How to dress a little girl for the new year. How beautiful to dress a girl without sacrificing comfort. Blue and green tones

Children's clothes today are not much different from adults. This is explained by the desire, first of all, of girls to look stylish, fashionable, well-groomed, and, most importantly, solid. Hence, the clothing style of not only kids, but also teenagers imitates adult fashion in everything. Whether this is good or bad is hard to say.

Children at all times tried to be like their parents, and the current generation is no exception. Let's see what will please us with children's fashion for girls in 2016-2017. You can admire samples of various styles in the presented photos.

7-8 years old

Let's start with fashion trends in clothes for girls 7-8 years old. It is this age that is a turning point for children: they go to school and, probably, for the first time seriously realize the difference between the sexes when they sit down at their desks. However, children's school fashion is a completely different area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, so more about it a little later. Let's talk about a simple dress that can be worn both on the street, for a walk, and for a special occasion. At the age of 7-8, girls already have some preferences: style, color, material, etc., so parents will have to take them into account when buying or sewing clothes.

Dresses for a fashionista at 7-8 years old should be made of natural soft material, pleasant to the touch. The style should be comfortable, not restrict movement. However, these are general rules. Children's fashion in 2016 dictates their preferences.

The color scheme of the next season is represented by a wide variety of shades.

  • and orange
  • and blue
  • and turquoise
  • and brown
  • and gray melange,
  • and even green.

Children's clothing, combining several monophonic elements, remains relevant. In girls' fashion, up to 4 clothing components of different colors are allowed. Of the materials in 2016 will remain leading:

  • velours,
  • jersey,
  • velveteen,
  • as well as denim.

The latter is relevant both for fashionistas 7-8 years old and teenagers from 11-12 to 14. For the former, its advantage lies in practicality and a wide range of applications.

For girls 7-8 years old, dresses with an emphasis on the waist, a combination of white and leopard print, slightly above the knees, will be relevant. Summer clothes for this age will be represented by checkered sundresses, as well as a combination of various elements of clothing to make it more practical. For example, fashion style 2016 allows you to combine trousers, turtlenecks, shirts, bright knitted sweaters. Multilayer is welcome. The presented photos will allow you to follow the expressed trends and see firsthand their impact on fashion.

Psychologists advise parents whose children have reached the age of 7-8 years to choose for babies, especially for girls, a variety of clothes in color and style. The child should feel the diversity of the world in everything. Dresses should not fit closely to the body, otherwise they will simply be uncomfortable. Remember that fashion is fashion, and convenience is more important. And, of course, if you are choosing a dress for a special occasion, do not lose sight of the fact that at 7-8 a girl feels like a real princess, especially for her parents, and clothes should match this feeling. For a festive event, it allows a corset, a long flying dress. At the same time, it can be a medium-length skirt, fluffy, with a belt emphasizing a thin waist. This style of clothing creates a sense of femininity and exclusivity. View the photos presented on our website and analyze which style is closer and more convenient for your child.

9-10 years old

Approaching the age of 9-10, girls also change their attitude to clothes. The figure at 9-10 years old becomes more feminine and requires appropriate attire.

Added to this is the desire to please the boys. 9-10 years is also a kind of transitional age, which parents should pay attention to. In the photo you will see the presented models of clothes for girls aged 9-10. The best option would be fitted dresses in the style of the 60s. They successfully emphasize the waist and make you behave accordingly. The clothing style of teenagers at 9-10 years old can be distinguished by solid muted colors that are successfully combined with elegant and modest dresses.

At the same time, the material may vary depending on the season: from cotton and guipure to jeans and knitwear. There is no need to include elements of flashy colors in clothes, but at 9-10 years old, layering various muted tones is also quite appropriate. The main thing to remember is that since childhood, clothes bring up a woman in a girl, and the period of 9-10 years should not be missed in this regard.

11-12 years old

Against this background, children's clothing for girls aged 11-12 to 14 looks completely different. Sometimes she is too feminine, too open to experiments.

The presented photos will visually demonstrate all the secrets of fashion in 2016. An active desire to find your own style sometimes pushes young ladies to very extravagant decisions. Styles will be relevant next year:

  • retro,
  • sports,
  • biker,
  • military,
  • glam rock,
  • romantic.

