Popular board games for adults. The best board games of all time

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 9 minutes


The most the best way support communication with children are Board games. And although many people believe that this type of entertainment is only suitable for children, in reality this is not the case. After all, modern board games are role-playing games that display various life situations or the specifics of one of the professions.

10 board games for the whole family

    Munchkin is an exciting card board game. It is a complete parody of role-playing games. It perfectly combines the qualities of resource-type games and collectible card games. The players are faced with the task of making their hero become the best and reach level 10 of the game. This entertainment is intended for people aged 12 years and older. 2-6 people can play at the same time.

  1. Board game Uno for company

    Uno is a simple, dynamic and fun board game for big company. It can be played by 2 to 10 people, aged 7 years and older. The main goal of the game is to quickly get rid of all your cards.

  2. Addictive and fun game Activity

    Activity is the best game for a creative and fun company. All players must divide into 2 teams and take turns choosing tasks of different difficulty levels. One of the team members explains the hidden word using synonyms, pantomime or drawing. For guessing the task, the team receives points and gradually moves around the playing field. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.

  3. Intellectual game Monopoly

    Monopoly - this board game has been delighting adults and children for more than a century. The main goal of this economic game is to become a monopolist, while ruining other players. Now there are many versions of this game, but classic version involves the purchase of land plots and the construction of real estate on them. The game is intended for people aged 12 years and older. 2-6 people can play it at the same time.

  4. Card game Svintus for a fun company

    Svintus - cheerful card game, in which from 2 to 6 people can simultaneously participate. This is a humorous Russian version of the famous game Uno. The main goal is to get rid of all the cards in your hands as quickly as possible. At the same time, from 2 to 8 people aged 10 years and older can take part in this entertainment.

  5. Traveling around Europe - an educational game for the whole family

    Journey Through Europe is a competitive, addictive game that teaches the geography of Europe. 2-5 people from 7 years old can take part in it at the same time. The goal of the game is to become the best by scoring 12 points and collecting victory facts. To do this, you need to correctly answer the questions on the cards.

  6. Scrabble - an exciting board game

    Scrabble or Scrabble - this board word game is an indispensable attribute of family leisure. 2-4 people can take part in it at the same time. Ira works on the principle of a crossword puzzle, only the words are composed on the playing field. The main goal of the game is to score the most a large number of points. This entertainment is designed for ages 7+.

  7. Detective game Scotland Yard

    Scotland Yard is an exciting detective board game. In it, one of the players takes on the role of the mysterious Mr. X, and the rest become detectives. They are faced with a difficult task, to find and catch a criminal who can freely move around the city. Mr. X's main task is to remain undetected until the end of the game. 2-6 people aged 10 years and older take part in the game at the same time.

  8. Addictive Dixit game

    Dixit is an inspiring, unexpected and very emotional board game. The cards for it were drawn by the famous artist Maria Cardo. The game develops abstract and associative thinking well. 3-6 players aged 10 years and older can take part in it at the same time.

  9. A fun game Crocodile for a large company

    Crocodile - fun game for a larger company. In it you need to explain words using gestures and guess them. The tasks in this game are not simple, because the card may contain a very unexpected word, phrase or proverb. The number of participants in this game is not limited. Age category this game is 8+.

January 19, 1955 The first sets for playing the game went on sale Scrabble- a very common form of entertainment in the United States, which has not gained much popularity in Russia. However, this is far from an isolated case when Board games, which are played by tens of millions of people in the West, almost not known in our latitudes, although they could well become a favorite type of family and friendly leisure.

Scrabble - a game of words and letters

One of the most popular board games Western world practically did not take root in our space. We, of course, published a Russified version of it called Erudite, but it did not gain national fame; we are much closer to the much simpler Balda. The essence of the game is to form words on a special playing field from a random set of letters. Moreover, the rarer the elements you use, the more points you will get.

Klingon chess - a game from the cult television series

This game first appeared on television in one of the episodes of the cult television series Star Trek, where it was played by representatives of the alien race Klingons. It represents chess, in which the playing field is not in one plane, but on different levels. Now the game is popular among millions of fans of the mentioned television series. Russian “trekkers” also play it. And the general public learned about Klingon chess from the sitcom The Big Bang Theory, the main characters of which not only played it, but also spoke the fictional Klingon language (even to the point of Klingon Scrabble competitions).

