When Dubrovsky leaves. The Kremlin agreed on the candidacy of the new governor of the Chelyabinsk region: for the first time, the South Urals can be headed by a woman. What was the reason for initiating the FAS case

Chelyabinsk men are so harsh... But even they do not always dare to visit the page "VKontakte", owned by the son of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky - Alexander Borisovich. By the way, get acquainted. The governor's son Alexander Dubrovsky, thirty-three years old. By the age of twenty-four, this talented young man had already managed to become the director of Novatek Management Company and CJSC Energia Bobrovsky Plant of Reinforced Concrete Structures, which are part of the Sinai Group holding, owned by dad Boris Dubrovsky.

And here is the public profile of comrade Dubrovsky Jr., where he answers questions about himself, his beloved:

Of course, dad, the current governor of the Chelyabinsk region, is also far from poor and even entered the top 25 most paid top managers in Russia, ranking 13th with an annual compensation of $ 7 million, according to Forbes magazine. And being the general director of MMK, Dubrovsky earned 340,514,591 rubles in 2013. That is, more than ten million dollars at the then exchange rate. But this was still “before the governorship”, and therefore no claims are made against the governor-millionaire, with the exception of ... his son-major.

So, back to the page on the social network "VKontakte", owned by the son of a millionaire governor, young business talent Alexander Dubrovsky. And then it turns out that this cute son, no less, is having fun by actively promoting fascist symbols. And for some reason, in conjunction with the "Program of the Government of Moscow." Maybe this is some kind of secret relationship between the administration of the Chelyabinsk region and the leadership of the capital? Mr. Sobyanin, do you happen to know?

And there are also very strange "banter" videos about Adolf Hitler. The gray rectangles visible in the photo are videos that even the overly loyal VKontakte removed from public use.

By the way, according to the Administrative Code, fifteen days of arrest are required for propaganda of Nazi paraphernalia. But this is not about the governor's son, of course.

And then even more fun. The offspring of the Chelyabinsk governor, 33-year-old “big director” Sasha Dubrovsky, talks about “family prostitution” and actively recommends (apparently to the workers of his factory): “Woman, stop hanging around at the factory! Prostitution is both more pleasant and better paid!

And, of course, drugs. Where would a major millionaire be without them? But in this case, there is also a call for the use of cocaine and marijuana, which is an administrative crime and, according to Article 6.13 of the Administrative Code “Propaganda of narcotic drugs”, is punishable by a large fine.

And in the time remaining from the popularization of swastikas, prostitution and drugs, Alexander Dubrovsky harshly, on the verge of a foul, laughs at the guarantor of the Constitution, firmly believing that "daddy will cover up" in any case.

However, there is already a corpus delicti provided for by the Criminal Code, namely Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Insulting a representative of power”. Do you remember how in October 2006 the Ivanovo Magistrate's Court fined Vladimir Rakhmankov, editor of the Internet newspaper Kursiv, 20,000 rubles for insulting the President of Russia on the basis of Article 319 of the Criminal Code? And the reason was the material under the heading "Putin as a phallic symbol of Russia."

An amazing picture emerges. The President appoints the father-governor to a high post, and the son goes under a criminal article for insulting the President.

But, apparently, the dad-governor is still surrounded by not entirely dull sycophants, and some people decided to look at their son's VKontakte and report to Boris Dubrovsky about the Internet delights of the heir. And then a quiet panic began, gradually growing into an action to save the governor's offspring.

Firstly, some of the content was instantly destroyed, but was safely stored in the Yandex (Gallery) cache. The governor's PR service could not foresee this - the task, apparently, turned out to be too difficult.

And secondly, the press secretary of the governor Boris Dubrovsky, Dmitry Fedichkin, urgently made a statement that the account of the son of the governor Alexander Dubrovsky ... is false. That is, it turns out that this is not a son at all, and, in general, not Dubrovsky, and not Alexander at all. It's just that someone ran past and drew a VKontakte page with all personal, family, official and other photos. That's how! It turns out that we have a "fake" son of the governor.

But then miracles began to happen. This allegedly “false” account of the governor’s son turned out to have a real daughter of the governor as friends, and their lists of friends and relatives (mutual) completely coincide. Here, for example, Anna Dubrovskaya's account is friends with the allegedly "fake" son of the governor, but she is also friends with the account of the governor's son on Facebook.

Classmate Bystritsky is friends with the “fake” account, but he is Alexander Dubrovsky’s friends on Facebook, the same story with another classmate of the governor’s son Alexei Bogatyrev. Here he is on VK, and here on Facebook. As a result, most of the accounts in the friends of the governor's son are real, many with contact numbers, including cell phones.

