What disease did Eva have? Special children of famous parents. And what about the father

marriages creative people are rarely durable. So it was with Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo. Both artists are emotional, talented people, they often clashed and could no longer live or work together. After 12 years of marriage and joint creativity, each began to build their lives and careers separately from each other.

The couple decided to legalize their relationship in 1998. As Lolita admits, she went for it so that the daughter she was expecting was born in a legal marriage and bore the middle name of Tsekalo.

Although most recently, Lolita opened up in her interview and said that the moment in her life when she became pregnant with her daughter was not quite ordinary.

“God gave her, she was born under such mysterious circumstances. This child is given from above. The birth of this child is a sacrament. She was born on the 40th day after the death of the man I loved."
Lolita said.
“So this is his child?”
- asked her host of the program “Wife. Love story "Kira Proshutinskaya,
“I won't talk. I'm happy that I have a child"
Lolita replied with tears in her eyes.

Lolita makes no secret of the fact that she has been unfaithful in all her marriages.

So in her marriage to Alexander Tsekalo, she was suspected of having a relationship with a TV magnate who had a criminal past. His life ended tragically, he was killed.

Therefore, it remains a mystery who really is Eve's father and whether it is worth blaming Alexander Tsekalo for not paying attention to his daughter at all.

By the way, Milyavskaya's fifth husband, Dmitry Ivanov, replaced the girl's father and loves her very much.

Their names are known to everyone, their faces do not leave the TV screens and the pages of glossy magazines. But the main battle in their lives is the struggle for the health, happiness and well-being of their children. Lolita, Danko, Evelina Bledans, Anna Netrebko and other stars are raising special children, own example instilling confidence and giving hope to hundreds of parents.

Semyon Bledans

His parents knew that they would have special child even during pregnancy. However, together they decided that the baby would be born and bring happiness to their family.

Shomu can be safely called the most famous "sunny" boy. He, along with his mother, appears at social events, starred in talk shows and television programs. Parents do a lot with him, and this brings success. At the age of 5, he knows letters, numbers, distinguishes colors, copes well with tasks on logical thinking.

Evelina and her husband Alexander are confident that their son will have a successful future. By their example, they support all families in which “sunny” children grow up. Evelina is an ambassador for the Downside Up Foundation, leads pages in social networks participates in events. She and Semyon showed that families with special children are able to successfully adapt in society.

Varya Bondarchuk

In the family of Fyodor Bondarchuk, "special" Varya appeared in 2001. The girl was born ahead of schedule The doctors did everything they could to keep her alive. And then the baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Despite the serious diagnosis, with the advent of Varya, happiness settled in the house. Fedor and Svetlana created everything for their daughter the necessary conditions- she lives abroad, receives specialized treatment and quality education.

Everyone who is familiar with Varya characterizes her as a smiling and cheerful girl who, with her sincerity, instantly wins over. She is kind, open to communication and strives to master new knowledge and skills.

Eva Tsekalo

The daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo suffers from autism. star mom says that immediately after birth, doctors diagnosed Down syndrome, and then diagnosed autism. The baby was born prematurely, she weighed less than 1.5 kg. Lolita surrounded her daughter with love and care, at every opportunity she admires and sincerely praises her daughter for any achievement.

Eva started talking late, she has problems with her eyesight. But thanks mother's love, at the age of 17, Eva almost does not lag behind her peers in development. She also has school, friends, classes in her life. Lolita supports all her daughter's hobbies - Eva loves swimming and communicates well in English. The singer is doing everything so that her daughter can lead the same life as hundreds of ordinary teenagers.

Thiago Arua Netrebko

Son opera diva Anna Netrebko also lives with autism. The singer began to notice oddities in behavior in a boy at the age of 3. Thiago did not talk, did not show interest in toys, was noticeably nervous in crowded places. After examinations, specialists diagnosed autism.

In order to create best conditions for the development and rehabilitation of the boy, Anna moved to the USA. There, rehabilitation specialists and correctional teachers work with Thiago.

Also in early childhood Thiago became interested in computers, easily mastered the account, studied with curiosity everything related to the life of animals. The boy studies at an integration school in New York and easily communicates with peers. Doctors say he has mild autism. With proper corrective training, the disease can be completely defeated.

Masha Sirotinskaya

The daughter of the talented and successful Irina Khakamada, Maria, was born with Down syndrome. But this is not all the trials that have befallen the family. In 2004, the girl was diagnosed with leukemia. Her own willpower, the boundless love of her parents and the efforts of doctors helped the girl overcome this disease.