Dungeons and Dragons is the most popular role-playing board game

The game Dungeons & Dragons, which appeared in 1974, differed from many other military board games by two factors: fantastic characters (orcs, elves, gnomes, dragons, etc.) and the ability to play not for a side in the conflict, but for a specific character. Dungeons and Dragons became the ancestor of many other similar tabletop role-playing games, but is still the most popular among them in the world.

Game of Thrones - a game based on the book and TV series

IN Lately The board game A Game of Thrones, based on the books by George R.R., is gaining increasing popularity around the world. Martina. The harsh semi-fantastic world of the fictional Middle Ages turned out to be excellent surroundings for those who like to fight with cards and chips. A Game of Thrones, which appeared in 2003, was relaunched after the release of the series of the same name on HBO, which became one of the highest rated on the planet. Now the tabletop version of Martin’s Universe is played not only by fans of his books, but also by a much larger audience of fans of the television version.

Uno is the simplest card game

The rules of this card game are easy to learn in a couple of minutes. Its essence is to get rid of all the cards dealt at the beginning, while forcing your opponents to take as many of them as possible. Uno does not require high intellectual abilities, as in preference or poker. Observation and a sense of humor are much more important here. You won't be able to play this game quietly - the game is ideal for noisy groups who want to have a fun evening.

Pictionary – Crocodile for those who like to draw

Each of us has repeatedly seen this game on TV in American films and television series. Its essence is very similar to our Crocodile - a person must show the word hidden for him, without uttering a word. Only Pictionary rules allow you not only to communicate with gestures, but also to draw on paper.

Jenga - sleight of hand and no cheating

A game for those who have well-developed coordination movements and the ability to calculate the results of their actions. At the beginning of the game, players build a vertical structure from wooden blocks, and then take turns pulling out elements from it and placing them on top. Whoever topples the tower loses.

Cluedo is his own detective

Friends gathered together at the gaming table learn that a murder has just occurred in a house in Cornwall. They have a detailed plan of the mansion and several clues found at the crime scene. Each game in Cluedo is a separate detective story, the narrators of which are the players themselves. And each of them must solve it faster than others terrible secret murder of Dr. Black. It is noteworthy that in each new game a completely original story is played out.

Monopoly - a textbook for young capitalists

Economic strategy with an element of chance. At the beginning of the game, players find themselves on a large playing field filled with cards for various enterprises that can be bought, sold, improved, or even created a monopoly in a particular field of activity. The main thing is not to end up in prison or on another player’s enterprise square. In Russia, Monopoly has limited popularity; there are even clubs for its fans, but in every home, unlike in Europe or the USA, a set for the game is not yet stored.

Beer ping pong is the most popular drinking game

We warn you right away, there is no point in playing this game for teetotalers and ulcers. After all, her main goal is to get drunk herself, and to get her friend even more drunk. During a game of beer ping pong, players or teams try to hit glasses of alcohol placed at the other end of the table with a table tennis ball. If the hit is successful, the opponent must drink the contents. The game continues until one side forces the other to empty all the containers on their side of the table. It’s strange why beer ping-pong is still not popular among us?

Have you ever encountered such a situation that guests came to you, and there was absolutely nothing to occupy them with except drinking tea and watching TV programs? I think this situation is familiar to many. And people like me, who don’t even have a TV in their house as unnecessary, don’t have many options for entertaining guests. You have to remember about the TV only when guests come to the house and start looking for it. In this case, interesting and exciting board games come to the rescue; you can spend more than one hour playing them.

Top 10 most interesting board games

If you get a couple of entertaining board games, then these miracle helpers will be a wonderful decoration for family evenings or noisy parties with friends. Naturally, board games come in a wide variety: for children and adults, exciting and not so exciting. What games can be included in the top 10 most interesting and popular board games?

1. Colonizers

Who said that board games are exclusively children's entertainment? In stores you can find a bunch of games for adults, one of which is the game “Settlers”.

This game invites players to compete in mastering a wild island. A maximum of four people can play it, each of whom will have to build cities, estates and roads. This game is logical, and the first one to collect ten victory points wins. Game time is more than 75 minutes.

2. Monopoly

If we list the most popular board games for a party, then we cannot ignore such a global hit as the game “Monopoly”. The world's most popular economic strategy game can be found in a variety of publications. With the help of game dice, game participants move around the field, getting the opportunity to acquire enterprises and build their own branches on them. In the end, the player who remains with the money and does not go bankrupt wins.

