Changes in the German wot branch. German branch of tanks in War Thunder. Heavy tanks of Germany

December 17, 2016 at Moscow The first games festival took place Wargaming. There was a lot of news and announcements on this day. Our team has collected the most interesting news, to give you, our readers, to read them in one place.


On WG Fest“There were a lot of interesting things said about the technology. In 2017, we will have both new researchable tanks and premium ones.

German tank tree

In 2017, the German nation will add another Tier X heavy tank.

TO Maus more logical tanks will go - VK 100.01 P and at levels VIII and IX, respectively. And here VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A And VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B will also remain at their levels, but will lead to a new Tier X tank Pz. Kpfw. VII. New tank will be completely analogous VK 72.01 (K), which was given to the winners of campaigns for Global map. GK"shny VK 72.01 (K) will receive a unique camouflage and additional body kit. On VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A And VK 100.01 P it will be possible to go from Tiger (P).

Almost all of these tanks will receive changes to their performance characteristics. The Maus will have significantly improved reload time and enhanced frontal armor. U VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B Some characteristics of the gun will also be improved, the armor on the sides of the hull and the front of the turret will be strengthened, but the NLD will be weakened. VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A expects an increase in frontal armor and elevation angles.

In addition to these machines, the characteristics of machines will be affected more low levels. Three tanks at once: VK 30.01 (D), VK 30.02 (D) And Indien-Panzer mobility will be improved, and Indien-Panzer The weapon will also be improved. Panther I And Panther II will receive improved weapon characteristics, and the latter will receive a new weapon 8 .8 cm KwK L/100. U Tiger (P), Tiger I And VK 30.01 (P) The tower's armor will be strengthened. E 75 will get very good improvement Performance characteristics of the gun. U E 100 will also increase the comfort of the gun 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44L/55, but the weapon 15 cm Kw.K. L/38 and will completely increase the armor penetration of an armor-piercing projectile.

Japanese tank tree

Because of Type 4 And Type 5 Heavy rarely seen in battles, Wargaming decided to adjust the characteristics of some TTs from the branch.

The top vehicles will have new guns, with high-explosive shells, to make the tank branch more logical, in order to preserve the uniqueness of the entire branch. O-I Experimental will lose its mobility, because its mass will increase, and maximum speed it will be like O-I. Same with O-I Experimental the top gun will be taken away 10 cm Cannon Type 14 and will receive increased frontal armor. U O-I the set of available shells for the gun will be revised 15 cm Howitzer Type 96. Top gun 10 cm Experimental Tank Gun Kai at O-Ho will receive an armor-piercing shell, like a premium one. Premium Heavy Tank No VI The turret's armor will be improved.

American tank tree

With several American cars something that all the players have been waiting for for so long will happen and they no longer even believed that it would happen.

U T28, T28 Prototype And T95 the speed will be increased.

Premium cars in 2017

In 2017, we expect two new premium cars - and Object 252U.

Object 252U, I can imagine that it will become a replacement IS-6. Probably every player already knows that now W.G. withdraws preferential tanks from sale, which is what IS-6. well and STRV S1 will most likely appear as the first premium Swedish car VIII level in Game.


On WG Fest"we again talked about improving the balancer. Now W.G. wants to completely change the way the rework balancer works, key mechanics and the template system.

The improved matchmaker will match players based on a number of patterns, such as 3/5/7: 3 cars at the top of the list, 5 cars in the middle and 7 cars at the bottom of the list. During peak online times on the server, the balancer will create two-level and one-level battles.

Platoons of the same level

W.G. plans to completely solve the problem of “key fobs” with the settings of a new balancer. Only vehicles of the same level will be allowed into battle. The system of fines for platoons with a difference of more than 3 levels will be eliminated, but the bonus system will remain.

Hatred of self-propelled guns

W.G. plans to solve the problem in the following way: limiting self-propelled guns in battle to three units.

Light tanks Tier X

In order for the new balancer system to work perfectly in Wargaming We have made a final decision on Tier X light tanks - they will appear in the game in 2017!

In total, 3-4 nations of Tier X light tanks will be introduced into the game. When LT-10 is introduced, all LTs will have a normalized level of battles, and not, as now, increased.


In order for the balancer changes described above to work well in the game, the second iteration of the server awaits us in February 2017 “ Sandbox" If in the first iteration much attention was paid to changing the roles of all equipment, then in the second iteration it will be divided into 2 stages.

At the first stage, accuracy testing, a decrease in armor penetration with distance, and modified “two and three caliber” rules will be carried out. By the way, players could already encounter the changed rule of “two and three calibers” at the general test updates 9.17. Wargaming wants to try to reduce the excess armor penetration of tank destroyers and tank destroyers, increase the drop in armor penetration with distance and change the accuracy of all vehicles. All these changes should lead to an increased role of armor in the game.

