Startup business loan. Banking methods for small business loans from scratch. How much money does Sberbank issue on credit for franchising

Wanting to organize their own enterprise, many are faced with a lack of sufficient funds. Getting a bank loan to start your own business helps to solve this problem. Often a loan to start a business is the first step on the way to private entrepreneurship.

Is it possible to get a business loan from scratch

Taking out a loan to develop your own business is considered a risky deal for a banking institution. There is no absolute guarantee that a loan to start a small business from scratch will be paid off. In case of ruin, a newly minted entrepreneur may declare himself bankrupt in a month and refuse to return the money. However, funding for entrepreneurship is gradually being restored. It is possible to take a loan for a business from scratch, subject to strict conditions.

Under what conditions is a loan issued for a business from scratch

The probability of obtaining a loan for a startup increases if you have:

  • Good credit history. Lack of successful past loans, outstanding or late payments can lead to a refusal to grant a loan.
  • Competent business plan. The obvious possibility of making a small but stable income from their business will incline experts to make the right decision.
  • Parallel employment. A stable income allows you to safely repay a loan to start a small business from scratch.
  • Collateral property. This is a significant money back guarantee, which speaks of the client's serious attitude to lending.
  • Third party natural person as a guarantor.
  • Starting capital, which is at least a quarter of the required amount.

Which banks issue loans for small businesses from scratch

Those who wish to organize their own business can use the help of financial institutions. A small business loan from scratch is issued in:

  • VTB24, offering the lowest rates for legal entities, a variety of conditions. The requirements for LLC and sole proprietorship differ significantly. Loans often require real estate as collateral.
  • Sberbank, which issues loans under the Business Start product. Funding is provided for the developed project. It is possible to work as an entrepreneur on a franchise.
  • Rosselkhozbank, representing various loan products for the development of small businesses. There are no limits on the amount.
  • Alfa-Bank, among whose proposals there are only two types of financing. At the same time, management declares working with small and medium-sized enterprises as a priority.

Banking Methods for Small Business Loans from Scratch

The challenge for financial institutions is to determine the degree of risk in lending to small businesses. Banks use two methods, one of which is the review of the application by experts. The decision to lend depends on the result of a subjective check. Another way to determine the degree of risk is to use an automated "scoring" system, first tested 50 years ago. An unbiased program counts points, sums up the results based on the data entered in the client's questionnaire. Types of scoring:

  1. by points (you need to get a certain amount, most of those who apply do not pass it);
  2. against fraudsters (through behavior analysis, it identifies factors that indicate a non-purpose loan, a potential threat to bank funds);
  3. against irresponsible clients-borrowers (delay is being studied).

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch

Providing a profitable loan to start your own business involves a strict procedure. How to get a loan to start a small business:

  1. You should send an application to the bank. The appeal indicates the type of activity, the lending program.
  2. Next, you need to provide information about the financial condition of the small business. The amount of profit, credit history are important.
  3. Then the accepted application is considered, the terms of the loan are approved - the amount, terms, type of loan.

A loan to start a business from scratch in Sberbank

A loan for a startup, starting a business can be issued at a bank branch. How to get a loan to open a business in Sberbank? For this you need:

  1. Contact the institution, having a package of documents with you.
  2. Choose the right loan program.
  3. Get registered with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur, go through the registration in the USRIP.
  4. Consider franchising programs offered by Sberbank partners.
  5. Choose the right franchise.
  6. Detailed development of a business project based on the selected program. It is required to create a marketing plan, determine the location of the office and other nuances.
  7. Prepare a package of documents for a loan to start a small business from scratch. The set includes the original and a copy of the passport, TIN, IP registration confirmation, commercial plan.
  8. Apply for a small business loan.
  9. Collect a sum of money (30% for the first installment).

How to increase your chances of getting loans to start a business

Wanting to take a loan for his business, a novice entrepreneur should choose as carefully as possible the bank in which he will be served. Nuances:

  1. When deciding on a financial institution, you need to ask what offers it has for small businesses.
  2. Useful advice from partners, friends who work with a particular bank.
  3. Loans are more readily issued for an already developing business. An application with an attached project has little chance of financial support.
  4. It is desirable that the enterprise be solvent, exist for at least six months.
  5. An additional factor in favor of the consent of the bank to issue a loan is the presence of collateral. Real estate, cars, technical equipment are considered as collateral.

