How to draw an old castle. How to draw a castle. Step-by-step instruction. Complicate the process and improve the result

How to draw a castle. I do not mean a locking device, but a castle - a fortress with powerful walls and residential buildings inside. People really like castles - harsh romance, the exploits of knights, of course, even now girls and boys are turning their heads. As a child, I not only loved - I loved to draw castles. Of course, I drew from pictures. High walls, towers with battlements - all this I rolled up for years without thinking at all. And then I read that the teeth were not just like that, during sieges, the defenders hid behind the teeth and fired at the gaps. What a discovery it was! It was then that I began to draw not just piles of turrets and cloves - turrets and cloves, but began to think - why and how it all works. Perhaps it was thanks to these studies that I finally understood the perspective. So, if your kids are asking you to teach them how to draw a castle, then it's worth it.

Well, while we draw the first castle (fortress). First, let's sketch with a pencil.

Yes Yes! First, we draw a general plan of the entire structure, and do not start with ... well, with turrets and cloves. When the plan is ready, we begin to draw. And again - first we draw the largest - the walls.

Our first castle is relatively simple, I chose one that is not surrounded by a moat. Just powerful impregnable walls - it must be considered a square. Inside - the second square of fortifications - it is higher and there are towers in the corners (with ammunition depots and barracks for people).

And inside this fence we see even higher towers:

And only now the moment has come to equip the towers and walls with battlements. But how many of them! I have changed a lot since my childhood. And now I'm just scared to think about such a petty and tedious job - to draw all this abyss of teeth and teeth. And how I was crazy about them as a child!

Well, the castle was completed. Normal such coloring turned out. Let's colorize. That is, there will not be much color here, but we need to distribute the shadows wisely. So, the walls are straight, the towers are round, the light falls on the left, so we think what and how:

It was the first castle - it is also a fortress. Gradually, I will add step-by-step lessons to this article.

Draw a beautiful castle - lesson 2

This castle is taken from a cartoon - it is unrealistic, but there are so many decorations and bells and whistles!

But, no matter how romantic it may be, we begin to draw from a sketch - a general plan of the building. And then it turns out that this aerial structure is arranged in much the same way as the powerful fortress from the previous lesson - that is, fortified walls with observation towers and inside the fence - a taller residential building also with towers. First, we work with a pencil - in case you have to change or correct something.

We draw the outer wall. It is equipped with crenellated and pointed towers:

Indoor residential building:

Well, now that we have decided on both the general plan and the large details, we can move on to the drawing itself. Now I already know exactly how the castle will look like and I can draw with a marker.

If you do not know how to draw a castle, then first of all you need to decide for yourself what it will be like. Imagine it visually, you should have at least a general shape in your head. Define

Decide whether the object will be three-dimensional or two-dimensional, soaring or squat, light and decorative, or more like a fortress. Having imagined the outlines of the castle, you can transfer them to paper. At this stage, they will be something like a cloud, which is necessary in order to correctly mark up the sheet and not miss anything. Therefore, it is necessary, barely pressing the pencil, to determine the silhouette of the castle and the contours of the background.

After that, we proceed to drawing the largest details of the castle - towers, buildings, roofs, etc. First, each individual element should be outlined, and then rebuilt using horizontal and vertical lines. They are designed to ensure that the objects are even, symmetrical and do not "fall over" relative to the edge of the sheet.

Now there is already an understanding of how to draw a castle, and you already have its shape in front of you, but aesthetic elements are needed. Therefore, we add details to such a "bare" castle: windows, balconies, doors, chimneys, loopholes, spiers, roof tiles and brickwork on the walls. In general, everything that is enough for imagination. This will give it integrity. A castle drawn in pencil will look unfinished without such eye-pleasing little things.

Next, you can add volume to your drawing by shading dark places or adding color to it. It is also desirable to work out the background depending on the purpose of the castle. It can be a fairy-tale refuge with a dragon surrounded by a moat, or a Gothic mansion standing on the highest place in the city, or a similarity on a sheer cliff. Determine for yourself the place in which the figment of the imagination will look most organic, and add a background. We hope the result will please you and the little members of the family.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this - sit down and draw, but many people are faced with the fact that they simply do not know what to add to their picture, how to make it interesting. After all, the main thing is not how to draw a castle, but what kind of castle to draw. This is understandable, because not every day we see castles. The best way to do this is to browse through several architecture resources. From there you can draw the necessary details, and the imagination will always find a suitable place for them. The main thing is

Don't be afraid to create something new. As a rule, people who have taken up drawing a castle already know approximately what it will look like. And books on architecture will help to supplement it with the necessary trifles.

