Kate Middleton: how to become princesses. Kate Middleton in a transparent dress

Kate Middleton, aka Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn and Baroness Carrickfergus. Simply put, the wife of the Crown Prince of Great Britain.

For millions of inhabitants of the earth, a woman is a living embodiment of a fairy tale about, an icon of style, an example of self-sacrifice and, to some extent, self-sacrifice. In the latter case, this refers to the desire of Kate, who did not know so many restrictions and duties before marriage, to comply with the rules for which the royal court is so happy.

Childhood and youth

Kate Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading. Father Michael Francis Middleton was a pilot for the world famous British Airways. Kate's mother, Carol Elizabeth, also worked as a flight attendant there. Parents got married in June 1980. Kate's younger sister Philippa Charlotte and brother James William also grew up in the family.

2 years after the birth of Kate, her father was transferred to work in the capital of Jordan, where the Middletons lived until 1986. Here, the girl attended the only kindergarten for children of foreigners, and after returning to England, she continued her studies at St. Andrew's School, which she successfully graduated in 1995.

Kate Middleton as a child

Despite the fact that Kate's ancestors are from the working class, her parents earned enough so that the girl did not need anything in her childhood. She could travel, study at the best colleges and institutes, devote time to charity. Kate Middleton was not much inferior to her education and upbringing of a real aristocrat.

Then there was a study at Marlborough College, where the future Duchess of Cambridge paid a lot of attention to sports. Kate was fond of hockey, netball, tennis and athletics. At Middleton College, she completed the program of the Duke of Edinburgh, and at the highest level.

Then the girl took a year off from studying, traveled a lot, participated in an exchange program in Italy and in a charity program in Chile. Even in her youth, Kate began to participate in charity, which was further developed when Middleton got into high society.

In 2001, Kate entered the University of St. Andrews. In this prestigious educational institution, she met Prince William, not suspecting how the meeting of fellow students would affect her entire biography. Middleton received a bachelor's degree in art history. At the beginning of her studies, she attended this subject with the prince, later William changed his specialty to geography. The young man wanted to drop out after the 1st year, and, according to rumors, it was Kate who dissuaded him from this.


After graduating, Kate Middleton began working for her family-owned company, Party Pieces, which delivered holiday decorations and party items. Kate was engaged in marketing: she developed catalogs, arranged shootings. In 2006, she began working in parallel at the Jigsaw chain store, in the purchasing department.

She also dreamed of becoming a professional photographer and even planned to take lessons from famous British masters of photography. Kate has earned several thousand pounds with her photographs.

Personal life

The personal life of Kate Middleton quickly attracted the attention of the press. At some point, the girl even had to ask for the help of lawyers in order to avoid pressure from others.

Kate met the heir to the throne at the university and there she faced strong competition for the heart of the prince. William at that time was fond of two girls at once who studied at the Faculty of English Literature, but quickly forgot about his former girlfriends when, according to rumors, he saw a gray-eyed brunette in a transparent dress at a charity show, under which there was only a miniature swimsuit. Since 2002, young people began to live together, renting a country house.

Kate Middleton is called Cinderella

The novel developed according to its own unknown laws, although the students tried their best to hide it. Even then, Kate and William could not live without each other, even holidays were often spent together. The connection became stronger, which is not surprising, because they lived under the same roof and studied at the same university. At the end of 2004, it became impossible to hide the relationship, and the press service of the royal family was forced to admit that the prince was actually dating Kate, a girl from a simple family.

The news shocked the public, and many began to compare Kate Middleton with the fabulous Cinderella. They became especially interested in the life of the girl, her peers were curious about what parameters should be possessed in order to attract the attention of the prince. By the way, the height and weight of the Duchess is quite average - 175 cm and 60 kg.

After graduating from university in 2005, Kate was invited to work in a chain of clothing stores, and William, according to royal tradition, entered the Sandhurst military academy. At the end of 2006, graduation took place at the academy where the prince studied. The ceremony was attended by the entire royal family, including the Queen, as well as Kate and relatives.

