Prince Albert II of Monaco. The queen who cannot escape: why marriage to the Prince of Monaco turned into a nightmare for swimmer Charlene Wittstock. The wife of the Prince of Monaco threatened the Russian figure skater

Marrying a prince is a dream that seems impossible to many. Seven years ago, former South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock managed to achieve it. But has the life of the Prince of Monaco’s wife turned into a reality fairy tale?

At the beginning of July, Princess Charlene and Prince Albert celebrated seven years of family life

A wedding is considered one of the most happy events in life. Well, if the groom is a prince, then the bride is automatically registered as the lucky one who managed to hit the jackpot - no less. However, Charlene Wittstock, who has proudly worn the title of Princess of Monaco for the past seven years, is ready to refute all these claims. The former professional swimmer would like to forget the day of her wedding with Prince Albert II of Monaco (and the events preceding it) as horrible dream.

At her own wedding, the bride, as if having forgotten about hundreds of high-ranking guests and cameramen and photographers recording every moment, burst into bitter tears and, it seems, never smiled. A couple of years after the celebration, the princess with a forced smile will tell reporters that she cried... from happiness. Like, in fact, she was moved by the emotional performance of the artists at the wedding.

Not everyone believed the words of Charlene, who after her marriage to Albert was almost always unusually sad. What is the ex-athlete so sad about, who made the dream of many come true and married the ruler of one of the richest states in the world? the site reconstructed the chain of events and tried to understand the reasons for Princess Charlene’s misfortune.

"Playboy" of the Monegasque court

Most representatives of the royal families of Europe try to avoid gossip and scandals so as not to spoil their reputation. However, Prince Albert III of Monaco in his youth was not very worried about his image in the press. He changed women almost every month. At one time, Kylie Minogue, Brooke Shields, Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer and other world-famous beauties “claimed” the laurels of the future Princess of Monaco.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Russian figure skater Marina Anisina also dreamed of a title and luxurious jewelry. “Albert looked after me very beautifully. But why should I marry just for money? I rejected him and chose to connect my life with Nikita Dzhigurda,” said former athlete Lera Kudryavtseva in her show “Secret to a Million.”

In the 2000s, Prince Albert showed signs of attention to figure skater Marina Anisina, but she preferred his compatriot to him

Anisina, like many others, has repeatedly said that Albert is a wonderful, attentive lover. True, among those who spoke out on this subject were not only women, but also men... In the 1990s only son Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III accused of non-traditional sexual orientation. At first, the prince ignored these rumors, but his patience finally ran out.

“At first I found it funny. When everyone around me started discussing this topic, I became very angry. I’m tired of repeating that I’m not a homosexual,” Albert explained to Madame Figaro magazine.

Other facts also speak in favor of the prince. Suddenly, two women showed up and spoke in detail about the “fruits” of their meetings with Albert. Back in 1992, US real estate agent Tamara Rotolo announced that she gave birth to a daughter, Jasmine Grace, with him. Paternity was established only in 2006, when the Prince of Monaco finally agreed to undergo a DNA test. The caring father even invited his daughter to move in with him and promised to pay for her university education.

From time to time, the Prince of Monaco is discovered to have illegitimate children.

Before Albert recognized his illegitimate daughter, he had to recognize his son. A boy named Alexander was born in the summer of 2003. The child's mother, flight attendant Nicole Coste, endured it for a year and a half, and then sold the titled father of her child. It turns out that for several months she lived in the prince’s personal apartments in Paris and posed as the girlfriend of one of his friends. The prince was furious and immediately sued several reputable publications for digging through dirty laundry and unearthing something.

The scandal was so big that Albert had no choice but to declare himself the father of the boy.

After this, other women began to appear who claimed that the prince had “made them happy” too. True, they failed to achieve anything from the representative of the Grimaldi dynasty, taught by bitter experience. By that time, he had acquired a pool of the best lawyers in Europe and suddenly turned into a monogamous man.

Love at first swim?

Fans of the ruling family of Monaco were sure that Prince Albert would forever remain a bachelor. He had many women, but none of them managed to stay for long. His sister Caroline was incredibly happy about this, and back in the 2000s she mentally placed her eldest son, Andrea Casiraghi, on the throne.