At the second stage, changes to self-propelled guns and new equipment will be tested, which can be used several times in battle. W.G. The so-called stunning of self-propelled guns has been improved. Improved aiming mechanics will be available, including the introduction of an alternative sight similar to Battle Assistant. The changes will also affect game interfaces: it will be displayed important information about stun: duration, radius, etc.

Monastery in HD

On WG Fest The first map in HD quality was officially announced.

As they said during the presentation of the map, this awaits us already in 2017.


Well, now let's move on to various news and announcements that are less noticeable.

"Tax on Google"

We can say that the very first thing on December 17 Wargaming announced that the company has decided to fully accept the payment of value added tax on purchases in services Google to myself. Prices will not change at all.

For those who do not understand what we are talking about: from January 1, 2017 in Russian Federation a new value added tax (VAT) of 18% is introduced on all purchases in Google. IN Play Market games posted Wargaming and one of them is World of Tanks Blitz.

Kaspersky World of Tanks edition

Kaspersky Lab introduced a special version of its antivirus system, which is called World of Tanks edition like the same one

How it differs from the regular version, we are now clarifying this. And we hope that we will tell you about this in the near future.

"Contest of Champions"

During WG Fest An eSports tournament was held, where several teams from all over the world took part. In the final we met Natus Vincere And TORNADO ENERGY Team. The team won TORNADO ENERGY Team with a score of 7:5. The winners received a cash prize and a quota WGL 2017 Grand Final, which will take place in Moscow.


Was presented a new game from Wargaming And 1C - Caliber. The game is a third-person team action game where the main mode is PVE.

Official website of the game.

There are simply a huge number of German tanks in World of Tanks, eight can be distinguished

Heavy tanks

Of course, it’s worth starting the review with a review of the branch that ends with the legendary Mouse. Unfortunately, this machine has long lost its relevance. Once upon a time, Mouse was a real “thunderstorm of randomness”; on many maps you could put a competent diamond and not be afraid of your opponents at all. Over the four years of the game's existence, the situation has changed dramatically: the widespread use of level ten tank destroyers and the widespread use of gold shells have greatly reduced the value of armor. Unfortunately, some tank destroyers are capable of penetrating the upper frontal part of the Mouse with cumulative shells.

But this does not mean that all the cars in the branch have lost their relevance. At the fifth and sixth levels there are medium tanks Pz. IV H And VK 30.01 P. In general, these are fairly passable cars without any bright pros or cons. Playing them does not require any special skills, but it is not memorable either. Once upon a time on Pz. IV H had a much more powerful gun (from a single-tier tank destroyer), then it turned into a real imba with a landmine when the ability to purchase premium shells for silver was introduced... But now, after several nerfs, it is a completely ordinary tank.

At the seventh level there is already a heavy tank Tiger (P), which is also called “Pigr”. And this machine, when used correctly, can show outstanding results. The fact is that the thickness of the front of the hull is 200 mm, the arrangement of the tank in a diamond shape allows you to tank against tanks of the eighth level. In this case, the gun penetrates 203 mm with a regular shell, but the one-time damage is only 240 units. But the accuracy (0.34) and visibility (380 meters) are pleasing. All this is balanced by weak dynamics and large dimensions, but the Tiger (P) is still a very comfortable car. He can play the role of a sniper and tank in close combat.

VK 45.02 A, who received the nickname “Alfatapok” among the players. This is due to the fact that next comes a car with a rear turret, which makes it a bit like a slipper. The VK 45.02 A itself does not have any outstanding advantages. In general, it combines the features of medium and heavy tanks: the maximum speed is mediocre (38 km/h), but the specific power is quite high (almost 15 hp). The armor can hardly be called good (for example, there is 120 mm in the front of the hull at a slight angle), but good dynamics make it possible to often expose the tank to a shot from an advantageous angle. Penetration by both a conventional projectile (200 mm) and a sub-caliber projectile (244 mm) is frankly small. One-time damage is 320 units, this is the standard for this level and class.

On the ninth level there is that very “Slipper”, that is VK 45.02 B. In patch 9.2 this car was heavily upgraded. Now the thickness of the hull’s forehead is 200 mm (this applies to both the upper and lower frontal parts), and the thickness of the turret roof has been increased to 60 mm, into which the Slipper could easily penetrate. You have to pay for such a booking with very poor dynamics. And the weapon leaves much to be desired. It has good penetration (246 mm for a regular projectile) and one-time damage (490 units), but the rate of fire is low (less than 4 rounds per minute), and the long aiming time (2.9) leads to frequent misses in dynamic firefights.

