How to find out a man's true intentions. How to determine a man's serious intentions by his behavior? Sweet music of words

You've met the man of your dreams and are already thinking about the style. wedding dress, choosing a name for your firstborn? Are you sure that a man wants a serious relationship? Of course, you can ask the guy directly, but it’s not a fact that you will hear the truth from his lips. And, besides, such a question can seriously frighten a young man, destroying all your previous efforts.

Tired of being lost in conjecture, discard all illusions and take a close look at the behavior of your chosen one. If a man really wants a serious relationship, you will probably notice several of the 10 signs below.

1. He often looks into your eyes.

Men love with their eyes - and it's not easy folk wisdom, but a fact proven by scientists. When a man is in love, he literally cannot take his eyes off the object of his passion. If you notice that your new acquaintance is looking at you furtively and does not look away for an indecently long time, rest assured that he hopes for a continuation and wants to read the response in your eyes.

2. He wants to know as much as possible about you.

As a rule, when meeting people, they make do with a dozen standard phrases and a couple of unobtrusive topics. But if a man intends to transform your acquaintance into a serious relationship, he will find out about you as much as possible more information. In addition, you will feel that his interest is extremely sincere. Over time, you will notice that the man remembers absolutely everything that you once told him about yourself.

3. He is eager to touch you.

And although tactile communication is present not only between lovers, if a man is interested in you as a woman, he will try to reduce existing boundaries as quickly as possible by inadvertently touching you. Shaking a hand, adjusting a lock of hair, or holding your elbow while you walk down the stairs may seem harmless at first glance, but in fact it shows that you are physically pleasing to the person.

4. He introduces you to friends.

Men love to show off to their friends. Moreover, they boast not only of new cars, sports devices or any other things dear to them, but also of girls with whom they intend to build serious relationships. No matter what stage your romance is at, if a man insists on your acquaintance with his company, he sees you as his life partner. First, whether consciously or not, he wants his comrades to envy him. And secondly, he hopes that you will accept and approve of his friends.

5. He introduces you to his family.

Even if the previous points have passed by your relationship, but your chosen one invites you to have dinner with his parents, you can not doubt the seriousness of his intentions. The desire to introduce a girl to your parents or family never arises spontaneously. Most likely, the man has thought carefully about his decision and hopes that soon you will also become a member of his family.

6. He doesn't need a reason to contact you.

Often girls indulge themselves with vain illusions, hoping that the man does not call because of his excessive modesty and delicacy. In fact, a man who is truly in love will terrorize you with calls and texts to make sure that you are okay and not spending time in the company of another.

7. He turns into a jealous person.

Innocuous mention of a colleague's name or phone conversation with an old acquaintance will cause a real attack of jealousy in a man hoping for a serious relationship. And even if your chosen one is wise enough not to make a scene, you will feel his interest in the people of the opposite sex around you. At first, the man will unobtrusively ask you about your social circle, trying to find out if you have more than friendly feelings for anyone.

8. He makes compromises easily.

A man in love will try with all his might to please you. He will easily refuse to go to the concert of his favorite band after learning about your poor health, instead bringing cold medicine and a basket of fruit to your home. He will give up his Saturday nap until lunch to take your cat to veterinary clinic and will fix all the outlets in your house instead of watching your favorite movie. In a word, men in love turn into real altruists, doing everything possible to win the object of their passion.

9. He can't be mad at you.

We don’t always do the right thing, we may forget what we promised, inadvertently hurting our feelings. loved one. However, if a man is truly in love, no matter the severity of the “sin,” he will not be able to be angry with you. And even if you yourself are ashamed of your action, the man will justify you, because you are the ideal of his dreams.

10. He confesses his love to you and you believe him.

It seems that the phrase “I love you” is not always based on sincerity, however, most men, when they admit their feelings, really experience them. A man who sees his soulmate in you will not waste words. He will utter such a coveted phrase only when you are ready for it. When your relationship ceases to be a non-binding romance, he will not waste time and will reveal his cards to you.

These signs are not an axiom, but, as a rule, lovers think and act the same. Therefore, if his intentions are really serious, sooner or later he himself will show them.

All girls dream of a successful marriage, to be loved and create strong family. To avoid making a serious mistake, you need to make sure that your companion is serious about his intentions.

Experienced women can determine whether a man is in the mood for marriage or not. Modern young girls can also learn about these signs.