No one around the prince took his passion for South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock seriously. The prince and the athlete met in Monaco in 2000 during a swimming competition. He immediately liked the pretty girl with a sporty figure, and they began to communicate.

We assume that the prince tried to conquer the swimmer with gallant courtship, but it did not work out: Miss Wittstock preferred to return home and focused on preparing for the next sporting event.

The girl dreamed of winning Olympic gold, but instead of the coveted medal, she got something more valuable - the heart of a prince.

Albert still managed to win Charlene’s favor, and at the beginning of 2006 they declared themselves a couple. The lovers arrived together at the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in Italy. Then journalists learned that Wittstock decided to move to Europe to spend more time with her boyfriend. She received a rather cold reception: the residents of Monaco found fault with the fact that she did not speak French (and was not eager to learn the language) and was generally too simple for the ruler of their state.

Meanwhile, the prince himself proudly showed off his beloved: he came with her to high-profile charity events, receptions and royal weddings. And in June 2010, Albert, who was then 52 years old, shocked the public with the news that he had finally decided to give up his bachelor life. In the official portraits on the occasion of the engagement, the prince and his bride looked happy - no one had any doubt that it was for love. In addition, the size precious stones Charlene's ring clearly signaled the giver's very serious intentions. The wedding was scheduled for July 2011.

Another of the Grimaldi family

A couple of months before the celebration, conflicting rumors began to appear in the foreign press that the bride had already changed her mind and was looking for an opportunity to return to her homeland without too much fuss. What could have changed so dramatically in just a few weeks? Was Charlene unable to come to terms with the rules of court protocol? Or did loving Albert cheat on her with someone else?

Prince Albert announced his engagement to Charlene Wittstock in the summer of 2010

Everything turned out to be much more complicated: another woman announced that she had given birth to the prince. The former swimmer was well aware that her fiancé had children out of wedlock. However, the appearance of another illegitimate offspring unsettled her, because it turned out that the prince was cheating on her. Everything was aggravated by the fact that even without illegitimate children, Miss Wittstock was not at all sweet. Princess Caroline immediately disliked her, and the people of Monaco constantly compared her to Grace Kelly (in favor of the late princess, of course). It seemed that the meek and patient Charlene would endure this, and would swallow and forget all the insults. However, Prince Albert’s bride turned out to be a rebel, even if all the “rebellions” were subsequently suppressed.

runaway Bride

At the end of June 2011, just a few days before royal wedding, it became known that the bride was ready to run away from the wedding. Charlene was detained at Nice airport while trying to fly out of the country. According to rumors, the girl only had a passport and a one-way ticket with her. She was heading to South Africa, but did not even have time to board the plane - the police had earlier sounded the alarm and confiscated documents from the would-be fugitive. The passport, of course, was handed over to Prince Albert, who was very dissatisfied with Charlene’s action.

A couple of days before the wedding, Charlene planned to run away from Albert. The third and final attempt was unsuccessful

The ruler had to persuade the former swimmer to marry him. He didn't want to cancel the wedding at the last minute because high-profile guests had already started arriving in Monaco. In addition, such a story would ultimately destroy the already not crystal clear reputation of the heir to Prince Rainier III.

Albert's representatives immediately stated that the whole story was made up by unscrupulous journalists.

“Do you even realize how stupid this gossip is? Believe me, there is not a grain of truth here. Such news is invented by envious individuals. Charlene never tried to fly anywhere and did not even think about canceling the wedding. She and Albert are very upset and cannot understand why someone would want to discredit their names,” said the head of the press service royal family Monaco Christina Stahl.

It soon became clear that this was not the first attempt to escape. Charlene began testing the waters two months before the wedding. She went to Paris, to the South African embassy, ​​and told those around her that she had flown to the French capital to try on the dress again and choose shoes to go with it. Alas, something didn’t work out, and the girl had to return to her groom. Two weeks later she tried to escape again, and again failed.

Representatives of the Prince of Monaco denied information that his bride tried to leave him on the eve of the wedding

Her father also spoke out in defense of Miss Wittstock. To at least slightly smooth out the unpleasant incident, he told about how it all happened on the air of one of the South African radio stations: “Charlene actually flew to Paris shortly before the wedding. She kept company with her mother, who could not find a hat for the celebration. This is the only time in the last few weeks that Charlene has flown anywhere.” Michael Wittstock also admitted that he adores his son-in-law and believes that his daughter pulled out a winning lottery ticket. Charlene herself clearly had a different opinion...

