Irina Pegova changed her image and lost a lot of weight. She revealed the secret of losing weight to fans. Personal life of actress Irina Pegova: husband, children photo biography Current husband of Irina Pegova actress

Irina Sergeevna Pegova — Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in the small town of Vyksa on June 18, 1978. Mom Vera Alexandrovna worked at a metallurgical plant. The girl's father, Sergei Zakharovich Pegov, worked as a physical education teacher and trainer, and was a famous athlete. As a child, dad actively instilled in his daughters a love for a sports lifestyle. Therefore, Ira was engaged in skiing, athletics, swimming, figure skating, equestrian sports and fencing for a long time.

Once Irina entered the contest "I want to become a star." She then successfully performed and thought about the career of a singer. Then she entered a music studio and tried to write her own songs.

In 1995, Ira graduated from high school, and then decided to continue her vocal lessons and enter some theater university. Parents were against it, so the future artist had to make concessions. So Irina Pegova first entered the Polytechnic Institute, and then the theater school.

Later, Pegova was admitted to the directing department, to the course of Pyotr Fomenko.


In 2001, Irina joined the troupe of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop. She played several performances - Anfisa Tikhonovna in "Sheep and Wolves", Sonya and Lisa in "War and Peace", the image of Pelageya Pritykina in "Barbarians", the role of Irma in the play "Mad of Chaillot". So the actress worked with Fomenko until 2006.

In 2004, the girl collaborated with the Oleg Tabakov Theater Studio, in which she played Sonya in the play Uncle Vanya.

Until now, the actress has been collaborating with the Studio Theater and has played in many performances, such as: Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro, The Story of Happy Moscow, Wife, Uncle Vanya.


She first got a role in the film "Spartak and Kalashnikov" in 2002. Later, she played the beautiful Olga in the film "Walk". This film brought the actress great popularity and fame. She also received the Golden Eagle and was awarded the prize of the Window to Europe festival.

In the filmography of Irina there are many interesting works. The most significant are "Space as a premonition", "Passenger", "Varenka", "Vanka the Terrible".

Today, Irina Pegova is quite in demand, a large number of interesting paintings with her participation have been released. The audience was able to see the actress in such films: “Seven main desires”, “Lonely hearts”, “What girls are silent about”, “Country of good kids”. The woman also played the role of Masha Pirogova in the famous television series Masha in Law.

Personal life

The personal life of the actress is full of rumors and events. At the film festival in Warsaw, Irina met actor Dmitry Orlov, where the man presented the film Sky. Airplane. Girl ", and Pegova Ira - the picture" Walk ". On September 8, 2005, people in love got married.

Later, Irina gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Tatyana, and her mother did an excellent job with her family responsibilities. But after 7 years of marriage, the couple divorced. Dmitry said that his ex-wife had changed a lot, she put her career in the first place, so the man could not stand it and divorced.

Actress Irina Pegova with her husband and daughter

Today, the Actress devotes more time to her appearance and devotes a lot of time to her daughter. She claims that loneliness did her good.

Irina Pegova is a Russian actress, about whom I have wanted to write an article for a very long time. The fact is that this talented young lady is very attractive to me, not only is she amazingly beautiful, successful in her profession, she is also very cheerful, groovy, the energy from her is in full swing. For the first time I saw Irina Pegova in Alexei Uchitel's film "Walk". After all, we are accustomed to the stereotype that the main character must be very slender, if she has a wasp waist and a flexible waist, we recklessly believe that any man can lose his head once and for all, barely seeing her. But here Irina Pegova does not fit into these parameters: short, round-faced and the waist is barely noticeable, but despite all this, how beautiful she is, how natural and harmonious. And here a certain upheaval of consciousness takes place: it turns out that it is not necessary to be a reed in order to be admired. But Irina Pegova has a beautiful face! Huge eyes, framed by long fluffy eyelashes, dimples on the cheeks. Such women have always attracted a huge number of men, and we have already forgotten that not everyone needs Instagram girls with iPhones. Further, I saw Irina Pegova in many films and TV shows, I won’t say that I was specifically waiting for the release of her film projects, so, accidentally clicking on the TV, I stumbled upon this magnificent actress, and as soon as I saw her, I didn’t switch the channel. When Irina Pegova is in the frame, I want to admire her, unravel the secret of her female charms!

And Irina Pegova was born in the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod Region, that is, she is a Vyksa or a Vyksa woman, it sounds funny.

Irina has an older sister, outwardly she even looks like her in some way.

From childhood, it was clear that an artist would grow out of Irina, for example, the girl’s favorite game was to dress up as Alla Pugacheva, walk around the house in this way and sing songs. Irina Pegova wanted to become a singer, but her mother tried to dissuade her from this idea. She wanted her daughter to get a more prosaic profession, so Irochka had to secretly take her documents from her relatives to the Gorky Theater School in the drama department. Mom resigned herself to the choice of her daughter, and Irina was all blooming with happiness - since she ended up in her own environment, but she studied at the school for only two years, and then decided to aim higher, and therefore stole her documents from the filing cabinet. Luckily, it wasn't hard for her to do so. The fact is that Irina worked part-time as a cleaner at the school, like that with a mop whack-whack, she saw that there was no one in the office she needed, she went in and stole the documents. Why couldn't you just pick it up? I was afraid that if they did not take me to GITIS, then it would be a shame to return back. And so, just come and put the documents in place. And as if there was nothing. But in GITIS they were waiting for her with open arms, who would doubt it. She was going to enter the course to the master Pyotr Fomenko, who had already seen her briefly on the stage of Nizhny Novgorod. Irina then asked the master - how he supposedly liked her game and whether she should develop in this direction. Fomenko said only one word, but it was more than capacious: "Dare."

