How to make masala tea ready mix. Masala (tea): recipe and spices included. What spices do people like to add to masala tea in India?

Winter is the best time to drink masala tea– a very tasty Indian hot drink. It combines so many good things from different drinks - invigoration from tea, satiety from milk, spice from drinks like.

I tried for a long time different recipes making masala tea and came up with her perfect recipe. I invite you once again to the world of Indian spicy cuisine!


  • 500 ml milk
  • 500 ml water
  • 2 tbsp. l. black tea (more accurately called red)
  • 4 tsp. cane sugar

Spices for masala tea:

  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1.5 tsp. cardamom
  • 1 tsp. ground shamballa
  • 0.5 tsp. black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric
  • 20 clove buds
  • 1/4 tsp. nutmeg

How to make masala tea - recipe:

  1. Let's prepare all the spices, milk, water, tea.

    Required Ingredients

  2. Pour water into a saucepan, put all the spices in it, add 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of cardamom. Bring to a boil over low heat; after boiling, boil for 3-5 minutes.

    Boil water with spices

  3. Add milk and any black tea you like to the pan (it would be more accurate to call it red), some people add the pu-erh variety. Add the remaining 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon. cardamom Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally; after boiling, keep on the heat for another 1-2 minutes. Cover with a lid and let steep for 7-10 minutes.

    Add milk, tea and remaining spices

  4. Strain the tea through a strainer into cups.
  5. Add cane sugar to taste. If you put 1 tsp. cane sugar per 1 cup, then masala tea is practically not sweet. If you want it sweeter, add a little more.
  6. That's all! You can enjoy aromatic, moderately spicy, invigorating and satisfying almost classic masala tea!

    Bon appetit!

    Olga Soldatova author of the recipe

Masala tea is one of the most unusual species Indian tea, which is prepared with spices and milk. Masala tea should contain large-leaf black tea, whole cow's milk, a sweetener such as brown or white sugar and any “warm” spices. The most popular for tea: ginger, cloves, cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon. You can use nuts, herbs and flowers.

It is important to know the right recipe preparing Masala tea, then it will turn out aromatic and tasty. If you are interested in how to brew Masala tea, let us clarify that it is not brewed, but boiled.

Classic Masala tea

The special thing about tea is that you can prepare it according to your taste preferences, combine and add spices that you like. Masala tea helps to invigorate, has a positive effect on the digestive system, stabilizes blood pressure and strengthens the immune system. Prepare a classic recipe for Masala tea with milk.


  • a cup of milk;
  • ¾ cup of water;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 3 sticks of cloves;
  • cardamom: 5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon: pinch;
  • ginger: pinch;
  • sugar: teaspoon;
  • black tea: 2 teaspoons.


  1. All spices should be well ground. Pour them into a saucepan, add tea.
  2. Pour tea and spices with milk and water in equal proportions, ¾ cup each.
  3. Bring the drink to a boil and add sugar and the rest of the milk.
  4. When the drink boils again, remove the pot from the heat and strain the tea.

Masala tea should be drunk hot.

Masala tea with fennel and nutmeg

A very tasty and aromatic Masala tea recipe with the addition of fennel and nutmeg gives the tea an unusual taste and aroma. How to prepare Masala tea with these spices, read the recipe.


  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • a cup of water;
  • fresh ginger: 10 g;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • Art. spoon of sugar;
  • Art. a spoon of black tea;
  • clove stick;
  • star anise;
  • cardamom: 2 pcs.;
  • nutmeg: 1 pc.;
  • half tsp cinnamon;
  • fennel: teaspoon.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour water and milk into separate containers, place the dishes on the fire and boil.
  2. Peel and grate the ginger, chop the nutmeg.
  3. When the water is boiling add tea. Add ginger, nutmeg and peppercorns to boiling milk.
  4. After 4 minutes, add the remaining spices to the milk, having previously crushed them.
  5. After another couple of minutes, add sugar and remove from heat.
  6. Mix the milk and tea by pouring the liquid from one container to another several times.
  7. Strain the finished drink.

We all know that Indian masala chai has its origins in India. After all, its quality depends on where it is grown, and it was in India that nature created all the suitable climatic conditions.

Useful properties of masala

Did you know that every leaf of a tea bush is collected by hand, and only those on the top are considered the most quality product? In India, a worker is required to collect at least 30 kilograms of tea per day. For such work they receive only about two dollars a day.

