Why do you dream of a turtle in a friend? Eastern women's dream book. Decoding dreams depending on who dreamed about the turtle

A small turtle in a dream may have different meanings. The dream book states: the symbol promises joy, income growth, good luck, but sometimes minor troubles, wasted time, vanity. The details of the plot will allow you to correctly interpret what he is dreaming about.

Changes and joy are ahead

Have you seen a small turtle in a dream? Expect promising changes. Income growth and career success are possible. But you need to be responsive even to minor orders and requests. Remember: by providing these easy services now, you are laying the foundation for your future well-being.

Did you dream about a lot of them? The dream book says: there is calm joy ahead, especially if they hatched before your eyes.

Prepare for minor troubles

Many turtles in a dream, swarming in the middle of the sand, portend the dreamer's anxiety due to the monotony of his life.

In addition, a lot of these small amphibians promise minor troubles that will happen in the coming weeks. You should act rationally and thoughtfully.

Increased income, easy period

Did you catch a little turtle? The interpretation of the dream is excellent: recognition of your merits by influential persons, professional growth, increased income. But you can’t relax: you need to show ingenuity, strength, endurance, and withstand confrontation with competitors.

Why do you dream of a reptile swimming in water? The dream book suggests: a person forgot to do something - he urgently needs to remember. You should be especially concerned if the water was cloudy.

If in a dream she was in clean water, this means: the beginning of the lung is ahead life stage. The dreamer has passed the previous tests with dignity, so now he can relax.

Dream details

The dream book offers interpretations based on the details of the vision:

  • she swam in the water - it will not be possible to justify yourself in a simple matter;
  • basking in the sun - you are wasting a lot of time;
  • fed an amphibian - wealth and prosperity are ahead;
  • I said - get wise advice;
  • died - refusal of some document that could not be agreed upon for a long time;
  • killed yourself - you will abandon an unpromising business.

Miller's Dream Book: a surprise will happen

Why do you dream of seeing large and small turtles? Something unexpected will happen to the sleeper, which will bring joy and increase self-confidence. Such sentiments will have a positive impact on his work.

Vanity, life lesson

I dreamed about a reptile large sizes along with the cubs? In reality there will be vanity, but there will be no useful things to do.

Seeing a large amphibian with eggs in a dream means: the dreamer will be tempted to do something impermissible.

Why do you dream that they bite? The dream book warns: life will teach the dreamer some lesson. He should listen to the advice of those who are older and wiser.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a turtle, then in reality an unexpected event will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which will immediately affect your work.

Eating turtle soup in a dream means dubious entertainment.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Freud's Dream Book

Ride a sea turtle in a dream - this dream symbolizes the anxiety that has gripped you in Lately. Not only can you not get rid of it, but you also “infect” everyone around you with it. Look at the world more optimistically, and then your gloomy mood will instantly disappear.

If in your dream the turtle did not want to “come out” of its shell, it means that for all your problems you are inclined to blame anyone but yourself. But this is fundamentally wrong - you yourself are quite far from the ideal and at the same time spoil your relationships with people. By the way, this dream can have another interpretation - problems with erection in men.

Watching a crawling turtle - such a dream foretells you an illness, the cause of which may be your too hot-tempered character.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Family dream book

A dream about a turtle - portends some interesting case in your life. Its consequences will undoubtedly strengthen your character and affect your work.

If in a dream you ate turtle soup, you have dubious entertainment ahead.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A turtle in a dream portends a boring life and slow progress in your affairs. The dream also suggests that the reason for this is most likely your excessive caution.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Spring dream book

Turtle - to the slow but sure progress of things.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Summer dream book

Turtle - a false assurance will be made, an empty promise will be given.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Autumn dream book

Turtle - to some kind of debt.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming of a turtle means standing in lines for a long time, being late and a failed meeting.

Riding on a giant turtle means ridiculous accusations against you from your husband.

A turtle lying on its back, unable to turn over and stand on its feet, is a symbol of vain efforts and futile expectation of change for the better.

A dead turtle in your dream means separation.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Turtle is good long life.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a turtle, you will be drawn into a squabble.

In a dream you caught a turtle - you yourself will soon start a squabble.

You dreamed that you were boiling a turtle - you will witness a squabble.

