How to know fate by the lines of the hand. Rare lines on the hand: money triangle. Palmistry in the ancient world

On the hands of a person there are many different lines in which information about his life is encrypted. Many people want to know what awaits them in the near future, so the topic of how to guess the hand for the future is very popular. Palmistry is impossible to tell exact science because it is practiced in different parts of the world and some opinions on the same issue differ. That is why the information received should not be taken as a fact, but rather considered as an assumption.

Which hand is used to predict the future?

First you need to decide on which palm are the signs relating to. There are several options, for example, separation by gender. It is believed that women right hand given to them from birth is reflected, and on the left - acquired during life and the future. For men, it's the other way around. Fortune-telling for the future can be carried out on the dominant hand, that is, on the one with which you do the main work, the past and present are determined by it, and you can learn about the future from the other hand. It is believed that by the difference between the hands one can judge what a person has done and achieved in his life.

How to know the future by hand?

As you know, there are many different lines on the hand that are responsible for different areas life, for example, is judged by a career, by the line of the heart about love affairs, etc. To determine what problems to expect in the future, you need to look at the line of fate. If it is interrupted, then we should expect health problems and various troubles. Circles are visible - this is a sign that life will move in a circle.

Understanding how to read the future by hand, it is necessary to indicate the following information: life is not judged on its duration along the line. Its main purpose is to determine in which direction life will turn, whether it will be problematic, etc.

One of the most exciting activities and entertainment. The first mention of palmistry dates back to 2000 BC. e. Palmistry is Greek word, translates as divination or prediction by hand. In the Middle Ages, palmistry was considered a science, and today interest in palmistry has not faded either. Each person has his own destiny, which is encrypted in the palm of your hand in the form of lines.

Richard Webster believes that the ability to read human destiny in the palm of your hand is just knowledge, experience and logical thinking, and not some otherworldly phenomena.

It is a developing science, accessible to those who can think and analyze. Fortune telling by hand does not require knowledge in medicine and any other sciences, so anyone can do it.


The longer the line of life, pronounced in the palm of your hand, the more enduring and energetic a person is. The life line is the main line, an indicator of our vital activity. It is good when she is strong and healthy, brightly outlined. When the line of life begins at the edge of the palm - this indicates the decisiveness of the character, if it begins in the form of a chain - too dependent on others.

When at the very beginning the line of life is connected to the line of the head, the longer the combined segment, the more cautious, sensitive and insecure the person is. Such people achieve little in life.

If people have a short lifeline, they may well live to old age, they just do not have physical endurance.

If the line of life is thin parallel line, this sister line is an auspicious sign.

She is considered a guardian angel line. Especially lucky people it runs along the entire length of the life line. Breaks in the line of life often speak of changes in life. Lines from the base thumb to the line of life and cross it - the lines of anxiety and stress.

There can be serious trouble if the line of life is connected to the line of the head and heart, in which case a fatal outcome is possible. The line of life, not connected with the line of the head, speaks of early development and determination, they are often very gifted people.


The line of the heart governs our emotions. The line of the heart shows how a person sympathizes with loved ones and people in general. The character and temperament, the state of the cardiovascular system are visible. The more sinuous the line of the heart, the more emotional the person. A weak line of the heart indicates a sensitive nature.

If the line of the heart is low, then the person is capable of deep feelings. The shorter the line of the heart and the higher it is located, the less a person has the ability to express his feelings physically.

People differ with the spiritual and physical line of the heart. The physical line of the heart ends between the middle and index fingers, or at the base of one of them. The spiritual line of the heart runs parallel to the base of the fingers. People with a physical heart line know how to love and express their feelings, easily endure the blows of fate and do not fall into depression. People with a spiritual line of the heart have increased sensitivity. Such people always strive for communication and always try to maintain inner freedom. People whose heart line ends at the base of the index finger are very demanding in their personal lives. The higher the line of the heart rises on the hill of Jupiter, the more branches, the better for a person, it means wealth, success, recognition.

