Russian tanks and armored vehicles. Tank division How many new tanks are in the Russian army

Maneuverable, powerful and efficient tanks are the reliable foundation of the Armed Forces of any country. The constant arms race, tacitly going on between the advanced countries of the world, obliges designers to create improved models of combat vehicles. The best tanks of our time are vehicles, each with unique features and capabilities.

Challenger 2, UK

The Challenger 2, unlike other modern combat vehicles, is equipped with a 120 mm rifled gun. Internal cutting allows you to effectively hit objects at a distance of more than 5 kilometers. Challenger 2 is the record holder for the range of tank battles.

This tank is the most protected in the world. Special armor, which is based on the secret Dorchester armor, consisting of an alloy of steel, Kevlar, and ceramics. Such a connection reduces the power of impacts from incoming projectiles. It is capable of effectively countering direct-guided weapons. However, reliable armor made it significantly heavier. challenger. Combined with a relatively low power engine, this made the tank slow and clumsy.

Built-in combat information system and computer fire control help in difficult conditions.

These tanks performed well in the Iraq War (2003). In the Battle of Basra, the armored brigade participated in the advance on the city. Later, combat vehicles entered into battle with Iraqi tanks. It was the largest tank battle since the Second World War - the British were able to destroy 15 enemy vehicles without losing a single one of their tanks.

During the entire existence of the Challenger 2, its armor was hit only once - as a result of an erroneous hit on it by exactly the same tank.

T-90 ("Vladimir"), Russia

The main battle tank of Russia. At the beginning of the XXI century, it was the best-selling, having the best performance in terms of price and quality.

A unique feature of the Russian combat vehicle is the Kalina fire control system, which surpasses its counterparts in many respects. It allows the first shot to hit enemy targets that are in motion even under adverse weather conditions.

A 22-round machine is capable of firing up to 9 shots per minute. At the same time, it can fire anti-tank guided missiles.

The special design allows the T-90 to overcome water obstacles up to 5 meters deep. According to the results of many tests, including such indicators as shooting accuracy, maneuverability, wear resistance, this tank occupies a leading position, leaving behind the famous tanks of other powers.

There are suggestions that in 1995 several T-90 combat units took part in the Chechen war, but this has not been documented. Russian tanks took part in the fighting in Ukraine, acting on the side of the militias, were used in the liquidation of the Ilovaisk pocket, in the assault on the security forces near Lugansk. T-90s in the Syrian army took part in recent military operations in Syria.

Type 10 Japan

Japan's latest fighting vehicle. Its uniqueness lies in equipping it with innovative mechanisms of electronic and computer combat systems - an automatic charging system and a panoramic view.

Automatic continuously variable transmission allows you to develop maximum speed when driving in both directions. The Type 10 has a hydropneumatic suspension that allows you to change the ground clearance and degree of inclination of the hull. This improves patency, increases the range of vertical guidance of the gun. The reduced clearance makes it possible to lower the tank on the bottom, making it less noticeable.

The crew is housed in a special compartment, covered with more durable nanocrystalline steel.

M1 Abrams, USA

One of the few tanks that have a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction. In the event of a nuclear or chemical attack, the system supplies the crew with clean air and blocks poisons and dust from entering the fighting compartment.

Abrams is equipped with chemical and radiation reconnaissance devices, equipped with an innovative fire control system. The vehicle is reinforced with uranium armor and has state-of-the-art guns. Over the 35-year history of the existence of this tank, no cases of complete destruction of the crew were recorded, which indicates its excellent security.

The M1 Abrams is equipped with advanced thermal sensors and navigational surveillance systems. The gas turbine engine has excellent performance, but is demanding to maintain and requires a lot of fuel.

One of the main advantages of this combat vehicle is the ability to remotely control weapons.

The first battle experience Abrams received in 1991 during the military operations in the Persian Gulf. Thanks to technical superiority, American tanks successfully destroyed Iraqi vehicles.