Kate began to appear more and more often in public with the prince, not only in everyday life, but also at official events. Despite the fact that Middleton never trained in how a princess should look, her appearance was not satisfactory, and the girl soon received the title of style icon. "Cinderella" managed to look sophisticated and perfect in a dress, and in a coat, and in jeans, and even in a Russian fur hat. For this, Kate received another nickname - the English Rose.

Hats, spectacular and bright, in retro style or created by the imagination of modern designers, became a distinctive touch to the image of Middleton at the court. The British Headwear Association has included the wife of the heir to the throne in a kind of hall of fame for fans of these headdresses.

The Duchess, as noted by fashion observers, chooses the brands John Boyd, Lock & Co, Philip Treacy and Jane Taylor. Photos of Kate's outfits appear after each event with her participation and set the tone for a stylish life not only in England, but throughout the world. The hairstyle is copied by visitors to beauty salons and beauty bloggers.

In 2007, they began to talk about the fact that Kate and William broke off relations. The reason for the breakup was called the beautiful Isabella Calthorpe. The prince allegedly proposed to her, but the girl refused, citing the fact that she did not tolerate royal ceremonies.

However, as the American journalist Christopher Andersen wrote in the book The Game of the Crown, the wife of the prince drove a wedge between the lovers.

Camilla Parker Bowles and Kate Middleton

Allegedly, the Duchess of Cornwall disliked Kate because such a fuss arose around the romance with William, while Camilla had been trying to win the sympathy of the British for years.

Andersen also claimed that Middleton's acquaintance with the prince was not an accident, but a calculation orchestrated by the girl's mother. Kate was allegedly not going to study at the University of St. Andrews and succumbed to Carol's arguments that this is the only place where you meet royalty.

Whatever it was, but at the end of 2007, the relationship between Kate and William was restored, and on November 16, 2010, the engagement was announced. Young people got engaged in Kenya.

The prince gave his beloved the famous ring with sapphire and 14 diamonds, formerly owned by the princess. The wedding ring is no frills, made of yellow gold, but the metal deposit is located in Wales and belongs to the Windsors. Shortly before the wedding, William also presented earrings that matched the main decoration in style. The jewelry set has firmly taken its place in Kate's jewelry box, becoming one of her favorites.

The wedding was celebrated on April 29, 2011 in London. The Queen, a couple of hours before the ceremony, awarded William the titles Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus. After the marriage, Kate became Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge. The girl not only broke the stereotype that the king, even the future one, cannot marry for love. Middleton set a kind of record - she became the "oldest" bride of the prince in all of British history: at the time of marriage she was 29 years old.

The celebration proved lucrative for London. Those wishing to personally see the newlyweds spent about £ 100 million on accommodation, food and souvenirs. In the wake of the excitement, a film was made dedicated to the relationship and wedding of crowned persons.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

July 22, 2013 the new heir to the English throne - George Alexander Louis. True, Kate and William began to call him George for simplicity. On October 23 of the same year, the christening of the first-born took place. Immediately 7 people became the godfathers of the future monarch.

In 2014, particularly observant fans of the duchess suggested that Kate was pregnant for the second time. The official representative of the palace confirmed this rumor, and in May 2015, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana was born.

The two kids didn't make their royal parents homebodies. In 2016, the whole family went on an official visit to Canada. The prince, his wife and children were to attend more than 30 meetings and events. In Canada, the famous couple spent time not only with politicians or stars, but also visited universities and small sporting events and holidays.

In 2017, the royal family surprised the subjects. In January, Kate turned 35 years old, and the whole country was waiting for news of a beautiful and solemn event. But the celebration did not take place, the husband forbade the birthday girl to organize a noisy party. Prince William himself was on duty in air ambulance that day.

This behavior of the spouse can be explained by the fact that some of the British recognized the Duke, Duchess and Prince Harry as the laziest residents of the state. The crown prince is upset by this title and is now struggling to correct the unflattering image.

Due to the special state status, Kate is forbidden to create a personal account on Instagram. Pictures about the life of the royal court are published on the Kensingtonroyal page.

