What names are boys given each year? Names suitable for boys born in the year of the goat. How to choose a beautiful name for a boy

If your family is about to receive a new addition, it would be a good idea to find out what popular names for boys in 2015 experts recommend.

In general, choosing a name for a baby is a great sacrament. Moms tell incredible stories when the name of the unborn child came to them in a dream. Sometimes it happened that the pre-selected name did not suit the newborn in any way, and the mother, as soon as she saw it, chose a new one.

Some used the method of drawing lots, some turned to the calendar, others came up with a name themselves, striving for extreme originality. There are many ways, and there are more than enough beautiful names. What to do?

The most common way to choose a name is still the calendar. The prospect of choosing a baby heavenly patron very tempting. By the way, name days in Rus' were especially revered; it was a double holiday on which the saint and the birthday boy himself were glorified. The children knew the story of their invisible helper and strove to be like him in courage, humility, prudence, calmness, and the ability to believe.

Today, too, you can choose according to the calendar. Traditionally, names of saints that fall on dates after the birth of the child are preferred. Previously, it was believed that if a baby was healthy, it was necessary to baptize it around the fortieth day of birth. The priest named it after the saint, the patron saint of this day.

According to the saints, popular names for boys in 2015 may well become:

  • in January - Timofey, Ignatius, Daniel, Adam, Stepan, Fedor, Mark, Joseph, Jacob, Athanasius, Philip, Pavel, Mikhail, Maxim
  • in February - Fedor, Efim, Gregory, Arkady, Efrem, Roman, Ignatius, Hippolytus, Tryphon, Nikolai, Yuri, Julian, Prokhor, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Alexey, Onisim
  • in March - Daniil, Ilya, Kuzma, Timofey, Afanasy, Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, Arkady, Valery, Gregory, Efim, Rostislav, Kirill
  • in April - Ivan, Innokenty, Kirill, Stepan, Tikhon, Efim, Daniil, Rodion, Fedor, Terenty, Leonid
  • in May - Victor, Alexander, Gabriel, Clement, Egor, Mark, Semyon, Vitaly, Kirill, Makar, Boris, Gleb, Peter, Arseny, Methodius, German, Efim, Bogdan
  • in June - Ivan, Timofey, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikita, Georgy, Konstantin, Hilarion, Vasily, Arseny, Yuri, Elisha, Tikhon,
  • in July - Gleb, Gury, Terenty, Vasily, Tikhon, German, Anton, Peter, Georgy, Sergey, Demyan, Konstantin, Efim, Afanasy, Fedor, Kirill, Stefan, Pavel
  • in August - Seraphim, Ilya, Ivan, Gleb, David, Ermolai, Nikolai, Konstantin, Mikhail, Evdokim, Stepan, Leonid, Julian, Fedor, Ippolit, Maxim, Arkady, Pavel, Denis
  • in September - Timofey, Andrey, Afanasy, Arseny, Ivan, Daniil, Bogdan, Gleb, Zakhar, Kirill, Makar, Pavel, Sergey, Semyon, Leonty, Nikita, Victor
  • in October - Igor, Fedor, Kondrat, Peter, Vladislav, Galaktion, Mikhail, German, Mark, Aristarchus, Gregory, Khariton, Denis, Vladimir, Philip, Julian, Yakov, Nikita, Efim, Anton, Lazar, Konstantin,
  • in November - Ivan, Illarion, Irakli, Dmitry, Mark, Stepan, Demyan, Gregory, German, Kirill, Bogdan, Gabriel, Rodion, Maxim, Philip, Matvey
  • in December - Roman, Adrian, Anatoly, Mikhail, Makar, Yuri, Innokenty, Gabriel, Andrey, Ivan, Nikolay, Pavel, Arseny, Evgeny

Do you want to be original?

Not all parents are happy popular names for boys. In 2015, as before, there will be creative people who will come up with ideas for their sons strange names without caring about the consequences.

If you want to be known as an original, do not forget that, firstly, a boy can bear this name until he is 14 years old, only then will he be able to change it (by the way, psychologists say that this is quite traumatic for the psyche). Secondly, if he still decides to leave it, having gotten used to it, then think about what middle name your grandchildren will have?

The fashion for strange names began in the Soviet Union, when, experiencing “dizziness with success,” soviet people vying with each other to “distinguish” in coming up with names for their children. How must the baby who was called the Thief (Great October Revolution) or Constipation (for order), or Kukutsapol (corn is the queen of the fields), or, God forbid, Pofivstal (the fascist winner I.V. Stalin)?

