How do you dispose of mercury lamps? Why recycling energy-saving lamps is so important and how they are disposed of. Fluorescent lamp recycling technology


Why are incandescent lamps becoming less and less popular?

Today, the “Ilyich light bulb” (this is how the name of the modern household lamp was passed down from history) is gradually being forced out of our everyday life by its more modern counterparts.

And they were pushed forward by a whole group of more modern light sources, which again received the common name of “energy-saving lamps”; their operating principle and production are based on the use of a completely different technology.

The main reason for this trend is economic considerations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of energy-saving lamps?

Since in recent decades the cost of electricity has shown a tendency towards continuous growth. Namely, energy-saving lamps consume less electricity compared to traditional lamps. And their service life can be many times longer, sometimes even by orders of magnitude.

At the same time, they create a level of illumination similar to incandescent lamps of much higher power. True, the price of these lamps is one of their disadvantages, although if you look at it from the perspective of saving electricity, the difference in the cost of conventional and energy-saving lamps is compensated during operation.

Despite the fact that the family of energy-saving lamps consists of several fundamentally different lighting systems and are considered the most efficient, most often this term refers to compact fluorescent lamps.

Their popularity is largely based on the ability to use them in the same standard sockets as incandescent lamps while using less electricity. They can produce streams of light with different color temperatures, from “warm yellow” to “cool white”. In addition, the distribution of these lamps in our country and a number of others is supported at the legislative level.

Although lamps of this type are undoubtedly a real breakthrough in the field of lighting technology, as usual, they do not do without a certain negative. Let's say that people who are hypersensitive to ultraviolet radiation need to exercise considerable caution when using such lamps.

How to recycle an energy-saving light bulb?

Most consumers have already heard that simply throwing an energy-efficient light bulb into the garbage disposal is the wrong thing to do. And this is correct, since these lamps contain significant amounts of free mercury, which can be released into the atmosphere if the lamp is damaged. And the harmfulness of this metal, even in small quantities, is widely and notoriously known.

Therefore, all users of such lighting sources should know how to dispose of energy-saving light bulbs.

  • You should absolutely not throw them in the trash bin along with other waste and garbage!

Negligence in this matter can lead to very serious consequences, even death, without exaggeration.
Unfortunately, there are no collection points for such lamps in the country yet. Therefore, individuals have to solve the problem of how to recycle energy-saving light bulbs the only wayby handing them over to collection points for used batteries, and always in a sealed package, in which they should be placed as soon as possible.

Large organizations that use such lamps can enter into agreements with their suppliers for their delivery after expiration dates or after they become faulty. Now, I think, everyone understands if an energy-saving light bulb breaks, what needs to be done and how to dispose of unusable energy-saving light bulbs.

An energy-saving light bulb breaks, what should I do?

As mentioned above, an energy-saving light bulb contains a significant amount of free mercury inside itself, which can cause irreparable harm to the human body. Therefore, it is necessary that such a reminder is always available.


  1. It is necessary to immediately open the apartment windows and ventilate the living space for at least 25 minutes.
  2. Under no circumstances should you pick up pieces of a broken energy-saving lamp with unprotected hands. Use only protective rubberized gloves, which should then be disposed of along with the destroyed lamp.
  3. Do not use under any circumstances Appliances for collecting debris, namely vacuum cleaners or brushes for cleaning rooms.
  4. Take a sheet of thick paper and use this cardboard to move all the fragments into an airtight container; in this case, the container can be a glass jar with a lid or a thick plastic bag.
  5. The place where the fragments were located must be cleaned with a rag or disposable paper towels; after such treatment, the rag must also be placed in an airtight container and disposed of.
  6. The container with fragments and rags must be taken to a recycling point.

It is worth noting that only energy-saving lamps Russian made and Chinese-made lamps contain liquid mercury, unlike lamps produced in European factories. The latter contains an insignificant amount of mercury vapor in the form of amalgam to cause harm to health, which is safe for humans.

Light bulbs daylight or as they are also called luminescent, today they have become very popular and therefore are an integral and familiar part of the lives of most people. Buying an energy-saving lamp today is not difficult, you just have to go to any store in Moscow. It all seems so simple, however, when a lamp burns out, you should never throw it away in the usual way. This light source requires special and proper disposal.

Recycling fluorescent lamps: why is it necessary?

