How to score on everything so as not to be nervous and live in peace. How to score on everything and not be nervous

Of course, it is the hammer that is intended for hammering nails. We have a very strong nail-hammer association, because these are inextricably linked tools. However, we do not exclude that a situation arises when there is a nail, it needs to be hammered in urgently, but for some reason there was no hammer at hand.

Method one. The butt of an axe. To be honest, we doubt that you have an ax in the house, since there was no hammer. But still, this is the most suitable and convenient way, because you are not a martial artist who can drive a nail into a board with his palm.

Method two. A purely feminine approach is to use what is in the kitchen. A hammer is perfect for pounding meat. Only better if it is iron. Or a regular rolling pin for rolling dough. But it is traditionally made of wood, so with a strong blow it can crack. Yes, and traces of the nail on the surface of the rolling pin can remain. Another of the items that are in the kitchen, you can use a pan with a thick bottom, a frying pan (better than a good old cast-iron one, it definitely won’t bend and the non-stick coating cannot be damaged due to its absence), a baking sheet.

Method three. You can call it primitive. Stone. A large enough stone that is comfortable to hold in your hand. This option can be used if the nail needs to be hammered somewhere in nature, maybe on suburban area. Of course, not very convenient, but in extreme cases it will do. Yes, the danger in case of hammering a nail with a stone to get on your fingers increases significantly.

Method four. If the nail needs to be hammered into concrete wall, then you can’t do without a drill or a puncher. A hole is drilled where a wooden cork can be inserted, and already a nail can be hammered into it with improvised objects. A laborious method, we think it is much easier to go to a neighbor for a hammer.

Method five. Wrench. It is also quite tolerably suitable for driving nails, the flat side of the tool is used. Handy if the wrench has enough long handle, then it will turn out to strike with the necessary force, it will be easy to swing. Pliers can be considered as an option, but they are less convenient in this case.

Method six. If we have already considered the female approach to driving a nail without a hammer by looking for suitable items in the kitchen, now we will consider the male version. You can use, for example, a bat or shoes with sufficiently hard soles. Brutal berets or shoes with an iron heel will do. Let's face it, a baseball bat with its round shape will be hard to hit on a nail head. But after all, professional baseball players somehow hit the ball flying at great speed!

Method seven. Microscope. Well, yes, this is not at all the subject that I would like to spoil. But in a hopeless situation, you can consider this option.

Method eight. Massage comb or brush. Of course, it is better if these items are metal or at least wooden, because plastic breaks easily. We think you don't need to be reminded that you should use the back of the brush on the handle or comb.

Method eight. mobile phone. Yes, yes, some manufacturers position their smartphones as shockproof, especially resistant, such that at least hammer in nails. And some users have already tried to hammer nails, for example, the old and reliable Nokia 3310. The advice, of course, is from the category of “humor” and “it’s better not to do it,” but you wanted to know about all the ways to hammer a nail without a hammer!

Are you worried that someone is talking shit about you? Do your friends approve of your actions? Have you started avoiding conflict? Have you become a spineless nonentity? Well, it's time for you to learn how to score on everything.

I have to confess something. I've spent almost my entire life - 31 years - worrying too much about offending anyone, wondering if I'm good enough to connect with other people, and asking myself what those same people think of me.

And you know what? I'm over it. It's stupid and it's clearly not good for me. All this turned me into a punching bag - a twitchy, always worried wreck. Moreover, it turned me into someone who is not ready to have his own convictions. The one who always remains in the middle, not daring to accept any of the opinions, so that, God forbid, not to offend anyone. Well, everything. It won't happen again. Not today.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, things will be very different.

We're talking about medicine. About what we need, like air. Let's talk about truth.

Are you worried that someone is talking shit about you? Do your friends approve of your actions? Have you started avoiding conflict? Have you become a spineless nonentity?

Well, it's time for you to learn how to score on everything.


People are constantly judging you.
Yes, yes, and right now - too. Some people don't like you at all, and you know what? You can't do anything about it. No matter how you convince them, don’t suck up to them and don’t adapt to their interests. In fact, the opposite approach is more likely to work here - the more firmly you stand your ground, the more they will respect you - even if reluctantly.

People really respect those who know how to draw a line and tell everyone around: "Don't cross it, otherwise it will be bad." Some people may not like this, but so what? They probably wouldn't like you anyway, so why try to please people who don't really care about you?

Like this. But apart from ordinary people There are also Internet trolls. And this is a completely different calico.

It's pretty easy to bully ordinary people - even if they say all sorts of nasty things about you behind your back, you still won't hear it, so why bother? But in the world wide web of the Internet, everything is completely different - you see these nasty things. Moreover, they can affect you, because those who tell them know that you have your fads, you can be funny in some things, and so on. But the main problem with Internet Haters Anonymous is that they awaken your inner paranoid, who secretly thinks that everyone hates you.

Fortunately, this is not really the case. The truth is that most people don't even care that you exist. Accept this truth, my friends, for it is liberating. The world is huge, and you are just a grain of sand in it, and therefore you can do whatever you want, and send those who don’t like it to hell.


