What is the most poisonous snake tell about it. Top most dangerous snakes in the world. Sand efa. Echis carinatus

Of all the known species of snakes on the planet, only 250 are potentially dangerous to humans. Fortunately, a small number of those bitten die, as timely administration of the serum prevents the action of the toxin.

About 5% of the total number of victims remain disabled with varying degrees of severity. The number of deaths can be reduced if you accurately understand the types of snakes, which will allow you to instantly find a cure.

Even with the bite of the most venomous snake, there is a chance of survival if you go to the hospital in time or inject the serum in a short time.

Important! 3 species of the most poisonous snakes on the planet live on the same mainland of Australia. Other species of poisonous creepers are common on almost all continents.

The reptile is peaceful and does not attack people or animals unless necessary. Individuals live exclusively away from people. The snake is very large - the length of an adult can reach 3-3.5 meters.

This is the most poisonous land snake, but the sea snake is called the Belcher snake. According to statistics, a sea monster is almost 100 times more poisonous than its land counterpart.

The most venomous snake in the world has the following characteristics:

Main characteristics Detailed description
taipan bite The snake's teeth are about 1.3 centimeters long. During a bite, the snake does not release all the poison, but only part of it. The entire concentration of poison could kill 100 people.
Poison duration After a bite, an adult dies within half an hour. If a large dose of poison is injected, even serum will not help. To survive, it is worth administering the antidote within the first 5-10 minutes.
Action of the poison The poison is highly toxic. The constituent toxins paralyze the muscles of the respiratory system.

In addition, the blood loses its ability to clot, which means that death can occur not even from the action of the poison, but from blood loss.

Ready to bite Before inflicting a bite, the snake raises its head, bending its body. The whole body begins to vibrate strongly. In a fraction of a second, the snake fully straightens and strikes the victim in a jump.

Top 10 most venomous snakes in the world

Among the 250 species of poisonous snakes, there are especially dangerous ones that pose the top 10 threats to human life. Dangerous creeping reptiles from this rating have menacing characteristics.

It is not worth arranging snakes in a certain sequence according to the toxicity of the poison, since in addition to this characteristic there are other equally dangerous characteristics.

List of the 10 most venomous snakes on the planet:

Important to remember, that the presence of a serum does not guarantee that a life will be saved.

Therefore, it is better to avoid contact with representatives of this list and follow safety rules when traveling through their habitats.

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Have you or anyone you know ever been attacked by a snake? We hope not, because some of the most dangerous bites known to humans come from snakes. And while not all snakes are venomous, some have the potential to kill a human within half an hour. These are the abilities of the most venomous snakes on the planet.

They can be found everywhere - from the arid deserts of Australia to the tropical backyards of Florida mansions. Those unfortunate enough to fall prey to the snake describe excruciating symptoms such as labored breathing, nausea and vomiting, numbness, and organ failure. It's a relatively painful way to die.

And although there is an antidote that has managed to survive many people, if the necessary actions are not taken immediately, the bites of many poisonous snakes can take a life in a very short time.

From the chain viper to the black mamba, here are 25 of the most venomous snakes living on our planet.

And to be clear, most (if not all) venomous snakes are not going to attack humans. Usually they just want to not be disturbed. This must be taken into account by a person who encounters a dangerous reptile. Of course, if he values ​​his life.

25. Common Zhararak

The common jararaca is the most widespread and best known venomous snake in the densely populated areas of southeastern Brazil, where it accounts for 80-90% of snake bites. The lethal outcome is 10-12% without medical assistance.

24. Viper

Vipers are considered one of the most venomous snakes on the planet. They feed on small animals (such as rats) that they hunt by striking hard and injecting a deadly paralyzing poison into their prey.

23. Green mamba, or western mamba

The green mamba is a highly alert, irritable, and extremely fast snake that predominantly lives in the coastal rainforests, thickets, and wooded regions of West Africa.

Like all other mambas, the western mamba is one of the most venomous species in the asp family. Its bite can kill several people at once in a short time if antivenom is not administered immediately.

22. Narrow-headed mamba

Like other representatives of the mamba genus, the narrow-headed mamba is a highly poisonous animal. One bite can contain enough venom to kill several people.

