What is the lunar day of March 31 today. How the Moon affects the planning of new cases on Thursday

Day of knowledge acquisition. The energy of the day enhances mental abilities, a person is visited by new ideas, plans, projects. On the 22nd lunar day, it is good to guess the future, to find out the hidden with the help of astrology, runes, yantras (images of sacred sounds on paper). A good day to transfer knowledge, share experience. This is a period of exaggeration of one's capabilities and excessive optimism. It is worth weighing all the proposed chances and plans well .. On this day, it is recommended to guess on Tarot cards, runes, contact astrologers, and study your personal horoscope. You can get many answers about the future. It is also possible to successfully pass exams and tests. A great day to work with a blue candle - it brings harmony to the house, helps concentration, protects from evil spirits. Today it is recommended to wear jewelry with amber. If you are facing difficult and important negotiations, exams or a difficult educational process, take blue agate with you, it will help activate memory, bring good luck.

Tough period. A person tends to tyranny, indefatigable appetite, jealousy. On the 23rd lunar day, one cannot sit back, but it is necessary to suppress aggression in oneself. This is the day of repentance. The period of active waning of the Moon begins, and the energy in space is also on the decline. In times like these, everything goes wrong. But there is nothing to blame here. You are a being inseparable from the cosmos and are simply subject to its periods of ups and downs. This period must be approached with the feeling that in the previous lunar month you did everything that was in your power and did the right thing. And now, you can safely take the time to passive contemplation. The authorities during this period may exceed their authority, an orderly tone appears on the part of the leadership. Try to refrain from communicating with the powers that be. This is a day of conservation of energy and passive contemplation. Meditations are recommended, balancing your energy with the help of your zodiac incense.

Waning Moon in Capricorn

What to wear?
Favorable colors are brown, ocher, black, blue-black, dark red.

Aroma of the day- coniferous.

Talismans- rauchtopaz, falcon's, cat's and tiger's eye, green chrysoprase. Metal is lead.

What are we eating?

It is advisable to eat freshly prepared food. Be sure to use products that do not require heat treatment. For example, stewed veal with potatoes and, of course, a salad of fresh carrots, cabbage or other vegetables.

beauty and health

This is one of the best days for influencing all areas of the skin in order to cleanse it not only from everyday pollution, but also from all sorts of troubles, treatment of fungal formations, age spots and the like. Hair should not be cut - it grows poorly, and epilation is just appropriate. After today's manicure and pedicure, the nail structure is improving. Avoid congestion in the musculoskeletal system. It is great to start the morning with exercises for all joints.

intimate scenario

The moon is in Capricorn, so expect conservative sex. You should not try some new sexual positions these days, look for variety - this will cause you apathy. A bit of romance and a traditional comfortable posture is all you want. And let the partner not be upset because of your emotional inhibition and some tightness - the harsh Capricorn Moon does not have emotional intimacy.

What to do at home?

It is optimal to take care of pets or help wild animals, such as birds, squirrels, stray cats and dogs. Disinfection of diseased indoor plants with biological products or aqueous tinctures of onions, garlic, lemon peels.

April 7 at 14:22. Next Full Moon: April 22 at 8:58 AM.

  • Moon phase March 31, 2016- waning moon.
  • Lunar day 03/31/2016- 23 lunar day.
  • What sign is the moon in 03/31/2016- Moon in Capricorn.
  • Moonrise March 31, 2016 - at 02:03.
  • Moonset 03/31/2016 at 10:26.
  • Moon without a course - no.
  • Sunrise March 31, 2016 - 06:02.
  • Sunset March 31, 2016 - 19:06.

Horoscope for today 03/31/2016

The first half of the day is favorable for contacts and meetings. Do not rush to agree if friends or partners offer you participation in a joint project or a change in the field of activity. Those who are considering a new business project should enlist the support of influential people. In the afternoon, life potential begins to decline, which can adversely affect well-being.