VK 45.02 B

About Mouse, which is on the tenth level, we have already said. On this tank and modern realities you can play from armor and tank a huge amount of damage. But, unfortunately, this can only be done on just a few maps. On some Prokhorovka, Mouse is an easy target. Its record strength reserve (as much as 3000 units!) will only delight opponents.

The second branch of heavy tanks starts from the fourth level. D.W. 2 is one of the few heavy tanks at this level. He has good armor, but he has to pay for it with a weapon with weak penetration. In this way it resembles the French B1. At the fifth and sixth levels are the VK 30.01 H and VK 36.01 H. By the way, they were once medium tanks (and both were at the sixth level), but the developers decided to change this. Unfortunately, when the class was changed, the reservation remained the same. These tanks do not hold up well in close combat. But they perform excellently as “snipers”, because they can be equipped with the famous Konik gun (Waffe 0725), which has good penetration (157 mm for a regular projectile and 221 mm for a sub-caliber projectile), which is complemented by excellent accuracy (0.34) .

On the seventh level is the famous Tiger I. This vehicle is distinguished by its large size and weak armor (for example, only 100 mm in the front of the hull), but this is compensated by a simply magnificent weapon. It is identical to the one installed on the Tiger (P), but its rate of fire is much higher. The damage per minute is as much as 2150 units, which even level eight cars can envy. The safety margin in the top configuration is 1500 units; with many opponents you can simply make a trade. The Tiger is currently one of the best tier seven heavy tanks, although realizing high DPM can be difficult for inexperienced players.

On the eighth level is Royal tiger, which is a fairly versatile heavy tank. A gun with a penetration of 225 mm with a conventional projectile (and 285 mm with a sub-caliber projectile) and good accuracy (0.34) allows you to successfully hit targets from any distance. The overview is 390 meters, which is 10 meters less than the maximum value for this level. There are several vulnerable areas in the armor (lower frontal part, turret roof and surveillance devices), but with proper use of the terrain they can be hidden. But the upper frontal part is 150 mm thick and is located at a good angle. If you place the tank in a diamond shape, then only a level ten tank destroyer will be able to penetrate it with great difficulty.

Tiger II

E 75 is a logical continuation of the Royal Tiger and is located on the ninth level. This is one of the few "real" heavy tanks with good armor. The gun is identical to the one on the VK 45.02 B. We are also pleased with the good dynamics, which allows, for example, to return to base if opponents have begun to capture it. Finally, the branch ends with E 100, which can often be found in random battles. This heavy tank has several vulnerable areas in the frontal armor (the huge lower frontal part, the turret forehead), but if you put the right diamond shape and rotate the turret a little, it will be difficult to penetrate you. The low penetration of a conventional projectile (only 235 mm) forces the constant use of cumulative ones (they already penetrate 334 mm). But I’m very pleased with the high one-time damage (as much as 750 units). The safety factor is 2700 units, E 100 shows itself well in pushing through directions.

Medium tanks

Medium tanks are also represented by two branches. First we will look at the one that leads to E 50 M, because it appeared a long time ago. It starts from the sixth level, where it is located VK 30.02 M, it opens with VK 30.01 H. VK 30.02 M is a good medium tank that can act actively on the first line and play the role of an “ambush sniper”. The top gun penetrates 150 mm with a regular shell; against tanks at a higher level you can use sub-caliber ones with a penetration of 194 mm. The dynamics also make a favorable impression.

But about Panther, which is located on the seventh level, you can’t say that. It drives frankly poorly for a medium tank, which is further aggravated by its rather large size (the famous German “barn-likeness”, which is typical for all tanks of a higher level). The top gun, nicknamed for longer length“fishing rod”, penetrates as much as 198 mm, but the one-time damage is 135 units, but the accuracy is simply excellent (0.32). Panther suggests a unique style of play: you need to keep a respectful distance from your opponent in order to realize your advantage with precision. But it doesn’t work well to play the role of a classic tank destroyer, because this requires a lot of one-time damage.

On the eighth level is Panther 2, which drives even worse, and the dimensions are about the same. The weapon came from a level seven Tiger. The upper frontal part is 85 mm thick at a good angle, but this is not enough to clear shots from single-tier tanks. Parts of the turret's forehead that are not covered by the gun mantlet are easily penetrated (other tanks in the branch also have this problem). Another problem is the location of the transmission behind the front front part; because of this, the tank often burns when it is penetrated in the front. Overall, Panther 2 is a pretty mediocre medium tank your level.