For romantically inclined teenage girls from 11-12 to 14 years old, fluffy skirts with frills, sweaters with frills, corresponding to their nature, are suitable. The age from 11-12 to 14 years is the time when the difference between the sexes begins to rapidly manifest itself and at the same time smooth out in clothes. Leggings under the skin, leather pants are a universal element of biker style. As for the military, this style has gained popularity due to overhead shoulder straps, heavy fasteners, metal buttons, creating a brutal, somewhat cruel image. Among adolescents from 11-12 to 14 years old, it is very widely used. Teenage fashion 2016 combines a style called "sporty chic" and such an extravagant element in this situation as high heels. Thus, the effect of unisex is crossed out and the effect of emphasized femininity is created.

Teenage clothes, like children's clothes, are turning to the style of the 60s in the coming year. Fitted coats with a flared skirt will be relevant for girls. An integral element of the image of teenagers from 11-12 to 14 years old in 2016 is capes, tight trousers, turned or with cuffs at the bottom, short skirts. Girls' summer wardrobe can be made up of skinny or fitted dresses with a combination of prints of different shapes and colors, materials with glitter or beads. The combination of romanticism and practicality, even sportiness is the main trend followed by teenage fashion next year.

Trends in school uniform 2016-2017

And, of course, fashion trends will not bypass, since no matter how they talk about its unpretentiousness and versatility, school clothes also adapt to the style of the time. In 2016, children's school fashion does not offer radically new style solutions. Leading colors remain dark green, blue, grey, black and ivory. The skirt for teenage girls should be knee-deep or slightly higher, the heel is stable, no more than 6 cm. Girls from 11-12 to 14 years old prefer a combination of shirts with a tie and trousers or a skirt, fitted jackets, colored vests.

School uniform 2016 is trying to remind that for teenagers, the main thing is not outfits, but study. The image of girls should be completed with selected hair, laid in a braid or ponytail. Children's school clothes, as a rule, are equipped with pockets - an important element of a school uniform. In more detail, you can follow the fashion trends in the presented photos.

However, when choosing clothes for an educational institution, one should also remember that each school has its own style, its own school uniform with established rules. Someone admits the presence of a slight print on the fabric, while someone adheres to the most strict concepts. School clothes are first of all classic, and only then fashionable.

So, we examined the style and fashion trends for 2016 in the clothes of children and teenagers. As you can see, the forms of execution, styles and materials are very diverse and leave enough space for creativity. On the displayed photos, you can see the styles you like and, perhaps, borrow them to create a new image for your children, loved ones or girlfriends. We wish you to always look brilliant, regardless of fashion and time!

school uniform fashion show

What was the school uniform in the USSR?

Perhaps every mother wants her child to become the "star" of the upcoming holiday. This desire is absolutely natural and, moreover, quite realizable. Fortunately, today a rich arsenal of tools is available that are ready to help us in this. Shop counters are full of various options for elegant clothes for every taste and budget. How not to get lost in all the diversity of this splendor and create a successful image in all respects, read below.

We give guidelines

First of all, it is important to decide on the place and theme of the upcoming event. If the holiday promises to be active and includes outdoor games, then the most important rule is that the clothes of little fidgets should be not only beautiful, but, first of all, as comfortable as possible. Namely - do not get under your feet and do not constrain movements. This is especially true for puffy evening dresses for young fashionistas. They are not suitable for active pastime. Opt for more modest outfits baby doll dresses from soft fabrics (velor, velvet, satin) of medium length (just above the knee). To give the image a more festive look (especially if the princess goes practically to the ball), faux fur cardigans and feather capes, which are extremely relevant this season, will help.

Photo session of the Happy Parents magazine (December 2015, No. 203).
Photographers: Alexey Bashmakov, Igor Khuzbashich.
Stylist: Marina Orlova. Stylist assistant: Victoria Lebedeva.
Visagiste: Irene Louis. Decorator: Ekaterina Beilina.
Models: Ekaterina Starodubtseva, Milana Kudryashova, Khristina Vystropova, Dmitry Antonov/President Kids Modeling Agency, Matvey Gavenko.