The poison affects the nerves, heart and muscles, being quickly absorbed through the tissues. Once bitten, life-threatening symptoms characteristic of mamba bites quickly appear: swelling of the bite site, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing and swallowing, irregular heartbeat, convulsions and, ultimately, respiratory paralysis.

21. South China multi-band krait

Based on several studies on the LD50 (50% fatal dose), the South Chinese multistriped krait is one of the most venomous land snakes in the world. This species was first described by the English zoologist Edward Blyth in 1861, and has since been recognized as one of the most dangerous snakes for humans.

20. Pit viper

These reptiles are found in the lowlands, often near human dwellings. Their proximity to the human habitat is perhaps the reason why they are considered the most dangerous to him, even though their venom is not as deadly as that of other snakes. Pit vipers are a major cause of snakebite incidents in their habitats.

19. Russell's viper, or chain viper

The Russell's viper is one of the most dangerous snakes in all of Asia, causing thousands of deaths every year. After a bite, a person experiences a wide range of symptoms, including pain, swelling, vomiting, dizziness, and kidney failure.

18. Black and white cobra

Not as infamous as its Indian cousin, this fast and irritable snake is considered very dangerous. Feeling threatened, it assumes a typical cobra warning position, raising the front of its body above the ground, spreading its narrow hood and emitting a loud hiss.

These snakes bite humans less often than other African cobras due to a number of factors, although their bite is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

17. Taipan, or coastal taipan

Coastal is considered the most dangerous snake in Australia. This is an extremely irritable and vigilant snake that reacts with lightning speed to any movement nearby.

Like any snake, the taipan prefers to avoid conflict and will quietly slip away if given the chance. However, if it is caught off guard or cornered, it will defend itself fiercely, and its venom will most likely lead to death in just a few hours.

16. Dubois' sea serpent

This swimming snake is found from the northwest coast of Australia to the islands of New Guinea and New Caledonia. And while the Dubois sea snake's venom is one of the deadliest known, less than 1/10 of a milligram is injected during the bite, which is usually not enough to kill a human.

15. Schlegel's chain-tailed botrops

A typical ambush predator, Schlegel's prehensile-tailed botrops patiently waits for its unsuspecting prey to pass by. Sometimes he chooses a specific place for an ambush, and every year he returns there during the spring migration of birds.

14. Boomslang

Many venomous members of the algae family, such as the boomslang, are harmless to humans due to small venom glands and ineffective venomous teeth. However, the boomslang is a notable exception in terms of the toxicity of the venom, which is found in the venomous teeth located in the middle of the upper jaw.

When bitten, boomslangs can open their jaws 170°, releasing a large amount of venom, which usually results in death of the victim due to internal and even external bleeding.

13. Coral snake

The bite of this poisonous eastern snake at first glance seems weak: there is almost no pain or swelling, and other symptoms may occur only after 12 hours. However, if the antidote is not administered, the neurotoxin begins to destroy the connection between the brain and muscles, causing impaired speech, double vision, muscle paralysis and, ultimately, ending in lung or heart failure.

12. Western brown snake, or guardar

The western brown snake is a very fast and highly venomous species of the snake family native to Australia. Its coloring and pattern vary greatly depending on the location, but the poison and mortal danger that poses a threat to the life of the victim (including humans) is standard.

11. Efa, or sandy efa

Efs are small but very irritable and aggressive snakes, and their deadly venom makes them very dangerous. They usually strike very quickly, and the fatality rate from their bites is very high.

In their regions (Africa, Arabia, Southwest Asia), ephs are responsible for more human deaths than all other snake species combined.

10 Rattlesnake

Although rattlesnake bites are rarely fatal to humans with prompt medical attention (including antivenom), they are nonetheless the most common of all snake bites.

The largest concentration of rattlesnakes is found in the southwest and north of Mexico, while the state of Arizona is home to as many as 13 species of rattlesnakes.

9. Spectacled snake, or Indian cobra

This snake is perhaps the most popular in the world. Possessing highly toxic poison, it feeds on rodents, lizards and frogs.

The Indian cobra, in addition to biting, can also attack or defend at a distance of "spitting" its poison, which, if it enters the enemy's eye, causes sharp and severe pain, causing heavy damage.

