Beautiful girls that look like boys

07/11/06, Tou Tou
Let her look like a guy - that's HER PERSONAL MATTER. She doesn’t impose herself on anyone, she lives and that’s it. At least such a girl is a thousand times better than a puffed up and pomaded bitch. I generally give a damn about such rotten bazaars: why are you better, fifi?!

07/11/06, Atemlos
I love androgynous style in any of its manifestations. including girls who look like boys. and then, they are usually more interesting than glamorous blondes in pink.

07/11/06, Benjaminel
Let's not get confused in terms! We're talking about Girls who look like Guys, not girls who look like Men. These are different things) Personally, I have always liked pleasant, well-groomed girls, but not “glamorous” girls dressed in luxurious trash from the market, and these are not even unisex style... but not heavily made up, tall, thin, slender, with with a naturally pretty face... and dressed without any "frills" - fashionable, but without stiletto heels and other crap...)

08/11/06, Lifelines
What does “look like guys” mean? Wearing trousers and robes? Those who wear short hair? What's wrong with that? Everyone has the right to be themselves. It suits some people. Well, they love football, so what’s unfeminine about that? I like it myself. They are independent, smart and beautiful in their own way.

08/11/06, Dusty
Yes, it turns out that I prefer “tomboys” to all sorts of glamorous creatures with an empty head. If an elegant, slender girlish figure is dressed in torn jeans, heavy boots, a tweed jacket, and on her head she has some kind of incomprehensible nifty hair - this, of course, does not mean anything, but if she is ready to kick anyone she meets, reads serious literature and can discuss politics and religion with rage and passion over a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of rum - then this is my ideal... it’s a pity that this does not exist in nature)

29/11/06, Mental Ipsism
In general, I love all kinds of people, but I have a special sympathy for such girls, because for me a unisex appearance is the best thing that can be. As I already wrote once, I don’t really like it when people strongly emphasize their gender, because for me it makes no sense. I generally don’t understand and don’t accept statements like “if you were born a man, be one, if you were born a woman, be one.” It always seemed to me that every person knows that the main thing is to be who you feel like you are. And how could it be otherwise?

29/11/06, Mental Ipsism
For me there are no Women and Men, there are only People and Human behavior, and I despise any framework such as Female and Male behavior, because they are just an extra and stupid cage of restrictions.

17/12/06, light for you
It’s not that I really like him, but for some reason I’m friends with tomboyish girls. what we are from different worlds, obviously became in the ninth grade. I’m in high heels (this is a must!!), blonde, in a skirt and all sorts of women’s fentiflush, and my two fighting friends in wide pants, Steel pants and all sorts of other crap, including 12 times pierced ears and tattoos. (Awesome, by the way) How How we manage to be friends has remained a mystery for 4 years now. However, sometimes I go to a punk concert, and they come to taste the sushi I made at home. True, we curse in secret from each other. but I can’t imagine my life without them. I LOVE and appreciate it!

20/05/07, Mental Ipsism
They are not as disgusting as small, short-legged and fat-assed piglets with jelly hands covered with a fatty coating.

20/02/11, Patsanka
I’m a tomboy by birth, I love football, cars, but I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t wear makeup, and I generally can’t stand skirts. The boys and the boys have a lot in common; they understand them almost instantly. Or do you prefer painted fifas throwing tantrums because they broke some nail there. These fools want everything at once, but the boys only want understanding;)

20/02/11, Pony Pony
I’ve been trying to become like a guy for quite some time now! and I don’t see anything wrong with this, it’s really a personal matter for every girl, it’s just that if you can’t realize yourself as a girl, you try to do it on behalf of the guys) this, in my opinion, gives some kind of incentive for further action!))

12/04/12, NellyNeoNa
After reading the opinions of forum members...mmm...few people are close to the concept of a tomboy! I had this status for a long time, and “strove” for it. Honestly, I thought that 90% of it was written by kids of about 12 years old, redneck complexes appeared. True, they didn’t openly “smear” me, I was excellent, they wrote it off, so they were silent. Then this it became profitable... there was almost no money in the family and, in order not to disgrace my parents, I pretended that I liked tattered style, dirty hair and higher on the list. It happens, and! often!! YES! by all means, I’m not ugly, I’m athletic , quite educated and well-mannered. I take care of myself, despite the fact that I’m a tomboy to this day! It’s all simple - girls who are able to think like guys, and not swim in the answers - tomboys. Psychology and anatomy! school course! he says that the guys know how to draw conclusions and make specific decisions, with their gaze, tone, and so on. place. !Tomboy! (f.r.), it’s immediately clear that we’re not talking about trannies!

