The general conditions for successful memorization include. Memorization and memory. Memorization: types, conditions for effective memorization

Patterns of memory (conditions for successful memorization and reproduction) are associated with the forms of memory.

The conditions for successful involuntary memorization are: 1) strong and significant physical stimuli (the sound of a shot, bright spotlight); 2) what causes increased orienting activity(cessation or resumption of an action, process, unusual phenomenon, its contrast with the background, etc.); 3) stimuli that are most significant for a given individual (for example, professionally significant objects); 4) stimuli that have a special emotional coloring; 5) what is most connected with the needs of this person; 6) what is the object of vigorous activity. Thus, the conditions of a problem that we solve for a long time are remembered involuntarily and firmly.

But in human activity more often there is a need to specifically remember something and reproduce it under appropriate conditions. This is an arbitrary memorization, in which the task is always set - to remember, that is, a special mnemonic activity is carried out.

In the process of human development, voluntary memorization is formed relatively late (mainly by the period of schooling). This type of memorization is intensively developed in learning and work.

The conditions for successful voluntary memorization are: 1) awareness of the significance and meaning of the memorized material; 2) identification of its structure, logical relationship of parts and elements, semantic and spatial grouping of material; 3) identifying the plan in the verbal and textual material, the key words in the content of each of its parts, presenting the material in the form of a diagram, table, diagram, drawing, visual visual image; 4) content and accessibility of the memorized material, its correlation with the experience and orientation of the subject of memorization; 5) emotional and aesthetic saturation of the material; 6) the possibility of using this material in the professional activities of the subject; 7) installation on the need to reproduce this material in certain conditions; 8) material, which acts as a means to achieve significant goals, plays a significant role in solving life problems, acts as an object of active mental activity.

When memorizing material, it is essential to rationally distribute it in time, and actively reproduce the material being memorized.

If it is impossible to establish semantic connections in a heterogeneous material, artificial methods of facilitating memorization - mnemonics(from Greek mnēmē – memory and technē – art; the art of memorization): the creation of auxiliary artificial associations, the mental placement of the memorized material in a well-known space, a familiar pattern, an easy-to-remember rhythmic tempo. From school years, everyone knows the mnemonic method of memorizing the sequence of colors of the light spectrum: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."

Arbitrary memory is purposefully organized memory. Studies show that a person easily holds and reproduces only 3-4 isolated objects (with their simultaneous perception). The limited volume of simultaneous retention and reproduction of material is due to retroactive and proactive inhibition(inhibition arising from previous and subsequent influences).

If the subject is given a series of 10 syllables, then the first and last syllables are easier to remember, and the middle ones are worse. What explains this fact? The first elements are not inhibited by previous impressions, and the last members of the series are not inhibited by subsequent elements. The middle members of the series, on the other hand, experience inhibition both from the side of the preceding (proactive inhibition) and from the side of subsequent elements (retroactive, reverse-acting inhibition). The specified pattern of memory (better memorization of extreme elements) is called edge factor.

If the memorized row consists of four elements, then the first, second and fourth are remembered first of all, worse - the third. Therefore, in quatrains, attention should be paid to the third line - the "Achilles heel" of the construction. It is characteristic that it is in the third lines of quatrains that poets often allow violations of the size in order to arouse increased attention to it. Here is how, for example, the first quatrain of N. M. Yazykov's poem "Muse" sounds:

The goddess of the strings survived

Gods and thunder and damask steel.

She did not give beautiful hands into chains

Ages of tyranny and depravity.

It is difficult to remember a list of 18 different items. But listing the purchases of Nozdryov, the hero of Dead Souls, is not too difficult to remember. In this we are assisted by the author himself, who carries out the necessary contrast organization of the list. “If he (Nozdryov) at the fair was lucky enough to attack a simpleton and beat him, he bought a bunch of everything that had previously caught his eye in the shops: collars, smoking tar, chintz, candles, kerchiefs for the nanny, a stallion, raisins, a silver washstand, Dutch canvas, grain flour, tobacco, pistols, herrings, paintings, grinding tools, pots, boots, faience dishes - as far as money was available.

When moving from memorizing one complex material to memorizing another, it is necessary to take breaks (for at least 15 minutes), which prevent retroactive inhibition.

The assumption that traces do not disappear at all, but are only inhibited under the influence of other influences, is confirmed by the phenomenon reminiscences(from lat. reminiscentia - remembrance). Often, when playing material immediately after it has been perceived, the number of elements retained in memory is less than the amount that a person can reproduce after a pause. This is due to the fact that during the rest period, the effect of inhibition is removed.

To expand the amount of arbitrary memory, it is necessary to give the memorized material certain structure, group it. It is unlikely, for example, that anyone can quickly memorize a series of 16 isolated digits: 1001110101110011. If we group this series in the form of two-digit numbers:

10 01 11 01 01 11 00 11, then they are easier to remember. In the form of four-digit numbers, this series is even easier to remember, since it no longer consists of 16 elements, but of four enlarged groups: these elements, that is, to include intellectual activity in the memorization process.

