What living creatures have 3 hearts. How many hearts does an octopus have? The structure of an octopus. Photo. Pisces and their neighbors

That's right, real blue blood. And he also has three hearts! One is for love, the second is for hunting, the third is for yourself, your beloved: to sleep, to lie down. Jokes aside, but there are still three hearts. It can also take any shape and change color in a second. And his arms and legs are growing back. And also.....

Stop, it's time to meet. Let me introduce you to an unsurpassed miracle of nature - Mr. Octopus, or rather Big Octopus. Blue Octopus, please love and respect.

And it’s simply impossible not to love such a creature. I met this handsome guy in broad daylight at a depth of 8 m in the Red Sea, in Eilat (I’m also a diver, if you remember). Well, we met: he, as expected, slipped under the coral, I took a photo and continued swimming. But it was not there. Apparently the guy got bored and decided to show me all the tricks he was capable of. Without any fear or embarrassment, he spun around me, turning first into coral, then into starfish, then into the stone. He changed colors, and took poses, and danced, and spread out. As soon as I turned off the camera to swim further, he threw out a new cape... I couldn’t pass by such grace and beauty. I shot a video, a photo, I will now produce the “artist” and show it to everyone...

I came home and went straight to the computer to read what kind of species it was. It turned out that this was the Great Blue Octopus, a common inhabitant of the Red Sea, a daytime hunter blue bloods. And just perfection... Yes, yes, not a single creature on Earth has such adaptability to environment. He has vision like an eagle, a jet engine (due to the force of water being pushed out), thanks to which he moves at a very decent speed. His tentacles grow new ones to replace those lost due to carelessness and in battles, he has three hearts (well, I can’t help but repeat this!). He also has a fairly developed brain (with convolutions) and his eyes are so perfectly designed that scientists are still studying them and, based on this knowledge, improving lenses in modern cameras. He can also swim on the surface of the water and crawl on land without much harm to his health for hours, although he breathes through gills, and release an ink stream to hide from pursuit. And also big octopus can fit, if not into the eye of a needle, then into a very small hole. This is how fishermen catch them, poor creatures, by throwing bait into vessels with a narrow neck. They love to climb into narrow places, and pay with their lives for their curiosity.

But octopuses are not “bad” either - their comrades are quite poisonous! Their mouth is equipped with a beak, like a parrot's. It is with this beak that they bite their prey, holding it tightly with tentacles with suction cups. And the person may not be well - the site of the octopus bite becomes inflamed and swells. A person suffers from headaches, dizziness, fever from a week to a month, cases are known fatal outcome. So this is the miracle judo-mollusk. I was jealous, why am I not an octopus, and then I remembered how they are caught and then served on a plate, and I changed my mind. I’ve never really tried it, but now I won’t in the future. Out of sincere admiration and respect for such wonderful creatures. And you, friends, pay attention to our smaller brothers. Especially for such handsome guys. Tell about them to those who still think that he is the crown of nature, press on.

The human body never ceases to amaze doctors and scientists with its peculiarities. One such phenomenon is people with two hearts. Moreover, some of them lived long years and had no idea about their uniqueness.

They had excellent health, which allowed them not to see doctors. And the presence of a second heart made the body more resilient and made it easier to cope with physical activity.

From the history

In 1844, Dorge Lippert was born in Germany, who had three legs. He earned his living in the circus of the largest American hoaxer, Phineas Taylor Barnum, in which unusual people were shown.

Fact: “The Russian boy Fyodor Evtikhiev, who was born with a hairy face, also performed in this circus.”

After Lippert's death in 1906, an autopsy revealed that there were two hearts in his chest. At the same time, during his lifetime, neither he nor those around him had any idea about this.

In 1905 in American newspapers an advertisement appeared for a 35-year-old carpenter named Durr, in which he is ready to hang his body with two hearts to anyone who pays a large amount money. Several experts examined the carpenter and came to a unanimous conclusion: the carpenter really has two hearts, and he is completely healthy. A group of doctors offered him $10,000 for an operation to remove one of the hearts while he was alive, but Durr refused due to fears of complications after the operation.

In 1911, a reference book on surgery was published in Yekaterinburg, which contained information about the rural paramedic Vladimir Ognivtsev, who also had two hearts. At the same time, the reference book even showed a diagram of the movement of blood in his body.

As medical technology develops

As the medical equipment evidence of people with two hearts began to be supported by authoritative examinations using the most precise instruments.

In 1967, in the city of Žarov, which is located near Belgrade in Yugoslavia, during a medical examination at school, a second heart was discovered in the boy Ramo Osmani, which was located on the right and had the shape of a mirror image of the main organ. During an X-ray examination, it was revealed that both hearts were smaller than normal for their age, but their collaboration ensures stable good blood circulation. At the same time, the student looked healthier and stronger than his peers.

Ramo Osmani constantly undergoes medical examinations throughout his life. However, with the exception of this phenomenon, his body is not very significantly different from others. He is more resilient than other people, but with the onset of fatigue he needs longer rest.