I managed to speak with some of them (from the list of friends of Alexander Dubrovsky), and they confirmed to me that this VKontakte account is real and even personal correspondence was conducted through it with the son of the governor Alexander Dubrovsky. The same fact is confirmed by the time of registration of the account and the first additions of friends - 2008.

And now a reasonable question arises. Why consider everyone idiots, giving out the real page of the governor's offspring to a fake one? After all, it is so easy to check, which was done above. But, apparently, the command was given to “lie in the eyes” and “not to admit anything”, which was immediately accepted for execution. The governor must be saved, and for this all means are good.

Here is such a funny story about how the son of a millionaire governor believes that everything is allowed to him. And he is sure that nothing will happen to him for this “everything”. Dad will cover. And, in general, the son is right - dad has no breakdown, in any case he will cover on all fronts and in all possible ways. If only it didn’t reach the First Person ...

Places in the list of governors received on nine criteria. Among them is support within the Politburo 2.0. Boris Dubrovsky has seven points out of 10 here. The presence of a large project under management - three points out of five. Economic attractiveness of the region - one point out of three. Also among the criteria was the presence of a unique positioning. And here Boris Dubrovsky has one point. The authors of the rating called him a functionary governor.

Source: minchenko.ru

The fact that the head of the Chelyabinsk region fell into the "red zone" was primarily influenced by conflicts at the regional level, the president of the agency, Yevgeny Minchenko, believes.

"The key point is the regional conflicts that do not subside even after the president has visited and personally talked with the leaders of the protest groups. However, we see that, nevertheless, this conflict is not decreasing, but on the contrary, it is growing. And, of course, before the presidential elections, this does not create a very good background. And plus there is a rather serious imbalance in the elites, which is especially painfully perceived in Chelyabinsk, somehow: the Magnitogorsk team did not enter the capital of the Southern Urals gently enough", - Evgeny Minchenko commented to the Chelyabinsk Echo.

Evgeny Minchenko. Photo courtesy of civilfund.ru

The rating provides not only the accrual of points for merit, but also their removal. So, Boris Dubrovsky was deprived of two points for federal conflicts. Three more were removed for a "major elite conflict" at the regional level. And the same number - according to the criterion "Arrest / criminal prosecution of vice-governors."

Boris Dubrovsky and head of RCC Igor Altushkin. Photo from gubernator74.ru

The head of the Chelyabinsk region dismissed the first deputy minister of economic development Anton Bakhaev. When will the governor himself be fired?

Anton Bakhaev, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk government dismissed. This was reported by the correspondent of The Moscow Post. Bakhaev, suspected of embezzlement of 3.8 million rubles. The official is considered to be the man of the vice-governor Ruslan Gattarov, whose arrest was expected, but did not take place. He could lead security officials to Governor Boris Dubrovsky, and he is faced with the task of holding the SENA and BRICS summits. Will they come to the head of the region after them?

According to the materials of the investigation, the money could have been stolen by Anton Bakhaev during the preparation and holding of the Russian-Kazakhstan forum, which took place in November 2017. Bakhaev was taken into custody, despite the personal guarantee of Deputy Prime Minister Ruslan Gattarov.

Deputy The minister was detained on July 19, and at first he refused to testify, referring to Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. However, a week later information appeared that Anton Bakhaev was ready to make a frank confession and conclude a pre-trial agreement with the investigation.

After the detention of Bakhaev, Ruslan Gattarov flew to Chelyabinsk from Moscow. However, he did not stay long. The Deputy Prime Minister accompanied the flying team checking preparations for the SEON and BRICS summits, and flew out of the region with it. In Moscow, it is probably safer for him to sit at the moment.

Ruslan Gattarov has not appeared in Chelyabinsk since the beginning of the pre-investigation check conducted by the local FSB department. Allegedly, in Moscow, he is having important negotiations with the participants of the Ural high-speed line Chelyabinsk - Yekaterinburg. The discussion of the construction of a high-speed highway (HSR) between the two cities has been going on for more than a year or even a decade, so the importance of negotiations is a big question. Perhaps this is just an excuse for Gattarov not to appear in Chelyabinsk yet.

Political experts predicted the arrest of the Deputy Prime Minister, who was on friendly terms with Anton Bakhaev. Telegram channels wrote that Gattarov has high patrons in the FSB, however, most likely, it’s not about them. The arrest of Ruslan Gattarov could lead investigators to Governor Boris Dubrovsky, jeopardizing the holding of summits, which could damage Russia's image.