The productivity of semantic memory is 25 times higher than mechanical memory. Establishing connections, structure, principle, patterns of building an object is the main condition for its successful memorization. It is difficult to mechanically remember the numbers 24816326 4128256, but it is very easy to remember the same numbers if you establish a certain pattern in this series of numbers (doubling each subsequent number). The number 123-456-789 is easy to remember by finding the principle of its construction (Fig. 83).

Arbitrary memorization of figurative material is also facilitated by identifying the principle of its organization. (Fig. 84).

In experimental studies, it is found that subjects recall more information than what was presented to them for memorization. If, for example, the sentence "Ivanov chopped sugar" is given for memorization, then when it is reproduced, the subjects often reconstruct this material as follows: "Ivanov chopped sugar with tongs." This phenomenon is explained by the involuntary connection to the memorization of the judgments and conclusions of the individual.

Rice. 83. Techniques, organization of arbitrary mnemonic action.

Rice. 84 Remember and reproduce in the same sequence this series of figures (the task can be completed only when the principle of the arrangement of the figures is established).

So, memory is not a store of static information. It is organized by systematizing processes of perception and thinking.

At playback material as a support should be used those objects that structurally organized the field of perception, regulated the activity of the subject of memorization.

Memories are a special kind of reproduction. Memory- this is the assignment by an individual of figurative representations to a certain place and moment of his life. The localization of memories is facilitated by reproducing integral behavioral events, their sequence.

Reproduction associated with overcoming difficulties is called recollection. Overcoming the difficulties of recall is facilitated by the establishment of various associations. Reproducible images of objects or phenomena is called representations. They are divided into types corresponding to the types of perceptions (visual, auditory, etc.).

The peculiarity of representations is their generality and fragmentation. Representations do not convey with the same brightness all the features and signs of objects. If certain representations are connected with our activity, then those aspects of the object that are most significant for this activity are brought to the fore.

Representations are generalized images of reality. They preserve the permanent attributes of things and discard the random ones; representations are a higher level of cognition than sensation and perception. They are a transitional stage from sensations to thought. But representations are always paler, less complete than perceptions. Presenting an image of a well-known object, for example, the facade of your house, you can find that this image is fragmentary and somewhat reconstructed.

The past is restored with the participation of thinking - in a generalized and indirect way. Consciousness of reproduction inevitably leads to a categorical, conceptual coverage of the past. And only specially organized control activity - comparison, critical assessment - brings the reconstructed picture closer to real events.

The material of reproduction is a product not only of memory, but of the entire mental originality of a given person.

The material is remembered in the context of human activity. First of all, what was most relevant, significant in human activity, how this activity began and ended, what obstacles arose on the way to its implementation are stored in the memory. At the same time, some people better remember the facilitators, while others - the hindering factors of activity.

In interpersonal interactions, what is remembered more firmly is that which affects the most significant personal characteristics of the individual.

There are also personal tendencies to reconstruct the material stored in the memory. A person remembers events in the form in which he comprehends them in the process of perception. Already an elementary act of synthesis of perception and memory - recognition is distinguished by a number of individual characteristics. Poor memory for faces can be combined with good memory for other objects.

The accuracy and completeness of reproduction depend on the suggestibility and conformity of the individual, his tendency to fantasize. Significant deformations of cognitive processes occur in emotionally stressed states.

So, memory is not a warehouse of finished products. Her material is subject to personal reconstruction. Personal reconstruction of the reproduced material can manifest itself in the distortion of the semantic content of the source material, the illusory detailing of the reproduced event, in the unification of disparate elements, the separation of related elements, the replacement of content with other similar content, in the spatial and temporal displacement of events or their fragments, exaggeration, emphasis on personally significant aspects of the event , mixing functionally similar objects.

In the memory of a person, not only the actual side of events is preserved, but also their corresponding interpretation. Meaningful memorization is characterized by the inclusion of the material in the semantic (categorial-conceptual) field of the individual. Reproduction, restoration of past influences is not a "cast" of these influences. The degree of discrepancy between ideas and real events is not the same for different people. It depends on the type of higher nervous activity of the individual, the structure of individual consciousness, value attitudes, motives and goals of activity.

Human memory functions intensively beyond the threshold of consciousness. At present, it is modeled with the help of electronic computers. However, these machines only provide information storage. Whereas human memory is a constantly self-organizing process, a mental mechanism that integrates the results of all mental processes, a mechanism for preserving directly perceived and logically processed information.

Some people may have full, vivid representations after a single and involuntary perception of an object. Such representations are called eidetic(from Greek eidos - image). Sometimes there is an involuntary, obsessive, cyclical emergence of images - perseveration(from lat. perseveratio - perseverance).