But the names of the children are our contemporaries. IN last years the boys were called Cassper Beloved, Luka-and-Happiness, Arkhip - Ural, Ogneslav and even Lettuce!

The name leaves an imprint on the child’s fate, his communication with other people, and character. Psychologists advise paying great attention to the obligatory names Tsar, Count, Strongman, Prince.

A name for a baby should not be a way to perpetuate your love for a book or movie character: Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Spiderman.

In the West, it is not for nothing that there is a service that provides parents with services for the examination of names for children. Experts are investigating whether the name is similar to obscene words in other languages, as it would be perceived by most people. Maybe it’s time to introduce such a service in our country?

Alexander. The honorable first place in the list of the most popular names for boys in 2015 is rightfully occupied by the name Alexander (translated from Greek as “protector”). Alexandras get sick quite often in childhood, but grow up to be strong, healthy and purposeful men. They tend to achieve their goals and become the best in their field. The Alexandras have a reputation as responsive, friendly and fair people. Sasha is especially popular with beautiful ladies, as he behaves with them like a true gentleman. However, it is difficult for him to choose just one chosen one, so such qualities as family loyalty and devotion are not characteristic of Alexander.

Maksim. For those who have decided to name their baby Maxim, it is worth knowing that a boy with this name will grow up obedient, intelligent and reasonable beyond his years. In childhood and adolescence, Maxims study diligently, pleasing their parents with good grades. Growing up, Maxims often become unsure of themselves and their strengths, they do not know how to fully defend their point of view, so parents need to work with the child, with early age developing his leadership qualities. Adult representatives of this name have an amorous character, but cheat on their chosen ones extremely rarely. This is explained by the fact that Maxims choose strong and strong-willed women as wives, whom they are a little afraid of.

Artem. Most young parents in 2015 will name their children Artem. This name personifies “the impeccability and integrity of human health.” As children, Artems are very sociable and friendly, they tend to always tell the truth, for which they often get punished. Mature Artems are flexible and hardworking, not careerists; they achieve everything in life through hard work. Once married, they become faithful and loving husbands and good fathers.

Ivan. Despite the variety of different names, many young parents in 2015 will call them Ivans. Ivan’s character combines toughness and softness, strength and weakness, openness and cunning, tenderness and unbridled rage, kindness and deceit. Versatile Vanya will be able to find herself in many hobbies in which she will show good results. Adult representatives of this Russian name become exemplary husbands and fathers.

Egor. This not very common name will receive a lot of attention in 2015 from young parents choosing suitable name for your child. In this name, translated from Greek meaning “farmer”, the love of work and independence is already inherent in nature. Little Egorki are drawn to knowledge and with early childhood They try to find hobbies to occupy their minds, so it is recommended that boys with this name be sent to technical clubs to discover their talents. Egor is extremely truth-loving, so he does not forgive revealed lies. Adult Egors become real leaders both in their careers and in family relationships.

Dmitriy. Little Dimas are distinguished by the difficult character of a spoiled hooligan. As a child, Dima often suffered from respiratory and infectious diseases, instability is observed nervous system, but with age, health improves, and capricious character turns into stubbornness. Dmitry is distinguished by a flexible mind and a wonderful sense of humor, so since childhood they have many friends and are famous for being the soul of the company. In their personal life, Dmitry is not very lucky, as it is difficult for them to choose one chosen one due to their amorous nature.

In addition, 2015 will mark the return of such beautiful male names as Mikhail, Alexey and Daniil. Also, boys born this year will often be called Romans and Andreys. Little Vladiki and Kirill, heroes Ilyusha and noble Sergei will be born.

A boy was a great blessing in any family. For a man, this is an assistant, a successor to the family, so such a child was given Special attention. The name of the future warrior and breadwinner were carefully selected. Nowadays, babies of both sexes are loved equally, but parents still think long and hard about what to name them.

How to choose a beautiful name for a boy

The main criterion when choosing is euphony. First of all, parents try to combine the name with the surname and patronymic so that it sounds beautiful and majestic. There are several restrictions here. First of all, it is advisable to select names that suit the father. In other words, if the father is Ivan, then you should not name the child pretentiously; on the contrary, it is better to choose something interesting for the middle name Aristarchus. The same applies to the origin of the name, but now everyone is so confused that it is not possible to trace the history in all cases.