If you dreamed that you were eating turtle soup, you may find yourself embroiled in a squabble, but you will benefit greatly from it.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Turtle - crisis in business; inverted - a very bad sign.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Modern dream book

A dream about a turtle means that an unusual event will bring you joy and improve the situation of your commercial affairs.

Eating turtle soup predicts that you will find pleasure in risky intrigues.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Eastern dream book

A turtle is a dream that means that some extraordinary situation will radically change your life for the better.

If you eat turtle soup, it means you will find pleasure in risky intrigues.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

long life with excellent means.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Turtle - things will drag on; withdrawal as protective function.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Turtle - you are in vain worrying about things: they are going slowly but surely. Everything will be done on time. Imagine, next to the turtle in your dream, a huge sea turtle that buries its eggs in the sand on the ocean shore. Soon little turtles emerge from the eggs.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Turtle - a dream about yourself.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Animal Dream Book

Turtle - the beginning of creation, time, immortality, fertility, procreation.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Turtle – A turtle is in a well near the house. - There will be wealth and nobility. A snake that wraps itself around a turtle. - Prosperity, relative wealth will appear. You see the turtle. -Presages a high position for a woman. Caught a turtle. - Foretells mourning. See Far Eastern turtle. - Portends the acquisition of wealth.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of a Turtle, what is it for 1. For many people, a turtle is a symbol of slowness, but also, perhaps, thoughtfulness. In dreams, it also represents a shell in which we - or those around us - hid to protect ourselves. 2. A turtle, of course, can simply be an image of a pet (see A pet), as the object to which the dreamer's love is directed. It can also, however, be a symbol of long life. 3. In Chinese folklore, a turtle is a highly respected person endowed with wisdom and knowledge. It is believed that it carries all existence and also represents the Universe.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

British dream book

Turtle - These very cute animals appear to us as symbols of terrible slowness, sometimes combined with determination) and long life. In case of danger, the turtle pulls its head and legs into its shell, creating a kind of camouflage, but, however, losing mobility. Why the dream: Maybe you spend too much time in a shell, refusing to meet face to face with outside world? Or do you feel the need to put on armor before going out into the world - put on makeup, put on certain clothes or decorations? Or maybe you just feel old and behind the times, but are afraid to admit it?

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Turtle - you see a turtle in a dream - you will experience joy and in high spirits you will easily solve all your problems that until now seemed insoluble. It’s as if you are eating turtle soup - out of all kinds of entertainment, you will be attracted to entertainment of dubious quality.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does a Turtle mean in a dream - your worries and anxieties will disappear, since it turns out that there is no reason for them. Imagine a seashore. You see how a huge sea ​​turtle. She settles down to bask in the sun. Ordinary small turtles begin to approach her from all sides. They settle around a large turtle and all rest peacefully together.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Ancient Russian dream book

Turtle - Represents slowness in fulfilling our intentions.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Russian dream book

What does a Turtle mean in a dream - slow but steady progress of things.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does a Turtle mean in a dream - slow progress of things.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Turtle - Giant turtle- to a long and happy life. An ordinary turtle means boredom and languor from idleness.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Women's dream book

Turtle - A turtle in a dream foreshadows an unexpected event that will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit. Eating turtle soup in a dream means dubious entertainment.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Turtle - the desire to escape reality; slowness.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

a symbol of longevity and wisdom, but also slowness and clumsiness. The appearance of a turtle in a dream means procrastination and obstacles in business, as well as a lazy person or someone who does not want to do anything. Walking with a turtle in a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life. When watching aquatic turtles, you need to be patient as there will be a waiting period. By feeding a turtle, you are not supporting someone who needs your help, but a dependent.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, because this amphibian lives for three hundred years, which means it manages to learn a lot in its life. Exists popular belief, that the turtle moves so slowly because it has a long life and there is nowhere for it to rush.

The image of a turtle that appears in a dream can mean procrastination, an obstacle in business, and also personify a person who does not have time to do everything that is assigned to him, who is lazy or simply does not want to do anything.

Watching in a dream how a turtle hides its head in its shell is a sign that in your environment there is a dependent person who not only interferes with the implementation of your plans, but also has a bad influence on you.

To see a turtle hidden in its shell in a dream is a sign that you will have a calm and happy life. Harmony will reign in your home, relationships with your loved one and children will normalize.

Watching in a dream a turtle that grabs the legs of a bird to learn to fly - such a dream indicates that you are a very arrogant person and do not listen at all practical advice other people, without even suspecting that you are making it worse for yourself.