In 2004, a second heart was discovered in a one-year-old boy from Georgia, with one circulatory organ located in the chest and the other in abdominal cavity. A few years later, a second heart was discovered in a 50-year-old man from Ukraine.

In 2004, in a number of Russian media a note was published about Zyaudin Yandiev from the village of Inarki, Malgobek region of Ingushetia, who at the age of 47 was discovered to have two hearts. The man rarely went to doctors, although he underwent a medical examination in the army. During examinations, doctors routinely applied a stethoscope to the left side of the chest and determined the parameters of the circulatory organ, without suspecting that it was not the only one. At the end of 1999, Zyaudin, due to blood poisoning, was admitted to a hospital in the city of Nalchik, where, while taking a cardiogram, the doctor noticed that one of the electrodes had sharply moved to the right, and discovered that the patient had two hearts.

After recovery, Zyaudin underwent a full examination, as a result of which no other pathologies were identified. An entry was made in his medical record: “The patient Yandiev, born in 1956, was found to have two hearts – on the right and on the left.”

In 2004, Zyaudin was taken to the hospital with a heart attack of two hearts. The man recovered quite quickly, but doctors noted: a simultaneous heart attack confirms that two hearts in the body behave like one and form a single system.

Stopping two hearts

In 2010, in Verona, an elderly man was found unconscious on the street, with difficulty breathing and low blood pressure. He was taken to the department emergency care, where doctors made the assumption of a heart attack and administered drug therapy. The man's name is not disclosed due to medical ethics.

During the examination, the man was found to have two hearts. Due to a medication chosen due to a medical error, both hearts stopped. With the help of a defibrillator, doctors managed to beat them again, and after recovery the patient left the clinic.

It turned out that he was not born with two hearts - the second organ was a donor and transplanted several years ago. The transplanted heart not only took root, but caused stable functioning of the first circulatory organ, the condition of which improved dramatically. Due to the wrong entry medicinal product The main heart stopped, followed by a failure in the donor heart.

Second heart transplant operations

In London in 1996, the famous heart surgeon Magdi Yacoub performed a donor heart transplant on two-year-old Hannah Clarke. The girl’s own heart was twice as large as usual and could not withstand the load. The surgeon left the original heart in place and transplanted the donor organ into the right side of the chest.

The girl lived with two hearts for 10 years. However, in 2006, a rejection reaction began in her body (it was because of the possibility of such a situation developing that the doctor left the girl’s native heart).

By this time, Magdi Jacob had already retired and did not perform operations, but only consulted surgeons. Doctors suggested either suppressing the rejection reaction or starting the girl’s own heart. The results of the operation exceeded all expectations, and instead of the planned several months, Hannah spent only 5 days in the clinic.

Fact:“During 10 years of functioning of the donor organ, the girl’s native heart was restored, and working in tandem with the donor’s, it gradually became the same in all respects.”

After the removal of the donor organ, Hannah quickly recovered and even actively took up sports.

In March 2009, in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, surgeon Alfredo Fiorelli performed a donor heart transplant on a 53-year-old patient. The patient's native organ was also left in place, and both hearts were connected by blood vessels. The patient tolerated the operation well, and the doctors noted that the worn-out native heart began to work much better than before.

Brothers with two hearts

About another one amazing story it became known from the pages of the Irkutsk newspaper, where Elvira Chernikova was searching for her cousin. Her aunt Valentina Dedyukhina gave birth to a boy in 1937. During the examination, the doctor dissuaded the woman from giving up the child, since he has two hearts and with such a pathology the boy simply will not survive. Valentina signed the waiver, but after a few months she regretted her decision and began searching for her son. It turned out that the boy disappeared with the same gynecologist who allegedly adopted him. Times were difficult at that time and the woman who abandoned the child did not contact law enforcement agencies.

A few years later, Valentina Dedyukhina’s sister also gave birth to a boy with two hearts! The man lived to an old age, had good health and both hearts worked properly. Now Elvira was trying to find that same cousin who disappeared in 1937.

Based on this case, we can make the assumption that this phenomenon may have a genetic connection - after all, the birth of people with two hearts happened among sisters.

The birth of a new race

Rutgers University anthropologist Suzanne Kachel has been studying people with two hearts for a number of years. According to her, the system of one heart and two lungs originated about 300 million years ago, when animals began migrating from water to land. Initially, a human embryo has two two-chambered hearts in the womb, which then merge into one four-chambered one. According to Suzanne, the presence of two hearts in a mature person is a manifestation of gene memory, when the process of two paired embryos is disrupted for some reason and each of them develops into an independent heart. And if the work of both circulatory organs is harmonious, a person lives a normal healthy life.

Fact:“Scientists have noticed that the number of people with two hearts is gradually increasing every year.”

Octopuses are one of the most mysterious sea ​​creatures. Many people wonder how many hearts an octopus has.