At 25, Irina Pegova married actor Dmitry Orlov, he was 7 years older than her. This marriage lasted eight years, this marriage looked happy, Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov gave interviews in which they admired each other. But suddenly the marriage gave a huge crack, it turned out that for three years the spouses could hardly stand each other. The fact is that Dmitry Orlov is a typical house builder, and it is very important for him that his wife does not contradict, looks into his mouth and does everything to please her master. Irina Pegova really wanted a family, a husband, children, so for five years she held back her real self, perhaps she played another role, but when she realized that she had become too accustomed to the image of a submissive Russian woman, she rebelled and showed her true disguise to her missus, so Dmitry Orlov understood that Irina Pegova has her own personal opinion, that she is an integral person and no longer intends to obey him. In general, Irina Pegova decided to spread her wings, and therefore, after the divorce, she did not feel unhappy and offended.

But Dmitry Orlov handed out interviews left and right, in which he told how hard it was for him in marriage with Irina Pegova, what a bad woman she turned out to be, how she suppressed him, did not praise and did not regret. Literally sucked all the juice out of him. But Irina Pegova was able to be an exemplary wife for five years, by the way, she endured her husband's libations, his quick temper and tyranny.

In the marriage of Dmitry Orlov and Irina Pegova, a daughter, Tatyana, was born, the girl is surprisingly similar to her mother, and when she grows up, she will become a copy in general.

Irina Pegova and her daughter Tatyana.

Take a look at these two photos, Irina Pegova is surprisingly bangs, with her she looks like the Arntgolts sisters.

But in this photo you see Irina Pegova with a short haircut, in addition, the actress's hair is dyed in some not entirely successful color.

Irina Pegovapatronymic Sergeevna - an actress with whom many domestic films appear on the screens of Russian television. It's nice to watch the quality play of your favorite stars, success, career growth. The family life of celebrities does not remain in the shadows. A young, ambitious actress Pegova Irina Sergeevna got into the field of attention. About personal life, career, filmography, future plans for work, we offer to learn firsthand.

Pegova Irina Sergeevna: personal life at gunpoint

The actress often gives interviews, talking in detail about life. Ira does not hide anything: neither height, nor weight, nor age. A girl was born in the summer of 1979. It seems that the stars predetermined the fate of the future celebrity: born under the sign of the zodiac Gemini, Pegova almost perfectly matches the astrological characteristics. From childhood, she actively searched for herself, went in for various sports, tried to develop herself comprehensively. Huge efforts in education were made by parents. They cherished the hope that their daughter would follow in their footsteps: she would achieve great success in sports. Former athletes did not understand their daughter's throwing, but they supported, tried to help find the direction where Irochka would fully reveal her innate potential. Today, the actress has something to remember from an active childhood, she will give odds to many in winter sports (the girl went in for skiing, figure skating), she will demonstrate a couple of lunges in fencing, she will swim the river on a dare. Track and field athletics helped in childhood and youth to keep the body in shape. It can be seen with the naked eye that Ira has a feminine figure, there is a tendency to be overweight.

For the purpose of comprehensive development, the parents decided to enroll Irina in a music school. Unexpectedly, this occupation came to the fore. The girl enjoyed singing and playing the piano. The decisive role was played by participation in the contest "I want to become a star." Successful performance, recognition of the audience, the thrill of the performance gave rise to the dream of becoming a singer. She worked hard, went in the chosen direction. The scene was already before the eyes of the young talent, parents intervened in the development of the situation. By the time she graduated from school, Ira had been fruitfully engaged in a musical group for several years. Basically, the girls sang songs that were not their own, translating the words, or making a cover of famous musical compositions. The studio even had tours to other cities, they managed to record an album in a professional studio. Then the girl understood the need to work on her voice, speech, acting, choreography. The quintessence of all directions was a theater university. Parents begged their daughter to get a normal education, to graduate from the Polytechnic Institute, then to enter the theater school. Persistent, purposeful Ira did not give up her dream, she went to a meeting. Received an education, went headlong into creative work.

fatal meeting

For many actresses, at the beginning of their career, a fatal meeting becomes an acquaintance with their future spouse. Family life draws in novice actresses, and they move away from their pursuits for a long time. But not Irina. The girl was expected by a fatal meeting at the theater school with her future teacher, mentor. The Theater Studio of Pyotr Fomenko visited Irina's educational institution when she was in her second year. Demonstration of developments, skills, talent impressed both parties. Ira Pegova she understood where she wanted to go after graduation, and the teacher had high hopes that she would still meet a young, talented, bright girl, but already at the exams at GITES. Having received a diploma, a group of students went to win the hearts of experienced examiner actors. Pegova went to the faculty of directing, to Fomenko P.