Another limitation is gender. In the future, the boy must become a real man, which means it is better to abandon universal options in the form of names such as Zhenya, Sasha or Valya. The exception is when the surname adds the necessary masculinity.

To have options, it is better to choose complex names. For example, Alexey can be Alyoshenka for his parents, Lesha at school, Lyokha in the yard and Alexey when he grows up. Such a number of names will make it easy to call the child differently depending on his character, behavior and desires.

Every boy will be small at first, but then he will become a man. After the choice has already been made, you should make sure that mom and dad like both the diminutive option and the official one.

Of course, parents have the right to choose what they like, but the interests of the child should also be taken into account. The baby will not say about his preferences. But you need to think about the fact that children are very cruel and try to avoid names that can easily lead to offensive nicknames. Some expectant mothers even begin to read their chosen list to their tummy and stop at the one on which the baby pushed inside, believing that he liked the sound. This approach is questionable, but if parents cannot decide for a long time, this is an excellent way to resolve all quarrels at once.

What do the names mean?

The origin of many names is hidden, for example, Ivan has roots in Jewish society, and not at all in ancient Rus'. The meaning, oddly enough, has been preserved even in the most ancient versions. There are a few basic rules, as well as a specific list of values.

Experts identify several basic principles:

  • The meaning of a letter is enhanced if it is capitalized in a name. In the middle of a word it has less influence on the character, and at the end it is almost unnoticeable.
  • If names are not transformed into diminutives, for example David, then the boy will grow into a rather serious and strict man. However, it is quite possible that he will be overly tough and it is important for parents to teach him tenderness and affection.
  • The letter “P” adds core, character and inflexibility. As a similar effect, you can add stubbornness, which can easily be transformed by proper upbringing into determination.
  • “A” gives the child confidence in his own abilities; if you trace history, all Alexanders were winners, because this letter was at the very beginning. It is also associated with energy and endurance, which means that a child can be loaded with a variety of activities and training from childhood, and this will only be useful for his development.
  • "N" stands for inner strength. This letter adds a little secrecy to the character, but such people easily know how to get their way and not deviate from the right principles.
  • "S" stands for materiality and common sense, this is inherent in pragmatists. It will be easy for such a child to go through life where money plays an important role. They know how to earn money and how to spend it.

Only those letters that give a clear imprint on a person’s character are presented here, and they are also quite common. Regarding the meaning of the name as a whole, some of them say a lot, for example Alexander, who stands for winner. And others just give a hint, like Anisius, meaning sweet-smelling. It is clear that in the first case the name will be reflected in the character, but in the second this will be expressed very weakly. Insignificant options are suitable for those parents who do not particularly believe in the meaning of names or who want to give their child the opportunity to realize their individuality without interference.

Fashionable names of 2015

Every year some names come into fashion. Some remain in the top for many years, sometimes completely new ones appear. Sometimes the old ones come back to mind again. In 2015, it is very easy to name a child according to fashion, because there are many options, among which any parents will choose what they like. Everyone has their own taste and preferences, but a huge number of names will not leave anyone offended.

Luxury is still in fashion male names Alexander And Maksim. The first fascinates parents with its majestic meaning and how often it is found in history among real successful warriors. The second attracts by obedience. Maxim will always be successful in school and in any other activity. There may be a little uncertainty, but parents will easily remove it with their well-deserved praise. Also, their popularity is due to the fact that these names are universal, they go well with almost any middle name and surname, and also suit any appearance and nationality. Still in fashion from classic names Dmitriy. Dima has a hooligan character, but this is more than justified by his ability to joke, sharp mind and resourcefulness.

Ancient names Ivan, Egor, Michael And Daniel They can easily attract parents with their versatility. Vanechkas are very diverse boys. They can be both gentle and strict in different period life, and it is precisely such personalities that are most interesting. Yegors have a passion for work and are very independent early years, so it’s very easy for mom and dad to work with them.

Depending on the specific name, the boy will be assigned a certain fate. Also in 2015, great attention will be paid to biblical options. After all, even Ivan means “God has had mercy” and in the Bible it appears many times in the Hebrew version of John. It is believed that a connection with holy scripture can give a great blessing and initially set the child on a bright path.

Everyone has different criteria for choosing a name, but even if parents do not believe in symbolism, God and other signs at all, it is better to know what this or that choice can bring to the child. Experts try to take into account all historical and phonetic data and are rarely mistaken in their conclusions. We must also remember that no matter how luxurious the name is, the most important thing is to raise the boy correctly, best of all to his father by example. Right choice does not guarantee a happy fate, but the love of parents can make it happen

Together with everyone in last days The registry office employees are summing up the results of the outgoing year. In addition to statistics related to fertility, mortality, number of marriages and divorces, there is a category that always arouses special interest - what names did parents give their children?