Married is not an abyss

“My life was filled with new meaning with the advent of Jacques and Gabriella. I will do everything in my power to make sure they grow up happy,” the new mother told the authoritative publication Paris Match.

Is loneliness boring?

After the birth of her son and daughter, the residents of Monaco, who had long refused to accept her, began to treat Charlene more favorably. Stories of escapes left an indelible imprint. “What did she want? She immediately made it clear that she would prefer to be anywhere in the world, just not here,” reasoned one of the residents of the state, talking with a journalist from The Daily Beast.

Charlene herself has repeatedly said that she is very lonely. She hardly communicates with anyone and cannot find friends.

Over the many years of living in Monaco, Charlene was never able to make friends

“I met a lot of wonderful people in Monaco, but they remained just acquaintances for me. I only have a couple of reliable friends,” the princess confessed in an interview with Tatler.

Charlene, it seems, is no longer very sad about life in a gilded cage: over the past seven years, she seems to have gotten used to her situation. I wonder if the princess will decide to divorce her unloved husband when their children grow up?

It turns out that the twins are prince Jacques(8 months) and princess Gabriella(8 months) – not the only children prince Monaco Albert II(57). Before marrying Charlene Wittstock(37) He had a very busy personal life, which resulted in two more illegitimate children. One of them is called Grimaldi(23), which will be discussed.

Jasmine Grace Grimaldi- older illegitimate daughter prince Monaco Albert II and former waitress Tamara Rotolo.

She was born in Palm Springs (California, USA), and grew up in Palm Desert And Orange County (California, USA).

Jasmine's mother Tamara met Prince Albert II in 1991 while on vacation Cote d'Azur . Holiday romance between a royal person and a waitress from California ended as quickly as it began. After the girl informed the head of state about her pregnancy, he hastened to break off all contacts with her. Therefore, Tamara had to return to USA and raise my daughter alone.

Jasmine met her father only when she was 11 years old. About the fact that she is the daughter of a prince Monaco, was officially announced on June 1, 2006, when the girl turned 14. “I dreamed of meeting my father, getting to know him better, telling him about myself. I missed my dad. I'm glad we met, even if it was so late. In any case, we now have a wonderful relationship,” the girl shared.

Granddaughter of the legendary Grace Kelly(1929-1982) knows his famous grandmother only from films, and in Monaco she visited for the first time at the age of 11. “When I was little, my mother showed photographs of my grandmother, but I did not understand at all that she was an icon. Most of all I love the photos in which she smiles. Among them there is one shot where a grandmother is standing in a swimsuit, holding an orange on a stick with such an enthusiastic look! She looks so natural and carefree,” Jasmine shares her memories. – The first time I felt that there was a connection between us was when I saw the film "High Society" with her participation. I was fascinated by her talent."

The girl graduated from an elite Catholic school in Palm Springs, where her famous father arranged for her.

As a teenager, Jasmine is like her grandmother Grace Kelly, played basketball, sang in the church choir and acted in theater productions.

Now the daughter of a prince Monaco lives in New York. She is studying at the theater department Fordham University and takes the first steps in the career of a singer and actress. ABOUT modeling business Grimaldi, 23, by her own admission, doesn't think twice about it.

Jasmine trained in vocals professionally. In college, I even sang in a friend’s band, and last February I started performing solo. According to Jasmine herself, her choice professional path grandmother indirectly influenced.



Albert has been fond of sports since childhood, and such different types like football, swimming and judo. He is a 5-time participant in the Winter Olympic Games (bobsled). Since 1985 - member of the IOC. Participant of the 1985 Dakar Rally (retired on stage 9 due to technical problems). Albert became the first sitting monarch to visit the North Pole (April 16, 2006). He actively cooperates with the UN and has won the respect of this organization, in particular, in 2006 he was appointed patron of the “Year of the Dolphin” and officially opened it on September 17, 2006.

Albert is Honorary President of the International Napoleonic Society.