Representatives of the stronger sex have always remained a mystery to women. Many people try to understand them, but men can be quite difficult to figure out; they know how to hide their feelings. No one knows what is going on in the heart.

It is natural secrecy that makes every man withdrawn. Not all women can understand them. Many questions arise when a romantic relationship arises between a girl and a man. It is during this period that incomprehensible moments appear that you have to deal with.

10 signs that a man has serious intentions!

It is not surprising that many questions appear in a woman’s head. They are always concerned about what a man's intentions are. Girls are given advice by relatives, friends and just close people, but you can’t always trust them. They think that they are well versed in love matters.

A woman has doubts, fear, and real chaos is happening in her head. Mistrust is gradually increasing every day.

  1. You should always be guided by your mind, but not by your heart. A woman should look at the relationship from the outside, analyzing the man’s behavior. There is no need to embellish reality or justify it. No need to present what you want as reality.
  2. You need to take a serious look at your man. You should analyze how he treats his lady and other women. Those men who really have serious intentions never pay attention to other ladies. They will not flirt or make other acquaintances. If a man insists on an open relationship, you need to think about it. You need to behave carefully with such a person. First you have to find out what the man’s real intentions are.

Often men pay attention to other ladies, and at the same time tell their companion about them, this is also a serious sign. Most likely, he has no intention of starting a serious relationship. He views his lady as a girlfriend and not as a future wife.

  1. You need to pay attention to how a man behaves with a woman in the presence of other people. If he strives to introduce his girlfriend to friends and relatives, it means he has serious plans. Often men imagine their companion as a girlfriend, and not as a future bride. But don't get too upset. Perhaps he has not yet decided to make any precise decisions.
  2. Confidence. When a man is ready to tell his lady some plans for the future or boldly talks about the past, this is already a sign Serious relationships. A woman can be calm, because it’s about to get married.
  3. A man always talks about the seriousness of his relationship, you just need to take a closer look. If he started building for the future, talking about children together, this is already a powerful argument.
  4. A man who loves and appreciates his lady tries to spend more time with her. He strives to be together on the weekend or simply organize an evening together. A lover often calls and writes, because he wants to be aware of how his beloved is doing.
  5. When a man brings a woman into his home, it's a serious step. He strives to introduce her to her parents and close relatives. Of course, you shouldn't rush things. Meeting your parents is not always a serious step. But often this happens several months before the wedding. We'll have to watch the guy to draw any conclusions. If a man is in no hurry to bring a woman into the house and introduce her to close people, it means that he does not yet have serious intentions. But don’t despair, you need to give him time.
  6. Questions about how a lady treats children, another sign of serious intentions. Of course, it cannot be said that he will immediately want the birth of a baby. Most likely, he is simply making plans for the future. Men always want to have children with their lover. They will not discuss such a topic with casual or temporary girlfriends.
  7. You need to pay attention to the first date. If a man is in a hurry to get a girl into bed, this is not a sign of serious intentions. It's better to avoid such a man. It is also important to think about it when the relationship has been only platonic for several months.
  8. It’s bad when a man constantly remembers past relationships, those girls who left him. This is considered a sign that he is not yet in the mood for a serious relationship. Most likely he is looking for a woman at this stage considered only as a lifeline. Of course, a man shouldn’t hide his relationship in secret, but he shouldn’t talk about it regularly either.

A loving man always takes care of his beloved, protects her from all disturbing thoughts. He will strive for life together. But don’t rush, you need to give your loved one time.

How to know that there are no serious intentions

If a man has been dating a woman for a long time, it is not a fact that everything will end in life together. There are no prerequisites for this, it’s time to think about whether this is the right satellite. You need to know when it's time to end a relationship.

When a man refuses to appear with a woman in public, to introduce her to friends and parents, it means that he does not take the woman seriously. If everything happens secretly, it’s time to leave such a groom.

If a man is often rude around strangers, this is another signal to think about stopping meetings. This speaks not only of a person’s bad manners. In the future, such a man can raise his hand against his woman.

Ignoring calls, messages, regularly breaking promises are signs that he lacks serious intentions. It is worth giving up such a man.

If a representative of the stronger sex regularly communicates with other ladies and gives everyone compliments, it means that he is not yet ready for a serious relationship. She doesn’t make any plans for the future with such a man.

When a lover always has reasons not to call, disappears for a long time, constantly voices some excuses, this is a sign of a lack of seriousness. A real man must find ways to meet the woman he loves.