If the line of the heart connects with the line of the head and the line of life, a fatal outcome is possible, a murder out of jealousy. The line of the heart, passing high, indicates an impulsive, jealous person.

The line of the heart is clear, red - nobility, generosity. deep red - passionate love, sensuality. Without branches - dryness of the heart. Intersection of secondary lines is a deception in love. If the line is double, then this indicates that this person in marriage will be very devoted.


The head line is the most important line on the hand. The line of the head indicates the strength of our thinking, the degree of development of the intellect. It starts between the bases of the thumb and forefinger, then crosses the palm and ends approximately under the ring finger. The longer the line of the mind, the wider and more complex the person thinks, the more developed the intellect. The line of the head, crossing the palm completely to the edge of the palm, speaks of the ability to foresee events and insight. With short line the mind is little inclined to analysis.

The branched end of the line of the mind speaks of the creativity of a person and his ability to original ideas. Often the branching of the mind line is called the writer's fork. An independent way of thinking in a person who has a line of mind far from the line of life. If the line of mind and the line of life merge, this person is not able to make decisions on his own.

The contact of the head line with the life line indicates caution. The line of the mind and the line of life, which are close, speak of the independence of a person's thinking. If the line of the mind begins at the index finger, then such a person is very dependent in his thoughts and actions. A weak and unstable line means nervousness and slowness.

The dashed line of the head indicates poor memory and bad attention, as a rule, weak intellectual abilities. A thin long line - infidelity, frivolity. A wide colorless line - imprudence, irascibility, anger. The line of the head, consisting of small lines, means poor memory, headaches. Deep line - intelligence, power, concentration. Deep red line - obsession, the ability to cruelty. Pink line - the person is intelligent


The line of fate is one of the main lines on the hand. She gives information about labor activity and career growth of a person, speaks of upcoming success.

In general, the presence of the line of fate allows you to make the right decisions.

The line, above the line of the wrist, rising up to the middle finger is the line of fate. The line of fate is pronounced and weakly expressed. It may be in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm, or it may be completely absent. A long line of fate, stretching to the middle finger, speaks of the independence and determination of a person.

If the line of fate has breaks, then this indicates that a person will often change professions. For independent people, the line of fate often begins in the middle of the palm. If the line of fate ends at the hill of Jupiter, then a person will have material success, wealth, and honors. If the line of fate ends at ring finger, the hill of Apollo, then a person will achieve his goal in everything, it is worth doing creativity. If the line of fate ends at the little finger, the hill of Mercury, it is a bad sign. Ruin, failure, but these people are sociable, they need to have a profession with these inclinations.

If the end of the line of fate bifurcates or has a triple fork - this is good sign.

A person will get joy and pleasure from life.

The presence of a long line of fate indicates the longevity of a person.

If the line goes from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, then its presence speaks of parapsychological abilities and an increased interest in everything mystical.

If the line of intuition is directed towards the line of fate, this person has the ability to clairvoyance and prophecy. If the line of intuition is directed to the line of the mind - the ability to heal.


They are located on the edge of the palm. Sometimes these lines determine the number of marriages or heart affections in life.

The line of children is located under the little finger, they often indicate the possible number of children,

because at modern medicine their number can be controlled.


Travel lines are possessed by people striving for changes in their lives. These are several horizontal lines originating at the edge of the palm, the owners of these lines love to travel.


The money line goes from the life line to the base of a hill. If the life line goes to the hill of Jupiter, then the person earns money as a result of career growth. If a line of money comes out on the hill of Saturn, then hard work lies ahead. In the event that the line of money turns to the hill of Apollo, the person will receive money easily, even possibly win it. If the line of money is directed to the hill of Mercury, then such a person earns money with his head. With help creativity and in business.

Ring of Venus

The line begins between the fingers of Jupiter - Saturn, ends between the fingers of the Sun and Mercury. The ring of Venus means the ring of love. People are sensitive, elevated. If the line breaks - hysterical. If the line is double, they are prone to intimate joys and vicious pleasures.


