When is Tereshkova's birthday. Biography of Valentina Tereshkova: the path to a brilliant career, personal life. She is fire, he is water

Valentina Tereshkova recently turned 80.

The attitude towards the first woman-cosmonaut is ambiguous.
It is believed that since she was launched into space only to prove the equality of men and women in the USSR, then her flight was somehow fake. They talked a lot about the fact that another girl was supposed to fly instead of her, but she became pregnant and could not. It was said that in space Tereshkova panicked and was unable to complete the program. They also rested on the fact that she was sick in space. And what do they care?
For some reason, they didn’t say anything like that about male astronauts, and since a woman, so every bast in a line. By the way, Tereshkova is the only woman in the world who has made a space flight alone.

This photo was taken no earlier than 1967. On it, together with Brezhnev and Tereshkova, cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky - he made his first flight at the same time as Tereshkova (he flew a day earlier on Vostok-5).

After the flight, Tereshkova became an important person and for the rest of her life she was a deputy of the Supreme Council, and then the State Duma.

An interesting moment in her biography was her marriage to cosmonaut No. 3 Andrian Nikolaev. In marriage, the astronauts had a daughter.
From the very beginning, this marriage seemed unequal: an equal marriage for the first female cosmonaut would have been marriage with the first male cosmonaut, that is, with Gagarin, but he was already married.

On November 10, 1963, General Nikolai Kamanin wrote in his diary: “Yesterday at the airfield, Valya and Andrian smiled and outwardly were quite pleased with each other .... For politics and science, their marriage may be useful, but I’m not at all sure that Valya really loves Andrian. They are too different: she is fire, and he is water. Both are strong, strong-willed people, neither of them will voluntarily submit to the other ... Nikolaev will gain more from this marriage, and Tereshkova can only lose " .
Andrian Grigorievich himself, in his first book "Meet me in orbit", published in 1966, gently and warmly writes about his wife: "We are happy. We found each other, as the most cherished in life. work, common goals and, as Valya said, one river. Both of us are from the Volga ... "And already in his second book "Space is a road without end", published in 79, Tereshkova is short and dry.
They lived together for 8 years, and then parted, although they officially divorced only in the 80s.

On the occasion of the anniversary Tereshkova showed her daughter. She is very similar to Nikolaev. But for some reason, her last name is no longer Nikolaeva-Tereshkova, as they were at birth, but simply Tereshkova. It's strange somehow.

In the early 1980s, Valentina Tereshkova met Yuli Germanovich Shaposhnikov, head of the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. They lived together until his death in 1999.

And Nikolaev never married again. The women of Zvezdny spoke of Nikolaev as an exemplary host - thorough, managerial and "correct", and they usually added "too correct". One of his neighbors told with admiration that Andrian Grigoryevich's house was perfectly clean, not a speck of dust. And then she added in surprise: "And this despite the fact that I have never seen a woman help him with the housework!"

Rumors that after the divorce he began to take a drink, Nikolaev completely denied: “Yes, I never drank! It was one newspaper that wrote that cosmonaut Nikolaev was a completely drunk person. I sued her and won.”

When Nikolaev died, he was buried in Chuvashia.
"The Chuvash people deeply mourn the untimely death," Nikolai Fyodorov, President of Chuvashia, wrote in his obituary. "Andriyan Grigoryevich was and remains the pride of Chuvashia."

And that's right. By nationality, Nikolaev was a Chuvash, born in Chuvashia. He was a deputy from Chuvashia. He was highly respected there.

But it is unlikely that Nikolaev could have imagined what kind of battles his death would cause.
In July 2004, he came to his native Cheboksary to judge the All-Russian Rural Sports Games, but right at the banquet he became ill. Cosmonaut No3 was taken to the hospital, but it was already impossible to do anything.

2 weeks before that, the astronaut had a grandson. It was a child from the second marriage of Nikolaev's daughter.

Grandchildren Andrey and Alexey, Valentina Vladimirovna, daughter Elena and son-in-law Andrey Rodionov

Between the daughter of Nikolaev and the president of Chuvashia there was a dispute about where the astronaut's grave should be.

President Fedorov claims (and directly refers to this in his order on organizing the funeral) that Andriyan Nikolaev asked to be buried in his homeland - in the village of Shorshely.
However, he did not leave a written will. And Elena Nikolaeva-Tereshkova categorically refutes this. According to her, literally two weeks before his death, Andriyan Grigoryevich told his driver's wife that he would like to lie in the cemetery in Leonikh - near Star City - along with other astronauts.
But they buried him all the same in Chuvashia, and his daughter did not come to the funeral. Many cosmonauts also could not say goodbye to their colleague - they expected that the funeral would take place in Moscow.
On the other hand, Shorshely is only 35 kilometers from Cheboksary. They are connected by a magnificent road. And he was not buried in a rural cemetery, as they sometimes write now - there is a magnificent memorial complex with a museum.

The first time Elena got married against the will of her mother, and they did not even communicate for some time. But now they have reconciled. Tereshkova helps her second son-in-law in her career.

Valentina Tereshkova looks good in her 80s. And she has more dreams.
In 2013, at a press conference in Star City, which was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of her flight into space on the Vostok-6 spacecraft, she said: "Mars is my favorite planet. Of course, it's a dream to visit Mars, to find out if there was life there. If there was, then why didn’t it exist? What catastrophe happened to this planet? Probably, specialists are working on this problem, a ship is needed. Most likely, the first flights to Mars will be in one direction, I think so. But I'm ready to fly" (then there was talk that such an expedition could be arranged). An amazing woman! Romance still lives in her soul.