Memory is based on those mental processes that occur during the initial meeting with the memorized material. Accordingly, during reproduction, the main role is played by the actualization of the material in terms of the functional connections of its elements, their semantic context, and the structural relationship of its parts. And for this, the material in the process of imprinting must be clearly analyzed (divided into structural and semantic units) and synthesized (conceptually combined). The reserves of human memory are inexhaustible.

According to the calculations of the famous cybernetics John Neumann, the human brain can accommodate the entire amount of information stored in the world's largest libraries. Alexander the Great knew by sight and by name all the soldiers of his vast army.

Alekhine could play from memory (blind) with forty partners at the same time.

Someone E. Gaon knew by heart all 2500 books he had read in his life, and could reproduce any passage from them. Numerous cases of outstanding figurative memory of people of artistic type are known. Mozart could write down a great piece of music after listening to it only once. Glazunov and Rachmaninoff had the same musical memory. The artist N. N. Ge could accurately depict from memory what he once saw.

A person involuntarily remembers everything that attracts his attention: the captivating colors and smells of spring evenings, the graceful outlines of ancient cathedrals, the joyful faces of people close to him, the smells of the sea and pine forests. All these numerous images constitute the figurative-intellectual fund of his psyche.

Each person has the opportunity to significantly expand the amount of his memory. At the same time, it is necessary to discipline your intellect - to highlight the essential against the background of the secondary, actively reproduce the necessary material, widely use mnemonic techniques. The habit of remembering the right things is fixed, like any other skill. School folklore about "Pythagorean pants" and about "every hunter who wants to know where the pheasant sits" testifies to the indestructible desire of our mind to find a scheme, an association, even where it is impossible to establish logical connections.

Each person has features of his memory - some people have a strong verbal-logical memory, others have a figurative one, some remember quickly, others need a more thorough processing of the memorized material. But in all cases it is necessary to avoid that which causes proactive and retroactive inhibition. And at the first difficulties of reproduction, one should rely on the phenomenon of reminiscence.

Those who complain that they have a bad memory often simply do not know how to memorize and do not take into account the conditions necessary for successful memorization.
1. An important condition for learning material to be remembered quickly and for a long time is the presence of interest in what you remember and attention in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the material. A. S. Pushkin showed an exceptional interest in poetry. He was very fond of poetry, read with enthusiasm and therefore easily memorized them. The poet's contemporaries noted that Pushkin had only to read a page or two of a poem twice, and he could already repeat it by heart. Vladimir Mayakovsky also had an exceptional memory for poetic works.
2. Feelings are of great importance for remembering. Everything that is connected with joy, sadness, anger, as a rule, is remembered better than what a person is indifferent to.
3. An important condition for good memorization is the understanding of what needs to be learned. If the thoughts that need to be remembered are not clear to the student, he begins to memorize them mechanically, verbatim by heart; such study work only harms his mental development, and what is learned in this way is quickly forgotten.
4. It is also very important to set yourself the task - to master it firmly and for a long time. If a student learns a lesson only in order to answer the teacher tomorrow (and then forget everything), then what is usually learned for this purpose is quickly lost by memory. If the student teaches with the idea that this material must be remembered for a long time, since it will be useful in life, then its assimilation will be faster and more durable.
In one experiment, a group of students were read two passages of a literary text of equal difficulty, and were told that the first one would be asked tomorrow, and the second one a week later. But in reality, both passages were offered to be told two weeks later. It turned out that the students almost completely forgot the first passage, since they had an involuntary intention to remember it for a short time (until tomorrow), and the second passage was better preserved in their memory (here they had the intention not to forget it for a long time).
5. Of great importance for the assimilation of educational material is the connection of memorization with human activity, which requires thinking and activity. If the student in the process of memorization compares, generalizes, draws conclusions, then under these conditions the process of assimilation becomes especially conscious and therefore proceeds more successfully. We had such an experience. The students were given sentences to read, each of which was composed of a certain spelling rule. At the same time, the children were asked what rules these proposals were given. Then they had to make their own proposals for these rules. A few days later, they asked how the students remember all the sentences. It turned out that those sentences that were invented by the students themselves, they remembered three times more than the sentences given in finished form.
6. The presence of knowledge in the subject in which the material is assimilated also serves as a favorable condition for memorization, since in this case the new is more easily and more firmly connected with what is already known.
7. Memorization is work, and work is sometimes not easy, therefore, an important condition for mastering educational material is perseverance, perseverance in work, the ability not to leave it halfway, but to achieve complete and lasting memorization. These are strong-willed qualities, without which serious mental work is impossible.

Review questions

1. What do we call representations? What are the performances?
2. What is the difference between representations and perceptions?
3. What is memory? What is its significance in human life?
4. What do we call associations?
5. What are the physiological foundations of memory?
6. What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary memorization?
7. How can forgetting be explained?
8. What are the individual differences in memory?
9. Specify some conditions for successful memorization.

