Criteria for assessing Unified State Examination tasks in the Russian language. Exam essay criteria. Compliance with spelling standards

Below are the criteria for assessing essays on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language for 2020. In the new demo versions in Russian 2020 assessment criteria have been changed K2 And K4.

What can give you the most points for:

  • 5 points - for a comment on the source text problem - K2
  • 3 points - for literacy: spelling (K7) and punctuation (K8)

Argumentation of your own opinion on the problem - REMOVED in 2019!

Maximum you can get it for writing 24 points.

Criteria for assessing the answer to task 27

K1 Formulation of source text problems

  • 1 point. The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) correctly formulated one of the problems of the source text. There are no factual errors related to the understanding and formulation of the problem.
  • 0 points. The examinee was unable to correctly formulate any of the problems in the source text. *If the examinee did not formulate or formulated incorrectly (in one form or another in any part of the essay) one of the problems of the source text, then such work according to criteria K1–K4 is scored 0 points

K2 Commentary on the formulated problem of the source text

  • 5 points. 2 illustration examples from the read text that are important for understanding the problem. An explanation is given for the two examples given. A semantic connection between them is revealed. There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the commentary.
  • 4 points. The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee cited no less 2 illustration examples from the read text that are important for understanding the problem. An explanation is given for the 2 examples given, But no semantic connection has been identified between them,
    or a semantic connection between examples has been identified, But Only one example is explained. There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the commentary
  • 3 points. The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee cited no less 2 illustration examples But an explanation is given for only one example, the semantic connection between the examples is not identified, or the examinee brought 1 example-illustration from the text read, important for understanding the problem, and gave an explanation for it, or brought 2 illustration examples from the text read, important for understanding the problem, but did not explain their meaning. The semantic connection between the illustrative examples is indicated.
    There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the commentary.
  • 2 points. The examinee brought 2 illustration examples from the text read, important for understanding the problem, But did not explain their meaning. The semantic connection between the illustrative examples has not been identified.
  • 1 point. The examinee brought 1 example-illustration from the text read, important for understanding the problem, but did not explain its meaning.
  • 0 points. Examples and illustrations from the text read, important for understanding the problem, are not given, or the problem is commented without relying on the source text, or the commentary contains factual errors (one or more) related to understanding the source text, or another problem not formulated by the examinee was commented on, or instead of a commentary, a simple retelling of the text is given, or instead of a comment, a large fragment of the source text is quoted.

K3 Reflection of the position of the author of the source text

  • 1 point. The examinee correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text on the commented problem. There are no factual errors related to understanding the position of the author of the source text.
  • 0 points. The position of the author of the source text by the examinee is formulated incorrectly, or the position of the author of the source text is not formulated.

K4 Attitude to the author’s position on the problem of the source text

  • 1 point. The examinee expressed his attitude to the position of the author of the text on the problem (agreeing or disagreeing with the author) and substantiated it.
  • 0 points. The examinee did not express his attitude to the position of the author of the text, or the examinee’s thoughts do not correspond to the formulated problem, or the examinee’s opinion is stated only formally (for example, “I agree / disagree with the author”)

II. Speech design of the essay

K5 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

  • 2 points. The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation: - there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken; - there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work.
  • 1 point. The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation, But 1 logical error was made, and/or There is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work.
  • 0 points. The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent, But more than 1 logical error was made, and/or There are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text.

K6 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

  • 2 points. The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts and the variety of grammatical structure of speech. * The examinee receives the highest score for this criterion only if highest mark obtained according to criterion K10.
  • 1 point. The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts, But the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech can be traced, or the work of the examinee is characterized by a variety of grammatical structure of speech, But there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thoughts.
  • 0 points. The work of the examinee is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of the grammatical structure of speech.

III. Literacy

K7 Compliance with spelling standards

  • 3 points. There are no spelling errors (or 1 minor error).
  • 2 points. 1-2 mistakes were made.
  • 1 point. 3-4 mistakes were made.
  • 0 points. More than 4 errors were made.

K8 Compliance with punctuation standards

  • 3 points. There are no punctuation errors (or 1 minor error).
  • 2 points. 1–3 mistakes made
  • 1 point. 4–5 mistakes were made.
  • 0 points. 6 or more errors were made.

K9 Compliance with language norms

  • 2 points. There are no grammatical errors.
  • 1 point. 1-2 mistakes were made.
  • 0 points. 3 or more errors were made.