It is possible that you will be forced to cancel the planned vacation, and instead take on additional responsibilities. Probably, all your affairs today will somehow be related to finances. Eliminate haste and spontaneity in decisions - circumstances and situations can change at any moment. Perhaps you can move on to new business or make new acquaintances that turn out to be successful. Pay attention to health. On this day, food is completely absorbed by the body and converted in tissues, so it is better to give preference to dairy dishes.

Relationships with partners, friends and loved ones will be tested for sustainability. The accumulated problems will require immediate resolution. Try to get together and do not waste vital energy on trifles. It is better to abandon new projects and contracts. Be patient until a more favorable period.

Communication with loved ones and contacts with partners bring deceptive hopes and disappointments. Emotions will overflow. It is possible that the state of health will deteriorate sharply. The end of the day is fraught with pessimism and even depression. Be extremely careful - the probability of injury is increased. The financial situation will remain the same, despite your increased business activity.

Today, business affairs and interpersonal relationships will require maximum concentration, discipline and organization from you, but success promises to be illusory. Try not to dwell on your problems or failures. You should pay attention to the health of loved ones, and especially the health of children.

Auspicious day for marriage, family relationships, love adventures and the most complete disclosure of your personality. It is possible that today you will shine with wit, strive to participate in various disputes and disputes. Relations with your family will completely stabilize and be filled with quiet mutual satisfaction.

Any business will require special attention and caution. Auspicious day for long-term planning, for finding new sources of income, for changing the field of activity. You have to make very important decisions, but the immediate benefit from the plan is rather doubtful.

Offers of partners or a risky venture may entail financial losses. Public sector employees should be more attentive to their duties - incorrect information or troubles in relations with colleagues or superiors are likely. Bad news can make you change plans or completely abandon the intended business.

In the morning, the stars favor any undertakings and ideas, but you need to keep your plans and intentions to yourself, otherwise they will be crossed out in the afternoon. Contacts and business meetings in the afternoon will not bring the desired results - most likely, new problems and misunderstandings will arise in the relationship. Avoid risky ventures or carelessness when dealing with large pets. You can not drink alcohol, meat products.

Difficult day associated with unfulfilled obligations, persecution and resentment. It is better to refrain from long trips and walks alone. Active physical activity and noisy feasts are not recommended. In every possible way avoid clarifying the relationship with loved ones. Emotions will overflow.

Today, with incredible ease, you can achieve what previously seemed inaccessible. It is possible that you will receive financial support from parents, friends or partners. The stars recommend a reasonable regrouping of forces in order to complete the work begun.

Today, contacts with officials, business meetings, paperwork, appeal to higher authorities are favorable. In the morning, minor misunderstandings are likely due to rash statements or falsely interpreted promises. A violent display of emotions can aggravate the situation.

The horoscope for today, March 31, 2016, was compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova especially for the site.

The data of the lunar calendar, sunrise, sunset and moon for March 31, 2016 are given for Moscow and the Moscow region.

The fourth phase of the moon is the last period of the lunar cycle. This is the time to take stock and prepare for the new lunar month. These days, activity drops, physical strength and vitality go away.

Affairs. The fourth phase is the right time to complete all the work that has been started earlier, evaluate the work done, and make plans. It is better to start new projects already during the period of the growing moon. At this time, it is good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It is not recommended to sign contracts - transactions will not bring success. It is not worth investing money because of the high risk of failure. You can do charity work. It is undesirable to meet new people. Mood swings can be experienced these days. It is necessary to avoid temptations, to show tolerance for the behavior of relatives and friends, not to provoke quarrels. You can do simple household chores: wash, clean. This is a great time for relaxation, quiet rest and spiritual practice.

Haircut and hair care. A haircut on the waning moon has a beneficial effect on the health of the hair: it strengthens the roots and prevents hair loss. These days it is good to cut bangs, as well as to get a haircut for those who rarely change hairstyles - hair will grow back slowly. This is a favorable time for dyeing in an unusual color - the paint will not last long.

Beauty, self care. Fourth phase - a suitable period for carrying out care procedures: masks, peels. They will give a good effect.

Health. It is advisable to reduce physical activity in order to avoid overwork. Avoid stressful situations.