The line of health starts from the line of life, goes to the little finger and ends at its base. If the health line is long, then this indicates that the long-liver

If there is no health line on the hand, then the person is interested in material values and such a person is not subject to stress.


The cross, which is located between the line of the heart and the line of the head, that is, in a large quadrangle, is called mystical. The holders of such a cross have the ability to mystical sciences.


Often on the palm and lines of the hand can be seen various signs. Somewhere we see crosses, somewhere islands, sometimes squares, stars, lattices. Each of these signs, as has been observed, carries a semantic meaning.

Lattice is an unfavorable sign. Indicates that the circumstances are not clear, and things are confused

Crosses on the main lines are unfavorable. They talk about upcoming problems, and a cross in a quadrangle speaks of a person's superpowers.

Squares are a sign of protection. Someone cares about you and helps in difficult moments of life.

A star, three lines intersecting is a good sign. will appear in your life happy event. The star lights the way.

The islands are a bifurcating line, and then again connecting into one, thus forming an island. The sign is not good, it speaks of loneliness, problems, nervous breakdowns, depression. Small lines crossing the line of the mind indicate frequent headaches. Islands on the line of life, speak of depression and health problems.

Having begun to study all the "roads", everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life on our hands. Each stroke and branch means something and can tell a lot to the owner of the hand. It is especially difficult for beginners to cope with additional features. What is palmistry, lines on the hand, deciphering each detail, we will try to parse it in part and help the novice palmist gain simple knowledge in this matter.

As a rule, fortune-telling takes place on the dominant palm: for a left-hander - the left one, for a right-hander, respectively, the right one. First you need to focus on 4 main stripes:

  1. Love or heart.
  2. Mind or head.
  3. Fate.
  4. Life road.

Road of heart or love

What are the roads of the heart and how do they characterize the personality, deciphering the lines in the palm of your hand:

Long Talks about an idealistic personality.
short Characteristic of an egocentric person.
Pronounced Characterizes a person prone to stress.
Poorly expressed It can mean a weak heart or a very delicate fortuneteller.
Simple straight line Represents a person with a strong sensitive character.
He says that a fortuneteller often has difficult relationships with people in life.
Dotted or jagged line In life, a fortuneteller will encounter an interweaving of relationships.
curved dash Propensity for intellectual development.
In the form of a chain Divorces and disappointments in relationships.
There is no heart line at all. Before you is a cruel, sensible person. Guided by strictly logical thinking.
The line goes to the index finger Personal life is going well, the fortuneteller is happy with everything. Before you is an affectionate and tactful person.
The heart road goes to the middle finger selfish person, family life everything for him.
End of line between middle and ring fingers Describes a loving person.
straight and short He speaks of a non-romantic personality, everything is simple in a relationship.
Heart road close to fingers Very passionate and jealous personality.
Heart and life bars intersect Warning signal, it's easy to break your heart.
The line of the head and heart are parallel A person knows how to control his emotions.
wavy road Talks about a lot of contacts.

You can learn more and clearly about combinations with a stripe by watching the video in the article and get acquainted with all the nuances in detail.

mental road

The mental strip is one of the main positions on the palm. You can learn a lot about a person from it. The roads are different on them, you can say a lot about the intellectual level and character of a fortuneteller.

