How to please a Sagittarius girl or woman? How to attract attention, make Sagittarius girls and women fall in love with you, seduce and keep them? What gifts and compliments do Sagittarius girls and women like? What kind of guys and men do Sagittarius girls like? Like temptation

The first type is pragmatic, calculating and cold ladies who think only about themselves and are unlikely to be able to warm up to anyone. Such women are for arranged marriages. If the joint settlement is successful, then the marriage will be smooth, calm, reliable, but without fire.

The second type is very different from the first. These women are for love marriage. These are very energetic and lively natures, always ready to help, not knowing the feelings of greed, decent and fair. They definitely go in for sports, and they love everything from skiing to archery. Surely, they have certificates and medals for sporting achievements; you should be surprised and praise your chosen one for this. These women love well-deserved praise, but not flattery.

In childhood and adolescence, such women are usually called “their boyfriend.” She prefers the company of boys, because she is more interested in running around and playing war games than in collecting candy wrappers. You can trust her, she does not accept gossip and gossip. The Sagittarius woman loves honest people and she herself “cuts” the truth in the eyes. A man, in her understanding, must be a real MAN: brave, resilient, overcoming any difficulties, athletic. She simply will not start a relationship with someone else, and if she makes a mistake, then, realizing it, she will immediately run away. In short, to conquer such a woman, you need to be a man in the full sense of the word!

The Sagittarius woman does not have numerous novels. As a rule, having felt her half in you, she is immediately ready for marriage. It’s not in her nature to try and compare in order to gain more experience. In marriage, she will be devoted and faithful, caring and grateful, a good mother and housewife. However, if you love to cook and don’t mind doing housework, she will be happy to give up this role to you, because she likes movement and running around more than the monotonous frying of cutlets, cheesecakes and pancakes. Doesn't accept cheating. Marriage and betrayal are simply incompatible for her. In a word, these are wonderful friends and life companions.

If you liked a Sagittarius woman and you set yourself the goal of winning her, then you should take into account that, firstly, representatives of this sign come in two types. The first is that ladies are prudent, always on their own. They have the main objective career and money in life.

These women will marry only for convenience; you shouldn’t talk to them about love, they simply won’t understand you. The second type is brave and at the same time romantic women, they are always leaders in everything, in childhood in games, in adult life in sports, in work. These women value loyalty, honesty and directness more than anything else. And, of course, they are looking for a man who would meet their requirements. This man must be strong not only physically, but also with great inner strength, with a core inside. He must
be interested in sports, travel.

In addition, in appearance he must be well-groomed, impressive, and intelligent in order to communicate with him on any topic, since Sagittarius women are very intelligent and, as a rule, widely educated people. She should also see sincerity, warmth and trust in a man. This should be a man whose authority she would value above her own, on whom she could rely in Hard time or in a moment of weakness. A man with whom you could go without looking back even to the ends of the world, knowing that he would never
will betray her and will not change her. So, if you want to win the heart of a Sagittarius woman, then first take a closer look at her, find out her interests, start expanding your horizons, read more of the books that she loves, be interested in those sports that interest her, so that you have topics for conversations Otherwise, she will be bored with you and she will simply leave.

At first glance, these women seem easily accessible, they are always cheerful, easy to talk to, but this opinion is deeply erroneous, they are very complex, contradictory natures, and it can be very difficult to achieve her. If you want to win a Sagittarius woman of the first type, then you will need money, since she needs expensive gifts, trips to fashionable restaurants, theaters, always premieres, rare exhibitions, trips to exotic countries. That is, you must prove to her that you are self-sufficient and capable of satisfying her.
her most demanding interests. Of course, you must be high on the career ladder. Then she will certainly turn her favorable attention to you. Moreover, keep in mind that you will not be able to flirt with such a woman, since she just needs marriage.

If you want to win a Sagittarius woman of the second type, then you must be sincere with her, since she cannot stand lies and she always speaks only the truth, no matter what it is. In addition, you must be a real man, gentle, kind, sympathetic and, of course, very erudite. Also, do not forget that your appearance is also not indifferent to her, which means you should always be well-groomed, with clean hair, nails and shirts. Sloppiness in appearance she won't tolerate it. If you succeed
attract such a woman, then you will get a wonderful wife, faithful, devoted, an excellent housewife, who will go with you through life hand in hand, share all your problems and troubles, and will always and in everything be your very first assistant. However, it should be noted that if you yourself love to cook, then she will gladly give this role to you, since she prefers an active life rather than working in the kitchen with pots and pans.