Panther II

But about E 50(ninth level) this cannot be said. One-time damage has increased to 390 units, while the thickness of the upper frontal part is as much as 150 mm at a good angle, which allows for good tanking, this makes the E 50 look like a heavy tank. Unfortunately, the lower frontal part is only 80 mm thick; the forehead of the turret also penetrates well. The E 50 is also large in size, but this also has a positive side: the combination of large mass and high speed(up to 60 km/h) allows you to remove a huge amount of safety margin from the enemy with a ram. Unfortunately, this is not possible to do very often: a competent enemy immediately shoots at the caterpillar.

On the tenth level is E 50 M, which is an improved version of the ninth level tank. The armor has not changed at all, as has the one-time damage, but the specific power and safety margin have increased. E 50 M almost does not burn when penetrated head-on, because the transmission is moved to the rear of the body. The gun remained the same, but reloading was faster, accuracy and aiming speed were improved. Sub-caliber projectiles are now the main projectile; cumulative projectiles are available as premium ones. The E 50 M does not boast high damage per minute, but it makes up for it with excellent accuracy.

The second branch appeared relatively recently. More precisely, this can be said about vehicles from the eighth to tenth level and some tanks of a lower level. There is no point in considering vehicles from the second to the fourth level: they do not stand out in any way, and they can be completed in a few dozen battles. On the fifth level there is Pz.Kpfw. III/IV, which combines good dynamics with high one-time damage for its level (110 units). The overview and booking cannot be called outstanding, but still the Pz.Kpfw. III/IV is a very comfortable machine to play, which leaves behind mostly positive emotions.

The same can be said about VK 30.01 D, it is on the sixth level and is a logical continuation of its predecessor. One-time damage has increased to 135 units, the gun is identical to the one installed on the VK 30.02 M. It performs well both in long-range firefights and in close combat. But on the seventh level there is a rather controversial tank VK 30.02 D. His the main problem in low penetration. For example, a typical shell from a top gun penetrates only 132 mm! You can install a cannon from its predecessor, but a penetration of 150 mm is not enough for the seventh level. This should be compensated by good dynamics and good (especially for a medium tank) armor, but in modern realities it is the penetrating gun that is the main advantage.

Next comes Indien-Panzer nicknamed "Turkey". The top gun penetrates 212 mm with a regular shell, which is a good indicator for the eighth level, but you have to pay for it with mediocre dynamics and cardboard armor. The front of the hull has a good slope, but the thickness is only 90 mm, so the “Turkey” rarely deflects projectiles. This tank It easily penetrates directly into the gun mantlet, so it is difficult to achieve good vertical aiming angles.


On the ninth and tenth levels are Leopard PT A And Leopard 1 respectively. The huge disadvantage of these vehicles is the complete lack of armor: they can easily penetrate even the sixth levels directly into the forehead of the tower, and high explosive shell When hit, it always deals full damage. This is compensated by excellent dynamics, which will be the envy of some light tanks, but on many maps it is of little use. The tenth level Leopard differs from its predecessor in a slightly larger margin of safety, aiming speed, etc. Penetration and one-time damage are identical. The problem with these two tanks is that they often have to pretend to be tank destroyers and shoot from behind the bushes, while medium tanks are still expected to have active gameplay...

Leopard PT A

Leopard 1

Tank destroyer

The German nation also has two branches of tank destroyers. The vehicles of one are characterized by good frontal armor for high levels, these are real assault tank destroyers, while the vehicles of the other branch are the implementation of the “crystal cannon” concept, they are almost completely devoid of armor, but are capable of inflicting simply enormous amounts of damage. We will start the review from the first branch; assault tank destroyers start only at level eight, while low-level vehicles are fairly classic ambush-type tank destroyers.

It is worth noting the famous Hetzer, which is on the fourth level. It has good frontal armor (60 mm at an angle), good dynamics and a low silhouette, which allow it to both successfully shoot from behind the bushes and tank, if necessary, on the first line. The available weapons include both a punching hole puncher and a land mine. The latter once made Hetzer a real hitch due to its gold cumulative shells, but they were nerfed, so Hetzer became a balanced machine. You can no longer call it an imba, but you can still show excellent results with it.

Next comes Stug III G, which can no longer boast of such good reservation. The front deckhouse is covered with 80 mm thick plates, but the large lower frontal part can be broken through without difficulty. But the Stug III G has a low silhouette, which means a good stealth factor. The top gun with a regular shell penetrates 150 mm of armor and deals 135 units of damage. Good dynamics allows you to act actively and quickly change position.

On the sixth level is Jagdpanzer IV, about which there are many conflicting reviews. Some praise this tank destroyer for its low silhouette, which allows it to remain undetected for a long time. Others speak negatively about the top gun, which with a conventional shell penetrates only 132 mm, and one-time damage is 220 units. Both sides are right: on the Jagdpanzer IV you have to carefully choose a position so as to remain unnoticed and shoot the enemy on the side, because it will be very difficult to penetrate many tanks head-on.