M1 Abrams also participated in the seven-year war in Iraq. In the battles, the Americans suffered significant losses - out of 1200 combat vehicles, 800 received damage of varying severity.

Merkava, Israel

A distinctive feature of this tank is the front location of the engine compartment, which provides additional protection for the crew. Another feature of the combat vehicle is the rear compartment for transporting the wounded or troops. This adds versatility to the tank and the ability to variate actions in accordance with the combat situation.

Merkava was the first to use an active protection system that effectively knocks down missiles and shells approaching the tank.

It is perfectly protected - modular armor can be quickly replaced. Particular attention was paid to camouflage - so that the tank was not noticeable on the battlefield, the designers changed the shade of the exhaust gases. The defense system is able to inform about threats and neutralize missiles.

The new projectile guidance system is especially effective against low-flying helicopters.

Leopard 2, Germany

It has an advanced fire control system that allows you to effectively hit moving targets while being in continuous motion.
Laid on armor protects against mines, land mines, missiles, cluster munitions.

The Leopard has a special setup that keeps all electronic systems functioning without turning on the main engine. The tank is equipped with one of the best modifications of guns and two machine guns, which, thanks to the laser rangefinder system, can hit targets at a distance of up to 5 kilometers.

The advantages of Leopard 2 are given by the information interaction system, improved daytime and thermal imaging sights, dynamic protection, and an attack information system. Excellent performance in combat mode.

Several more models of combat vehicles also have excellent efficiency and maneuverability.

K2 Black Panther, South Korea:

has innovative tracking systems, performs about 10 shots per minute. Protected by composite and reactive armor, has active and passive protection. Guidance systems automatically determine the object of destruction and launch projectiles.

Each of us knows the phrase of the Roman historian Cornelius Nepos (94-24 BC): "If you want peace, prepare for war." Due to the fact that recently it has been gaining more and more activity (for example, intervention in the conflict between the United States and Syria, the return of Crimea, etc.), many sane people have a lot of questions about the combat capability of our state. After all, sooner or later it can and will hardly be possible to resolve the issue by political means, then only forceful intervention will remain. And this is understood by many, so more and more often in various forums you can find questions of a similar nature: “How many tanks does Russia have?”, “How many submarines?” etc. Such interest reflects people's concern for the future of the country: whether it will be able to withstand an armed attack from, say, China or NATO forces. In this article, we will answer the question of how many tanks Russia has, consider what kind of armored vehicles it is, what are its characteristics and what is the most modern tank in service with our army.

What kind of troops is this?

The tank forces of Russia are the main strike force. They are mainly used in conjunction with motorized rifle units in the main directions. This type of troops is designed to perform the following main tasks:

1. In defense - direct support of motorized riflemen in repelling an enemy offensive, inflicting counterattacks and counterattacks.

2. On the offensive - inflicting powerful blows that cut the front to a great depth, developing success, defeating the enemy in oncoming battles and battles.

Russian tank forces are divided into brigades and battalions, they have great firepower, resistance to damaging factors of nuclear weapons, high maneuverability and mobility. They are able to make maximum use of the results of a nuclear or fire engagement of the enemy, to achieve the ultimate goal of an operation or battle in a short time.

Combat capabilities

Russian tank divisions, their formations and subunits make it possible to conduct active combat operations both day and night, in a significant separation from the main forces, to conduct raids on the rear of the enemy, to destroy enemy equipment and manpower in oncoming battles and battles, to overcome the zones of radioactive infection, as well as force water bodies. In addition, they are able to quickly create a very strong defense, as well as successfully resist the offensives of significantly superior enemy forces.

The development of the combat capabilities of this type of troops is carried out by equipping it with more advanced types of armored vehicles, in which the following most important combat qualities are optimally combined: high firepower, reliable protection and maneuverability. Combined-arms tank subunits play an important role in improving the necessary organizational forms. This primarily corresponds to the content of the tactics of conducting modern combat operations.

Russian tank forces: rebirth after decline?