So now you know how to draw a castle step by step. The only thing left to advise you - if you doubt something, imagine yourself as a resident of your drawing and doubts will go away. For example, if you don't know if you need a balcony in the middle of a tower or not, think about how often you would stop to take in the view before reaching the top. This will help not to violate the logic and integrity of the work.

Each of us in childhood read fairy tales about brave knights, powerful kings and beautiful princesses. And, of course, they all lived in beautiful castles with carved patterns on the turrets, oak gates and an impregnable moat around. By the way, learning how to draw a castle is not difficult at all. So let's try.

Draw a castle with a simple pencil

Let's start with the most versatile option, namely, how to draw a castle with a pencil. Everything will happen in several stages.

First you need to outline the general outlines. The whole structure will look like a three-story cake with two columns on the sides. Well, or on a pyramid of cubes.

On top of the columns and on the top cube we draw triangles on a small "stand" - these will be the tops of the towers.

Then, on the lower and middle floors, we draw a relief from small squares, characteristic of medieval castles.

Now the windows - one in each tower and three on the middle floor. And on the bottom we outline a semi-oval gate.

We will make separate boards on the gates, and also outline a row of bricks around the windows and gates.

Bricks should be visible throughout the castle. It is important to remember that each next row will be offset by half a brick relative to the previous one. And don't forget about the tiles on the roof.

For "naturalness" we will add shadows where they are needed.

Hooray, the drawing is ready!

Castle with a red roof

The red tiled roof looks very cozy, especially on old houses - let alone the whole castle. In order to make it easier, let's try to draw a castle in stages.

Let's start from the front. Let's depict a shape that is somewhat similar to a stool with two ottomans on the sides.

Let's add an add-on with a characteristic rectangular relief to the "ottomans" from above. These will be the side towers.

Let there be more towers. It is not necessary to make them symmetrical about the center - let them be arranged in a different order, it's more interesting.

On the highest towers, add a gabled roof.

And now let's work with the details - draw windows on the towers, draw boards on the gates.

And also - separate bricks on the walls and tiles on the roof.

Don't forget about the road to the castle.

And now you can add some color. The roof, as we agreed, will be red.

Our red-roofed castle is completely finished. You can also watch this video if you'd like:

Learning to draw a fantasy castle

Of course, once upon a time castles really existed: strong walls protected its inhabitants from enemies, and from high towers one could have a good look at the surroundings. But castles often became elements of fairy tales and legends, and everything there was limited only by the author's imagination. Let's also try to draw a beautiful castle from a fairy tale.

We will draw it in separate turrets. They are very beautiful - tall, thin, with windows and balconies, with a long triangular roof, a spire and a flag.

Let's make two more, smaller ones on the sides of the first tower.

Between them are two very small ones.

We will connect the towers into one, not forgetting to make two more small buildings below, but without a roof.

And, of course, you need a gate. Otherwise, how to get inside?

Everything can be colored. It is not at all necessary to be limited to the beige or gray color of the stone. This is a fabulous drawing, so it can be anything.

That's all. If you want to learn more about this lesson, you can watch this video:

A simple marker example

If you have just started your journey in the art world, do not think that you cannot even draw a light castle. This lesson will help you in this interesting and not so difficult matter.

First of all, let's draw a square with a pattern on top.

Then inside it we outline a gate in the shape of a half oval.

And then we outline two rectangular turrets on the sides.

In the center there will be another tower - a large, high one, with a superstructure and a window. All three towers should have triangular roofs with a flag - let's draw them.

Now let's work with the gate. Firstly, you need to draw each board separately, and secondly, draw a bridge lowered across the moat.

Now we draw the moat itself. And also - lattices on the walls, tiles on the roof and individual bricks on the walls.

Here we are finished. If you were interested, you can also watch this video:

Multi-colored castle in a couple of steps

In the last section, we learned how to draw a bright magic castle. We will continue to work with bright colors - now we will learn how to draw a castle in color.

We will start, of course, not with color, but with a triangular roof and a carved balcony.

At the bottom of which is a tower and a large front part of the castle.

The front of the castle has many windows, both large and small. And also - a large fortress gate.

The castle will be large and wide, so let's make a wide side wing on the left with windows arranged at random.