It is a pity that this is hardly possible to implement. And in fact, to see Mars and die - everything is better than in a hospital.
But I think Tereshkova will meet more than one high-profile anniversary.

Her name was Chaika. It was her call sign in space. And on Earth, on the roof of her house, there is a weather vane in the form of this bird. Her mansion is located next to Star City. At one time, she was able to make a space flight alone. She is Valentina Tereshkova. Read the details of the flight into space of this fragile woman in the article.

Difficult military childhood

The biography of Valentina Tereshkova began in the spring of 1937 in one of the villages of the Yaroslavl province. Her parents were from Belarus. The mother of the astronaut worked at a textile enterprise, and her father was a tractor driver. Unfortunately, her dad died during the Soviet-Finnish conflict. Accordingly, the entire household and the upbringing of three children fell on the shoulders of the mother. Moreover, the Great Patriotic War soon began.

Undoubtedly, the childhood of little Valya turned out to be very difficult. Devastation and despair reigned in the country.

When this terrible war ended, the future astronaut went to first grade. She studied quite well. In addition, she had a good ear for music. That is why she began to learn to play the domra.

However, when she finished the seventh grade, she had to go to night school. She was forced to help her mother and earn money. Thus, young Valentina moved to Yaroslavl and got a job there at a tire factory.

When she graduated from high school, she entered the technical school of light industry. Of course, within these walls she comprehended science in absentia, like most young people in those days.

Aeroclub in Yaroslavl

Becoming a student, on the weekends Valentina began to visit the city flying club. Skydiving was practiced in this institution. And she really liked these lessons.

In general, the future cosmonaut completed more than 160 jumps. By and large, this was a solid indicator, especially for the fairer sex. Valentina was even assigned a sports category.

In fact, she could no longer imagine herself without parachuting. And thanks to this hobby, he began to join the team of space explorers.

In the cosmonaut corps

After graduating from a technical school, and this happened in 1960, Valentina got a job at a factory called Krasny Perekop. In addition to the direct working process, she headed the Komsomol organization there.

In a word, her life and career seemed to develop according to the standard scenario for a Soviet person. However, chance intervened in this story. The fact is that in 1962, Academician Sergei Korolev intended to send a woman into space. Of course, members of the Central Committee of the first Soviet state, including General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, also approved this idea.

To implement a bold plan, the project leaders began to look for a suitable candidate. We note right away that there were a lot of people who wanted to go into space. Space industry workers had to search for applicants from hundreds of possible ones.

At the same time, strict requirements were imposed on all participants in the selection. Representatives of the weaker sex should weigh no more than 70 kg, height - 170 cm. In addition, these girls should have a decent amount of skydiving in their assets.

There was another important factor as well. When choosing, leaders took into account a number of aspects of ideological and political literacy. They also considered the candidates' ability to public activities. As a parachuting sportswoman and head of the factory Komsomol organization, Tereshkova, in principle, was an ideal contender. She fit all criteria. In a word, she was considered an ideologically reliable person.

As a result, five girls were chosen for a woman-managed flight into space. Of course, Tereshkova was one of them. All of them were officially called up for military service. They became privates and began to train hard. And the conditions in the classroom were quite tough. Let's say they had to spend ten whole days in a sound chamber.

They say that the project leaders chose Tatyana Morozycheva as a result. By the way, Valentina worked with her at the Yaroslavl club. And she made more parachute jumps than Tereshkova.

Be that as it may, the members of the last medical board found out that Tatyana was pregnant. Thus, it finally became clear that Valentina would go into space after all.


When she realized that she would soon be in space, she tried to hide her plans from her family. She said then that she was going to leave for the next parachuting competition.

So in what year did Valentina Tereshkova fly? The event took place in the middle of the summer of 1963. Her call sign was Seagull. The launch of Vostok-6 went without problems. The first space flight of Valentina Tereshkova lasted more than two days. During this time, the device made 48 orbits around the Earth.

The woman endured the space voyage rather badly. The duration of Valentina Tereshkova's flight in space is 70 hours. But they turned out to be literally hell for her.

As it turned out, there was an inaccuracy in the Vostok-6 automatic program. The fact is that the ship was oriented somewhat differently than it should have been. And Tereshkova did not approach the planet at all, but moved away from it. She was nauseated, her head was spinning. At the same time, the spacesuit was not allowed to be removed. On the second day of the flight, my lower leg began to hurt.

Valentina Tereshkova in space was forced to drastically limit her movements. She sat almost motionless. However, she still managed to put new data into the computer. By the way, she did not tell anyone about this state of emergency, except for the flight leaders. Actually, Korolev himself then asked her to remain silent.

The problems that the astronaut had had had an explanation in terms of physiology. They say that when the medical commission examined her before the flight, the results were very bad. However, at the direction of Khrushchev, she was still allowed to go on a flight.

Be that as it may, despite her physical condition during the flight into space, Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna was able to withstand all the tests. She managed not only to regularly keep a journal on board, but also to take pictures. Subsequently, these images were useful in further space travel. In a word, she held on and sent extremely positive reports to Earth.


The spacecraft landed in Altai. True, when, after a flight into space, Valentina Tereshkova (year - 1963) ejected, she hit her helmet very hard. She received a large bruise on her temple and cheek. As a result, when she was found, she was practically unconscious.

She was urgently brought to the capital and hospitalized. And a little later, doctors reported that the life and health of the first female cosmonaut was out of danger.

When she finally came to her senses, the newsreel staff managed to make a staged shooting. As if after the flight into space, Valentina Tereshkova (date of the event - June 16, 1963) was in the apparatus. Extras ran towards him. Then they opened the lid and saw a cheerful and smiling Tereshkova. These shots then circled the entire planet.