The crisis that hit the Russian army in the 90s of the last century, of course, did not bypass the tank troops. And the concern of the townsfolk, wondering "how many tanks does Russia have" is quite justified. After all, the nineties became literally a black page in the history of our army. Take, for example, the rapid withdrawal of troops from Mongolia and Eastern Europe, when a lot of state-of-the-art equipment at that time was left in adjacent territories, and the one that was returned was, in fact, thrown into the mud, with consequences appropriate for technology. As a result, expensive cars were brought to the state of scrap metal. In addition, the personnel structure also suffered significant damage: a huge number of very promising officers with impressive combat experience were forced to leave the ranks of the armed forces.

The first "bell" for the country's leadership was the conflict in Chechnya, when hastily assembled units, often on faulty and understaffed equipment, began to suffer serious losses. However, this tragedy did not stop the further degradation of the Russian tank forces. The quality of personnel training left much to be desired, and the acquisition of new generation equipment was completely stopped. The development of new models was based on the enthusiasm of designers and engineers, as well as individual military leaders. The defense complex, which produces armored vehicles, either went bankrupt or reoriented to export.

The beginning of the revival

Russian battle tanks met the new century by fighting in Chechnya. The sad experience of the first campaign was taken into account, now the losses among armored vehicles were significantly less. In 2000, it was first announced that a new modern tank was being created, known as the T-95, or "Object 195". It was assumed that he would enter the troops by 2005. However, this did not happen. The first purchases took place in 2004, but it was not the long-awaited T-95s that entered service, but the modernized T-90A, and even then in the amount of 15 units. In 2005, 17 more machines were purchased. These Russians were the best production models at that time, but the new century required new equipment, and the number of deliveries clearly did not meet the requirements of a huge country. Only since 2006, purchases began to be carried out in acceptable quantities, in addition, the modernization of the "old" equipment was actively carried out. However, the best tank in Russia (T-95) remained a dream: its deliveries were constantly delayed.

Unfortunate reformers

In the rearmament program adopted by the Ministry of Defense, it was detailed how much armored vehicles needed to be modernized, how many new tanks should be manufactured. True, it was not clear which models should be produced: T-90A or T-95? As a result, battered T-72Bs that went through two Chechen wars, as well as T-62s nicknamed "museum" ones, were sent to resolve the Georgian conflict. The tank troops in this operation showed their best side, as a result of which the southern group received the main Russian tank, the T-90A, into service. Probably, in order to cool down the militant Saakashvili.

After the events described above, another reform of the army begins in the country. As a result, Russian tank forces were reduced to the level of battalions and a few brigades. The unfortunate reformers refused to purchase the T-90A, and the development of the new Burlak combat module was completely stopped. And, most importantly, the most promising most modern tank in Russia - the T-95 - was sent to the scrap without leaving the assembly line. However, the country's leadership changed its mind in time, the Minister of Defense was removed from his post and a new one was appointed. The result of such changes was a new serious project in tank building - the development of a new platform "Armata" based on the T-95 and "Object 640" ("Black Eagle"). Armata will be a universal platform for a new generation of armored vehicles: self-propelled guns, tanks, infantry and support vehicles, as well as recovery vehicles. This installation has no analogues in the world; all the innovative developments of Russian design bureaus are collected here.

Still ahead

2013 became a milestone in the life of the Russian tank forces: as shown by numerous surprise inspections, many of the reforms did not affect the quality of the ongoing combat training. Therefore, a strong-willed decision was made to sharply increase the norms of allocated ammunition. In addition, much has been done to increase the prestige of this type of troops. As soon as they didn’t scold the “Tank Biathlon”, but thanks to these competitions, the citizens of our country for the first time in many years remembered that we, it turns out, still have tank troops. The Kantemirovskaya division was recreated. And now there is an active rearmament and modernization of combat vehicles. Already today, albeit experienced, but the first samples of the Armata family have already been made.