14/06/13, MakS
Communicating with such people is more interesting than with identical women who cannot tell anything except love and Bilan (or some other singer). Many boys lead a normal life. Yes we love to play football and other dangerous look sport. Don’t talk too much about our style either. For example, we like to wear sneakers and pants, long T-shirts and have a short haircut. But we don’t spoil our feet by walking in 10 cm heels. IN

06/07/13, just a minute
Well, not so much). But if the girl is athletic, strong, lean, not flirtatious, not cutesy, then a certain touch of masculinity will be present in her one way or another. Moreover, it does not in the least detract from her femininity.

15/09/13, anatidaephobe
Somehow I respect girls who look like guys more than these painted fools with not a drop of intelligence. So, for example, I was often confused with a guy, despite the fact that I only wear men’s shirts over T-shirts, loose jeans and don’t wear makeup. And that suits me quite well, I’m not offended. Needless to say, girls who look like a guy are not women who look like men. Things are different and should not be confused. Girls who look like guys can look more or less cute, even with breasts and a figure, don’t smoke, don’t drink, and some don’t even swear, but at the same time they look like guys. Idiot stereotypes :)

25/03/15, Nemesis Deathmaster
A slender girl without smooth curves is much more attractive than a feminine plump woman. and if she has pale skin and bulging veins, then this is generally ideal. my fetish. similarity to guys, I mean physique, constitution and low percentage of fat, developed muscles and veins, but not disgusting peasant manners and unkemptness. a girl should be physically strong, athletic, but at the same time feminine in appearance, like, for example, Madonna or Sarah Jessica Parker, Milla Jovovich and other Hollywood beauties.

07/04/15, Drako
If a girl looks like a guy, that's her right. Is this her style or is it the instinct of self-preservation. And no person has the right to judge both. He lives as he can and wants to. If you don’t like it, don’t communicate, don’t watch.

07/04/15, Unimortal
Why not? It's their right. I myself probably don’t look too much like a girl, because I don’t wear makeup, my hair is quite short, and over dresses, skirts, and heels, I prefer clothes and shoes that are comfortable, practical, and don’t attract much attention from me or anyone else. Yes, and I am also completely deprived of a figure like a Spanish guitar. I have neither psychotraumas nor complexes. Only slightly androgynous appearance and lack of motivation to be " a real woman". And other girls - guys - are just interesting and non-standard people for the most part.

09/07/15, Nemesis Deathmaster
In some ways I love these people. I don’t mean an aggressive drunken chav with a shaved head, a cigarette in her yellow teeth and wearing Adidas. I mean in terms of body structure - low percentage of fat, narrow hips, bulging veins and muscles - that’s what I like. and the face should be feminine. and the hair is long. and gothic manicure, makeup. For me, the ideal appearance is Madonna. she looks like a guy in body - veins and muscles, arms, abs, lean legs, but nevertheless she has a feminine face and leads healthy image life. and the girl with the habits of a chav and manly manners is creepy. It’s cool when femininity is combined with predatory muscles and veins. what a sexy and hot thing!

04/08/15, Calm
Again, the question is not even about tomboys, but about girls who look like guys. For example, I’m already used to having my hair short and wear loose clothes because it's convenient. I don’t wear skirts because of ridicule from my peers in the past - when I looked just like a boy, although I tried to look different. However, despite the fact that I am sometimes confused with a guy, my interactions with other people are always friendly and positive. Besides, everyone has their own path and everyone has the right to be the way they want - and it’s stupid to judge people who are different from themselves. I'm not claiming anything - you can skip this message altogether, but I hope you'll listen. Thank you for your time.

04/08/15, Hack 007Perf
I think it's quite acceptable. First of all, their body is their business. Secondly, someone undoubtedly likes it, so why not? True, I think that to the question about guys who look like girls, the answer will be, to put it mildly, not similar, on the contrary. And they also say that only women are discriminated against.

A couple of decades ago, girls wanted to be like movie and pop stars. Today there are girls who want to be like dolls. And it’s worth noting that they succeed quite successfully.

More than half a century ago, the American stenographer from Mattel Ruth Handler came up with the image of the Barbie doll, and since then the blonde with thin legs, blue eyes And thin waist conquered the whole world. Barbie became a doctor, a flight attendant, a businesswoman, a rock star, a teacher, and a military pilot. Barbie dolls appeared that copied the appearance of Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn... But until recently it was difficult to even imagine that people would copy a doll.

Dakota Rose

All the people who first saw 19-year-old Dakota Rose unanimously declared that this was a Barbie doll come to life. Dakota's incredible resemblance to Barbie has made her very popular in countries such as Japan and China, where she has been featured in the news numerous times. Although most of Dakota's fans consider her a cosplayer, the girl herself states that she never tried to imitate Barbie.

Venus Palermo

At 15 years old, Venus Palermo is no less passionate about dolls than she was in childhood. Under the name Venus Angelic, the London teenager has opened a YouTube channel for fans who want to be like her. On her channel, Venus shares the secrets of how to make yourself a living doll.