Watching a slowly crawling turtle in a dream means that in reality you are a very slow person and therefore it is difficult for you to adapt to the changes that are happening around you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your work partner, due to his slowness in making decisions, is slowing down your affairs, and you will not be able to influence the course of events in any way and, despite all your efforts, you will not achieve anything new.

If you dreamed of a turtle crawling in a race with any animal, then real life you will not be able to compete with your business partner: you are too weak and slow to do this.

To see a turtle lying on its shell in a dream is a sign that there is a very wise person in your environment, influential person who will think several times before doing anything. Listen to his advice.

Walking with a turtle in a dream - such a dream foreshadows a long and happy life. If in a dream you saw one of your close friends walking with a turtle, then this person will live a long life.

If in a dream you buy a turtle, it means that soon a person will appear in your environment who will only disturb you, although his task will be to help you. Don’t waste your energy on this slow person, it won’t do any good.

Watch for aquatic turtles that swim in the aquarium - you need to be patient, because you will have a period of painful waiting.

In a dream, feeding a turtle means you are supporting not the person who needs your help, but the parasite who has found strings in your soul on which to play and get what you want from you.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you dreamed that a turtle was swimming somewhere, then in the near future you will receive lice of wise advice. To help you put these tips into practice, find something made from turtle shell.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that a turtle was crawling somewhere, then life is passing you by. To stop this, eat turtle meat.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of catchphrases

TURTLE - “like a turtle” (extreme slowness).

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Men's dream book

You will show respect for the affairs of your loved ones, which will earn their respect. But you shouldn’t be hasty or openly flatter your superiors. This will bring you nothing but grief.

If a turtle swims away from you or tries to escape, and you try to stop it, you have to hold back a person close to you who decides to break off relations with you. Your attempt will be fruitless. If you want to keep a woman leaving you, the result will disappoint you. Don't take things too personally.

Turtle in muddy water– commercial activity will not bring you profit and will only force you to incur unnecessary expenses.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Indicates an attractive personality, which, however, actually pushes the person towards premature old age.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Idiomatic dream book

“Like a turtle” - extreme slowness.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book for the whole family

Turtle - you will show respect for the affairs of your loved ones, which will win their respect. But you shouldn’t be hasty or openly flatter your superiors. This will bring you nothing but grief.

If a turtle swims away from you or tries to escape, and you try to stop it, you have to hold back a person close to you who decides to break off relations with you. Your attempt will be fruitless.

Turtle in troubled waters - commercial activity will not bring you profit and will only force you to incur unnecessary expenses.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Online dream book

Turtle - symbolizes health and experience, but also the gradual development of events.

Walk with her - you will live in joy for a long time.

According to the dream book, feeding her means being surrounded by someone who needs your support.

If she turns out to be dead, you will experience a painful separation.

If you wanted to catch her, you will behave like a gossip.

If you made a dish out of it, streams of dubious reputation will hover around you.

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a turtle, your plans are not destined to come true; the person you relied on, intentionally or not, will let you down.

According to the dream book, a young, small turtle predicts some changes for you, and they will be global and will change your way of life; there is a high probability of meeting someone who will become your life partner.

If in a dream there is a turtle in the water, this is auspicious sign, indicating that you will be able to achieve everything you planned, everything will work out for you in the best possible way, now is the time to conclude important contracts and great achievements.

A dream in which you caught a turtle warns that you carefully consider every word you say, and most importantly, do not speak badly about those around you or give away other people’s secrets.

If you did catch her

If you dreamed that you were feeding a turtle - be vigilant, someone is brazenly taking advantage of your kindness, be able to distinguish between those who really need support and assistance, and those who are used to getting their way through the hands of others.

If you dreamed of a dead turtle, you should take a more sober look at things and everything that happens to you, otherwise your incorrect conclusions will serve as a reason for serious troubles in life.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

American dream book

Turtle - slow but constant progress towards the goal.

A turtle can mean a desire to escape from problems or the need to look inside and gain strength.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of symbols

The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom, but also slowness and clumsiness.

The appearance of a turtle in a dream means procrastination and obstacles in business, as well as a lazy person or someone who does not want to do anything.

Walking with a turtle in a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life.

Watching water turtles - you need to be patient as there will be a waiting period.