How else to get a loan for start-up entrepreneurs

An alternative way to receive financial assistance is consumer lending. A loan can be issued to an individual in a company or online. The property is used as collateral or support for guarantors. Such loans are unprofitable for the entrepreneur due to inflated interest rates. Remember: in many regions there are funds that support small businesses. These organizations act as guarantors for loans from the state or issue small concessional loans to entrepreneurs themselves.

Video: do I need a loan to start a business from scratch

Have you decided to apply for a business loan from scratch at Sberbank, but would like to read the full terms of lending and customer reviews first? This informational overview will help you find out if the offer offered by the bank is profitable and how you can get it.

What advantages does the bank offer you:

  • Starting capital in the amount of up to 80% of your project financing inclusive;
  • Providing a loan to start your own business from scratch for a large amount up to 7 million rubles;
  • The possibility of drawing up a contract for a long period of up to 60 months;
  • There is no mandatory requirement for additional security (collateral, guarantors);
  • You can choose the business model yourself, i.e. open a business under a well-known brand of a franchisor or draw up a typical business plan developed by a partner of Sberbank;
  • You will be provided with information support at the stage of starting a business, and will carry out all the necessary consultations;
  • The client gets the opportunity to study the course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" online for free.

All this will allow you to realistically assess your capabilities, find possible risks and reduce them to a minimum at the start. How to start an entrepreneur when starting a business is written in this article.

What should a potential borrower do?

  • Contact the branch of Sberbank and fill out an application for a loan;
  • Study the multimedia course from the bank offered to you on the website;
  • Wait for the preliminary approval of the bank;
  • Get approval from the franchisor or your chosen bank partner;
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (we are talking about this);
  • Provide a package of documents, get approval;
  • Make the first installment, sign the contract and start your business.

From loan terms:

  • For the franchisor's business model or a typical partner's business plan, the rate is 18.5% per annum. The amount is from 100 thousand to 3 million rubles, the loan period is 42 months, the first installment is from 40%. You will be able to get a deferral for repayment of the principal debt for a period of up to 6 months. In the first case, the pledge of the acquired property or the guarantee of an individual will serve as collateral, in the second case, the guarantee of a bank partner can be used. The age of the borrower can be from 20 to 60 years inclusive;
  • To open a pub according to the Harat's franchisor model, you can apply for an amount from 3 to 7 million rubles inclusive. The crediting period is 60 months, a deferment can be granted for a period of up to 1 year. The age of the client is from 27 to 60 years old inclusive.

Mortgaged property is subject to compulsory insurance. The rating of insurance companies is presented in this article. Of the required documents, you need: a Russian passport, a military ID or registration certificate, financial documents of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then go through

Let's be honest, the modern dynamically growing lending market gives little chance to a budding entrepreneur in getting start-up investments.

The exception is loan "Business Start" Sberbank. He is admired and scolded by entrepreneurs, forgetting that this is just an opportunity that you need to be able to use.

The last time such a chance was given to Russian businessmen was in the 1990s. But then everything was much simpler: galloping inflation actually devalued debts.

Today, the loan will have to be repaid along with interest. Representatives of our site visited the International Franchising Exhibition, where a representative of Sberbank answered questions from the guests.

What prospects does “Business Start” open up.

It is easy to get a loan for business development in any bank. If an entrepreneur has one outlet, then he may well qualify for a loan that will allow him to create 5 more similar outlets or open a new direction.

Another thing is to get a loan for start-up capital. Until recently, this was officially impossible to do.

Has a loan for a business plan become a reality today?

primary goal programs "Business Start"- to give young entrepreneurs the opportunity to self-realize. Citizens of Russia from 20 to 60 years old who do not have an operating legal entity or individual entrepreneur and who need start-up capital will be able to receive a loan to start a business from Sberbank.

Is it possible to apply for a loan if there is already an existing business, but no work is being done?

Today, entrepreneurs whose enterprises have been inactive for 3 months can receive a loan for business development - under this program, the bank provides loans to newly opened or even non-operating enterprises (entrepreneurs).

What is the purpose of the loan?

Under the “Business Start” program, funds are issued for opening a business under the franchising system. It is also possible to obtain a loan under a business plan, which will be developed by a bank partner.

What you need to know as an entrepreneur who decides to take out a loan to buy a franchise.

Before you decide to open a franchise business, you should find out that:

  • 1. At the entrance you will need to pay a lump-sum fee, which can range from 10 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles;
  • 2. Royalties (commission) are paid for the use of a franchise (brand, technology, etc.).

Credit money is given at the beginning of the activity, which includes:

  • – rental of premises;
  • – renovation of premises;
  • - commercial equipment, if required;
  • - advertising programs.

