How can you beautifully humiliate a man, a guy with smart words without a mat: phrases, expressions. How to skip a difficult mission in GTA San Andreas

If a furious mission in the game is not completed the first time, do not rush to abandon it or look for another way to complete it. GTA San Andreas has a very free gameplay, it's easy to get distracted by something else and return to the quest a little later, with new powers, knowledge and weapons. If the mission does not pass on the first try, it does not matter, it can make it even more interesting.

How to skip a difficult mission in GTA San Andreas

It also happens that the task is simply not given. A bug, a problem with installed mods, or anything else is not ruled out. In such cases, you can download a later save from the network, ask for it from a friend or in the thematic gaming community. Save on GTA San Andreas is installed like this:

  • the finished file must have the extension .b and nothing else - check it with an antivirus before manipulation;
  • then move the save to the folder “GTA San Andreas”, which is located on disk c operating system, in the User folder;
  • also the target directory can be in “My Documents” (for Windows XP);
  • for Window 7 and further along the path: C:\…\[Username]\Documents\ GTA;
  • we start the game and check if the required name is in the list of saves and if the problematic mission has been completed.

If there are many own saves, how do we know which one we need? If the save file looks like GTASAsf<цифра от 1 до 8>.b, then the specified number indicates the slot in which it will be written. Keep this in mind also in order not to lose your own save, which can replace a third-party file.

How to skip a mission in GTA San Andreas - walkthrough

Since many people have encountered problematic quests in this game, fans have created a special utility that easily allows you to complete the mission “automatically”. CLEO script with libraries above version 4.0. allows you to skip the current task by pressing Shift+M. The program also has the function of skipping several missions at once. In addition, CLEO has a very wide functionality, thanks to which completely new actions and entertainment can be introduced into the game - all this is described in detail in its documentation. You can see the list of scripts with their features. To install CLEO and “skip” the mission at any stage without any problems:

  • find and copy the .cs file to the CLEO folder;
  • it can be named in any way, it doesn't really matter, but remember that the initial 7 characters are used to designate the script internally (for example, showsavescreen.cs has the name SHOWSAV);
  • when deleting a script, just remove it from the specified folder.

How to skip a mission in GTA San Andreas - secrets

To pass some missions, it is useful to know the tricks and nuances that exist in any gameplay. With them, the task that did not give in will seem fun and easy. For example:

  • Stealth mode: we kill enemies silently and imperceptibly. To do this, we select from the back, call the health marker with the right button and neutralize the enemy with the left.
  • Key remapping: some of the control buttons in GTA are on the secondary keyboard - this is a bit unusual. Choose other, more convenient values ​​to act faster.
  • Unlike vice city, a lot of “playable” things appeared in San Andreas - slot machines in a casino, the ability to buy food on the streets for only $ 1, billiards and so on. Explore the world closer, you may not have noticed a profitable opportunity.
  • Hidden items are scattered throughout the game world. The reward for finding them is quite high, use it. So, for collecting 50 oysters at the bottom of ponds, you will receive additional lung capacity, attractiveness, and $100,000.

One of the most useful "secrets" is the ability to get free ammo. To do this, take part in the shooting competition "Ammu-Nation Challenge", and then immediately exit it. At the same time, all the weapons that were “recorded” in the competition will be replenished with 100-1000 rounds of ammunition.

How to skip a mission in gta5?

    The game is a game, in order to go to the next task, you must go through the previous one. Sometimes some tasks are given with difficulty and the player does not know how to complete it. To do this, there are sites where players discuss all the problems and give advice on how to pass the level.

    No matter how much you want to completely miss the mission, you will not succeed. Developers do not provide such an opportunity. One way to simplify the game is to look for non-standard solutions. For example, in races, you can cheat and shoot the participants before the start of the race.

    Alas, this is not possible. Try, break your head, use the tips on the Internet, there is no other way. This is the only way you can move on to the next task. Yes, and it will be more interesting to play this way when, after many efforts, you eventually reach your goal.

    It's almost impossible to miss a mission.

    BUT! There is one little trick. On the Internet you can find a ready-made completed game. You just need to download one game save file and paste it into the game installation folder on your computer.

    Kill yourself during a mission, like 3,4 or 5 times, and then you will have an opportunity to skip the mission. But it doesn’t skip the entire mission about the site, for example, get to the point and then, if you’re not too lazy, repeat like this. Or download saves!

    Game developers did not provide such an opportunity to gamers. And there is no other way to miss the mission. Almost the only way out is to install a special trainer that slows down time in the game - and here you can easily complete any mission!

    Missing a mission in GTA 5 will not work. But you can cancel it if you fail it. If you do not fulfill the conditions of the mission (for example, do not have time on time, and so on), then the mission will be considered failed. It can be started again, or you can postpone it for now and take another one, if they are still there (not all of them have passed). But you will not pass the game until you complete all the missions.

    Of course there is another tricky way skip the mission - you can download the saved file of the completed mission and upload it to the game - this way the mission will be considered completed, even though you have not played it.

    The developers of this popular game they didn’t leave us such an opportunity as deliberately skipping a mission, but you can simply not complete the mission and it will end quickly, or simply fail it and not complete it - play the next or any of the other missions.

