Ivan Urgant considers his wife’s daughter from his first marriage to be his. Urgant's step-daughter and the rest of the dear ladies of his life Urgant's eldest daughter

Erika Kiknadze, the daughter of Ivan Urgant’s wife Natalya from her first marriage, recently turned 18 years old. The stepfather, who raised the girl as his own, congratulated her on her birthday on his Instagram page.

Now Ivan and his wife, apparently, are in America. Their photo with their daughter Erica appeared in the “story” of her microblog. And three days ago she published a photo of New York and announced that she had moved to this city. Apparently, she will continue her education in the USA. The girl plans to blog and tell Internet users about her life overseas.

“A new chapter begins. Would you like me to blog about my move, study and life in New York?” - Erica wrote.

Ivan Urgant rarely comments on his personal life. So, recently, he responded to the news that he was moving to Israel. Information has emerged that Urgant now has a passport from this country. Ivan hastened to note that he remains to live in Russia, but left open the question of a new document. After all, it is known that dual citizenship between our countries is possible. “I remain a citizen of Russia, I love my country very much and I have no plans to leave it. Out of respect for my family, I ask: do not frighten my grandmother Nina Nikolaevna with my mythical emigration!” - Ivan said then.

Ivan often laughs it off when answering the question of where and when he proposed marriage to his current wife. One day, the TV presenter said that he asked Natalya to marry him in the seventh grade. The couple were indeed classmates in the past, but as their teachers said, there was no romance between them while studying at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum.

Having received a certificate, each of them went their own way. Natalya married businessman Vakhtang Kutalia, with whom she gave birth to two children - son Niko and daughter Erica, but this marriage was not happy and soon ended. The girl remained to live with her mother, who became the second official wife of Ivan Urgant a little over 10 years ago. In 2008, Natalya gave the TV presenter a daughter, Nina, and seven years later, in 2015, she gave birth to another girl, Valeria. Urgant says in an interview that he is a father of many children and has three daughters. Now the eldest has grown up and flown overseas to study.

And Natalia Kiknadze - not long ago she took part in a fashion shoot for the May issue of Tatler magazine, on her Instagram page there are already more than 20 thousand subscribers, and on social networks Erica talks about quite serious topics in such a way that it immediately becomes clear that she is very different from most star children. We decided to find out more about Eric and tell you about it.


Erica was born on August 18, 2000, her mother is Natalya Kiknadze, and her father is Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia. Ivan Urgant is formally Erica’s stepfather, but the TV presenter has an excellent relationship with the girl and Vanya does not make any differences in her attitude towards her own and adopted children. Erica has an older brother from her mother’s first marriage; he lives with his father in Georgia. She also has two sisters: 7-year-old Nina is the first common child Ivan and Natalia, and six-month-old Valeria, who was born on September 21, 2015. All the girls grow up together and get along great.

Erica, Natalya Kiknadze, Nina and Ivan Urgant


At the age of five, Erica studied at ballet school. Now she is interested in art and architecture, travels often and posts photos from her trips on Instagram. The girl is not a fan of selfies, joint photos with stars and shots of her reflection in the mirror in fashionable clothes: she values ​​more the aesthetics of cities, which she tries to convey using her phone camera.

By the way, Erica loves music very much, among her favorite performers are Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys and Zemfira.

Lana Del Rey

About the “elite”

15-year-old Erica is a great example for many star children. The girl does not welcome the fact that her rich peers boast about their parents’ money and their position. On your page in social network Erica once wrote a post with the following content:

I have a negative attitude towards the concept of “elite”. And I feel sorry for all those little 13-year-old girls trying to squeeze in there, showing off their Valentino bags. This whole “elite” thing irritates me. I'm not talking about specific people, no. I'm talking about the concept itself. It’s strange for me to see how they all show off with their bags, yachts, expensive cars, jewelry. Moreover, the money is not theirs, but the parents’. What's the point of showing how many Prada bags you have? I won't love you any more, I won't like you any more if you have 30 Celine bags. In the "elite" than more money, all the better. The cooler you are. If you have a hookah, you're cool. “With a little one through life.” What kind of nonsense is this? Do you think smoking/drinking is cool? On the face of it, they seem to worship money. Money can not buy happiness. Then all these, in fact, children put on an OOTD (outfit of the day - “look of the day” - editor's note). If you calculate the amount from all this onion, it will be, well, at least 5 thousand euros. Do you think it’s normal for 13-15 years old to dress so expensively? I don't want to offend anyone. It's my personal opinion. Just keep it simple.

