Which famous person was abandoned by his wife. Hollywood beauties abandoned by their husbands. Evgenia Nour and Ivan Telegin

And that their family life was no longer like a fairy tale, struck us like a bolt from the blue. Concerning PEOPLETALK I decided to recall other couples where, despite the external idyll, everything was not so sweet, and the initiative to break off the relationship came from a woman.

Alexandra Edenborough and Gary Oldman

No matter how perfect it seems Gary Oldman(57), as many as four wives left him! Alexandra Edenborough(36), married to Cora for six years, left Oldman in January of this year. Although the actor always said that this relationship was the most ideal for him, the couple broke up not at all in a friendly way.

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

It seemed to everyone that these two make each other truly happy. But it was not there. Mark Anthony(46) and J Lo(45) lived together for four years, and Lopez became the initiator of the divorce. It was rumored that the singer left her husband because of the dancer William Levy.

Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev

Although the first husband Natasha Koroleva(41) (55) made her a popular singer, their relationship did not work out. At the peak of her career, the Queen left her husband and soon tied the knot with Tarzan (Sergei Glushko (45)).

Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov

Did not suit the family-creative union and Kristina Orbakaite(43), although Vladimir(47) and Christina were together from a young age. Till Presnyakov Jr. built a career and spent time with friends, Christina sat with the child. And How Orbakaite nor did she try to save the marriage, she had to pack her things and leave. Today, the former spouses have a good relationship.

Shakira and Antonio de la Rua

Relations Shakira(38) and the son of a former president Argentina lasted 11 years. However, they never officially married. The true reasons for the breakup are not known. She herself commented on this as follows: “We still have friendly relations, but I don’t see a continuation.”

and Tao Ruspoli

At 18, the actress married an Italian prince Tao Ruspoli(39). However, after eight years of marriage, their marriage was annulled. Olivia decided that she plunged into family life too early, and left Tao. So not all girls dream of a prince!

Angelica and Nikolai Agurbash

At Angelica Agurbash(45) there was a high-profile divorce. After 11 years of marriage, she left her husband, a businessman Nicholas Agurbash(60). In an interview, the singer said: “I am proud that I took this step - I left my husband, regained myself, my life and destiny. I leave this family with a sense of accomplishment of a woman's duty and with gratitude for the past years.

Tatyana Arntgolts and Ivan Zhidkov

The acting family broke up quite recently. Tatiana (33) and Ivan(31) lived together for six years. Showed initiative Tatyana. And then she increasingly began to appear in public with her colleague Grigory Antipenko (40)(who also divorced his wife). Ivan and Tatiana remained friends.

Elizabeth Hurley and Arun Nayar

And here is the actress Elizabeth Hurley(49) dared to leave the Indian millionaire Aruna Nayara. It was rumored for a long time that her secret relationship with a cricketer was the reason. Shane Warne.

Marina Alexandrova and Ivan Stebunov

This couple seemed perfect. However, their story ended as quickly as it began. The couple filed for divorce after two years of marriage. One day Marina I realized that this relationship was a burden to her, I just packed my things and left. Despite this, they Ivan very often intersect at work and even play together in the theater.

and Marko Jaric

Increasingly, various talk shows discuss the problems of stars who left their children for the sake of a career. How justified is this, and what was the fate of the heirs of the most famous families? The article presents domestic celebrities, whose names are absolutely known to the townsfolk.

Lydia Fedoseeva

At the end of September this year, one of the most beautiful and sought-after actresses of our time turned 80. In her youth, on the set of the film "What is it like, the sea?" the woman met V. Shukshin, and this meeting turned out to be fateful for both. The couple had two daughters.

For a long time, Lydia Nikolaevna was perceived exclusively as Shukshin's wife, forgetting that at the time of her acquaintance she already had a family with Vyacheslav Voronin, a Kyiv actor. And daughter Nastya, who at first, having moved to Moscow, the star mother sent to Leningrad to her parents.

