Kiwi has more vitamin C than lemons. What vitamins and minerals are in lemon? Vitamin in lemon peel

Since ancient times, people have valued lemons and oranges for their taste and health benefits. And, indeed, just as it is impossible to imagine a tea party without a lemon cut on a saucer, so the New Year without a fragrant orange is not a holiday. What are the benefits of citrus fruits? Everyone knows about the content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), but few people know what other vitamins are contained in oranges and lemons.

vitamins in citrus fruits

When we are faced with colds, the first thing we do is brew tea, adding our favorite citrus to it. Due to the content of vitamin C in lemon, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, we quickly recover. However, in fact, there is not as much ascorbic acid in lemon as everyone thinks. Even an orange has more of this vitamin than its sour relative. For example, a small orange contains 60 mg of acid, while the same lemon contains only 40 mg. The amount of vitamin C in lemon ranges from 40 to 75 mg per 100 g of the product, this is not so much, for example, blackcurrant contains up to 200 mg, which is much more.

Vitamins rich in citrus fruits:

In addition to the vitamins listed above, citrus fruits also contain minerals, which, of course, speaks in favor of the heroes of this article.


The composition of citruses includes not only vitamins, but also minerals, and in particular potassium, which prevents the increase in pressure. Also, these fruits contain:

Some of these substances can be in sufficient quantities, while others - in negligible proportions, which does not prevent them from playing a huge role for the normal functioning of the body. Each of these elements is vital and is responsible for certain functions of the body. For example, calcium and phosphorus are responsible for bone tissue, and potassium and sodium are responsible for the water-salt balance. Therefore, the importance of macro- and microelements for our life cannot be underestimated. BUT citrus fruits are truly storehouses in terms of the content of vitamins and useful chemical elements.

In addition to the above substances, yellow citrus contains citric and malic acid, which, moreover, are natural preservatives, but also contribute to good digestion. In addition, citric acid is actively involved in the breakdown of kidney stones, if any, of course.


In addition to the positive effect on the body , lemons can also have a negative effect. This is again due to the high content of acid in them.

So, when using lemons in cosmetology, it should be borne in mind that citric acid can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, in order to prevent an undesirable effect, it is necessary to apply the product on a small area of ​​the skin, and if after 24 hours the allergy does not appear, this drug can be safely used in cosmetology for this patient.

Due to the possibility of allergies yellow citrus fruits are also contraindicated for small children.

In addition, lemons are undesirable for people with peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatitis. This is due to the fact that the acid increases the already high acidity of the stomach, and also further irritates the inflamed pancreas. With ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity, lemon is categorically contraindicated, since the acid corrodes the ulcers even more, the healing process is delayed, and not a single medicine helps.

Thus, when eating lemon in food, you need to be careful. It is best, of course, to consult a dietitian if you have any health problems. It is worth remembering that an excess of vitamins is even more harmful than their lack. You should not overeat citrus fruits, believing that the more you eat, the more nutrients you will stock up. In fact, this is not so, useful substances are not deposited, their reserves need to be replenished regularly.

Therefore, in everything it is necessary to observe the measure and balance your diet in such a way that it contains enough vitamins and minerals every day, and it is better to let it be a little more so as not to be mistaken. After all, only a doctor can determine the lack or excess of useful substances in the body and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Therefore, please do not abuse citrus fruits, especially since they are so delicious.

There are people who do not know how vitamin C affects the body, but they know that it must be taken. The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot reproduce ascorbic acid. Stocks need to be replenished from outside.

Where is a lot of vitamin C? Even a student will give examples of products with its content. In most cases, these will be citrus fruits and onions. However, the list is not limited to this.

Where is the most vitamin C?

The vitamin is found in plant foods - fruits, vegetables and greens.


This berry is useful for the body precisely because of the presence of vitamin C. It is very useful to eat kiwi along with the peel. It is not digested and absorbs harmful toxins. They are then excreted naturally from the body.


A medium-sized orange with a mass of 150 grams replenishes the body with a daily dose of vitamin. It must be used for scurvy, beriberi, colds and flu.

Red bell pepper

Pepper is the leader among vegetables in terms of the content of this vitamin. It is best to use it fresh. But even in a canned product, the content of this vitamin remains at a high level.