Now, when you find yourself in any of the Indian markets, you will see in front of you huge variety teas Fruity, floral, black, green, white, calming. For every taste and color. The favorite, of course, is the famous Darjeeling. Yes, this tea really deserves the title of elite, but still, if you visit absolutely any family or look through the menu of a restaurant or cafe, you will definitely come across masala tea. What kind of tea is this?

Masala tea is the most common cheap black tea (most often a mixture of several teas or mamri), and what makes it unusual are spices and, of course, . In general, in India it is considered a drink of the poor, and if you ask any noble Indian, he will tell you that in India it is not customary to drink tea with spices.

But, nevertheless, masala tea has become incredibly popular among tourists. This drink is very young, unlike traditional tea. In India it is called karkha. Karkha is a deep-rooted drink made with hot milk and spices. This drink does not have a generally accepted recipe or classic taste.

What spices are used to make masala chai?

One or more types of spices can be used in tea. The most common are: ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, star anise, vanilla, and fennel seeds.

Each of the above is an excellent addition to classic tea and give it a piquant taste, originality, an unforgettable aroma and, of course, improves health.

You can also use any other ingredients, for example: nutmeg, anise, rose petals, almonds, licorice root. But still, it is worth considering that cardamom and ginger are the main spices, without which you will get any drink, just not traditional masala tea.

What are the benefits of masala tea for the body?

Masala tea provides positive effect on digestive system, the presence of ginger in the composition also has a beneficial effect on the immune system and helps cope with colds. It has an excellent tonic effect, it invigorates better than coffee. It is also recommended for people to drink during high physical and mental stress; it will help cope with lack of energy and drowsiness.

How to prepare masala tea?

Having visited India, we, of course, could not help but buy this tea. And when we found ourselves at home in Russia, when we first tried to make tea, we asked ourselves the question: what is the recipe for making a masala drink and how to brew it? Internet sources, of course, came to our aid, but none of them had a clearly formulated message. We decided to take matters into our own hands and prepared it ourselves.

We needed:

  1. 750 ml. water
  2. 250 ml. milk
  3. 2 teaspoons black tea
  4. Fresh ginger root (grated) 2 teaspoons
  5. Cloves 3 pcs.
  6. Allspice 3 pcs.
  7. Ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon
  8. Sugar to taste

First you need to crush the spices. Then boil water with milk and add chopped spices. Cook like this for about 2-3 minutes. Add sugar to taste, then add black tea, reduce heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and let the drink brew. Strain before drinking and the tea is ready! It should only be consumed hot.

The recipe is very simple. The taste of the drink is rich and pleasant.

In a modern twist, in some cafes and restaurants, Indian masala tea is prepared using not only black tea, but also other various types teas The drink is served with vanilla, chocolate or eggnog.

This is just our recipe, and there are many of them. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Read further:

Chai masala- a drink that is traditionally prepared in India and surrounding countries. The warming taste of this drink gives a charge of vivacity and good mood. Masala tea, the recipe for which is accessible and easy to prepare at home, can be safely used as a replacement for morning coffee. This drink invigorates no less than coffee. It is believed that masala benefits the body and does not harm health. Although there are also contraindications. But first things first.

Masala tea: recipe

Before starting a conversation about the technique of preparing aromatic Indian tea, it is worthwhile to dwell on the ingredients. After all, many will be interested in what set of products is included in a unique recipe. Masala tea has the simplest composition. To prepare a cup of aromatic and soul-warming drink for yourself and your loved ones, you will need:

  • Tea. Preferably black large leaf Indian. However, some recipes allow the addition of small amounts of green, red, and white tea. But this will no longer be a classic recipe.
  • Set of spices. You can use any of your favorite warm spices. For example: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, black pepper, saffron, basil, star anise, lemongrass.
  • Milk. For this drink you will need fresh milk of medium fat content (not higher than 2.5%). But you can choose a milk additive according to your taste. Some people, for example, dilute the milk with water before adding it to the original masala tea.
  • Sweeteners. Traditionally used granulated sugar, cane or popularly known brown sugar. We do not recommend using white sugar for dishes of this category. But if you do not accept fast carbohydrates in your diet, you can leave the drink without sweetness or choose stevia powder/syrup as a sweetener. Coconut, palm sugar, fructose, and natural honey are also used as sweet additives.

The quantity of each component can be taken according to your own taste preferences, or you can make masala tea strictly according to the recipe. If you have never tried making this drink, we recommend that you first choose a classic recipe for making masala tea. Only after gaining experience in brewing this invigorating elixir of energy should you begin to boldly experiment with unusual variations of preparation.