Masha is a sociable and inquisitive girl, she draws well and is interested in music. She loves to dance, she is fascinated by creativity and art.

Evgeny Belogolovtsev

The son of comedian Sergei Belogolovtsev, Evgeny, has a congenital diagnosis - cerebral palsy. Until the age of 6, the boy could not walk. Loving parents every day we worked with him, mastered the methods of recovery, turned to the best specialists. They were able to put their son on his feet, constantly fighting back the disease.

Eugene is a graduate of the school for gifted children, graduated from the Institute of Theater Arts. Today he leads ordinary life, works as a presenter on radio and television, loves leisure and skiing. And his parents are sure that children with special needs are endowed by nature with boundless kindness, are able to see the inner beauty and gracefully perceive the world.

Valera Meladze

The son of the famous producer Konstantin Meladze has autism. The severe form of this disease is not treatable, but with the help of special remedial classes children can be taught and developed.

Outwardly Valera - absolutely ordinary child. He just doesn't show interest. environment, does not seek to communicate with people, he lives in his own world, understandable only to him.

Parents noticed developmental deviations only at the age of 3 years. Valera's mother Yana says that autism should be diagnosed as early as possible, if it is detected in the first year of a child's life, then the chances of a full recovery are high.

Agata Fadeeva

The daughter of the singer Danko was born with cerebral palsy. Parents were offered to leave their daughter in the maternity hospital, since the doctors did not give chances for improvement in the condition. But the singer and his wife are doing everything possible, they noticed the first positive results when the baby was 1 year old. Agatha fixed her eyes on moving toys, recognized her relatives, held her head - with cerebral palsy, this big win.

And now they are undergoing rehabilitation and massage courses, surround the baby with immense love and care. In order to support families raising special children, Danko created special center help.

Special children grow up in families foreign celebrities. John C. McGinley, Sylvester Stallone, Toni Braxton, John Travolta, Collin Farrell, Dan Marino are raising children with disabilities. Star parents, like ordinary parents, put love and strength into their special children every day. They surround them with care, appreciate every minute of communication and are immensely proud of every new achievement of their beloved sons and daughters.

In continuation of the topic, a story about how she lives - a girl with Down syndrome who embodies her dreams.

There is only one step from sadness to joy. This immutable truth is familiar to every person. However, in all cases, trouble overtakes a person absolutely unexpectedly. The statistics are relentless: in the US, autism affects one out of every 88 children, Down syndrome - every 700th. Many star families encountered developmental disorders in their own children, but did not give up.

1. Irina Khakamada

Irina amazed many by deciding to have a baby at 42. In 2004, she experienced a terrible family tragedy. Her youngest daughter Doctors made a terrible diagnosis for Masha - leukemia. The girl underwent a course of chemotherapy. Fortunately, she overcame this disease. And two years ago, Irina Mitsuovna came to the premiere of the blockbuster "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" with the matured Masha. This publication was not easy even for the strong-willed Khakamada. Everyone saw: her daughter suffers from Down syndrome - and imbued with respect for this persistent woman.

2. The Beckham family

The wife of the athlete Victoria, who is also a former member of the musical group Spice Girls, herself confirmed the information about the offspring's illness. According to the mother, her middle son reacts very painfully to camera flashes, which make the child fall into tantrums, the continuation of which may well become a seizure.

It is known that people suffering from epilepsy, although not terminally ill, are nevertheless extremely limited in their actions. So they are forbidden to ride cars and motorcycles. Almost all patients are required to take mountains of pills throughout their lives, since it is extremely difficult to cure epilepsy.

3. Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita does not hide the fact that the child has health problems. Until the age of four, Eva could not speak, besides, she had poor eyesight. The singer herself never mentioned what the girl was sick with. But it has long been rumored that Eve has Down syndrome. They say that, having learned about this diagnosis, the singer was initially shocked, and now she is trying to do everything so that her daughter can realize herself as fully as possible.

The singer said that the birth began in the sixth month of pregnancy. The baby weighed less than one and a half kilograms, and she was nursed for a long time in a pressure chamber.

4. Evelina Bledans

The 43-year-old actress became a mother in the spring of 2012 - the first-born Bledans and her husband Alexander Semin were born.
the boy was named Semyon and soon the whole family moved out of town, deciding that village life on fresh air much more suitable for mom and baby. No one could have imagined what was hiding behind this pastoral idyll.

