How to transfer from a main account to a content account. How to connect a content account to MTS and Beeline. How to check and disable subscriptions connected mobile payments

Tele2 subscribers who actively use the Internet on their smartphones and tablets sometimes encounter money being written off from their account without their knowledge. This is due to the fact that fast and convenient mobile Internet in last years has become a source of unwanted paid subscriptions. Such subscriptions are provided by third parties, and links to them are hidden from the eyes of the average user. To fall for the trick, you do not need to enter any commands or change settings in your account. You just need to download a ringtone or photo, read the news, or view an advertisement from the attacker’s page. As a result, the subscriber automatically becomes connected to any service with a daily subscription fee charged.

How to protect your money and at the same time continue to use the mobile Internet safely? To do this, the mobile operator suggests using separate account. This article will tell you in detail what a content personal account in Tele2 is.

What is a content personal account?

Each Tele2 subscriber has the right, in parallel with his main cash account, to open an additional one, which will be used exclusively to pay for infotainment services and subscriptions. This means that costs associated with making calls, sending SMS and accessing the Internet will be deducted from the main account, and costs for content will be deducted from the additional, that is, content account.

Content consists of text, graphics and other information posted on websites.

It turns out that any subscription can be paid only when there is money in the additional account. If there is no money on it, then all existing subscriptions will not be paid for and will not be provided. The user decides for himself whether to replenish his content account or not.

This service is useful to everyone who at least occasionally accesses the Internet from their mobile device. After all, there are such paid subscriptions, for which more than 50 rubles will be debited every day. As a result, you can lose a large sum in a short period of time, after which it will be pointless to demand an explanation from the operator. To save your own money and avoid nervous shocks, just connect a content Tele2 personal account.

Connecting and disconnecting

There is only one way to activate a service so useful for Internet surfers. To do this, the owner of a SIM card with a passport must go to one of the Tele2 branches, where they write an application to open a content account. After this, the operator will send an SMS message to your phone within 10 days indicating its successful creation. Now it needs to be activated. To do this, dial the USSD command from your phone: * 160 #.

If for some reason this option has become irrelevant, you can quickly disable it. To do this, call 611 and after a minute of data verification, a technical support consultant will report the successful closure of the content personal account. In addition, the disconnection procedure can be performed at the subscriber service center.

Content account management

To control the status of the content account, there are several USSD commands. The first thing you need to do after activating it is check your balance. This action is performed by dialing: * 160 * 1 #.

Naturally the balance will be zero. If the subscriber still plans to use paid subscriptions, then to top up the balance you should dial the combination: * 160 * amount #.

Please note that replenishment of the content account is possible only from the main one. Accordingly, the entered amount should not exceed the balance of funds available on the main balance sheet. At any time, the subscriber can return the money back: from the content account to the main personal account by dialing the combination in the phone: * 160 * amount * 0 #.

Connection, disconnection, as well as all operations related to the movement of funds on the content account are provided free of charge.

Services provided directly mobile operator Tele2, paid only from the main account.

Registration of numerous subscriptions and additional entertainment services can make the subscriber’s life more fun and positive. But availability large quantity active options can lead to a situation where the user suddenly does not have money to make a call. A Tele2 content account was created specifically to combat such provisions. It allows you to distribute finances in advance and not spend on entertainment more than a predetermined amount that the SIM card owner can afford. As a result, the subscriber will be able to save on communications and constantly maintain the opportunity to communicate with loved ones. Connected paid services won't interfere with this.

The name content account speaks for itself; it clearly indicates the main purpose of the new Tele2 service. It represents an additional account that the client can open. The money transferred to it will be used only to pay for all kinds of paid entertainment subscriptions and applications. A huge advantage of its appearance is that as a result, the funds from the main balance will only be used to cover basic mobile communications: calls, SMS messages and Internet traffic.

The described option will be especially useful for those people who are afraid of signing up for a random subscription. Having a separate balance for entertainment will guarantee that accidentally connected options will not lead to serious thoughtless, unplanned expenses.

How to connect a content personal account on Tele2?

Customers interested in this offer should find out how to connect a Tele2 content account. The operator has provided 2 main activation methods:

  • a special service USSD command *160# and pressing the call key;
  • by visiting the nearest service office in person and writing an application.

It should be noted that the first approach may not be available on some phones. Therefore, after entering the command, you should definitely wait for a message to arrive confirming the successful completion of the operation. After that, all you have to do is deposit money into your account.

How to create a content personal account on Tele2?

It is important to mention that the mobile company recommends the second creation method, since it eliminates the possibility of accidentally activating the option and gives the operator a written guarantee that the client himself made such a decision. To use this approach, you will have to:

  1. visit the nearest sales showroom;
  2. report your desire to the manager working there;
  3. fill out an application;
  4. wait for the application to be approved and an additional balance to be created.

A prerequisite for connection, without which it is impossible to complete the operation, is that the client has a passport. Without it, office staff will not be able to help the visitor.