That is why, probably, they decided not to touch Gattarov for the time being. As a last resort, Dubrovsky can also fire him. The head of the region is no stranger to dismissing his officials. However, after the summits, the FSB officers can come to grips with the governor himself. And this can lead, at best, to his resignation.

Dismiss, can't you leave?

Boris Dubrovsky took up his post in 2014. and never got into various scandals. The latest of them is the threat of disruption of the SEON and BRICS summits, deceived equity holders and the inability of the governor to solve the garbage problem. Probably, the way out of any situation, the head of the region sees the dismissal of the official responsible for this or that direction. You can always relieve yourself of responsibility by shifting it onto the shoulders of another and making him a "scapegoat".

In January, Irina Gladkova, the Minister of Ecology of the region, was fired. Her activities were heavily criticized on social networks in connection with the release of ruthenium last year at the Chelyabinsk Mayak enterprise, the construction of the Tominsky GOK, whose interests she could lobby, and a garbage dump in Chelyabinsk. Gladkova allegedly left of her own free will.

With the same wording, Dmitry Titov, First Deputy Minister of Roads and Transport of the region, was dismissed in July last year. Perhaps, all the road problems of the region could be "hung" on him.

In September 2017, First Deputy Minister of Culture Yana Komissarova, who had held it since May 2015, was dismissed from her post. The ex-official was sentenced to three years probation for a scam with a state contract for 1.5 million rubles. Her husband was less fortunate. Recognized as the organizer of the scam, he received 8.5 years in a strict regime colony.

In March 2016, Pavel Ryzhiy, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region, was fired on a voluntary basis. He to the nines criticized the strategy for the development of the region until 2020, written by the governor. Naturally, the governor could not stand this. How could an official question Dubrovsky's strategic abilities, and even call strategy a book with beautiful pictures.

Immediately after Dubrovsky came to power in the region, the first deputy was fired. Minister of Industry Yevgeny Eliseev and Deputy. Minister of Industry Vasily Kuryatnikov. Boris Dubrovsky, apparently, was clearing a place for his proteges?

During his tenure as head of the region, Dubrovsky decided the fate of the "lives" of seven high-ranking officials from the regional government. There is a certain pattern in layoffs. Only deputy ministers resign or supposedly leave of their own accord. Why does Boris Dubrovsky not touch the ministers themselves? Is he not so independent in the region as to decide their destinies?

Why can Ruslan Gattarov be fired?

Ruslan Gattarov came to work in the region almost at the same time as Boris Dubrovsky - in 2014. Prior to that, he represented the region in the Federation Council for 4 years, and earlier he was the chairman of the political and coordinating council of the All-Russian Organization of the Young Guard of United Russia (2008-2010). So Gattarov can certainly have connections in the party leadership. During his stay next to Boris Dubrovsky, Gattarov probably knows everything about him. And thus it can be dangerous for the governor.

Ruslan Gattarov, apparently, was considered by someone at the top as the successor to Boris Dubrovsky, who had long been predicted to resign. Maybe that's why they don't touch Gattarov? Although the scandal with Bakhaev dealt a serious blow to the image of the vice-governor, who always tried to remain in the background. True, this did not always work out.

Ruslan Gattarov will not replace Boris Dubrovsky?

The scandal on the plane received wide publicity, when Ruslan Gattarov, apparently, confused the chair with the bed and lay down in it, refusing to comply with the command of the crew commander - to bring the chair to an upright position. I had to threaten him with a flight delay. Many considered this behavior of the vice-governor, to put it mildly, frankly indecent.

Rumor has it that Ruslan Gattarov's doctoral dissertation is plagiarism. There are also rumors about the unconventional orientation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Chelyabinsk government. It is clear that no one can provide evidence for this, and many tongues are much scratched. Although such rumors do not go about all officials.

Dubrovsky and Gattarov may be united by the fact that both fell into the "Panama scandal". At the end of July, the corruption division of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chelyabinsk Region checked the commercial organizations of the family and close circle of friends of the Deputy Prime Minister, who could have shares in offshore foreign companies.

Boris Dubrovsky was also suspected of having an offshore company. Now Dubrovsky has officially transferred his entire business to his son. He is constantly suspected that he can receive government orders from government agencies. Eka is unseen! And what happens differently when relatives of governors own a business?

Boris Dubrovsky recently announced that he would fulfill all obligations to hold the SEON and BRICS forums. This, of course, is important, but Dubrovsky may not be saved. And voluntary resignation for him may be the best option.