8. Black mamba

Black mambas are very fast, irritable, deadly poisonous and, when threatened, very aggressive. They are considered the culprits of numerous human deaths, and African myths exaggerate their capabilities to legendary proportions. Therefore, it is widely accepted that they are the deadliest snakes on the planet.

7. Tiger snake

Living in Australia, tiger snakes have a truly fearsome reputation throughout the country, where they are considered one of the most dangerous predators for humans.

These reptiles are very dangerous due to their aggressiveness and the toxicity of their venom. However, tiger snakes are highly survivable, adapting superbly to some of the harshest living conditions in Australia.

6. Indian krait, or blue bungarus

The blue bungarus, which is often found in Thailand, is considered one of the most dangerous snakes in the world, as more than 50% of all its bites are fatal, even taking into account the introduction of antibodies against snake venom antigens (antidote).

5. Eastern brown snake, or reticulated brown snake

This snake is considered the second most venomous land snake on the planet, according to the LD50 (a measure of a lethal dose of a toxin) in mice. It lives in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, where it inspires mortal horror in people.

4. Deadly snake

The deadly snake is a genus of venomous snakes from the aspidae family found naturally in Australia. This is one of the most poisonous land animals in Australia and throughout the world.

Unlike other snakes, a deadly snake can spend many days waiting for its prey until the victim appears. She hides in the foliage, and when the victim approaches, she quickly attacks, injecting her poison, after which she waits for the prey to die to start eating.

3. Philippine cobra

Of all the cobra species, according to toxicology experts, Philippine cobras may have the most toxic venom. As a result of the bite of this snake, the death of a person can occur in half an hour.

Its venom has the deadly ability to interrupt the transmission of nerve signals and damage the respiratory system, making it one of the deadliest and most venomous snakes in the world.

2. Violent snake

This snake from the genus Taipan is also known as the inland or desert taipan. The impressive feature of this snake is not even the high toxicity of the poison, but the speed with which it bites its prey.

It usually kills its prey with a series of quick and precise strikes, during which it injects its extremely toxic venom deep into the rodent. Its venom is unparalleled in toxicity among all snakes living on our planet.

1 Belcher's Sea Snake

According to many experts, the venom of the Belcher sea snake is almost 100 times more toxic than the venom of any other snake on the planet.

To give you an idea of ​​the toxicity of its venom, let's say that one drop of king cobra venom can kill over 150 people, while just a few milligrams of Belcher's sea snake venom can kill over 1,000 people.

The good news is that this snake is considered to be very timid, not aggressive - it takes a lot of effort to provoke it to bite.

Have you ever wondered what is the most venomous snake in the world? Technically, snakes are not venomous, their venom kills them. In this article, we have compiled a list of the most venomous snakes in the world.

The most dangerous bites are known to come from snakes. While not all snakes are venomous, some have the ability to bring you a death sentence in 30 minutes. This is the power of the most poisonous animals in the world.

They live everywhere from the arid deserts of Australia to the tropical backyards of Florida. Those who have been attacked and survived have described agonizing symptoms such as labored breathing, vomiting, nausea, numbness, and organ failure. It's a relatively painful way to die.

Although, there are antidotes that ensure survival, but if the bite of a poisonous snake is not treated, it will take life. Introducing the 25 most vicious snakes in the world from Russell's Viper to the Black Mamba.

Not all venomous snakes are aggressive and will chase you. Most of the time, they just want to be alone. It's a desire to heed if you ever meet them. If you value your life.

Belcher's sea serpent

According to many experts, the Belcher is about a hundred times more toxic than any other snake in the world. To give an idea of ​​how venomous it is, let's take an example: one drop of king cobra venom can kill more than 150 people, and a few milligrams of Belcher's sea snake venom can kill more than a thousand people. Well, that is considered very timid and will require a lot of provocation to get her to bite you.

Did you know? Most of Belcher's sea snakes are completely harmless due to their calm disposition and lack of venom.


When most people think of venomous snakes, the rattlesnake comes to mind pretty quickly. Found throughout the Americas, Arizona is home to thirteen species of rattlesnakes, more than any other state. They are a type of viper. The name comes from the rattle that is at the end of the tail and creates a special noise.

Eastern - the most poisonous of all rattlesnakes. Fortunately, only about 4% of bites result in death due to rapid treatment. Anyone without it. The venom can cause permanent damage to organs and even lead to the loss of a limb.