The baby, whom Bledans gave birth to on April 1, suffers from a severe genetic pathology - Down syndrome.
According to the actress, the doctors noticed the first signs of an anomaly during an ultrasound examination at the 14th week of pregnancy. Then the doctors suggested that Bledans have an abortion. But the couple resolutely refused.

5. Katie Price

Recently former model Jordan defended the title of a good mother in court. Inspired by the fact that the court found her completely right, Jordan decided that she could well take another baby into her family (recall that she has three children). Katie is determined to adopt a disabled child, something no celebrity has yet dared to do before her. By her own admission, Jordan's thoughts about a foster child with developmental disabilities arose after she saw a report on TV about the life of disabled orphans.

It is worth noting that it is Kathy who knows how to take care of a child with a diagnosis - her first son, Harvey, was born blind and suffers from autism.

6. Colin Farrell

4-year-old son James suffers from a rare disease - a neuro-genetic disorder. Colin has been praising his baby ever since he revealed James's Angelman syndrome.

7. Sylvester Stallone

Sergio (born 1979), the youngest son of Sylvester Stallone, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. For the actor, this news was a real blow, and his then wife, Sasha Czack, saw her husband's fault in the child's illness.

8. Toni Braxton

In October 2006, the American singer burst into tears at a concert at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, talking from the stage that her younger son Diesel (born 03/31/2003) has autism, and also stating that if the diagnosis had been made earlier, the boy could have been given much more help.

9. John Travolta

Jett, the son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston, suffered from autism.

10. Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

The daughter of Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk Varvara mostly lives abroad. Varvara was born prematurely, after which the girl began to have developmental problems. In the Bondarchuk family, they do not use such words as illness, and they believe that they are raising a child with developmental disabilities. True, since in Russia the adaptation of such children is difficult, the girl has to most time to spend abroad. There she studies, there she receives appropriate medical care.

The daughter of the famous performer Lolita Milyavskaya, Eva has been a mystery to society for many years. The girl is regularly discussed in the media, giving her the most unimaginable diagnoses. The singer herself rarely comments on her daughter's health, because she does not pay attention to spiteful critics and envious people.

Eva was born in 1998. The audience is very surprised - time flies unnoticed and now the girl will soon turn 20 years old! Despite numerous rumors, Eva never moved to Moscow with her mother - she has been living in Kyiv with her grandmother since childhood and comes to visit her mother only during school holidays.

The girl is interested in studying foreign languages— knows Russian and Ukrainian, as well as German, English and French. Lolita often boasts of her daughter's success on social networks, although from time to time she has to fend off attacks from ill-wishers who are sure that the singer abandoned her sick child for the sake of her career.

Eva Tsekalo - what is sick

Back in 200, after Lolita's divorce from her husband Alexander Tsekalo, whose last name is the singer's daughter, it became known that celebrities have an unusual child. Initially, they talked about the diagnosis of "Down's syndrome", but after they called it another - the girl has autism, that is, isolation and deepening in inner world with complete detachment from the outside.

The details of the illness of the daughter of the stars were savored by the press for a long time - Lolita was silent to the last, because she does not consider it necessary to make excuses or prove anything to anyone.

By the way, in 2017, the singer announced that her daughter did not have autism - the diagnosis was not confirmed, but she was in no hurry to tell the press about it. The performer announced such data when she was not allowed to meet with her daughter and mother in Kyiv - the singer was banned from entering Ukraine for her performances in Crimea.

“Dear journalists, you should check information about family members! In particular, mine! My daughter has never had autism! Some idiot posted Her name on a website for kids with this condition. Probably, this happened because of the “hacks”, giving interviews to which, when Evochka was little, I told how some “doctors”, wanting to breed for money, tried to diagnose us. One of the great Russian scientists, Professor Andrey Sergeevich Petrukhin, a specialist in autism, gave his opinion many years ago, and this spring, having met us on vacation, he once again confirmed that he was surprised to see Eva on these lists!

What the girl is really sick of remains unclear, the website informs the portal. Experts say she may have separate view Cerebral palsy, but the singer herself does not tell the diagnoses and medical data. Her daughter is an active girl, studying in regular school together with "healthy children" and many of those intellectual development factor of. She is talented and has specific goals in life - and what else is needed for maternal pride?