Erica's attitude and wisdom, which is rarely seen at such a young age, deserve nothing but praise. We are sure that Erica will be successful in the future and her parents will be even more proud of her.

Russian artist and model, stepdaughter of Ivan Urgant.

Biography of Erika Kiknadze

Erica Kiknadze born in 2000 into a family Natalia Kiknadze and businessman Teimuraza Kutalia. Erica has an older brother, David, born in 1998. Erica's maternal uncle is Soviet and Russian sports commentator and director of the Sport channel Vasily Kiknadze.

Erica's parents divorced when she was a child, and she was raised by her stepfather. The girl has two stepsisters.

In the mid-2000s, Natalya Kiknadze again began dating her former classmate Ivan Urgant. Urgant had been in love with a girl since school, but then the relationship did not develop into something more. In 2008, the couple had a daughter, Nina, named after her grandmother - famous actress Nina Urgant, in 2015 another daughter - Valeria.

The creative path of Erika Kiknadze

In 2015, Erica moved to live in London and entered one of the most prestigious educational institutions Britain. She studied painting and fashion history. In 2017, it became known that the girl was accepted into the fundamentals course contemporary art and photography at the American school Parsons The New School for Design in New York. Preparation for admission took 6 months: especially for this, Erica wrote 16 essays and selected 15 best works.

0 March 29, 2016, 16:35

Erica Kutalia

15-year-old Erica Kutalia - the daughter of Natalia Kiknadze - recently took part in the May issue of Tatler magazine, on her Instagram page there are already more than 20 thousand subscribers, and on social networks Erica talks about quite serious topics in such a way that it immediately becomes clear - she is very different from most star kids. We decided to find out more about Eric and tell you about it.


Erica was born on August 18, 2000, her mother is Natalya Kiknadze, and her father is Georgian businessman Vakhtang Kutalia. Ivan Urgant is formally Erica’s stepfather, but the TV presenter has an excellent relationship with the girl and Vanya does not make any differences in her attitude towards her own and adopted children. Erica has an older brother from her mother’s first marriage; he lives with his father in Georgia. She also has two sisters: 7-year-old Nina, the first common child of Ivan and Natalya, and six-month-old Valeria, who. All the girls grow up together and get along great.

Erica, Natalya Kiknadze, Nina and Ivan Urgant


At the age of five, Erica studied at ballet school. Now she is interested in art and architecture, travels often and posts photos from her trips on Instagram. The girl is not a fan of selfies, collaborations, and shots of her reflection in the mirror in fashionable clothes: she values ​​more the aesthetics of cities, which she tries to convey using her phone camera.

By the way, Erica loves music very much, among her favorite performers are Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys and Zemfira.

Lana Del Rey

About the "elite"

15-year-old Erica is a great example for many star children. The girl does not welcome the fact that her rich peers boast about their parents’ money and their position. On her social network page, Erica once wrote a post with the following content:

I have a negative attitude towards the concept of "elite". And I feel sorry for all those little 13-year-old girls trying to squeeze in there, showing off their Valentino bags. This whole "elite" thing irritates me. I'm not talking about specific people, no. I'm talking about the concept itself. It’s strange for me to see how they all show off with their bags, yachts, expensive cars, jewelry. Moreover, the money is not theirs, but the parents’. What's the point of showing how many Prada bags you have? I won't love you any more, I won't like you any more if you have 30 Celine bags. In the "elite", the more money, the better. The cooler you are. If you have a hookah, you're cool. "With a little one through life." What kind of nonsense is this? Do you think smoking/drinking is cool? On the face of it, they seem to worship money. Money can not buy happiness. Then all these, in fact, children put on an OOTD (outfit of the day - “look of the day” - editor's note). If you calculate the amount from all this onion, it will be, well, at least 5 thousand euros. Do you think it’s normal for 13-15 years old to dress so expensively? I don't want to offend anyone. It's my personal opinion. Just keep it simple. Instagram photo

A very popular actor and TV presenter. His activities on the television stage are before everyone’s eyes, some admire his qualities as a presenter, others prefer Urgant the actor. However, both of them are interested in his personal life and family. Urgant's daughter is one of the most discussed topics.

First marriage

The famous presenter had the good fortune to be in two marriages. At 37 years old, he has two children. And just recently I became a father for the third time.