3. Jenga

A board game does not always involve building a strategy and intensive brain work. The game Jenga is very fun and fast. It's also great because the whole family can play it. First, the players build a wooden tower from the blocks, then the game die is thrown, and one by one the blocks are pulled out of the tower by the players. The further you go, the more shaky the structure becomes.

The game continues until someone topples the tower. Of course, real Jenga is not as big as the one played by Leonard and Sheldon from the TV series “The Big Bang Theory,” but it gives colossal emotions!

4. Scrabble

A famous board game in which players compete to form words on a board of 225 squares. It can be played by two to four people. This game is so popular that some European countries even regularly hold scrabble competitions.

5. Munchkin

Munchkin is one of the most popular and fun board games in the world! The game box contains rules, a game die, and two decks of cards - treasure and doors. Players will have to visit dungeons with mysterious monsters, fight them, earning a wide variety of bonuses or receiving fines. Munchkin is essentially a parody of fantasy role-playing games. The first player to reach level 10 wins the game.

6. Carcassonne

Carcassonne is an original and colorful strategic and economic board game. Players assemble the playing field step by step and place various pieces of their subjects on it. When all the squares not placed on the board are gone, the game is over. After this, points are calculated, where the one with the most points wins.

7. Uno

Uno is a board card game where the deck consists of 108 multi-colored cards with numbers from 0 to 9. The object of the game is to get rid of all the cards by loudly shouting “Uno” when there is only one card left in your hand (in Spanish, Uno is one). When the winner is determined, the remaining players count the points. If one of the players exceeds the point threshold, then he is considered a loser.

8. Evolution

Evolution is a fun board game about survival and adaptation between various types. It can be played by 2 to 4 people. During the game, a variety of creatures will develop, choose food resources, eat and die out. In the end, the player who has as many surviving and developed creatures as possible in his hands wins.

9. Wild jungle

A totem is placed in the center of the table. Players take turns revealing their cards, so that under certain conditions they must grab the treasured totem. The game is so intense and interesting, it requires such care and speed that it will not leave anyone indifferent.

Best game for company 18+

The secret to a good time is the right board game. Choosing a game that everyone will like is a difficult task. First you need to determine the circle where the game will take place. If children will take part in the game, then pay attention to the age restrictions. It is important that the child not only has fun and interesting, but also develops a number of qualities in him. More often speed of thinking or fine motor skills. Games with the opportunity to both compete for victory and laugh heartily are suitable for a company or a family evening. Our rating presents some of the most popular board games for families, cheerful company and children.

The best board games for family and friends

Score (2018): 4.6

Advantages: The most fun for articulation

Manufacturer country: China

The most fun articulation game ever. I would like to warn you right away that the game is not for children over 16 years old. According to the rules, the player inserts the mouthpiece into his mouth and selects a card and reads out the sentence. The inserted mouthpiece will not allow you to close your mouth, which interferes with the words spoken. Now comes the most interesting part, you need to parse all the words spoken to your team. The more cards a team guesses, the more points they score. Time is controlled by an hourglass. To play, you need a minimum of 4 people, who are divided into 2 teams. The set includes 200 phrase cards, 5 mouthpieces and an hourglass to keep track of time. The game is useful for training speech apparatus and improving diction.

Score (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Simple rules

Manufacturer country: Russia

Go with your friends or family on a fun trip with the game Around the World in 80 Days. The whole game is a journey. You are going to different cities and it is necessary to spend as little time on the road as possible. What awaits you on the road? A lot of obstacles and incidents, the ability to choose transport for movement and, of course, new acquaintances. The starting city is London, and whoever makes the journey first and returns to the original city wins.

The game is suitable for family gatherings or playing with a group of friends. Minimum number of players 3 people, intended for ages 10 years and older. The rules are very simple, so you don’t have to spend for a long time for study. Choose a travel card, perform a game action of your choice and go to the next city. And don’t forget to note how much time you spent on the road. Winning requires prudence and the right strategy.

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: Popular game

Manufacturer country: Russia

Anyone who likes to think, fantasize and guess associations, then Imaginarium is for you. The game helps to get to know the player better, see his train of thought and discover it for himself with new side. Four players over 12 years of age are required to play. The essence of the game is to come up with associations to unique pictures. Why unique? Because the artists tried and made associations from simple to crazy.