Nutrition. It is allowed to eat any food - gaining excess weight these days is difficult.

When the Moon is in the earth element of Capricorn, such qualities as organization, responsibility, reliability, caution, conservatism, self-control appear. The Moon in Capricorn is favorable for things that require great concentration, perseverance, self-discipline. At this time, you can start long-term projects, start any work that requires perseverance and perseverance.

Haircut lunar calendar

The moon in Capricorn is favorable for haircuts only in the first and second phases of the lunar cycle. Haircut on the waning moon in Capricorn will significantly slow down the growth of your hair, make it dull and lifeless, which can lead to hair loss. The Moon in Capricorn is not suitable for perming and for experimenting with haircuts - strict, conservative haircuts work well at this time.

The Moon in Capricorn is well suited for hair strengthening procedures.

Work, business, career

Favorable period for starting long-term projects. It is better to postpone business negotiations, interviews, appeal to superiors, since stiffness in expressing emotions during the passage of the Moon in the sign of Capricorn usually does not give the desired result from communication. The Moon in Capricorn is generally more conducive to solitary work. It is extremely unfortunate during this period to conclude transactions that require quick completion of work, since in the process of performing such tasks, obstacles, delays, and troubles often arise that complicate the work and delay its completion on time.

The Moon in Capricorn is favorable for an accountant, economist, programmer, organizer, developer, antique dealer.


The Moon in Capricorn is not conducive to impulsive purchases; during this period, only the necessary goods are usually purchased. Good for acquiring real estate, land, antiques. Unfavorable period for the purchase of vehicles. You can use the influence of the Moon in Capricorn to get a long-term loan. You should not lend money at this time - you will have to wait a very long time for the return of money. It is not recommended to invest in projects that should bring quick income.

Love, family

The influence of the Moon in Capricorn on relationships between lovers is often expressed in emotional constraint, coldness of feelings, restraint. This time is not conducive to romantic dates and acquaintances. A bad time to attend social events, parties - they can be quite boring and will not bring the expected relaxation. The Moon in Capricorn does not contribute to emotional and physical relaxation at all.

In family life, the Moon in Capricorn manifests itself in a calm home environment, although during this period there is a desire for solitude, and everyone in the house does their own thing. Do not plan celebrations and trips to visit at this time. The festive atmosphere will be spoiled by excessive caution and constraint, which will lead to a depressed mood, oppression.


The Moon in Capricorn is not favorable for visiting the dentist, surgical interventions on tendons, joints.

23 lunar day

On the 23rd lunar day, it is undesirable to engage in vigorous activity due to the negative energy of the day. You should not start anything new, look for business contacts, invest in risky business. It is better to engage in current routine activities. You can carry out small financial transactions. This is an unfavorable time to talk with superiors. Neutral time to change the type of activity, travel. Unfavorable period for communication, dates. The day is suitable for housework.

Waning Moon (4 phase)

The fourth phase of the moon is a time of gradual decline in strength. At the end of the lunar cycle, there is little strength left for productive activity. You need to spend them only on the most important and important things. At this time, it is not recommended to start new responsible business. It is better to devote yourself to summarizing the work done and making plans. This is an unfavorable period for investing. You need to beware of quarrels, stop conflicts and show tolerance towards loved ones. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances.

Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn is a favorable time for new beginnings and continuation of current tasks with a high level of responsibility. These days it is good to put work affairs in order and plan activities for the coming period. It is undesirable to communicate with superiors and move to a new place of work. It is not recommended to do household chores. This is the best time for shopping, planning income and expenses. Not the best time for dates, new acquaintances, communication with friends. Not the right time to travel.


Thursday is a favorable day of the week for new beginnings, teamwork, making plans for the near future. This is a suitable period for talking with superiors, changing the type of activity. Not the best time for money transactions.

The lunar calendar for March 31, 2016 informs about the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiac constellations on this day. It indicates the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, the degree of its visibility. It contains the lunar horoscope for March 31, taking into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in the zodiac sign and the day of the week.

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