On the seventh level is located Jagdpanther, which also causes conflicting feelings. The main problem of this tank destroyer is that it combines the large size of assault vehicles with the weak armor of an ambush-type tank destroyer. Thus, Jagdpanther is easily detected by opponents and quickly destroyed. You can only hope for rare ricochets from the frontal armor, which is located at a good angle. You have to keep a maximum distance and look for double bushes. There are two top guns to choose from; they have almost identical penetration (200 and 203 mm), but the one-time damage is different (320 and 240 units).

At the eighth level, this branch has two cars at once: Jagdpanther II And Ferdinand. The first is a logical continuation of the seventh level tank destroyer. The armor still does not withstand impact, but sometimes it pleases with ricochets. The gun has been significantly improved: now it penetrates 246 mm with a regular shell, and the one-time damage is 490 units. Ferdinand has the same gun (only the rate of fire is slightly lower), but its armor is noticeably better: 200 mm in the forehead allows you to tank single-tier tanks quite confidently if you position the vehicle in a diamond shape and hide the vulnerable lower frontal part. Ferdinand can sometimes even lead an attack, but you need to watch the flanks: this tank destroyer does not have a turret, and its dynamics make it very similar to a heavy tank.

Jagdpanther II


On the ninth level is located Jagdtiger, it continues the concept of a heavy assault tank destroyer, which in the branch begins with Ferdinand: large sizes, terrible dynamics and good frontal armor. The thickness of the frontal armor of the Jagdtiger is 250 mm, the upper frontal part is 150 mm thick and is located at a good angle. Unfortunately, the lower frontal part is very thin (only 80 mm) and can be penetrated by almost everyone, even at a high angle. Because of large sizes And the Jagdtiger’s sluggishness is loved by enemy artillery, because through the thin roof a high-explosive shell inflicts full damage. But the gun of this tank destroyer is simply magnificent: it is quickly mounted, penetrates 276 mm with a regular shell, and the one-time damage is 560 units. This is not so much, but the damage per minute reaches almost 3000 units.

Finally, on the tenth level is Jagdpanzer E 100(Tank destroyer based on the E 100 heavy tank). This tank destroyer is also distinguished by its simply gigantic size. The side armor has improved somewhat, but still leaves much to be desired. The lower frontal part is easily penetrated; cumulative shells hit the Jagdpanzer E 100 directly in the front of the wheelhouse without any problems. But all this is compensated by a very powerful weapon, which deals an average of 1050 units of damage per shot, which is slightly more than the safety margin of top medium tanks. Penetration is standard for level ten tank destroyers (299 mm for armor-piercing and 420 mm for sub-caliber). Overall, this is a balanced car with clear pros and cons.

Jagdpanzer E 100

The second branch of German tank destroyers is radically different from the first. There is no need to talk about armor here; even a level ten vehicle can get through some kind of MC-1 right into the control room. But first things first. On the third and fourth levels are Marder II And Marder 38T respectively. The first one was once a real imbecile for its level, but it was nerfed a long time ago. However, both tank destroyers are distinguished by good guns and completely cardboard cabins. You have to constantly stand behind the bushes, but this can be said about all the machines in the branch.

Pz.Sfl. IVc Located on the fifth level, this tank destroyer received the affectionate nickname “Grobik” for its unique appearance. This vehicle simply has no armor, but it has good mobility and excellent weapons. The top-end one penetrates as much as 194 mm of armor with a conventional projectile (this is a real record), but it has to sacrifice poor horizontal aiming angles. And rather long mixing further aggravates the problem. Many players go through the “Coffin” with the previous gun, which only penetrates 132 mm with a regular shell, but this is enough at the fifth level.

Nashorn, which goes further, completely repeats this concept: a complete lack of armor, which is compensated by a powerful weapon. It came from the Jagdpanther, a level seven vehicle from another branch. A penetration of 203 mm is enough even for tanks of the eighth level, and the damage per minute is as much as 2250 units. Accuracy allows you to consistently hit the enemy from a distance of 500 meters. Pz.Sfl. V, which is at level seven, also suffers from extremely weak armor. The dynamics have decreased significantly, which is compensated by one-time damage of 490 units and penetration of 231 mm. There are simply no premium shells for this tank destroyer; they are not needed, because ordinary armor-piercing shells are more than enough.