The path to a dream through a rag

Irina Sergeevna did not hide and was not embarrassed by the fact that she had to work in a variety of part-time jobs in her youth. The dream to enter GITES rested on knowledge, talent, skills and lack of confidence in strength, and on financial constraints. Parents were not enthusiastic about the career development and prospects of their daughter, did not try to help much, especially in such adventurous enterprises. Ira was left alone with her dream, for a start, it was necessary to at least set aside a certain amount for the road. On the doors of the beloved theater there was an announcement about an invitation to work as a cleaner. Without hesitation, Ira grabbed the offer. In the evening, the girl could still be met in the same building where she studied, but already in rubber gloves, with a bucket and a rag.

Irina Pegova: photos from work

Already at the beginning of her studies at the directing course, Irina began to take an active part in the performances of the troupe "Pyotr Fomenko's Workshop". The actress was quickly introduced to all major productions. Since 2001, she has been quite active on the stage, in such significant, cult productions as "Sheep and Wolves", "War and Peace". In the last production, she played two roles at once: she played Lisa and Sonya. A successful aspiring actress coped with the role of Pelageya Prytkina in "Barbarians". The most striking role on the stage during this period is considered to be the role of the dishwasher Irma ("Mad of Chaillot"). This image was filled with everything, and was able to fully reveal the potential of an aspiring celebrity.

Another outstanding role in the theater, but already in the Snuffbox, is the heroine Sonya, in Uncle Vanya. This reincarnation did not go unnoticed by critics; it was Irina's first victory at the significant Golden Mask competition.

Irina Pegova chooses films

The filmography of the actress today is really palpable. She takes part in the filming of many domestic films, and has already starred in more than 56 films. The role is chosen by the actress very carefully.

The debut on the blue screens happened in 2002, with the film "Spartak and Kalashnikov". A successful start gave new proposals, the picture of Alexei Uchitel "Walk", the role of Olga. And this work was already appreciated by the prize. Needless to say, the rise began rapidly. Irina sazu woke up excitement and ambition. Having raised her bar from the very beginning to the level of the Golden Eagle award and the Window on Europe award, she did not settle for less worthy work.

The viewer loves Pegova, and all the time waiting for her in long-playing pictures - serials. But the actress seems to deliberately avoid such proposals, and adheres to the tactics of shooting in full-length films. She herself claims that the series cause her distrust, she is afraid to lower her bar with them, to take a role that will make her monotonous, the same in all subsequent works.

Irina Pegova personal life 2016

The actress managed to realize herself in motherhood and in married life. As you know, her seven-year marriage with Dmitry Orlov ended in a break. The family lived quite well, raised a little daughter, managed to build a house. What happened in their happy marriage - no one knows. After the break, in the heat of emotions and resentment, Orlov said that Ira at some point ceased to be a wife and mother, completely went to work. This is not surprising, only in 2012 the actress starred in 5 films, in 2013 - in three. The number of works with her is increasing, the talent has made the star really in demand in the national cinema.

The divorced young woman did not fall into despair. She has something to do, and today this successful, attractive, interesting lady amazes everyone with her talents. She achieved success not only as an actress, but also as a director. Daytime symphony performances of Wild Swans for children allowed her to realize her vision of the production, in the role of artistic director.

About my personal life Irina Pegova speaks without embarrassment. Emphasizes that she even got a little better alone. Changes in her personal life were reflected in the appearance of the actress: she radically changed her hairstyle, cut her hair, threw off a few extra pounds. Small, fragile, feminine Ira is so only at first glance, inside this woman there is a strong core that allows her to go forward, despite external obstacles.

Irina Pegova will add to her filmography

Every year the actress brings new, interesting roles. In the upcoming season, it is worth waiting for the release of the cult film with the participation of the actress in the title role. The project "Commissioner" promises to be a real explosion, as the most famous faces of Russian cinema have already agreed to take part in the film. The recently released detective "Mr. Nobody", directed by Vladimir Yankovsky, was also highly appreciated.

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Biography, life story of Pegova Irina Sergeevna

There are girls in Russian villages

Irina Pegova was born in the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod Region, on June 18, 1978. Irina's mother worked at a metallurgical plant, changed several professions - from an accountant to an accountant. Dad is an athlete - skier, athlete, ran a marathon (42 km), was the champion of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Now he teaches physical education, works as a coach. On the father's side, there are many athletes in Irina's family, and from her, too, they first raised a great athlete. The girl was engaged in athletics, skiing, skating, swimming, fencing, equestrian sports.

Here is what Irina tells about her childhood: “ Parents waited until the last moment that a boy would be born. A girl with a boyish character was born. As a child, I didn’t even have girlfriends, together with the boys I climbed trees, fell, broke my knees into blood. Such an imp. Together with my numerous relatives, we went hiking - it was remembered for a long time».