How to decipher the lines on the hand and what they mean, let's take a closer look:

The line is clear and pronounced Fortune teller excellent memory, the fortuneteller is guided by reason.
A weak trait indicates a bad memory Man lives in some kind of illusions.
Straight, clear line Characterizes the person who pursues wealth. Realistic outlook on life.
The road of the mind has a broken structure Before you sits a person who often has disappointments in his life.
The fortuneteller is waiting for a career change.
double dash Talented personality.
In the form of a chain Blurred, confused mind.
Hands where there is a lack of mental road Characterizes a lazy, slow personality. Laziness and complete imbalance in the psychological aspect.
Mental streak is short The personality is practical, does not like foreplay and goes straight to the point. The intellectual level is on top and intuition is well developed.
Long road Here we will talk about a successful and concentrated person, but egoism and ambition are not alien to him.
In the form of a wave There is anxiety, there is no concentration on the plan.
The line goes down You are a creative person.
The path of the mind begins from the line of life Volitional personality.
Mind and life trait are separated from each other An adventurous character, a fortuneteller loves adventure.
broken line There are no sequences in thoughts.
Road with crossings Depending on the additional bands, it means important decisions that will affect fate.
Islets and chains They characterize emotional conflicts within the personality itself.

You can learn more about what the mental road will tell us by watching the video:

Looking down the road of life

This trait determines the general physical condition, including the state of health, as well as various vital important decisions client:

  1. Change of residence.
  2. Physical injury.
  3. Various cataclysms.

What is the road of life, palmistry, deciphering the line on the hand and what kind of palms are found, let's take a closer look:

Long Predicts excellent vitality and excellent health.
short Vulnerable health and vitality.
Clear, well defined Characterizes a person who has a calm measured life.
fuzzy line The person has little energy.
broken line This suggests that the fortuneteller will have a struggle and tangible losses all his life.
bifurcates The personality is very scattered and a division of energy is envisaged.
two lines Next to the man is his Guardian Angel.
Complete lack of life path A very disturbing life with experiences, guessing all the time on the nerves.

Palmistry of the line on the hand, decoding and additional information:

long and deep Everything in life is great, including energy and health.
deep and short Such a person will overcome physical ailments with ease in life.
There is a very energetic person sitting in front of you.
Straight and close to the edge of the palm Such a palm predicts caution. Personality carefully thinks through all life plans.
Life line near the thumb This combination indicates rapid fatigue.
Half circle around the thumb Strength, enthusiasm, energy.
Two or more paths of life A person has patrons nearby, which has a great effect on vitality and energy.
Gap on lifeline At some point in your life, there will be major changes. If a gap is observed on both palms, this predicts injury or illness.

The life line reflects the most significant moments, which the video in this article will tell you in detail:

What will the strip of fate tell us, how to decipher the lines in the palm of your hand?

Excellent well marked road Sustainable living rules and path. Such a person has no chance to change anything in his life, his fate is predetermined. Such a line starts from the very base of the palm and reaches the middle of the middle finger.
Weak, not clear In life, a person will face disappointments and failures.
Forked fate line A person has several destinies. Depending on the auxiliary signs, it can predict frequent conflict situations.
Broken line Characterizes not decisive, all the time warlike nature.
On the path of life, injuries and serious difficulties are possible.
The line of fate ends with a fork In life, frequent partings that occur for no apparent reason.

Detailed decoding of the lines on the hand, palmistry of a fateful trait

  1. What does the absence of a combination mean in palmistry. There is no unique personal path, goal. This situation occurs in people addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  2. Regular stroke, neither fragmentary nor long. It is present on the arm, but does not pass through the entire palm. It speaks of a person who has his own life path. And the character is determined by the clarity of the road.
  3. The fateful road is assembled from various fragmentary dashes. It predicts a distortion of fate due to the influence of some external factors on it: family, love, work, career growth. A person is subject to systematic stress, change of place of residence or work, and under the influence of information impact.
  4. Clear and deep. It symbolizes a strong self-confident personality who is able to resist everyone who disagrees with him.

What is fate?

Additional roads, without which hand reading is indispensable

In addition to the main stripes on the palm, there are auxiliary, but no less important, which cannot be ignored when reading the palm. Let us consider in more detail what palmistry is, deciphering the lines on the hand: fame, road, marriage, money and travel.

Where are auxiliary roads located?