Masala tea: classic recipe

So, are you planning an Indian-style tea party and do you have everything you need for this event? Then let's start preparing the main drink.

For classic recipe you will need:

  • Cow's milk - 1 liter (or 1:1 with water).
  • Water - 0.5 l (if you decide to add milk in its pure form, no water is needed).
  • Cloves (spice) - 4 pcs.
  • Cardamom pod - 2 pcs.
  • Black pepper - a pinch.
  • Ginger shavings - ½ tsp.
  • Large leaf black tea - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Acceptable sweetener.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick.

How to brew masala tea correctly

Take a convenient fireproof container and mix milk and water in it. Add spices to the mixture. For 10 minutes, the contents of the container should be heated over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Next, you should add the main ingredient - tea leaves and sugar (cane or your chosen replacement). Increase the heat for 5 minutes and let the drink boil. After 5 minutes, the heat should be removed and the finished liquid should be strained through a fine sieve. The aromatic drink should be served in medium ceramic cups. You can decorate the dishes with a slice of lime or sprinkle the surface with lemon zest. However, it should be remembered that classic version served without additional decorating components.

The benefits of taste and the effect of composition on the body

Let's figure out why so many people like masala tea? First of all, it's all a matter of taste. If you have ever tried this drink, you will not be able to help but recognize its charming feature. This tea is like no other. It simply has no equal even on the menus of the best restaurants in the world. Masala invigorates, relieves fatigue, gives strength and improves mood. By taking one small sip, you can feel a pleasant warmth and a “cozy” combination of flavors. This warming nectar of energy is moderately sweet and slightly burns with the warmth of spices. The aroma of the drink plays with oriental colors and whets the appetite.

Secondly, it is worth saying here that the calorie content of the drink is 378 kcal per 100 grams. But the balance of the BJU in this case is ideal:

  • proteins - 65 kcal;
  • fats - 140 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 173 kcal.

This drink will completely replace a snack during an active day and will fill you with energy in the morning. At breakfast, masala can be combined with your favorite foods. And as a snack, tea can be chosen as an independent product.

The obvious benefits of this drink for the body cannot be denied. In addition to a good mood and a boost of energy, the product gives a cleansing, antiseptic, and immunomodulatory effect. This is worth talking about in more detail.

Composition, benefits of spices and other ingredients in masala tea

The combination of black pepper, ginger, cardamom, sage, basil and saffron has a healing, restorative, and preventive effect on the body. The listed spices have antiseptic properties, provide an anti-inflammatory effect and are natural immunomodulators.

The following are noted useful actions masala tea on the human body:

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive tract. Mild disinfection of the gastric mucosa, ensuring reliable protection from bacteria.
  • Normalization of blood circulation, stabilization of the normal process of hematopoiesis.
  • Equalization of blood pressure.
  • Restoring proper metabolism.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Immune support.

In fact, this drink brings many benefits. In addition to the healing powers of spices, it is worth noting the satiating qualities of milk and the invigorating effect of black tea. This drink contains all the best that a person needs in order not to feel hungry, quench thirst, get a boost of energy, strength and not be in a good mood throughout the day.

Note! Masala tea cannot be a substitute for a full meal. Should be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner familiar dishes, and tea can only be an excellent addition to the daily diet.

If a person suffers chronic diseases blood vessels and heart, and is also prone to allergic reactions to the components included in the composition, you should consult a specialist regarding the permissibility of consuming this drink. In case of allergies, you may have to exclude inappropriate components from the recipe. For diseases internal organs Masala tea may be contraindicated.

How to make masala chai at home

There are many recipes for this invigorating, warming drink. And if suddenly during the day you really want to pamper yourself with masala tea, then you can probably find in the kitchen everything you need to prepare it. Deviations from the classic recipe are not only acceptable, but sometimes extremely desirable. This will help you better master all the facets of the taste of the magical drink and dilute the boredom of monotony.

Masala Recipes

We bring to your attention several other recipes for making masala tea.

Simple universal recipe

To create this aromatic drink you will need:

  • Milk - 600 ml.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Cane sugar - 3–4 tsp.
  • Black loose leaf tea - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices: cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, cardamom or any others (to taste).


First, mix water, milk, sugar and cook until the sugar suspension dissolves. Pour the finished hot mix over black tea leaves and season with spices. Cover the entire mixture with a lid for 2-3 minutes. Strain the finished drink and pour into ceramic mugs.

Orange masala tea

This variation of the recipe involves preparing a fabulous drink with light citrus notes.

