What is the name of the lion family. Social behavior of lions Family flock of lions 5

what is the name of the lion family

  1. Pride. In this family, a lone lion and several lionesses are common.
  2. pride
  3. Pride.
  4. "Pride", it seems.
  5. Pride
  6. Pra#769;id (eng. Pride) family flock of lions. Consists of 1 adult male, harem of females and their cubs. A pride is always led by only one male (in the rarest cases, 2 male siblings), whose functions include only reproduction and protection of the territory from other males. Hunting and raising cubs is performed only by lionesses. Lionesses are often close relatives in relation to each other.

    Lion cubs in a pride are always the children of the currently dominant male. In the event that the male is expelled by a stronger competitor, the new leader will seek to destroy the living kittens in order to persuade the females to new mating.

    A pride-controlled hunting area can cover an area of ​​several tens of square meters. km.

  7. Pride
  8. pride
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Lionesses are the real embodiment of diligence! They are responsible for the food of the family, for the birth and upbringing of babies, and among other things they have to support the parasite "husband" and dump him after the hunt, literally the lion's share. And what about the lions, did they get the royal nickname only for their amazing love of love and the ability to sleep 20 hours a day. In fact, the way of the lion pride is not so simple, as it might seem from the outside.

Of all the cat lions, the only ones form families - prides, which usually consist of one male, several females and babies. In rare cases, several sexually mature males get along in the pride, but only one of them will be the most important - this is the alpha male. He may not be the strongest, but others do not doubt his supremacy.

There is no hierarchy between females, and the king of beasts does not have a beloved “wife” either. Often lionesses give birth at the same time, and all babies become common and can be fed by any mother who is nearby.

Lion cubs of both sexes live in a pride up to 2-2.5 years. The grown-up lionesses will remain in the pride and become mothers, and the lions, with the end of puberty, will begin to claim the throne, and either seize power or be expelled.

Exiled males 1-3 years old can live alone or gather in small bachelor groups. If they are lucky, they will be able to capture some ownerless pride or overthrow the weaker alpha male.

As befits a family, the pride occupies its own territory, on average about 50 hectares. The most favorable environment are savannas with open landscape, watering place and abundance of herbivores.

The life of an alpha male is very dangerous, he marks and defends the territory, drives away strangers or engages in a bloody battle with them, but on the other hand, he also eats first and mates with females first. The reign period lasts an average of 2-2.5 years.

Lions live much less than lionesses, and rarely die of old age. Cast out of the pride by strong sons, the lonely and hungry ex-alpha quickly dies of starvation, disease, and wounds.

Lions get food in three ways: they hunt themselves, eat carrion, or beat prey from other predators. Usually lionesses hunt, they eat very small prey on the spot, and carry large prey to the family. Leo dad is the first to eat, he will not share with anyone. Lionesses, by the way, also do not show maternal self-sacrifice, they ferociously drive away the kids until they are satisfied themselves. Lion cubs are the last to eat, and this is a harsh law of nature - adults are more valuable for survival than young ones.

Often lions have to take prey from leopards and hyenas, but this rarely happens. In times of famine, lions will not disdain carrion of any degree of decomposition.

It happens that the lion "harem" is left without the head of the family, then the ladies can only sit and wait until they are captured by a new leader. Most likely it will be a strong young lion who has already left his native land, but has not yet managed to acquire his own family. The fate of lion cubs in such cases is sad. Lions do not practice adoption and the first thing the new head of the family will do is kill and eat all the cubs from the predecessor. Of course, this sounds very cruel, but the fact is that until the babies grow up, the lioness does not go into heat, that is, during her short period of reign, the lion may not wait for mating. And the most important thing is to leave offspring!

They prefer to hunt, eat and rest in groups. The number of lion pride can range from four to forty individuals. The head of the family is the leader, but the lionesses do the main work. Their tasks are offspring and.

Territory boundaries are marked by the leader. Protecting his family, he will fight to the death. The lionesses drive away foreign females who are trying to join the pride. But fights do not happen so often, usually lions, having caught the smell of the marked territory, turn aside.

Hunting and recreation

Hunting together, lionesses kill prey without much difficulty. The favorite delicacy of lions is antelopes, gazelles, zebras, sheep, large horned animals. But in times of famine, he does not disdain even mice and.

Tracking prey, lionesses approach it, hiding in the grass or bushes. After waiting for the right moment, they attack the animal, stunning with a paw and biting the neck. Sick or weakened individuals are most often used as targets. In addition to self-hunting, lions take prey from others or pick up carrion.

The pack leader eats first. If there is a lot of food, other members of the pride are allowed to eat at the same time. Otherwise, they have to wait their turn. Little lion cubs eat last. So that they are not deprived of food, the dominant male monitors the meal from beginning to end.