The resignation of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky, which was discussed on the sidelines for almost the entire year, is now closer than ever. The question of Boris Dubrovsky's leaving office, which is dissatisfied with the residents of the Southern Urals, and the local elites, and employees of the presidential administration, is only a matter of time.

They started talking about the possible resignation of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky back in the spring of last year, but then these conversations were more like kitchen gossip. The credit of trust of the head of the region at that time was not exhausted, and the local elites still hoped to hear some message from the head. At the beginning of 2016, talk about Dubrovsky's departure resumed - a role was played by the lack of attention to the road topic, scandals with untransferred business assets, fuel was added to the fire by the deputy heads of the region Ivan Senichev (who spoke obscenely and insultingly towards the entire Chelyabinsk region) and Ruslan Gattarov (who never gave up expensive business class flights). At the same time, Boris Dubrovsky did not receive broad support from political and business circles.

According to one of the sources in political circles, the process of searching for a successor to Boris Dubrovsky in the Kremlin was launched when Vyacheslav Volodin was the first deputy head of the presidential administration.

“When Sergei Ivanov left the presidential administration in August, Dubrovsky remained “naked,” our interlocutor said. - By that time, the negative mass was already voluminous: high anti-rating, the absence of any implemented breakthrough projects.

The last straw, according to our sources, was the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation with numerous scandals and a more than modest result of the United Russia party - 38%, which is 16% lower than the average Russian level.

“It was not possible to fulfill the instruction to exclude ex-governor Mikhail Yurevich from the elections at the regional level, Moscow had to “saw out” him,” our source continued. – In the constituency of Valery Gartung (the main Justice of Russia of the Chelyabinsk region, according to all opinion polls, he went to the polls by a wide margin, but lost to United Russia Anatoly Litovchenko - ed.) "worked" so that everyone's hair stood on end. Although according to Hartung, there was an opposite signal from the federal center. All this made Dubrovsky's resignation only a matter of time. Only in Volodin's plans was to link the decision with the appointment of his protege Ruslan Gattarov to the post. This part of the plan could not be implemented, and after Volodin left the Presidential Administration, Gattarov's chances can be multiplied by zero. Nevertheless, Voronova (Tatiana Voronova, ex-head of the presidential department for domestic policy - ed.), leaving, said that the process of resigning the governor of the Chelyabinsk region was launched and irreversible, despite the change of power in the presidential administration. It is not clear who will be the successor.

As it became known, in addition to Ruslan Gattarov, two candidates have recently been considered for the post of governor of the Chelyabinsk region - the first deputy head of the region, Evgeny Redin, who is offered as a backup option by the current team, as well as a member of the Federation Council, Irina Gekht, who is supported by the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko . Yevgeny Redina, according to some reports, was taken to the presidential administration for approval by the chairman of the board of directors of MMK, Viktor Rashnikov.

However, there, according to our information, the “applicant” was dissatisfied. But the interview of Irina Gekht was successful, and she was previously agreed to the post of governor of the Southern Urals.

“Hecht is smart, strong-willed, capable of arranging for all groups of influence,” said one of our interlocutors in the political circles of the Southern Urals. - Unlike Boris Dubrovsky, who is used to relying on the opinion of his surroundings and sometimes trusts him too much, she has leadership qualities. In addition, she showed herself well in Moscow and may well oust Redin.

One of the main arguments in favor of Hecht is that she is being promoted by Matvienko. “We can assume that the issue has already been resolved,” says another of our sources, who is familiar with the course of approvals in the Kremlin.

Today, Dubrovsky's incumbent team is making efforts to maintain influence and continues to place its people everywhere. In particular, the version of the appointment of the former vice-governor, and now the head of Traktor Holding Company Ivan Senichev, no less than the speaker of the regional Legislative Assembly, is being discussed.

“This combination has just begun to be probed and attempted to be coordinated in Moscow,” a source in the party in power said. - Ivan Viktorovich was in disgrace with Volodin, but he is now busy with the State Duma. So, you can try to return to big politics, which Senichev likes to do.”

Purely theoretically, this is probably feasible. To do this, one of the deputies elected in single-mandate constituencies (for example, the general director of MMK Pavel Shilyaev) must give up his seat. After that, by-elections will be announced, in which the "necessary" candidate will be elected on a non-alternative basis.

