Men's ripped jeans: photo descriptions of the main trends in the fashion direction. Black jeans with holes: a fashionable addition to your look

If previously worn jeans with holes were a kind of challenge to society, today it is almost impossible to surprise anyone in this way, because this outfit is in the wardrobe of literally every girl. It would seem that it is no longer possible to show one's individuality in this way, but this applies only to standard colors, a completely different matter is black jeans with holes on the knees.

It would seem that a completely ordinary model of a completely inconspicuous color can instantly turn into a rebel outfit. Bold, bold, they immediately distinguish their owner from the crowd. However, not everyone can take a chance and put them on, primarily because of the inability to create with them. stylish images.

Trend model in different styles

In our minds, black is strongly associated with business style, but this is not the case at all. Like it or not, it is simply impossible to enter such a model into an office dress code, and at a business meeting such a bow would be inappropriate, to put it mildly. But everyone's favorite casual - that's it! Walking down the street, going shopping, going to a pub or cafe is an opportunity to forget about strict canons and show yourself in a completely different perspective.

Complementing these trousers with an oversize sweater or T-shirt, a coat in the same style, you will look just amazing. Black ripped jeans are the perfect pairing with a denim shirt. High-waisted trousers pair perfectly with crop tops or tucked-in shirts, and you can choose absolutely any color - black goes with everything. In the cool season, the image can be supplemented with a cardigan, a rough "male" cut jacket or jacket.

Grunge lovers cannot do without this thing. Alcoholic T-shirts, sweatshirts, oversized T-shirts and leather jackets are all essential attributes of this trend. Coloring, as a rule, does not go beyond monochrome tones: black, white and gray, but often in this style you can also find a multi-colored cage. Main principle creating such an image is eclecticism: a mixture of styles and textures. And complementing everything with authentic accessories and rough shoes, you can create a daring look in the style of this subculture.

It is impossible to imagine without black shingles and rock style. Mostly black tones, the most shapeless and worn things, the abundance of leather and metal, prints and mystical drawings - all this has become the embodiment of rock culture for us. Moreover, these details are clearly expressed in both female and male images. In the clothes of this trend, men's black jeans with holes in the knees are most common.

Shoes and black shingles: the most successful duets

In a harmonious image, absolutely all the details must be thought out, because an unsuccessful choice of shoes can nullify all our efforts. It would seem that such a daring detail of the wardrobe would be appropriate only with rough army-type boots or the same shapeless boots or sneakers. But such an image is more typical for a hard rock direction, in Everyday life the choice is much greater.

Indeed, because such clothes are no different from their relatives, therefore the variety of images created on its basis has no boundaries. For a walk or meeting with friends, can you pair skinny jeans or boyfriends with stiletto sandals or pumps? Unusual? Yes! But this option has become a favorite for many stars recognized as style icons. So why not repeat it?

This model of jeans will be perfectly combined with today's fashionable shoes with "tractor" soles, ballet flats or slip-ons. In a sporty style, they will be perfect with sneakers or sneakers. In early autumn or warm spring, such an outfit can be combined with closed shoes, for example, loafers or oxfords will look perfect in this look. And for cooler weather, lace-up boots or ankle boots with rough heels are quite suitable.

It’s not the first season that the actual fashion trend in fashionable looks is a combination of things that, at first glance, are incompatible. However, not every fashionista knows how to do it competently. After all, it is important to add a touch of originality to such an image, emphasizing individuality and creativity. But the other side of the coin can turn out, when the whole bow is tasteless and ridiculous. For such a case, designers offer ready-made products with a fashionable design solution. The most popular today is the combination of classics with extravagant style. A prime example black pants with holes in the knees became such a wardrobe.

One of the most popular models are considered black. Denim trousers with marble black coloring have become a fashionable option today. However, the classic style has not lost its relevance. Designers decorate trousers with holes on one or two knees at once. In any case, this finish gives originality to classic clothes.

In addition to everyday denim models in a classic color, pants with holes in the knees made of leather, strict suiting fabric, and stretch are considered relevant styles. These trousers are universal for everyone - both for slender fashionistas and for owners of magnificent forms.

What to wear with black pants with holes?