The investment stage lasts 1-3 months. During this period, other expenses, such as salaries, can also be invested. At the end of this period, the company must operate on its own income.

Is it possible to choose a franchise on my own?

Yes, but only from the list of enterprises pre-selected by the bank. The bank works with several trusted companies that have several outlets, i.e. have experience in business technology transfer.

Who can benefit from the program?

What are the requirements of the bank to the borrower?

Currently, a loan for a franchise is issued by Sberbank to residents of the Russian Federation from 20 to 60 years old, registered (important: temporary registration is allowed) in the region where the business will be located for at least six months, preferably more than a year.

For example, a citizen registered in Nizhny Novgorod may well open a business in Moscow. To do this, you will need to issue a temporary registration in the capital.

How much money does Sberbank lend for franchising?

The maximum loan amount for a franchise is 3 million rubles, but not more than 80% of the business, the minimum is 100 thousand rubles. For example, if the creation of a business requires only 2 million, then the bank will provide 1.6 million, and the entrepreneur must contribute 400 thousand himself.

How long is the loan and how much will the loan cost?

The maximum loan term is 3.5 years. For a period of 2 to 3.5 years, the bank provides money at 18.5%. For a period of up to 2 years, money is provided at 17.5%

Russia and Ukraine is the first step to starting a successful business with an easy and simple start.

Making a decision to buy a franchise is necessary with the professional recommendations of the section:

You can read about the latest news and trends in the franchise business

Pitfalls and subtleties of a loan under a Sberbank franchise

Is the Sberbank small business loan intended only for individual entrepreneurs or also for legal entities?

Sberbank provides loans to two legal forms:

  • – limited liability company;
  • - individual entrepreneur.

Do I need property as collateral to get a loan?

In order to buy a franchise on credit, collateral is not required, but property purchased with borrowed funds will be the subject of collateral.

Is the borrower liable for obligations with all his property or only with the property of an open enterprise, and are loan guarantors required?

If a loan is issued by an LLC, then the founders are involved as guarantors by Sberbank.

Of course, not all founders of the company will act as guarantors. The bank will choose the one whose share in the authorized capital will be greater than that of the others.

If several co-founders are represented by the same shares, then the choice can be made by the client himself. It is also possible to involve all the founders at the request of the client. All guarantors are financially responsible, as individuals, i.e. are liable with all their property.

If a franchise loan is issued by an individual entrepreneur, then spouses are preferred as guarantors, then brothers or sisters, and only last but not least, persons who are not close relatives.

An outsider can act as a guarantor if the next of kin do not meet the requirements that Sberbank imposes on guarantors:

  • – age from 20 to 60 years;
  • - a resident of the Russian Federation;
  • – availability of registration at a distance of no more than 100 km from the place of business.

If the guarantor is a person other than the borrower, for example, the borrower is one founder and the guarantor is another, then a 2-NDFL certificate is required from the guarantor.

You can study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under the franchising program is presented

What are the income requirements for a guarantor?

The bank does not analyze the income of the guarantor, but only an employed person can act in this capacity. The seniority of the guarantor at the last place of work must be at least 3 months.

The choice of the franchisor under which the loan is issued

Sberbank offers 75 franchises, and this list is constantly expanding. The list of expensive metropolitan projects is supplemented by companies from the regions, such as the TOMAT gift shop or the Yanta food company.

You can also take money under one of 10 standard business plans.

The following franchises were the most popular this year:

  • - a toy store for children "BEGEMOTIK", which attracts with a very low lump-sum fee, which today is 15 thousand rubles, and a positive experience of working with more than 140 franchisees;
  • – the SUBWAY restaurant, as well as the fast food industry in general, is one of the most successful and popular franchises;
  • – 2 optics salons – OKVision and Aykraft, offering products that are popular with representatives of the younger generation of large cities;
  • – the Autodevice car accessories store attracts with free admission – there is no lump-sum fee or royalty;
  • – real estate agency HIRSCH;
  • - the list also includes several clothing stores: Jeans Superprice, BIZZARRO, Stillini (for children and teenagers), and Parisian (underwear).

Bank representatives argue that the number of people who want to buy a franchise on credit does not depend on availability at all. Reputation works for the franchisor, as well as the ability and willingness to cooperate with a new partner.

Watch the video: Franchising loan program from Sberbank

The end result is the sum of the efforts of both parties - 50x50. The franchisor, when opening an office hundreds of kilometers away from the head enterprise, seeks to transfer it into the hands of the owner who is personally interested in the success, and not a hired manager.