In practice, it is very difficult to implement the plan. Firstly, if the by-elections take place, then only on a single voting day, September 10, 2017, and before that time a lot of water can leak (the main thing is that there will be no political will in the event of a change of governor). Secondly, it is not clear whether Ivan Senichev himself needs this, given his rather big salary at Traktor with a low level of responsibility: coaches, players, lack of funding and so on will always be guilty of the team's losses. Do not forget about the reputational risks of such a decision - the obscene characterization of the Chelyabinsk region will be remembered by the ex-official for a very long time. If such a person is elected to a representative body and immediately appointed to a leading position (if there are deputies in the Legislative Assembly who have worked for more than one convocation), unnecessary attention to the region cannot be avoided.

In addition to this, we must not forget that the speakers of the representative bodies of the regions, as a rule, head the ruling party in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is difficult to imagine Ivan Senichev as the head of United Russia.

In addition, one cannot write off the current head of the United Russia and the Legislative Assembly, Vladimir Myakush, who, according to our information, has recently enlisted support in Moscow and does not intend to give up any of his posts (his sharp speech at a recent meeting of the political council of the United Russia testifies to this).

“Vladimir Myakush, for all his diplomacy and flexibility, today has no relationship with Governor Boris Dubrovsky,” said a source familiar with the situation. - If they had a warm relationship with the late Pyotr Sumin, partner relations with Mikhail Yurevich, now there is a feeling that the legislative and executive branches work on their own. This weakens both leaders, because their subordinates do not see the common goal, where we are going. Some time ago, the Zwilling team had an idea to gradually replace the entire leadership in the Legislative Assembly. Today, I think this process will be suspended as people are busy with their own survival in politics.”

It has not yet been possible to get a comment from the press service of the head of the region regarding the possible resignation of Boris Dubrovsky: press secretary Dmitry Fedechkin does not answer phone calls. But, according to our sources, today the governor of the Chelyabinsk region was summoned to a meeting by the head of the internal policy department, Andrey Yarin.

Added to non-existent figures is the fact that Ivan Kvitka, head of the Ural ISS of United Russia, arrived in Chelyabinsk. Say, due to the predicted low turnout, Dubrovsky was sent a curator. But the truth is that the arrival of the party leadership is a common pre-election practice, and speaking specifically about Kvitka, he was satisfied with the work of Dubrovsky and even adopted several methods of working with voters.

But the truth of the authors is not interested in the written articles as a carbon copy. It is important for them to inspire readers with the idea that the governor will fail the turnout in the elections and he will be removed. The purpose of the scandalous stuffing is quite understandable, but its customer remained in the shadows. Who is dreaming about the resignation of Boris Dubrovsky and is ready to pay money for provocative materials?

According to some experts, the head of the region crossed the path of large federal industrial groups who would like to see a more accommodating person at the head of the Chelyabinsk region, through whom they could pump their interests in the region. It is no secret that many do not like the policy of "equidistance" pursued by Boris Dubrovsky in relation to FIGs.

However, others believe that Dubrovsky's enemies are not in Moscow, but much closer. The governor is going to introduce emission quotas for local industrialists. And this initiative was not said by him for a red word at a rally, but framed in the form of a serious legislative initiative, which was considered at the "environmental" State Council. Accustomed to virtually unlimited air pollution, South Ural industrialists were confused. They understand that if emission quotas are introduced, part of the profits can be parted. In addition, spending on environmental protection measures will increase. And it will no longer be possible to blame air pollution on motorists. Therefore, Dubrovsky's environmental proposals became a signal to the owners of "harmful" giant plants - they realized that the governor must urgently be replaced with another, timid and lack of initiative.

So Dubrovsky has more than enough ill-wishers. Political scientists believe that he made enemies simply by becoming governor. The previous head of the region had a friendly team, which was left without a budget feeder with the arrival of Dubrovsky. Now the disgraced Yurevich is holed up in England, the ex-head of Chelyabinsk is facing a criminal case, in a word, a calm and well-fed life is over. And who is to blame? Dubrovsky.

Elections are always a moment of uncertainty, a struggle of interests, - says political scientist Andrei Lavrov. - Behind such a "subversive" information stuffing are elite political groups that are less active in a peaceful period. However, I would like to draw attention to the political component of this story. Critical arrows addressed to the governor and his team about the alleged lack of activity during the election campaign, in this case, missed the target. The peculiarity of these elections is that they will not judge the effectiveness of the work of the heads of regions by numerical indicators - the turnout and the percentage of those who voted for a particular candidate. Federal election curators prioritize the ability of governors to ensure the legitimacy and democracy of the presidential campaign. But excessive zeal in favor of the main candidate and the possible scandals associated with this will definitely not be forgiven.

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