The main disadvantage of fluorescent energy-saving lamps is that they contain a very small amount of mercury in their design. Without it, the combustion process of this device is impossible.

Mercury itself is harmful in that it can transform into a substance that is very dangerous to human health and can accumulate directly in the environment. Therefore, if mercury enters the human body, dangerous poisoning can occur, which can lead to serious disorders of the entire nervous system.

That is why, when the shelf life of fluorescent light bulbs passes, storing them in a residential area is strictly prohibited, and SanPin rules for disposal must be taken into account. If LED lamps are thrown into a regular trash bin, then a number of negative consequences may occur.

Improper disposal will lead to the following consequences:

  • Pollution environment;
  • Release of very harmful mercury vapor;
  • Poisoning of the entire human body;
  • I harm my favorite plants.

The ban on storing used lamps has been approved by the relevant authorities, so they are disposed of according to special rules and requirements. It is also necessary to take into account the disposal procedure, which consists of a sequence of actions. Namely: in sorting, storing and transporting in the correct way.

Agreement for the recycling of fluorescent lamps: requirements for its execution

Waste recycling has become very popular today. A service that is especially in demand is the recycling of energy-saving lamps. This fact requires a reliable legal approach, namely the conclusion of an agreement. The contract is an agreement between two parties, a sample of which can be found on a special website.

Such an agreement includes: information about the parties, responsibilities, price, terms, as well as liability that will follow for violation of the agreement. The agreement is concluded with the relevant authorities, and it expires only upon expiration of the established period.

To conclude such an agreement, you must use certain rules, as well as take into account mandatory requirements.

Requirements that must be met when filling out the contract:

  • The agreement must be drawn up only in writing;
  • May include additional agreements;
  • The contract itself must be signed by both parties.

Upon completion of the contract, it must be certified and recorded in special organizations in order to have a guarantee of the completion of this operation.

Recycling methods: how to properly dispose of energy-saving light bulbs

Lamps containing harmful mercury vapor must be disposed of with extreme care. They cannot be easily thrown into regular waste, as they are highly toxic and belong to a special category hazardous waste. Store and dispose of DRLs, energy-saving and fluorescent lamps with extreme caution in a special room, in accordance with all sanitary standards.

Disposal fluorescent lamps consists of several technological processes, thanks to which completely safe waste is obtained. This waste can then be safely buried or later used as raw materials.

All these processes are regulated by two main regulations: KOSGU and OKPD. Firms that engage in this process take responsibility for fulfilling the task assigned to them, and must have a license to independently neutralize fluorescent lamps. The processing mechanism can be done chemically or thermally.

Recycling options:

  • Amalgamation. This method is based on the transformation of mercury into a semi-solid amalgam.
  • Thermal method. It is capable of collecting all mercury vapors and then regenerating them into raw materials, which are reused at the enterprise.
  • High temperature firing. This method is based on the neutralization of toxic substances containing mercury and air purification.
  • Vibro-pneumatic method. This technology is based on separating the processed material into its individual components.
  • Demercurization. This is the most popular method, based on crushing all fragments at high temperatures, using some chemical elements. This method can be carried out different ways: dry, thermal, hydrometallurgical, as well as thermal vacuum.

All these methods are very effective and allow you to neutralize harmful substances in accordance with certain provisions of the law. The points of the law indicate proper disposal fluorescent lamps.

How to recycle energy-saving light bulbs: instructions

Some enterprises use fluorescent lamps that contain a large number of mercury than household devices. Therefore, the write-off and disposal of light bulbs in production occurs according to a special scheme, which must be formalized.

All this information directly passes through the accounting department, which helps to maintain complete control over disposal. Send for recycling hazardous waste need twice a year.

Recycling of lamps begins with their transportation to their destination. Such a place is a special point, which is responsible for receiving these lamps. Such a point is responsible for the proper transportation and shipment of waste to enterprises that carry out recycling. The recycling of lamps itself occurs in several stages according to strictly followed instructions.

Disposal instructions:

  • First, all glass parts are sent to a special grinder, where crushing occurs to the desired fraction.
  • Then, using a stream of compressed air, all the phosphor is blown into a container designed specifically for this purpose.
  • In the container, all small particles are heated to a certain temperature, namely boiling.
  • After this, gaseous mercury is formed, which in turn is cooled in containers designed for this purpose.
  • The end result of the entire process is pure metal.