The largest species of rattlesnake is the eastern crested comb (Crotalus adamanteus), reaching 2.4 meters (8 feet) in length, weighing 1.8 - 4.5 kilograms (4 - 10 pounds).

suicide bomber

Do you know the famous legend of Cleopatra who used a snake to kill herself? The type of snake she allegedly used was a viper. They are found throughout Australia, New Guinea and other regions. The bite causes paralysis, respiratory arrest and death in as little as six hours. With prompt treatment, the patient is unlikely to die, but without treatment, about 50% of bites are fatal. These vipers prey on other snakes.

inland taipan

It is difficult to understand how Inlan Taipan learned about the concentration of poison from a snakebite in the "Belcher Sea". The venom of one Taipan bite can only kill 100 people! However, they usually avoid human contact, you are unlikely to ever come across one. The impressive fact about this snake is not only how venomous it is, but also how fast it bites. The taipan kills its prey with a series of quick, precise strikes, with which it manages to inject its extremely toxic venom deep into the rodent.

The inland taipan has excellent eyesight and sense of smell, which are used to detect prey. Its diet consists of rodents, small mammals and birds.

Eastern brown snake

This type of reptile is one of the few that are actually aggressive. It is commonly found in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Inhabits populated areas such as cities, not just remote areas. If a brown snake perceives someone as a threat, it pursues that person in its territory.

The top 15 most venomous snakes in the world is a list of poisonous reptiles, the meeting with which ends for a person most often with a fatal outcome. Our ancestors worshiped snakes as powerful deities and were horrified by their sight as a deadly weapon that could both heal and kill. They became a symbol of wisdom and deceit. There are more than 2,500 species of snakes on our planet, most of which produce poison.

Poisonous properties are possessed not only by reptiles, but also by some plants and insects. There are especially many of them in those climatic zones in which nature is still violent and unexplored. These are the so-called exotic countries, where danger lies in wait for tourists at every step. Therefore, it is important for the traveler to know what deadly creatures live there in order to exercise maximum caution when meeting with them. This article will help the reader figure out which snakes are best to bypass on a long journey.

15th place - Sandy efa

Vipers are one of the most common families among reptiles, and the sand efa also belongs to them. This is a rather small snake, barely exceeding 60 cm in size. It is easily recognizable by the side stripe in the form of a light zigzag, as well as white spots that are found on the head and back. The sand efa is covered with small, somewhat ribbed scales. On the surface of the earth, it moves as if sideways, that is, initially the snake throws its head sideways, after which the rear torso is transferred to the side, and only after that - the front. From this, the sand efu is quite easy to recognize by the traces left - oblique strips with hooks at the ends. The habitat includes most of North America, Turkmenistan, India, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

The behavior of the sand efa is not aggressive, she avoids meeting with a person, and prefers to quietly crawl away to her shelter. It is easy to notice on the soil or in dry grass by whitish spots on the back. Most often, the snake warns the gaping traveler with a slight rustling that it is somewhere nearby. Fatal bites most often occurred due to the negligence of the person himself, who wanted to pick her up or accidentally stepped on. The venom is toxic, and causes profuse bleeding, both at the site of the bite and in weak areas such as the nose or mouth. Every fourth person bitten by an efa dies. If an antidote is at hand, then the toxin can be sucked out by mouth, it will be absolutely safe for the rescuer.

14th place - Ruzel's Viper

This snake lives in Sri Lanka. Its poison does not belong to the potent toxins of animal origin. However, the danger for the tourist is that there is simply no antidote for the poison secreted by the Ruzel viper in Sri Lanka, which leads to a large number of deaths. You can recognize it by its dilated nostrils, which makes the hissing of the snake even louder and more menacing. The color of this representative of reptiles is unusually beautiful: the entire back is covered with red spots in three rows, which are trimmed with narrow stripes. Most often, the spots are merged together, from which the original type of chain is obtained.

13th place - Black echidna

Locals call this snake simply - "black death". Her coloration is really extremely shocking: absolutely black scales and a bright red belly. It is one of the largest, about 2.5 meters, and at the same time poisonous snakes. Its daily diet includes rodents and various amphibians. The bite of a black echidna is fatal if the person is not given an antidote in time. The Black Death is widespread throughout Australia, with the exception of Tasmania. Every year, a large number of sheep and cattle die from its poison, but recently, as a result of the destruction and development of industry, the number of these snakes has significantly decreased.