But the main childhood memories are connected with the village with the “cheerful” name Dead End, where Irina spent all weekends and summer holidays with her grandmother: “ If only you knew how much I adored this Dead End! For me, these were simply blissful days: clean air, fields, forests, we went for berries, grazed sheep ... But my favorite pastime was haymaking. Of course, I didn’t mow myself, but I always collected shocks, dragged them, cracked the hay... When they mowed, of course, they sang folk songs... And when they didn’t go for haymaking, they dug potatoes. We had just a huge plot - and all summer I weeded potatoes, planted them, collected Colorado beetles ... I loved the fresh air, the sun, some kind of rural freedom. Now sometimes I dream that I didn’t go to Moscow, but after finishing school I moved to my grandmother forever ...».

At the insistence of her parents, who sought to give their daughter a comprehensive education, Irina graduated from a music school in the violin class. As Ira admitted later, for a long time she did not understand what a great instrument it was - the violin. Understanding came only in the last class. Once in Vyksa there was a competition "I want to become a star", and Irina decided to take part in it. No sooner said than done. The debut on the music scene turned out to be so successful that Irina began to seriously think about the career of a pop singer and entered a music studio, where " everything was serious"- at first, the female soloists reworked popular songs, and then they composed themselves, toured and even recorded at a professional studio in Nizhny Novgorod.


After leaving school in 1995, Irina Pegova did not have a question who to be - she firmly decided that she would become a great singer, like Edith Piaf. But for this, it was necessary to continue practicing vocals and speech professionally, i.e. enter the nearest theater school. The situation was complicated by the fact that the parents of the future Edith Piaf were strongly opposed to their daughter's artistic career: “ Mom believed that this was a world of vulgarity, lies and debauchery, that actors and actresses had an unenviable life. She did not want me to fall into such a world. She said: "Only over my dead body." And in order to study at the theater school, I had to enter the Polytechnic Institute in Nizhny Novgorod for my mother. Then I entered the theater, and my mother calmed down". And at first, Irina, on the advice of her friends, decided to enter the puppet department. At the school, other applicants convinced the girl that the drama department was much better, so, in the end, Irina entered both the puppet and the drama department. And although she had never been to the theater by that time, she nevertheless chose the drama department and, as time showed, she was not mistaken.

In the second year of her studies, the P. Fomenko Workshop came to Nizhny Novgorod on tour and somehow miraculously ended up on the Pegova course, where the actors showed their work, and the students, in turn, theirs: “ Pyotr Fomenko made, of course, a strong impression. When I looked at him, I immediately decided: a monster, a strong personality. Fomenko then looked menacingly at me and said, well done. The guys from the Fomenko troupe said that I needed to go to Moscow. Almost the entire course left our school that year, and everyone hid from each other: you never know what they would say in Nizhny Novgorod. Then, of course, they all met at the entrance and laughed a lot.". Of all the students of the Nizhny Novgorod theater who came to Moscow that year to try their luck on the stage of GITIS, only one actress was enrolled in Fomenko's directing course in 1997 - Ira Pegova, who, in order to raise money for a trip to Moscow, was forced to wash the floors in her native theater.


In 2001, Irina Pegova was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop" and actively entered the life of the theater. She played in productions by P. Fomenko Anfisa Tikhonovna in Ostrovsky's Wolves and Sheep, Egorovna in One Absolutely Happy Village by Vakhtin, Sonya and Lisa in the play War and Peace. based on a play by Gorky.

One of the brightest roles of Pegova is the dishwasher Irma in the play "Mad of Chaillot" by J. Giraudou. Her impulsive heroine confesses in a passionate monologue that she hates ugliness and adores beauty. Irma dreams of finding her only love. At the same time, she chooses a very controversial method: the heroine gives herself to all men, trying to guess her fate in everyone. Pegova often plays age roles. She managed to do this most brilliantly in N. Druchek's play "White Nights" in the role of Grandmother, who does not want to be old and lives on the memories of her youth. Fomenko suggested to the actress a wonderful gesture that conveys the blindness of the heroine: she clings to the air. Last season, Pegova played Sonya in the play "Uncle Vanya" by M. Karbauskis in "Snuffbox". Her heroine is simple and sincere, she wants to live, work, love. Despite the fact that Sonya's love is broken, hope for the future does not leave her. For this role, Irina was nominated for the Golden Mask award.

The last roles of Irina Pegova were in the performances "Wolves and Sheep", "One Absolutely Happy Village", "War and Peace. The Beginning of the Novel", "Mad from Chaillot", "White Nights", "Uncle Vanya" (performance by the Theater p.r. . ).


Irina's work in cinema began in 2003 with A. Uchitel's film Walk. The debut was more than successful - for the role of Olga, charming in her frivolity, Columbine Irina Pegova received the Golden Eagle and the prize of the Window to Europe film festival, although at first the director saw Olya as a completely different - a modern girl, slender, stylish and fatal. As always in Pegova’s life, chance intervened again: “ Everything happened by accident. First they approved Pasha Barshak (Alyosha), then, a couple of weeks later, - (Petya) and the last one approved me, which was very unexpected, because I was already supposed to star in another film of the Teacher (approx. - “Space as a premonition”, 2005 ), The teacher just suddenly came up with the idea to try me for this role - and a week later the shooting began».

Irina was on the set for the first time, although "The Walk" was more of an experiment than a real, "staged" film, with clearly arranged scenery and exposed light: " I just had to learn the text - and forward, into the frame. Twenty minutes of time, five sheets of text and a route, for example, from the Griboyedov Canal to St. Isaac's Cathedral. It was necessary to play without rehearsals - as it turns out, it will turn out. Moreover, all my partners are my classmates, we have known each other for one hundred and fifty years, but at the same time there was a danger that we would not be able to play people who were strangers to each other».