Having eaten their fill, the lions move into the shade and lazily fall asleep on their backs, spreading their paws and occasionally twitching their tails. To get rid of annoying insects, lions can sit on the branches of trees, climbing higher.

family feelings

Lions are very friendly to each other. They rub their muzzles, protect members of their family, and allow individuals to eat, which, due to their health, cannot hunt.

Males are attentive to their girlfriends during the courtship period. Having chosen a mate for themselves, they, together with the female, leave the pride for a five-day "honeymoon". All this time the “lovers” spend together: they walk, eat and sleep without being separated.

After three and a half months, the pregnant female goes to a secluded place and gives birth to offspring. Born blind and helpless, cubs are exposed to danger from other predators. The lioness is forced to combine hunting and caring for cubs.

At the age of two months, lion cubs, having become a little stronger, can join the pride. In the absence of a mother, they are allowed to feed from another female. A lioness who is able to hunt in a pack again has more free time that can be spent on raising and caring for her offspring.

When power changes in the pride, the new leader kills not only the previous dominant male, but also all his offspring. This is due to the desire to have their own cubs, and females busy raising other people's cubs are not ready for new matings.

Lion, pride, cubs...

In the pride, lion cubs are born at any time of the year. Pride is a pack of lions, some say, and thereby ascribe to the lion a quality that is not characteristic of him and even kind of indecent: something like a herd. No, a pride is not a herd, not a flock, not even a herd. A pride is a pride, and if we follow the path of comparisons, then another definition is closer to it: a big family. Several animals: a male (usually one adult, but sometimes two or three), females, cubs, young lions - in other prides up to 18 and even up to 30 lions. Children of different ages are under general control and care.

The general leadership is carried out by the old lion - the head of the family. We saw prides of only lionesses - apparently the head of the family died ... Only eight cubs remained after him. Three of them are about twice the size of the other five. So they cannot be brothers, they must have different mothers. But all six adult lionesses are equally affectionate with all babies. When a lion cub passes near an adult lioness and even a lion, a hard tongue will certainly gently walk along his muzzle or back.

The pride has its own domain. Usually these are tens of square kilometers of thickets and open spaces, and everyone who lives here with grass, twigs, leaves belongs to lions. If people do not interfere with them, lions manage their economy rationally: somehow they manage to combine the birth rate of lion cubs and the stability of the herds grazing around. An extra antelope will never be crushed, they will get as much meat as they can eat. A pride of four lions, for example, kills a large antelope or zebra, usually once a week. One lion per year destroys about fifteen large animals with an average weight of one hundred and ten kilograms. Naturally, he shares the prey with his brothers in the pack.

When the time comes to take care of the prolongation of the family, it happens in any month of the year, the lion leads the girlfriend away from the pride. Then they return to the pride. Pregnancy in a lioness is 100-108 days. She leaves the pride to give birth. The lair will look somewhere in the thick of thorny bushes, in tall grass or in a crevice of rocks. She will bring three, rarely five or six cubs - blind, spotted. For about six weeks he lives with them in solitude, but he does not lose contact with the pride, at least vocally: they call to each other with a roar. Time flies quickly, and now the lioness, proud of motherhood, returns, leads a half-month-old frisky and very cute-looking descendants to her large family.

By evening, the pride goes hunting. At first, important ones go, even arrogant ones, they are not in a hurry. There seems to be nowhere to hurry. Of course, antelopes and zebras are not eager to show loyal feelings, but, on the contrary, realizing that hungry lions are after their souls, they rush in panic anywhere. The clatter, the crackle of broken bushes. (But when the lions, lying in the shade, dozed and sybaritized, they grazed not far away without fear.)

The night is coming. The darkness has a strange effect on the hunters: they are nervous, their movements are impetuous, fast. It must be assumed that the world, illuminated by the moon and stars, seems to them especially charming. Accordingly, the appetite improves. But animals never forget that they are lions. Think about what hunter would come up with the idea to approach the game from the same side as the wind blows? And the lion does just that. He also growls in order to scare the victim with his strong voice. For he was used to being afraid of him. While one scares, diverting attention, his comrades took a place in ambush. They hid very well. They know the Cossack art of crawling in a plastunsky way: a lion, even in low grass, which is knee-deep, will hide in such a way that you will not notice him. A bloody role is assigned to young lions and lionesses (who do not always skillfully cope with this matter). The old lion usually only directs the hunt, giving ventriloquial instructions to subordinates.

Here's a throw ... In the first seconds, the speed is excellent, a good fifty kilometers per hour. But after all, those who are doomed to be the prey of lions are also generally recognized runners. Therefore, sometimes a spectacular number ends only with a single click of huge jaws. And what are these jaws! For example, if they have captured a human shoulder, they bite through it without any effort. By morning, heavy, they go "home".

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