However, if a person is still bitten by a black echidna, then a slight pain will be felt at the bite site, and later swelling will appear in the affected area. If the antidote is not administered in time, then the following symptoms will be: severe vomiting, possibly with blood, difficulty breathing, drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea. However, without catatonia and convulsions.

12th place - Bushmaster

The habitat of the bushmaster includes some countries of South America: Brazil, the Panama Islands, Trinidad and Guyana. Individuals of this species are distinguished by large sizes (more than 3 m) and body width, but the most important feature is the head in the form of a triangle. Locals claim that this snake is extremely aggressive, and always attacks to the last, trying to bite a person as many times as possible. The toxins that the bushmaster secretes are very poisonous, even the bite of a young snake is enough to kill.

Local residents have bloodthirsty legends in which the bushmaster also appears, he can crawl to women under cover of night and suck milk and blood from them. Travelers are also in danger from this snake, since in the legends of the tribes of those places where this reptile lives, it is said that the bushmaster first hypnotizes, and then lures a person into his lair, where he devours. However, no legends prevent the same Indians from safely using the poison of this land reptile for medicinal purposes. Here is such a paradox.

11th place - Tiger snake

Prefers to settle in meadows and the steppe zone, less often in forests. The habitat is not very wide, it includes only the southern and eastern part of Australia. The maximum body length of a tiger snake is 2 m. It is of particular interest to naturalists, since it does not lay eggs, but immediately gives birth to small kites (more than 25 individuals). The coloring resembles a tiger skin, from which the name is a tiger snake. Its diet consists of amphibians and small rodents. If a tiger snake bites a small animal, then it dies on the spot, its poison is so strong. For a person, the danger is no less, if you do not take an antidote within 24 hours, then the probability of death is more than 96%.

Naturalists share their observations that this type of reptile is equipped with a pair of poisonous fangs with special grooves. In other snakes, the teeth are closed in the form of hollow tubes, and in the tiger snake everything is completely different - around the gland that produces poison, there is a muscle that, when contracted, squeezes the poison out like a spring, straight into the body of the victim. Having reached the center of innervation, the toxin actively affects the heart and lungs, which are turned off without an antidote, which leads to death.

Local residents claim that this snake, although dangerous, is also quite cowardly. She is not attracted to crowded places, and she prefers to settle away from highways and big cities. However, tourists should stay as far away from her as possible, as one portion of her poison can kill about 200 people.

10th place - Viper

The family of vipers is one of the most extensive among snakes, for this reason they should be described separately, moreover, they are most often found on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. These include: common viper, steppe viper and Nikolsky's viper. Their favorite places traditionally include wetlands, shores of ponds and lakes, mixed forests and mountainous areas with high air humidity. The viper prefers to go hunting at night, which significantly reduces the meeting with her in the daytime. However, it is not uncommon for a snake to crawl out onto a stump or a mossy stone to bask in the sun, and tourists meet it there. Vipers do not differ in aggressive behavior, therefore, when they see a person, they try to hide.

The symptoms of a viper bite are the following signs: a sharp pain at the site of the direct bite, after a while blood pressure decreases, and then the heart rate. In parallel with internal processes, the external bite is accompanied by: nausea, aching bones and joints, gag reflexes and blood from the nose. If the victim is not given an antidote within 14 days, death occurs, mostly due to heart or respiratory failure, or due to infection of the circulatory system. However, there is a great chance to survive without taking the medicine, but it is better to play it safe.

9th place - Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake's habitat is limited to North America. Her favorite places to choose a dwelling should be dry, most often she settles in the holes of small rodents and birds. A distinctive feature of this representative of reptiles is a rattle at the end of the tail, which crackles during the movement of the snake. Thus, she warns of her appearance. A tourist who has heard the characteristic crackle emitted by a rattlesnake needs to get away, although this individual tries to avoid a person as much as possible, biting only at the most extreme danger.

Adult snakes are characterized by the ability to hide and disguise themselves perfectly, which cannot be said about their young offspring, which are of particular danger. Firstly, they have not yet learned to avoid people, and secondly, they absolutely do not control the amount of poison released during an attack. The strong coagulant contained in the toxin leads, in most cases, to complete or partial paralysis of the body, which occurs simultaneously with interruptions in blood circulation. The antidote does not give a full guarantee of healing, but increases the chance of survival.