In the theater, Irina is mainly engaged in the classical repertoire, where she embodies unambiguously positive images that a priori evoke sympathy from the audience. The viewer's sympathy for Olga - the heroine of "Walks" - is entirely the merit of Irina: " In general, we are very similar to her ... I like her - because of this, it seems to me that I made her a little softer, more humane, or something ... In my opinion, she does not cause condemnation when she does not very good things . Although initially, according to the plot, she was supposed to be a bitch. I tried to make her more human, so that there was ... more sympathy, probably for her ..

Irina's work in the "Walk" did not go unnoticed - in 2004 Irina Pegova was awarded the Golden Eagle Prize, which, by her own admission, was a complete surprise: " I went to this solemn ceremony, obviously knowing that I would not receive anything. And so, when my name was announced, I was shocked. And my bewildered speech, which everyone heard from the stage, is the best proof of the unexpectedness of this award for me. Now I understand that this event has serious consequences for me - people began to look at me ... biased, or something. I feel like I have to prove something to someone. But I don’t want to, and you don’t need to expect anything from me. I want to do my job in peace. After prizes and awards, there may be a feeling that there is nowhere else to strive. And for an actor, the main thing is not to stop and have some goals. And it's also important to forget all the past successes and applause».

The set high bar of skill does not allow Irina to accept numerous job offers in serials, for 2 years she made an exception for only two television films - “The Savior under the Birches” (dir. L. Eidlin, 2004) and “Special Purpose Friend” (dir., 2005 ). Cooperation between Irina Pegova and A. Uchitel continues successfully - in 2005, the film "Space as a Premonition" was released based on the script by A. Mindadze, where Irina played the touching waitress Lara. Sports training came in handy here for Irina along with acting skills: in “Cosmos” there is an episode when Irina runs across the cross-country stadium and comes to the finish line first. " According to the script, I had to lose, - said the actress. - But I couldn’t help myself, apparently the sporting ambition that was passed on to me with my father’s genes made itself felt. The teacher cursed, shot several takes, but I stubbornly came first. In the end, he spat and changed the script". By the way, the moment when the heroine Pegova, winning in a physical education competition, tears the finish line with her chest, critics call the first worthwhile erotic scene filmed in Russia over the past 15 years.

She has been spending a lot of time at home lately. Irina recently married an actor, and it is quite possible that an addition is expected in their family. However, she still found time for filming in such films as "Vanka the Terrible" (2008), "Do not rush love" (2008), "Passenger Annushka" (2008), "Return of the Musketeers, or the Treasures of Cardinal Mazarin" (2009) , "Moscow Fireworks" (2009), "The Law of Reverse Magic" (2009), "Fairy Tale. There" (2010), "Zoya" (2010), "Five Brides" (2011), "Joy to All Who Sorrow" (2011) , "Varenka. Both in sorrow and in joy" (2011), "Indian Summer" (2011).


The actor ("Sky. Plane. Girl", "Sisters", "Brother-2", "Hope leaves last") for the first time saw his colleague Irina Pegova in the performance of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop "War and Peace" and " was absolutely captivated by her smile and dimples". Then he noticed Irina at the Moscow Film Festival and was again subdued, but he was in no hurry to get to know her better, because he was sure that he could not live with the actress, much less marry her. " Actresses are a special type of women who always strive to work for the public, - says Dmitry, - Therefore, he preferred to admire Irina from afar. But we did get to know each other. It happened in Warsaw at the film festival. I imagined the picture “Sky. Airplane. Girl", and Ira - "Walk", for which she received the "Golden Eagle" last year».

Their romance began romantically and fatefully - with a walk. By Warsaw. In the company of the translator Stas, who tactfully faded into the background and did not interfere with the chance to do its job - to bring Ira Pegova to a new round of life. " It was clear to me from the very beginning that I had met my soul mate.", - Irina claims, and Dmitry at first resisted his feelings and answered Irina with mock coldness, guided by the principle " the less we love a woman...". Shortly after they met, the actress left with the theater to tour Europe for a month, and communication almost ceased. Dmitry showed indifference, which in fact did not exist, and therefore Irina had to take the first step and call herself: “ While touring in France, we often moved from one city to another. Once I lost my luggage. I was terribly upset and decided to call someone, cry in a vest. Mom should not have been disturbed, because she would have become very worried. And I called Dima. And he spoke so dryly that it was insulting to tears. Night, an unfamiliar French city, an empty square and me in a telephone booth, ready to burst into tears».

After Irina returned from the tour, meetings with Dmitry became more frequent and one night there was a conversation when the lovers finally said to each other: “ I love you". And then they began to live under the same roof. Dmitry Orlov says: I think if Ira was not an actress, we would get closer to her faster. It took me a while to get over my prejudice. In Ira, I discovered a completely uncharacteristic nature for an actress. With all her acting talent, she strives for a simple, normal life, she wants to be an ordinary woman. This duality fascinates me to this day».