This vegetable contains the most stable form of this vitamin. The juice of this vegetable is used to treat ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system.


To replenish the daily intake of vitamin, it is enough to eat 50 grams of greens. You can make a salad or add it to the first courses.

onion greens

The bulb contains less vitamin than feathers. In spring, green onions become a real salvation for our body. 100 grams of greens will replenish the daily intake and relieve vitamin deficiency. In addition, it will improve the condition of hair, nails, skin and teeth.


Spinach is best suited for replenishing the body with a vitamin in late autumn and winter.


There is more vitamin C in the shoots and leaves of celery than in its root. Salads are made from it and used as a seasoning for vegetables and first courses.


If you want to saturate the body with vitamin C with this vegetable, then it is better to use late varieties.


Raspberries are known to everyone as a useful medicinal berry. Among all the components that make up its composition, vitamin C is also listed. No wonder raspberry tea is prescribed for colds and flu. It strengthens the body and fights the virus.

Foods containing vitamin C per 100 grams

Sweet red pepper - 250 mg;

Sweet yellow pepper - 150 mg;

Brussels sprouts - 120 mg;

White cabbage - 60 mg;

Radish - 29 mg;

Peas - 25 mg;

Radish - 25 mg;

Beans - 20 mg;

Zucchini - 15 mg;

Beets - 10 mg;

Cucumbers - 10 mg;

Onion - 10 mg;

Pumpkin - 8 mg;

Carrot - 5 mg;

Eggplant - 5 mg;

Potato - 2 mg.


Parsley - 150 mg;

Dill - 100 mg;

Spinach - 55 mg;

Sorrel - 43 mg;

Celery - 38 mg.

Fruits and berries:

Rosehip - 470 mg;

Sea buckthorn - 200 mg;

Black currant - 200 mg;

Kiwi - 92 mg;

Rowan - 70 mg;

Oranges - 60 mg;

Strawberries and wild strawberries - 60 mg;

Lemons - 40 mg;

Tangerines - 38 mg;

Gooseberries - 30 mg;

Quince - 23 mg;

Raspberries - 20 mg;

Melon - 20 mg;

Pineapple - 20 mg;

Cranberries - 15 mg;

Sweet cherry - 15 mg;

Bananas - 10 mg;

Apples - 10 mg;

Grapes - 6 mg;

Pears - 5 mg;

Pomegranate - 4 mg.

From the above, you can make a list of foods with the highest amount of vitamin C. Indicated in order of importance.

  1. In the first place - wild rose.
  2. On the second - Bulgarian red pepper.
  3. On the third - sea buckthorn and black currant.
  4. On the fourth - sweet green pepper and parsley.
  5. On the fifth - Brussels sprouts.
  6. On the sixth - dill and wild garlic.
  7. The seventh place was shared by red rowan and cauliflower.
  8. In eighth place - kiwi.
  9. On the ninth - strawberries, strawberries and spinach.

Rounding out the list are orange, sorrel, lemon and tangerine.

To be healthy and beautiful - eat more fruits and vegetables. Replenish the body with useful substances, the whiter that there is plenty to choose from.

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Kira Stoletova

Citrus fruits are considered useful in the treatment and prevention of colds. Vitamin C in lemon contains a record amount among citrus fruits. In addition, the fruit is rich in minerals and trace elements.

The benefits of lemons

Vitamin C (C) the body also receives from other acidic fruits (in orange, kiwi). It is necessary for immunity, blood vessels, the functioning of the nervous system.

Deficiency causes scurvy. The history of the discovery of the substance is associated with this disease: a medical scientist discovered that it was treated with lemon juice.

  1. A (improves vision, regulates the internal state, as well as the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  2. B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9 (improve the functioning of nerve cells, participate in the formation of blood cells; promote good blood circulation).
  3. C (stimulates the immune system, improves metabolism, removes toxins). The content of vitamin C in a lemon is 30% of the daily dose of an adult.
  4. E (slows down the aging process, strengthens blood vessels, increases the absorption of A).
  5. PP (responsible for redox processes).