Subsequently, as a reward, Tereshkova was given a three-room apartment in her homeland, in Yaroslavl. Here she lived for almost three years, after which she finally settled in the capital.

Symbol woman

The seagull actually returned from space as a female symbol. The fairer sex began to imitate her. They did haircuts under Tereshkova. Wristwatches with the name "Seagull" appeared in stores.

Party leaders constantly invited her to the Kremlin receptions. And a number of public organizations included it in the meetings.

The government gave her, in addition to the Hero's star, prestigious awards. She became the only female general in the Soviet army. In addition, she became the hero of such republics as Mongolia and Bulgaria.

She also received the title of "The Greatest Woman of the Twentieth Century". A small planet, streets in cities, the Evpatoria embankment, a square in Tver, city schools, a museum and a planetarium were named in her honor. In addition, one of the lunar craters was named after her.

Public figure

After the flight into space, Valentina Tereshkova (you already know the date of the event) began working as an instructor and tester of spacecraft.

Two years later, she began studying at the Air Force Academy and five years later received a red diploma.

During her studies, she wrote almost fifty working papers in this specialization. But since 1966, she has been actively engaged in social activities. She became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. She was also the second person in the International Women's Federation. It was then that she began to be called the Iron Lady.

To be honest, Tereshkova was very burdened by this party load. She said that she did not receive any money for her social work. And always dreamed of a new flight. She even tried to break into a new detachment of astronauts. However, after the death of Gagarin, the Soviet government decided to protect the "first".

Valentina continued to be interested in space. She dreamed of flying to Mars. At the same time, she understood that this flight would be one way ...

In the 90s, she was the head of the Association for International Cooperation and the Council for the Coordination of the Activities of Russian Science Centers.

And at the end of this decade, she began working at the Cosmonaut Training Center. She received the post of senior researcher there.

Present time

Since 2008, Tereshkova has collaborated with the United Russia party. She was a member of the State Duma. She always helped her Yaroslavl school and some other children's institutions. Thanks to her, a university, a planetarium and a river station were opened in Yaroslavl.

In the spring of 2008, she turned out to be the torchbearer of the domestic stage of the games in Beijing.

Three years later, she again became the people's choice.

In 2014, she carried the Russian flag at the Sochi Olympics.

And in 2015, she headed a non-profit charitable foundation called "Memory of Generations".

In 2016, she once again won the election race, becoming a deputy of the State Duma.

Orbital marriage

Five months after the landmark flight into space, Valentina Tereshkova (year - 1963) got married. Her chosen one was cosmonaut Andrian Nikolaev. This move came as a surprise to many. At least the residents of Yaroslavl knew that she allegedly had a fiancé. True, the journalists could not find him.

Be that as it may, the 35-year-old cosmonaut Nikolaev was actually courting the young Valentina. She was then twenty-six. Many believed that this relationship would not last long. They were too different - strong and strong-willed. They say that the head of the Soviet state Nikita Khrushchev himself betrothed them. There was no such stellar, cosmic, orbital pair back then. But this marriage still lasted for nineteen years.

The couple also had their first child - daughter Lena. At one time, she graduated with honors from both school and medical school. She works as an orthopedic surgeon. She has two sons - Alexey and Andrey.

In the late 70s, the space couple began to appear less frequently together. Divorce was out of the question. For for "immorality" Nikolaev could easily be fired from the cosmonaut corps. Moreover, in fact, then two applicants for astronauts were expelled due to divorces. Yes, and Tereshkova, the head of the Committee, is somehow uncomfortable being in a state of divorce.

They say Brezhnev saved the situation. He personally agreed to this divorce. By this time, Tereshkova was in love again.

Second marriage

With a new chosen one, Valentina Tereshkova, whose photo you have the opportunity to see in the article, met back in 1978. By this time, she was again in the cosmonaut corps and hoped that she would go on her new space journey. And Julius Shaposhnikov served in the medical academy in those days. He checked the health of the astronauts. Employees called him "hard worker" and "humble". And Valentina herself always also spoke warmly about him.

Then it was clear that they were in love. They say that because of the new novel, Shaposhnikov left his family.

They lived together for nearly two decades. During this time, Tereshkova's husband was able to head the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. He also became a major general. But in 1999 he died due to cancer.

recent history

At the moment, Tereshkova has practically no close people left. There was a time when she loved her own younger brother very much. His name was Vladimir. He worked as a cameraman in Star City. A few years ago he was gone.

Mom Valentina is also long gone. Until the last, she was looking for her father. As mentioned earlier, he died during the Soviet-Finnish war. It was known that he died a heroic death on the territory of the Karelian Isthmus. But his grave, of course, did not exist then. And only in the late 80s, the head of the defense department, D. Yazov, helped her find his burial place. He was able to allocate funds to fly around the area. As a result, a mass grave was found in the forest. Tereshkova was even able to erect a monument there. Since then, she regularly visits this place.

Despite her age, she still boasts of her good health. Although in 2004 she underwent heart surgery. Otherwise, she would have suffered a heart attack.

Until recently, Chaika continues to do a lot for his native region. And in 1996, the head of the school where she studied fell ill. At this point, the teacher needed an urgent operation. Thanks to Valentina, she was operated on in the capital. And for free.

The female symbol has great connections. However, little is known about this side of her life. In the 80s, she "closed" from the media because of the stupidest articles about her. Her silence was broken only a few years ago.

Personal life of daughter Tereshkova

"Santa Barbara" rests next to such passions!