Family life

Albert for a long time did not have a permanent life partner and remained single. He has two officially recognized illegitimate children (from different mothers), but they cannot inherit the throne.

In June 2010, it was announced that Albert was engaged to his fiancee Charlene Wittstock, a former swimmer and school teacher from South Africa, whose wedding took place on July 1, 2011. On July 1, 2011, a civil marriage ceremony took place, and the wedding of the newlyweds took place on July 2, 2011.

On May 30, 2014, it became known that Princess Charlene was pregnant, and on December 10 she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The birth took place by caesarean section. The children were named Jacques Honore Rainier and Gabriella Teresa Maria. The son received the titles Crown Prince of Monaco and Marquis de Beau, and the daughter received the titles Princess of Monaco and Countess de Carladez.

Succession to the throne

From December 10, 2014 crown prince Monaco is the son of Prince Albert Jacques.

In popular culture

James Shanklin played Prince Albert in the film "Social network" in 2010 year.


Monaco Awards
A country date Reward Letters
Monaco Monaco April 6, 2005 Sovereign Order of St. Charles
March 13, 1979 – April 6, 2005 Cavalier Grand Cross
Monaco Monaco April 6, 2005 Sovereign Order of Grimaldi
April 18, 1958 – April 6, 2005 Knight Grand Cross
Monaco Monaco April 6, 2005 Sovereign of the Order of the Crown
Monaco Monaco April 6, 2005 Sovereign of the Order of Cultural Merit
Awards from foreign countries
A country Date of delivery Reward Letters
Bulgaria Bulgaria Knight of the Order of Stara Planina, 1st class
Jordan Jordan Knight Grand Star of the Order of the Renaissance
Lebanon Lebanon Knight of the Grand Ribbon of the Order of Merit
Vatican Vatican January 27, 1983- Knight Grand Cross of the Jerusalem Order of the Holy Sepulcher
Sweden Sweden April 30, 1996- Golden Jubilee Medal of King Carl XVI Gustaf
France France July 25, 1997- Knight Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit
Niger Niger March 1998- Knight Grand Cross of the National Order of the Niger
Panama Panama 2002- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa
San Marino San Marino 2002- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Agatha
Salvador Salvador 2002- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of José Simon Cañas
Costa Rica Costa Rica 2003- Knight Grand Cross with Gold Star of the Order of Juan Mora Fernandez
Denmark Denmark 2003- Knight of the Order of the Elephant RE
Peru Peru 2003- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru
Italy Italy December 12, 2005- Knight Grand Cross decorated with the large ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
France France 2006- Knight Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor
Tunisia Tunisia September 7, 2006- Knight of the Grand Ribbon of the Order of November 7
Romania Romania 2009- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Star of Romania
France France 2009- Commander of the Order of Academic Palms
Croatia Croatia April 7, 2009- Knight of the Order of King Tomislav on a ribbon with the Great Star
Order of Malta Order of Malta October 15, 2009- Knight of the Chain of the Order of Merit pro Merito Melitensi
Order of Malta Order of Malta July 30, 2011- Bailly - Knight Grand Cross of Honor and Devotion Order of Malta
October 15, 1997-July 30, 2011 Knight Grand Cross of Honor and Devotion
Senegal Senegal 2012- Knight Grand Cross National Order of the Lion
May 1977-2012 Grand Officer
Mali Mali February 12, 2012- Knight Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali
Palestine Palestine 2012- Knight Commander of the Order of the Palestine Star
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso February 17, 2012- Grand Officer of the National Order of Burkina Faso
Poland Poland October 2012- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland
Lithuania Lithuania October 15, 2012- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Vytautas the Great
San Marino San Marino September 16, 2015- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Marin
France France December 8, 2015- Commander of the Order of Naval Merit
Sweden (French). Palais Princier de Monaco. Retrieved January 19, 2013. .
  • (English)
  • Excerpt characterizing Albert II (Prince of Monaco)