    Very good question! Officially, this is not possible, but there is a way out. You can try to download a special trainer, which will slow down the passage time in the game, which gives you the opportunity to easily pass any missions in Game.

    Why play the game if you don't want to go through all the missions. Developers do not provide such an opportunity. You can use cunning, but there is no point. We started playing, so please go through all the missions provided by the developer.

    Skip story mission in grand theft Auto V is not provided possible.

    Of course, you can download on the Internet a save with a completed mission or even your entire career.

    If you have played on a console (PS or Xbox) before, then you can not play the game on a PC, although there are still some differences, but they are insignificant.

Now you can beautifully, and most importantly, subtly poke an opponent in a dispute using one of these expressions.
Only aristocrats and people with a fair sense of humor and imagination can insult so beautifully.

How nice to offend the interlocutor.

Any resemblance between you and the person is purely coincidental!
  1. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?
  2. As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?

  3. I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?
  4. At least there is one positive thing about your body. It's not as scary as your face!
  5. The brain is not everything. And in your case, it's nothing!
  6. Be careful, don't let your brain get into your head!
  7. I like you. They say I have terrible taste, but I love you.
  8. Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?
  9. If only I had a face like yours. I would sue my parents!
  10. Don't be upset. A lot of people don't have talent either!
  11. No offense, but do you have a job to spread ignorance?
  12. Keep talking, someday you will still be able to say something smart!
  13. Do you still love nature despite what it has done to you?
  14. I don't think so, maybe you have a brain strain!
  15. Fellows like you don't grow on trees, they vacillate there.
  16. He has a mechanical mind. This is bad for him, he often forgets to turn his back to the wind.
  17. His mind is like a steel trap that always closes when trying to find the answer!
  18. You are a man of the earth, bad that is not the best part of it.
  19. He thought, this is something new.
  20. When it finally gets dark, you will surely look better!
  21. Yes, you are just a miracle comedian. If it's funny, it's a miracle!
  22. In Who's Who you should be looked for as What Is It?
  23. You are living proof that a person can live without brains!
  24. It is so short that when it's raining He is always the last to know about it.
  25. Yes, you're just a template for building an idiot.
  26. Why are you here? I thought the zoo was closing for the night!
  27. How did you get here? Did someone leave the cage open?
  28. Do not try to find anything in your head, it is empty.
  29. I think you wouldn't want to feel the way you look!
  30. Hey! I am human! What do you?
  31. I can't talk to you right now, tell me where will you be in 10 years?
  32. I don't want you to turn the other cheek, it's just ugly.
  33. I don't know who you are, but it would be better if you weren't there, I'm sure everyone will agree with me.
  34. I don't know what makes you stupid, but it really works.
  35. I can drive the monkey out of you, but it will cost you dearly!
  36. I can't remember your name and please don't help me with this!
  37. I don't even like the people you're trying to copy.
  38. I know you were born stupid, but why do you relapse?
  39. I know that you made yourself. It's good that you plead guilty!
  40. I know you are not as stupid as you look. This is impossible!
  41. I saw people like you, but then I had to pay for the ticket!
  42. Why are you such a fool today? Although I think this is typical of you.
But just do not overdo it, even using veiled not direct insults you can get in the face))
By using these insults, you take responsibility for your words.

GTA: SA features addictive gameplay. Huge living world, hundreds of different missions and interesting story able long time keep the player at the computer. But for all its pluses, there are several difficult missions in San Andreas.

In addition to guides, here you will find mods for GTA San Andreas:

Many players will surely remember the most famous task in . How many nerves and broken keyboards were spent during the passage of this task. And therefore next question matures on its own how to skip a mission in gta san andreas and can it be done at all? Yes, but do not rush to make such a hasty decision, for a start you can try to complete the quest, taking into account some tricks.

You just need to relax!

And so the difficult mission began. Many attempts to pass it do not lead to the expected effect. Do not despair. You can ride around the city, try other, easier tasks, or just take a break. In general, relax.

After a while, if you return to a difficult mission, it will seem easier. If it doesn't work, you can try a few more times. Repeat is required until the ill-fated task is completed. If this option is not for you, read on.

Download save for San Andreas

Many users prefer to use this method. Its essence is simple:
  1. Download the save with the completed mission.
  2. Place the file with the .b extension in the folder " GTA San Andreas User Files":
  • In Win XP is "My Documents".
  • In Win 7 and older, along the path: C: Users\[Username]\Documents.
  • Launch the game and load the pasted save.
  • The name of the save file is as follows: GTASAsf.b. The number indicates the slot from which to start the save. That is, if the file name is GTASAsf4.b, then the new save will be available in the fourth slot. There are many saves on the Web after each completed mission. So finding the right file will not be difficult. If this method does not suit you, then it remains only skip mission in gta san andreas with a specific utility.

    CLEO for GTA San Andreas

    This method consists in installing the CLEO script. This file allows you to skip any mission by pressing Shift+M. You can skip several tasks at once to go to the one you like. Remember that in order to perform such manipulations, the fourth version of the CLEO library must be installed on the PC.

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