1. Select examples of associations (by similarity, by contrast).
2. Give examples of reproduction and recognition. Explain the difference between them.
3. Analyze the features of your memory.

Memory of younger students

The memory of children differs in many ways from the memory of adults. The brain of a child from the first years of life has a great ability to involuntarily imprint a variety of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. No wonder there is an opinion that in the period of early childhood, as well as in preschool age, a person acquires no less knowledge (in quantitative terms) than in his entire subsequent life. At this time, the importance of the so-called rote memorization is great, in which a person learns a lot automatically, sometimes even without proper understanding. A child involuntarily acquires a large number of words when learning to speak. It is also known that young children easily and quickly learn colloquial speech in a foreign language, while adolescents and older students spend a lot of effort on learning it, and the results are often unsatisfactory.
Some have probably seen how a child of 3-5 years old "reads" a book, page by page. It looks like he has already mastered the art. In fact, the child was read this book several times, he involuntarily memorized the text and knows what is said on each page.
This ability to involuntarily memorize a large amount of material weakens with age (but does not disappear completely). On the other hand, arbitrary and meaningful memorization begins to develop rapidly. The task of teaching at school is reduced to the skillful use of both types of memory.
Pupils 7-8 years old (and sometimes older) tend to memorize everything verbatim, literally, even that which does not require such assimilation, but can be stated in their own words. This does not mean that the child does not understand what he has memorized. It’s just that it’s easier for children of this age to remember the text without change and accurately convey the phrases of the textbook than to freely present the material, since they still do not have enough vocabulary and do not have the ability to operate with them. The task of the teacher is to find out each time how much the student understands what he is saying, and to ensure that the child learns to present the material in his own words (except for what must be conveyed accurately: poems, some passages of artistic prose, rules). But free retelling is possible only with understanding of the educational material. If the student understands the material and exercises in such a retelling, then this greatly helps the development of his speech and thinking.
At primary school age, children have more developed figurative memory (visual, auditory) and less - verbal-logical. Everything that is connected with visibility, brightness of impressions, which causes strong feelings, is remembered easily and for a long time. In the process of learning, children quickly develop semantic (verbal-logical) memory. The child begins to learn not only concrete, but also some abstract concepts. It expands the amount of memory, increases the speed of assimilation and accuracy of reproduction.
The school sets the task - to learn certain educational material, and this makes the child memorize and reproduce arbitrarily, with effort. But this conscious, skillful use of memory is still poorly developed in the younger schoolchild; he himself hardly resorts to rational methods of assimilation.
In addition to these general patterns, individual differences in memory are observed in children. Some, having a high readiness of memory, can quickly recall and give the right answer. Others are slow to learn and do not excel in speed and ease of reproduction.
The haste of the teacher, his inability to show patience and let the student think, gather his thoughts can lead to an erroneous assessment of the child's knowledge. And this will cause him a negative attitude towards the teacher and can undermine faith in his own strength.

A form of mental reflection, which consists in fixing, preserving and subsequent reproduction of past experience, making it possible to reuse it in activity or return to the sphere of consciousness. Memory connects the subject's past with his present and future and is the most important cognitive function underlying development and learning.

The basis of mental activity. Without it, it is impossible to understand the basics of behavior, thinking, consciousness, subconsciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to know more about our memory. Its absence is called amnesia.

The main memory processes are:

  • memorization;
  • preservation;
  • reproduction;
  • recognition;
  • forgetting.

There are also the following types of memory:

  1. involuntary memory(information is remembered by itself - without special memorization, in the course of performing activities, working on information). Strongly developed in childhood, weakens in adults.
  2. Arbitrary memory(information is memorized purposefully with the help of special techniques).

The efficiency of arbitrary memory depends on a number of conditions; These include:

  1. Memory goals (how firmly, how long a person wants to remember). If the goal is to learn in order to pass the exam, then soon after it a lot will be forgotten. If the goal is to learn for a long time, for future professional activity, then the information is little forgotten.
  2. Learning methods.

They are like this:

Mechanical verbatim repetition. Mechanical memory works, a lot of effort, time is spent, and the results are low. mechanical memory based on the repetition of material without its comprehension.

  • Logical retelling, which includes: logical understanding of the material, systematization, highlighting the main logical components of information, retelling in your own words. Works logical memory(semantic). It is based on the establishment of semantic connections in the memorized material. Logical memory is 20 times more efficient than mechanical memory.
  • Figurative methods of memorization (translation of information into images, graphs, diagrams, pictures). In this case, it uses figurative memory. It can be of different types: visual, auditory, motor-motor, gustatory, tactile, olfactory, emotional.
  • Mnemotechnical techniques of memorization (to facilitate memorization).