Daily intake of vitamin

Daily dose: from 45 mg per day (for children from 4 years old) and up to 75-90 mg for people over 19 years old.

Smokers need to get more of this vitamin because one cigarette destroys 20 mg.

In grams, they use 0.5-1 g of vitamin per day in the treatment of colds, normally - no more than 0.2 g per day. An overdose of a substance is dangerous, as is its shortage. To get 30% of the daily value, the juice of one lemon in a diluted form is enough.

To increase the chances of absorption by the body, it is consumed in combination with Calcium and Magnesium. It is not recommended to take with folic acid, caffeine, iron and B12.

The mineral composition of lemon

Trace elements are useful for human health and beauty. Table of minerals contained in the fruit:

How to save nutrients

A large number of minerals and vitamins are found in lemon, but you need to learn how to preserve useful properties. Follow simple rules:

  1. Choose natural. If the fruits are smooth, even and shiny, this is a sign that they may contain harmful substances.
  2. Do not heat treat. Useful substances in the lemon are destroyed, only 50% of their original amount remains.
  3. Freezing, contrary to popular belief, does not destroy the composition of the fruit. It is saved by 90%.
  4. Dried citrus fruits also do not lose their beneficial properties. Dry the zest.

The fruit is best eaten raw without sugar. It is allowed to add a slice to tea or coffee at a temperature of 40℃.

The fruit appeared in our latitudes more than a hundred years ago. He came from the Mediterranean and is widely known for its healing properties and unique taste. Few people know what vitamins are present in lemon (except for the well-known ascorbic acid), what is its benefit to the body. Probably, it would not be superfluous to find out how much vitamin C is in a lemon, is it really as much as it is commonly believed, and what other useful elements this fruit contains.

Citrus is native to the Pacific Islands, India and China. "Golden Apple" or "Apple of Immortality" - the names given to him for a beneficial effect on a person.

It is effective for:

  • poisoning;
  • lung diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • toxicity in pregnant women.

People who have no contraindications can eat lemons daily, even with the peel. Those who suffer from high acidity, gastritis and stomach ulcers, and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract should be treated with caution. In the presence of sores or wounds in the mouth, it is recommended to refrain from consuming the fruit, because it irritates the mucous membrane. Sometimes it is advisable to use it not raw, but cooked. It makes excellent jellies, lemonades, soufflés and pies.

The value of a lemon

Before moving on to consider what vitamins lemon contains, let's talk about the properties.

The composition of the fetus is presented:

  • minerals and vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • biologically active substances - pectin, phytoncides, flavonoids, eridictyol, hesperedin; galacturonic acid.

Acids, malic and citric, contained in the pulp:

  • get rid of slagging;
  • provide fast digestion of food;
  • responsible for visual acuity;
  • strengthen immunity.

100 g of citrus contains (in grams):

  • proteins 0.9;
  • carbohydrates 3;
  • ash 0.5;
  • mono- and disaccharides 3;
  • vegetable fibers 2;
  • fat 0.1;
  • water 87.8.

Depending on the variety and the conditions in which the fruit appeared and ripened, it can contain from 27 to 34 kcal.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Finally, let's figure out what vitamins are contained in lemon and how it is useful for humans. The opinion that it is richer in vitamin C than other fruits and vegetables is erroneous. For example, it is considered a strong competitor in this respect. Although there is undoubtedly more ascorbic acid in its pulp than other vitamins. This confirms the composition, if we consider it in a digital sense.

The first table will tell you what vitamins lemon contains:

Vitamin Content mg/100 gr

To the question of which vitamin is more in lemon, you can safely answer: ascorbic acid.

How many minerals are contained in a fragrant yellow fruit, the second table will show:

What is the use

Vitamin C in lemon provides the body's resistance to infections of various kinds. He can remove free radicals from the blood. Phytoncides, which are also included in the composition, in addition to neutralizing free radicals, have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory, protective properties.

The effect of vitamins on the body:

  • BUT- normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes, maintaining visual acuity;
  • IN 1- regulation of the digestive, cardiovascular systems;
  • IN 2- toning the body as a whole and strengthening the skin;
  • IN 3- protection against pressure drops, heart attacks and strokes, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • AT 5- normal liver function and improvement of blood composition;
  • AT 6- acceleration of fat metabolism and the process of glucose uptake;
  • AT 9, it is also - folic acid contained in citrus, stimulates the immune system, provides a good protein metabolism;
  • E- prolongs the youth of the body.