On the eighth level is Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, who received the affectionate nickname “Borshchik”. This vehicle has the best camouflage among tank destroyers at level eight. The stock gun is similar to the one found on a tier 8 tank destroyer from another branch. The top one has a gigantic one-time damage of 750 units. Penetration by a conventional projectile is low (only 215 mm), but the cumulative penetration is as much as 334 mm. The Borschik still has no armor, but it boasts a turret with full rotation. This sometimes even allows you to exchange fire with the enemy from around the corner. A significant advantage of the Borshchik is that it is absolutely not necessary to upgrade a top-end weapon; it is only better in terms of one-time damage. Most players use stock.

Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager

Next comes Waffentrager auf Pz. IV, which also has a full rotation turret. The dynamics have improved slightly, but the dimensions and armor have remained virtually unchanged. The gun is similar to the one on the Jagdtiger, although you can also install a gun from the E 100. Waffentrager auf Pz. IV is the best ambush-type tank destroyer at level nine, and the turret sometimes allows for firefights from behind cover. But the lack of armor means that after exposure you will be instantly destroyed. Sometimes only its small size can save you; it can be difficult to hit this tank destroyer from a long distance.

Waffentrager auf Pz. IV

Finally, at the tenth level there is the famous Waffentrager E 100: a tank destroyer with a loading drum and a wheelhouse rotating 360 degrees, which is made on the basis of the heavy tank E 100. In general, this combination looks somewhat strange: the hull can withstand a blow well, but everyone shoots completely a cardboard cabin that even a level 1 tank can penetrate. You can install both a Jagdtiger gun and an E 100 gun. The drum of the first can hold five shells with one-time damage of 560 units, the drum of the second - only four, but the one-time damage is 750 units. Thus, this German tank destroyer can inflict approximately 3000 units of damage from the reel. Perhaps this is the most imposing car of the tenth level, which has already been nerfed several times. The huge size and cardboard cabin force you to stay at the maximum distance from the enemy, but this is redeemed by the ability to inflict about 3000 units of damage in 8 seconds.

Waffentrager E 100

Light tanks

The light tank branch cannot be called complete: there is not enough Tier 8 vehicles, the developers simply have not found a suitable tank yet. Level 4 car ( Luchs) is absolutely passable, tanks are fifth ( VK 16.02 Leopard) and sixth level ( VK 28.01) also cannot be called outstanding. They have a decent weight for light tanks, which sometimes allows them to ram other fireflies, but, perhaps, that’s where their advantages end. Once upon a time, the Leopard (don't confuse it with a tier ten medium tank) was a real gem, but it was heavily nerfed.

At the seventh level of the branch there is the infamous Aufkl. Panther: light tank based on the Panther. Perhaps this is the worst firefly at its level: its huge size means a weak camouflage coefficient, but for light tank this is the most important characteristic. Large mass sometimes allows you to successfully ram even medium tanks, but it greatly reduces the dynamics. A big and slow light tank, what could be worse? The famous “Konik” (Waffe 0725) is installed as the top weapon, but at the seventh level, penetration with a sub-caliber of 221 mm will not surprise anyone, and the damage per minute leaves much to be desired. With Aufkl. Panther can be opened "Turkey", but it is better to go along the branch of medium tanks.

Aufklärungspanzer Panther

The SPG branch turned out to be quite controversial. Up to the seventh level inclusive, there are vehicles with good accuracy, aiming speed and reloading, which is compensated by not the best big penetration and one-time damage. Some also have good horizontal aiming angles, and their mobility leaves a pleasant impression. SPGs of the eighth and ninth levels are radically different: huge one-time damage is balanced by a long reload time, terrible accuracy and poor mobility. They are very similar to Soviet self-propelled guns eighth and ninth levels. And the German top self-propelled gun represents the “golden mean”: mobility is not the best, but it can no longer be called terrible, the gun is not very accurate, but this can be said about almost all artillery.

There really are a lot of German tanks in World of Tanks. A beginner can easily get confused in the intricacies of the branches, between which there are many transitions. But this nation can offer the player truly different vehicles: there are well-armored heavy tanks, something in between heavy and medium vehicles, and tanks with a complete lack of armor.

Share and win from 100 gold

On February 22, 2017, the World of Tanks servers “fell asleep”; for a while, thus marking the release of the next software update serial number 9.17.1. An update that brought with it many innovations and balance changes to equipment, including those long-awaited for many players.

At the same time, if you look at the patch note, you can easily find that the changes in the German branch stand out among everything, namely the addition new "top" cars and improving existing tanks. It is how the wishes of one bearded developer came true that will be discussed in this material.

So, the first thing that catches your eye is the modification in the development tree of heavy tanks: the Germans added as many as three units from levels 8 to 10, adding another branch from Tiger (P).