8th place - Philippine cobra

The name of this snake is strongly associated with its habitat - the Philippine Islands. This cobra is the most poisonous in its family. One good thing is that you can meet her only in remote, abandoned places or impenetrable jungles. It is distinguished by aggressive behavior, and attacks the disturber of its peace without delay, while spitting poison, no less than 2.5 m. , need as far as possible.

Snake venom is highly neurotoxic, and begins to act as soon as even one drop hits the exposed skin. Instantly, the victim begins to feel dizzy, the heart rhythm and lung function become difficult, later severe headache, diarrhea and convulsions begin. A fatal outcome, if not provided with urgent medical care, occurs within 15-20 minutes. 0.15 mg of this cobra's venom is capable of killing an adult.

7th place - Malay Krait

Another name for this snake is the blue krait. It was first discovered in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The snake is quite small, does not reach a length of 1 m. It has a beautiful appearance - blue scales with evenly distributed black stripes in the form of zigzags. It prefers to hunt at night, it does not differ in particular temper and avoids a person, but there are cases with a bite and a fatal outcome.

The poison of the krait is very dangerous, it causes uncontrolled cramps of the limbs, which eventually turn into complete paralysis of the entire body. Scientists have calculated that the neurotoxin in the cobra venom is 15 times weaker than that of the Malay krait. At the same time, the situation is aggravated by the fact that in 45% of cases the antidote is absolutely useless when bitten by this snake. Death occurs within 5-10 hours.

6th place - Australian Thorntail

Based on the name of this snake, you can understand exactly where it lives. But its range is not limited only to the mainland, but also includes New Guinea. The length of the snake reaches about 60-70 cm. The coloring is somewhat reminiscent of the belly of a wasp - yellow lines are interspersed with black ones. The spiketail is bloodthirsty, as it is not averse to feasting on other snakes, while not giving up on mice or small amphibians. It rarely attacks people, but if you wander into its territory, it becomes quite aggressive.

The name reptiles received as a result of the fact that it has a horn spike in the tail. If you do not enter the antidote within 5 hours, then the bite can be fatal.

5th place - Blue coral snake

This snake demonstrates with its whole appearance - "do not touch me." The blue snake is easily identified by the crimson coloring of the head and bluish zigzags all over the body. Habitat - Southeast Asia. Scientists note that the snake does not have aggressiveness, and at the sight of a person it prefers to hide rather than attack, but there have been accidents when a tourist stepped on a coral snake, and he, in order to protect himself, bit him.

The poison of this representative of snakes has unique properties, and when it enters the circulatory system, it can cause complete and partial dysfunction of all physiological systems of the body. Most often, the bitten immediately falls into catatonia, that is, it is actually immobilized. After that, uncontrollable convulsions begin. In many ways, naturalists explain this effect of the poison by the fact that the blue snake often preys on other poisonous snakes, and for this it is necessary to have the impressive qualities of your own poison. The gland that secretes the neurotoxin occupies about a quarter of its total body in the body of the snake.

Only deadly spiders and scorpions, as well as some deep-sea gastropods, can boast of poisons of such toxicity. No matter how strange it may sound, the toxins secreted by the blue snake are actively used in pharmaceuticals, and effective painkillers are being developed on their basis.

4th place - Indian cobra

This snake is known to many from the cartoon "Riki-tiki-tavi", where a brave mongoose fights with it, protecting its owners. Sometimes this cobra is also called a spectacled snake, due to the fact that at the moment of danger it inflates a menacing hood, on which two eyes flaunt like. The habitat includes India, the Philippine Islands, the southern part of China and Central Asia. The Indian cobra is dangerous to humans because it is not particularly demanding on its own place of residence, so it can be found both in gardens and vegetable gardens, and in ordinary parks or gardens.