And on the left - exactly the same. Above them there will be various beautiful turrets with the same triangular roofs as on the central one. And don't forget about the flags fluttering in the wind.

Finally, all the sketches are ready - you can start coloring. Let the colors be very different - red, blue, crimson, etc.

Now we're done. If you want to see in more detail how everything happens, you can use this video:

Children's example

All children love fairy tales about fairy princesses living in impregnable castles. Therefore, drawing a castle for children will be a very exciting activity.

Let's start with the towers. In general, they look like columns with triangles on top.

Between them we will make an arch with a carved roof - this is a blank for the gate.

At the bottom we will depict brickwork, and also add windows and flags.

Draw two more towers on the sides.

And then we connect the whole structure into a single whole.

Now the most important thing is the central tower. It will be even wider than all the others.

Now it remains to finish the gate so that not a single enemy passes.

And paint everything in bright colors.

That's it, we drew a castle. You see, there is nothing difficult in this. Especially if you also watch this video:

Cold beauty. By the way, you can also draw them!

If your hand is already full, so to speak, then this video is for those. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to draw a beautiful fairy-tale castle, where even the most fastidious queen would like to live.

How to draw a simple castle with a pencil

Using a ruler and a pencil, draw a rectangle - this is the basis of our castle. To the left and to the right of him - one more, these will be towers.

Draw the tops of the towers - triangles.

Now you need to draw the gate, and on the top of the wall - jagged ledges.

Draw another tower in the middle.

It is interesting!The main tower - the donjon - towered over all other buildings and was intended not only for defense, but also for the feudal lord to live in it. He and his family lived, as a rule, in the halls on the upper floors. There must have been a secret passage in the castle, so that in the event of an attack, the owner could easily escape to a safe place.

It remains to draw the details: windows, relief under triangular roofs, gates.

Draw flags on the towers. And add touches that are missing.

Draw outlines. Ready!

How to draw a fairytale castle

Draw an inclined line - an axis.

Now draw these four triangles - large and small - for the top tier.

Now we draw the same triangles for the lower level.

From the main towers of the castle you need to draw vertical lines. These cylindrical shapes are the basis of the structure of the castle. And the lines from the side towers resemble tree branches.

Now finish the details: windows, doors and don't forget about the flags on the towers.

Erase all extra lines.

It remains to color the fairy-tale castle and invite fairy-tale characters to the ball.

20 But I

Often, after reading a book or a fairy tale about knights and princesses, children are asked to draw a castle for them. Yes, one that will take your breath away: ancient, tall and majestic, with pointed spiers on the towers and banners fluttering in the wind. But parents are sometimes just parents, not famous artists.
In such cases, phased drawing lessons are great to save the situation. That is why, today we will practice in the image of fairy-tale castles in stages. The era of knights is long gone, but the desire to plunge into this atmosphere is still in the air. Well, let's get started!
For the image of the Fairytale Castle, we need:
. Sheet of white paper;
. Simple pencil;
. Ruler;
. Eraser.

Stage one - main towers

Before drawing the castle itself, it is necessary to draw the main towers on paper, we will have four of them. It is on them that we will focus in the image of subsequent details. Make sure that they are drawn in compliance with all necessary proportions: the same height, width, location. This is where the line comes in handy. For a guide, first draw a horizontal line, this will be the ground. And already from it, calculate the height of the towers. Draw lines between them - you get walls.

Stage two - the second row of towers.

The next action is the image of the second row of towers. They are larger and taller than the first ones, and if it is difficult for you to visually calculate their location, then they can also be drawn using a ruler.

Stage three - the last tier of towers

We draw the last tier of towers above all the others, there will be three of them. Draw a line between them to form a wall. Now that all ten towers are drawn, you can proceed to the next step.

The fourth stage is the decoration of the walls near the upper towers.

Now let's pay attention to the decoration of the walls near the upper towers. Make a semblance of "brickwork" by drawing stones on the edge of the wall and tower. Draw a smooth line in the middle of the wall, in the future it will be a staircase.

Stage five - bricks on the lower towers

In the same way we draw bricks on the lower towers. After that, we draw arcs between the two lower towers, this will be the entrance to the castle.

Stage six - lattice and bridge

We draw a lattice and a bridge at the entrance, it should be massive, because in times of danger, thanks to it, such castles held the defense. Many windows should be added on the roofs and walls of the towers; during the battle, the inhabitants of the castle waged war from them, threw spears and threw arrows.

Stage seven - details of the roof

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