Octopuses are one of the most mysterious sea creatures

No place on Earth contains as many diverse and strange creatures as the seas and oceans. Many inhabitants of the seabed are the most ancient representatives planets, much older than a person and all animals. One of these creatures is the octopus - cephalopod, the size of which can reach 7-8 m.

Octopuses can be different. Thus, their size varies from a few centimeters to 8 m. The weight of the largest octopus was more than 200 kg, although it usually still does not exceed 15-20 kg.

No place on Earth contains as many diverse and strange creatures as the seas and oceans

The question of its color can be perplexing: this mollusk can be different colors, besides, they are able to change their appearance almost instantly. Therefore, very different descriptions can be applied to an octopus.

They have a soft oval body, similar to a ball, dressed in something resembling a mantle - a skin-muscular sac that can be smooth or pimply, depending on the type of mollusk. There are 8 tentacles on the body that surround the octopus's mouth.

The mollusk catches prey thanks to special suction cups located on inside tentacles. There are a lot of these suckers - several hundred on one “hand”.

Tentacles are needed not only to grab prey: they also have visual analyzers that allow them to assess the surrounding environment.

Many inhabitants of the seabed are the oldest representatives of the planet, much older than humans and all animals

The mollusk has prominent eyes. They are huge and occupy about 10% of the entire body; the size of the eyeball can reach 40 cm. According anatomical structure Octopuses' eyes are similar to human eyes, but they still have a slightly different way of perceiving the world.

The only solid part of the octopus's body is its beak, which is similar to a bird's beak. It is this that can become a limitation for the mollusk in trying to crawl into any hole, since the rest of its body is so soft that it can penetrate any crevice.

The internal structure of the octopus has always aroused interest among people, since many people know the fact that it has several hearts. Therefore, a common question is how many hearts does an octopus have? This mollusk has 3 cardiac muscles.

This feature is explained by the fact that they have a very strong blood resistance, which the heart simply could not cope with. Thus, this mollusk is the only representative of the animal world that has as many as 3 hearts.

Octopus Volcano (video)

Features of the cardiac system

One of the octopus's 3 hearts is the main one - it pumps blood throughout the body. It is larger in size than the others and consists of two atria and a small ventricle. This heart bears the main burden of ensuring the vital functions of the body.

The other two cardiac organs can be called accessory - they are smaller in size, located near the two gills and are muscular extensions of blood vessels. They help the main organ move blood throughout the body. Because of the peculiarity of their work, they are also called “gills”. They distill venous blood, which is enriched with oxygen in the gills and then enters the atria of the main organ.

Thus, we can distinguish the types of heart organs in octopuses:

  • The main thing;
  • auxiliary.

However, different work does not affect the frequency of their beating - the octopus has three hearts that beat in the same rhythm. This cannot but cause admiration - 3 hearts of a huge mollusk beating in one beat. The beating frequency depends on the water temperature: than colder water, the slower the heart works. On average, the frequency is reduced to 40 times per minute.

The octopus also has blood peculiar to itself, which has an amazing blue, as well as high intelligence, proven by many studies. So 3 hearts distill not just blood, but a blue liquid.

It is worth mentioning the octopuses' special weapon - the ink bomb. The mollusk has in its body special body- an ink sac filled with liquid, which the octopus throws out in case of danger. As a result, an ink curtain is formed, allowing you to hide from any enemy that might attack the octopus.

Giant octopus (video)

Attention, TODAY only!

Hagfish - rare representative a vertebrate that does not have a backbone. The hagfish has a skeleton - in the form of a skull. But there is no spine. These creatures are classified as lower vertebrates. That is, they are no longer worms, but also not fish - the predecessors of fish.

Hagfishes settle in subtropical and temperate waters throughout the World Ocean. In Russia, for example, they can sometimes even be found in the Barents Sea. But the greatest diversity of species is found off the western coast of North America.

According to research, hagfish have remained almost unchanged over the past 300 million years. The hagfish's primitive appearance, which has long since gone out of fashion among fish, and disgusting eating habits have led people to consider the hagfish one of the most disgusting sea ​​monsters. But this is all only because she is less like us, modern creatures, than others.

The body of the hagfish resembles the body of a huge worm, half a meter in length. The goliath hagfish sometimes reaches a size of 127 centimeters. The hagfish is almost the only creature on Earth that can tie itself into a knot.

Now let's see what's inside the hagfish. She has four hearts, two brains and one nostril. But the hagfish has the same number of eyes as we do; vertebrates have two. True, they are quite primitive. With the help of such eyes, hagfish can see light, but not a specific image.

In some hagfish species there is only one male per hundred females. Representatives of other species are completely hermaphrodites. So nothing threatens the survival of the hagfish, even if the “men move out.”

The key to high survival rate is unpretentiousness in food. The hagfish eats carrion or dying animals. As a rule, it tears out pieces of meat, makes a hole and thus penetrates inside the creature. And eats him up. Divers often see gnawed skeletons of some dolphins with a thick hagfish inside. Sometimes hagfish eat fish caught in a fishing net, which can barely move.

Hagfish are eaten in Japan and Korea.

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