Eva Tsekalo is not the daughter of Alexander Tsekalo

Lolita, in rare revelations to the press, once admitted that Eva is not Alexander's daughter and he knows this very well. The singer “worked up” the girl while being married, but the relationship of the spouses then practically came to naught, and therefore she does not feel any guilt for herself. Alexander Tsekalo, while still the husband of Lolita, admitted without any scandals the fact of the birth of a child from another man and even gave the girl his last name.

At the same time, after a divorce from Lolita with Eva, the man does not maintain contact.

Lolita, in turn, says that she does not accept reproaches in her direction about the fact that she "left her daughter." So there were circumstances - at one time she faced the problem of earning money for her family, and she decided to fight for herself and the future of her daughter to the bitter end. When she moved to Moscow, she did not take Eva with her, because the mother, the girl's grandmother, could not go with them. The choice is either Eva grows up in the hands of nannies, or her mother is left without a husband and leaves for Lolita in Moscow, or the girl is brought up by a loving happy grandmother, and her mother earns money and maintains a close relationship with her daughter at a distance.

“Eva has the opportunity to be with her grandparents all 11 classes. And when they say that I abandoned my child, I answer that this is one of the wisest actions in my life. Otherwise, it would ruin the life of not only the daughter, but also the mother, who would go after her granddaughter, leaving her husband. Or the child would live here with a nanny - a stranger "

Lolita is now married for the fifth time. Tennis player Dmitry Ivanov is 12 years younger than the singer, but this does not prevent her family from being very happy. Sometimes Lolita, of course, says that she is afraid of losing her husband, who will eventually consider her old or too emotional, but all fears only occasionally oppress the singer - otherwise she is an absolutely happy, accomplished and self-confident woman.

Lolita used to speak kindly about ex-husband, but in a recent interview with Hello! stated that Alexander had not taken any part in the life of Eve for many years. “He also does not communicate with his daughter. Only in the first year after the divorce, he gave alimony to Eva - 10 thousand dollars. Apparently, immediately up to 18 years old, ”said Milyavskaya.

The baby was born prematurely - Lolita was in her fifth month of pregnancy. The newborn weighed only 1200 grams, and the doctors had to literally resuscitate the baby. Fortunately, the girl managed to get out.

Eva lives in Kyiv with her grandmother. Once every three months, Lolita visits her daughter. According to the artist, at first, separation from her daughter was not easy for her. So, Lolita became ill when, on her next visit, she saw that three-year-old Eva did not go into her arms. Then Milyavskaya decided to seek the help of a psychologist. The specialist told her: “You have your own mission on earth, and she has her own. If you lose your path, it will not find its own.”

Lolita is trying in every possible way to compensate for her absence. She also supports Eve, showering her with compliments and love. At the same time, Lolita is afraid to overload the girl with this and tries to be a strict mother.

“She loves me very much. She is not spoiled. Recently, I gave her an iPad, I look - and she walks with the old one. “Mommy,” he explains, “it hasn’t failed yet.” Of course, Evochka has everything she needs, but, for example, she wears a jacket bought for growth. It's in its third season and I don't see anything wrong with that. The sleeves used to be rolled up, but now they fit. I am against surpluses and teach my daughter that people who do not plow have nothing.” - the star shares with reporters.

The fourth husband of Lolita Dmitry managed to build good relationship with his wife's daughter. Eva gets along well with her stepfather and can communicate with him on any topic.

Now 17-year-old Eva Milyavskaya, daughter famous singer lives with grandparents in Kyiv. She studied for 10 years high school No. 78 on Shota Rustaveli Street, which is a short walk from the house where Eva and Alla Dmitrievna live. to higher educational institution The girl did not go to school. She often visits her mother in Moscow, last year she even participated with Lolita and her husband Dmitry Ivanov in a fashion show.

“Once, when she was four years old, she asked why dad did not wish her a happy birthday. I say in such cases that he is very busy, he has a different family, small children, but this does not mean at all that he does not love her. We only speak well of him. It's not for him, but for her. Let her have no complexes. I don't want her to be angry. Eva's zodiac sign is Scorpio, just like me. At the same time, she is different: she thinks for a long time before saying something, very wise for her 16 years. I consider Eva the main reward in my life.” Lolita says.

Thanks to the efforts of the singer and the work of psychologists, Eva was able to cope with the disease and almost catch up with her peers in development.

Lolita rarely shows her daughter, protecting her from excessive press attention. However, sometimes pictures of the heiress still appear on her Instagram. So, recently Milyavskaya published fresh photo Eve. “My beloved daughter comprehends the basics of billiards),” the artist signed the frame. It should be noted that the girl has noticeably matured.

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