Kate Middleton now

In the spring of 2018, an addition happened again in the royal family. April 23 Kate Middleton in the English clinic of St. Mary. Medics, according to media assurances, released an entire wing for the arrival of the Duchess of Cambridge. At first, the heir lived in Kensington Palace with his brother and mother. The third child of the royal couple was named Louis Arthur Charles, the boy was given the title of His Royal Highness Louis of Cambridge.

On May 19, 2018, Kate appeared with her husband for the first time after giving birth to Prince and. William acted as best man, and Kate was again recognized as the most elegant at the celebration. The wives of the princes are on friendly terms.

The war is not waged by Middleton and Markle, but by their supporters. After the announcement of the engagement of Megan and Harry, a kind of competition began on the Web, which of the women is more stylish, elegant and confident. The joint appearance of duchesses in public provides food for publications by fashion experts and behavioral psychologists. The latter noticed that Megan's acting past affects her gestures and manner of presenting herself. And Kate demonstrates that the royal person does not need to attract attention - they will always be heard.

According to insiders cited by the media, the "popularity contest" causes a lot of friction in the palace. The next reason for the skirmishes was the place of residence provided by Elizabeth II to her grandson Harry. As if the apartment has 1 room more than Prince William, and this outrages Middleton. And it is still unknown how the duchesses took the rules of etiquette, according to which Megan is obliged to curtsey to Kate.

In the autumn of the same year, another commoner appeared in the Windsor dynasty, albeit of count blood: the granddaughter of Elizabeth II, Princess Eugenie, married a nightclub manager.

The impeccable Duchess of Cambridge almost overshadowed the bride due to slight embarrassment when the wind lifted the hem of her dress. Prince George and Princess Charlotte, according to tradition, "worked" as a page and a flower girl.

By her appearance at the event, the Duchess made it clear that the maternity leave was over, and she was starting to fulfill the duties stipulated by her status. Middleton attended the opening of a photography exhibition at the Queen and Prince Museum and Sayers Croft Forest School, the Mental Health Summit and the Paddington Recreation Ground Wildlife Garden. After the last release, the press again drew attention to how natural the royal person looks in simple style clothes. In addition, Kate changed her hair again.

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle summer 2018

According to reports from online retailer eBay, Kate consistently has a bigger impact on consumer demand than Meghan Markle. Stores are waiting for buyers who want to buy things “like Middleton”, and fashion magazines are trying to predict what will be popular next season.

A fairly new co-educational school - Middleton College (Myddleton College) - is located on the site of the former school in Denbigh and provides excellent balanced education programs for children and adolescents (middle and senior, graduation classes, from 11 to 18 years). Traditional British values ​​​​are honored here - this also applies to the educational sphere, and the ability to behave, think broadly and draw objective conclusions, and treat all people with respect. The educational institution got its name in honor of the founders, the Middleton family, who lived in the same city and did a lot to improve the level of education in the region. Both boys and girls can study here, children from any country of the world, any skin color and religion are accepted - the school is proud of the diversity and uniqueness of its students.

The cozy town of Denbigh (translated from Welsh, the official language of Wales - “little fortress”) is located in the county of Derbyshire and has only about 10,000 inhabitants. This is the heart of North Wales: students can enjoy daily views of the Vale of Clwyd, included in the list of 4 most beautiful places in the region (AONB). Not far away is the famous Snowdonia Park, a unique combination of nature and history, creating an ancient, charming and peaceful atmosphere.

In no way is any communication with parents, friends or relatives prohibited - on the contrary, the school staff encourages the constant communication of children both inside and outside the school. A friendly, calm and comfortable atmosphere reigns here, so that students quickly make many new friends, constantly communicate in residences, at electives, sports and leisure activities. No one will feel lonely here!

0 April 14, 2018, 20:45

Kate Middleton with friends

The life of British monarchs is seemingly in plain sight (we even know Prince George and Princess Charlotte), but at the same time, there are things that are hidden from the public. For example, have you heard anything about the best friend? The journalists conducted their own investigation and found out who the Duchess is friends with.