In this process, not only metal is formed, but also other compounds that are included in the processing. The resulting pure mercury is used in production again.

Where to dispose of energy-saving lamps: delivery and disposal

If you do not want to harm your health, then you need to properly dispose of fluorescent lamps. These products need to be handed over to special services that transport, store and send lamps to processing plants.

Today, every city has a service for receiving various industrial wastes. These are organizations such as the district DEZ or REU. You can also donate used energy-saving light bulbs here.

You can also donate broken light bulbs to a supermarket located in the city, where special places should be allocated for this. Delivery must occur according to certain rules.

Submission rules:

  • All light bulbs that are unusable must be collected;
  • Place carefully in a strong box;
  • Pack securely.
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Traditional incandescent lamps, which have retained the historical nickname “Ilyich’s light bulbs,” are gradually disappearing from use. They are being replaced by new, so-called energy-saving light bulbs, the design of which involves the use of other technologies and materials. And in industrial scale, and in residential buildings their use is much more profitable. Energy-saving lamps consume less electrical energy, while producing brighter illumination and lasting longer. That is, the ratio of power and luminous flux makes their light output noticeably stronger than that of incandescent lamps. For this reason, energy-saving light bulbs are often called energy efficient, thereby indicating their practical value.

Features of energy-saving lamps, their advantages and disadvantages
At first glance, it may seem that energy-saving lamps are an undoubted breakthrough and improvement in lighting technology. In general, this is true, but there are certain nuances. This back side, without which, as you know, not a single medal can do. Let's start with the fact that several types of lamps and lamps based on them fall into the “energy efficient” category, each of which has its own indicators of both light output and efficiency. In particular, LEDs are the most energy efficient today: they are more durable and durable lamps, the most expensive to purchase, but the most profitable to operate.

But in Everyday life Only one type of lamp is most often called energy-saving, namely fluorescent compact lamps. Their design and bulb size allows them to be used in the same standard sockets as legacy incandescent lamps. At the same time, they consume less electricity, which makes fluorescent lamps more popular in domestic conditions. Moreover, they can produce a stream of light of different color temperatures, from 2700 Kelvin (“warm” yellow light) to 6500 Kelvin “cool” light. White light. Even legislative initiatives in the Russian Federation and other countries contribute to the spread of fluorescent energy-saving lamps.

Indeed, these lamps shine softer and more stable, their cost is recouped many times over due to the saved electricity. However, people with increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light should use them with caution, because a small dose of radiation escapes through the glass bulb of these lamps. In addition, they contain free mercury, the vapors of which enter the atmosphere when the lamp is damaged. Therefore, even the most modern lamp designs with low mercury content should not be thrown away with other lamps after the end of their service life. household waste. Like energy-saving lamps, they require special disposal.

Proper disposal of energy-saving lamps
Mercury, hidden inside the bulb of a fluorescent lamp, is an extremely dangerous substance. However, this fact is ignored not only by some lighting equipment manufacturers, but also by buyers who use energy-saving light bulbs in their homes. And if the negligence of the former can still be explained by the desire to obtain financial gain and the reluctance to scare off suspicious consumers, then the carelessness of the latter is fraught with serious consequences for the environment and human health.

All organizations that use energy-saving lamps in their production and office premises must enter into contracts with lighting suppliers stipulating their return after the expiration date. These used light bulbs are handed over to recycling facilities. But, firstly, not all organizations comply with this rule, and secondly, not all populated areas There are special plants for processing toxic waste. As for private consumers, most of them not only do not bother recycling light bulbs, but are not even aware of such a need.

There are no centralized collection points for used lamps, even in most major cities. But there are special enterprises involved in the transportation and disposal of waste containing mercury and other toxic substances. True, the services of these companies are not free, and therefore mainly industrial organizations that are forced to find ways to sell waste cooperate with them. Individual citizens can contribute to the common cause of environmental protection only in this way:

  1. Sort your waste and do not place used lamps (as well as power supplies and other electrical devices) in the trash that goes into the recycling bin and/or landfill. Set the lamps aside, pack them in sealed bags and take them to battery collection points.
  2. If you feel the desire and strength, take a useful initiative at the level of your entrance and/or home. To do this, install containers in which your neighbors can put used lamps. Be sure to inform the public about this and collect waste approximately once a month and hand it over to collection points.
  3. You can find battery collection points in your city using social networks and advertisements on the Internet. Employees of such points are in contact with processing enterprises and will be able to advise how to deal with the lamps, or accept them too.
  4. If you accidentally break or otherwise damage a fluorescent lamp, immediately put on rubber gloves and collect the fragments of its bulb, and wipe the floor with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Ventilate the room well, and in future be no less careful when handling energy-saving light bulbs than when handling mercury thermometers.
By law, used energy-saving lamps and their fragments are required to be accepted from citizens in all DEZ (directorate for the operation of buildings, in other words, housing office) and REU (repair and maintenance department). Interestingly, the service centers of IKEA stores also have lamp collection points. The waste is then sent to a small number of plants for final disposal. There, the lamps are disassembled, separating the mercury-containing phosphor from the bases and glass. The phosphor is treated with demercurizing chemicals, covered with cement and sealed in an airtight container.

Despite the fact that the amount of mercury in each individual energy saving light bulb very few, their massive accumulation in landfills threatens significant pollution of the biosphere. Previously, the even more dangerous Krypton-85 was used to produce fluorescent lamps, which was later replaced by mercury. The newest developments suggest using alloys, or amalgam, instead of mercury, which somewhat inhibits mercury vapor. But even these improvements do not negate the need for careful attention and special disposal of energy-saving lamps.

Among household appliances, there are some that need to be disposed of according to special rules. These include mercury-containing lamps. The procedure must be performed correctly - this is a guarantee of safety. If the integrity of the device has been compromised, the lamps are disposed of immediately or temporarily left in a special room. They are subsequently transported and processed. You need to know where the device is sold. It is important for legal entities to draw up a document. The contract specifies a list of services provided, as well as their cost.

Why is recycling necessary?

Mercury is a very dangerous substance. Therefore, recycling of mercury-containing lamps is considered mandatory. The amount of this substance may vary. It all depends on the type of light bulb. Nowadays such devices are used due to their low energy consumption. If there are about 5 lamps in the house, then the danger posed by the fumes of the substance is very great. Before purchasing, you need to inquire where the light source is returned if damaged or at the end of its service life.

Storing used or damaged devices is dangerous due to the negative impact on humans. The consequences include various factors including headaches, fatigue and death. The device should not be disposed of with normal waste, since mercury enters the soil and then into the water.

Liability for improper storage

If the disposal of mercury or its temporary storage is carried out incorrectly, then the penalty for this will be administrative penalty. Its size is set based on the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • For legal entities- 100-250 thousand rubles.
  • For individual entrepreneurs - 30-50 thousand.
  • For officials - 10-30 thousand rubles.

Another punishment may also be used - a ban on the organization for 90 days. Further violations of the rules for the disposal of hazardous substances will result in criminal liability.

Principles of collection and accumulation

The rules for action in case of damage to the light bulb housing are prescribed in SanPin. Using these standards, specialized companies must correctly collect mercury-containing lamps. A responsible person supervises this work. For the collection, a room is used where outsiders cannot enter. You should not eat near such waste. It is important to comply with lighting standards. The room must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation system.

Storage and disposal of mercury-containing lamps is carried out in special containers. There should be a supply of water (10 l) and potassium manganese in the room for dangerous situations. Containers are made from cardboard, plywood, chipboard and paper. Polyethylene bags are often used. It is advisable to hold no more than 30 lamps in 1 container. Containers must be labeled indicating the amount and type of waste.

How is the substance stored?

Mercury-containing work is carried out after their collection. This work is carried out by specialized institutions. Containers must be sealed. Each type of lamp is placed in a separate waste group. Devices are sorted by size and shape. Free movement of devices in the container is prohibited. The SanPin rules state that a journal must be used for records. It records information about the movement of waste. The document has a responsible person.

Where is recycling done?

Before handing over lamps, you need to find out about the cost of services. Mercury disposal is carried out by specialized companies that must have a license for their activities. The price of services is usually stable - 15-20 rubles/unit. It is imperative to take into account what types of lamps are accepted.

If an organization is selected, then it is necessary to count the number of units. This directly affects the cost. You will also need to use transport services, which are also paid. mercury-containing products have different prices in each company. It is influenced by the amount of waste and the type of services provided.