  1. Health starts from the little finger and runs through the entire palm right to the base of the thumb.
  2. The strip of Glory goes from the base of the palm and goes up straight to the index finger, parallel to the fateful road.
  3. Marriage is characterized by small dashes under the little finger.
  4. The money line may differ in the palm of your hand in different ways. Thus, the value can be defined in different ways.
  5. The journey starts from the edge of the palm on the hill of the thumb and runs horizontally.

All about family and marriage

Well defined roads. The number of such lines indicates marriage bonds or close relationship.
If the stripes are blurry and not clear. This characterizes ordinary romantic attachments in relationships that do not have much meaning.
One line, clear and direct. Talking about one long-term relationship.
Broken combination. Divorce or separation.
Double dash. It says that a person will have a connection with two partners at once.
Fork at the beginning. Initially, relationships are extremely difficult.
Fork at the end of the road. Parting.
The absence of a marriage band. Characterizes a person who does not show interest in family life.

Note. If at the end of the marriage "path", there are additional signs that cut off the main one, this confirms the break with the partner. But if, after a break, they overlap each other, then the partners will restore their relationship.

Video, what does the line of marriage and family say?

Health line: deciphering the line of the hand

A clear, pronounced line It characterizes the rapid fatigue of the body and weak physical health and resistance.
There is a line, but it is barely visible Characterizes the complete absence of vital energy.
Curvy health bar He talks about digestive problems.
Very deep and blends together with the heart and mind trait Talk about inflammatory processes in the brain.
The health bar has splits at the end Talk about advances in medical science.
Warts were found on the line Various internal diseases.
The line of health is in contact with the path of life He talks about a disease that will become a threat to human life.
No stripe Good health and excellent physique.

Palmistry, lines on the hand, additional transcript health bars:

  1. A combination of layering some fragments. Such a "scheme" means a serious fight against attacks of the disease. But at the same time, we can say that the struggle will be successful and the fortuneteller will cope with the disease.
  2. If the line is present in the palm of your hand, but disappears between the lines of the heart and head, then this sign speaks of liberation from the disease in a certain life span. Then it should clearly go under the little finger.
  3. The road of health does not come into contact with the life line, but passes separately. This indicates a high resistance of the body against various diseases.

Advice. The line of health should be interpreted together with the line of life, only in this way can all signs and real details about health be corrected.

When studying a health trait, you need to pay attention to its pattern and color. For example, a road with a red chain characterizes a nervous, easily excitable person. You can learn more about the health line by watching the video:

What does the road of glory or success mean?

Such a trait determines for the most part success and life achievements. If we talk about the correct line, then it starts from the wrist and goes through the entire palm to the ring finger.

Details that a novice palmist should know about:

  1. The absence of a stripe does not mean something terrible. Either it should be sought in other features, or a person can be successful simply without attracting wide public attention to himself.
  2. If the line has taken its correct position, but is interrupted in several places, then this indicates some ups and downs.
  3. There are hands where the line of Glory departs from the index finger, this indicates that a person can become famous in the field of art.
  4. The hand where the road departs from the mind and passes through the line of the heart speaks of a lot of work that will bear fruit only in adulthood.

Video about signs of success:

Money line

The welfare bar does not indicate financial situation, it only directs to certain abilities of a person to make a fortune or tells how this can be done.

Banknotes are determined by the map of the palm

Palmistry (palmistry), and among the people just divination by hand, scientists often call pseudoscience, but not everyone is given the ability to predict future events in life or fate along the lines on the palms and other signs. This is a complex painstaking work, a comparison of facts, and not the imagination of a fortuneteller. Therefore, a few lessons for beginner palmists or those who decide to have an interesting time with friends will not be superfluous.

Palmistry is a science that studies the relationship between lines and patterns on the hands and life events.

The most important lines in palmistry

On the palms is a large number of lines, but 14 basic ones are distinguished.



  • The Path of Voluptuousness;
  • Line of Mars;
  • Line of Intuition;
  • Travel Line;
  • Mercury line;

The main ones provide information about the spiritual and practical aspects of the personality, and the additional ones - about the current life. There are also duplicate characters that make the meaning of the main ones more understandable.