Now, from the creation of Dr. Porsche, having accumulated a little more than 100 thousand experience, you can open VK 100.01 (P), which marks new way to "Maus", through its "younger version" - Mäuschen. Thus, the developers decided to emphasize the “heaviness” of this branch, trying to “equalize” its gameplay with armored, clumsy mastodons with almost identical weapons.

The place of the "mouse" is on the tenth level after VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B was occupied by an “old friend” Pz.Kpfw. VII, which is a slightly modified VK 72.01 (K), which was awarded as an achievement on the global map. Here, too, everything looks logical - the “alfa-slipper” with a rear-mounted turret gets the same follower.

VK 100.01 P, previously considered as a new premium vehicle, received from the developers impressive armor for level 8: 200mm of steel in the upper frontal part of the hull at a good angle will force opponents to load “golden” shells more often. The tank's turret, in turn, received 230mm at its thickest point, coupled with a complex shape. The downside of the tank should be the huge commander's cupola, but, as the experience of test battles has shown, you also need to try to penetrate it.

The new “weaving” is armed with a stripped-down “Mausgun” - a 128mm gun with the familiar alphastrike of 490 units, but “only” 220mm of armor penetration and about 15 seconds of reloading. At the same time, the huge and slow (20 km/h maximum speed) tank received an extraordinary 400 meters of basic visibility.

Mäuschen, for which this is actually the second coming to the game after an unsuccessful appearance in the general test of patch 0.9.9, is a slightly smaller copy of the “big Mouse”. Compared to the original version, the tank received a slight nerf to its armor, a different weapon, and became more “big-eyed” (400m base view). At the same time, it remained just as huge and slow (20 km/h “maximum speed”).

If the first version of the “mouse” was indestructible if it got to the top, and turned out to be helpless at the bottom of the list, then the current version is quite digestible. A full-fledged 128mm "Mousegun" (246mm armor penetration, about 14 seconds of reloading) replaced the incomprehensible 150mm gun, which was useless with its 225mm penetration against the "high school students". 200/155/135mm armor in the forehead/sides/rear of the hull will allow Mäuschen" Tanking at your level is no worse than your “big brother”. The 240mm in the front of the turret should not disappoint, even despite the presence of the traditional commander’s “bump”.

Pz.Kpfw. VII, the new German heavy "ten", as already mentioned, is also an "old friend". It is distinguished from its twin brother VK 72.01 (K) only by the characteristics of the gun. By the way, at the first iteration of the general test, the collision models of the tanks were absolutely identical - even the guns were identical (the 152mm barrel of the upgraded Tapkolv was changed to its 128mm gun only before the release of the patch).

Arming the seventh "groove" the developers showed resourcefulness, rewarding it with a "cut off" barrel from Jagdtiger, preserving average damage 560 units, slightly taking away the armor penetration indicator - 258mm versus 276mm for the Yaga. Thus, the “Germans”, as conceived by the creators of the game, received a new top-end heavyweight, with gameplay different from its predecessors (Maus and E 100).

It is worth mentioning that the 9.17.1 “original” Tapkolev received a number of balance changes, which were also reflected in our newcomer: the maximum speed was reduced from 43 to 33 km/h, the VLD armor was increased from 200 to 240 mm; the armor plate between the VLD and NLD has been increased from 200 to 300 mm. The developers also thickened the NLD tank from 200 to 230 mm.

Undoubtedly, the most long-awaited and most “delicious” for most fans of German technology in the current patch were the improvements to Maus. The long-suffering legendary machine finally received “treatment” for all its problem areas.

So, the dry language of numbers will tell us the following:

In practice, this results in the fact that the “Mouse” will stop absorbing shells with the cheeks of the turret, receive damage through the downed roller, and will become “survivable” by 200 units of strength. Also, the owners of the crown of tank building of the Third Reich will be able to rotate the turret and hull while tanking without suffering too much from the variance in the accuracy of the gun. Moreover, the comfort of shooting from the Mousegun has been improved by increasing accuracy and rate of fire. In addition to the Maus, changes also affected a number of other German heavy tanks.

So, both “Tigers” received increased armor for the turrets, which they lost when converted to HD - the tanks’ masks were “patched.” The brainchild of Ferdinand Porsche, in addition, was given an additional 30mm in the commander's cupola of the top turret. As a result, Tiger (P) should become more comfortable and begin to tank more decently, which he had problems with after receiving the new collision model.

Patch 9.17.1 promises a lot of pleasant things for World of Tanks players. Tankers can expect a new branch of German heavy tanks and graphical updates to existing vehicles. Wargaming continues to work on transferring the game to HD quality, and now many cars will take on a new look..

Changes in the Germany branch

Branch with heavy Maus tank got newbies. VK 100.01 (P) has been added to level VIII.