K10 Compliance with speech norms

  • 2 points. No more than 1 speech error was made.
  • 1 point. 2-3 mistakes were made.
  • 0 points. 4 or more errors were made.

K11 Compliance with ethical standards

  • 1 point. There are no ethical errors in the work.
  • 0 points. Ethical errors were made (1 or more).

K12 Maintain factual accuracy in background material

  • 1 point. There are no factual errors in the background material.
  • 0 points. There were factual errors (1 or more) in the background material.

Maximum amount points for all written work (K1–K12) - 24 points.

  • When assessing literacy (K7–K10), the length of the essay should be taken into account.When counting words, both independent and functional parts of speech are taken into account. Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, “still” is one word, “still” is two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, “M.Yu. Lermontov” is one word). Any other symbols, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, “5 years” is one word, “five years” is two words.
  • The assessment standards indicated in the table are developed for essays of 150–300 words. If the essay contains partially or completely rewritten by the examinee the text of the review of task 26 and/or information about the author of the text, then the volume of such work is determined without taking into account the text of the review and/or information about the author of the text.
  • If in an essay less than 70 words, then such work is not counted and is scored 0 points, the task is considered unfulfilled.
  • When evaluating an essay ranging from 70 to 150 words, the number of permissible errors four types(K7–K10) decreases.

2 points according to these criteria are given in the following cases:

  • K7 – there are no spelling errors (or one minor mistake was made);
  • K8 – there are no punctuation errors (or one minor error was made).

1 point according to these criteria is given in the following cases:

  • K7 – no more than two mistakes were made;
  • K8 – one to three mistakes were made;
  • K9 – no grammatical errors;
  • K10 – no more than one speech error was made.

The highest score according to criteria K7–K12 is not given for work ranging from 70 to 150 words.

  • If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work on all aspects of the test (K1-K12) is scored 0 points.
  • If the work, which is a rewritten or retold source text, contains fragments of the examinee’s text, then only the number of words that belong to the examinee is taken into account when checking. Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

Solve in Russian

An essay in the Unified State Exam in Russian is the main part of the exam. Experts have prepared a list of criteria for essays in the Unified State Examination, according to which this part is assessed. In preparation for the exam, the student must familiarize himself with the requirements for the text. Let's take a closer look at this information: detailed description You can study the criteria for assessing the Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language on the official website of the FIPI.

So, by what criteria is an essay assessed in 2016?

  1. Formulation of the problems of the presented (source) text. For compliance with this criterion, 1 point is awarded.
  2. Commentary on the problem formulated earlier. Provide two examples from the source text to confirm the problem raised by the author. If the examinee correctly identifies the problem, provides two examples and does not make factual errors, he will “earn” 3 points.
  3. Correct reflection of the author's position and attitude towards the source text. 1 point for compliance with this point.
  4. Argumentation of the examinee’s opinion and giving two examples confirming it. One example is given from the literature, the second example, at the discretion of the student, is indicated both on the basis of life experience and on the basis of the material read. This criterion Essays in the Unified State Exam are considered one of the most difficult for many schoolchildren. For compliance with the criterion, the test taker will receive 3 points from the expert.
  5. The speech format of the essay is also important: for the integrity of the narrative, coherence in meaning and consistency of presentation, an additional 2 points are awarded.
  6. The text should be “rich” in speech expressions, precise and expressive. For compliance with this paragraph in the absence speech errors(criterion number 10) the student will receive 2 more points.
  7. The following essay criteria are aimed at assessing your literacy level. Compliance with spelling standards is a separate requirement for the text. 3 points are awarded for it.
  8. Compliance with punctuation rules will earn you 3 more points.
  9. If the text complies with language standards, then this is plus 2 points to the score.
  10. Absence of speech errors - 2 points.
  11. No errors regarding ethical standards— 1 point.
  12. The last criterion when evaluating an essay in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language is the absence of factual errors. For completing this item, 1 point is awarded.

Thus, for an essay in the Unified State Exam, a student can earn 24 points according to 12 criteria. Please note that the highest grades for these criteria are awarded when requirements regarding the length of the text are met. 150-300 words is the recommended length of an essay. You can study the essay assessment system in more detail on the FIPI website; there are also demo versions available that allow you to evaluate the format of the assignments.