Ladies and gentlemen! The other day I watched a film on ORT “The Personal Life of Valentina Tereshkova”. The film is intriguing. I was sincerely interested in the footage where a certain man, not represented by his first name and surname, turns Tereshkova's grandson Alyosha by the arms around him. The footage was accompanied by the voice of Kirill Lavrov: "Tereshkova's daughter has long been happily married." The question arises: how long is it? Why didn't you introduce your husband? And here's why: in this very man, implied, apparently, as a husband, I recognized Andrei Rodionov, a man whom I have known for more than a quarter of a century (since ten years) and who has been my sister's husband for 20 years. Before his divorce from his sister, this is how he liked to have fun with his nephew - my son.

Unfortunately, my own sister, Elena Rodionova, unwittingly crossed paths with Elena Mayorova (daughter of V. Tereshkova) in such a “Santa Barbara”, which is where the mentioned series is! If I had not witnessed what happened, I would never have believed it! Life, it turns out, presents such plots that it would never occur to any screenwriter!

Therefore, I break the story into series, bearing in mind the possible continuation of the film "The Personal Life of Valentina Tereshkova" at least under the working title "The Personal Life of Tereshkova's Daughter."

Natalya Egorova

1st series. Happy Soviet childhood

A simple Soviet family lives for itself (cosmonauts Tereshkova and Nikolaev), having given birth to a daughter, Elena, who does not eat well (still), but listens a lot and absorbs her mother's model of behavior. After some time, the parents divorce, and the mother tries to prevent the father from seeing her daughter - the situation is ordinary. Elena's parents have long been friends with Professor Shaposhnikov's family, from where, after some time, V. Tereshkova takes the professor away (the story of Tereshkova's daughter to her ex-husband) and lives happily ever after with him. My daughter grows up and goes to medical school. A certain Greek (but kind!) Millionaire tried to get rid of the future doctor and medicine, offering Elena as much as a million dollars for a transfer to MGIMO. But the deal fell through for some reason, Elena graduated from the institute. Mom got her daughter a job at CITO under the supervision of Shaposhnikov (where after a while Elena was forbidden to stay on night shifts and in general they began to bring her to work in a company car and take her away from work - just in case).

We show the life of another simple Soviet family at the time Elena graduated from the medical institute - its head is the former chief of the 235th government air squadron, the former personal pilot of Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev, Major General of Aviation Alexei Grigorievich Mayorov, who at that moment was the representative of Aeroflot in Stockholm. They say that without A. G. Mayorov at the helm, Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva refused to fly at all. Alexei Grigoryevich and his wife, Lidia Ivanovna Mayorov, have an adult son, Igor, who graduated from the Aviation Institute and a flight school and works as a pilot at Sheremetyevo. It should be noted that there was a certain social difference between the Tereshkova and Mayorov families. Well, Tereshkova’s biography is known - her merits are great, she is a universal idol, several generations have been raised by her example. Elena, who was born in the family of the first female astronaut, was personally sent diapers by Queen Elizabeth II. Igor, on the other hand, was born in the family of an Il-14 co-pilot, the Mayorov family received their first apartment when Igor went to the 2nd grade. Alexei Grigorievich Mayorov spent many years achieving his position in aviation, so Igor did not acquire the habits of the “golden youth”.

Once Elena Tereshkova accidentally saw Igor Mayorov. This is where it started! It is difficult to say what motivated her - it happened in 1990, by that time the young lady was exactly 26 years old, it is quite possible to assume that she was unbearable to get married, and Igor could like it: a handsome pilot with a perspective, from a good family.

In any case, Elena launched an unprecedented attack on Igor. She began to look for common acquaintances - and they, of course, were found. Igor knew that they were trying to get to know him, but he shied away as best he could, realizing that the starting conditions of the family were different. Once, when Igor, barely alive from fatigue, returned from a flight in the evening, a glorious company of acquaintances was already waiting for him in the kitchen of his parents' apartment, and at the entrance stood a black service Volga by Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, bristling with antennas, in which a stranger who introduced herself as Elena, the daughter of Valentina Tereshkova. Taking advantage of Igor's stupefaction and fatigue, he was stuffed into the Volga and taken to Star City on an excursion to the local museum, which was opened even at night on such an occasion.

The siege of the younger Mayorov was carried out according to all the rules of fortification art. The next assault was replaced by a lull, then a new onslaught followed. The situation was aggravated by the fact that at that time Igor was 31 years old, and being single at this age for a pilot of international flights is not good, as the leadership of the detachment reminded him more and more insistently. Yes, and parents dreamed of grandchildren.

Igor, attacked from all sides, tried to warn the young lady that the attributes of "social life" (party receptions in embassies, Mercedes, villas, etc.)

) is of little interest. The last straw was Elena's complaints about the tyranny of her mother, who even allows herself to dissolve her hands (“mother cracked her face so hard that the earrings flew out of her ears”). And in general, if Igor does not marry her, she can only hang herself.

In October 1992, Elena, taking only the necessary personal belongings, runs away from her mother to Igor, they hide in the dachas of friends - they are waiting for V. Tereshkova to cool down. The latter, in an attempt to return her daughter, calls A.G. Mayorov in Stockholm and rashly threatens to put Igor in jail, because he allegedly taught her daughter to drugs and robbed her apartment.

Deciding that the young lady at the age of 28, after all, is probably ripe for family life, tired of the attacks of her superiors and, in addition, pitying “Cinderella with a living mother”, Igor still marries Elena Tereshkova (now Mayorova). A modest wedding took place on November 28, 1992 in the apartment of Igor's parents, only 12 people attended, including the newlyweds. Elena's mother, V. Tereshkova, was not at the wedding.

Somehow, Elena almost quits the CITO by mail (it is clear that the road to her is now booked), she sits without a job for a year, until Aleksey Grigoryevich arranges for her to be a flight squad doctor at the Aeroflot Medical Center on Sokol - a high salary plus 4 guaranteed business trips abroad per year (possible with her husband).