In their youth, Sagittarius girls, as a rule, are attracted to free-spirited and extraordinary people like themselves. And the more the object of their sighs stands out from the crowd, the louder these same sighs become. However, during this period, Sagittarius is still quite shy and all romances take place mainly in their imagination. Thus, tattooed and pierced guys with long hairstyles and vague reasoning go to the girls who are smarter, and, to put it bluntly, more arrogant. Well, they found each other. And the Sagittarius girl - the daughter of Jupiter, the favorite of fortune - is destined for a better fate.

Over time, Sagittarius intuitively understands that partners should complement each other, and not at all mirror each other. She will be drawn to men who are reliable, faithful, and, most importantly, caring. She will begin to appreciate signs of attention - an offered hand, a given coat, a nice compliment and a few roses when meeting. And men with guitars and goat voices will leave her dreams for a while... But not forever.

Having received what she so strived for, convinced of the love and attention of her lover, the Sagittarius woman again turns her gaze towards adventure. What should you do if you know for sure that she is the one, and you cannot live without her? We'll have to combine. Combine everyday life and romance, reliability and danger, excitement and loyalty. However, you won’t need any extra effort; it’s enough just not to turn into a complete bore - and sometimes go crazy together.

But let's start from the beginning. To attract the attention of a Sagittarius girl, you must be cheerful and optimistic, talk a lot and smile more often. A little assertiveness is welcome; in any case, passivity will not yield results. You will have to take the first step yourself - easily and naturally - to get acquainted, joke, chat, invite. If you get a refusal, joke again and say goodbye gracefully. Don't worry, it's not final, you can try again, and again, and again. The main thing is that everything happens without tension, fun and freely. Just don’t set a date in a quiet park in hopes of cuddling her. Your trump card is active recreation! Start with an unobtrusive friendly hug, and don't force things. By the way, an offended Sagittarius may reward you with a slap in the face or even a slap in the face.

As for her mood swings, accept it. You shouldn't console her too much or restrain her. Wait out her bad mood like a short rainstorm. And very soon the sun will return to the firmament of your relationship. Such outbursts occur because she does not know how to control the excess of her nervous energy, so she splashes them out, sometimes completely unexpectedly. By the way, if you want to find out the truth on any matter, you can safely ask her - she’ll tell you everything without hiding. Sagittarius girls differ from their friends in their exceptional honesty and directness. Sometimes even excessive.

Instead of introducing her to your parents, introduce her to your friends. She will quickly get comfortable in any company, but best of all - in a man's company. Here, of course, the question of jealousy arises, and it is better to clarify it right away. The Sagittarius woman participates with interest in conversations about politics, sports, religion, events, and riddles. He listens enthusiastically and talks about travel and animals. But boring and trivial things, including gossip, make her bored and disgusted.

Another question that will arise between you is the question of supremacy. She is quite strong and active, and therefore claims to be a leader. Including in relationships. However, if you succumb to this, you will forever lose some of her admiration. Being strong woman, she want strong man. What is the way out? Partnership relations. She will accept such an offer with delight. And you will remain an ideal in her eyes - a friend, partner, ally, interesting conversationalist, lover, and - if you want - husband.

Famous Sagittarius women

Britney Spears &mdash Sagittarius woman is often at the center of high-profile scandals Christina Aguilera - Sagittarians are ready to change radically every six months
Kim Bessinger - with or without makeup, Sagittarius women look very sexy Scarlett Johansson - even the most feminine Sagittarius has something boyish
Milla Jovovich - the Sagittarius woman was born to fight for the truth Alisa Freindlich - luck always favors cheerful and talented Sagittarius

To conquer a Sagittarius woman, you will need to tame her violent temper and excessive ardor. It is likely that to this sign belonged to Katharina from The Taming of the Shrew. These women have strong will, active life position, optimism and desire for leadership. It is desirable for the Sagittarius satellite to have the same parameters.