If a woman begins to think about the sincerity of the relationship, this is the first signal that everything is not going so smoothly. It's time to analyze all the dates, his behavior, conversations. This will allow you to find out what the man’s intentions are: to build a future together or just to meet periodically. In addition, suspicious behavior may be a sign that he has another lady. Of course, if the relationship began quite recently, there is no need to rush. You need to let the man think.

When there are a lot of doubts and anxiety in your heart, you can just talk openly. Don’t be afraid to voice your doubts or talk about feelings. This is the only way to build strong relationships. If a man openly enters into a dialogue and does not shy away from answering, it means that he still has serious intentions and you can be calm about the future.

Everyone is looking for the prince and this is understandable! But often we pay attention to the false heirs of the royal family, while the real crowned lady rides past on a white horse. 🙂

I won’t lie and honestly admit that I am incredibly lucky!

But I was an excellent prey for crooks and scoundrels when I first arrived in Milan. Just imagine: lonely, young Russian and, moreover, practically speaking no Italian. Magnet for freaks!

Fortunately, my alertness and innate instinct saved me from troubles and disappointments. Already at the age of 23, I met my betrothed, who is still mine to this day.

Why did I start this topic? Yes, because I am a rather mature mother, to whom young people are already paying full attention!

So, here are some tips from me on how to recognize a man's intentions so as not to end up with a crook and a liar.

By nature he is a hunter and a seducer, therefore, when he has identified a victim, the entrance unleashes all its charm, which is sometimes simply impossible to resist. That's all we're counting on! Therefore, it is better to know in advance about all the beautiful gestures and techniques of ladies' men.


Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Look him straight in the eye and know this:

– if he looks to the side or continuously monitors the time on the clock, it means he is looking for an opportunity to escape

– if he opens his eyes wide and smiles, then he likes you, but if he raises his eyebrows, then watch out... he is about to use all his seduction skills

– if he concentrates mostly on the face, then the man likes to communicate with you and his interest is not only sexual. And, conversely, if a guy’s attention is attracted more to other parts of the body, then, apparently, he is concerned about relationships of a completely different kind. Such a person is only interested in fleeting relationships or one-night stands without commitment, which is why his interest is focused on those parts of a woman’s body that visually seduce him.


If you've recently started dating, pay attention to how he acts around you.

– if he walks next to you, accompanies you, delicately touches your shoulder with his hand when you cross the road or enter a restaurant, this good sign

– the satellite is trying to protect you from possible external dangers

- an attempt to cover you with a blanket, to cover you with an umbrella from the rain: all this is a good sign! And if a guy gives his sweater or jacket to his girlfriend, this says more. The young man makes it clear that this girl belongs to him, that he is ready to share everything he has with her. That's why seeing someone else's jacket on a friend's shoulders causes disappointment or anger in most men.


As a rule, it is human gestures that carry greatest number information about his mood.

If during a conversation a guy’s hand constantly tries to touch the tip of his nose or chin, you shouldn’t trust everything he said or will say.

A person who deliberately tells a lie strives to look away all the time, periodically looking into the eyes of his interlocutor with the intention of finding out whether they believe him to the required degree.

Crossed hands with fingers hidden in the armpits are characteristic only of those who feel their complete superiority over others. This gesture indicates that the subject is closed to communication.

Some men like to sit with their chin resting on their bent fist. This pose indicates the brutality of the male and his dominant role.

The behavior of a man in love, or a guy in the mood for sexual contact, is that he: sits with his legs stretched out in the direction of the object of desire, with his gaze as if “scanning” the woman’s body; straightens clothes; demonstrates thumb, sticking out of a trouser pocket, or tucked into a belt, places his palms on his hips; often touches his throat with his hand, or moves his chin up and down, involuntarily raises one eyebrow, his pupils and nostrils are dilated, and his mouth is slightly open.

The man mirrors you.

If a man repeats your movements: body position, hand gestures, head tilt, then there are two explanations for this, he does it either on purpose or unconsciously, which is wonderful in both situations.

How to determine the seriousness of a man's intentions?

You can, of course, tell fortunes with a daisy the old fashioned way. 🙂 But you can do without grandma's methods and understand a man's intentions in simple but very truthful ways.

The best sign of seriousness is reluctance to break up. He turns off the phone, does not want to let go of his hand for a long time when saying goodbye, meets and sees off, actively accompanies where he does not understand anything, but strives to share the interests of his passion - this is the first and most obvious indicator of interest.