However, unfortunately, it is too early to talk about the results. We can only note the positive dynamics. Answering the question of readers about what tanks are in service with Russia today, it remains only to state the fact that the fleet of old T-72B and T-80BV vehicles is still the basis of our Armed Forces. There is still a lot to be done to make our army truly modern.

Tanks in service with Russia: T-64

This model was designed back in 1960, its serial production began in 1963, and it was put into service in 1967. The design of this machine used an improved version of the traditional turret layout with a rear engine compartment and separate crew members. These tanks were equipped with a rifled 100-millimeter cannon with 50 rounds of ammunition. Monolithic differentiated armor, a two-stroke diesel power unit, and a mechanical transmission were crushed. The frontal elements of the turret and body are capable of withstanding a direct hit by a 100 mm armor-piercing projectile from a distance of one kilometer. As you can see, these tanks have been in service with Russia for 47 years, and this is already a period. At one time, the T-60 was an excellent representative of the tank family and could compete with the vehicles that are in service with the NATO bloc, but time is running out, and the technical fleet needs modernization, and urgent.

Battle tank T-72

Serial production of the T-72A continued from 1979 to 1985 at a plant in Nizhny Tagil. Later, on its basis, they began to produce an export version - the T-72M tank, and then its further modification - the T-72M1. After 1985, the modernized T-72B and its export version T-72S entered mass production. The last tank to this day reliably serves in our army. In addition, it was massively exported to Eastern European countries, India, Finland, Yugoslavia, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait and Algeria. As you can see, the geography of distribution is very extensive. He showed excellent results in various climatic conditions, and, despite his respectable age, continues to serve in various parts of our planet. It was equipped with diesel power units capable of reaching speeds of up to 65 km / h, and very reliable 125-mm guns. The weight of the machine was 41 tons. On the basis of this tank, the BREM-1, the IMR-2 engineering vehicle, and the MTU-72 bridgelayer were developed.

Battle tank T-80

This car was put into service in 1976. It became the world's first production model with a main power unit based on a gas turbine engine. The development of the system began back in 1955. The gas turbine engine was finally put into service in 1968. It was a power unit, the power of which was 1000 liters. with. The design of the combat vehicle uses elements that have been worked out and tested on the T-64A: an automatic loader, a cannon, ammunition, individual components and mechanisms of the armor protection and fire control system. The new unit led to an increase in the mass of the tank, and consequently, to a change in the dynamic characteristics. As a result, the designers had to design a new undercarriage: tracks with rubber-coated treadmills, hydraulic shock absorbers and torsion shafts with improved performance, support and support rollers, drive wheel guides.

Battle tank T-90

This best Russian tank is an improved T-72B. Adopted in 1993. The appearance of the machine was caused by the need to modernize (taking into account the war in the Persian Gulf) existing models of equipment, as well as the reorientation of production to exclusively Russian components, because after that part of the defense complex remained abroad. These modern Russian tanks have a very low profile. The frontal armor of the round flat turret is reinforced with a slab type of the second generation. The driver's cabin is located in front of the body. Above it are a hatch and an observation system with wide-angle optics. The bow is equipped with a special acute-angled oval. The tank is equipped with a 125 mm cannon, equipped with a heat-insulating casing.

How many tanks does Russia have?

Now let's stop tormenting the reader and move on to the main issue of this article. Consider what is the number of tanks in Russia, and give the top 10 countries in this parameter. It turns out that our country is the absolute leader here: on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Defense, there are no less than 18,177 units of the mentioned military equipment. Of these, the main tanks are T-72B (7144 units), T-80 (4744 units) and T-64 (4000 units). In addition, the T-62 (689 vehicles) and T-55 (1200 tanks) are in service. Least of all in the tank troops there are armored vehicles of a new generation - T-90, there are only 400 of them. Agree that this is a negligible figure for such a large army. Let's hope that in the near future the situation will continue to change, and in a few years the statistics will change for the better.