Over time, the father took the girl to Ukraine, where she went to the 1st grade. In fairness, it should be said: Lidia Nikolaevna tried to return her daughter through the court, but lost it. Gradually, communication between two close people was interrupted.

Nastya started a family with a citizen of Luanda, but she could not live in a foreign country. Having returned with her daughter to Ukraine, she was in great need for some time, so she became involved in the story of drug trafficking.

Today Lydia Nikolaevna is ill and hardly leaves her apartment. Relations with Nastya were never fully restored.

Elena Proklova

Few people know that from her marriage to documentary filmmaker V. Melik-Karamov, Proklova has an adult daughter, Arina, with whom relations are by no means easy. Elena gave birth to her at the age of 19. The girl did not have the opportunity to study and raise a child, so the girl lived with E. Proklova's parents. Then Proklova remarried, life was not easy, so Elena never restored her relationship with her first daughter.

Currently, Arina maintains a relationship with her mother, but her daughter Alice does not pay too much attention to her star grandmother.

Lyubov Polishchuk

The untimely deceased actress was a native of Omsk, where she met the artist of the local philharmonic society Valery Makarov, from whom she gave birth to her eldest son. Having moved to Moscow, Polishchuk quickly made a professional career, working with dedication.

After her divorce from Makarov in 1976, it was difficult for her to combine touring and raising her son, so the boy studied at a boarding school until the sixth grade. Today, Alexei Makarov is one of the most successful actors, who often recalls his childhood years filled with violence from teachers and educators in interviews. However, he does not blame his mother for anything.

Masha Rasputina

For a long time, the townsfolk watched the scandalous life story of a famous singer from TV screens. Her ex-husband and producer Vladimir Ermakov made public the fact that the performer had an adult daughter, Lydia, with whom her mother clearly did not have a relationship.

For 12 years, Rasputina did not see her daughter, after which she restored communication and even acquired that apartment. Relations began to improve after the death of Yermakov in October 2017.

Ludmila Gurchenko

In the central photo you can see the main film star of the country, for whom the applause and love of the audience have always been a priority. Without maternal warmth and affection, her daughter from her second marriage, Maria Koroleva, grew up. In fact, the girl was raised by her grandparents.

Maria has never been a public person. Over the past 20 years, she had a rather difficult relationship with her star mother, which became known thanks to television and the press. In November 2017, Maria's heart could not stand it, she died right in the courtyard of her house.


We cited only five famous women as an example, although stars quite often leave their children in the care of their parents or other relatives. So did L. Milyavskaya, A. Varum, E. Pieha and other representatives of show business.

If it seems to you that only those parents who are unable to support them refuse children, then you are deeply mistaken. Among the "cuckoos" there are many not just prosperous people, but real stellar personalities with millions of fees. Most likely, you did not even know that celebrities who live in luxurious mansions and own yachts also abandon their own children and often do it for the sake of their careers. Meet our selection of celebrities - negligent mothers and fathers who once renounced their children.

Clark Gable

Clark Gable - the famous American actor, well known to us from the film "Gone with the Wind", once did not recognize his illegitimate daughter. During the filming of the next movie, he (married at that time to Maria Langham) began an affair with his partner on the set, Loretta Young. As a result, the young actress became pregnant, and she had to try very hard to hide her belly growing in front of her colleagues.

The very fact of the actress's pregnancy could have a bad effect on the careers of both stars, so Loretta had to leave the country for a while. After the daughter was born, the actress sent her to an orphanage, after agreeing this with the baby's father, Clark. But in less than a few months, the mother's heart could not stand it and she adopted her. Baby Judith received the name of her adoptive father, Thomas Lewis, whom Loretta married two years after the birth of her daughter. Judith Lewis learned the name of her biological dad when Gable was no longer in this world.