A more democratic version of the festive attire from the series “both to the feast and to the world” - tutu skirts. A significant plus of the latter is that they are easy to combine with unpretentious T-shirts with bright prints or sequin appliqués that can be worn in everyday life. In this form, you can safely go to a children's holiday, and to a matinee in the garden, and to the Christmas tree.

Boys pick up corduroy and tweed sets. And instead of traditional shirts with a bow tie and a tie, pay attention to more democratic and comfortable T-shirts with prints imitating them. To replace a jacket, get a more practical and comfortable vest.

Carnival Night

A theme party is a great opportunity to show your imagination and maybe even hone your needlework skills. Starting from the age of 3, you should not exclude the hero of the occasion from the creative process. Be sure to take into account the opinion of the child, his preferences and wishes. As the baby matures, he develops his own ideas about style, which are important to take into account. Modern boys will feel at ease dressed as a superhero, knight, wizard or pirate. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy a ready-made suit. You can rent it, or even better - try to come up with an outfit and bring it to life with your child. For example, for the image of a pirate, it is enough to make a good make-up on the face using hypoallergenic cosmetic paints (they are water-based and designed specifically for application to the skin). It is easy to build a cocked hat from thick cardboard, or replace it with a bandana with skulls. To complete the picture, do not forget to attach a plush parrot to your shoulder: voila - and your pirate is ready for adventure!

Going to the carnival, girls prefer to try on images of princess, barbie, oriental beauty. To create a costume for the latter, it is enough to fish out a bright stole, a couple of large metal jewelry from the bowels of my mother’s wardrobe, put on Aladdin pants, complement the image with appropriate makeup (and possibly make mehendi - painting the body with patterns using natural dyes, in particular henna) - and here is yours. the little sultana is already telling oriental tales to all those gathered.

Note to parents

When choosing a festive costume for a child, be sure to consider the nature and temperament of his future "carrier". A melancholic and shy kid will rather want to stay in the shadows and will not appreciate a bright, defiant outfit. An active and mobile sanguine person who loves to attract attention will surely want to stand out from the crowd with a catchy and picturesque set. This rule also applies to carnival costumes: a sad Pinocchio will look ridiculous, as well as a merry Pierrot and a timid Superman.

Consider one more nuance - never focus on the shortcomings of the child. Do not dress a fat girl in multi-layered clothes (fluffy dresses, skirts with ruffles and frills). Visually, they will make her figure even more massive. A pale child should not wear very bright, contrasting outfits. They once again emphasize his pallor and give his face an unhealthy look.

Family celebration

For cozy gatherings with the family, the most democratic version of holiday outfits are considered to be those who came to us from Europe. christmas jumpers. Starting from November 1, a rich selection of them is presented in the New Year collections of many European brands. Decorated with prints of fabulous New Year's characters and symbols (deer, snowmen, Santa Claus, sweets), these wardrobe items resonated in the hearts of the Russian public. Moreover, on children, such options look very cute and organic, ideally combined with jeans, joggers and sun-flared skirts. In addition, if all the family members dress up in such a New Year's "uniform", a fun and colorful family photo session is guaranteed!

Photo session of the Happy Parents magazine (January 2016, No. 204).
Photographer: Tatiana Baikova. Photographer's Assistant: Boris Zhitkov.
Stylist: Marina Orlova. Stylist assistant: Ekaterina Beilina.
Visagiste: Tatyana Kinyakina.
Models: Zlata Denisenko, Kira Kaplyanskaya, Rosarin Epshtein, Vazgen Kamanchadzhyan, Demyan Efremochkin, Maxim Karavaev.

Let's add zest

Accessories are the finishing touch to any look. These bright details will help to add color to even the most trivial outfit. True, provided that they harmonize and complement each other in style and color. Try not to overload the image and use no more than 2-3 accessories. Remember, the more decorative elements (embroideries, lace, appliqués) in clothes, the less decorations will be required. Small handbags, velvet headbands, satin ribbons (can be woven into hair or tied as a belt), all kinds of brooches and hairpins - in the form of artificial flowers, rhinestone snowflakes, bows. A bright bow tie, a satin tie, an elegantly tied scarf will add a highlight to the image of a young gentleman. Please note that accessories should be selected either to match clothes or shoes, or, conversely, in contrasting colors. The main thing - try not to mix more than three shades in the kit.