Judging by the initial characteristics, the car resembles a Maus. The developers left the tank with a familiar weapon with penetration up to 220 mm armor-piercing projectile. However, the VK 100.01 differs from its older “brother” in that it has a large commander’s cupola, which is vulnerable to most Tier VIII-X guns. But the one-time damage is really good: 490 units of firepower will compensate for other shortcomings.

At level IX there is another newcomer - Mauschen. The familiar commander's cupola, the size of a small car, moved to the other side of the tower. The weapon is a standard “mousgun” with full level X penetration.

The crown of the new branch will remain Maus, which will undergo small but extremely positive changes. The armor of the frontal part of the turret will increase to 260 millimeters, and the gun's rate of fire will rise to 3,000 units of damage per minute.

And the Tapkov branch acquired a new leader. Meet Panzerkampfwagen VII, a copy of the promotional vehicle VK 72.01, which was given out for playing at clan events from WG.

The gun from the E-100 will be penetrated by a 246 mm armor-piercing projectile. The vehicle's armor is impressive: the thickness of the frontal parts will increase to 240 millimeters. However, the tank will lose mobility: the maximum speed has dropped from 40 to 30 kilometers per hour.

The famous E-50M, a Tier X medium tank in Germany, has also undergone changes. However, the adjustments affected the visual level: the new HD appearance will add additional gloss to the already beautiful car.

Changes in the USSR branch

Soviet technology will receive several HD models. The most anticipated innovation is the remodeling of the Tier X medium tank, Object 140. The absolute format star has become even more beautiful, and the changed shape of the hatches on the tower has improved the already strong forehead.

The fellow “magpie” (as the “Object 140” is jokingly called), “Object 907” has also been translated into HD quality. However, one specific change can hardly be called positive: the size of the hatches on the tower has increased, and they have become much easier to get into. So the developers are waiting for another wave of criticism from the owners of the tank.

But the Tier X tank destroyer, Object 263, benefited from the HD model. The machine “lost weight” in size and gained an increased camouflage coefficient. Now “Object 263” will not only be difficult to destroy, but also difficult to find. Another plus is that the armor in the gun mantlet has increased.

The second top-end tank destroyer of the Soviet development branch, “Object 268”, was also not neglected, which became prettier in appearance and acquired a new detail - a birch log-counterweight at the stern.

It is worth noting that all cars have become more visually pleasing. World of Tanks cannot do without subjective assessment appearance and, as a consequence, there is a certain relationship between the visual quality and the popularity of a particular tank. In the next article we will tell you what changes have affected Tier VIII tanks, but for now - good luck in the battles!

Without the German branch, a game about tanks of the Second World War was in no way a game about tanks of the Second World War. Main antagonist in a game without a plot allows you to experience all aspects of the historical part of the game. If you still decide to play with this particular branch, then get ready. The Germans are the most long-suffering nation in WOT. Nerve problems in each patch affect cars of that particular nation. This happens especially when introducing any other nation, to maintain balance and popularize new foreign technology. But even mentioning these problems, it should be noted that it is Germany that has the largest number uniquely distinguishable models, and even historically it turned out that the design of German tanks is the most expressive.

To finish the information about this thread, highlighting it from the positive side, it is worth noting the most negative sides cars of this nation. The biggest disadvantage (a plus in terms of visual appearance) is the design of any Wehrmacht tank. They are truly “obese”. Square shapes will not allow you to hide in the folds of the terrain, or adequately tank with a diamond shape. This backwardness in the use of armor with right angles played a joke not only on virtual tankers, but also on the Germans who actually fought during the Second World War. The likelihood of a ricochet with this design is extremely low, and thick armor is impossible due to the unprofitable slope of the walls.

For some reason, in many tanks the engine is moved to the most vulnerable zone. To the front. This “excellent” solution allows the German crew to be set on fire much faster, leading to the detonation of ammunition faster than the car of any other nation. Considering the fact that German technology prefers to consume highly flammable gasoline, the developers took this historical design feature into account and added the ability German tanks more often burn like matches.

However, if you approach German technology individually regarding a specific model, then the situation is not so dire. Each high-level tank is so massive that it has a great effect on the results of ramming. These results never stack up on your opponent's side. Crush? - There's no problem! Immobilize? - Line up. That is why the number of videos with rams using German equipment prevails. The absolute leader in weight and the most terrible ram is considered to be the E-50M. It is capable of damaging equipment of any level. Excellent accuracy allows him to stand next to the PT in terms of results.

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Select this nation second and you will gain a lot of experience in the skill of the game, and when returning to the previous nation you will notice a difference in your game in positive side. How do you rate the German tank branch? And what do you like or not about it?!

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