Joni Mitchell

The Canadian rock singer gave birth to a daughter while in high school. Then it seemed to her that being an adult is very cool. But after a few months, she signed the documents on the adoption of the baby by foster parents. According to the singer, she would not be able to give this child anything, since her goal in life was only music and the desire to become famous. This is how one thoughtless act deprived a little girl of her own mother. Only 32 years later, the singer found her daughter

Rod Stewart

The famous singer can rightfully be called a hero father, because he has as many as 8 children. At the same time, the act that he committed in relation to the first child does not paint him. For the first time, Rod Stewart became a father at the age of 17, when nothing was known about him as a musician. For about a year, he dated a girl named Susanna Boffi. When she became pregnant, the future celebrity did not like it: he offered to get rid of the child as soon as possible, but received a negative response, and the couple broke up.

A year after the birth of her daughter Sarah, Suzanne realized that she could not cope with the duties of a mother, so she gave the girl to an orphanage. Sarah's fate was such that she had to change several orphanages before she was adopted by a simple but loving family. At the age of 18, Sarah nevertheless met her biological father, but it was not possible to establish a warm relationship for a long time. She thawed a little when Rod recorded a single dedicated to his affair with Suzanne and sent it to Sarah with a note: "Love from dad."

Eddie Murphy

As often happens, celebrities find love on film sets or among mutual friends. The same story happened to the famous American actor Eddie Murphy. He briefly had an affair with Spice Girls member Melanie Brown.

As a result, the singer became pregnant, and the couple had a child - baby Angel was born exactly on Murphy's birthday. But Eddie did not want to admit his paternity and demanded a DNA test. Melanie refused. Since then, the unfortunate father and part-time successful actor has not taken any part in raising his daughter and is not going until she is old enough to see him without the presence of Mel B.

Masha Rasputina

Against the background of the family idyll of Masha Rasputina with businessman Viktor Zakharov and their daughter Maria, the story of the singer's daughter from her first marriage with Vladimir Ermakov, Lydia (born 1983), seems terrible. Literally immediately after her birth, Masha Rasputina gave the baby to her parents to raise, so as not to be distracted from her pop career.

When Lida turned 16, the couple divorced. The breakup of the parents hit the girl's mental health hard. A string of depressions, tantrums and psychoses began, and the mother did not think of anything better than to take Lida to a mental hospital. In 2016, the family was reunited, and in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov, the eldest daughter Rasputina thanked her mother for always helping her, forgiving her and accepting her into her new family.

Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo

The daughter of Lolita and Alexander Tsekalo, Eva, who was born in 1999 4 months ahead of schedule, has been suffering from autism since birth. This mental illness is characterized by isolation, detachment from the outside world, and even a painful reaction to it. All his life the child lives with the mother of the singer in Kyiv, the girl sees her own mother only when she comes to Ukraine with concerts. According to the singer, she cannot live with her daughter because of the tight tour schedule, so the girl remains in the care of her grandmother.

Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum

The famous Russian pop couple has a daughter, Liza (born 1999), who also suffers from autism. The star parents found out about the girl’s illness belatedly, since almost immediately after her birth they went on a tour. Now the girl lives in Miami with Angelica's parents and brother.

There is an assumption that Leonid and Angelica got scared when they found out about the terrible illness of the child, so they gave him up to be raised by other family members. According to the stars, the girl does not live with them, as both parents are very busy due to concerts. Varum and Agutin fly to her once every two months, but this attention is clearly not enough.

Now, due to her age, the girl is increasingly visited by thoughts that her parents have abandoned her, to which her mother laughs it off, referring to the transition period. By the way, Yuri Varum, Angelica's father, has long issued custody of his granddaughter. Judging by the photos of Lisa on Instagram, the girl lives a full life: she plays in a rock band and performs on American TV.