Elena was lucky: Alexei Grigorievich, who had dreamed of a daughter all his life, was happy to receive her at least in the form of a daughter-in-law. A young married couple has “the whole world in their pocket”: fur coats, cars, Australia, France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Malta, Cyprus, Indonesia, UAE, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and a three-room apartment in the south-west of Moscow (carefully left young, like everything else, by Alexei Grigorievich Mayorov). At the same time, Igor earns well.

The young people have already seen the world enough, and in 1995 their son Alyosha is born, named after his grandfather, a pilot. Grandpa is happy. Now diapers are sent for Alyosha, though not by the English queen, but still by the Swedish princess. From Stockholm, where the grandfather then worked, everything else (which the princess did not guess) is brought in, which is necessary for the grandson.

Relations between Elena Mayorova (and her son-in-law, too, this is understandable) and V. Tereshkova completely ceased - both sides did not want to know about each other for 7 years, now they did not see their “adored” grandson Tereshkov until the latter was 4 years old.

The whole world in your pocket: Australia...

True, Alexei Grigorievich insisted that Elena reconcile with her mother, but she declared every time (especially after the birth of her son): “My mother will never see her grandson in the same way as her own ears.” However, this is not important, because there is another loving grandmother - Lydia Ivanovna.

The daughter of Tereshkova, recently modest Elena, who came to the Mayorov family, resumes her craving for jewelry, expensive fur coats and cars. Slowly, meanwhile, the relations of the newlyweds are going wrong, Elena wakes up (in addition to greed) the commanding nature of her mother, and Igor increasingly prefers to spend his free time in the garage, for which he is severely criticized by his wife.

End of the first series.

2nd series. Hungry Soviet childhood and stone toys

Moscow, 1960s, Sretenka, an apartment that has not been renovated. Andrey Rodionov and his mother grow up and dream about the future in it. Papa Andrei left the family for another woman when his son was 5 years old. Then he returned several times, so Andrei did not particularly notice his absence. When the boy was 15 years old, his parents remarried, having given birth to another son. Then the scheme repeated itself - when Rodion, Andrei's younger brother, was 5 years old, his parents broke up again. Andrei's father married a young lady who bore him two children, but fate did not favor the young lady - Andrei's father died in a car accident. The fate of Andrei's mother also did not work out. At the age of about 38, she got together with a former family friend and gave birth to a daughter, Anya, who is a year younger than my niece. They live very poorly.

Andrei knows that he can only rely on himself in this life, so he enters the Aktobe Flight School, graduates from it and receives a distribution to Lipetsk. But since school he has been friends with my sister Elena, whom he marries. Here, of course, our dad, who at that time served in the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense in a considerable rank, makes a couple of calls, and his son-in-law immediately turns out to be a pilot of a geodetic squadron based in Myachkovo, near Moscow. Then he goes to the civil aviation pilots of Domodedovo. A young couple has a daughter, Ira. Everyone is happy.

November 28, 1992. The registry office at the corner of Leninsky Prospekt and st. Lobachevsky. Marriage of Igor Mayorov and Elena, daughter of Tereshkova

But difficult times come, Andrey is simultaneously trying to do business in order to feed his family. However, the business ends, leaving Andrei with only a used BMW and a garage. True, Andrei's mother helps with the apartment, who at one time worked at the housing office on Sretenka, having done some kind of operation, so the newlyweds are fine with housing - a three-room apartment on Sokol. So they lived for twenty years. It happened differently. In recent years, pilots were paid little, so my sister accounted for a large part of the earnings. Andrey, we must give him his due, tried: he became the commander of the ship at Domodedovo, and then (albeit with a demotion) made his way into co-pilots at Sheremetyevo. As usual, my whole family helped him in this, and this time it’s hard to say whether he got there himself or requests helped, or maybe both.

And Igor Mayorov and Andrey Rodionov did not know not only that their destinies would cross, but simply did not know each other - there are still a lot of pilots in Sheremetyevo.

End of the second series.

Ending in the next issue.

The first female astronaut has something to hide. That's why we'll never see a candid book published. Valentina Vladimirovna About Me. It's a pity. If she wrote at least half of the whole truth, the memoirs could become a world-class bestseller.

The point is not only in the sensational marriage with Nikolaev and not only in their divorce. When a famous person hides from journalists for most of his life, you involuntarily think: why? After all, Tereshkova also had a happy, according to her, marriage that lasted 20 years; daughter became a doctor, gave birth to her two grandchildren ... In the end, the first woman cosmonaut will forever remain the first, and this is also a kind of happiness. However, a moratorium on questions about Valentina Vladimirovna was established by her daughter Elena and former (now deceased) spouse: Cosmonaut No. 3 Andrian Nikolaev.

With pleasure, they once talked about the famous countrywoman, except perhaps in her native Yaroslavl region. Now, even there, there are almost no witnesses of Tereshkova's non-stellar life. The more valuable are the memories of her friends and relatives.

Born on the stove

Finding the village of Maslennikovo, where Valentina Tereshkova was born, was not easy. We went to see her grandmother's house - we got stuck. Yes, and the hut, where Vladimir Aksenovich and Elena Feodorovna Tereshkov the second daughter Valya was born, did not survive. Even the Cosmos Museum in the village of Nikulskoye was closed: apparently, the building was built hastily, and it quickly fell into disrepair. Then it was most likely restored. But from March 1 to June 15 this year, the museum is closed again: a re-exposition. Perhaps, on the day of the 55th anniversary of the flight, a heroine is expected here.