There are also short-term, long-term, operational, intermediate memory. Any information first enters short-term memory, which ensures that the information presented once is remembered for a short time (5-7 minutes), after which the information can be completely forgotten or transferred to long-term memory, but subject to 1-2 repetitions.

short term memory (KP) limited in volume, with a single presentation and a CP, an average of 7 ± 2 units of information is placed. This is the magic formula of human memory, i.e., on average, from one time a person can remember from 5 to 9 layers, numbers, numbers, figures, pictures, etc., and the main thing is to ensure that these “elements” are more informationally saturated for grouping, combining numbers, layers and a single holistic "image". The amount of short-term memory varies from person to person. It can be used to predict the success of training, resorting to the formula: OKP / 2 + 1 = predicted academic performance score.

long term memory (DP) provides long-term storage of information.

It is of two types:

  1. DP with conscious access (i.e., a person can extract, recall the necessary information of his own free will).
  2. DP is closed (a person in natural conditions does not have access to it, but only with hypnosis, with irritation of parts of the brain, he can access it and update images, experiences, pictures of his whole life in all details).

RAM manifests itself in the course of performing and servicing certain activities, which occurs due to the preservation of information coming from both the CP and the DP, necessary for the performance of actions.

Intermediate memory ensures the preservation of information for several hours. It accumulates during the day, and the time of nighttime sleep is given by the body to clear the intermediate memory, categorize the information received over the past day, and translate it into long-term memory. After sleep, the intermediate memory is again ready to receive new information. In a person who sleeps less than 3 hours a day, the intermediate memory does not have time to be cleared, as a result, the performance of mental and computational operations is disrupted, attention and short-term memory decrease, errors appear in speech and actions.

Long-term memory with conscious access is characterized by the pattern of forgetting: everything unnecessary, secondary, as well as a certain percentage of necessary information is forgotten. To reduce forgetting, a number of operations must be performed. Firstly, understand, comprehend the information (mechanically learned, but not fully understood, it is forgotten quickly and almost completely - the forgetting curve Ia (Fig. 3.21). Secondly, repeat the information (the first repetition is necessary 40 minutes after memorization, since after an hour only 50% of the mechanically memorized information remains in memory). It is necessary to repeat more often in the first days after memorization, because then the losses from forgetting are maximum. It is better to act like this: on the first day - 2-3 repetitions, on the second - 1- 2, from the third to the seventh - one repetition, after that one repetition with an interval of 7-10 days.Remember that 30 repetitions in a month are more effective than 100 repetitions in a day.Therefore, systematic, without overload study, memorization in small portions in the course of the semester with periodic repetitions every 10 days is much more effective than the concentrated memorization of a large amount of information in a short session, causing mental and mental overload and leading to almost complete forgetting of information a week after the session.

Forgetting largely depends on the nature of the activity immediately preceding and following memorization. The negative influence of the first was called proactive inhibition, and second - retroactive braking. It is especially pronounced in those cases when, after memorization, an activity similar to it is performed or if it requires significant effort.

Play Forms:

  • recognition- a manifestation of memory that occurs when the object is re-perceived;
  • memory, which is carried out in the absence of perception of the object;
  • recollection, which is the most active form of reproduction, largely dependent on the clarity of the tasks set, on the degree of logical ordering of the information memorized and stored in the DP;
  • reminiscence- delayed reproduction of previously perceived, seemingly forgotten;
  • eidetism is a visual memory that retains a vivid image for a long time with all the details of the perceived.

To facilitate memorization, you can resort to mnemonic techniques.

Among them:

  1. The formation of semantic phrases from the initial letters of the memorized information (“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting” - about the sequence of colors in the spectrum: red, orange, etc.).
  2. Rhythmization- translation of information into poems, songs, lines connected by a certain rhythm or rhyme.
  3. Memorizing long terms with the help of consonant words (for example, for foreign terms, they look for similar-sounding Russian words; so, in order to remember the medical concepts of “supination” and “pronation”, they use the consonant comic phrase “soup carried and spilled”).
  4. Finding bright, unusual images, pictures that " bundle method” are connected with the information that needs to be remembered. For example, we need to remember a set of words: pencil, glasses, chandelier, chair, star, beetle. This is easy to do if you imagine them as "characters" of a bright, fantastic cartoon, where a slender dandy in "glasses" - a "pencil" - approaches a plump lady, a "chandelier", at which a "chair" looks playfully, on whose upholstery sparkle " stars". It is difficult to forget or confuse such a fictional cartoon. To increase the efficiency of memorization using this method, you should greatly distort the proportions (a huge "bug"); represent objects in active action (“pencil” is suitable); increase the number of items (hundreds of "stars"); swap the functions of objects (“chair” to “chandelier”). Try to memorize a list of words in this way, spending 3 seconds each: grass, house, peacock, dress, glasses, paper clip, nail, glue. Succeeded?
  5. Imaging method: figuratively, in different details, mentally represent ("see") the memorized information.
  6. Cicero's method. Imagine that you are walking around your room, where everything is familiar to you. Arrange the information that you need to remember mentally as you move around the room. You will be able to remember everything again by imagining your room - everything will be in the places where you placed it during the previous “bypass”.
  7. When memorizing numbers, numbers, you can use the following techniques:
    • identify an arithmetic relationship between groups of digits in a number: for example, in the phone number 358954, the relationship is 89 = 35 + 54; highlight familiar numbers: for example, in the number 859314, highlight 85 - the year of birth of the brother, 314 - the first digits of the number "pi", etc.;
    • « hook method"- replacing numbers with images: for example, 0 - circle, 1 - pencil, 2 - glasses, 3 - chandelier, 4 - chair, 5 - star, 6 - beetle, 7 - week, 8 - spider, etc. Can be replaced numbers in letters and words. For example, replacing the numbers 1,2,3,8 with the last consonants in the name of these numbers: 1 - one - H, 2 - two - B, 3 - three - R. And replace the numbers 4,5,6,7,9 with initial consonants in their name: 4 - H, 5 - P, 6 - W, 7 - C, 9 - D.
    • Word replacement: 0 - L (uL), 1 - N (Noi), 2 - V (Howl), 3 - R (ariya), 4 - H (oChi), 5 - P (Pa), 6 - W (uShi), 7 - S (wuSy), 8 - M (yama), 9 - D (yd), 10 - NiL, 11 - NeoN, 12 - NiVa, 13 - NoRa, 14 - Night, 15 - anaPa, 16 - NiSha, 17 - NoS, 18 - Mute, 19 - ANOD, 20 - Vol, 21 - ViNo, 22 - Vi-Va, 23 - Var, 35 - Turnip ... 44 - ChaCha ... 56 - PaSha ... 67 - IShiaS ... 78 -SoM ... 84 - Ball ... 93 - DaR ... 99 - DuSha, 100 - Na-LiL, etc. For example, if you need to remember the phone number 9486138, then 94 - DaCha, 86 - Mouse, 13 - NoRa, 8 - pit. The image “in the country house the mouse made a hole and a hole” is easy to remember - you will not confuse this number. 8. The method of training visual memory - the Aivazovsky method. Look at an object, or a landscape, or a person for 3 seconds, trying to remember the details, and then close your eyes and mentally imagine this object in detail; ask yourself questions about the details of this image, then open your eyes for 1 second, complete the image, close your eyes and try to achieve the brightest possible image of the subject. So repeat several times.

They also try to influence memory processes by pharmacological and physical methods.

Rice. 3.22.

Many scientists believe that searches in the field of memory management should be aimed at creating biologically active compounds - substances that affect the change in cell proteins (from protoplasm to soma), learning processes (such as caffeine, biogenic amines), short-term or long-term memory (substances that inhibit the synthesis of DNA and RNA, affecting the metabolism of proteins, etc.), the creation and formation of engrams.

Now the study of pharmacological agents that affect memory is proceeding at a rapid pace. It has been established that long-known pituitary hormones can serve as its stimulants. "Short" chains of amino acids - peptides, especially vasopressin, corticotropin, significantly improve short-term and long-term memory.

According to the hypothesis about the physical structure of memory, it is based on the spatio-temporal pattern of the bioelectrical activity of nerve populations - discrete and electrotonic. Therefore, to control memory, it is more adequate to influence the brain and its subsystems by electrical, electromagnetic methods. Success can be achieved through the influence of physical factors - electrical and acoustic.

All this speaks of the real possibility of managing memory.

Summing up, we emphasize that memory ensures the integrity and development of a person's personality, occupies a central position in the system of cognitive activity.

In the modern world, every day a person is faced with various amounts of information, plans, tasks. Many people perform in front of other people, during which they must express their thoughts beautifully and correctly, guide or lead people, engage in training and at the same time arouse interest. Alas, not each of us is able to instantly and efficiently enter the necessary data into memory. But fortunately, there are techniques for memorizing any amount and complexity of information. These methods are called mnemonics, which in ancient Greek means the art of remembering.

So, as a result of the development of memory, we have the opportunity not only to present information smoothly and in detail, i.e. have the skills of oratory, but also have the art of memorizing it professionally, while the volume and complexity of the data can be any.

Perhaps this is hard to believe. But we know one main secret for success - this is changing any data into pictures (images), and then reproducing it in memory.

There are many techniques, but in this article we will look at the memorization technique from Cicero, and also give some simple but effective memorization methods from mnemonics.

Causes of bad memory

Before moving on to the practical side, it is necessary to understand what lies at the root of a poorly developed memory.

Note that the memory of each person is different, and it is selective, i.e. for someone it will be easy to remember the multiplication table by reading it once, but at the same time the same person forgets the name of a friend almost immediately. Other people effectively use the visual form of memory, but the simple rules of the Russian language are remembered with a creak. Why is this happening?