The showman's first wife was Karina Avdeeva. The couple was very young, they had just turned eighteen years old, and they decided to register their relationship. However, this decision was too impulsive; the marriage lasted a couple of months. The newlyweds did not get along at all, fought constantly and eventually decided to separate. In that short marriage Ivan had no children. Famous daughter Then.

Second chance for happiness!

After the first failure, the showman lived for about 5 years with She Was famous TV presenter, however, even here the relationship did not work out, the couple separated.

Ivan had been working towards this event for many years. After an unsuccessful first marriage, he could not find a worthy life partner. In numerous interviews, he said that he really wanted a child. Colleagues did not imagine Urgant as a father and constantly joked about the fact that the life of a showman and the world of children are two different elements. Therefore, when Urgant’s daughter was born, colleagues in the workshop were very surprised at how Ivan suited the role of a father.

But life turned out in such a way that, being invited to one of the social events, Urgant met his classmate, who also played the role of Ivan’s first love. But after graduating from school, the young people did not communicate. Natalya married a businessman and gave birth to a daughter in this marriage. However, the couple’s life did not work out; Natalya divorced her husband.

A daughter is the highest gift!

The romance between the young people began very quickly. Soon Urgant and Kiknadze decided to legitimize their relationship. The wedding was very magnificent and crowded. And in May 2008, Urgant received a gift from fate in the form of a charming daughter. They decided to name the baby in honor of the famous grandmother Nina Urgant, whom Ivan loved very much. Eldest daughter Urganta was not her own, she was Natalya’s daughter from her first marriage, but Vanya did not skimp on his feelings for her.

Most recently, the actor gave birth to a third child, who was named after Ivan’s mother. The couple carefully hid the fact that they would soon become parents again, but the journalists managed to take several photographs of Natalia with a rounded tummy, and everything became clear.

As it became known, the couple spent about five hundred thousand rubles on the birth. Natalya was treated by the best medical staff and was given a good room. Urgant's wife and daughter left the hospital happy, because they were greeted by a caring dad and a generous husband.

Showman's stepdaughter

Having married Natalya, Ivan received another happiness - an adopted daughter, with whom he has a very good relationship. a good relationship. Natalya has a daughter, Erica, from her first husband. However, the paparazzi claim that Urgant cannot improve relations with his adopted daughter. To refute these rumors, the showman appeared with his stepdaughter Erica at the presentation of the new film “Yolki” with his participation.

At the event, father and daughter were constantly nearby, famous parent introduced the girl to his famous friends. After this social appearance, Ivan Urgant’s stepdaughter often attends such events.

However, Urgant is very attentive to Erica's education. Set her up in good school, free time spends reading books with her daughter. Natalya, the girl’s mother, says that she is very glad that Ivan was able to replace Erika’s own father, with whom she was unable to maintain friendly relations.

Leisure time for Urgant and his family

Despite his busy schedule, the showman tries to spend all his free time with his family. The Urgants' favorite pastime is organizing fun family walks and picnics. Sometimes photographs of such events appear on the Internet. The family also tries to spend vacations together. According to the showman, Ivan Urgant’s wife and daughter spent their last vacation with him in hot countries.

On weekends, the family likes to go to their dacha, which is located in the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Urgant himself says that the family loves trips to the dacha, because there they can relax, barbecue and just relax. The family loves to take pictures during moments of relaxation, but only a few shots are posted online. In these photos, fans see loving and happy family. Each daughter of Urgant looks happy, just like her mother.

What do colleagues say about the showman's family?

Urgant does not like to put his personal life and the life of his family on public display. His colleagues say that they are extremely surprised by such a close relationship between Ivan and his children. No one would have thought that Urgant would turn out so good and happy father, from whom his friends now take their example.

The actor’s colleagues are glad that he does not separate his own children and his adopted daughter, whom he gradually introduces to the world of show business. According to the famous dad himself, Urgant’s first daughter appeared with his wife Natalya. He does not understand how it is possible that the dearest and most adored woman on Earth gave birth to him. Ivan simply did not have time to become Erica’s natural father, but he will be the best stepfather.

Ivan Urgant is not only a popular actor and TV presenter, but also an excellent family man and loving father. The mutual understanding and harmony in his family is envied not only by his colleagues, but also by his fans. It turned out that you can combine the world of show business and family very successfully. This is proven by the example of Urgant.

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