Which hand to guess

Palmists, as a rule, reveal the future by active hand: the one that people write, but the full prediction is given using both. The inactive hand indicates what is destined by fate and the past, while the active one tells about the present and shows possible actions that affect the course of the future.

It is believed that the lines on the hand most accurately reflect individuality, and a palmist with experience is able to trace the path from the past to the future.

Therefore, the choice of hand for divination depends not only on whether you are right-handed or left-handed, but also on the goal - what kind of information you want to receive.

It is worth remembering that the signs on the palms show only general information about the abilities, creativity and approximate future of people. However, you can only change your life on your own.

What are the lines on the palms

The absence of kinks and irregularities, and on bends, indicates their favorable value.

The pale colors of the lines indicate health problems and a weak influx of vital energy. A reddish color is evidence of optimism, activity and an influx of positive energy, and a yellowish color is evidence of liver disease and is often found in withdrawn and narcissistic individuals. dark colors they talk about a serious attitude to life, arrogance and a restrained manifestation of emotions and feelings, vindictiveness and rancor.

The meaning of lines in palmistry

Psychological and biological features are reflected in their palms. Here you can also find prophetic symbols, information about the mental and physical condition. At the same time, in order to understand the meaning of signs, it is important to take into account their length and location.

Line of Life

It appears on the palm of the hand first and does not change over time. Displays vitality, human energy, possible prospects. Lines rising from it symbolize favorable opportunities, falling ones speak of health problems.

  • Closely intertwined with the line of the Head, it distinguishes suspicious and vulnerable people. So you should focus on your own interests and believe in yourself.
  • It does not always mark the exact moment of death, only approximately making it clear how much is measured out to a person. Other symbols and curves are responsible for the probability of accidents, crossing the Vital.

Belt of Venus

Thanks to the Belt of Venus, you can find out how emotional a person is, about his behavior in love relationships and devotion.

  • On long and narrow hands, the presence of the belt of Venus speaks of sensuality and emotionality, on wide and sluggish ones, of susceptibility to the influence of vices.
  • Concerning Marriage, it may indicate excessive eroticism that negatively affects relationships.

Line of the Head (Mind)

The next symbol will tell about intellectual abilities, intelligence and confidence.

  • Separating at the starting point from the line of Life, it characterizes the owner as an independent, impulsive individuality.
  • Connecting with Life at the starting point, it speaks of a tendency to resentment.
  • If it originates on the tubercle of Mars, and not at the end of the line of Life, this can mean nervousness and a rather irritable character.

Health Line

The absence of this sign is considered a good sign, as it indicates health problems.

  • If Health does not intersect with the line of Life, bends away from the latter, this indicates irritability, some nervousness, which does not harm the physical condition at all.
  • If the starting point of Health intersects with the Heart, you should pay attention to possible problems with the organs of the cardiovascular system.

Heart Line

Displays the emotional component of human nature: love, loyalty and devotion.

  • One of the rare combinations when the lines of the Heart and Mind are laid in a straight line through the palm, connecting with the starting point of Life. It denotes the exacerbation of all feelings, so often such people feel uncomfortable in society, and their life is unusual.

Fate Line

Responsible for success. It starts in the lower part of the palm and stretches to the tubercle of Saturn.

  • Gaps and various kinds of defects on it speak of difficulties in professional terms.
  • The merger of the principles of Fate and Life testifies to attachment to relatives, to the family, dependence on the opinions of parents and close relatives.
  • When Destiny stops at the Heart, a person's future can be destroyed due to unbridled feelings or emotions escaping. Perhaps it is about love.

Line of the Sun (Apollo)

It originates in the lower part of the palm and "runs" along it to the tubercle of the Sun. testifies to successful implementation a person in various fields, but is not always present on the arm. Displays moments professional growth, achievements and success.