To create you will need:

  • Clean water - 1 liter.
  • Large leaf tea suspension - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Orange - 2 medium or 1 large.
  • Sugar is added to taste separately in each serving.
  • Spices are the same as in the classic recipe.


Grind the spices well and rub in a mortar. Wash the orange fruits well and do not peel them. Place the oranges in a bowl and pour boiling water over them for 1-2 minutes. Then cut into circles. Next, put the water on the fire and let it boil. Throw spices and tea into boiling water. The drink needs to simmer for 3-4 minutes. Then strain the finished tea and pour into mugs.

You can replace 1 orange with lemon or add 1-2 cubes of fresh pineapple pulp to the combination. You will get a delicate fruity masala.

Masala tea with condensed milk flavor

This option will appeal to fans of creamy sweets. The rich, deep taste of this drink will remind you of a dessert with condensed milk, and will also not leave indifferent those who love something new, prepared from familiar ingredients. At the same time, there will be no condensed milk here, but only its taste. The combination of milk boiled with tea suspension and vanilla will help to obtain that same shade of taste and aroma.

You will need:

  • Water – 300 ml.
  • Milk 3.2% fat - 300 ml.
  • Spices from the classic recipe + vanilla.


You can prepare this drink in accordance with the recommendations for preparing classic masala by brewing the leaves in milk. At the stage of mixing and heating water, milk and spices, you need to add a couple of pinches of vanilla. It is better if it is natural vanilla extract or powder.

You can come up with your own combinations of products to create a unique masala. Perhaps your recipe will appeal to fans of Indian warming tea.

Enjoy your tea!

A few words about a delicious Indian invention

According to legends and fragmentary texts of history, masala tea was invented about a thousand years ago. India is considered to be the birthplace of the drink. Although in recipes Thai cuisine You can also find similar variations of drinks. Tea has long been infused with special meaning. The drink was used to lift spirits and as a remedy for illnesses. Masala has always been considered an Ayurvedic drink. High-ranking people drank it to get a pleasant tone, good mood and vigor. And, of course, people have always understood that drinking this magical elixir of health supports the body and protects it from many diseases.

Today we choose this culinary masterpiece to please ourselves and our loved ones with a new magical taste. At the same time, the drink allows you to touch the unique gastronomic culture of India and slightly plunge into the incredible atmosphere of the colors of this country.

PS: If you find yourself in India and want to try this drink in its homeland, we recommend doing so in an establishment that observes basic sanitation standards. And we do not recommend doing this on the side of the road.

So, masala tea, what it is and what it consists of. Masala is a wonderful invigorating drink based on tea, milk and spices. Its homeland is the poorest Indian neighborhoods and villages. The tradition of drinking tea with spices goes back centuries.

Oddly enough, tea began to be used as a drink in India relatively recently, at the very end of the 19th century. Previously, it was considered exclusively a medicinal plant.

In the early 1900s, a British tea company that was growing tea in India decided to expand domestic market sales Hindu workers were literally forced to drink traditional english tea with milk during a short rest. Over time, the habit of drinking tea gained popularity among local population. Only the English drink was slightly improved: a huge amount of various herbs and spices, a lot of sugar and full-fat milk were added to it. This is how masala tea or spiced tea was born.

There are a lot of recipes for brewing the drink. All Indians prepare it differently, and what to use as additional ingredients, everyone decides for themselves.

The main and constant components of tea will be:

  • milk;
  • sugar;
  • Black tea;
  • spices.

It is important that the milk is high in fat, and granulated tea is more often used. But large-leaf and even green are quite suitable.

List of spices that are added to the drink:

  • anise;
  • ginger;
  • cardamom;
  • black pepper;
  • vanilla;
  • liquorice root;
  • nutmeg;
  • coriander;
  • cinnamon;
  • saffron;
  • star anise;
  • carnation;
  • almond;
  • mint;
  • liquorice;
  • fennel (seeds);
  • rose petals.

Of course, all these spices are not used in one drink. In any case, the main ones will be cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, cloves and ginger. Their quantity and proportions vary depending on the recipe.

Benefits for the body

Masala tea can be called a medicinal drink. He has a huge amount useful properties. It is often used to treat or prevent:

  • tuberculosis;
  • heart disease;
  • colds or viral infections;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • anemia;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

If ginger, black pepper and star anise are added to tea, then such a drink invigorates and gives strength no worse than strong coffee. And saffron in combination with mint helps you relax and fall asleep. In addition, eating masala helps to quickly lose weight. excess weight, it suppresses the feeling of hunger, warms in cold weather and cools in hot weather.