- Valentina's father died in Finnish when she was 2 years old, but she remembers well how he put her on a horse, - said the former director of the museum Galina Agrafonova.- Vladimir Aksenovich was very handsome, and Valya was called daddy's daughter. She and paternal grandmother Matryona Titovna I loved her very much, often came to her later from Yaroslavl.

Valentina Tereshkova (center) among her friends. 1956 Photo: RIA Novosti

They said that the girl Valya was stubborn. She was not afraid to go into the forest alone, she knew all the mushroom and berry places. Somehow, already in Moscow, Valentina Vladimirovna admitted that Maslennikovo was called that because there was a lot of oil around. She was feisty, bold. At the age of 7, she asked to be put on a horse, fed the animal from her palm. She jumped into the pond not only as a soldier, but also upside down, which aroused the envy of the boys. Later, in Yaroslavl, she did the same from the Perekop bridge. And it's 15 meters to the water...

“In the summer, we all gathered at my grandmother’s in Maslennikovo,” Tereshkova’s cousin recalled. Tamara Kabanova, living at Chebokovo station. - Valya usually came from Yaroslavl with her older sister Lyusya, their brother Volodya rarely visited. What did they play? Now I don't remember. Then there was nothing, not even dolls. And when they grew up, they helped their grandmother: clean up the cattle, in the garden. When Valya was at school, she had a camera, she loved to take pictures ... Many years later, she and I went to my grandmother at the cemetery. Only there was little time for conversations: with her, a bunch of bosses always came. In general, cousins ​​often turned to her.

The Tereshkovs had three children. The youngest, Volodya, was born when his father was no longer alive. Vladimir Aksenovich, a tanker, was called up for service in 1939, and he died the same year. Elena Fedorovna was left alone and did not marry again.

The story of the acquaintance of Tereshkova's parents is amazing. Volodya came to the Prokladovo farm to get married. But the girl did not like that he was from the peasantry, the clothes were rather poor, and she refused him. And the girlfriend standing next to Lena Kruglova admitted: "Well, in vain, I would love to go for him." The groom was not taken aback and immediately proposed to his girlfriend.

After the wedding, his mother Matrena Titovna suggested that the young people separate. We bought an old house: Valentina was born there. On the stove Having accepted the baby, the midwife wrapped the future cosmonaut in a sheepskin coat.

“There were no kindergartens then,” said Galina Agrafonova. - Valya's mother worked on a collective farm: a milkmaid on a farm. Accurate, principled. Didn't like gossip. The children helped with the housework. It even seems to me that Valya went to school not at the age of 7, but at 8: she sat in nannies with Volodya for a year.

Mother did not allow me to study after school

Elena Fedorovna had a hard time. After the war, she and her children went to Yaroslavl to live with her mother. They lived in poverty. On a yellowed photograph in Tereshkov's school museum without a white apron. For many years she wore a faded old twill dress. The class teacher then wrote in the description: “The family is financially poorly provided, they live in a small room in a private house, from furniture there is only a bed, a table, a few chairs.”

“The guys wore potatoes, bread in handkerchiefs, milk in bottles,” the former director of school No. 32, where Tereshkova studied, picked up the conversation, May Nyushina. - More prosperous parents gave a testicle. The delicacy was duran, or cake. Sunflower, hemp. If linen - generally happiness! The ink was poured into a bottle, the pen was cherished like the apple of an eye. Nevertheless, Valya studied well. In physics there were fours, she knew decently mathematics, she loved history very much. At first there were disagreements with the Russian, but then everything worked out.

“Modest, but demanding,” said the class teacher Tamara Klimova and suggested that the guys choose Valya as a headman. Tereshkova played the dombra in the school orchestra, loved to sing and skied willingly. And soon parachuting firmly entered her life. Valya Shashkova from a parallel class she was invited to the section, then she herself left, and Tereshkova got carried away.

However, Valentina did not think of becoming a professional athlete. Since childhood, she dreamed of being ... a train driver. She avidly read books about Polzunov and after the 7th grade she wanted to enter the railway technical school. Mom didn't allow it. The family still lived hard: Valya had to go to work.

Pilot-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova (4th right) among skydivers. 1961 Photo: RIA Novosti

- Valentina was a bracelet in the women's team of the 5th assembly shop, - the site foreman at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant recalled Larisa Sidyakina.— I made wheel frames for Belarus tractors. The work is very hard, but they paid more than at other enterprises, and they got a job here according to the great pull.

You had to get up before dawn. The trams ran badly, there were a lot of people ... Less than a year later, my sister and mother persuaded Valya to go to the Krasny Perekop technical fabrics plant, where they worked themselves. Closer to home. In addition, it was time to think about the future: after graduating from evening school, Tereshkova entered the textile college.

Shepherd, roving, greaser... Before becoming the secretary of the Komsomol organization, Valentina experienced all the hardships of working at the plant.

“With her, Komsomol life was in full swing,” the chief power engineer of Krasny Perekop shared his memories. Vyacheslav Romanov.- The whole committee was littered with parachutes: she headed the section ... They lived unimportantly: from paycheck to paycheck. But we came to them for tea as if we were at home. Valya cooked well. We did not consider ourselves poor back then. We tried to dress fashionably, did not go hungry. Until 1967, the stores had absolutely everything and cheap. Valya received 120-130 rubles as a secretary, and a good meal in the dining room cost a maximum of three rubles. Bread is free. At that time, little alcohol was consumed. They drank tea, dry wine, very rarely vodka. Her brother Volodya drank a little more ...

Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union Valentina Tereshkova with her mother Elena Fedorovna Tereshkova (second from right). 1963 Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Mokletsov

According to the chief power engineer, Tereshkova wanted to link her fate with the plant, she even entered the correspondence textile institute ... But very soon her life changed dramatically. She was still skydiving, getting injured. She was silent about the fact that she got into the cosmonaut corps. And shortly before the flight, she came to her homeland and opened up with someone: “Perhaps you will hear about me soon.”

“My mother was summoned to the village council, they asked where Vladimir Aksenovich served, how he died,” the cousin said.

A little over a month later, on June 16, 1963, the whole world learned about the flight of the first female astronaut. And Yaroslavl that day just stood on its ears.

- Hearing the message, I immediately ran after Elena Feodorovna: “Go quickly, Valya has flown!” They didn’t have a TV,” recalled Tereshkov’s neighbor Nadezhda Isaeva. - And she cried: “Lord, I wouldn’t have broken ...”

Did Khrushchev marry cosmonauts

Whether she wanted it or not, after the flight, Valentina became a completely different person. Circumstances demanded it. Shortly after the flight, she arrived in Yaroslavl in her car. A rally was organized at the plant. And all the people were waiting at the gate when the famous woman would go back. And Tereshkova was escorted to the workshop and taken out the back door to the pier to the boat ...

Then there was a meeting with fellow countrymen at the stadium. And again, people were waiting for the 26-year-old heroine, preparing, dressing up. They came and saw nothing.

“Later we met with her,” Romanov shared. But she couldn't be herself anymore. Maintained a different image. All the time with a retinue that never let her go for a minute. The secretaries of the regional and city committees wanted to be there. She seemed to ask, as before, “How are you?” But ... in a different tone. The speech was dominated by high-pitched phrases. And we learned about her life only from newspapers.

The first was she, a simple Yaroslavl weaver. And other women from the cosmonaut corps, of course, did not like it. Galina Agrafonova, who met with some of them, recalled that Irina Solovieva, and Valentina Ponomareva were, to put it mildly, dissatisfied ...

“Tatyana Morozycheva should have been in place of Valentina,” Maya Nyushina confessed. - World champion, medals - to the floor. They were bosom friends, they practiced together, but Tatyana had much more jumps: 3.5 thousand ...

However, Morozycheva just got married, became pregnant, and she was expelled from the detachment. There were rumors that then she drank herself, having sold all her medals.

The press wrote a lot about Tereshkova and her understudies. Everything hidden will eventually come out. However, no one, except for close people, knows for certain the history of the first marriage and divorce of Valentina Vladimirovna.

How much has it been said that he married two astronauts Khrushchev however, no matter who we talked to, they all convinced us that Tereshkova could not marry by force. Third female astronaut Elena Kondakova summed up: “The members of the first detachment were such privileged people that Nikita Sergeevich himself listened to them. And if Valentina Vladimirovna had said her “no”, no Central Committee of the CPSU could have forced it.”

Yaroslavl, who knew Tereshkova before the flight, recalled: she seemed to have some kind of fiancé before Nikolaev ... But who is he, where? .. One newspaper named Robert Silina, with whom Valentina worked at the flying club and whom she was allegedly supposed to marry. However, at home, no one admitted that he knew this man.

“Close relationships were rare then,” said Romanov. - Although, of course, they looked after Tereshkova. He was friends with Valentin Aristov. They went to the cinema, to the theater, walked in the evenings, probably kissed. And they did not hide their relationship.

“Nikolaev also had a bride in Chuvashia, and his mother wanted him to marry her,” Nyushina revealed the secret. - Well, what now? He and in Smolensk, where he served, had a girlfriend. They even told me there that Tereshkova had taken her fiancé away from her.

In a word, in regard to Tereshkova's personal life in the last half century, there are more questions than answers.

Marriage of pilot-cosmonauts Valentina Tereshkova and Andrian Nikolaev. 1963 Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Shustov

“In the eighties, they wrote that Valentina was lying on a dusty sofa and sipping Armenian cognac,” Agrafonova recalled. - Her assistant complained: that's why we are afraid to say something once again. When she came here, we were instructed: for God's sake, don't ask about her personal life.

Gossip about the daughter of Tereshkova and Nikolaev. They said that the girl was born prematurely, deaf. Fortunately, everything was in order, except that in childhood Lena suffered from strabismus. They put glasses on her, covering her good eye, so that the other would be corrected, and the problem was solved. She graduated with honors from high school and medical school.

By the way, Andrian Nikolaev, who refused to talk about his ex-wife, admitted that he did not even doubt his daughter's health. I was so sure of myself. Even at 70 he was still a vigorous, strong man. But ... There was a feeling that he and Tereshkova had entered into a parity agreement on non-disclosure of the facts of their family life. And, if so, it is worth respecting a man who has not stooped to “bed memories”. Although, no doubt, he would have made decent money on his memoirs.

“I talked a lot with Nikolaev,” Agrafonova said. “He is a very interesting, rich person inside. It was easy with him. Although Valentina Vladimirovna complained that Andrian’s relatives tortured him: “Why do all of our people stay at the hotel, and him - some will leave, others will come. He is sitting in the corridor, writing something on his knee. And relatives are sleeping in the office. In Zvezdny they had a four-room, but small apartment. In the living room on both sides there are bookcases, a table and a rack with gifts, a study for two, two small bedrooms. The daughter slept with her grandmother.

Mother of Valentina Nikolaeva-Tereshkova Elena Fedorovna with her granddaughter Elena. 1964 Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Mokletsov

If people disagree, then there are reasons for that. So said the women who knew Tereshkova. A few years later, during the operation, Valentina Vladimirovna met the head of the CITO Yuli Shaposhnikov. It was said that he left his former family because of her. For nothing that "a modest and hard worker," as they said about him. Yes, and Valentina Vladimirovna always spoke warmly about her second husband (now also deceased).