Content personal account has not been created Tele2

In all situations that arise when the user is unable to create a content account on Tele2, you should contact the contact center. Support service consultants will understand the current situation and find out what prevented the successful completion of the operation. When writing an application in the office, it is advisable to seek clarification from the same manager who carried out the service and accepted the application earlier. This will help avoid misunderstandings and guarantee that you will receive help and resolve existing difficulties. It is almost impossible to cope with existing difficulties on your own, since only Tele2 employees are involved in performing the described operation.

How to manage your Tele2 content account?

It is pointless to pay close attention to the question of how to manage the connected option, since it does not provide any special functions or actions. Users can only transfer money to the account or withdraw the required amount from the balance. That is, the described option can confidently be called a special wallet that allows you to reduce the cost of mobile communications and optimize spending on entertainment. Its main purpose is to strictly separate the costs of calls and subscriptions; it does not provide or allow anything additional.

How to top up your Tele2 content account?

Depositing funds into your Tele2 content personal account is carried out using a special USSD command. But it is important to remember that you can only top it up from the main balance, so you should calculate your own finances correctly. If the money has already been counted, all you have to do is dial *160*amount# and press the call button. Additionally, subscribers need to know the following combinations:

  • *160*1# – check the balance and clarify the amount of remaining funds;
  • *160*amount*0# – reverse financial transfer.

Additionally, you can control the movement of money in the subscriber’s personal account at official portal Tele2.

How to close an account?

The account is closed using almost the same methods that were used to activate it. But the cellular company prudently refused to use commands so that the deletion would not happen by accident. Instead, she added communication with consultants contact center. As a result, clients are able to choose between:

  1. personal visit to the sales office and re-writing statements;
  2. by calling the support number 611 and asking the operator to carry out the planned operation and close the account.

In each case, you need to prepare your passport in advance. It will allow company employees to make sure that in front of them real owner SIM cards.

People who use communication services from MegaFon are often annoyed by intrusive subscriptions, various requests for which they need to pay money, or random calls to. In addition, today there are many scammers who, under the guise of short numbers, force subscribers to make calls or send messages. As a result, funds disappear from the balance sheet. You can secure your account by using a special service from MegaFon called “Stop Content”.

Detailed description

Using this option allows customers to block the ability to make calls, send messages or requests to paid short numbers. This function allows you to save funds on your mobile account and protect yourself and your family from unnecessary expenses. MegaFon subscribers can use the service regardless of the type of tariff plan. The only important thing is that the service covers use in . Outside of this area the service will not work.

Access to short numbers provided by the operator is not blocked. This way, customers will be able to continue calling and sending messages and requests to service numbers.

The option is provided free of charge, which undoubtedly can be considered an advantage. There are no activation fees and no subscription fees.

It is worth noting some features inherent in the service:

  • The option does not work outside the home network and in roaming, both national and international.
  • Subscribers who need paid content can find out its cost using a special price list. You can find it on the MegaFon website.

How to activate the Stop Content service

To save funds in your account and for security purposes, you should install the “Stop Content” service. To do this, the developers have provided several methods for activating the option:

  1. Firstly, one of simple methods is the use of a personal account on the company website. To do this, go to the company’s website and go to the account. Then register in it and receive a password for authorization. After logging in, you can connect the option by clicking on the desired button in the description of the service.
  2. If it is impossible to activate the service via the Internet, you need to send a ussd request. To do this, enter *105*801# on your device and make a call. After this, you should expect a message with information about the successful activation of the service.
  3. Customers are also given the opportunity to use another combination to connect to the service. You need to dial *526# on your phone .
  4. You can also activate the service by sending a text message by calling 0500914. You do not need to write anything in the body of the letter.
  5. If the above methods are not suitable, then MegaFon employees will be able to connect to the service. You can use their help in two ways. First, call the support service using the short number 0500. After connecting to the operator, ask to activate the service. You may need to provide your passport details. Secondly, you can go to any company salon, where specialists can activate the service. To do this, you need documents confirming the identity of the owner of the SIM card.

In all of the above methods, after activation you should receive a text message with information about the successful activation of the service. Such a message is considered a confirmation. The option may not be enabled immediately, but throughout the day.

To always see your account status on your phone screen, connect to the service.

How to disable MegaFon content service

If the client needs to use short numbers, then the option should be deactivated. To do this, you must use any of the following methods:

  1. The easiest way is to use the Service Guide, in other words it personal account. The disabling process is similar to the procedure for enabling the option.
  2. You can also disable the service using only your mobile phone. To do this, you will need to enter *526*0# on your device. and make a call. After this, the request will be sent and the option will be deactivated.
    You can call call center operators who can disable the service remotely. For this method, you will need to tell the operator the code word or series and passport number.
  3. Employees of MegaFon branded stores can also remove the restriction on the use of paid content. To do this, you should contact any MegaFon store and ask to disable the service.
  4. The last deactivation method is to send a text message to the number 0500914. You must insert the number 2 into the body of the letter.

If any of the actions are performed correctly, the option will be disabled, and the subscriber will receive a message with information about disabling the Stop Content service. Subscribers who use smartphones are recommended to download mobile app. Thanks to it, you can manage your balance, SIM card, tariffs and options using only your mobile phone. The application is analogous to a personal account, but is always at hand.