An essay based on the text read is task 25 in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. To prepare for this task you need to pay attention Special attention, since at best it can bring 24 points, which is more than 40% of the total number of points that can be scored in the exam.

Essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language- this is the final work that tests all the student’s knowledge and skills in the subject: the ability to identify a problem in a text and argue one’s opinion, the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts and, of course, knowledge of the rules of the Russian language.

Let us immediately note that the final essay should consist of 150-300 words - this is the optimal length. Shorter essays may be scored lower on some criteria, and if the essay is less than 70 words, it will be scored 0 points on each criterion. At the same time, you need to remember: the longer the essay, the greater the likelihood of making mistakes in it, so there is no point in writing too much large text, exceeding 300 words.

Let's consider the basic rules and evaluation criteria that need to be taken into account when writing an essay, and also draw up rough plan on which you need to write an essay.

Plan for writing an Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language (content of the essay)

How to write an Unified State Exam essay in Russian? The essay must comply with a certain plan, for this you can earn from 0 to 8 points. We list the main criteria that relate to the content of the essay:

  • K1. Formulation of the text problem (0-1 points). First you need to carefully read the text and highlight the main problem in him. As a rule, the source text is devoted to one of the following thematic areas: friendship and enmity, victory and defeat, reason and feeling, honor and dishonor, experience and mistakes. Correctly identifying the problem of the text will give only one point, but if the problem was identified incorrectly, the examinee will immediately lose 8 points.
  • K2. Comments on the formulated problem (0-3 points). Next you need to confirm a specific problem two examples from the text.
  • K3. Reflection of the author's position (0-1 points). Based on the above comments from the text, you need to formulate the author's attitude to the problem text.
  • K4. Argumentation of your own opinion (0-3 points). After this, the examinee must express your opinion about the problem, using 2 arguments, and at least one of them must be cited from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature (preferably both). You need to carefully choose the arguments that are appropriate in this particular case. It is best to prepare your arguments for each topic in advance by reading a number of recommended literary works.

Speech formatting of an Unified State Examination essay in the Russian language

To write an Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language, you need to be able to coherently and accurately express your thoughts. For this you can get from 0 to 4 points. There are 2 criteria here:

  • K5. Semantic integrity and coherence (0-2 points). The essay must correspond to the plan, be integral and coherent, the order of presentation must not be disrupted, thoughts must flow smoothly from one another. It is worth paying attention to the correct division of the text into separate paragraphs and the absence of logical errors in the essay (there should be no contradictions in the text).
  • K6. Accuracy and expressiveness (0-2 points). All thoughts and ideas must be accurately and clearly expressed in the essay. In addition, the essay must contain a variety of grammatical structure of speech. That is, in the text when expressing your thoughts there should not be monotony, there should be (in moderation) complex sentences, involved and participial phrases, comparative turnover, introductory words and etc.

Literacy when writing an Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language

When writing an essay, you need to know and follow all the norms of the Russian language. For these criteria in total you can get from 0 to 12 points (half of all points for the essay). There are 6 main criteria here:

  • K7. Compliance with spelling standards (0-3 points) or writing words according to all the rules of the Russian language.
  • K8. Compliance with punctuation standards (0-3 points) or correct punctuation.
  • K9. Compliance with language norms (0-2 points): lexical (meanings of words and rules for using them together with other words), morphological (rules of word formation and correct use of word forms), syntactic (rules for constructing phrases and sentences) and stylistic (rules for choosing linguistic means).
  • K10. Compliance speech norms(0-2 points) or the correct use of words and phraseological units in the text.
  • K11. Compliance with ethical standards (0-1 points) or correct construction of sentences in an essay (without aggression or hostility).
  • K12. Maintain factual accuracy (0-1 points) or indicating in the essay the exact facts that the examinee cites in the text (facts that do not contradict reality: for example, the correct dates).

We have listed all the main criteria that need to be taken into account in order to write an Unified State Exam essay in the Russian language for maximum score.

Document punctuation has been preserved.

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C1 Points



Formulation of source text problems

The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) correctly formulated one of the problems of the source text.

There are no factual errors related to the understanding and formulation of the problem

The examinee was unable to correctly formulate any of the problems in the source text.


Commentary on the formulated problem of the source text

The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee gave at least 2 examples from the text read that are important for understanding the problem.