    “Lise, I ask you to stop,” said Prince Andrei even more expressively.
    Pierre, who became more and more agitated during this conversation, stood up and approached the princess. He seemed unable to bear the sight of tears and was ready to cry himself.
    - Calm down, princess. It seems like this to you, because I assure you, I myself experienced... why... because... No, excuse me, a stranger is superfluous here... No, calm down... Goodbye...
    Prince Andrei stopped him by the hand.
    - No, wait, Pierre. The princess is so kind that she will not want to deprive me of the pleasure of spending the evening with you.
    “No, he only thinks about himself,” said the princess, unable to hold back her angry tears.
    “Lise,” said Prince Andrei dryly, raising his tone to the degree that shows that patience is exhausted.
    Suddenly the angry, squirrel-like expression of the princess’s beautiful face was replaced by an attractive and compassion-arousing expression of fear; She glanced from under her beautiful eyes at her husband, and on her face appeared that timid and confessing expression that appears on a dog, quickly but weakly waving its lowered tail.
    - Mon Dieu, mon Dieu! [My God, my God!] - said the princess and, picking up the fold of her dress with one hand, she walked up to her husband and kissed him on the forehead.
    “Bonsoir, Lise, [Good night, Liza,” said Prince Andrei, getting up and politely, like a stranger, kissing his hand.

    The friends were silent. Neither one nor the other began to speak. Pierre glanced at Prince Andrei, Prince Andrei rubbed his forehead with his small hand.
    “Let’s go have dinner,” he said with a sigh, getting up and heading to the door.
    They entered the elegantly, newly, richly decorated dining room. Everything, from napkins to silver, earthenware and crystal, bore that special imprint of novelty that happens in the household of young spouses. In the middle of dinner, Prince Andrei leaned on his elbow and, like a man who has had something on his heart for a long time and suddenly decides to speak out, with an expression of nervous irritation in which Pierre had never seen his friend before, he began to say:
    – Never, never get married, my friend; Here's my advice to you: don't get married until you tell yourself that you did everything you could, and until you stop loving the woman you chose, until you see her clearly; otherwise you will make a cruel and irreparable mistake. Marry an old man, good for nothing... Otherwise, everything that is good and lofty in you will be lost. Everything will be spent on little things. Yes Yes Yes! Don't look at me with such surprise. If you expect something from yourself in the future, then at every step you will feel that everything is over for you, everything is closed except for the living room, where you will stand on the same level as a court lackey and an idiot... So what!...
    He waved his hand energetically.
    Pierre took off his glasses, causing his face to change, showing even more kindness, and looked at his friend in surprise.
    “My wife,” continued Prince Andrei, “is a wonderful woman.” This is one of those rare women with whom you can be at peace with your honor; but, my God, what I wouldn’t give now not to be married! I’m telling you this alone and first, because I love you.
    Prince Andrei, saying this, looked even less like than before that Bolkonsky, who was lounging in Anna Pavlovna’s chair and, squinting through his teeth, spoke French phrases. His dry face was still trembling with the nervous animation of every muscle; the eyes, in which the fire of life had previously seemed extinguished, now shone with a radiant, bright shine. It was clear that the more lifeless he seemed in ordinary times, the more energetic he was in these moments of almost painful irritation.
    “You don’t understand why I’m saying this,” he continued. – After all, this is a whole life story. You say Bonaparte and his career,” he said, although Pierre did not talk about Bonaparte. – You say Bonaparte; but Bonaparte, when he worked, walked step by step towards his goal, he was free, he had nothing but his goal - and he achieved it. But tie yourself to a woman, and like a shackled convict, you lose all freedom. And everything that you have in you of hope and strength, everything only weighs you down and torments you with remorse. Living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, insignificance - this is a vicious circle from which I cannot escape. I'm going to war now, greatest war, which has only happened, but I don’t know anything and I’m no good for anything. “Je suis tres aimable et tres caustique, [I am very sweet and very eater,” continued Prince Andrei, “and Anna Pavlovna listens to me.” And this stupid society, without which my wife and these women cannot live... If only you could know what it is toutes les femmes distinguees [all these women of good society] and women in general! My father is right. Selfishness, vanity, stupidity, insignificance in everything - these are women when they show everything as they are. If you look at them in the light, it seems that there is something, but nothing, nothing, nothing! Yes, don’t get married, my soul, don’t get married,” Prince Andrei finished.
    “It’s funny to me,” said Pierre, “that you consider yourself incapable, that your life is a spoiled life.” You have everything, everything is ahead. And you…
    He didn’t say you, but his tone already showed how highly he valued his friend and how much he expected from him in the future.
    “How can he say that!” thought Pierre. Pierre considered Prince Andrei to be a model of all perfections precisely because Prince Andrei united to the highest degree all those qualities that Pierre did not have and which can be most closely expressed by the concept of willpower. Pierre was always amazed at Prince Andrei's ability to calmly deal with all kinds of people, his extraordinary memory, erudition (he read everything, knew everything, had an idea about everything) and most of all his ability to work and study. If Pierre was often struck by Andrei’s lack of ability for dreamy philosophizing (to which Pierre was especially prone), then in this he saw not a disadvantage, but a strength.
    In the best, friendly and simple relationships flattery or praise is necessary, just as greasing is necessary for wheels to keep them moving.
    “Je suis un homme fini, [I am a finished man,” said Prince Andrei. - What can you say about me? Let’s talk about you,” he said, after a pause and smiling at his comforting thoughts.
    This smile was reflected on Pierre’s face at the same instant.
    – What can we say about me? - said Pierre, spreading his mouth into a carefree, cheerful smile. -What am I? Je suis un batard [I am an illegitimate son!] - And he suddenly blushed crimson. It was clear that he made a great effort to say this. – Sans nom, sans fortune... [No name, no fortune...] And well, that’s right... - But he didn’t say that’s right. – I’m free for now, and I feel good. I just don’t know what to start. I wanted to seriously consult with you.
    Prince Andrei looked at him with kind eyes. But his glance, friendly and affectionate, still expressed the consciousness of his superiority.
    – You are dear to me, especially because you are the only living person among our entire world. You feel good. Choose what you want; it does not matter. You will be good everywhere, but one thing: stop going to these Kuragins and leading this life. So it doesn’t suit you: all these carousings, and hussarism, and everything...
    “Que voulez vous, mon cher,” said Pierre, shrugging his shoulders, “les femmes, mon cher, les femmes!” [What do you want, my dear, women, my dear, women!]
    “I don’t understand,” Andrey answered. – Les femmes comme il faut, [Decent women] is another matter; but les femmes Kuragin, les femmes et le vin, [Kuragin’s women, women and wine,] I don’t understand!
    Pierre lived with Prince Vasily Kuragin and took part in the wild life of his son Anatole, the same one who was going to be married to Prince Andrei’s sister for correction.
    “You know what,” said Pierre, as if an unexpectedly happy thought had come to him, “seriously, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time.” With this life I can neither decide nor think about anything. My head hurts, I have no money. Today he called me, I won’t go.
    - Give me your word of honor that you won’t travel?
    - Honestly!