According to experts, 2015 was not the most outstanding year in terms of parental “creativity,” but, nevertheless, the employees responsible for registering newborns were not bored.

According to the Main Directorate of the Civil Registry Office of the Moscow Region, main trend 2015 saw the return of native Russian names, such as Borislav, Yaroslav, Dobrynya, Zlata, Radomir, Praskovya. It was quite rare that parents named their children this year Davids, Glebs And Bogdanami, such names as Miroslava, Nika And Eve.

A special category is unique names which parents most often come up with themselves. 2015 enriched the collection of registry office employees of the Moscow region with such names of girls as Erica-Margarita-Zlata, Valery-Lorentz, Jolin-Chiamaka, Anastasia-Embru And Natalia-Ruza. As for boys, the names were registered Arthur-Christian, Bagdat, Denis-Orda,Konstantin Krishna, Leonard Gerardus Petrus Maria.

Not without a female name Russia- V Lately Several couples a year name their daughters after the country.

Sofia and Maxima are popular in Russia

In the regions of Russia, things are simpler. For example, in the registry office Altai Territory reported that in 2015 the top three most popular boys' names were Artem, Alexander And Daniel. Girls' names are the most popular Anastasia, Alice And Varvara. As for rare names, in Altai creativity affected mainly girls and was not something out of the ordinary - names such as Spring, Princess And Aelita.

Interesting data from the registry office employees Kaliningrad region. They noted an interesting phenomenon: for three years in a row, the top three popular names among boys and girls remains virtually unchanged - Artem, Maksim, Alexander, Maria, Anastasia, Daria.

By the way, such names as Alexander and Anastasia have consistently been in the top 5 throughout Russia in recent years.

If we talk about preliminary data in 2015 for Russia as a whole, then the following have taken the lead: female names, How Sofia, Maria And Anna. As for boys, the preliminary ranking includes names such as Maksim, Alexander, Artem, Michael, Daniel And Dmitriy.

Moscow collection: from Delight to Jazz

On the website of the Moscow Civil Registry Office you can find a whole section dedicated to the original names that parents gave to their children in different years. The collection has not yet been replenished with masterpieces from 2015, but you can get acquainted with the history of parental creativity in the capital.

For example, in 1998 a girl was registered who was named Uslada. A year later, another baby was given a double name Polina-Polina.

In 2000, boys eclipsed girls, with names such as Dmitry-Amethyst And Matvey-Rainbow. In 2003, they registered in Moscow Ivan-Kolovrat, in 2004, a girl named Golub. In 2006, the capital of Russia was replenished with a boy named Kantogor-Egor and the girl who was named Princess Daniella.

Born in 2009 in Moscow Casper the Beloved, who in a couple of decades has a chance of marrying a peer named Angel Mary. She may have competition in the fight for Casper's heart Princess Angelica And Lunalika.

In 2010, parents suddenly switched to marine theme— a boy appeared in Moscow Whale and a girl Ocean. Although, of course, it is difficult for them to compete in originality with a peer by name Luke-Happiness Summerset Ocean.

In 2013, the absolute leader in the race for originality must be recognized as the name of a girl Alice-Nefertiti.

As for 2014, oddly enough, it turned out to be calmer in terms of names - boys’ names stand out Jazz And Sevastopol, and for girls - Byzantium And Moon.

What about the neighbors?

The preliminary results of the year were also summed up in the country closest to Russia - Belarus. According to the archive of the civil registry office of the main department of justice of the Minsk City Executive Committee, the most popular names in Minsk in 2015 were male names Artem, Maksim, Michael And Ivan. Girls topped the list Sophia, Maria, Anna And Daria. In general, the preferences of parents in Russia and Belarus are the same.

Of course, there are no fewer originals in Minsk than in Moscow. Thanks to this, in 2015 the following names of boys were registered in the Belarusian capital: Jacob, Mackay, Lazarus, Kim, Elizar. Things are even worse for girls - Aster, Bertha, Spring, Fox, Comet, Lucia, Ellie And Yaseniya.