Thanks to a large number components in the drink, it is a real storehouse of microelements, vitamins and minerals.

Among them:

  • copper;
  • all vitamins from group B;
  • vitamins A, E and C;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

Masala tea is high in calories, it contains about 379 kcal per 100 g. Of them large quantity carbohydrates (175 kcal), slightly less fat (138 kcal) and proteins (up to 65 kcal).

But optimal energy balance drink allows you to drink it even during a diet.

Health benefits of Indian masala tea

The unique composition of this tea allows you to improve your health and overall well-being.

In addition, he:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the external condition of the skin;
  • gives vigor and strength;
  • burns fat, improves digestion;
  • makes blood vessels elastic;
  • improves brain function;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • warms well;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger.

Masala is good for coping with depression and nervous exhaustion.

Tea recipes from India

Despite the abundance of recipes, making masala is not difficult. But if there is no opportunity or desire to prepare tea yourself, then help will come ready mixture. You can buy it both while traveling in India and in various online stores.

Hindus use the cheapest granulated tea for masala, but it is better to use good Indian tea, large leaf.

Classic recipe

For 2 glasses of full-fat milk, take a glass of water.

  • 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of Indian leaf tea;
  • cardamom pod;
  • 1 spoon (teaspoon) of ground dry ginger and the same amount of cinnamon;
  • a little black pepper;
  • 5-6 cloves;
  • sugar.

All spices must be thoroughly crushed and mixed. Pour milk and water into any container and boil. Add spices, and after 2-3 minutes add sugar and tea. Cook on the lowest heat, covered, for about 4-6 minutes. After this, the drink is left to brew for another 10 minutes. Before drinking, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Second recipe

For the same amount of milk and water as in the first recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 spoon (tbsp.) black tea;
  • several peppercorns;
  • star anise (half a star);
  • 1-2 pieces of cardamom;
  • 2 cloves;
  • half a tsp. cinnamon and fennel seeds;
  • tsp fresh grated ginger;
  • a quarter of nutmeg and a few rose petals.

Prepare spices (grind and mix), boil water with milk and tea. Remove from heat, add prepared spices, leave covered for 10-15 minutes and strain.

Third recipe

You can make tea from the same ingredients, but instead of rose petals add a little fenugreek (helba). You also need to cook it differently. Read about the benefits and harms of helba-based yellow tea from Egypt.

Milk is boiled in one container, and water in another. After boiling, tea is added to the water, and thinly sliced ​​ginger, nutmeg and pepper are added to the milk. After the milk has boiled for a few minutes, add the rest of the spices. Then infuse it a little, add sugar and combine it with brewed tea.

We bring to your attention a video of another interesting recipe for brewing Indian masala tea:

Fourth recipe

This drink is prepared based on green tea. You should take 1 glass of milk, and half as much water. Tea and sugar are taken to equal parts, 2 tsp.

Other ingredients:

  • 3 cloves;
  • a little star anise (half);
  • 3 pcs. cardamom;
  • vanilla - tsp;
  • a couple of pinches of white pepper;
  • half tsp dry ginger;
  • a little nutmeg (powder).

Crush the spices and fry for a short time sunflower oil. Boil the milk separately and add spices and sugar to it. Tea is brewed in a different container. Both milk and tea are allowed to simmer over low heat for about 3-5 minutes. Then turn off the stove and leave everything for about 5-7 minutes. Only after this, milk and tea are mixed and filtered.

How to brew masala tea

Any method of preparing a drink requires compliance with certain rules:

  • the tea should be strong enough and the milk should be rich;
  • To ensure that the drink is well mixed, it is recommended to combine already boiled milk with water by pouring from one container to another (at least 4-5 times);
  • Before pouring the finished tea, be sure to scald the mugs with boiling water;
  • The aroma of spices will be better revealed if you lightly fry in melted butter or sunflower oil;
  • Very little cloves and pepper are added to tea so as not to interrupt the delicate taste of the drink;
  • cook spices on high fire You can’t - just languish.

There are no strict recommendations on how to drink masala tea. Hindus love to eat it at any time of the day, with honey or sugar, with butter cookies or oriental sweets. You can drink it before meals, or even instead of meals.

Possible harm and contraindications

Masala tea is well tolerated by the body, doesn't have side effects . The only exception may be individual intolerance or allergy to any ingredients. If the drink is prepared correctly, the benefits will be significant.

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