Of all Kate's entourage, Pippa is the most known to the public, of course. The Duchess and her sister have always been very close, their age difference is less than two years. It was Pippa who most actively helped Catherine prepare for the wedding and now spends a lot of time with her. Sisters often travel together, they have common friends, interests and even tastes in clothes.

Kate Middleton's wedding

Pippa Middleton's wedding

This girl is called Katherine's best friend, she is George's godmother. Emilia and Kate have known each other since college. They say that when Middleton and Prince William broke up for a while, Emilia gave her friend a "comfort tour" to Ibiza. Now the "party" days of both are in the past: Emilia also has two small children. She owns a design office and helped Kate renovate the interiors of Kensington Palace. By the way, Emilia's husband David studied at Eton with Prince William, so the couples are family friends.

Another close friend of Kate, Sophie Carter, is Princess Charlotte's godmother. In addition, she is the ex-girlfriend of William Thomas Van Strobenzee's best friend, and her brother Robert is married to a high school friend, Katherine.

The Duchess and her friend are so close that Sophie could show up with the royal family for a church service or travel with the Dukes of Cambridge and their children.

Trini Foyle

Katherine's closest friends are those with whom she studied at Marlborough College. Among them is Trini Foyle, she also supported the future duchess during her spats with William. Foyle now spends time at the palace and goes to events with the Middleton family.

Common friends and neighbors of Kate and William, James is also the godfather of Princess Charlotte. He is one of the prince's oldest friends, and he and his wife can also come to church services along with representatives of the crowned family.

Hugh is one of the four van Cutsem brothers, the sons of Prince Charles's best friend, so William has known him since childhood. Prince and Katherine now communicate with all the van Cutsem brothers and their wives, and little George and Charlotte have already made friends with their children, so the company is big.

Alice Evenel

Alice Avenel is also in the immediate circle of Kate and William - Middleton became friends with her at Marlborough College, where they were in the same tennis section. In her teenage years, Alice was friends with William, and then studied at the University of Edinburgh with Pippa Middleton. Now Avenel continues to communicate with the Dukes of Cambridge, they were guests at her wedding.

Rebecca is the Duchess' former personal secretary, but Kate is said to treat her like a friend. Deacon once worked for Prince Harry's charitable foundation, and after the engagement of William and Kate, she became the duchess' right hand. For ten years she was responsible for scheduling Katherine's events and traveling with her and William on all official trips.

This summer, Rebecca left her position and now runs her own PR company. Deacon and the Duchess parted not just on good terms: in the fall, at a special ceremony at the palace, Prince William presented Rebecca with the Royal Victorian Order in appreciation for her many years of work and devotion.

Another of Kate's assistants, also included in the circle of trust, is Natasha Archer, the Duchess's personal assistant and her stylist. The girl is responsible for all the outfits of Catherine, traveling with her around the world. The fact that the relationship between them is trusting is evidenced by the fact that Natasha, along with Rebecca Deacon, were among the first to visit Kate after the first and second births.

Photo Gettyimages.ru

You probably imagined that the most august persons can afford whatever they want, thanks not only to their unlimited power, but also to inexhaustible wealth? Hurry up to be disappointed: the Queen is only 257th in the list of the richest people in the UK - her fortune is $ 550 million.

2. Decree on the royal fish

According to British law, any representative of one of the types of "royal fish" - whales, sturgeons or dolphins - caught in the territorial waters of Britain, is automatically considered to belong to the royal family. This decree was issued by Edward II. 13th century and is still valid, even though it has since been proven that dolphins are not fish.

3. Double birthday

Some people born shortly before or immediately after the New Year celebrate their birthday twice, but in general, a person usually has one birthday. But the Queen has two of them - on April 21 she was born for real, and in May or June official celebrations are usually organized on her birthday.

4. Long live the Queen!

Queen Elizabeth II is currently the longest-serving British ruler in history: her term of office is now 64 years. Queen Victoria, who ruled before her, remained on the throne for 63 years and 216 days. Nowadays, it is difficult for a person not to lose a job even for a year, not to mention more than 60 years!

5. Smart guy

Prince William entered the University of St Andrews in 2001 and graduated summa cum laude in 2005. Among the heirs to the British throne, he had the highest academic performance!