How to remove a broken lamp?

If the lamp breaks, you must act quickly and carefully. First of all, don't panic. This can happen to anyone, the main thing is to eliminate the dangerous source in a timely manner. Secondly, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room, turn off the devices, and preferably leave the room. To protect yourself from vapors, use a respirator or gauze bandage. Rubber gloves are also worn.

You need to collect the remains of the lamp, which should be placed in a high-quality bag, and then tie it. You can use a jar with a lid. It is necessary to carefully collect small particles, then wipe the surface with a cloth and water with bleach. When disposal of mercury-containing lamps is completed, it is necessary to call the sanitary service. It will check the level of concentration of harmful vapors and also eliminate them. After professional treatment, the room will be safe.

The accession of the Russian Federation to the European Initiative for the transition to energy-saving technologies since 2009 and the ban on incandescent lamps, as inefficient and costly light sources, became the reason for the appearance of compact fluorescent light bulbs on the Russian market. During this time, the light sources in the chandeliers have changed several times, and the question arises of what to do with the CFL that has expired. Everyone probably knows the answer - recycle, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Next, we will talk about the rules for recycling fluorescent lamps at enterprises and at home.

Rules for handing over used light bulbs

Just in trash can It is prohibited to throw away these lamps, because... used in the production of fluorescent light sources toxic substances: mercury, zinc, phosphates, the disposal of which requires special measures.

To get rid of a used flask, you need to take it to special items admission to REU or DEZ. You can find out about the availability of such points in your city on the city portal.

If for household consumers there is no regulation on the disposal of used CFLs and only hope for conscientiousness and awareness of people, then for legal entities and entrepreneurs this point is spelled out in the law.

Enterprises using fluorescent lamps must enter into an agreement for the disposal of already used lamps. specialized organizations licensed to dispose and recycle toxic waste. In turn, companies providing services must provide a special container of a sealed design for use.

The cost of disposal can reach up to 10-13 rubles (price per piece), and a contract for a year with the organization and with maintaining documents can reach 3,000 rubles, plus container rental and transportation. For non-compliance with the law on the disposal of fluorescent lamps, a fine is provided for individuals 1-2 thousand rubles for a light bulb thrown into the trash can.

For legal entities, the fine is much larger, up to administrative suspension of activities for a period of 90 days. In case of repeated violation, up to criminal liability. According to Art. 8.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to dispose of non-working housekeepers. Sometimes you can easily repair them yourself. We have provided instructions for this in the corresponding article.

Storage requirements

It is clear that you will not take each burnt-out light bulb one by one to the company for disposal. It is advisable to equip a separate place for storing used energy-saving light sources. So according to the requirements public services, storage of fluorescent lamps must be carried out taking into account the following rules:

  1. Each individual flask must be placed in a cardboard container, and fluorescent light bulbs must be sorted by size.
  2. The room should be located away from workplaces, but well ventilated and spacious. You also need to make sure that there is no access to unauthorized persons to the place where the housekeepers are stored.
  3. The room must be equipped with all necessary means for demercurization (mercury removal).

There is also liability for improper storage of energy-saving lamps, so storing bulbs in bulk is strictly prohibited!

What to do if the flask breaks at home?

Modern CFLs do not contain droplets of mercury, but only its vapor, which is confirmed by the designation on the box:

Therefore, if you don’t want to look for mercury on the floor, it’s enough to remove glass fragments with a damp cloth or napkin, after putting on rubber gloves. Children and animals must be removed from the premises immediately, so as not to expose them to the danger of breathing mercury vapor. Splinters that fall onto carpets should never be collected with a vacuum cleaner, as this will aggravate the situation and become a source of contamination with hazardous substances. In this case, ordinary packing tape will help, using the sticky side to collect the fragments from the broken flask. You need to collect garbage in a glass jar or bag along with a rag and gloves, and then hand it over to a specialized collection point.

You must know that the penetration of mercury into the body most often occurs through inhalation of vapors. At significant concentrations it affects the central nervous system, liver, musculoskeletal system. After cleaning the glass, ventilate the room sufficiently for at least two hours.

How does a recycling company work?

That's all I wanted to tell you about recycling fluorescent lamps at the enterprise and at home. We hope our instructions were useful to you. Remember, the state of the environment depends on you too!

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