And now let's see which country ranks second in our ranking. This is the United States - Russia's main competitor in the political arena. The US Army has 9125 tanks, of which 8725 are M1 Ambrams. As you can see, the US military is conservative - the basis of their tank forces is only one model. The third place in the rating is occupied by our eastern neighbor and strategic partner - China, which is armed with 8,500 armored vehicles, including 500 Type-99 tanks. The top three were far ahead of their pursuers. So, the fourth place is occupied, oddly enough, by Syria with its 4750 cars, and most of them have a proud inscription: "Made in Russia". The list is followed by: Turkey - 3763, India - 3569, Egypt - 3380, North Korea - 3300, Israel - 3283, and South Korea closes the top ten - 2823 units.

And why all this?

From the above data, it can be seen that the number of tanks in Russia significantly exceeds the number of combat units of the closest competitor (almost twice). A pacifist-liberal minded reader may burst into an angry tirade about wasted money (for the creation and maintenance of such a lot of "iron"). However, in response, he can be reminded of the ancient wisdom with which we began this article: “If you want peace, prepare for war!” After all, it is dangerous to be weak in the modern world. If you periodically do not give your neighbors a “tough”, then you can lose, if not everything, then a lot. So, our strategic partner, China, sleeps and sees how to snatch Siberia right up to the Urals, and the NATO bloc is already knocking on our doors from the West.

By the way, in connection with the recent events in Ukraine, we can slightly expand our review. It turns out that there are 2522 tanks on the balance sheet of the Kyiv Ministry of Defense, and this is the eleventh position in our rating. True, these statistics were taken even before the start of the conflict with our neighbors, so after the loss of Crimea and the start of hostilities in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, this figure may decrease. After all, even official sources controlled by Kyiv reported combat losses among armored vehicles and even the transition of some military to the side of the rebels. Well, okay, enough about the sad, back to Mother Russia.

The future of tank building

As previously reported, the Russian army is developing the latest Armata system, which will become the basis for the creation of new types of armored vehicles. In this regard, in 2015, it is planned to begin a major modernization of the mechanized and armored forces, and from next year, the introduction of a new series of vehicles in all branches of the armed forces of our country. One of these models is the latest Russian tank T-99. This copy will be equipped with an improved version of the 125 mm gun. One of the main tasks set for the designers is to reduce the weight of the machine in order to increase maneuverability and mobility. In fact, the T-95 and the Object 195 “burned out” on these parameters. After all, the main task of our tanks is the protection of long land borders. Armored vehicles play a key role in maintaining military parity against any threat. It should be understood that our country is distinguished not only by its vast territory, but also by very diverse climatic conditions. The designers are faced with the most serious task: the creation of such equipment that can reliably function both in the conditions of the Arctic and in the southern regions of our vast Motherland. These are the conditions that the T-99 must meet. The new generation tank (Russia has always been distinguished by “Kulibins”, capable of solving any seemingly impossible task) is almost ready for mass production. As stated by the Ministry of Defense, the first copies will be shown to the public at the parade on May 9, 2015. So it remains to wait and hope that the country will not be covered by another political crisis that can destroy any undertakings.


Since 2005, the following tanks have remained in service with the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation: the T-72BA, the T-80 in several modifications, and the T-90A. The most modern of them is the T-90A. Currently, the Ministry does not purchase new models of tanks until the creation of a single tank platform "Armata", which is planned to be presented to the public in 2015.

The T-72BA is the T-72 main battle tank upgraded to the current level, adopted by the USSR in 1972. The T-72 tank was the most massive tank of the second generation in the world. It was in service with dozens of countries around the world, and in some it still stands. From the T-64 tank, which was in service with the USSR in the 60s, 70s and 80s, it favorably differed in cheapness and manufacturability. It was these two qualities that made the T-72 popular all over the world. In the 90s, the tank was no longer produced, but not yet out of service. The total number of tanks in service is about 15,000.