You don't need everyone to love you.
Yes, I know this idea may seem crazy at first glance, but it's actually really cool and easy to get used to. By the way, here's another one for you: although most of people do not even know about your existence, and some of them pretend to be a judge who evaluates your every action - do you really care?

You may not have realized how liberating this thought is, but you will certainly understand. Well, for example, from this - you know what happens when someone doesn't love you? Absolutely nothing. The world does not end its existence. Your haters don't stand behind you with axes. In general, the more you ignore them and just go about your business, the better for you.

Have you heard the proverb “The best revenge is a happy life”? In general, it is true, but it is only part of the whole. Yes, a happy life is great, but is it possible to live a happy life, constantly thinking about ill-wishers and their black thoughts. Just do what you want and move on with your life.

In general, in order to live happy life, at first you just need to score a lot. Without this, nothing will come of it. That's why you should start doing it right now.


The only people that matter are those who care.
So, we have accepted the fact that most people do not even know about your existence, and your ill-wishers, in fact, are few, and you can just score on them. Super. And now you have to understand that people who care, people for whom you are very important, are the only ones worth paying attention to.

Strange thing - personal relationships. As soon as we have them (be it family, spouse, close friends, and so on), we very quickly begin to take these people for granted, and instead of devoting time to them, we begin to fluff our tail in front of strangers - for example, the boss. And then, when we do succeed in impressing him, we begin to take this relationship for granted, and this cycle continues endlessly - an endless cycle of apathy. It seems that we always prefer to impress and charm something new rather than taking care of what we already have.

But these people are probably the best you have. They understand you, understand your mission and your aspirations. Next to them you feel better than anywhere else, you can grieve with them, laugh, or just be yourself. They help you to relax, to remember that there are still those in the world who care. They are very important to you. So pay attention to them.


Those who know how to score on everything change the world around them. The rest don't.
I'm reading this shitty book by Stephen King called The Long Walk. It's about a competition in which people just go forward without sleep and stop, and if they stop, they just get killed (in fact, this crap happens in every book he has - "It's a clown, but he kills!", "It's a car, but she kills!", and so on)

I think the plot of this book is sort of a metaphor for war, but it also captures the very essence of perseverance very well. To leave something behind and move forward, you just need to understand that the obstacle that has stood in your way is not so terrible, and it is quite possible to overcome it. And this truth never changes - whether you run a marathon or want to fly to Mars.

In this helpful article, you will learn about how to humiliate a person clever words without using fists.
Sin to offend good man, remember this.
For any humiliation of the innocent, you will have to pay the penalty from above.
But there are cases when you are smeared on the wall, uttering phrases of obscene content.
Of course, you can answer the offender in the same way or hit in the teeth with all your might.
But this is not a very delicate method, my friends.

It is much more difficult to humiliate a person without putting him on his shoulder blades, but by choosing such phrases that they destroy him in a moral sense.
That's what we're going to do.

Phrases that humiliate a person for insulting dignity

If your dignity was called into question, no matter who You are a man or a woman, try to answer with these phraseological units:

1). Only a moral impotent or a creature lowered by life can offend a woman.
2). You are now throwing insults because you stubbornly hide your own inadequacy.
3). My dignity is not at its height, but it is not at the bottom either. And you give out in yourself a weak and morally wretched person.
4). Your insults sound like a helpless attempt to prove your superiority.

With these phrases you humiliate a person carefully and delicately. Intelligently lowering it, you yourself do not become like an evil offender.

Phrases that morally kill a person for humiliation

I want to warn you right away that they should be used with great caution. The thing is that you are endowed with the ability to program a person to Negative consequences. His payment for the offense caused to you will be an unfavorable event that will occur in close connection with the verbal “prophecy”.
Not quite clear?
Now you will understand everything.

Examples of phrases that morally kill and fatally program the offender for “eternal memory”:

5). I won't answer you. But then you will understand that you have accumulated all the misfortunes from that day on.
6). The queue to the oncologist is very long, and you will be at the end. (Say these words only in case of severe humiliation.)
7). You have to pay for everything in this life. Do not forget this day, so that later you do not think about what God punished you for.
8). From this moment on, misfortune will begin in your life. I'm not afraid, but I know about it.

With a little fantasizing, you can pretty much supplement the proposed list.
Just do not go too far and do not program a good person for bad fatalism.
It is quite possible that you were humiliated by a rather hypochondriac and weak personality, which will begin to fade away after all that has been said.


Gain strength and determination to change your life and start it again. First, give yourself one day (or even less) to completely cry and feel sorry for yourself. Cry as much as you need. Within an hour, you will probably notice that there are no tears left. Write down all your negative emotions about what happened and, without rereading, burn it.

Use for a successful farewell to the past NLP techniques. From the point of view of this direction, those events that are less emotionally colored are easier to leave the memory. Accordingly, reducing the emotional brightness of events (of a person) is suitable for your purposes. Alexander Lyubimov on his website recommends mentally imagining photographs of a traumatic situation applied to glass and breaking it with a hammer. You can also push away the image of this situation or person as far as possible from yourself, reduce the brightness and reduce the sounds of this situation, making them faded and deaf.