According to the rules, the Player takes a picture and comes up with an association for it. Placed back on the table face down. The remaining players at this moment choose the most suitable picture for the association. After which the selected cards are mixed. In fact, you don’t want everyone to guess your association, because then it will be too easy. It is enough for one person or all but one to guess correctly. During the game, your imagination develops too quickly, so you shouldn’t worry that the game will become predictable. To count points, a field is used where the chip moves by the won steps.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best skill game

Manufacturer country: China/Russia

The game Jenga or Leaning Tower is known all over the world. The game is suitable for both one player and a company of up to 4 people. The game develops fine motor skills in children well. All you need is sleight of hand and wooden blocks. The set includes 54 bars. According to the rules, you first need to build a tower. To do this, put 3 pieces in a row to make 18 floors. An example of a tower is shown above. Players take turns taking out 1 block and placing it on the top floor. The height of the tower will increase, and its stability will become less and less. The one who destroys this tower loses. After the tower is destroyed, players will want to build an even higher structure.

The game attracts children and adults; you won’t notice how a couple of hours will pass. A good hobby for children from 6 years old. Jenga helps develop players' thinking, communication and motor skills. A great game for everyone!

Score (2018): 5.0

Advantages: Top seller

Manufacturer country: Ireland/Russia

Monopoly has been the most popular economics board game for over 80 years. The game is not suitable for small children. Recommended for players ages 8 and up and for 2-6 players. Monopoly is popular among families or groups of friends. The game helps you evaluate your resources and distribute money correctly. During the game, players make purchases/sales of enterprises and lands, pay taxes, take out loans for purchases and much more interesting things. In this case, play money helps you achieve your goals. To win, you must bankrupt all players.

The best board games for kids

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for child development

Manufacturer country: Russia

Iron Friend is a simple and fun game for children. Many parents play this game with their children. The game helps to develop speed of thinking, ask and formulate questions and be smart. Here are the most simple rules. The player puts a special hoop on his forehead, into which a card with an image is inserted. Another player while time goes by hourglass, should help you understand what is shown on the card.

For example, the first player is a boy with a picture of a cat on his forehead. As soon as time passes, questions begin:

- Am I an object?

- I big size?

- Do I live in houses?

- I'm a cat?

The game is ideal for family gatherings with children. In addition to developing and increasing vocabulary child, have a fun time. The game has affordable price. If you have a long journey with children, then take the game with you.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best Family Game

Manufacturer country: Russia

The board game The Wizard of the Emerald City allows you to have fun and interesting time with your family and children. Throughout the game, the player is faced with various tasks with each turn. The game has two fields. The first is game, where you need to run away from Bastinda, the second is magical for moving along the road. The tasks will be very different and all connected with the heroes of the fairy tale, so get ready to growl or crouch, imagining yourself as one of the heroes. It is necessary to hurry while completing the task, because... Bastinda can catch up and the game will end. Keep an eye on the hourglass.

The best board games from companies over 18 years old

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for a group of 18+

Manufacturer country: Russia

In the board game of 500 evil cards there is no need to think quickly and manifest Creative skills. What is needed here is a stable psyche, humor and the perception of stupid or vulgar jokes. One of the rules is to restrict children under 18 years of age from playing. If the above applies, then move on to the rules. The set includes 500 cards in two colors. Red ones with questions, and white ones with answers. The very combination of questions and answers makes players laugh. Each player receives 10 answer cards. All players become leaders during the game. The presenter reads out the question and then chooses the best answer. The combination of question and answer ends up being vulgar, stupid or absurd. If you like dark humor, then the game is for you. To play you need from 3 to 8 people.

How to increase joy on earth? Just create for yourself and your loved ones great mood. Here is a satisfied child proudly clutching a deftly grabbed one to his chest! Exact calculation And strategic planning bring victory to the head of the family in the medieval period. Here is a group of friends laughing at assignments. And the hot battle on the bends makes everyone happy at once!

The right board game is the key to joy in a particular space!

And to make your choice successful, we will tell you about the best board games! We select the most popular games (), mix them with the opinions of the jury of the most prestigious competitions and season them with our own gaming experience - please, top best board games from Igroveda!

Hits of board games for all ages

Two unconditional hits are games and. Both games are fast, fun, with simple rules and low price. All this makes them people's favorites and bestsellers!