Lyubov Polishchuk

Lyubov Polishchuk sent her only son Alexei Makarov to a boarding school, as she could not pay him due attention after birth. Constant touring and filming took so much time that there was no strength left to raise the boy. For most of his childhood, he grew up without maternal participation, resigned to life in a boarding school. When he was 13, Lyubov married the artist Sergei Tsigal, and the young man returned to his parents' house.

Elena Proklova

Elena Proklova married Vitaly Melik-Karamov when she was only 18. A year later, she gave birth to a daughter, Arina, and after another 4 years of marriage, she filed for divorce. Then Elena decided that it was necessary to end the relationship completely and irrevocably, so she left her daughter to her ex-husband. All her life, Arina was brought up by her paternal grandparents and did not maintain contact with her own mother.

Yuri Stoyanov

The Russian actor, one of the founders of the television show Gorodok, also renounced his children at one time. In his first marriage with his beloved Olga, Yuri Stoyanov had two sons, Nikolai and Alexei. Happiness did not last long, as Yuri fell in love with another woman and abandoned his wife and children for her sake. According to relatives, the sons are still offended by their biological father, so they themselves stop all his attempts to establish communication. Even now they bear the name of their mother's second husband, who raised them from early childhood - Khlopov.

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Russian singer Marina Abrosimova, better known under the stage name MakSum, experienced a tragedy in personal relationships - the father of her unborn child, businessman Anton Petrov, left a pregnant artist for a 21-year-old student. From the hospital with a newborn, the star returned to her own apartment, where she lived before the affair with Petrov.

For a long time, MakSum hid the act of her common-law spouse, and answered all requests to comment on rumors and speculation with one phrase: “I don’t want to talk about my personal life.” However, in the fall of 2015, after it became known about the wedding of her daughter's father with his new lover, Marina's patience ran out, and she spoke about her pregnancy and relationship with Petrov in the 7 Days magazine. “With the father of my youngest daughter, we do not live under the same roof. And for a long time, ”admitted MakSum.


Recall that MakSum and Anton Petrov met in 2013 at a corporate evening where the singer performed. After a stormy romance, young people decided to live together, and after a while Marina became pregnant. “We really had a very beautiful romance. Almost everything in my life is like in a fairy tale. Masha was born in great love, - said the singer. - Masha's father really wanted and asked me to give birth to a child. When I got pregnant, everyone was very happy.” Soon, information appeared in the media that Anton Petrov left Marina and began dating the daughter of the deputy and millionaire Alexander Bryksin, Elizaveta, on which he was in September of this year.

It is noteworthy that the youngest daughter of Abrosimova Masha, who gave birth on October 29, 2014, is the child of Anton Petrov and MakSim. The businessman has two children from his ex-wife, the soloist of the Hi-Fi group Oksana Oleshko, with whom he completely stopped communicating after the divorce. And Marina is raising her six-year-old daughter Sasha from sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsov, with whom she was married from 2008 to 2011.

"What's in her that I don't?" - every woman who is faced with the betrayal of her husband asks herself this question ... We decided to conduct a comparative analysis of the abandoned wives of famous men and those ladies who caused high-profile divorces.

Vanessa Paradis and Amber Heard

Johnny Depp's Wives
In 2012, the actor fell in love with a young partner in the film The Rum Diary, Amber Heard. The actress became the reason for his separation from Vanessa Paradis, who received $ 160 million from the traitor. The couple was never officially married, but no one could have imagined that this family would one day cease to exist. Magazines devoted articles to the beautiful love story of Vanessa and Johnny, and the latter, in turn, spoke passionately about his feelings for the mother of his two children. But most of all we were struck by the fact that after 14 years of civil marriage with Vanessa and refusal to go down the aisle, Depp officially married Heard after a couple of years of romance! In May, it was revealed that Amber had filed for divorce after 15 months of marriage, citing "irresolvable differences" as the reason.

Yana Sexte and Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Wives of Maxim Matveev
The heart of Elizabeth Boyarskaya remained free for a long time, despite the enviable number of admirers. The girl patiently waited for her only one - and waited. Once on TV, she saw the film "Vice" with Maxim Matveev and immediately lost her head.

