice may fall on a random track that you heard on the radio in a taxi, and you understand that it is yours! The staging of the performance is built on a certain basis, consisting of technique and skill, work with objects and ... risks. Costumes are sewn for us by our seamstresses who listen to music and make sketches.

The main thing is not to think that something might not work out, all thoughts aside, you go out and do your job.

How do you prefer to rest in between workouts?

I really like to go to SPA, swimming pool or massage. I try to meet more often with friends not from the world of gymnastics, just to go to the movies and chat.

You are in great physical shape. Are you on a special diet?

I will reveal a terrible secret: it is not so at all! Imagine my regime with constant training, flights and transfers between hotels. I lived almost all summer on suitcases! Therefore, I confess, very often I eat far wrong. Of course, you need to adhere to a certain nutrition system, I try to eat often during the day, but in small portions.

Is there any time left for personal life between all these moves?

Honestly, before the Olympics, there were big questions with this, now, of course, it’s already easier, I have the strength and time to date. (Laughs)

Have you ever wondered what you would be doing if it weren't for rhythmic gymnastics?

I really love what I do. Rhythmic gymnastics opened the whole world for me, taught me how to live. I think my life would somehow be connected with sports.

Moreit's too early to talk about the end of your career, but are there any plans for the future?

I really like everything related to fashion, and it would be interesting to work as a stylist. I like to collect various compositions, choose an image, invent a hairstyle and experiment with makeup. I think I can do it! I am sure that everything in life can be achieved, the main thing is to show a little perseverance!

Gymnast Katya Galkina tells W Story about her way to the Olympics, her sleepless nights and working with pleasure.

How did your way to the Olympics start?

Everything started in early childhood. I was an active restless child. My parents liked to keep up with sports events and I joined them in watching various competitions: I liked artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming and figure skating. One day we found ourselves in the School of Olympic Reserve and a gymnastics gym was the first thing we saw. We asked at the reception how to get there. I remember the way clearly: we went downstairs, turned right, saw a long corridor and moved forward with determination…That’s how I appeared in the rhythmic gymnastics gym.

Have you had a desire to change your discipline or quit?

To change - never, but to quit - sometimes yes. As it is often the case at an awkward age! There were times when I really didn't want to train, I couldn't overcome my laziness. But I did it after all! Looking back, I can't see how I managed to perform well.

How are you trained for such serious performances as the Olympics?

It's wrong to work for the result in our kind of sport. Rhythmic gymnastics is an art where you can't work without emotions. You need to love what you do, you should like it; you tell a short story to a spectator, you live through a short life. Surely, the result is of importance, but from personal experience, with result-oriented work I couldn’t achieve anything. You need to work through all the movements, go and do everything with pleasure! Only then you'll see the result!

Rhythmic gymnastics is an art where you can't work without emotions.

Is it true that sport is the best school of life?

Discipline is the first thing that sport teaches! ‘Don’t want-to’, ‘can’t-do’, but there is ‘must-do’ - I have always been driven by it. Everything I've learned through sport is a big school of life. Nothing scares me anymore. Use your willpower and on you go!

What did you feel when you found out you would go to the Olympics to Rio?

It was a long and hard way. I got the Olympics qualification at the World Cup, and I didn't have an easy time there. I don’t even know how I stood all this as even one small mistake could have resulted in the absence of qualification. I pulled myself together, made 4 performances and left! Countering everyone, I've finally got to the Olympic Games. Then the Olympiad itself and the 6th place! The key thing is not to think that something may go wrong. Put all your thoughts aside, go and do your job. The most incredible day is the day before the Olympics: you realize that what will happen tomorrow is what you have been preparing all these years for!

How do you prepare your routines for performances?

Everything starts with choosing music, it takes much time. Though sometimes a random track may be chosen, for example, the one you’ve heard on the radio in a taxi and you know it is! A performance is built on a particular basis, consisting of technology and skills, apparatus manipulation and … risks. Our costumes are made by our seamstresses who sketch while listening to music.

The key thing is not to think that something may go wrong. Put all your thoughts aside, go and do your job.

How do you prefer to relax between trainings?

I love SPA visiting, a swimming pool or a massage. I try to meet my ‘non-gymnastics’ friends regularly, go to the cinema and chat.

You're in a good shape. Do you stick to any special diet?

I must confess: you've got it all wrong! Imagine my schedule with constant training, flying and moving from one hotel to another. I practically lived out of suitcase all the summer! I must admit, I am far from healthy eating. You surely need to stick to a particular diet. During the day I try to eat frequently but in small portions.

Do you still have time for your personal life between all these trips?

Frankly speaking, I had problems with it before going to the Olympics. But it's easier now. I have time and a possibility for dating. (Laughs)

Have you ever thought what you would do if you weren't in rhythmic gymnastics?

I love what I do. Rhythmic gymnastics opened the whole world for me; it taught me the essence of life. I think my life would have been connected with sport anyway.

I am sure that everything in life can be achieved, the main thing is to show a little perseverance!

It's too early to talk about the end of your career but nevertheless, do you have plans for the future?