There are 5 causes of memory impairment:

  1. Reduced or absent interest. This is the most popular reason. It is difficult to remember something that is not interesting and does not cause a desire to develop in this area. In order to remember some information, you need to spend time and effort. If a person does not like poetry, then the exercise of memorizing poetry will be tantamount to a feat.
  2. Low concentration, inattention, lack of attention management skills. Today, a huge flow of information is pouring every day on a person. In view of this, we delve into the data superficially, without understanding the essence and, at times, without trying to put the information received into practice. And it becomes a habit. By the way, the simultaneous execution of several tasks also affects our productivity.
  3. Lack of memorization skills. A good memory is not given to us from birth, it is a skill that needs to be developed. Below are the techniques that will allow you to develop this ability.
  4. Low oxygen levels, beriberi, malnutrition. The conclusion suggests itself - to take only healthy food, systematically engage in physical activity and walks in the fresh air.
  5. Depressive state. It has become the scourge of modern man. And with such a state of health, it is unlikely that it will be possible not only to remember new information, but also to reproduce the old one. Therefore, we recommend that you join an active life position and be able to experience such states.

Now you can go directly to the exercises for better memorization of information. Of course, we will present only some of the techniques that have gained popularity due to their effectiveness. However, we emphasize once again that each person is individual, so you need to consciously and carefully answer the questions of the tests and select a set of exercises. Only with this approach the result will be effective.

A walk through the "Roman room", or the technique of Cicero

Cicero's fame spread throughout ancient Rome and the world at the speed of light. His talent for oratory is still held up as an example to his contemporaries. He had a unique talent - he spoke to a huge audience without using half a fairy tale, recordings and other materials. However, was it a gift or painstaking work on the development of memorization skills?

It is his methodology that we will consider in the following sections, because. it is the most ancient method to remember any information. If you master it, you can easily hold dates, numbers, words, phrases, and other information. However, it is worth remembering that the main condition for achieving results is systematic work, i.e. need to practice every day.

The meaning of the technique

Memorization methods from Cicero have a specific meaning, which consists in creating a matrix of images that help to remember large amounts of data, and not just one fragment. The first thing to do is to form a system in which images will be built.

Presentation on the topic: "Fundamentals of the method of associations"

This system can be anything:

  • room;
  • plot;
  • path;
  • familiar surroundings, etc.

If work is happening with the room, then you should mentally remember all the objects that are in it. Preferably in an orderly manner. For example, clockwise or from one wall to another. Do not complicate the task when creating a system for associations, choose the room that you have studied well, then the next levels will not cause difficulties.

Some authors propose the creation of a radically new premises, i.e. a person mentally creates a new home, makes a layout and arranges furniture. This will be the fruit of your imagination, which means it will be easier for you to cope with the task.

Working with the "path" system of images, you can create many images, because this path has no end. In this case, as you move through the system, you need to sort through the objects that will be encountered: huts, stones, people, flowers, shops, animals, etc.

As a system, you can choose absolutely any convenient place, an important condition is to correctly split into separate images.

Before starting the practice, you need to clearly define the scheme by which you will bypass the selected system. Movements should not be chaotic - you should streamline your walk around the rooms so as not to spoil everything that has been “collecting” for so long.

An important point: select a certain sequence of movement and assign to those objects that are in the system the key fragments of the speech of the speech or presentation.

After you have created the system, filled it with objects and set the keys, you should go around the system several times (room, road ...) and reproduce the specified criteria. The same must be done immediately before the presentation. Cicero, before each performance, also went around the rooms and reproduced the images.

After a certain time, everyone who has used this technique will be able to activate their memory at the right time, resorting to a convenient matrix of images.

Usage example

Let's look at an illustrative example of how to use the Cicero technique for memorizing information.

  1. Let's take ten words necessary for memorization (numbers, events, speech theses, foreign words). For example, these will be the following words: curtain, postcard, bird, sour cream, packaging, mouth, hairdryer, tambourine, book, speaker. You need to ask them for specific items of the selected system (for example, a room). Now, let's move on to the next level.
  2. Take a sheet, a pencil and write down all the objects in the room. It doesn't matter how many there are. The main thing is that they create "niches" for our matrix. In addition, you should remember their location and in what order they are. An approximate list of items in the room: a window, a sofa, a wardrobe, a TV, a pouffe, a floor lamp, an armchair, a bookcase, a shelf, a piano, an oven, a carpet, and more.
  3. The third of this is the combination of words from paragraph 2 with places with a list of theses for memorization.

Mnemonics for quick memorization

Memorization methods according to Cicero are good, but there are other methods of mnemonics:

  1. Rhyme data. Creating a poetic form makes it easier to perceive information and, accordingly, reproduce it.
  2. Create phrases from the initial letters of the information.
  3. Bundle. This technique involves establishing a connection between the received data and an effective image. For example, you need to remember the names of those present at the meeting - imagine that each of them is the hero of a fairy tale. For a more detailed connection, give the characters some kind of adjective. For example, "puss in boots" is a huge cat in sneakers.
  4. Leads. The essence of the method is to replace digital values ​​with objects. Let's say 0 is a pen, 2 is a cat, 3 is a ram, and so on.