    It was already two o'clock in the morning when Pierre left his friend. It was a June night, a St. Petersburg night, a gloomless night. Pierre got into the cab with the intention of going home. But the closer he got, the more he felt it was impossible to fall asleep that night, which seemed more like evening or morning. It was visible in the distance through the empty streets. Dear Pierre remembered that that evening the usual gambling society was supposed to gather at Anatole Kuragin's place, after which there would usually be a drinking party, ending with one of Pierre's favorite amusements.
    “It would be nice to go to Kuragin,” he thought.
    But he immediately remembered his word of honor given to Prince Andrei not to visit Kuragin. But immediately, as happens with people called spineless, he so passionately wanted to once again experience this dissolute life so familiar to him that he decided to go. And immediately the thought occurred to him that this word meant nothing, because even before Prince Andrei, he also gave Prince Anatoly the word to be with him; Finally, he thought that all these honest words were such conventional things that had no definite meaning, especially if you realized that maybe tomorrow he would either die or something so extraordinary would happen to him that there would no longer be any honest , nor dishonest. This kind of reasoning, destroying all his decisions and assumptions, often came to Pierre. He went to Kuragin.
    Arriving at the porch big house at the horse guards barracks where Anatole lived, he climbed onto the illuminated porch, onto the stairs, and entered the open door. There was no one in the hall; were lying around empty bottles, raincoats, galoshes; there was a smell of wine, and distant talking and shouting could be heard.
    The game and dinner were already over, but the guests had not yet left. Pierre took off his cloak and entered the first room, where the remains of dinner were standing and one footman, thinking that no one was seeing him, was secretly finishing off unfinished glasses. From the third room you could hear fuss, laughter, screams of familiar voices and the roar of a bear.
    About eight young people crowded anxiously around the open window. The three were busy with a young bear, which one was dragging on a chain, frightening the other with it.
    - I'll give Stevens a hundred! - one shouted.
    - Be careful not to support! - shouted another.
    - I am for Dolokhov! - shouted the third. - Take them apart, Kuragin.
    - Well, leave Mishka, there’s a bet here.
    “One spirit, otherwise it’s lost,” shouted the fourth.
    - Yakov, give me a bottle, Yakov! - shouted the owner himself, a tall handsome man standing in the middle of the crowd wearing only a thin shirt open at the middle of his chest. - Stop, gentlemen. Here he is Petrusha, dear friend,” he turned to Pierre.
    Another voice of a short man, with clear blue eyes, who was especially striking among all these drunken voices with his sober expression, shouted from the window: “Come here - settle the bet!” It was Dolokhov, a Semyonov officer, a famous gambler and brigand who lived with Anatole. Pierre smiled, looking around him cheerfully.
    - I don’t understand anything. What's the matter?
    - Wait, he's not drunk. Give me the bottle,” said Anatole and, taking a glass from the table, approached Pierre.
    - First of all, drink.
    Pierre began drinking glass after glass, looking from under his brows at the drunken guests who were again crowded at the window, and listening to their conversation. Anatole poured him wine and told him that Dolokhov was betting with the Englishman Stevens, a sailor who was here, that he, Dolokhov, would drink a bottle of rum while sitting on the third floor window with his legs hanging out.
    - Well, drink it all! - said Anatole, handing the last glass to Pierre, - otherwise I won’t let you in!
    “No, I don’t want to,” Pierre said, pushing Anatole away and went to the window.
    Dolokhov held the Englishman’s hand and clearly, distinctly spelled out the terms of the bet, addressing mainly Anatole and Pierre.
    Dolokhov was a man of average height, with curly hair and light blue eyes. He was about twenty-five years old. He did not wear a mustache, like all infantry officers, and his mouth, the most amazing feature his face was completely visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved. In the middle, the upper lip energetically dropped onto the strong lower lip like a sharp wedge, and something like two smiles constantly formed in the corners, one on each side; and all together, and especially in combination with a firm, insolent, intelligent gaze, it created such an impression that it was impossible not to notice this face. Dolokhov was a poor man, without any connections. And despite the fact that Anatole lived in tens of thousands, Dolokhov lived with him and managed to position himself in such a way that Anatole and everyone who knew them respected Dolokhov more than Anatole. Dolokhov played all the games and almost always won. No matter how much he drank, he never lost his clarity of mind. Both Kuragin and Dolokhov at that time were celebrities in the world of rakes and revelers in St. Petersburg.