Feeding a turtle means you are supporting not someone who needs your help, but a dependent.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream book of lovers

If you dream of a turtle, this portends a successful turn of events, thanks to which your relationship with your chosen one will improve.

Why do you dream about a turtle?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Not only can you not get rid of it, but you also “infect” everyone around you with it. Look at the world more optimistically, and then your gloomy mood will instantly disappear.

If in your dream the turtle did not want to “come out” of its shell- this means that for all your problems you are inclined to blame anyone, but not yourself. But this is fundamentally wrong - you yourself are quite far from the ideal and at the same time spoil your relationships with people. By the way, this dream can have another interpretation - problems with erection in men.

Watch a crawling turtle- such a dream portends you an illness, the cause of which may be your too hot-tempered character.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream about a turtle- this portends a successful turn of events, thanks to which relations with the chosen one will improve.

Aesop's Dream Book

Turtle- is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, because this amphibian lives for three hundred years, which means it manages to learn a lot in its life. There is a popular belief that the turtle moves so slowly because it has a long life and there is nowhere for it to rush. The image of a turtle evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a realization of such well-known folk expressions as “Crawl like a turtle” or “Hide your head in your shell like a turtle.” Everyone knows that the first expression is used to refer to people who are slow and slow-witted, and the second to those who are cowardly and not independent. So, the image of a turtle that appears in a dream can mean procrastination, an obstacle in business, and also personify a person who does not have time to do everything that is assigned to him, is lazy or simply does not want to do anything.

Watch in a dream how a turtle hides its head in its shell- a sign that there is a dependent person in your environment who not only interferes with the implementation of your plans, but also has a bad influence on you.

Seeing a turtle hidden in its shell in a dream- a sign that you will have a calm and happy life. Harmony will reign in your home, relationships with your loved one and children will normalize.

Watching in a dream a turtle grab onto the legs of a bird to learn to fly- such a dream indicates that you are a very arrogant person and do not listen to the practical advice of other people at all, not even suspecting that you are making it worse for yourself.

Watching a slowly crawling turtle in a dream- means that in reality you are a very slow person and therefore it is difficult for you to adapt to the changes that are happening around you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your work partner, due to his slowness in making decisions, is slowing down your affairs, while you will not be able to influence the course of events in any way and, despite all your efforts, you will not achieve anything new.

If you dreamed of a turtle crawling to race with any animal- in real life, you will not be able to compete with your business partner: you are too weak and slow to do this.

Seeing a turtle lying on its shell in a dream- a sign that in your environment there is a very wise, influential person who will think several times before doing anything. Listen to his advice.

Walking in a dream with a turtle- such a dream foreshadows a long and happy life.

If in a dream you saw one of your close friends walking with a turtle- this person will live a long life.

If in a dream you buy a turtle- this means that soon a person will appear in your environment who will only disturb you, although his task will be to help you in your work. Demand a replacement from your superiors, don’t waste your energy on this slow person, it won’t do any good.

Watch the aquatic turtles swim in the aquarium- you need to be patient, because you will have a period of painful waiting.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Great amount various characters and signs can be hidden in the images of plants, objects and phenomena in our dreams. Exotic animals that cannot be found in their countries attract special attention from people. It’s no wonder why people are so interested in what a turtle dreams about.

The turtle is a very ambiguous symbol. Many dream books describe this symbol in radically different ways - some claim that it is the animal brings good luck and happiness to the dreamer, and some write about difficulties in the future. One way or another, for full interpretation you need to remember all the details of your dream.

It is worth paying attention to the action that the animal performed:

  • If you dreamed of a reptile crawling on the sand, you need to think about the rational allocation of time. Unfortunately, you don’t have much of it, so try to fulfill all your plans and ideas as quickly as possible, otherwise everything may turn out sad.
  • Seeing a turtle running away from you is a favorable symbol for the dreamer. Most often, such a dream indicates that you have an opponent whom you are much stronger than. Keep up the good work and don't lose your touch, but remember that sometimes you need to show mercy even to your enemies. According to Miller's dream book, such an action means stagnation in your life.
  • The reptile lies on its shell- a good sign for a person who plans to start his own business. In the near future you will have a good and wise friend. He will be able to do you a great service.
  • If in a dream a reptile was running a race with another animal, then you should expect problems in your work. Perhaps you have completely exhausted yourself in the field in which you are engaged, or you need to switch to new level. After some time, your business may turn into a gray routine without the possibility of development.