Despite the strict color, black pants with holes, nevertheless, belong to the casual style. After all, whatever one may say, but the slits on the knees do not fit into the framework of elegance, sophistication and femininity. So the best choice clothes for trousers will be comfortable T-shirts, tops, shirts, sweatshirts. Interesting and unusual black pants with holes on the knees look in a grunge style. A leather jacket or vest, rough shoes and a casual jacket are a great addition to fashionable trousers. But to focus on your stylish purchase, you should draw attention to your feet, so you need to choose contrasting shoes - white, bright, in prints and combinations.

Everyone finds their own explanation for why holes in jeans have not gone out of fashion for almost half a century.

Some argue that some of the designers seemed attractive images of punks and hipsters in heavily worn pants. Someone thinks that cute torn knees of schoolchildren are associated with torn jeans. Someone sees in wearing holey pants protest to society and rebellious spirit, imbued with gratitude to the designer and outrageous virtuoso Vivienne Westwood and musicians Malcolm McLaren, Kurt Cobain, Marc Jacobs.

Rumors and facts about fashionable ripped pants

Ripped jeans have both opponents and fans. The Internet is replete with instructions on how to properly process jeans so that holes appear on them in right places. Moreover, this is clearly not as simple as it seems, and you will need to be patient to pull out holes and make different measurements. At fashion shows, the catwalks are filled with stylish holey jeans from Rag & Bone, Fox, Mustang, Guess, Marc Jacobs, Diesel, Phillip Lim, Balmain, Gucci, Levi's, and Lee Jeans.

Denim and holes

Before the light smoke had cleared from the stage, American movie star Mina Suvari, actress and fashion designer Ashley Olsen, singer and actress Vanessa Hudgens, rock singer Dave Pirner and many other celebrities were photographed by amateurs and photography professionals in such jeans, and it was clear that they like the clothes. They note "non-boring" and an easy challenge to society. The varieties of styles for which ripped jeans are "suitable" are called "grunge" and "conceptual chic".

Holes in jeans - there is still no consensus!

Ordinary girls on the streets of cities, when asked why they are attracted to jeans with holes, they answer that it is especially pleasant to wear them in the heat, loyal guys rejoice at such a glamorous use of holes, inadequate ones say that girls are asking for tough actions. Grandmothers on the street accuse young people of being careless, and grandfathers of being sloppy. Some see wearing jeans to holes as a sign of an economic crisis.

Ksenia Sobchak mentions the term "code" jeans in her book Fashion Stuff. It turns out that jeans are not quite well-known, but beginners or temporarily retired designers are considered more prestigious than products of famous world brands. Many high society party-goers and party-goers of Moscow love to wear jeans with holes.

While still not torn for the sake of fashion the most expensive jeans in the world, "published" by Jennifer Lopez and equipped with a button adorned with diamonds, thanks to this button they are worth $ 2 million! The original Chaps jeans, designed by Ralph Lauren, remain the same “untouched”, but they are unlikely to last long. Nothing is as fast-changing as fashion! And there is no one so invariably tempted in her trends than a couturier ...

Holes on jeans - photo

Fashion is capricious and unpredictable, it plays with textures and styles, shades and details. But the most unexpected images appear as a result of borrowing details and wardrobe items from the opposite sex. Let us recall, for example, the revolutionary "relocation" of men's trousers to women's wardrobe. Then men's suits, shirts, ties went into action ... Soon, fashion was already deliberately playing in such a way that when creating clothes for women, it focused on her male character, let's say the same boyfriend jeans.

Photo from the site:

Did men's fashion borrow something from women's? It turns out yes - these are ripped jeans. No, of course, men's torn jeans are not new. Patched trousers have always been in the wardrobe of men, but only as a result of excessive wear and careless attitude to clothing, and they served, as a rule, as clothing "which is not a pity." There were also romantic 80s and rebellious 90s, when young people "creatively" tore jeans to holes, but that was an act of protest and self-expression. But the holes that perform the function of decor in the men's wardrobe came precisely from women's fashion. But do not be afraid that torn knees on jeans will immediately make you look like a glamorous female fashion. No, they are pretty brutal.

Let's look at interesting men's photo images in jeans with holes on the knees and identify the main trends of the outgoing year and the upcoming 2017 fashion season.