Which method is right for you, you won't know until you try it. Choose the best option and train every day.

Regardless of the technique you choose, it is important to get to the bottom of the technique and apply it as often as possible. Professionals in the field of mnemonics shared the secrets of working according to the method of Cicero:

  • It is necessary to use only interesting connections, saturated with emotions. Remember that the ordinary and uninteresting are quickly forgotten. Use paradoxes, satire and humor to create your own matrix.
  • Use erotic images. It is no secret that it is precisely such images that enter our brain in the form of signals especially brightly. By the way, marketers assure that advertising posters with a beautiful sexy girl are perceived and remembered better.
  • Change the characteristics of objects on the path/indoor/terrain. For example, let the window be airy, and the chair be prickly.
  • Paradox the characteristics of objects. Don't put your pajamas in the closet, put the closet in your pajamas.
  • All guidelines for yourself: carry a notebook in your pocket, tie the TV to your hand.
  • Change the shape and size of objects. As in the example with the closet and pajamas.

As a result, you should get the following mental path (story), as an example:

Opening the window, I noticed a CURTAIN stuck in the window sash. Further, I noticed scattered POSTCARDS on the sofa, they were wet. There was an apricot SOUR CREAM on the cabinet, a BIRD was sitting in it. There was a PACKAGING on the TV, and a puppy was sitting in it, which was opening its MOUTH. A FEN was tied to his paw, standing on a tambourine. On the pouffe was a small BOOK depicting a half-naked erotic brunette with a DYNAMIC at her feet.

For successful reproduction by the method of Cicero, one should once again bypass the selected system and remove the above-mentioned objects. Just? Certainly. However, this requires a thoughtful study of those words that you have already memorized. Then, do it yourself without using hints. We believe that you will succeed!

Benefits of working with memory

The main advantages of the above methods are the simplicity and efficiency of the acquired information.

After a few practices, a person will be able to fully use the chosen scheme and improve his memory. Among other things, these techniques allow you to memorize information of any type in preparation for a presentation, lecture, training, seminar, and even during an international speech.

If you already know the audience you need to speak to, then it can be a great matrix for creating images. At the same time, the ease is due to the fact that there is no need to remember a large amount of associations, which can collapse due to the absence of some detail. For example, if you need to remember a specific phrase, a person can easily reproduce it, remembering what he tied the hair dryer to, and, therefore, finish the thought.

Of course, there are other methods of memorizing verse, numbers and dates, but we will talk about them in other sections of our cognitive and developing portal.

The main feature of intentional memorization is the manifestation of volitional efforts in the form of setting a task for memorization. Repeated repetition allows you to reliably and firmly memorize material that is many times greater than the amount of individual short-term memory.

It must be borne in mind that the vast majority of our systematic knowledge arises as a result of special activities, the purpose of which is to memorize the relevant material in order to keep it in memory. Such an activity aimed at memorizing and reproducing the retained material is called mnemonic activity .

Rote - this is memorization without awareness of the logical connection between the various parts of the perceived material. Associations by contiguity are the basis of rote memorization.

In contrast to this meaningful memorization is based on understanding the internal logical connections between the individual parts of the material.

Meaningful memorization is much more productive. With mechanical memorization, only 40% of the material remains in memory after one hour, and after a few hours - only 20%, and in the case of meaningful memorization, 40% of the material is stored in memory even after 30 days.

Comprehension of the material is achieved by various methods, and above all highlighting the main ideas in the studied material and grouping them in the form of a plan . A useful technique for understanding the material is comparison, i.e., finding similarities and differences between objects, phenomena, events, etc.

The most important method of meaningful memorization of the material and achieving high strength of its preservation isrepetition method . It is very important to correctly distribute the repetition in time. In psychology, two methods of repetition are known: concentrated anddistributed. In the first method, the material is memorized in one step, repetition follows one after the other without interruption. With distributed repetition, each reading is separated from the other by some gap. Distributed repetition is more rational than concentrated. It saves time and energy, contributing to a more solid assimilation of knowledge.

Very close to the distributed learning method playback during zau time reading. Its essence consists in attempts to reproduce material that has not yet been fully learned. For example, there are two ways to learn material: a) limit yourself to reading and read until you are sure that you have learned it; b) read the material once or twice, then try to pronounce it, then read it again several times and try to reproduce it again.

Experiments show that the second option is much more productive and more expedient. Learning goes faster and retention becomes more durable.

The success of memorization largely depends on the level of self-control. A manifestation of self-control are attempts to reproduce the material while memorizing it. Such attempts help to establish that we remember what mistakes we made during reproduction and what should be paid attention to in subsequent reading. In addition, the productivity of memorization also depends on the nature of the material. Visual-figurative material is remembered better than verbal, and a logically connected text is reproduced more fully than disparate sentences.

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