Dreamed of a woman

Surprisingly, this symbol has a slightly different meaning for representatives of the female half of society.

Most often, the reptile brings a good future for the dreamer - the girl should expect the start of a new happy relationship or addition to the family.

However, depending on the details of the dream, the meanings may change:

  • According to popular dream books, the interpretation of why a woman dreams of a turtle is associated with pregnancy. If this image was fleeting or secondary in the plot of the dream, then such news should not be expected soon.
  • If the girl is not yet in a relationship, then the reptile may soon mean passionate love story. However, it should also be remembered that the turtle is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, which means that you must be attentive and careful in your relationship with a new partner.
  • If you are interested in why a woman dreams of a turtle in the water, then you should start improving your relationships with close relatives. Most likely, someone from your environment holds a grudge against you and in the future this may affect you very negatively. Also, such a symbol may foreshadow some health problems for the dreamer.

But in a dream, catching an animal will mean terrible news from the environment. According to Miller's dream book, such a symbol can warn you of mourning.

Reptile size

Details play an important role in the interpretation of dreams. To determine the exact meaning of his dream, the dreamer needs to remember not only what the animal did, but also what size it was, because this is a key detail in the interpretation:

  • According to the dream book, a large turtle can predict success in the material sphere. For a person who has his own business, this can mean a good investment. Wait for great deals.
  • An unrealistically large animal will mean changes in the future. This could be a job change, relocation or immigration. More often than not, the turtle will portend good changes, so don’t be afraid of something bad.
  • If you are interested in what a small turtle dreams about, then you should think about planning your time. More likely, most You spend your free hours on things that you shouldn’t do. Think about what is really important to you and concentrate all your energy on that.
  • If a large sea turtle swims in a dream, it means that you are moving in the right direction. With maximum effort, you can achieve all your goals.

Many people probably know why a turtle dreams. It symbolizes reliability, correctly set priorities and a convenient rhythm of work. But little turtles in a dream represent pleasant changes that will affect all areas of a sleeping person’s life.

Little turtles in Miller's dream book portend joy

Mr. Gustave Miller compares dreaming of little turtles with an unexpected event that will strengthen your spirit and end with joy. For a woman, seeing many tiny turtles in the water is a sign of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Little turtles in the water promise bright prospects

A modern universal dream book describes why turtles dream about aquatic environment. So, according to the interpreter, the dreamed picture represents good luck in commercial activity, big profits. If in a dream there were a lot of baby turtles, it means that the dreamer will have the opportunity to invest his finances profitably or find a generous investor for his enterprise.

Seeing small turtles in an aquarium foretells obstacles or restrictions in life. Perhaps in order to achieve what you want, you need to “broaden the horizons” of your own thinking. But seeing a lot of kids swimming in a cramped aquarium or glass jar indicates unhealthy competition in the team, meanness and treachery of envious colleagues.

Did you dream of land babies in the water? This means that soon you will have to attend an event where you clearly feel “out of place.”

The location of small turtles in a dream is the key to success in reality

If you dreamed of small amphibians in the sea, it means that in reality favorable circumstances will arise that will accompany the sleeping person in accomplishing his plan. Try to make the most of the chance and realize your potential.

Many will be interested to know why they dream of an amphibian found on a table or workplace. Such a dream foretells the occurrence of delays with documentation, the postponement of a long-awaited result, or the emergence of organizational problems in taking on a new position.

Seeing these animals in the river signifies rapid changes. The dream book advises you to mobilize your strength and make the most of the new prospects.

The birth of baby turtles promises new ideas

Watching in a dream how tiny amphibians are born is a dream book about the opportunity to open new horizons and obtain useful information. For workaholics, such a dream predicts a promotion or a radical change in the field of activity.

Another explanation of why newborn little turtles dream is available in Universal dream book. So, according to the interpreter, the dream means the dreamer’s temporary vulnerability, his painful perception of everything new and unknown.

Seeing little turtles in a dream means pregnancy?

Dream books interpret baby amphibians in two ways for the fair half of humanity. Thus, for a young girl with career ambitions, the dream predicts a dizzying rise in business activity. For married woman who wants to find family happiness, such a picture foreshadows a long-awaited pregnancy.

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