Accept your past. Fighting him and wanting to erase him from memory will not lead to any significant result. The past can be accepted, let go, learned from it, but it is impossible to make it disappear. Accept that this is part of your life, part of you, but already a bygone part. Find in it a positive experience, your unique experience, and mentally put an end to that situation. Also mentally turn your face to the future.

Take responsibility for your destiny and don't let any people or situations control your destiny. A sense of responsibility for yourself will not allow you to become limp and give up. If it doesn’t work out and you still feel sorry for yourself and want someone to fix the situation instead of you, then it’s time to get angry! Get angry at yourself, at the offender - you have a feeling dignity and finally pride. The feeling of anger helps to part with what is no longer relevant - with people, situations and oneself-past, and take a step forward.

Now jump to new level- from suffering and pity to activity. The search for new ideas, goals, hobbies, just interests, impressions should occupy your brain, your strength. Learn to live in the present and not dwell on the past. Look for new joys and opportunities in your current position. Use your time to your advantage, don't waste your life to useless experiences. You probably have needs, hobbies and goals that you have completely forgotten about. It's time to implement them!

Probably the most difficult experience in a person's life is grief associated with loss. Losing someone very close, people feel that the meaning of life is now lost. Joy disappears, an unbearable ringing emptiness is felt inside. But it is possible to cope with loss. You will come back to life, although not immediately.

Stages of experiencing the loss of loss

Of all the creatures inhabiting the planet, only people bury their loved ones. This has a special meaning: all the departed live in the memory of their loved ones. Stages of experience heartache can be characterized like this:

Shock and denial. The person simply cannot believe what has happened. What is happening seems unreal. The brain is protected by shock so that the whole burden of experiences does not fall on a person overnight. Anger may soon appear, which is produced so that negative emotions have an outlet.

Disbelief and search. The person still cannot believe and is looking for a solution to the situation. It seems that it is worth turning the corner, as the one you have lost will meet you as if nothing had happened. Some sense of the unreality of events persists. Usually this stage occurs a few days after the incident.

Acute grief. This is the most difficult stage, during which one often wants to scream: “Help me survive the grief!”, Because the state seems completely hopeless, it is very painful and it is not clear how to cope with it. But the stage of acute grief does not last longer than 2-3 months. After them, emotions begin to subside, the pain of loss gradually decreases. This is a turning point in the experience.

Periodic returns of experiences. At this stage, the person seems to become the same, but from time to time he still experiences acute experiences, they suddenly return, still very intense. Over time, they become less and less.

End of experience. After a while sharp pain leave.

Despite the fact that the pain seems unbearable, you need to go through all the stages of grief. Don't try to suppress your emotions, accept that there is no shortcut on this road.

How to get over grief and learn to live again

It is impossible to skip any steps of experiencing, and no one can answer the question of how to learn not to experience.

Realize reality. Talk about how you feel with loved ones or a psychologist. Keep a diary. You experience deep feelings, this is a great stress for the psyche. You need to learn to let go of everything that happens inside.

No one can share your experiences, but you are not alone. Grief happens to every person on Earth. No matter how strong your emotions are, you can handle it, this is a feasible burden for a person.

Don't sit idle. The person you lost was an important part of your life. There is now a void in its place. Try to fill it with something: your favorite thing, work, hobbies, travel or something else.

Do not withdraw into yourself, communicate with friends and family. Even though sometimes you need to be alone, you can’t completely shut yourself off from communication.

0 Young people know a lot of different jargon and slang expressions. However, in different parts countries the meaning of the words is different from each other. Some young people, upon hearing the word "Forget it" for the first time, begin to wonder what does "kill" mean in one context or another. Many have always believed that you can hammer nails, and do not understand at all what is at stake in a particular case. I recommend reading interesting articles on the topic of fashion slang, for example, who is Anti-Styler, what does Beauty mean, how to understand the word Brutal, what is Sticker Bombing, etc.

Score(to pass) - means to give up something, to skip something. In addition, Zabey, can mean a wish to stop worrying about something (for example, about an exam)

For example, you can score on a lecture, score on homework, beat the lab.

Meaning of jargon "To score"

First value. Not showing up for a meeting, missing a class, skipping a lecture, or dropping out of any other activity.

Why didn't you go on a date yesterday?

Yes, I was just too lazy to trudge through such weather and I scored on this matter.

Let's play on the computer tomorrow and score the first pair?

Second value. In junkie jargon, To score means to fill a joint with weed (plan).

You badly hammered this joint, it does not light up!

Third meaning. In gangster jargon, to score means to make a final decision, to arrange a meeting.

Well, they scored on this (the phrase is an analogue of "it was decided on that").

Fourth meaning. In youth slang, To score means to ignore.

I totally fell for him!

Fifth value. To score means to forget about some person, event, incident, and also to change the topic of conversation.

A couple of you already score on him!

sixth meaning. In youth jargon, To score is to get a tattoo.

She scored her whole shoulder!

Seventh value. In thieves' jargon, To score means to pick up, take a turn, sell.

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