In 2010, the actors starred together in the melodrama “I won’t tell”, where it was about the fading of feelings between the characters. In real life, a flame broke out between Maxim and Elizabeth. Boyarskaya was not stopped by distance (Max lives in Moscow, and Lisa lives in St. Petersburg), nor the wife of the chosen one, the Latvian actress Jana Sexte. Love fever seized Matveev, who quickly divorced and a few months later went down the aisle with Elizabeth.

According to the interview, the couple has been happily married for five years, but the yellow press still does not remove the label of femme fatale from Boyarskaya, constantly attributing novels to her colleagues - with Konstantin Khabensky, Pavel Trubiner, Grigory Dobrygin.

Robin Moore and Oksana Grigorieva

Wife and mistress Mela Gibson
Pianist Oksana Grigorieva became a real test in the life of actor Mel Gibson. At first, it seemed to him that life was taking on a new meaning: he left his wife Robin Moore, who had been there for 28 years and bore him seven children; began producing Grigorieva's music album and was waiting for her daughter to be born. But the new life cost the actor dearly. A few months later, he broke up with a young passion, who through the court demanded money for constant beatings and for the maintenance of his daughter Lucia. As a result, the actor gave $ 400 million to his ex-wife, $ 60 thousand to his ex-lover and almost went bankrupt, because in Hollywood the bully was no longer offered a job.

Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie

Wife of Brad Pitt
The story of how Jolie stole her husband from Jennifer Aniston allowed T-shirt manufacturers to make good money in 2006 (remember the Team Aniston and Team Jolie T-shirts?). And although the culprit of the scandal herself has always claimed that Pitt, tired of her marriage to Aniston, himself came into her arms on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", this is hard to believe.

Before meeting Pitt, Angelina was a famous plunderer of men's hearts. Playing fatal beauties on the screen, Jolie was famous in life thanks to two sudden marriages and the ability to beat off other people's guys. So, in 1999, Billy Bob Thornton, a colleague in the film Controlling Flights, became her victim. Love instantly broke out between the partners, and actress Laura Dern was left behind: Thornton promised his girlfriend a wedding for three years, and eventually ran away to Angie.

Julia Baranovskaya and Alisa Kazmina

Andrey Arshavin's wife
Julia lived with football player Andrei Arshavin for 9 years, devoting herself to her family. At the beginning of the relationship, for the sake of her beloved, she dropped out of school, and after that she moved to London with him. In narrow sports circles, Yulia was known only as the modest common-law wife of Arshavin and the mother of his two children. But, when the girl was pregnant for the third time, the athlete cheated on her. Arshavin did not even deny the fact of his campaigns "to the left"! And a few months after the birth of the boy, Arseny completely left the family for the model Alisa Kazmina, with whom she is now officially married and is expecting the birth of her first common child. Unexpectedly finding support among fans, Julia decided to forge her own happiness, not relying on a traitor. Baranovskaya began to build a career as a model and TV presenter. Instead of shedding tears on the next talk show dedicated to unfaithful husbands, Yulia released an autobiographical book called “All for the Better” and became an independent media person.

Irina Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

Wives of Valery Meladze
It all started before Albina began to sing in VIA Gre - an unmarried backing vocalist had a son, Konstantin, but she did not disclose her father's name.

Thanks to producer Konstantin Meladze, the girl got into VIA Gro, in which she stayed for 8 years. At the end of the 2000s, rumors began to circulate in the press about Albina's secret relationship with Valery Meladze, which was confirmed by trio member Tatyana Kotova. Kotova also said that she had to leave the group in 2009 because of Dzhanabaeva, who began to be jealous of the new member for her man.

Most of all, in this love affair, the public was outraged that Meladze led a double life for more than ten years: in addition to Albina, his wife Irina was in his life, who gave birth to three daughters in marriage.