I like everything that is connected with fashion and it would be interesting for me to try working as a stylist. I like to create different compositions, choose an outfit, think of a hair-do and experiment with the make-up. I think I will succeed! I'm sure that it's possible to achieve a success in everything; you only need to persevere a little!

Interview: Alexandra Ivanova

Photo: Nastia Deilik

Style: Liza Logvina

MUAH Natalia Solodovnikova

Location: Smart studio

Of course, one of the most beautiful and feminine sports is rhythmic gymnastics. But behind the graceful lightness, brightness and beauty is a colossal work. I met with Natalya Zyatkova, a rhythmic gymnastics coach in Feodosia, to find out how to raise a future Olympic champion from a girl? Meet Natalya Zyatkova, rhythmic gymnastics coach of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "RSTC Crimea Sport".

KAFABELLA: Natalya, the Spring Waltz 2016 tournament has not yet finished, and you are already preparing for the championship.

Natalya Zyatkova: Yes, that's right. We showed very good results at the Spring Waltz tournament and are in very good positions. Now we are preparing for the Crimean Graces championship in Simferopol, after which we are going to assign ranks to Anapa.

KB: How many girls will go from Feodosiya?

NZ: From Feodosiya in Simferopol 25 girls will participate. These are girls born in 2005 - 2011. Girls born in 2005 and 2008 will go to Anapa. These athletes are already performing a rather complex program - without an object and at least three types: a rope, a hoop, a ball.

This is how you become a champion

Have you managed to raise champions yet?

NZ: We are working in this direction! We are still young and we have something to strive for. The organization "Crimea - sport" is only a year old, and we, of course, are developing.

KB: Please tell us what changes have taken place with the annexation of Crimea to Russia in the rhythmic gymnastics section.

NZ: Krym-sport is a great support for our children, and the children train for free. It's just amazing and a huge plus! They help us with trips, pay for travel, accommodation. Our leadership in Simferopol - Fridrikov Valery Evgenievich is trying very hard and developing our sport.

We listen carefully!

I am the mother of a growing girl and I would like her to become a gymnast. I myself was involved in this sport. Tell us what are the requirements for girls today.

NZ: Now, according to federal standards, girls from the age of 6 are accepted into the rhythmic gymnastics section. The child should be thin, textured, with good flexibility, stretching, soft muscle.

KB: Up to 6 years what to do? 6 years old is already the age for sports.

NZ: We recommend dancing so that the child develops physically. As a rule, in Feodosia it is impossible to find sports sections where small children are accepted, so only dancing remains. I think that in any dance the child will be accepted.

You said that now there are very strict requirements, especially with regard to the weight of an athlete.

NZ: Now yes. Look at the federal standards, everything is written there in great detail both at the expense of age, and at the expense of training, and everything else.

KB: What can these little girls eat?

NZ: No one says that you need to sit on strict diets. Our children are absolutely fine. As a rule, everything harmful is excluded. In the afternoon, gymnasts eat only protein.

Sweets are not allowed, of course.

NZ: No one forbids completely excluding sweets. One piece of dark chocolate never hurts. But this, again, is the first half of the day.

KB: No semolina?

NZ: Semolina is a useless product and in the morning it is better to eat complex carbohydrates in the form of oatmeal with fruit.

The perfect champion breakfast!

Natalia, at the age of 6 I already went to a children's sports camp. Let's go to all "Dynamo" from young to old. Is this system currently in operation?

NZ: Now we have a lot of training camps - world champions, European champions. I don’t know about other organizations on mainland Russia, but we don’t send children to sports camps.

KB: What do you need to do to become an Olympic champion?

NZ: Work! Olympic champions live from morning to night in the gym. They have nothing but gymnastics.

KB: And what about the lessons?

NZ: We do not yet have such great masters who claim at least a place in the national team, so everything is fine with our lessons so far!

Will we have our own Crimean Kabaeva?

NZ: In order to educate champions, you need to apply a lot of innovations and technologies that are now available. In order for us to have all this, we need financial investments, which we do not have. Thank you, "Crimea - sport", thanks to which trainings have become free and accessible to parents.

KB: Does our hall meet the standards?

NZ: I would like the ceiling to be higher. Girls came to the competitions - masters of sports, they really lacked the height of the ceiling. Also, we want to hold group competitions so that 5 people perform on one site, and for this we need a ceiling of at least 10 meters.

KB: There are improvements, but we still have something to strive for, as I understand it.

NZ: Yes. Previously, parents, for example, went to competitions at their own expense. Not today. Management is definitely helpful.

Natalia, tell me, can women from Feodosia become champions?

NZ: We have very good children. There are simply selected children who almost always bring medals from all competitions.

KB: What cities of Crimea can you single out?

NZ: Strong gymnasts in Simferopol, Evpatoria. I want to say that every team has very strong gymnasts.

KB: What is your favorite subject?

NZ: Rope and clubs!

KB: Natalia, what would you wish the parents of future champions and girls who still have everything ahead of them, both victories and disappointments.

NZ: Patience and work, work and work again!


Photo Anatoly Shchelkanov,

Photo by Inessa Pecherskikh

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