The T-80 is represented by modifications of the T-80BA, T-80UA and T-80U-E1, which are just different options for upgrading the base tank. The T-80 tank itself became the world's first tank with a gas turbine engine, adopted by the USSR in 1976. Until the end of the 80s, the T-80 tank was considered the most advanced tank in the world, but its operation was 2.5 times higher than the cost of operating a diesel T-72, which was too expensive even by Soviet standards. Therefore, the number of T-80s in the troops was many times less than the T-72. In fact, it has not been produced since the early 90s, but legally since 1996. The total number of tanks in service is 6000.

T-90A is a modernized T-90 tank, adopted by Russia in 1992. In fact, the T-90 is a successful idea for a cheap and serious modernization of the same T-72. At the development stage it was called T-72BU, but for marketing purposes it was later renamed T-90. It is considered the most advanced tank of the Russian army, but their number is negligible - about 800 copies. Despite the loud statements of the patriots about the perfection of the tank, its characteristics lag behind many modern tanks in developed countries. The only huge plus is the low price, good quality and not very obsolescence due to periodic upgrades.

Also in the warehouses of the Ministry of Defense are 23,000 obsolete T-55 and T-64 tanks. Formally, they are not in service with the Ground Forces, but if necessary, they can be used en masse. At one time, the country spent enormous efforts and resources on the production of these tanks, so it’s a pity to simply dispose of them. Small batches of them are slowly being sold to third world countries that cannot afford a dozen modern tanks, but they are quite capable of purchasing hundreds of T-55s.

In chapter

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to prepare 6 thousand old tanks for the return from the arsenals at once. Earlier, former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov demanded that all obsolete vehicles be disposed of, and now this decision has been revised. Mass modernization of obsolete tanks has already begun. Our Version found out why such a decision was made, why Russia needed such a tank armada.

In 2011, Anatoly Serdyukov approved a plan for an unprecedented program to destroy surplus Soviet-made armored vehicles. It was planned to scrap 2.5 thousand T-62 tanks; 2 thousand - T-64; 3.5 thousand - T-80B and 7 thousand - T-72 of various modifications. The program was partially implemented, and at present, about 10,000 armored combat vehicles, which are left over from the Soviet legacy, are currently stored in the military arsenals. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation planned to dispose of 6 thousand old tanks.

"Armata" is not ready

The seven-year-old disposal list also included thousands of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, repair and recovery and engineering vehicles on tracked chassis. In exchange for these combat vehicles, it was planned to purchase only modern armored vehicles, while the number of armored vehicles would be drastically reduced. So, the total number of tanks, most of which were supposed to be modern "Armata", should not exceed 2 thousand pieces.

However, this year the concept of using obsolete tanks has suddenly and dramatically changed. Now it was decided to stop large-scale disposal. Most of the armored vehicles will be updated with modern technologies. Armored vehicles will be supplied with new guidance systems, thermal imagers, and protection systems.

Most likely, the situation is related to the unavailability of "Armata" - according to "Our Version", it will take several more years to fine-tune it. At the same time, the cost of this tank turned out to be significantly overestimated. Even if the military department does not completely abandon the purchase plan for this tank, the amount of purchased equipment can be significantly reduced.

The process of upgrading obsolete equipment has already been launched. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation states that by the end of 2018, the equipping of the 80th separate motorized rifle brigade (SMRB), which is based in the village of Pechenga, Murmansk region, with modernized T-80BVM tanks will be completed. In the future, these combat vehicles will also receive the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade.

Currently, the T-72 tanks are being tested, on which new engines and weapons guidance and control systems are installed.

In addition, other armored vehicles are being upgraded. BMP-2s are being brought up to the present level. The Ministry of Defense is testing a modernized infantry fighting vehicle BMP-1, the project received the code "Basurmanin". According to experts, the BMP-1 is hopelessly outdated, but the military department decided to give it a new life anyway. The car was equipped with a modern guidance system, automatic target tracking and a thermal imager. Recall that these combat vehicles were put into service more than half a century ago and were used in dozens of local conflicts around the world.