Keep up with the times

As for shoes, if possible, choose leather models: for girls - ballet flats decorated with rhinestones or sequins, elegant patent leather shoes with a thin strap on the instep (Mary Jane style), or ankle boots or loafers decorated with sequins. A more mischievous person can experiment with military-style high boots in bright colors. Get rid of young representatives of the stronger sex from tight and uncomfortable model shoes. Look for softer and friendlier suede or nubuck boots in a semi-sporty style. And remember - shoes must necessarily fit in size so as not to overshadow the festive mood with extra calluses.

For some women, good taste and a sense of style are naturally given as a bonus. Well, the rest have to constantly work on them. If you are the mother of a daughter, then your sacred duty is to develop in her the basic skills to dress beautifully and take care of herself. In the future, this will come in handy much more than studying at a music school or geometry.

Well, the site site will tell you how to dress a girl beautifully, without prejudice to her needs for comfort.

Practical or aesthetic?

The fact that small children get dirty and tear clothes once or twice is no secret to anyone. And many mothers are tempted to dress the baby in something that is worse. However, it is much more important to teach the daughter to treat things more carefully than to inspire her with the seditious idea that at home you can dress like a bum.

We hope that by your own example you show her that gotta look good in any circumstances.

Of course, we do not urge you to dress up your child in order to frolic with your girlfriends on the playground. However, washed, worn, holey and stained things should be reclassified as floor rags.

Avoid deliberately grotesque combinations, such as cotton tights and shorts. You can find a way to keep your princess from getting cold without turning her into a scarecrow.

But do not abuse the decorative effect. Children's clothing should be made from natural fabrics. Embellishing details - lace, appliqués, ruffles, bows, rhinestones, etc. - should not cause the slightest discomfort.

How to choose a wardrobe for a young lady?

The fashion trend of the current year in children's fashion is imitation of adult clothes and adapting it to the needs of kids. In fact, the idea is very good indeed.

From the moment children grow out of such purely childish attributes as diapers, rompers and bibs, they should develop wardrobe building skills and an understanding of the key principles of making successful ensembles.

Therefore, when buying this or that little thing for your daughter, think: would you put on an analogue of this yourself?

It is very important to encourage the child to independently choose clothes, but at the same time correctly control the process. For example, if your daughter wants to wear a plaid skirt with a striped T-shirt, you should tactfully explain to her that this combination is not successful, and offer a couple of alternatives.

Here a couple of options ensembles in which your little kitten will feel comfortable, comfortable, and at the same time pleasing to the eye.

1. In, a kindergarten, for cultural leisure (circus, theater, visiting, etc.), for shopping with my daughter. Skinny jeans are versatile and practical. It is easy to find a company for them, and they will be appropriate in any situation.

Put on a turtleneck or some comfortable longsleeve on your baby. Above - a sleeveless sweater dress, or an elongated cozy cardigan.

You can grab the waist with a strap. From shoes, suede or leather boots, ankle boots, boots or uggs are suitable.

2. For a friend's birthday, for a concert in kindergarten. Bright plain tight tights will surely appeal to any young fashionista. And if you complement them with an A-line skirt, decorated with a bright cheerful print, then the set will acquire a festive gloss. The main thing is that the skirt has a color that matches the color of the tights.

When choosing the top of the outfit, you can dream up. It can be a modest plain longsleeve, complemented by a coquettishly tied neckerchief. Turtleneck combined with a short jacket. Knitted cute sweater. And, of course, dressy shoes or boots.

And do not forget that the image of the baby needs to be supplemented with cute feminine features. Flirty hats, cute handbags, sunglasses, neckerchiefs - all this should also be present in your daughter's wardrobe.

Teenagers are a difficult category for the fashion industry. Indeed, often, fashionable clothes for a teenage girl of 11-15 years old can change literally several times a year, and sometimes freeze in place, passing from season to season without any changes. For the upcoming trend period, designers propose to use such nuances that unite these trends, balancing on the edge. So what will be fashionable in 2019 for teenage girls aged 11-15?