But this is, perhaps, the surest method with which you can easily find out the seriousness of a man’s intentions. If he invited you to meet your mother, then this is really something worthwhile.

Pay attention to how a person looks at other women. A man who is truly in love with you will not look at other women and share his rich past experiences.

Do you need his help and support? Did something irreparable happen? If he cares about you, he will definitely be there at these moments.

A serious man will not put off meeting you for unknown reasons. If he really had to reschedule the meeting, then this would be a really important reason. And without hesitation, he will prefer an evening spent with you to meeting with friends.

I have revealed just a few secrets that will help you recognize a man’s true intentions! But don’t forget about your heart, listen to your inner voice, which sometimes gives much more good advice than friends and specialists.

Finally, on the way I met a man who was ideal in all respects, the one whom you had dreamed of all your life... But now another problem appears: how to understand that your relationship is serious and long-term, and not just another game. Our advice will help you make sure that you are not next on his list of conquered girls and that tomorrow you will not cry for a guy who has gone forever. We have collected the most eloquent signs that a guy is determined at the beginning of a relationship and at the peak of its development.

On first dates, a man, if he is serious, will not pester or hint at intimacy. He should be more interested in you and not talk about himself. Wherein we're talking about not about superficial interest (what is the size of the chest and hips, the shape of the nose, etc.), but about something deeper. If the candidate for the role of boyfriend glances at your figure, perhaps he really wants to be in bed with you. But this is not a reason to immediately stop communicating, because such a desire is quite natural.

It’s great if a young man listens with enthusiasm about your childhood, work, hobbies, family. This means he is trying to get to know and understand you. Pay attention to whether the MC listens to what you say to him or ignores it. If the essence of what was said is not important to him, then this is a hopeless specimen.

If you want to drag a girl into bed, the conversation will come down to the topic of sex and everything connected with it. He can tell how macho he is and how popular he is with girls.

The young man's gaze deserves special attention. If he turns to the eyes of the interlocutor, then everything is in order. If you take him aside and “run” around the room, you can assume that the person is simply bored in your company. When a man's eyes are lowered to the floor, this may indicate his shyness and embarrassment (a good sign).

Meeting family and friends

If, six months later, the chosen one did not consider it necessary to introduce his companion to his family and loved ones, one can worry and feel annoyed. This may indicate that he simply does not plan to stay with you for a long time, but simply decided:

  • take a break from everyday life;
  • relax;
  • forget your ex;
  • make sure that his acquaintances get rid of him with the question: do you have a girlfriend;
  • to assert myself (I was able to interest and pick up such a girl!);
  • gain experience before building serious relationships with other ladies.

There is no need to make hasty conclusions when a young man is in no hurry to introduce you into his social circle. Perhaps he has no friends at all and his relationship with his family is tense. In this case, you can say, for example: “your mother has a wonderful son, when I meet her, I will definitely celebrate this!”

If a man categorically does not want to meet your family and ignores conversations about them, run away from him! He is clearly trying to use you. Serious young man It will be interesting who raised such a beautiful and smart girl with whom he fell in love.

What about gifts

At the beginning of a relationship (this is approximately the first six months), a normal young man who is looking for a life partner, and not a “doll,” will not give expensive gifts: objects household appliances and especially an apartment, a car, tours abroad. All that is allowed during the candy-flower period is the gift of flowers, perfume, sweets, and various inexpensive decorations. More expensive gifts a normal girl should humiliate and alarm.

Particular attention to the girl’s person

A man looking for a serious relationship will not intentionally disappear from sight for a month or more. He will definitely find time to call and wish good morning, invite you on a date. It will be normal for him to give compliments and praise his new passion. In this case, the emphasis should be on internal qualities:

  • kindness;
  • scrupulousness;
  • determination;
  • originality;
  • responsibility;
  • devotion.

Here are some questions a young man might ask:

  • you are not cold (if we are talking about winter);
  • How do you feel;
  • how are you;
  • what grades did you get at the university?
  • very tired at work;
  • everything is fine at home, etc.

All these questions show that the guy cares about you, he cares and worries about his girlfriend. This is the main sign of the seriousness of feelings and intentions.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

What a man shouldn't say

It’s strange if a guy constantly doesn’t know why:

  • remembers his former passion;
  • asks for advice on behavior with other girls;
  • asks what he needs to change in his appearance in order to please the ladies;
  • says that he does not intend to commit himself to a serious relationship in the near future;
  • is interested in how you would react to the fact that you won’t succeed;
  • confesses his love, hardly knowing you.