Despite optimistic statements from the military department, according to a number of experts, outdated tank equipment, even after deep modernization, remains limited in combat capability.

For example, the BMP-1 received the slang name “combat grave of the infantry” from the infantrymen for its weak armor. At the same time, the modernization plans do not state anywhere that armor protection will be improved. Especially in modern conditions, they have no chance against high-precision anti-tank systems, such as the American FGM-148 Javelin man-portable anti-tank missile systems.

On this topic

The problem of hazing in the Russian army still exists, despite the fact that the term of service in the armed forces has been reduced to one year. This phenomenon is due to a number of reasons, including insufficient prevention of violence.

Alexander KHRAMCHIKHIN, Deputy Director of the Institute for Political and Military Analysis:

- I do not think that modernization is connected with the lack of money for the purchase of new equipment. But today in Russia there is only one really modern tank - this is the "Armata", but it is not yet ready for full operation. Even the T-90s are already outdated and, by the way, are also today at the storage base. It is possible that obsolete tanks will be upgraded and used until a new tank is brought to working condition. It is possible that the creation of new tank units is planned, so a large number of tanks were urgently needed.

Upgraded tanks tested on Syrians

But the experience of military operations in Syria has shown that against armies with weak anti-tank weapons, the use of even obsolete tanks in some cases is justified.

In fact, the 4th armored division of the Syrian army became a platform for the experiment. A large number of Russian military advisers have been stationed here in the past few years. Syrian tank crews tested upgraded tanks and tried out new tank combat tactics. One can observe the sequence of how the combat capability of this division changed. Back in 2012, in the battle for Idlib, the division suffered heavy losses and was ineffective. And in the period from 2013 to 2014, the Syrian tank crews were armed with modernized T-55MV tanks. These are completely outdated Soviet armored vehicles, but after a deep modernization, their capabilities have increased significantly. During this period, the division conducts the first successful major operation - on the southern outskirts of Damascus, with minimal losses, repels a massive offensive by militants. Moreover, they were armed with modern American anti-tank missile systems (ATGM) and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM).

In 2015, having also received the T-72 with effective protection at its disposal, the 4th division conducts a whole series of successful offensive operations. After the T-72AV and T-72M1 tanks of the 4th Armored Division received the innovative TURMS-T fire control system, their effectiveness increased significantly. Today, Syrian tankers successfully conduct even the most difficult street battles, supporting the attacking infantry with fire. The shooters, in turn, cut off fighters with ATGMs from the tanks.

Thus, the pattern was once again confirmed that tanks are still an effective tool in modern warfare. It is also about the cynical economics of war. After all, sometimes it turned out that the cost of modernization was lower than the means by which they tried to destroy this equipment.

Taking into account this experiment, tanks will now be modernized for the needs of the Russian military. But, obviously, the army does not need such a large number of tanks. Perhaps after the update, the other part will find buyers abroad. In any case, now in the Middle East, for example in Syria and Iraq, Russian tanks are in serious demand.

1. The Russian army is armed with almost 23 thousand battle tanks. Most of the 2700 combat-ready tanks in the Russian army are T-72B3 and T-80U. Now in Russia there are about 350 T-90 / T-90A tanks of various modifications in service, and another 200 are stored in reserve.

2. In the USA, about 10 thousand battle tanks are M1 Abrams tanks and its modifications.

3. There are about 9 thousand battle tanks in China, Type 59 and Type 96 tanks are in service, and a large number of Type 99 with a 125mm gun.

4. India has 6,000 battle tanks. Most are T-72s with a 125mm cannon, there are also T-55 tanks, 640 T-90S tanks, about 200 ArjunMk.I tanks of our own design have been put into service.

5. North Korea has 5,500 battle tanks. The basis of tank formations are the T-62 and T-54/55 battle tanks, as well as the Chinese Type 59. The fleet of light tanks consists of the M-1975 of its own design, the Soviet PT-76 and the Chinese Type 62 and Type 63. The domestic tank M-1985 is considered the largest amphibious tank in the world.