Trendy colors for trendy teen clothes

In this case, it is incredibly difficult to derive the exact range of actual colors, but it is possible. Therefore, His Majesty Fashion has prepared a lot of unique solutions for teenage girls that will delight teenagers, making them mega-modern.

Moreover, there was a place for both monophonic options and multicolored, bright, iridescent ones. It is simply impossible to do without this in adolescence, because it is they who form the ideological and fashionable position of girls. There is also a combination of several elements of different tones.

In the upcoming fashion season, the following colors will prevail among teenage girls:

Next year, jacquard prints will be incredibly trendy. They will adorn most outfits, as fashion designers predict. This has already been successfully demonstrated on the catwalks. A lot of similar options were used: stylists included jacquard in their collections not only in the form of full-fledged clothes, but also as a kind of appliqué.

If we talk about specific drawings, then next year in teenage variations should prevail:

  • inscriptions;
  • peas;
  • images of animals;
  • zigzags;
  • large circles;
  • floral prints.

In general, the last item listed is offered in an incredible abundance for girls 11 and 12 years old. Flowers can literally strew the surface of clothing - they are especially relevant on a white background.

Among the trendy accents will also be the combination of several components of different shades. This is a teen fashion hit. Up to four elements can be used at the same time. If there is more, it will come out excessively colorful even for that age.

Fashion fabrics for teenage clothes

Among the trend fabrics that will be in high demand in 2019 as the basis for teen clothes, several types will begin to dominate simultaneously. The fashion will include:

  • velveteen;
  • jacquard;
  • velours;
  • denim base;
  • jersey.

Naturally, the emphasis will be on naturalness, so that everything is not only beautiful, but also as safe as possible for children's health. One of the prevailing requirements, of course, is convenience, because girls are more sensitive to this factor. But he is not inferior to beauty.

The main styles of teen fashion 2019

Teenage fashion 2019, aimed at teenage girls, will be sustained mainly on the border of rock and pop styles. That is, on the one hand, you need a headdress, floral embroidery and shades of a dusty rose, on the other, a traditional leather jacket, soft raglan, high boots with durable soles.

So, in the coming year, every teenager can easily find a suitable outfit for everyday life, and for going out, and for school. Styles will be incredibly trendy:

Retro in teen fashion will be drawn to the 60s. Masters of the fashion industry recommend waist coats and flared skirts. Also, capes will become an obligatory detail for girls aged 11-15 in the 2019 season. They are narrow trousers - with cuffs at the bottom or simply with a tucked edge. Short skirts will also be relevant - an elegant hit of the 60s.

Minimalism will begin to reign in the school style. He will be paramount. In second place is British chic. Incredible interest is that the masters of the fashion industry have prepared a lot of feminine solutions for girls for the upcoming season - much more than usual. Everything is like that of older sisters or mothers - woolen raglans of dense knitting, warm leggings for the cold season with a dimensionless coat, a straight skirt made of soft fabric.

Biker style and military will help to form a harsh, even brutal image, which is harmonious and popular among teenage girls. In the coming year, they will manifest themselves in the form of:

  • leggings made under the skin;
  • metal large and small buttons;
  • massive iron clasps;
  • overhead epaulettes.

Natures who love romantic style, blouses with frills, skirts with lush frills are suitable. It was on this that the fashion designers decided to focus, judging: it is at this age that the concept of sexes begins to be actively distinguished. That is, teenagers are more clearly aware of which decor details, colors and cuts are more focused on girls, and which ones are more focused on boys.

Sports direction manifest itself in the form of paradox and extravagance. The key detail will be such an element as a high hairpin. She will cross out the unisex trend that prevails in this direction, creating a purely girlish image - gentle and feminine.

What will be included in the fashionable wardrobe of a teenage girl?

Dresses. This is the “backbone” of summer 2019 outfits for girls. The proposed cut is fitted, narrowed, with moderate asymmetry and a lush bottom. A combination of colors and shapes of a wide variety of options is expected. A combination of calm textures and materials with sequins and beads is also expected. In general, practicality, romanticism and a bit of sportiness will rule among this type of clothing. At the peak of fashion will be extravagant, unusual designs, which will include both children's and classic models with frills.