This behavior is extremely suspicious and requires attention on the part of the woman.

If you are tormented by guesses whether he loves you, here it is. Here we tried to figure out how a lover behaves, what his facial expressions and gestures will be, and how not to make mistakes.

This article will also help. Collected here effective ways check this and one good test which will reveal feelings.

And here read about. We have prepared the main signs, shared how to determine this through correspondence and in real life, by behavior, gestures, and speech.

There is a separate article on the site that will help you figure it out. It is written here about the peculiarities of his behavior, gaze, facial expressions, gestures.

The young man does not talk about his feelings and you are at a loss? Stop tormenting yourself - the main ones are collected here. You can also find tips on how to act in this difficult situation.

How to understand that a guy is ready to propose marriage

A man who plans to get married soon will spend a lot of time with you and much less time with friends. It is very likely that there will be an offer to start living together, then constant conversations about children, and a joint vacation. Then he can talk for a long time about how great it would be to be a family.

It says a lot that a guy trusts his money to a girl. Allows her to dispose of them as she wishes. This means that he is ready for a shared life and responsibilities.

An important sign is that in a couple’s conversations one can increasingly hear “we” instead of “I.” He is making plans for the future: how to develop a business together, for example. At the same time, he respects the opinion of his other half, listens to her, asks her for advice. Intimacy also takes place, but it no longer seems to be paramount; a man wants more family warmth and comfort. Family comes to the fore.

Please pay Special attention, what your chosen one spends money on. If less and less of them are spent on entertainment and relaxation and more and more on investing in your business or improving the family nest, you can prepare for a marriage proposal.

Gifts can also give away MC plans. If during the courtship period he made do with flowers, perfumes and sweets, now he presents various things for the home:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • electric kettle;
  • iron;
  • dishes, etc.

If you do not live together, then in this way he may hint that he will soon move in with you or invite you to his place.

An important aspect is trust. A guy with serious intentions will calmly reveal secrets to his significant other. He can talk about his past (childhood, youth, school and student years). This is very valuable!

And the last point is the absence of other women in his life. If during the period of studying you he could easily flirt with different girls in real life or online, now this seems unacceptable to him. And he expects his companion to treat the relationship with the same respect.

How he introduces a woman to others

A seriously motivated man may say that you are his future wife or bride. When you live together, he imagines his chosen one not as a cohabitant, but as a full-fledged wife. He tells his family that he has made his choice and “settled down” and found the one and only one. As a result, his friends no longer try to introduce him to a pretty girl or invite him to a striptease.

Pay special attention to how his mother calls you in front of others. If she is a daughter-in-law, this is a good sign, it means that she takes her son’s chosen one seriously.

In this video, the emphasis is on listening to how a man calls you and imagines how he behaves in public:

In fact, to figure out a skilled deceiver, all the signs will not be enough! Therefore, we advise, among other things, to rely on your sixth sense and not turn off your brain to the enthusiastic “I love you.”

Every girl's dream is to get married, start a family and be constantly loved. And for all this, the smallest thing is missing - to understand whether the man who is next to her has serious intentions. Everything here is quite simple, our mothers and grandmothers have already identified certain signs of a man’s serious intentions.

10 ways to understand that a man has serious intentions

At all times, men have remained a mystery to women. We always try to understand them, so to speak, to figure them out, to feel what is in their soul and heart.

Natural secrecy makes them withdrawn and incomprehensible to women. When it comes to relationships, especially romantic and love ones, between a man and a woman, more and more incomprehensible moments begin to appear.

A number of questions arise in the minds of beautiful ladies: how can they understand that a man has serious intentions? Close friends and even relatives begin to join the battle; everyone wants to give advice, assuring that they know exactly the answer.

Thus, fear and confusion settle in the lady’s soul, she is no longer sure of the sincerity of her feelings, she does not understand how to continue to live, chaos and mistrust engulf her vulnerable body.

Turn on your mind, not your heart, and look at your man’s attitude towards you from the outside. Don’t try to embellish a man’s behavior or justify it. Do not present what you wish for as the truth of the first instance.

Attention will help you understand that a man has serious intentions. Pay attention to how he communicates with you and his relationship with other women. A man with serious intentions will not be interested in other women.