Franchisees, when accepting cases, can rely on ready-made business technology. You will not need to create an assortment that is in demand from scratch, train staff, look for marketers and designers for a still small business.

You can just join the team. At the same time, you need to understand that the franchisor will not be able to provide any assistance through the distance, and you will need to independently make non-standard decisions in non-standard situations.

When choosing a franchisor, it should be borne in mind that risk reduction due to the experience of a senior partner is possible only if the selected company has experienced specialists on its staff who will help to assess the market and draw up a business plan.

Otherwise, the franchisee will be assigned the role of a dealer who copes with all the difficulties on his own, but the lump-sum fee in this case is minimal, and often absent altogether.

Startup lending.

Starting a new business is always fraught with a lot of difficulties. These are economic issues - determining the profitability of a business, searching for markets for products, interested customers; and organizational issues - the acquisition of premises, equipment, the search and hiring of personnel, etc., and, of course, financial difficulties. Not many novice businessmen have enough money, and this is understandable: after all, the costs of opening a business are quite high. Today, it is increasingly possible to hear that one of the priorities of Russian state policy is to support small businesses. Let's try to figure out how it manifests itself at one of its main stages - the opening of a new business and whether startup lending works in our country ...

Search for creditors

The search for funds to open a small business often begins with relatives and friends, and this is indeed one of the most reliable and profitable ways, since money can be received without interest (or with a minimum percentage), without paperwork and within a short period of time. However, not everyone can brag about wealthy relatives or friends who have free funds of 30-50 thousand dollars. Therefore, this option is not suitable for everyone.

Another way of acquiring funds to open a business is through various specialized small business support centers, which often receive large bank loans and can independently lend to start-up entrepreneurs. Such organizations are present in almost every city, while they independently select candidates for financing on the basis of strict criteria - a clear and competent business plan, all necessary documents and, most importantly, a justification for the profitability of a future project. Most often, loans are issued to launch an enterprise for production, trade or services, while the interest rate is slightly higher than the bank rate.

Startup lending The OPORA RUSSIA organization, a union of entrepreneurs that provides support to small and medium-sized businesses with the assistance of the state, is also involved. This organization lends only to promising and highly profitable projects, while the loan amount reaches up to 70% of the amount needed for a startup. The selection of applicants for loans is carried out on a competitive basis, where all participants provide a detailed business plan and calculations confirming the profitability of the future business. Moreover, out of 50 promising proposals, only one or two of the most profitable projects are credited. These are the realities of small business support policy…

But what about the banks?

Often, bank loans for start-ups are considered by entrepreneurs as the least preferred way to raise funds for a new business. And the reason for this is not only and not so much high interest rates, but the complexity and duration of obtaining a loan. The fact is that banks are very reluctant to issue loans to young and unformed enterprises, since the risks of non-repayment of funds are high. It is much more likely to get a loan from small and medium-sized businesses that have been operating for at least 3-6 months.

You can still get a bank loan to start a new business, for this it is important to provide a business plan for a new project and, most importantly, a money-back guarantee. A pledge or surety may act as a guarantor. The most effective is the pledge of real estate, thanks to which banking structures are much more willing to cooperate and issue large amounts of loans. In addition, the time for consideration of the request and execution of documents is significantly reduced compared to other types of guarantees and is 5-7 days, usually at least 30 days. This feature of bank lending to small businesses can be understood, because banks want to protect themselves from the risks of default, since the percentage of losses in this area (startup lending) is quite high. For the same reason, interest rates on loans to start-up entrepreneurs are slightly higher than those for developing small and medium-sized businesses.

Another option for obtaining a bank loan for a startup is a guarantee of a reputable and profitable company, which, in the event of bankruptcy or failure of the business being financed, can return to the bank the entire amount of previously issued financial resources. In almost any type of bank lending, the guarantor is an integral element of the organizational process, however, when applying for a loan for a start-up, the guarantor affects not only the likelihood of issuing funds, but also their amount. The entrepreneur himself, who needs money, can also act as a guarantor, but for this he must have another business, and quite profitable.

In general, the execution of a bank loan has a lot of subtleties and nuances, which can sometimes have a significant impact on the formation of the final decision by banking structures. When applying for a loan for a startup, there are even more such moments. For example, it should be borne in mind that the application contains a column where you need to enter the amount of own funds available to the entrepreneur. It is noted that this field is not required to be completed. However, if the amount of own funds is not specified or it is less than a certain level, then the bank will most likely refuse to issue funds. This is just a particular example, in practice there are quite a few such "pitfalls". In order to properly complete all the documents and increase your chance of obtaining a bank loan for a startup, you can contact special credit agencies. Professional financiers will simplify the registration procedure and increase your chances of a positive outcome of the case, although the cost of their services is quite high from 8 to 15% of the loan amount.