At the request of their relatives, Dmitry and Irina finally registered their relationship in the summer of 2005, although, in their opinion, the stamp in the passport will not add anything to them, and a magnificent wedding is completely an excess, foreshadowing the imminent end of love. The newlyweds do not wear rings and dream of children, and in the near future they plan to get married in a church.


A. Teacher: " It is impossible for Ira to explain anything philosophically. But she has amazing intuition, amazing! And she does some things on a subconscious level. Here, let's say, the scene of the explanation in the kitchen: I was very afraid of this scene, because Ira could go out in a bad mood - someone could call from Moscow, upset her with something. All these impressions affect her, and fortunately, unfortunately, but a lot depends on it. And it was impossible to play this scene only on one professionalism. But she did it, and the second double has already entered the picture. This is a natural talent. And, of course, "Fomenkov's" upbringing. She is such an amazing actress! A discovery can happen to her that you didn’t even put in your head!».

Y. Klimenko: “ I am amazed by the degree of persuasiveness of what she does, the way she plays, she is an actress of the highest class».

: « I was never bored with Ira Pegova. This is an amazingly bright person. Constantly laughing. She is very contagious, charming in her optimism.»

Direct speech

About the city and province

When you live in a village or a deep provincial town in Russia, you live and understand that there is no life here. There is life only there, somewhere, in Moscow, New York, Paris. Here is a swamp, and you live with a dream - to escape from here. And when you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you do not appreciate it. It seems that people lose the feeling that they live in a place where life is in full swing.

About sport

Sports are of great importance in my life, I do them a lot, actively, strongly, every day for two or three hours. The sports club where I work out is a great place to relax. People of various professions gather there and not to show their toughness, since the club is quite expensive, but simply to spend time with benefit, relax and chat. I have a lot of friends there, great atmosphere. I like to swim in the pool, walk on the treadmill, at this time you can watch a movie or even read a book. But most of all I love group classes of step aerobics. This is where the active raskolbas begins to the music.

About love

I can easily fall in love with talent. Come to the theater, see the actor and fall in love with him. I'm so... And it doesn't matter if it's a woman or a man. But it won't be love in the main sense. I believe that you can fall in love at first sight. But a relationship is more reliable when, over time, you delve into a person, you see in him what you then fall in love with, those features. Passion and falling in love quickly pass, the relationship must develop into something deeper, real and truthful. Now, in these circumstances, when my heart is busy - I am an absolute monogamous ...

About men

There must be harmony in a man. In everything - in words, clothes, deeds. For me, the main thing is that a person should not be hypocritical. So that his actions do not contradict what he says. A man needs to be tested in different situations, he reveals himself in different situations. It's one thing when you go swimming with him, and when you go to the cemetery, and even at 12 o'clock at night, and even when the moon is full ... A man still has to be witty - this is one of the important male qualities. Beauty is generally relative - I do not order from the fate of a blond with blue eyes. It is not interesting. Courage, yes. A man must be, of course, first of all, courageous. He must want and, probably, be able to earn.

About optimism

I never give up. Sometimes I get angry with myself that I have no patience, I really don't like to wait. I always believe that something good will come.

About walks

I love to walk and get to know the city with my feet. Also skating and cycling. By the way, I often come to the theater by bike. I even ride abroad - there is usually no time there if I go on tour or with a film. Therefore, to see more, you need to rent a bike. And in New York, where we took the “Walk”, I saw bicycles in the trunk of our operator Yuri Klimenko and asked for a ride. All week I cut through Manhattan, along the Hudson embankment. You should only travel alone. I saw all the New York behind the scenes - including garbage dumps and packs of dangerous African Americans. What shocked me is that everything is like in horror and science fiction films. Every day the city was different. I liked it so much. New York is now one of my favorite cities to return to.

About the acting profession

I like to act in the theater and act in films, but I know for sure that I will not wait long for offers if they suddenly run out. The thing I hate most about this job is waiting. It will be necessary, I will easily leave this craft and do something else.


Learn to draw. Perfectly master the musical instrument - the violin. I dream of living in a beautiful place, drawing, playing the violin. And to have many children. Although, probably, for a long time in this dream of mine, I could not exist. I definitely need to engage in a profession, theater. Without it, the meaning of life is lost.


Laureate of the film award "Golden Eagle" for the best female role in 2003 ("Walk", directed by A. Uchitel).

Laureate of the Film Festival "Window to Europe" (Vyborg, 2003).

Laureate of the National Theater Award "Golden Mask" (Sonya in the play "Uncle Vanya", directed by M. Karbauskis).

Video Pegova Irina Sergeevna

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News Pegova Irina Sergeevna

Dmitry Orlov and Irina Pegova, famous Russian actors who are still formally married, are trying to mend their broken relationship. Recently, Irina, unexpectedly for many, easily let her daughter Tatyana go on vacation with her father ....

Popular actress Irina Pegova, who played the main roles in the films Varenka and Five Brides, told the media her version of the scandal and subsequent divorce from her ex-husband and actor Dmitry Orlov. The general public became aware...

The sad news about the conflicts in the family of Dmitry Orlov and Irina Pegova appeared in December last year. Fans of the actors until the last hoped that the relationship of the spouses would improve, because Dmitry and Irina always seemed very...