Sagittarius women come in two types: pragmatic and sensitive. For the former, the status and position of a man, his ability to achieve his goals are important. For them, arranged marriage is a completely normal approach to the family. The latter prefer to meet their soul mate; their feelings dominate their minds. To conquer them, you will need to convince the Sagittarius woman of the sincerity of her intentions. Be active, show yourself as an alpha male - and she will immediately pay attention to you. Be prepared for her emotional outbursts. Scandals with breaking dishes are sometimes simply a need for a Sagittarius woman. Italian passions will appeal to your chosen one. Learn to respond to her cries depending on the situation. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and give vent to her emotions. In other cases, enter into controversy so that she does not get bored with family life. The Sagittarius woman loves to take risks and have fun adventures. Invite her on an extreme date. For example, jump with a parachute or take part in a racing race with her. It is worth considering choosing an exotic tour for two. Danger and thrill will bring you closer together.

Don't lay claim to her freedom. The Sagittarius woman values ​​independence. Don’t even think about demanding reports from her: who she met with or where she spent the money. Better show her that you value her opinion. Consult with Sagittarius on any issue, they absolutely love it. Try to become a friend and mentor to her. Sagittarius women value communication, interesting and exciting conversations. The cheerful disposition of her companion will completely charm her.

Many character traits of Sagittarius women and men are the same. Women of this sign strive for leadership in everything; it is important for them professional growth and success, financial well-being, independence. Such a woman has a lot of hobbies, willingly makes new acquaintances, and at the first conversation gives the impression of an easy-going and cheerful person. This impression is deceptive, since Sagittarius women are very complex by nature, they are demanding, changeable, easy to take risks and extremely straightforward.

A girl of this sign will be attracted to a well-groomed, strong and calm man. To win a Sagittarius woman, you need to understand that, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, a freedom-loving and temperamental girl of this sign is looking for a man whom she could follow and whose authority she would recognize. When communicating with a Sagittarius woman, strictly monitor your words and manners, hone your behavior, broaden your horizons, and study her interests. Otherwise, Sagittarius women want the same things as others: sincerity, warmth and trust.

What to do to win a Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is always in the center male attention. For this reason, a man in love with her will have to spend more than one night, defeating his rivals. Men are like honey attracted to the following character traits of a Sagittarius woman:

  1. Cheerfulness.
  2. Communication skills.
  3. Cheerfulness.
  4. Wit.
  5. Optimism.

Several tips on how to win a Sagittarius woman given in this article will help him solve this difficult problem.

First of all, it should be noted that the Sagittarius woman will pay attention only to an extraordinary man who will be a bright and interesting personality. A lady born under the sign of Sagittarius is very energetic and active. She will not spend hours in a monotonous environment, for example, sitting in a cafe, because her leisure time is very diverse.

Although she always gives her preference active recreation. For this reason, in order to win a Sagittarius woman, you need to share her hobbies - because if you don’t like it all, it will be difficult for you to go jogging, long walking and horse riding with her.

Sagittarius women are impulsive, hot-tempered, temperamental, and cannot always control their emotions, including negative ones. If such a situation arises, it is better for a man not to get into arguments. Without his participation, the storm will subside as quickly and unexpectedly as it began. The fact is that Sagittarius is characterized by mood swings, but their natural love of life and optimism do not allow negative feelings to dominate these people for a long time.

The Sagittarius woman is distinguished by an unusually strong desire for freedom, so she cannot be required to report on who she spends time with or where she spends money. She perceives such conversations, as well as various orders, as an attack on her independence, and leaves such a man forever.

Continuing to answer the question that is important for many representatives of the stronger sex, how to win a Sagittarius woman, it should be added that they must be active, be ready to travel long distances, and not react to outbursts of her negative emotions.

In addition, you need to ask her opinion on various issues, and seek advice. Such an attitude towards a Sagittarius woman will, without a doubt, attract her attention to a man. At the same time, a representative of the stronger sex of humanity who has achieved the love of a Sagittarius woman will not be disappointed, because these ladies make wonderful lovers, faithful wives, good housewives and reliable friends.

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