Many of us are frustrated and annoyed by mobile subscriptions. A randomly entered command, following the link - and a subscription has already been issued for the number, eating up money. In most cases, technically unsavvy subscribers suffer from this. Special services help save money from loss. In this review, we will look at questions regarding the “Content Personal Account” service from Tele2 - what it is, how to connect and how to use it.

Service "Content personal account"

Infotainment services, represented in most cases by subscriptions, consume cash from balance mobile phone. Some people like them, but others feel irritated by them, because in many cases we do not notice their appearance.

There are several methods to save yourself from subscriptions:

  • Do not follow suspicious links on the Internet - the Internet is full of links, following which implies an automatic subscription to entertainment content;
  • Do not enter unfamiliar commands - if you come across a command on the Internet that seems interesting to you, do not rush to send it. First, look for reviews and read them;
  • Do not call short numbers - calls to some numbers lead to subscriptions to some content;
  • Do not use pirated applications from third-party resources - many of them can be infected with viruses that lead to subscriptions.

There are protection systems implemented on the side mobile devices. For example, many modern smartphones do not allow you to send SMS to short numbers and make calls to them - first they require you to make sure that you are familiar with the tariffs.

Let's now see what a “Content Personal Account” is in Tele2 and how it can help us solve the problem with infotainment content. This service is intended for opening a special account from which entertainment services are paid. And if there is no money in this account, then not a single paid subscription on the number will be activated. This is the main means of protection against loss of funds.

Be sure to use the “Content Personal Account” service from Tele2 if there are people in your family who are poorly versed in security issues. For example, it will be useful on numbers of small children and elderly people - this is the main risk area. You can also connect it to your own phone - despite caution and extreme caution, there is always a risk of picking up an accidental subscription.

How to connect “Content account” on Tele2

There are no USSD commands that allow you to connect a “Content Account” on Tele2. Also, the service cannot be activated via “ Personal Area" It's not clear why, but the operator does not allow independent management of service connection. Therefore, we take our passport with us and go to the nearest service office - only here you can connect the “Content Personal Account”.

The operator allows 10 days to connect the service; a service SMS will notify you of the results of processing the application. All this is a little strange, since the same operation on Beeline takes a matter of seconds, and without any offices.

If for some reason you decide to get rid of the “Content Personal Account” service, you need to visit the Tele2 office again. But there is an easier way - the content account on Tele2 is turned off by calling help desk 611. Moreover, the shutdown is carried out instantly, and not within 10 days.

How to use a content personal account

We have already said that money for infotainment services will be debited not from the main account, but from the additional one - for this there must be money on it. If there is no money, then paid subscriptions will never be attached to the number. If you still need them, you should top up your content account. To do this, you need to dial the USSD command *160*amount# - the money will be transferred to the content account from your main balance.

Additional commands are also provided. For example, the USSD command *160*1# allows you to check the balance of a connected content personal account. If there is a clear excess of funds there, then they can be returned to the main balance - to do this, you need to send the USSD command *160*amount*0#. There are no thresholds, minimum amounts or commissions.

If you're tired of your operator

Guys, we know very well that operators raise prices and force subscribers to connect to services that the latter do not want to use. Fortunately, now there is a great opportunity to move to another operator with your number. Exist virtual operators, which provide very good rates and cool benefits when porting a number. One of them is Tinkoff Mobile, which is increasingly being chosen by visitors to our site.

MTS content account is a convenient service if you have connected additional services. Payment will be made from it additional services. To obtain detailed information about the possibility, we recommend visiting the official website of the operator. If you have any questions, call hotline– experienced specialists will quickly find the answer to your question. Please note that funds will be debited from such an account for payment for any news and entertainment mailings.

By connecting a content MTS personal account, you can protect the main funds on your phone from unnecessary write-offs. It is from him that money will be debited for payment for entertainment and news services. This service protects the main account from additional write-offs. If there are no funds in your content account, they will not be able to connect you to any mailings.


An account like this from MTS is a convenient opportunity available to everyone. With it you can protect your money from additional write-offs. Now you don’t need to worry about the balance, so as not to be left without communication at the wrong moment. This is the main advantage of the service.


Even though positive sides Having a second account, this service has disadvantages:

  • Does not protect the account from connecting to MTS branded services.
  • To connect you have to visit the company center.
  • It is impossible to activate through your personal account.
  • Difficulties arise when changing TP.

How to connect an MTS content account?

To connect an MTS content account, just read the instructions on the official website. It says that you can activate this service only by visiting the mobile operator’s office. You will have to visit an MTS branch and write an application.

The service is activated in 1.5 weeks, after which a confirmation message is received. It indicates the service status and personal account number. You can top up your content account from MTS in the following ways:

  1. Through Internet banking.
  2. Through special terminals.
  3. Through bank branches.

Please note that when working with operators you must be extremely careful. Employees can impose additional paid services. In addition, they often offer free SIM cards with residual debt - do not connect them. If necessary, they are difficult to turn off.

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