6. There are 4,750 battle tanks in Syria. Syria received most of the tanks from Russia, including the T-54, T-55, T-62 and T-72. In 2015, the T-90A appeared in Syria.

7. Egypt has 4145 battle tanks, the country also uses the tanks of the former Soviet Union, including the main tank Ramses II, which is based on the Soviet T-54.

8. Pakistan has 4,000 battle tanks. The Pakistani Al-Zarrar tank is based on the Chinese Type 59 tank, in addition, the Type 85 tank is in service with the country.

9. There are 3784 battle tanks in Ukraine. Most of the tanks are T-64s left after the collapse of the USSR.

10. Turkey has 3,763 battle tanks. The country is armed with many American and German-made tanks, such as the M48 Patton and Leopard 2A4.

Modern Russian tank / Photo:

The Business Insider portal analyzed which tanks are in service with the Russian army and how many combat vehicles are in stock. Despite the fact that the latest T-14 Armata tank was shown at the parade in 2015, there are few of these vehicles in the troops.

The publication writes that the tank will be ready for full-fledged service no earlier than 2019. In the meantime, most of the 2700 combat-ready tanks in the Russian army are T-72B3 and T-80U.

Developed in the mid-1950s, the T-55 tank is armed with a 100 mm cannon and can accelerate to 50 km/h. Over the years of production, the tank has been modernized more than once, and today there are a large number of modifications of the 55-ki. Now these tanks are not used by the Russian military, but about 2800 T-55s are still stored in warehouses.

Produced from 1961 to 1975, the T-62 tank is armed with a smoothbore gun and is capable of speeds up to 50 km/h on the highway and up to 27 km/h on rough terrain.

The T-62 performed well during both Chechen campaigns and now continues to fight in Syria (Russia supplies these tanks to the army of Bashar al-Assad). In Russia, these tanks were withdrawn from service in 2011. Now there are about 2500 T-62s of various modifications in storage.

The T-64 is equipped with a powerful 125 mm smoothbore gun with an automatic loader and is capable of firing up to eight rounds per minute. The T-64 could fire Cobra guided missiles at a range of up to 4 km and is protected by combined armor in the frontal projection. These tanks served for a relatively short time and were sent to the reserve. In total, there are about 2,000 of these tanks of various modifications in storage.

The production of this tank began in 1992. The T-90 received a 125-mm 2A46M-2 gun, a thermal imager, a new engine, enhanced armor and other improvements. At present, about 350 T-90/T-90A tanks of various modifications are in service in Russia, and another 200 are kept in reserve.

The T-80U entered service in 1985. It was the world's first mass-produced tank with a single gas turbine power plant and anti-shell dynamic protection.

The T-80 could be accelerated to 80 km / h, the tank just flew along the highway. Now the troops have 450 T-80U tanks, another 3000 (T-80B, T-80BV, T-80U) are in storage.

Such combat vehicles are in service with the Kantemirovskaya division, an elite tank unit of the Russian army.

This most advanced version of the T-72 features a new 1,130 horsepower engine and a more advanced fire control system. The tank became more accurate in hitting targets due to the introduction of the Sosna-U multi-channel gunner's sight developed in Belarus, a digital ballistic computer with a set of weather conditions sensors, and an automatic target tracking machine. In total, the Russian army is armed with 1900 T-72s, another 7000 are in reserve.

T-14 "Armata"

The newest Russian tank equipped with a 125 mm 2A82-1C smoothbore gun mounted in an uninhabited turret with full remote digital control.

The range of its destruction of targets is up to 7000 meters and the rate of fire is 10-12 rounds per minute. For comparison: the American tank M1A2 SEP V3 Abrams can hit targets at a distance of 3.8 km, writes Business Insider.

This tank is technologically more advanced than any Russian or Western, but the cost of its production is very high. Therefore, Business Insider doubts that Russia will be able to afford mass production of the T-14 Armata in the near future.

MOSCOW, edition42.TUT.BY

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