Summing up…

Lending to start-ups is one of the constituent areas in the field of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. In practice, however, support is largely nominal. Banks are afraid to issue loans to start-up businessmen because of the high risk of non-repayment, which is about 30%. In order to pay off possible risks, banking structures raise interest rates and reduce the number of such loans. It is very difficult for start-up entrepreneurs to get a bank loan and it is very problematic to repay it. It turns out a kind of vicious circle, which simply cannot be resolved without the intervention of the state. In Europe, getting a loan to open a small business is much easier thanks to active government assistance. At the same time, the loan amount is from 50 to 80% of the total startup amount. Our country is still far from such prosperity, although some analysts predict that in the near future, due to growing competition, lending to small business start-ups will develop. Who knows, maybe these predictions will come true ...

A start-up loan is needed if an entrepreneur (still a private individual, but will soon become an entrepreneur) wants to start his own business, but does not have enough financial investments.

However, this situation is not uncommon. When working as a hired worker in an enterprise or in any company, it is difficult to accumulate funds from the salary for registering your own IP, purchasing equipment, renting or purchasing office space, starting a production or other process that may not immediately bring profit.

However, if we are talking about a traditional business, then there is no way without investments. The same applies to .

What is a startup loan?

It is a mistake to assume that a startup is just the beginning of a business. In fact, a startup is a formulation of a business that will be profitable in the shortest possible time.

What is promising, interesting and properly built (at least for now on paper in the form of a plan) should pay off in a maximum of three years and bring big profits.

Nothing here without. First, we develop it with the smallest details, then we go to the bank to apply. Everything should be described as consistently and accessible as possible, and most importantly in detail.

How to increase the likelihood of bank approval of a loan for a startup:

  • draw up a business plan correctly. It is better to attract a specialist who can help you in such a matter;
  • give exact numbers. You can't just write your plan like text. Each item, each operation must be fixed with real numbers;
  • in the plan it is necessary to provide a comparative analysis, only in this case it is realistic to obtain;
  • we must not forget about examples, reasons why certain actions are promising. Why do consumers need your product / services, why are you better than other entrepreneurs, what can you give and how profitable will you create it at minimal cost while maintaining maximum quality;
  • cite statistical data (only confirmed, better sources on official resources), which will allow you not only to be based on guesses, but to rely on economic / social indicators;
  • do not use the phrases “we know”, “statistics”, “experts have concluded” and other inaccuracies. This only emphasizes your incompetence and lack of accurate data.

Do incomes matter when getting a loan for a startup?

The income of a potential entrepreneur at the time of application is not as important as in the case of a consumer loan for an ordinary citizen, for example.

And if you cannot prove your worth, a business plan will prove that you are a future successful person. However, this is not all.

If the income is low at the time of applying to the bank, you will have to leave security - real estate secured.

The cost of housing must be greater than the equivalent amount of the desired loan.

Where to get a loan for a startup

The question of finding a lender is quite complicated. If venture funds are responsible for this abroad, then there are almost none in Russia.

Startup loan at Center-Invest Bank

Center-Invest Bank offers novice businessmen to take out a loan if there is not enough money to start a business, or they simply do not exist.

We need, of course, an explosive idea that will testify to the inevitable success of the undertaking.

At the same time, the bank offers favorable conditions in the form of a deferred payment for six months. That is, you can take, for example, for 3 years, and start paying it only 6 months after taking the money and starting activities, respectively.

The bank does not announce specific conditions for interest rates, but on the official website there is information that preferential terms are quite possible.

In any case, a free consultation will help you understand the details of lending specifically for your business plan.

Startup loan from Sberbank

In the case of the start-up, it was also not possible without Sberbank. However, the possibilities are significantly limited: if a client needs to buy a franchise, the money may be provided. The bank does not want to consider all other ideas.

True, there is an option to start by buying a franchise. Just the risks are minimized, and the invaluable experience of the leader will certainly not hurt you, but will only increase the chances of success.

When the loan is paid off, raise money for a start-up to start your own business. In the case of Sberbank only so.

However, it offers a great advantage: the loan amount can be 3 million rubles.

Such children can be enough to buy a rather interesting franchise option, without having to add their own money. The loan must be repaid within three years.

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