  • If the starting point of the Sun is located at any point in Life, in front of you creative person that awaits success.
  • If the starting point of the Sun is located above the line of the Heart, a person will be able to fully realize himself, but only at an older age.

Voluptuousness Line

Short and small, it runs parallel to the line of Mercury or tangentially connects the tubercles of Venus and the Moon, revealing susceptibility to the influence of base instincts.

Mars line

Passes along the line of Life, means good health and prosperity.

Marriage Line

It is easy to guess what he is talking about: the duration and number of marriages, well-being in the family field.

Line of Intuition

Starting on the tubercle of the Moon, the semicircular Intuition moves towards the tubercle of Upper Mars or Mercury. It is used to judge the development of intuition and the presence of mystical and supernatural phenomena and events in a person's life.

Travel Line

Starting on the line of Life or in the center of the tubercle of the Moon, a small horizontal line runs across the palm - Travel, symbolizing trips, including those outside the native country.

Mercury line

Another additional sign originating in the lower part of the palm. Provides information about health, business ability and intelligence.

Wrist Rings

Usually there are 3 rings around the wrists.

  • If lines rise from the rings, expect trips abroad and unexpected winnings.

Children's Lines

The width and depth speaks of the field of the child: wide and deep - expect a son, the lines are weakly expressed - a daughter.

It would be difficult to reveal all the secrets and features of palmistry in one article, but we nevertheless provided basic knowledge.

Who knows, maybe this is your calling!

Divination by the hand is considered one of the most popular methods used to find out the future of a person. Each individual line has its own meaning and can tell what lies ahead and how life will turn out. Any lines on the hand are usually recommended to be viewed on the right hand. This is explained by the fact that it is on it that all the data have a more accurate value. For example, the marriage line will tell about personal life, emotions and experiences that not each of us can admit to himself.

The marriage line on the hand is a small strip, located at a short distance from each other. The dashes begin, as a rule, under the little finger and go to the hill of Mercury. Fuzzy and unfinished - relationships that will not lead to marriage. special attention deserves a clear and pronounced line.

With the help of such a science as palmistry and having studied the strip of marriage, many things can be determined. For example, the amount serious relationship, number of marriages, age and much more. The absence of such data in the palm of your hand may be evidence that a person is rather cold and there is no love in his life. The possibility of marriage can only be with the receipt of benefits.

Divination by hand for a date

If you want to know the exact date when you get married, then palmistry will help answer this question.

The exact answer will turn out if you are not yet 30 years old.

  • for 0 years, the line of the heart is taken
  • for 44 years, the bend of the little finger is taken

To find out not only age, but also other details regarding love relationship, it is enough to study the lines on the hand. Remember, divination involves the study of data on the right palm.

  • when the bar responsible for marriage rises, this means that the union will be unsuccessful or impossible. Often seen in widowed people.
  • when the dash goes down - either you live longer than your spouse, or betrayal or betrayal is possible, which will bring severe pain.
  • when the line ends with a fork - you can part through your fault, but if the dashes again converge into one, then reconciliation is possible.
  • when the strip is clear and goes to the hill of Mercury, this promises a strong relationship over a long period of time.
  • branches from the strip are a sign of problems and disagreements.
  • a large number of dashes means you treat relationships thoroughly, choosing the right partner.
  • when the strip fades and goes out in the palm of your hand, then, most likely, the feelings will fade away, and you can leave.
  • the cross on the line denotes problems and obstacles in marriage.
  • an asterisk is a sign of insincere relationships built on the calculation.
  • the dot speaks of widowhood.

As you can see, fortune telling by hand is a tool that will show not only the age of marriage, but also other important data. And help in this video and photos on the Internet. Various photos will make it quick to search for a marriage line in the palm of your hand, and divination simple and enjoyable.

Palmistry deals with the definition human destiny with dashes on the hand. Detailed study location and bends will help you find out what fate will bring in the near future and in the distant future.

It is very important to carefully consider the entire event, devoting enough time to the rite itself.

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