The main rules of "torn" decor. Male version

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Let's start with the fact that men's jeans with holes, despite their "free" nature, require more attention to detail and compliance with a number of rules:

  • This “design” option assumes an exclusively free or club style. With a business image, no matter how democratic the dress code is, it is strictly forbidden to combine men's jeans with torn knees.
  • Forget bright accents. Torn "decor" always plays a dominant role, and excessive "decorations" in the form of bright prints or accessories will make the image overloaded.
  • It is unacceptable for linen to show through holes and scuffs.
  • The most open body is allowed only for women. Therefore, ripped jeans for men should have a minimum percentage of "worn out".
  • Ripped jeans are an option only for warm weather. Well, or relatively warm. Bare knees peeping out of holes in jeans in the winter expanses of our country will look at least ridiculous. And it is impossible for men to insulate their legs with multi-colored tights, as women do, but, I think, they will not go for it.

On a note

If you choose a “warmed” version of ripped jeans for men, then patched jeans will be the best compromise.

Men's ripped jeans: photo descriptions of the main trends of the fashion direction

It is quite difficult for men to get used to fashion innovations. Note that it is rare to see young people with ripped jeans on the streets. It's all about "fashionable conservation" strong half humanity and in the banal lack of interest in fashion trends. Therefore, it is worth explaining in detail the main trends in men's fashion.

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Let's start with the features of the cut and their photo examples. In the outgoing fashion season and in the upcoming season, the following styles are relevant:

  • Low armhole

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  • Skinny

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  • Classic cut

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  • Baggy

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  • Dropped inseam

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  • Free

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  • Narrow

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  • Tight skinny and slim

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  • Super skinny biker jeans

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The color scheme is different, but bleached gray, blue and black colors are in obvious favor.

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The most relevant torn "decor" of men's jeans is holes in the knees. With them, variations of decor in the form of patches are permissible.

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Do not strive for "manual" work. Original decor is allowed on women's jeans, but in the case of men's jeans, this is not forgivable. Such independence will look ridiculous.

Ripped jeans: fashion pictures of the upcoming season

In order to understand in detail the trends in men's fashion, it is worth considering photos of designer works and images offered by stores. After all, it is they who set the benchmark for the fashion trend.

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Apparently, this will be the most sought-after male Iook next year. Photos of jeans torn at the knees can be found on the pages of many fashion magazines and catalogs of mass-market stores.

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Men will have to get used to tight-fitting options. But stretched T-shirts, barefoot sneakers and the holes themselves on the knees do everything to keep the brutal male image to the maximum.

Release shirt, sneakers under the sock. An intellectual overlay in the form of stylish glasses and an Oxford graduate hairstyle ... and in this way you can even appear at school, or on a date.

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Skin, jeans worn almost to holes and foppish black shoes are a kind of compromise for especially conservative men.

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An important detail is that designers offer men not just jeans that are torn at the knees, but also folded from below. Well, barefoot sports shoes seem to be the new main rule in creating fashionable image with ripped jeans.

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And again we see tucked up jeans. Moccasins look great as shoes, but again on bare feet.

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A variation on worn jeans is patched jeans. But definitely tucked up. Fashionable jacket, classic vest and shirt - everything looks quite extravagant, but very interesting. And yes… even dress shoes without a toe.

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Remember that ripped jeans are not compatible with business style. If we have already chosen a classic coat, then we dilute the “classics” with an elongated T-shirt, and choose jeans that are as aged as possible, for example, in a bleached version.

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Torn knees look the best in a deliberately sloppy look ...

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...and hip-hop.

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Ripped jeans look great in the image of a “good guy” ...

Photo from the website: Lookastic. en

... and "bad boy".

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Jeans with torn knees are a win-win option for a "club" wardrobe...

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… and for informal meetings…

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… and also for study.

Thus, today we can assume that in the upcoming fashion season, men's ripped jeans will be at the peak of popularity. The style will be varied, but a narrower cut is preferable. General fashion trends will be seen in the accentuation of the torn "decor" in the knee area, the bleached texture of the color and the folded bottom. Moreover, such jeans will be worn exclusively without a sock. The only thing left is to choose your own perfect couple ripped jeans.

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