Photos of Pegova Irina Sergeevna


Natalia (Partizansk, Primorsky Territory)

Irina Pegova for me is an actress without falsehood for all 100. And let all the difficulties on her way turn into diamonds, although she may not need them. And let her high bar get higher every time. For people like her, only this can lead to success. And female to her warm, cozy, family happiness. Necessarily.

2017-05-12 04:43:59

Elena (Kirov)

Irina Pegova reminds me very much of the actress Valentina Telegina. At first I thought that she was her granddaughter)))

2016-06-12 09:14:35

Dmitry (Moscow)

Wonderful actress. In the cinema, her roles are somehow spiritual, she really lives the life of her heroines. Good luck. Health. Happiness. Let him continue to please with his roles in cinema and in the theater.

2015-12-14 22:45:41

Eugene (Voronezh)

No words!!! I have never seen such a wonderful actress! Learned from the movie "Indian Summer".

2015-11-13 01:53:54

Maria (Feodosia)

My subjective opinion - Irina Pegova could be good in supporting roles. Ranevskaya and many other great actresses glorified unsuccessful films only with their short episode. Pegova, on the contrary, is only an obsessive presence and only the main roles. The series, of course, is not something masterpiece, I would like not to get annoyed at these moments, looking at the puffing and sniffling Irochka with a shapeless body, who, for example, plays the role of a runner, Pegova, I don’t know who pays there, for to film you. Have mercy, disappear!.. Just for the love of art...

2015-08-27 17:32:21

Anna (Tallinn)

There is talent, sincerity, original appearance and a personality with valuable inner content for today's audience requests.

2015-04-29 20:27:37

Kotey (Chita)

I remember the very first films. There are no words. You didn't play, you lived. And for that, thank you very much. Good luck and more work. You are our generation of the 70s and 80s. Respect to you is huge!!!

2013-11-26 21:27:08

Galina (Moscow)

I like the way she acts in films. And I haven’t seen it in the theater yet ... And she doesn’t need to lose weight. This is what makes her stand out among young actresses.

Irina Pegova - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation of Theater and Cinema, winner of the Golden Mask Theater Award, winner of the Golden Eagle Film Award. Not the first year pleases the audience with brilliantly talented performances.

At the beginning of her journey, Irina did not think about the career of an actress, because from childhood her parents wanted her to become a great athlete, like her father. But the girl decided to become famous as an actress, and she was not mistaken, because her acting is simply excellent, she gets used to the role so superbly that the viewer immediately begins to trust her.

The actress stands out quite favorably with her appearance, against the background of the rest, with a typical model appearance. Her forms are quite cute, she is sweet and kind. Yes, and Irina herself prefers to stand out not with her appearance, but with her charisma, talent and charm.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Pegova

Most people want to clarify for themselves height, weight, age. How old Irina Pegova can be determined by her date of birth, because the actress does not hide her age at all. Irina was born in 1978, at the moment she is 39 years old. Her weight is 65 kilograms with a height of 155 centimeters.

According to the sign of the zodiac - Bildznets, according to the eastern calendar - the Earth Horse. There is a duality in her character, and also almost always unpredictable in emotions, and this is what helps to get used to the role so perfectly.

Irina cannot be called thin, but as mentioned earlier, it is her non-standard appearance that adds some zest to the actress. The actress was never embarrassed by her appearance, she is self-confident, and steadfastly and purposefully goes towards her goal, to be a good theater and film actress.

Biography of Irina Pegova

The biography of Irina Pegova began in the town of Vyska, Russia. A girl was born on June 18, 1978 in a very friendly sports family. From childhood, the father instilled in his daughters a love of sports. Therefore, the girl tried herself in a variety of sports. She devoted a lot of time to athletics, then figure skating, skiing, fencing, swimming and even equestrian sports. But she could not stop her preference on any of the selected species.

The girl also learned to play the violin and already in her school years she masterfully played this instrument.

A little later, Irina began to take part in various musical and vocal competitions, where she won first places, as a result of which she decided to immerse herself in the world of music. Therefore, I decided to enter a special studio. There, with other girls, they began to remake famous songs and sing them in their own way. Then they composed their own works, after which Irina and the whole studio began to go on tour.

In the mid-90s, the girl graduated from high school and, with the dream of becoming a famous singer, decided to enter the theater institute. But the parents did not like the choice of their daughter, because they wanted her to have a serious education and Irina entered the Polytechnic Institute, and then the theater. After all, she really wanted to become a star. After graduating from the institute, the girl wanted to enter GITIS, but there was no money for the trip. This did not stop the girl, because from her youth she got used to achieving her goal, and she went to work as a cleaner in her native institute. Having saved up some money, Irina went to her dream and entered GITIS at the directing department.

Pegova's creative activity began in the 20s. She began working in the theater troupe "Pyotr Fomenko's Workshop", as a result of which she immediately played in several performances. With all the roles, the actress coped simply amazing. But besides the theater, the girl wanted to play in the cinema, and her dream came true.

And already in 2002, a favorable moment came for the actress, she began acting in films. In the film "Spartak and Kalashnikov" she played the debut role of a veterinarian. After that, Irina Pegova was showered with a lot of proposals, in which she began to take part with great pleasure. She starred in such films as: "Space as a Premonition", "Admiral", "Love with an Accent", "Moscow Fireworks" and others.