Lily Cole

Model and actress Lily Cole is famous for her face, which even up close looks like a porcelain doll.

Lin Ke Tong

Model Lin Ke Tong, who was born on September 20, 1988, has already gained immense popularity thanks to her doll-like appearance.

Alodia Gosiengfao is a multiple winner of cosplay festivals held in the Philippines. She has become famous all over the world famous all over the world not only for her creativity and appearance, but also for the fact that Alodia always looks more attractive than the real characters she portrays. The girl has been competing in cosplay competitions since 2003 and has won them 18 times.

Chinese student high school Wang Jayun became famous on the Korean Internet for the fact that she looks exactly like an inflatable doll. Wang Jayun's height is 164 cm, and she weighs 42 kg. The girl was born in Kowloon, Hong Kong, and currently lives in Shenzhen, China.

As a rule, little girls are interested in Barbie dolls. But Charlotte Hotman, 24, was so obsessed with her doll collection that she spent £10,000 on plastic surgery to look like Barbie. Charlotte had a nose job, injected collagen into her lips and dyed her hair blonde to transform herself into a human Barbie. The girl spent the rest of the money on outfits to finally match the image.


Jessica from the South Korean group Girls Generation has been compared to a doll several times. A photo of Jessica that recently appeared on the Internet simply perfectly reflects her resemblance to the doll.

Little is known about this Barbie-looking beauty, except that she is a) completely real b) terribly sexy and c) lives in Russia. Russian Barbie proves to all skeptics that a woman 180 cm tall can have perfect proportions.

many young ladies become so attached to their toy favorites that they adult life they cannot be separated from them. And if your age no longer allows you to play with dolls, you can use decorations, for example, such as .


Dakota Rose

Dakota Rose is the girl who runs the blog KotaKoti and looks exactly like a Barbie doll. Her uncanny resemblance to Barbie made her very popular in Japan and China, where she was featured on several news channels. Having a large number of fans, Dakota says she dresses the same as always and doesn't mind when people look at her with a smile.


Venus Palermo

At the age of 15, Venus Palermo became the doll of her dreams. If you are a fan of this girl or want to look exactly like her, she has YouTube channel with beauty lessons in this style. But that's not why she's the star of viral videos, she just looks like a living doll.


Lily Cole

Model and actress Lily Cole is known for her porcelain doll-like appearance. Maybe thanks to this, she achieved considerable success at such a young age.


Lin Ke Tong

Lin Ke Tong was born on September 20, 1988, has a height of 175 cm. She appears mainly in commercials. Very popular due to her doll-like appearance.


Alodia Gosingfio

She has won many times in cosplays. Known not only for her awards, but also for being more attractive than the characters she portrays. She has been participating in cosplay since 2003 and has been a judge of these competitions since she was 18 years old. Alodia shows all newbies how to cosplay correctly!


Wang Jiayun

Chinese student Wang Jiayun has become popular on the Korean Internet because she looks like an inflatable doll. Wang Jiayun's height is 164 cm and she weighs 42 kg. Born in Hong Kong, currently lives in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. Her name is among the most popular search terms on various Korean websites.


Charlotte Hottman

Barbie dolls are usually interesting to little girls. But Charlotte, 24, was so obsessed with her doll collection that she spent £10,000 on plastic surgery to look like Barbie. The girl had her nose fixed, her lips enlarged with collagen and her blonde hair dyed so that she turned into a living Barbie. And she spent the remaining money on clothes to complete the doll's image.



The member of the Korean girl pop group “Girls Generation” impresses with her doll-like beauty. IN Lately A photo of Jessica on the set of a photo shoot for a magazine was uploaded to the online community. Jessica truly looks like a doll, with a perfect profile and shoulder-length hair.


Valeria Lukyanova

In second place as the most doll-like girls is the popular Ukrainian woman who made herself a number plastic surgery in order to resemble the world famous Barbie doll. In 2012, Valeria gained worldwide popularity after she was featured in Jezebel magazine.


Angelica Kenova

Angelika Kenova, or “Russian Barbie,” dispels doubts that it is impossible for a living girl to look like a doll. She rightfully ranks first in our ranking “ Girls who look like dolls «.

With parameters 87-54-87, Angelica is the living embodiment of the popular Barbie doll. Surprisingly, there is very little information about Angelica - everything that is known about her is collected bit by bit from various laconic sources.

And it is very possible that Angelica Kenova took such a pseudonym for herself, because her surname and image are very compatible (“Kenova” - that is, Ken’s friend). Or is this a coincidence?


Please express all your thoughts, preferences and wishes, as well as outrage and desires, in the comments at the bottom of the article. Thank you for your attention.

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