    The lovely Charlene is compared by many to Albert's mother, Princess Grace. They are similar not only in appearance, but also in style and demeanor. When choosing a bride, Albert did not give in at all to his previous principles - he knew how to choose before beautiful women. Among him former lovers— Brooke Shields, Naomi Campbell, Gwyneth Paltrow and Claudia Schiffer.

    For my long bachelor life The Prince of Monaco managed to have two children. His 18-year-old daughter from a fleeting relationship lives in California. A Togolese Air France flight attendant is raising a 6-year-old son. By law, these children cannot be heirs to the throne of Monaco, although DNA tests have convincingly proven Albert's paternity. The legal heirs to the throne were to be presented to Prince Albert by his future wife.

    Charlene Wittstock, who became HRH Princess of Monaco, was born in Zimbabwe in 1978. When she was a teenager, their family moved to South Africa. From a young age, Charlene was a very good swimmer, and at the age of 8 she was already training seriously for several hours a day. The highlight of her sporting career was a place on the South African Olympic team at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. A year later, she met the prince at a swimming competition in Monaco. “I was 22, I was completely focused on sports and was not ready for any relationship. But when I met Albert, I realized that this was fate. I immediately felt that he was the one.”

    Albert followed her to South Africa, after which they kept in constant contact, but did not appear as a couple until the Winter Olympics in Turin in 2006. She remained seriously involved in sports, and in 2007 she became the South African champion in 50m backstroke.