Lobsters? No problems!"

Unfortunately, the first female cosmonaut had almost no truly close people. Dearly beloved younger brother Volodya, who worked as a cameraman in Zvezdny, died long ago. Mom left earlier. For a very long time, Valentina Vladimirovna searched for the grave of her father, who died on the Karelian Isthmus. Thanks to one of the marshals of the Ministry of Defense, who allocated funds for flying around the area, she found a huge mass grave, overgrown with forest. She erected a monument and regularly visits there.

Now Tereshkova's retinue is much smaller. But she is as hardworking as ever. School teachers who once visited her said: I got up at 6 in the morning, cooked millet porridge, fed everyone ... She did a lot for Yaroslavl, helps people. One day, school principal Maya Nyushina became seriously ill and needed an operation. Thanks to Valentina Vladimirovna, it was made in Moscow for free.

Valentina Tereshkova with her brother Vladimir. 1971 Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Mokletsov

Cosmonaut Kondakova told how on the second day after the landing of the crew (Elena flew with Polyakov and Viktorenko) Tereshkova came: “Guys, what would you like?”

- We were in rehabilitation, and my husband had already bought everything that was possible. But Tereshkova could not leave it like that: “You have been in space for a long time, you need fresh fruits and vegetables.” And then Valera half-jokingly said: “Valentina Vladimirovna, we would like lobsters ...” She: “Valerochka, no problem!” And what do you think? A couple of days later she brought fresh raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, lobsters, baked fresh bread herself. Another would have passed by the ears, but she showed such care ...

The government of the USSR and Russia never ignored the first female cosmonaut. Tereshkova has huge connections, thanks to which, they say, she became a general at the last moment before retiring. For many years - in state and public work, deputy of the State Duma of the 6th and 7th convocations. But... To be frank, not much is known about this side of her life...

Yaroslavl - Art. Chebokovowith. Nikulskoe - Moscow.

How does the daughter of Valentina Tereshkova live - her biography, personal life and interesting information with a photo in our article. This year, the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova turned 80 years old. As part of this significant date, we have dedicated a number of articles not only to Valentina herself, but also to her only daughter.

Today we will talk about how her personal life developed, and also reveal a few secrets of her birth.

Elena Tereshkova: photo

Marriage Tereshkova and Nikolaev

Marriages are made in heaven. Or in space. In the case of Nikolaev and Tereshkova, everything was practically the same. The couple were astronauts.

Many believe that their marriage is not real. It's all about politics. The astronauts were supposed to be an example for their compatriots.
Valentina Tereshkova and Andrian Nikolaev at a wedding celebration

Accordingly, that in their personal lives they should have complete order. However, the spouses themselves do not think so. They really got married on their own initiative. As well as on their own initiative divorced.

The wedding of Tereshkova and Nikolaev took place in 1963. A year later, their daughter was born.

Elena Tereshkova in childhood with her parents

Valentina got married a second time. Her marriage lasted 20 years with her second husband. In 1999, her second husband Yuli Shaposhnikov died.

If not for the circumstances, Tereshkova would still be married. Unlike Andarian Julius, she loved more.

The secret of the birth of Tereshkova's daughter

The birth of a daughter in the "heavenly family" of Tereshkova and Nikolaev was accompanied by a wide variety of fictions. Naturally, parental glory is to blame for everything.

There were the most incredible rumors. As if the girl was born blind or deaf. Some said that she had 6 fingers on her hands. According to others, Tereshkova's daughter had 3 hands. Naturally, the cosmic loads of the parents were to blame for everything.
Elena as a child with her mother Valentina Tereshkova

Of course, the girl was born completely normal - without the pathologies described above. Although pregnancy for Tereshkova was really difficult. All childhood, Elena (as the star family called her daughter) was under the supervision of medical staff.

It is possible that health problems during pregnancy were really related to the flight, since Tereshkova did not endure it so easily - the woman was constantly sick. In addition, she had a general weakness.

Elena Andrianova Tereshkova

Elena's childhood and youth

Before revealing the secrets of the personal life of Valentina Tereshkova's daughter, let's delve into her biography. Friends and relatives of Tereshkova believe that she returned from space as a different person - she was struck by star disease. If not for Valentina's mother, little Lena would have been left to her own devices.

Tereshkova's daughter graduated from high school with excellent marks. After that, she entered medical school. After graduating from it, the girl devoted herself to work at CITO.

Elena Tereshkova now
After the divorce of her parents, the daughter of Valentina Tereshkova changed her last name. Initially, she was Nikolaev. After that, she took her mother's surname.

The first husband of Elena was the pilot Igor Mayorov. The lovers had a son, Alexei. However, the marriage with Mayorov did not last long. Soon she married pilot Andrei Rodionov. They had a son. He was named the same as his father - Andrei.

What did the ex-husband of Tereshkova's daughter say?

The biography and personal life of Valentina Tereshkova's daughter was often discussed in the press. Several interviews about life with Elena were given by her ex-husband. He says that the mother-daughter relationship was very difficult. Tereshkova paid no attention to Elena.

Elena Tereshkova with her mother Valentina Tereshkova, husband and sons

Igor says that Elena changed her last name only because her mother needed it. Although Tereshkova herself, the youngest, was afraid that her father would be very offended by her for this. And so it was. Of course, now the insult has already passed.

Elena's father Andrian told Igor that Tereshkova forbade him to communicate with his daughter. And only when Elena got married, they were finally able to reunite family ties.

The daughter of Valentina Tereshkova (biography, personal life and photos, see above) has gone through many-sided paths ...

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