In 2014, Valery filed for a divorce from his wife and began to openly live with Albina, who gave birth to his second son, Luka.

Valery admits that his daughters from his first marriage do not communicate with his sons from Dzhanabaeva, and this makes him very sad.

Yana Meladze and Vera Brezhneva

Wives of Konstantin Meladze
About the novel by Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva they started talking about 10 years ago. In 2002, the blonde joined Konstantin's project - the VIA Gra group. Then Vera, at one of the concerts, expressed her desire to sing along with the trio on stage and impressed the team from the very first time. Two years later, Vera replaced Alena Vinnitskaya. Apparently, the new Vera worked so well with her boss that even then rumors began to appear about the connection between the producer and his ward. Despite the fact that celebrities carefully concealed their romance, the party still started talking about their mutual sympathy. The intensity of the situation was added by the fact that all this time Meladze Sr. was married to Yana Summ, and Vera in 2006 became the official wife of businessman Mikhail Kiperman, whom she divorced in 2012. A year later, he left his wife and Konstantin Meladze. Soon after the divorce, Vera bought an apartment in the center of Kyiv, which she shared not only with her daughters Sonya and Sarah, but also with her secret lover. In October last year, on October 22, Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze got married in Italy.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya and Tatiana Navka

Wife of Dmitry Peskov
The presidential press secretary was married to Ekaterina Solotsinskaya for 20 years. Three children grew up in the family - daughter Lisa and sons Mika and Denis. However, a couple of years ago it became known that the figure skater Tatyana Navka gave birth to a daughter, Nadezhda, from Peskov, and a year later the couple got married. Catherine healed her spiritual wounds and returned to an active life. Now the woman lives in Paris, travels and spends a lot of time with her children. Navka admits that she is grateful to Catherine for resigning herself to the situation and letting her husband go to a new family. “I understand how difficult it was for Katya, because I myself was in a similar situation. And when she let her daughter Sasha go to her ex-husband Alexander Zhulin and his current wife Natasha, she did not feel any jealousy. I understood that it was necessary, ”the athlete says in an interview.

Princess Diana and Duchess Camilla Parker

Prince Charles' wives
Prince Charles and Diana met when she was 16. The heir to the throne then had an affair with Diana's older sister, Sarah. Shortly after the break, Charles began to take a closer look at the one in which he had previously seen only the younger sister of his girlfriend, and soon came to the conclusion: Diana is perfection itself! On February 6, 1981, Diana accepted the prince's proposal, and on July 29 they got married in St. Paul's Cathedral. Despite the birth of two beautiful boys, Princes William and Harry, family life was unhappy. Charles' long-term romance with married lady Camilla Parker-Bowles, which Diana learned about after the wedding, resumed in the mid-80s. The offended Diana became close to James Hewitt, a riding instructor. The tension intensified when the press leaked records of telephone conversations of both spouses with their lovers. Numerous interviews followed, during which Charles and Diana accused each other of breaking up their union. “There were too many people in my marriage,” the princess joked sadly. Diana died in a car accident in 1997, and 9 years after her death, Charles married Camilla.

Francis Tomelty and Trudy Styler

Sting's Wives
The romance of the musician with the actress cost both dearly: her relationship with a married man and a young father cost her career, he cost his reputation. For the sake of Trudy, Sting left his wife almost immediately after the birth of their second child in 1982. However, both found the most important thing - the love of a lifetime. Then a wave of public indignation hit the couple, so the decision to finally leave his wife and start living with Trudy was not easy for Sting. Maybe it was because of the unwillingness to attract too much attention of gossips that the lovers refused the wedding? Trudy and Sting legalized their relationship 10 years after Sting's divorce from his first wife. At that time, the couple had already had three children. In 1995, Trudy gave birth to her fourth child from the musician, and yesterday's critics had no doubt that the guys made the only right decision - to be together.

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