Many deaths from the poison of this cobra are due to the fact that it is not averse to settling in close proximity to a person. So in Indian villages, there are frequent cases of bites right in the chicken coops, where the snake crawls to feast on fresh eggs. Its poison is extremely toxic, and begins to act immediately after it enters the body. The bitten place swells, and after a while it becomes paralyzed. The next stage is complete paralysis, frequent heartbeats, breathing problems. The victim is not able to sit or stand without assistance, sometimes uncontrolled salivation begins, the body temperature rises significantly. The onset of death largely depends on the timeliness of medical care, as well as the physique of the person and the amount of poison that got inside. On average, death occurs within 5-10 hours, less often - within a day.

3rd place - Black mamba

One of the most venomous and deadly snakes on the planet is the black mamba, which is found exclusively in Africa. Black adjacent scales completely cover the body of this reptile, so it is easy enough for it to lurk in the shadows of the jungle to wait for its prey. The nature of this snake is warlike and aggressive, it attacks the disturber of its peace without delay, trying to bite him as many times as possible (10 consecutive bites are possible), and one dose of poison is enough to kill about 20 people at a time. It is difficult to run away from her, as she crawls at a speed of 18 km per hour. Seeing his prey, the mamba starts chasing it with all his might. The main goal is to destroy or eat. Few people can boast of meeting this snake, because few people left alive after such an encounter. The aggressiveness of the snake is played up in cinema and literature, where it has become a symbol of senseless and unreasonable aggression, combined with absolute ruthlessness and lethality.

The poison of the black mamba deserves special mention, which is the strongest in the world, and causes irreversible damage only when it gets on the skin of the victim. Further, the victim becomes even worse: aching bones and joints, foam from the mouth, perspiration, dizziness. After a short period of time, this is complemented by vomiting, breathing problems and convulsions. At the last stage - interruptions in the work of the heart and lungs, catatonia and the end. If an antidote is not immediately introduced to the victim of a bite, then death occurs in 20-30 minutes.

2nd place - Australian taipan

Among the local population, the taipan received the “talking” name of the “cruel snake”. It lives mainly in the central part of Australia. The Australian taipan looks majestic, its scales are light brown, so it is easy to miss it in the conditions of the Australian prairies. Scientists have recognized the toxin it produces as one of the most poisonous in the world. However, there is good news, firstly, the “cruel snake” avoids the company of people, and secondly, it is extremely difficult to meet him, since he prefers to settle in places where no human has yet set foot. In such quiet and secluded parts of Australia, he calmly breeds his offspring and hunts for small rodents and birds.

An interesting fact is that, according to official figures, not a single person has died from the poison of this land reptile. However, the neurotoxin in the deadly substance released by the taipan is enough to kill about 90 people. Its poison is 45 times stronger than that of a cobra, and 8 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake. If tourists are “lucky enough” to meet this reptile, then it is better to tactfully leave so as not to play with their own death.

1st place - Belcher's Sea Serpent

The first place among the most dangerous and poisonous snakes of our planet is deservedly occupied by the Belcher sea serpent, which is named after its discoverer E. Belcher. The reptile lives exclusively at great depths in the Indian Ocean. The sea serpent is very handsome, its scales are formed by alternating black and pale blue stripes. However, one should not be deceived by its attractive appearance, since the toxicity of its poison is so great that one serving can kill about 900 people. Oddly enough, but his behavior is quite good-natured, and he never attacks people. Recorded deaths are due to the fact that some tourists, out of their stupidity, decided to hold him in their arms, as well as in cases with fishermen who, while catching fish with nets, simply did not notice that a deadly snake got there with it. But even in these cases, Belcher's sea serpent performs the so-called "dry bite", without releasing venom. Such an attack is designed to scare away, but does not kill.


Snakes leave no one indifferent, causing either delight or panic fear. They inhabit the entire Earth, excluding only Antarctica, Ireland, New Zealand. These are one of the most dangerous creatures, and we must not forget that only about 8 percent of all snakes in the world are poisonous. They attack infrequently, because a person is too large a prey for them.

If you want to know which snake is the most poisonous in the world, and this question is relevant and arouses undoubted curiosity, then we will try to answer it. But scientists do not have a consensus on how to place these deadly beauties in the ranking. Introducing the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world.

10 Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is most often listed last on this list. The animal lives in North America. For a long time, the death rate from the bite of this snake was very high, but since then much has changed, as a result of timely assistance, the victim will almost certainly survive.

The poison contributes to a change in the blood formula, preventing its coagulation, which causes extensive bleeding. The bitten person experiences severe malaise, nausea, salivation, suffocation. After some time, paralysis sets in.