    However, in 2008, Charlene suffered an ankle injury which ended her sports career. At the invitation of the prince, she moved to Monaco.

    Albert took three many years to decide to get married. During this time, Charlene had no official status and did not build any career. She seemed to have no doubt that Day X would eventually come, but she clearly did not enjoy waiting for so long. Moreover, the people she had to communicate with in Monaco did not understand her South African humor and manners. she is frank, funny and self-critical. In addition, she still does not speak French, although she is already learning the language.

    Residents of the principality hoped that their prince would marry a Catholic aristocrat of European origin, but a sporty and simple South African girl came to them. The high society of Monaco simply did not know what to do with her directness and honesty. What did the prince and the sportswoman from South Africa? First of all, sports. Albert is also a former olympic athlete, participated in four winter Olympic Games as a member of the bobsled team, and since 1985 has been a member of the International Olympic Committee. The prince also plays tennis, squash and handball, and loves judo, sailing, skiing and other sports.

    Another one common topic for Albert and Charlene - protection environment. They both pay a lot of attention to the future of our planet. Given their common interests, this family had a good chance of success - even despite the prince’s turbulent past.

    0 March 14, 2012, 09:00

    Today is a special day in Monaco: the reigning prince of the state, Albert II, celebrates his 54th birthday. Let us remember on this occasion the main milestones of his biography.

    Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi was born on March 14, 1958 in Monaco at the Grimaldi Palace. He is the son of Prince Rainier III and Hollywood star Grace Kelly.

    Currently, Prince Albert is one of the richest monarchs in the world: his fortune is more than a billion dollars, not counting the property of the rest of the Grimaldi family.


    Grace Kelly with children

    Prince Albert with his sisters Caroline and Stephanie

    As a child, the future prince was actively involved in sports - football, swimming, judo, tennis, rowing, fencing and other sports. And the training did not go unnoticed: greatest success Albert achieved success in bobsleigh and competed several times at the Olympic Games in this sport, then becoming a member of the International Olympic Committee. He followed a family tradition: Albert's maternal grandfather and uncle were Olympic medalists in rowing.

    At the age of 28, Albert also took part in the Dakar Rally, but he never made it to the end of the race due to technical problems. And in 2006 he visited North Pole, becoming the first sitting royal to make such a journey.

    Of course, as befits a monarch, Prince Albert received an excellent education. He attended Albert I High School, graduating in 1976 with honors. Then he spent a year engaged in various royal duties, and from 1977 to 1981 he was a student at Amherst College in Massachusetts, where he studied politics, economics, English literature, music and other disciplines. The prince speaks four languages ​​- French, English, German and Italian.

    At the same time, Albert has always actively collaborated with many organizations, including the UN. In 2006, the prince was appointed by her as the patron of the year, which was considered the “Year of the Dolphin.” By the way, Albert II is also the Honorary President of the International Napoleonic Society.

    Albert II became the reigning monarch in 2005.

    On March 7, 2005, Albert's father, Rainier III, was hospitalized. And on March 31, it was announced that Albert would take over the responsibilities of his father, which he was no longer able to perform. The 47-year-old prince spent his first day as regent caring for his 81-year-old father, who was already in critical condition.

    A week later - on April 6, 2005 - Prince Rainier, who ruled Monaco for more than 55 years, died, and Albert II became the new reigning prince. He ascended the throne at the end of three months of mourning - on July 12.

    There was, however, a scandal. Shortly before Albert's accession to the throne, a black flight attendant named Nicole Coste announced that the future prince was the father of her two-year-old son. Albert was not afraid to recognize the child, but stated that he had illegitimate son will not affect the fate of the throne in any way. By the way, this is not the only one bastard Prince: he also has a daughter, Jazmine, from American Tamara Rotolo.

    The prince's personal life - namely, his lack of a wife and legal heirs to the throne - has long caused general concern. Meanwhile, photographs of Albert in company appeared every now and then in the press different girls, among which were famous models and actresses.

    The prince settled down quite recently - long-awaited wedding in July 2011. Albert's chosen one was South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock, with whom he first appeared publicly in February 2006.

    Albert and Charlene

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