At least, he won’t try to meet someone and flirt, either in real life or virtually. And if he assures you that you need to build open relationship Rather, we are talking specifically about his freedom. Do not follow the lead of such a man, you will not decide how to understand the serious intentions of a man and how to understand men in general.

If a man pays attention to other women, while telling you what inspires him about her, these are far from serious intentions, and he perceives you more as his girlfriend.

Pay attention to how he behaves when you are together in the presence of strangers, and how he introduces you to acquaintances and friends. If a man has serious plans for you, he will introduce you to his friends and will not delay getting to know both your parents and his own. But don’t be upset if he introduces you as a girlfriend or girlfriend, without saying “fiancée” - perhaps your relationship with him is not yet at that stage.

Confidence. If he initiated you into some personal secrets or told you about his past, it means that he entrusted you with the most secret things. And this is already a sign of seriousness towards you.

If a man talks about a future life together, thinks about the plans and prospects of your relationship, you should know that this makes it clear that the man has serious intentions. And talking about children in general can be regarded as a weighty argument.

A man who values ​​you will want to spend a lot of time with you. He will try to go somewhere with you on the weekend, or spend the evening together. A man in love will want to call you or communicate on the Internet more often. This doesn't mean that you both will spend hours chatting on the phone or chatting online for a day.

A man’s home is a sacred stronghold; if the doors there are opened for you, then you can rest assured of the seriousness of his intentions. He introduced you to the circle of his closest people. A man with serious intentions towards you will introduce you to his parents and friends and will want to get to know your loved ones and relatives.

Not every girl that a guy introduces to his parents will immediately become his wife, but he is unlikely to introduce a passion with whom a man does not value relationships to his family. Of course, things happen differently in life, and often such acquaintance occurs a couple of months before the wedding, and sometimes after.

Meeting friends is still a controversial fact. Firstly, if a man is serious, he usually does not hide it in his surroundings. And, secondly, maybe, until a certain time, he does not want others to interfere in your relationship.

If he takes meeting your parents at ease and takes this event seriously. After all, they need to please and show themselves at their best. the best side. So, it's time to think about the wedding.

If a man is interested in how you feel about children, this can be understood as a sign that the man has serious intentions. It is not necessary that he wants the birth of a child in the near future, but men want children from the women they love. And with random girlfriends there is no point in chatting about such serious things.

A man who is serious will not attract you to bed on the first date, and will probably communicate exclusively platonically for the first few months. If this stage is too long, it’s worth thinking about it.

If a man constantly tells you about his past relationships, how he was abandoned, offended, or how bad his girlfriend was before you, this is also an unpleasant sign that your relationship is not so serious.

Perhaps for now you are just a life raft for him on his way to the ship of his dreams. Nobody says that a man should keep his past secret. No! A man must tell briefly what happened to him in such and such a way. loving person will take care of his soul mate and will not want to disturb the heart and soul of his beloved with what happened, because it is already so far in the past.

You can see even more if you have the opportunity to live together. If a man doesn’t want a serious relationship with you, he’s unlikely to offer to move in together. Otherwise, you will have the opportunity to get to know him better.

Signs that a man has no serious intentions

Even if you have been dating for several years, this does not mean that the man has serious intentions towards you. And if this causes you concern (it’s no coincidence that you found this article?), then there are reasons for doubt.

Read in what situations it is better for you to end a relationship if you want not just to have fun, but to start a family.

If they don’t want to appear with you in public, if your meetings are hidden character, beware, perhaps your man is already taken, or even married.

If a young man is rude to you, especially in the presence of others, this may indicate his bad manners and can also be understood as a sign that the man does not have serious intentions. Moreover, in the future this may even lead to the person raising his hand against you.

A man who often ignores you, does not answer calls and messages, breaks promises, calls only in situations that are convenient for him, is not worth your attention - he has no serious intentions towards you.

If your man gives compliments, jokes and communicates a lot with other representatives of the fair sex, then you are just a friend for him for now, he has no serious intentions.

If a man finds reasons not to call you, disappears for a long time, makes excuses not to meet with you, or postpones meetings, it means that such a man does not have serious intentions towards you. A serious man will look for a meeting with you by all means, and not come up with reasons not to come or not to call.

If something is really bothering you in your relationship with a young man, talk to him openly and your heart will calm down. If a man is fussy and avoids answering, well, you will have to conduct some kind of test, experience his feelings, or watch him - perhaps he has someone else.

What else to read