6. Another smart girl

Prince William is not the only member of the royal family to receive academic honors. His wife, Kate Middleton, also studied at the University of St. Andrews (where they met). Kate has a degree in art history, making her the first "bride of the Crown" with a university degree.

7. Progressive mores

Only in 2013 did the UK move away from the concept of male succession to the throne, thus declaring that any member of the royal family, regardless of gender, can inherit the throne. You ask: how then did Elizabeth II ascend the throne? Elementary: her father had no sons.

8. No real last name

What is the Queen's last name? I think a lot of people would like to know. But in fact, this is not so important: being on the throne, a person can take almost any surname for himself. Elizabeth II's father changed his surname from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor; later Windsor became Mountbatten-Windsor.

9. The house of servants is full

If you've ever seen Buckingham Palace up close, at least in a movie, you know it's huge. It is located on an area of ​​77,000 square meters, it has 775 rooms and about 800 workers to keep it and the life of the royal family normal. There are chefs, maids, butlers, security and even watchmakers!

10. Popes come and go, but the Queen remains.

The current Pope is already the sixth to have been replaced in office during the reign of the Queen. Maybe it will impress you even more if you find out that there have been 266 Popes in total since 33 AD.

11. What is in my name to you?

Someone changes their name because they do not like the name given at birth, someone - because they associate it with something unpleasant. Members of the royal family also change names - for a ceremonial reason: in order to reign, they need a new name, and they can choose it. Queen Victoria was once Princess Alexandrine, King George was once Prince Albert, and so on.

12. Connections with America

It has recently been discovered that although the US declared independence from England in 1776, there is still a kinship between the US and England: the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is related to founding father George Washington.

Born January 9, 1982 in the city of Reading in the English county of Berkshire in the family of Michael Francis Middleton and Carol Elizabeth, née Goldsmith. Carol was a flight attendant, Michael was an air traffic controller (he later became a British Airways pilot).

In 1987, the Middletons founded the mail order company Party Pieces, which successfully developed in the British market and made them millionaires. The company provides postal delivery of goods for various holidays. The family settled in their own house in the village of Bucklebury in Berkshire.

Kate graduated from St. Andrews School in the village of Panbourne in Berkshire. Then the future princess moved to Marlborough College, a private educational institution in Wiltshire. In college, Kate played tennis, hockey and netball, and was involved in athletics.

After graduating from college in 2000, Kate did not go to university, arranging a year's break from her studies. During this time, she traveled to two countries - in Italy, where she studied at the Florence British Institute, and in Chile, where she participated in the program of the charitable organization Raleigh International. In addition, Kate managed to take a short cruise along the Solent. In 2001, she entered the University of St. Andrews in the Scottish region of Fife. There she met Prince William, the eldest son of Charles, Prince of Wales.

Kate graduated with a straight A in 2005, earning a bachelor's degree with second-class honors in art history. After that, she began working for Party Pieces, which was founded by her parents.

In 2005, all the British and world tabloids wrote about Kate as the new girlfriend of Prince William. Their joint photo, taken during one of the excursions, appeared on the front pages of the world's leading publications. Subsequently, Middleton turned to a lawyer in connection with the constant interference in her personal life and the persecution of journalists.

At the university, young people studied art history together, but later Prince William changed his specialization to geography. According to some reports, he wanted to drop out of his first year, but Kate convinced him to continue his studies. According to another version, William stayed at the university thanks to his father's persuasion.

Middleton began to appear frequently at events involving the royal family. On November 16, 2010, Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton.

April 29, 2011 Kate Middleton married Prince William of Wales. The wedding took place at Westminster Abbey in London. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain granted the lovers the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

For the wedding, Kate Middleton ordered two wedding dresses (one -

for the wedding ceremony, the second - for the wedding dinner). The first, which became the main intrigue of the celebration, amazed all fashion experts. The bride opted for a dress from the British brand Alexander McQueen. The second dress was created by the famous British fashion designer and stylist Bruce Oldfield, who previously took part in the design of Princess Diana's wardrobe.

On May 2, 2015, the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a daughter. The girl was named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

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