Jeans (jackets and jeans) . Of course, scuffs, cuts and elongation will be welcome on them. The trend in this regard is unchanged: the more worn and worse the jeans look, the more trendy it is. New decors are also possible - for example, flowers on jeans, polka dots, a gradual transition from blue to white. A characteristic feature in 2019 will also be multivariance:

  • lace;
  • numbers;
  • inscriptions.

Shorts. Some experts say their age in teenage girls' fashion is over. However, this is not quite true. Shorts will remain, but will be transformed. The most trendy options will be mid-thigh wide cut, one-piece overalls. There is also room for short shorts in indie style, sewn from light denim.

Outerwear. In the 2019 fashion season, muted coats and vests will prevail along with bright jackets and down jackets. Convenience will be paramount for them. At the same time, seriousness will also be among the dominant trends, which will manifest itself in the cutting technique.

General conclusion

In the zone of fashionable attention of teenagers in 2019, there will be two contrasting clothing lines: brutal biker-military-rocker and romantic-retro-sporty. Both of them will peacefully coexist without intersecting with each other. That is, in some situations it is better for girls to use a tough image, in others - a gentle one. Mixing is undesirable.

And further. In addition to the above, modern teenage girls aged 11-15 should prefer denim jackets, voluminous sweaters, plain skinny, raglans that open the wrist, contrasting belts and tutu skirts.

Summer 2020: fashion for teenagers 9-14 years old.

More and more often fashionistas and fashionistas of adolescence appear on the catwalk. This trend appeared due to the desire of parents to look not only stylish and fashionable themselves, but also to choose clothes for their child, according to the same parameters. Couturiers meet this need and offer their own vision of fashionable children's clothing.

Spring-summer fashion for girls 9 - 14 years old in 2020

The main fashion trends of the summer season:

  • Sport style- various models of t-shirts with a hood and print imitating the image of different animals

Two-piece models for a cool summer evening. A sweatshirt with a T-shirt or a shirt with a turtleneck. Sweatpants with appliqué, stripes, bright contrasting inserts.

Fashion returns to glowing laces and flashing sneakers. Reflective applications are gaining a real boom.

  • Retro style 20s- offers puffy skirts, velvet dresses.
  • Sea style- Primary colors are white and blue. Dilute, which can be the color of the sea wave, black, red, golden. Various embroideries, marine-style prints are welcome: anchor, yacht, lifebuoy, etc.
  • Young lady style- offers various pleated, lace. Lightweight chiffon fabric, organza, guipure. A bohemian hat will complete the look.

If we talk about a 9-10 year old girl, then it should be noted that at this age her figure takes on a feminine shape. This must be said when choosing clothes. After all, the first attempts to capture the attention of the opposite sex are already appearing.

  • Fitted dresses in the style of the 60s are the best option. The emphasized waist does not allow you to relax and make you behave accordingly.
  • Solid calm colors are suitable, which are successfully combined with sophisticated and modest dresses.
  • We choose the fabric in unison with the weather conditions: cotton or guipure, jeans or knitwear.

At 11-14 years old, teenagers are suitable for girls:

  • Voluminous skirts with frills, blouses with flounces. At this age, the difference between the sexes is actively manifested, which is softened by outfits.
  • Leather pants, leggings will create biker image.
  • Military style sewn shoulder straps, massive fasteners, iron buttons are emphasized, creating a rough, somewhat sharp image. Young ladies welcome this style very much.
  • Defiant "sporty chic" interesting in combination with high stilettos. This style simultaneously emphasizes femininity and crosses out the unisex image.
  • Summer fashion for little ladies offers tailored models with
    prints of various types and colors, shiny materials with sequins and beads.
  • Romanticism, convenience, sportiness - are welcomed by designers in fashion for teenagers of the summer season.

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Summer fashion for boys 9 - 14 years old in 2020

  • Fashion trends for young dandies intersect with fashion for little princesses.
  • A sporty image is also popular. Keds, baseball caps. T-shirts and shirts with bright geometric prints and all kinds of inscriptions. Marine image. Dandy styleSandals, sneakers and classic perforated shoes are offered by designers for the summer of 2020 in fashion for boys.
  • For cultural events, the classic shirt and suit and expensive fabrics remain unshakable.
  • Offer this summer designers and vintage style for teenagers. Pants in a box, give a chance to stand out from the crowd.