This snake is called a rattlesnake because of the thickening on the tail, resembling a rattle (it can be clearly seen in the photo), and the strange sounds that the scales make.

Some researchers believe that the tenth place should be given to the spiketail - not the most dangerous Australian snake with poison that depresses the activity of the lungs. Now an antidote has been developed, so that people die from bites quite rarely, before every second died.

9 Hook-nosed sea snake enhydrina

One of the most poisonous snakes living in water, enhydrina, can be found near Madagascar, the Seychelles, and also in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of India. She is an excellent swimmer, moves very quickly, dives to a considerable depth, may not surface for five hours.

At the sight of a person, enhydrina usually rushes into the water and seeks to hide. Its poison is eight times stronger than that of a cobra, but it is never placed higher in the rating, because this creature is completely non-aggressive, on the contrary, the hook-nosed snake itself suffers from the aggression of fishermen who cook their own food from the meat of this snake.

Some scientists completely exclude enhydrin from the rating, giving ninth place to the boomslang - an African snake with a beautiful emerald color and the most dangerous poison (paralysis after its bite in a bird occurs in minutes); there are boomslangs of olive, brown, black.

This reptile is a terrific conspirator: it has an excellent ability to mimic tree branches. And since boomslangs prefer birds out of all game, their hunting is always successful. Another bird, gaping, can even sit on a snake, mistaking it for a branch.

But even if you are not lucky to such an extent, the boomslang has a lightning-fast throw: it can grab prey right on the fly.

8th place in the list of the most poisonous snakes - Harlequin snake

Most researchers give the eighth place in the ranking of the most poisonous snakes in the world to the harlequin asp. It got its name for its unusually bright and spectacular color, consisting of stripes of red, black, yellow or orange.

This creature lives in Mexico and some parts of the USA, feeds on frogs, lizards, insects. The reptile is quite small (up to a meter long), does not show much aggressiveness, prefers to flee.

If a snake has already bitten, it can be very dangerous: despite the short teeth, the asp is able to inject poison deeply, as it clenches its jaws strongly.

So, the efa crawls strangely, somehow sideways, leaving traces suggestive of cuneiform writing. At the sight of a person or a large animal, the efa tries to scare, making a strange crackling sound that occurs when special rings hit each other.

Efa's pupil is elongated, like a cat's. In addition, the efa is a viviparous snake: it brings from 10 to 15 small eph at a time. They live in desert places and, although very poisonous, they never attack people without aggression from the latter.

7 Philippine cobra

A snake fanning its collar is truly amazing to anyone who sees it, and the venom is nerve-paralytic, so it is extremely dangerous. There is nothing special about the cobra collar: the animal is trying to scare off the enemy in this way, solving the matter peacefully.

The marks on the nape of a spectacled snake are believed to perform the same function. Cobra venom is very strong, and such a solid dose is injected that it is even a waste: 250 mg! It is enough to kill several people of average weight.

Death can occur as early as half an hour after the misfortune, although effective antidotes have been around for quite some time. The paralysis of the respiratory system that has begun is sometimes impossible to stop.

Surprisingly, the Philippine cobra not only bites, but also accurately spits poison, hitting the enemy at a distance of up to three meters.

6 Tiger snake

The sixth position is occupied by a tiger snake. The beauty lives in Australia and tries not to catch the eye of people. If it really happened, the tiger snake can behave extremely aggressively, possessing a lightning-fast throw and a very strong poison that paralyzes the heart.

A two-meter creature of gray or reddish color has soft stripes all over its body, it preys on insects, rodents, and small reptiles. This reptile is also viviparous, one litter can be up to 30 snakes.

The poison of a tiger snake is so strong that it kills a small animal in a few seconds, and an adult man is released for about an hour, up to a maximum of a day. Even the antidote does not always work, so the mortality rate is very high.

5 Black mamba

The most dangerous snakes in the world rightfully include the black mamba, which, in addition, is one of the largest and largest of them, reaching a length of 5 meters. The giant lives in the expanses of South Africa.

Surprisingly, he got his name not at all for the color of the body, which is actually gray or olive, but for the color of the oral cavity. It looks really scary, and it is used by mamba just for these purposes: to scare away large enemies.

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