Perhaps even more often than Russians, Belarusians give their children double names. In 2015, the Minsk registry offices registered Tatiana-Anna And Anna Caroline, Maria-Elena And Clarissa-Victoria, Amelia Francis And Vladislav-Maria. This applies not only to girls, but also to boys - now they live in Minsk Vadim-Franchesk, Timur-Pet R, Svyatoslav-Nikolai, Yakov-Alexander, and Alexander-Fedor And Andre-Fedor.

But no matter what the parents call their children, the main thing is that their destinies turn out well, regardless of the name. Moreover, according to the law, upon reaching the age of 18, each of those who, by the will of their parents, acquired original names, can rename himself according to his own understanding - if, of course, such a desire arises.

Music festival "MILK"
When: July 6, from 13:00
Where: Kudykina Gora park, village. Kamenka, Zadonsky district, Lipetsk region
Tickets: 1000-1500 rub.
You will find unique natural scenery, master classes, movies and cartoons, a children's disco, Stand up, a performance of Don horses and a lot of good music. And also - setting a Russian record: preparing half a ton of milkshake!
Festival headliners Dima Bilan, Antokha MC, Marseille, Swanky Tunes. All funds raised from ticket sales will be transferred to the Lipetsk charity project “More Than Good”!

Holiday "City of Happy Families"
When: July 6, from 12:00 to 20:00
Where: Central Park
Is waiting for you animation program, master classes and cryo shows, free face painting, photo zone and much more.

"Day of Family, Love and Fidelity at the Estate of D.V. Venevitinov"
When: July 7 from 12:00 to 15:00
Where: museum-estate of D.V. Venevitinov
Free admission.
In a programme:
- creative workshops on weaving wreaths, making straw toys, rag dolls and clay souvenirs;
- festive treat - linden tea and cherry jam;
- croquet on the banks of the Don - a park game of the 19th century that is perfect for organizing family leisure;
- theatricalization of the ancient Russian ritual “Bride's Bridesmaid”;
- folk games and fun for all ages and much more.

Project "Charging 1+1"
When: July 7, at 17:00
Where: Central Park, Zaryadka site
Sports activities at the project are adapted for all residents of the city, including people with disabilities, parents of children with mental disabilities and pensioners. The program includes: fun sports competitions, unforgettable performances by artists, interactive sessions from the project’s trainers. A surprise for all guests of the event - a dance party from the cover band FRESH SOUND BAND!

Master class – “snail”(ceramics) 6+
When: July 6, start: 12:00, 14:00; 16:00

Cost: 500 rubles
Duration: 1.5 hours
You will make cute snails from clay and paint them with safe ceramic paints. Finished work It will be possible to pick up a few days after drying and firing. Tickets on the website.

Journey to a fairy forest. 5+
When: July 7, at 17:00
Where: "Nelzha" (Ramonsky district, Nelzha village, Lesnaya st., 40)
Ticket price 800 rub.
A real journey into a fairy tale. A hut on chicken legs, flying on a broom, riddles from an old woman, and searching for a chest with fairy tales. Our journey will take you to the Residence of Father Frost, where we will organize a real reception with a master class on painting a fly agaric gingerbread and iced tea with sweets from the Tulinov Dacha cafe. You will have the opportunity to take a photo with Baba Yaga, in the famous chair of Father Frost. The program includes: - an interactive performance with the participation of Baba Yaga and Little Brownie Kuzi; - master class on painting gingerbread at the Zemstvo school; - cold tea with sweets from the Tulinov Dacha cafe. Duration of the program: 1 – 1.5 hours.

School of young traveler "ARCHEOLOGY" 7+
When: July 6, at 16:00
Where: "Nelzha" (Ramonsky district, Nelzha village, Lesnaya st., 40)
Cost: 1000 RUR.
Here, the guys will learn what archeology is, as a science, visit a real archaeological camp, take part in excavations and, of course, find ancient artifacts, which they can then study! And, of course, at the end of the program, all participants will be able to taste real expedition tea and treats! By the way, depending on the weather, the tea will be either cold or hot! The duration of the archaeological adventure will be 2.5 – 3 hours. It is better to dress for the weather, as part of the program will take place outdoors!

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in the Arena
When: July 6
from 16:00 to 19:00 (exercises at the pavilion) - game library from "Mosigra" (swintus, monopoly, Elias, Imaginarium, jackal and other games)
Giant Basketball Championship
When: July 7 at 12:00
Where: "Arena" shopping mall park, near the "Heart" art object

Festival of colors
When: July 6 at 20:00
Where: Dynamo stadium

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