It is useful for people with bad habits to include citrus in their diet to rid the body of toxins and toxins. If you have any doubts about the acceptable amount of pulp eaten per day, you should seek the advice of a nutritionist. The specialist will tell you how much it is allowed to use it without harm to health, without fear of side effects.

Lemon was brought to us more than a hundred years ago from the shores of the Mediterranean. Citrus fruits are very popular due to their excellent taste and healing properties on the body. What vitamins are in lemon and how much benefit do they bring?

The citrus fruit has long been called the “apple of immortality” and the “golden apple”, as it has an antimicrobial, healing, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. The active substances that make up this citrus contribute to the healing effect on the body. The effectiveness of fruits has been proven in case of poisoning, beriberi, atherosclerosis and lung diseases. It is also advised to use it for heart diseases and during pregnancy, to relieve symptoms of toxicosis.

Every person who strives for a healthy lifestyle should know what vitamins are contained in lemon in order to properly introduce citrus fruits into their diet. Every day it is recommended to eat a quarter of the fruit with a peel, for people who do not suffer from any diseases. The amount of this product needed per day can be determined by consulting a nutritionist.

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The content of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of lemon


Vitamin A 0,002 mg
Vitamin B1 0,04 mg
Vitamin B2 0,02 mg
Vitamin B3 0,2 mg
Vitamin B5 0,2 mg
Vitamin B6 0,06 mg
Vitamin B9 0,009 mg
Vitamin C 40 mg
Vitamin E 0,2 mg

Lemon contains not only vitamin C, citrus fruits contain a lot of other vitamins and minerals. What vitamins in this food product are necessary for a person?

This is how lemons grow

Vitamin P prevents hemorrhages in the brain, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, thus protecting against strokes and heart attacks. This element also helps to lower blood pressure, so the citrus fruit is recommended to be added to tea for people suffering from changes in blood pressure. Beta-carotene helps to normalize the level of vitamin A in the body, activating metabolic processes. Lemon contains potassium in large quantities, which nourishes nerve cells and the brain. Vitamin B normalizes sleep, and pectins protect against cancer and remove harmful microorganisms.

The composition and benefits of lemons

How much benefit does a person get from the elements that a lemon contains? What diseases can be overcome by eating its fruits? Low-calorie fruits have a high nutritional value, which give the body strength and energy. The mineral salts included in their composition normalize the functioning of internal organs and metabolism, and also raise immunity.

The chemical composition of citrus includes a large amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as citric and malic acid. Acids remove toxins, improve eyesight, digestion and blood circulation, boost the immune system and improve eyesight. How much benefit do these acids bring to the body, and how many minerals and vitamins are found in lemons?

Organic acids prevent the development of beriberi and related diseases. The content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in lemon is high, but parsley and black currant contain several times more of this substance. It is ascorbic acid that is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. Vitamins and minerals that are part of citrus also normalize the heartbeat, heal wounds, relieve scurvy and lung diseases.

Harm of lemons

Despite how many benefits this citrus brings to a person, eating it in large quantities can be accompanied by consequences. Lemon contains citric acid, which can cause allergic reactions, especially when used for cosmetic purposes. What measures can be taken to avoid the occurrence of allergies? Before applying a composition that contains lemon juice to the skin, a sensitivity test should be performed on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and after 24 hours, check the body's reaction to the citrus ingredient.

Lemon should not be eaten with peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, as it can cause an increase in acidity, which leads to complications for this disease. Also, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are a contraindication for the use of citrus fruits. The acids found in lemon can aggravate the condition of boils and ulcers, so you should wait a little while eating this product. With pancreatitis, you also need to be careful with this citrus.

With unlimited consumption of citrus fruits, you can do as much harm to the body as good. That is why you should follow the norm, preferably set by a nutritionist for each case individually, especially in the presence of the diseases listed above. Each person should know what substances lemon contains in its composition, so that you can get rid of some diseases and prevent the aggravation of existing diseases.

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