The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee gave 1 example from the text read, important for understanding the problem.
There are no factual errors related to understanding the source text problem in the commentary


The text problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text, But the examinee did not give a single example from the read text that was important for understanding the problem, or There was one factual error in the commentary related to understanding the problem in the source text


The problem formulated by the examinee was not commented on. or commented without reference to the source text, or there is more than one factual error in the commentary related to understanding the source text, or another commented,
not formulated or instead of a commentary, a simple retelling of the text or its fragment is given, or instead of a comment, a large fragment of the source text is quoted



Reflection of the position of the author of the source text

The examinee correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text on the commented problem.
There are no factual errors related to understanding the position of the author of the source text

The position of the author of the source text by the examinee is formulated incorrectly, or the position of the author of the source text is not formulated


Argumentation by the examinee of his own opinion on the problem

The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, one of which was taken from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature)


The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave at least 2 arguments, based on knowledge, life experience), or provided only 1 argument from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature


The examinee expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the position of the author), argued it (gave 1 argument), relying on knowledge and life experience

The examinee formulated his opinion on the problem posed by the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the author’s position), but did not provide arguments, or the examinee’s opinion is stated only formally (for example: “I agree / disagree with the author”), or the examinee's opinion is not reflected in the work at all


Speech design of the essay


Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:
- there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;
- there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work


The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,
But one logical error was made, and/or there is one violation of paragraph division of the text in the work


The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent, But more than one logical error was made, and/or there are two cases of violation of paragraph division of the text



Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts and the variety of grammatical structure of speech.
*The examinee receives the highest score for this criterion only if the highest score is obtained for the K10 criterion

The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of expression of thoughts, But the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech can be traced, or the work of the examinee is characterized by a variety of grammatical structure of speech, But there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thoughts

The work of the examinee is characterized by a poor vocabulary and monotony of grammatical structure of speech 0




Compliance with spelling standards

no spelling errors (or 1 minor error) 3
no more than 2 mistakes were made 2
3-4 mistakes were made 1
more than 4 mistakes were made


Compliance with punctuation standards

no punctuation errors (or 1 minor error) 3
1-3 mistakes were made 2
4-5 mistakes were made 1
more than 5 mistakes were made


Compliance with language norms

no grammatical errors 2
1-2 mistakes were made 1
more than 2 mistakes were made


Compliance with speech norms

no more than 1 speech error was made 2
2-3 mistakes were made 1
more than 3 mistakes were made


Compliance with ethical standards

there are no ethical errors in the work 1
ethical mistakes were made (1 or more)


Maintain factual accuracy in background material

there are no factual errors in the background material 1
there were factual errors (1 or more) in the background material
Maximum number of points for all written work (K1-K12) 24

When assessing literacy (K7-K10), the length of the essay should be taken into account 1.

1. The assessment standards indicated in the table are developed for essays of 150-300 words 2.

2. If the essay contains less than 70 words, then such work is not counted and is scored 0 points, the task is considered uncompleted.

When evaluating an essay ranging from 70 to 150 words, the number of permissible errors of four types (K7-K10) decreases.

2 points according to these criteria are given in the following cases:
K7 - there are no spelling errors (or one minor mistake was made);
K8 - there are no punctuation errors (or one minor error was made). 1 point according to these criteria is given in the following cases:
K7 - no more than two mistakes were made;
K8 - one to three mistakes were made;
K9 - no grammatical errors;
K10 - no more than one speech error was made.

The highest score according to criteria K7-K12 is not given for work ranging from 70 to 150 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work in all aspects of the test (K1-K12) is scored 0 points.

If the work, which is a rewrite or retelling of the original text, contains fragments of text
the examinee, then the test takes into account only the number of words that belong to the examinee.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

1 When counting words, both independent and auxiliary parts of speech are taken into account.
Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, “still” is one word, “still” is two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, “M.Yu. Lermontov” is one word). Any other symbols, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, “5 years” - one word, “five years” - two
2 If the essay contains partially or completely rewritten by the examinee the text of the review of task 24 and/or information about the author of the text, then the volume of such work is determined without taking into account the text of the review and/or information about the author of the text.

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs average general education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014 No. 31205)
"61. Based on the results of the first and second checks, experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the Unified State Examination paper with a detailed answer...
62. If there is a significant discrepancy in the scores given by two experts, a third check is assigned. A significant discrepancy in scores is defined in the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject.
The expert carrying out the third check is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the examination work.”

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