Definitely, the bar of Irina Pegova's skill has risen to a high level, and now the actress can choose for herself the role that she wants to play. The actress prefers to act only in full-length films, she is skeptical about serials, but if Irina is offered a worthy role that the actress likes, she will definitely take part in creating beauty. For example, series such as "Special Purpose Girlfriend", "Zoya", "Masha in Law".

Personal life of Irina Pegova

Like any girl, Irina wanted simple female happiness. For a while, she did. The actress met and married actor Dmitry Orlov. The couple had a daughter, Tatyana, in marriage. Everything seemed to be fine, but having been married for 7 long years, Dmitry and Irina filed for divorce. According to Dmitry, his wife has changed a lot and she is only interested in a career.

After the divorce, the actress decided to change her appearance and went to the StarHit weight loss project. Having achieved the desired result, the actress made herself several more cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. Such a reincarnation was not long in coming, and already in 2013 Irina found her love again. The chosen one was the artist Sergey Kemp, who was 7 years older than the woman. But their relationship did not last long, and already in 2014 the couple broke up.

Then the actress again decides to radically change her appearance, dyes herself blonde and makes a new haircut.

In 2015, on the Dancing with the Stars project, Irina Pegova formed a new romance with 22-year-old dancer Yevgeny Rayov. At the dance project, the couple kept their relationship a secret, but already at the premiere screening of the film “He is a Dragon”, where the actress played the main role, Irina Pegova and Evgeny Rayov came together holding hands. Thus officially declaring themselves a couple. After some time, the couple broke up.

At the moment, Irina Pegova is alone. She devotes all her free time to her daughter Tatyana and claims that she feels great being alone.

Family of Irina Pegova

Overcoming obstacles, the desire to be the first - all this was taught by Irina's parents.

Father - Sergey Zakharovich Pegov, a famous athlete and ski coach. At one time he was one of the best skiers.

Mom - Vera Alexandrovna Pegova, worked at a metallurgical plant as an accountant, has nothing to do with sports, but spent every weekend with her family quite actively.

Irina also has an older sister, Tatyana. Together they went on hikes and to all kinds of sports clubs. After all, parents really wanted to raise Olympic champions. The family of Irina Pegova knew that she would definitely achieve great heights, recognition and success.

The actress greatly honors family ties, despite the fact that her first marriage did not work out, she has a wonderful daughter, to whom she devotes all her love, care and warmth.

Children of Irina Pegova

Many fans of the actress write information on the topic “Children of Irina Pegova” in the search engine, and they can immediately find out that the star has a beloved daughter, Tatyana. Ira spends all her free time with her daughter, together they like to watch films in which the actress herself starred, and discuss and analyze the role she played.

Tanya herself is very proud of her mother for her success and understands that all roads are also open to her, so she is not in a hurry to choose a profession. The star mother says that first you need to study well at school, and then decide on life, because everything in this world is given only through work and determination.

Daughter of Irina Pegova - Tatyana

The daughter of Irina Pegova - Tatyana is a pretty, cheerful, smart girl. According to Irina, the girl has a rather wayward character and is quite stubborn, she will stand her ground to the last. At the moment she is studying at school, thinking about what profession to choose.

Once, together with her mother, she starred in the film "Eight", after which the child had a lot of impressions. Tanya also periodically visits her mother for rehearsals at the theater and spends a lot of time behind the scenes. Madly in love with both parents, even though they are no longer together. Dividing and jealousy about the child from the parents does not arise. The girl lives with her mother, but also spends a sufficient amount of time with her father.

Former husband of Irina Pegova - Dmitry Orlov

The ex-husband of Irina Pegova, Dmitry Orlov, is a famous actor, a good director and a talented screenwriter. In marriage with Irina lived in perfect harmony. Dmitry repeatedly said that Irochka was the best thing he had and he was just lucky to be with such an excellent woman. But as often happens, people change, and their family life goes wrong, nothing will be the same as before.

At the moment, Dmitry Orlov is married again and is building a new family. But he still has warm and friendly feelings for Irina, despite some grievances in the past. He sees his daughter regularly and supports her in all her endeavors.

Some fans, because of the impressive forms of the actress, often try to find on the Internet “Photo of Irina Pegova in Maxim magazine” or simply “Irina Pegova in a swimsuit photo”. It is worth immediately assuring and disappointing that the actress has never starred in Maxim magazine and, moreover, she has not been photographed naked.

Photos of Irina in a swimsuit can be found on her Instagram page, which she personally posted after relaxing with her daughter at sea. Candid photos in the arsenal of the actress were not recorded, because Irina, so, is quite a spectacular woman and has self-esteem and the limits of decency.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Pegova

Irina Pegova is a famous actress and finding information about her is quite easy. For example, you can find it on Wikipedia or just enter it in a search engine, where there will be a lot of groups dedicated to Irina or Fake information pages. The star also has a personal page on Instagram, where the woman herself uploads her personal photos, shoots videos, writes the latest news and her own experiences.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Pegova are always at your service, subscribe and you will be aware of all the events of the actress. The article was found on

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