The best logic board games

I would like to highlight two logic games in particular: and. Both games are among the 10 best-selling games, but they cannot be called simple. Both Seth and Yotta are a real exercise for the brain!

Dixit – German Game of the Year Spiel des Jahres (2010), as well as in France, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy. And also a nominee and winner of all the most famous awards in the world of board games.

Medieval morals are harsh! Whichever feudal lord came to this land first will receive income. But players can “build” the lands themselves at their own discretion!

The sound of the waterfall can be heard from afar, hands frantically clutch the oar, and the duffel bag clinks alarmingly gems. Will you be able to get to the camp, save the boat and the loot? - the river is treacherous. Cold calculation and a brave heart will conquer this board game!

Niagara definitely claims to be the most beautiful board game!

Board games for kids who don't like to lose

There are some children with whom it is difficult to play anything - these children do not know how to lose. The skill of taking a blow will come to them later. In the meantime, so as not to overshadow the family evening, we offer you cooperative games. Key Feature Such games are that all participants act as a team, that is, they win or lose together. They rightfully made it to the top of the best family board games! The youngest players will have adventures in an old manor, where there is a real one. For slightly older players, we recommend 3 more games.

In a friendly fight, getting treasure is the goal of the hardworking gnomes! And things would definitely have gone well if troubles hadn’t happened every now and then in the tunnels: either the lantern would go out, or the cart would break down. Looks like there are some saboteurs hiding among the gnomes!

No more words! Players have only pictograms at their disposal. Explaining words and phrases using pictures will be a lot of fun!

Book + toy + brown + ear. Did you recognize Gena's crocodile friend?

It's always nice to introduce yourself strong of the world this, at least as consul of the great Emperor! We will collect provinces, replenish gold reserves and call up legionnaires.

Who doesn't want to leave their mark on history?! There are no such? Then let's get to work - building wonders of the world is a troublesome business!

Players will lead one of 7 largest cities ancient world. To make your region prosperous and build an architectural wonder of the world, you need to collect resources, trade with consciences, confirm your military superiority and develop science. This game has a huge number of winning strategies!

Your dukedom fits in a deck of cards - no problem! It will grow, get better and prosper. How could it be otherwise when it is controlled by such a wise ruler as you!

Dwarves and Amazons, Sorcerers and Ghouls, Trolls and Wizards decided to find themselves a secluded place and chose a wonderful Small world. But there was a problem: everyone arrived there at the same time, and hot battles broke out for a place in the sun.

Darkness has descended over Massachusetts. Here and there gates open to places from which indescribable horror spills out. Sinister creatures emerge from these gates onto the streets of a peaceful, defenseless city. Who can resist the invasion uninvited guests? Of course you, along with a team of brave detectives!

Be transported to the world of Howard Larcraft, join forces, collect evidence, seal the gate... and save humanity from otherworldly Evil! This is a board game.

How far is winter? Who has dragons? How to say thank you in Dothraki? Who will get the Throne of the Seven Kingdoms in the end?! You will find out the answer to the last question by playing the epic game! Perhaps the Iron Throne will be yours? You can't hesitate - Westeros is waiting for you! Fight the wildlings, form alliances with other Houses (but remember: in this cruel world You can’t trust anyone in betrayal), seize lands and achieve Victory!

All world history will happen before your eyes and with your hands. If you are ready to take on the role of arbiter of the destinies of an entire nation, go ahead!

This little red airplane performs real miracles on turns! And your task is to show miracles of dexterity and change the flight trajectory in time!

Why should we build a house? And even a whole castle. Only bad luck - the details for construction differ the most various forms, not at all like comfortable bricks! Half a kingdom for a horse for a sense of balance!

A balancing surface and many figures on it are a board game

Jenga or Tower are extremely popular. classic games for balance and manual dexterity!

A tower made of neat blocks only seems fragile, but in fact this building can withstand a lot! We take out parts of the first floors and move them higher and higher. How whimsical a tower can become! Just, I beg you, don’t breathe!

“Catch a fish, big and small...” An unusual board game Zvongo! broke all popularity records! Try picking up a magic magnetic wand! Adjust the force of attraction, be creative and careful - and balls of the desired color will hang on your stick!

All game details are packed into an unusual bag, which also serves as a playing field!

We are often asked who she is - best board game in the world?! We are not ready to answer this question yet: there are many games and we continue to try! Join us! Always the most popular games to help you!

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