The trend of the season is skinny jeans. Pants loose and with lowered motney are a thing of the past.

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

How fashionable to dress for school for a girl of 9 - 14 years old in 2020?

The school is an official institution, with its own specific regulations.

  • The best option in this case is the classic. Jackets, trousers and skirts are essential clothing for formal occasions.
  • You can diversify strict suits of dark colors with bright accessories, various thin sweaters, T-shirts, blouses, shirts. Complementing with diverse elements, you can daily transform in a new direction.
  • You can replace the jacket with a vest. This is a comfortable, warm option. Worthy strict, but not overly official alternative.
  • With the help of a sundress, you can complete various ensembles of clothes. Wearing as an independent element or combining with various tops. It looks very impressive and fashionable.
  • In winter cold cardigans and jumpers are suitable.
  • And if you add all kinds of sweater dresses, a checkered sundress, a sheath dress, a shirt dress or a trapeze to your wardrobe, you can forget about the boring gray uniform.
  • Favorite jeans are also suitable if you choose a style of calm tone and shape. Without shiny stones, bright stickers and holes. It is better to save these clothes for clubs or dances.
  • For a sporty image, we put on knitted tank tops with jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks. Add sneakers, sneakers, moccasins. We save sneakers and suits for sports for physical education.
  • A mandatory accessory is a briefcase, you can replace it with a fashionable backpack. Indeed, in addition to convenience, it correctly forms a posture.
  • Do not refuse beautiful belts, headbands, headbands. Properly and moderately selected, they make it possible to look more extraordinary and romantic.

Modern school fashion 2020 is not too conservative and allows every teenager to look stylish and individual.

Children's fashion for school Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

How fashionable to dress for school for a boy of 9 - 14 years old in 2020?

Choosing school clothes for a boy in 2020 is a little easier.

  • She is most distinguished by her business manner of dress. Stylish suit with plain shirt or turtleneck for everyday wear, with or without a tie.
  • Suitable fashionable british style a plaid shirt with a colorful vest and jeans for young dandies. After all, this vest is the bow of the season and will help diversify school standards.
  • To look like elegantly classic trousers or simple jeans will help. Which do not allow any finishing and additional elements. In a set with a natural plain shirt, a large-knit vest or a checkered sleeveless jacket.
  • lovers sporty manner it is permissible to wear jeans with a T-shirt of a not bright, gaudy color and a practical sweatshirt. Suitable for this image - a cropped jacket with an indispensable element of this style of hood, sneakers, sports shoes, sneakers. In the event that the school does not have a strict dress code, then milatari can be allowed.

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Evening and holiday dresses and clothes for girls

Designers offer little princesses for special occasions:

  • Blue and turquoise tones. Pastel shades of peach, lavender, pale pink
  • Petite floral and neat lace collars, yokes and cuffs, voluminous flounces, ruffles, flowers, embroidery and appliqué
  • Prom dresses are real ball gowns
  • Maxi length and voluminous, layered skirts
  • Airy, delicate and elegant outfits
  • Laconic cut, wraparound short bodice
  • Light fabrics - tulle, chiffon or organza
  • Simple but expressive decor. For example, one but big
    chic flower on the belt

Hit of the season - tutu skirts in bright orange, lime or fuchsia colors

Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions

Evening and festive costumes and clothes for boys

The range of holiday clothes for boys is not as wide as for girls.

  • But to look decent, it is enough to purchase a wool jacket, a white shirt, straight trousers and classic shoes. Add a tie and a young man will become more stylish and mature
  • And if you wear a white suit with a light-colored shirt and a jacquard vest, the young geltman will charm all his friends with a charming chic look.
  • I don’t like the suit, we put on jeans, a shirt to match them. Add a sports blazer and branded sneakers.
  • For a summer not too solemn holiday - light-colored shorts and a shirt.
  • The main thing in choosing festive clothes for boys is to stick to the main fashion trends described above.

Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions All respectable mothers care about the presentable and beautiful appearance of their child. But being carried away by fashion trends, it is important to remember the basic rules when choosing clothes for children - comfort, convenience, practicality and the natural composition of the fabric.

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